Fire Emblem Heroes is just hours away from release on iOS and Android, the latest Nintendo / DeNA effort to arrive on smart devices. This one has had significant development input from Intelligent Systems, of course, the studio that has discovered a formula for sales success with its 3DS entries in the series.
Unlike Super Mario Run, the upcoming title will be free-to-start while also tempting players with microtransactions in the form of orbs that you purchase (they are also earned in-game). These orbs will be key for acquiring new squad members and for boosting stamina; the latter is needed to play missions but also recharges over time.
Some early previews have emerged in the US, and The Verge posted a screen showing those microtransaction prices in US dollars, while also explaining the balancing of these orbs. The sense is that it's certainly feasible to play a sensible amount each day without spending money, though the full picture will only be clear when the app launches. Below is an excerpt from that article.

The other important element is orbs, the standard in-game currency in Heroes. Orbs can replenish stamina — notably, one orb will replenish your entire stamina meter. But the currency can also be used for a number of other upgradable staples like expanding your castle and, more importantly, unlocking new heroes. Nintendo is calling this process summoning, and it essentially lets you spend a certain number of orbs to unlock new heroes through a randomized system not unlike a collectible toy machine.
You can pay real money for orbs — three orbs costing $1.99 — however, you can also earn them through in-game activities. So how you engage with Heroes' free-to-play obstacles will ultimately depend on a few factors: how long you want to play per day, whether you care more about advancing in the story or collecting heroes, and how much real money you'd be willing to spend.
If you're the type of player who loves collecting — Heroes has hundreds upon hundreds of heroes to collect — you may want to spend your orbs building out your roster. Nintendo is employing a star rating system to measure the effectiveness of heroes you unlock through summoning. That means you may have to spend some serious time rolling the dice to get a five-star version of a hero you want, instead of a four- or three-star one that may be more common. Heroes uses a rotating system of five-star heroes for character collections that will have a greater chance of showing up every week, and the percentages are clearly displayed before you decide to spend as many as five orbs to try and obtain one.
Are you planning to check out Fire Emblem Heroes when it launches on 2nd February?
[source theverge.com]
Comments 65
No. Not going to be conned into spending too much money on a mobile game.
microtransaction are the scourge of gaming and i will not submit to this form of gaming thievery
I never could understand how developers can set a price higher than a full retail console/handheld game and not be glared at. For bloody orbs no less!
I guess it's something mobile game players don't mind. Though I can't help but feel I've seen a similar practice in an AAA game I played last year.
Holy heckfire, but does this sound like some super-predatory whale hunting. Those prices are insanely high, and it sounds like the game is designed so that you could burn through 75 bucks worth of orbs and not collect 1/10 of the variably-starred heroes on offer.
If the rate at which one collects orbs via gameplay isn't pretty generous, then this is a game to skip entirely for the safety of one's wallet. Thankfully Echoes is coming soon enough to scratch anyone's FE itch.
I'm not gonna check this out, not really into apps or the fire emblem series
I may not but with the game being free, I could see me putting 6 bucks into this one day maybe. I mean I pay for pretty much every other game I play so I don't see it as them stealing or whatever. As long as they don't try to force a ton out of me, why not just try to enjoy it.
If the game is good, I'll pay the amount I feel it's worth. The article above clearly states that you don't need to spend money to play through the game, and do you really NEED to collect all of the heroes in order to have fun with the game? What other Fire Emblem game offered you "hundreds upon hundreds of heroes," as the article states? If it offers up as much gameplay time as, say, Fire Emblem Awakening, then $40 for 75 orbs seems a fair price to pay.
Paid 10 bucks on Mario Run and it was totally worth it, but micro transactions is what people want.
Considering how many currently worthless MyNintendo points I have right now, my hope is that I can buy as much of this stuff as possible with those points to put them to use. I'll happily trade as many of my 180 Gold coins and 2540 Silver coins as Nintendo will take for "Orbs," if they'll let me (I'm hopeful but not expecting it). Otherwise, I'll play VERY sparingly, and maybe drop cash here and there if it feels fair.
I don't play these at all so I wouldn't know if these prices are high, but as long as I can go through the game without having to spend a dime I'll give it a try
But how will My Nintendo coins be used?
Doesn't seem to bad. About par for microtransactions. I wouldn't be surprised to see an adjusment in price per amount of orbs, after Nintendo sees how people play the game and what the feedback is.
I don't like microtransactions, and while I really wish this didn't have any at all (would MUCH rather have a one-purchase experience like with Super Mario Run), it still looks like a fun little game and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit excited for it. (I mean, I voted every day in the Choose Your Legends thing...)
Still much more excited for Echoes and Warriors, though.
As a fan of a similar game, Puzzle & Dragons (puzzle RPG with randomized, upgradable characters, a stamina bar, and F2P), I'd say these prices are fair. Won't. E buying any myself but these are about industry standard prices.
I've heard that as far as microtransactions go, this game is more than fair, and the amount of time you can play doesn't infringe on normal playing of the game.
I wish they'd included a one time price like Mario Run, but clearly that's not what people want, so...
I'll try it and do my usual thing of never spending a cent.
@JaxonH I'm with you. I'd love to pay an upfront price but they know that whales are much more profitable than us teeny guppies.
Not spending a dime, they do want me to purchase a Switch right??
My brain says that this is a money sink, but my hearts says that it's a crossover between Sacred Stones, Awakening, and Fates. Echoes will probably get me excited for the Gaiden characters too. I'll have to fork the money over for L'Arachel, at the least.
What catches my eye is the idea that characters have different star total versions. It may be prudent to go after low stars to get all the characters I want.
Like others here, I'm still baffled that people complained about the "high" price of Super Mario Run when you could get the entire game for 10 dollars, and yet iOS games seem to be perfectly fine with a game that charges you money just for the chance of getting what you want. Technically I'm sure you can play for free, but these types of games are typically designed to be as annoying and unfun as possible to force you to pay them.
@HeroponRiki I've very been saying that since day one.
People will cry over $10 but you give them a 'chance' to get something shiny and they drop $$$ like it's going out of style.
At first I was disappointed with this game's reveal, but now I can't wait to get my hands on it.
I'll admit it looks fun, I hope the roster expands as the game gets more popular. I'd love to see more characters from FE4/5.
Eh. I can't be bothered with F2P games. Especially when almost the entire Fire Emblem series still lies before me.
As someone who's played Puzzle & Dragons for literally 4 years, I can say this is the same model, and it's fair as long as orbs can be obtained regularly through daily/weekly play.
Also, the FE Direct seemed to suggest that when you role for a new character that you'd be rolling from a pool of predetermined characters. It seemed like you were guaranteed that you could get all characters in that pool if you rolled enough. In the direct, it showed 5 potential characters and after each roll the cost of subsequent rolls decreased and the character you just received was removed from the available pool. Maybe I misunderstood that, but if that's the case, that's beyond fair.
Nope. Not going to even bother downloading this crap. Jeez, for $75, you'd think that they would allow a full-app unlock, but nope. Damn this game and damn its ilk. If this had been a once-off purchasable game, then yes, a lot of idiots would have down-voted the game and decry the fact that a full game, designed from the ground up (not a port!) for a mobile device would cost X amount to purchase (as they have with Super Mario Run, hence its low star rating, in spite of the actual quality of the game), but screw them, as they are devaluing high quality games and hindering progress in the industry.
Nintendo should have set an example by producing high quality mobile exclusives, for a one-off affordable fee, rather than becoming the brethren of those who resort to the scummy, gutter practice of in-app purchases which is really no different to gambling, except that players don't have the chance of winning anything tangible or of value in return for their investment.
I get that other companies do it, but does everyone have to stoop so low?
I loathe microtransactions and refuse them almost entirely. On rare occasion if i put a lot of hours on a freebie, and they run a line like those orbs, I will reward the developer with a payment or two due to my enjoyment.
This game appears to be just that way. Play all you like, but be advised that if you're impatient with progress, or you're a mad collector real cash is going to get involved. But if you're just playing now and again on your mobile device and don't blow like 1-2hours+ a day on it, you probably won't have to spend anything and that's a good way to do it. Allow people to reward the developer by choice, not by fist.
Like pokemon go people are going to eat this up and not complain (who am I kidding they are) but $10 one time is plain robbery
Fortunately, I'm not a Fire Emblem fan, so I don't have to worry about this mess.
Hopefully AC doesn't wind up being this bad, price wise.
It will be interesting to see how Fire Emblem is received by mobile users. I wonder how high the name recognition is in the mobile space.
This is shameless predation of the highest(aka normal iOS) order. Paying to get energy to play. Random hero collecting that will give the common 1-3 star over and over and is impossible to get a good character. Probably a steep ramp of difficulty punishing those that won't spend.
And with that said I'll play it, I love FE. I won't spend a cent for a "random" character. I won't pay for stamina. If it's a good game, and you can buy a specific character for a REASONABLE fee, say $5, then I have no problem spending 5-10 on a good game. But these type of games rarely are good, I downloaded and deleted the kingdom heart and final fantasy ftp games without ever spending a cent for that very reason.
I find the complaints against their pay model amusing.
You don't need all the characters to win
You don't need max star characters to win
You don't need to have maxed out stamina or anything else.
There is literally nothing you have to spend a dime on in order to play this game. The only thing you have to pay for is extra stuff to make the game easier.
I don't see what's so bad about spending money on a game if it's fun. Is that not why you normally pay money for a game?
Don't get why people are upset about this model...lol if you don't wanna pay, like me, then you're getting FREE ENTERTAINMENT!
Depending on how many orbs it takes to summon Heroes, these prices actually aren't bad. Cheaper than what I'm used to with gacha based games.
Well, least its an option. I'm just hoping the game creates new Fire Emblem fans in the same vain of how Pokemon Go got a lot of people back into Pokemon to the point of buying a 3DS to play the games (Okay it won't be at the same level as Go, but it'll be interesting to see the new sales of Awakening, Fates, and the upcoming games coming this year.)
I'll download it and see if the microtransactions don't prove too intrusive. Certainly not spending any money on this: if Nintendo wants to charge me a set amount for FE on mobile, I'm game, but I don't care for this sort of model (although, based on the insane reaction people were having to Super Mario Run, Nintendo might go all F2P from here on out...)
People will just complain to complain.It's a free game,you can play a set amount of time or possibly even much as you like for nothing.If you want to speed up your progress then you need to pay but you don't need to if you don't want to.I have games I play on my mobile for a bit every day,they are all free but have micro-transactions in there.Never have I payed a penny on them or felt like I needed to but I still go back to them everyday because I enjoy them.And guess what,they're FREE!
@Kalmaro it's about spreading the cost. $10 up front on a mobile game is a lot of money. $2/m over 6 months is a lot easier to swallow despite costing more.
I probably won't buy anything in game. IMO, free to play games are a very casual thing, I generally get 100% out of em without paying a dime. I'm all over this game though! It looks really fun, and I'm a huge FE fan!
Will try it out but wont spend any money on it. I hate microtransactions.
It seems to me as if you could spend an endless amount of orbs and still need more.
I didn't see it mentioned in the article but this FE mobile game needs to constantly be connected online just like Super Mario Run. I despise microtransactions.
The fact that games get released on a weekly basis with these levels of micro transactions implies there are enough people out there paying these crazy prices. This practice clearly preys on people with more money than sense. I shall be playing it and spending no money but would be happy to drop £10 for the full game like Super Mario Run, as long as a demo enticed me in, for the full experience without the micro transactions.
The game is apparently, SUPER - POLISHED. . so I'll giving it a go - I don't have any games on my Mobile phone ( Android) so I'll be giving this a go . . . .
This is why I never have linked my credit card to Google Play. So I will have a wall to go over instead of that tempting "single press" which would end up wasting my money....
I fell victim to Overwatch loot boxes and I won't be fooled again!
Has Apple Fallen out with Nintendo? FIRE EMBLEM HEROES isn't even listed on the Apple APP store for -pre-registration or Notification! - seems a bit weird to me!
I might be willing to spend money in games with one off purchase like Super Mario Run, but I'll almost never spend money on microtransactions. Plus it sucks that you could spend a lot of money in this game and still not get the character you want.
I'll download this game and try it out. If microtransactions get too much in the way of gameplay, then I'm quickly going to lose interest and uninstall it.
Stop whining, kids. People who have tried the game said it was well designed and fair when it comes to premium currency. That's all we need to know.
@Jd12345678 Just play without paying anything then. Not hard.
While I'm no fan of mobile gaming and abhor the apps themselves, this is what a lot of people wanted (not necessarily on this site): they said Nintendo needs to get with the times so this is what we are given. Ask and you shall receive, lol! I guess this is good for Fire Emblem fans who love to play games on their phones...
It´s kind of hilarious that you have the option to spend 75 dollars on a single purchase. Apparently Nintendo loves whale hunting.
This is literally the same as the Jewels in Kingdom Hearts Unchained X.
I believe that this and Super Mario Run are actually a social experiment to prove once and for all that you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.
So it's a normal mobile game and not the misguided thing they did with Super Mario run. Good. Hopefully they're learning.
I am one of the few people who likes mobile games. I personally don't see what people have against micro transactions when they are done right. Hopefully Nintendo does it the correct way.
I find it funny that people are fine paying $5 a month to play games online a few nights a week or are willing to pay $15 a month to play WoW but find it unfathomable to pay few dollars a month to support a free game with constantly updated content.
If you spend obscene amounts of money you should probably work on your impulse control or seek mental health help. Honestly that is a serious problem if you can't control it.
Standard mobile game format, I spent a lot of time (and money) on Final Fantasy Record Keeper and Star Wars Heroes.
I suspected I'll be suckered in on this too
Ugh. Absolutely not for me - but hey, Mario Run reactions show mobile gamers love to be nickle-and-dimed, so more power to them.
It's fine with me, I like to play these free-to-play games for free and never pay the micro-transactions... except through credit earned (for free) in Google Opinion Rewards.
I enjoy final fantasy brave exvius and this looks similar so that's good. To those complaining I have a shed load of top tier characters and I've only ever spent about £10 in 6 months of frequent use. I would definitely say I've had my money's worth lol. As long as you can earn orbs with skill and they do events occasionally where you can earn stuff then it will be great!
That's completely normal for f2p games. They're just following a general business model.
It would be nice if Nintendo Life reviewed the in-game economy of the game after some time on the market. For example, how onerous is it to earn a fair number of orbs for free, how that affects game progression etc.
I've played many microtransactions games before and managed to not spend a single cent. That said, I'm quick to drop a game that tries to set a competitive scene, and makes it so that players that pay get the upper hand.
I will definitely try it, but I won't think twice before I leave if it does what I mentioned above.
@RadioHedgeFund That still is odd though.
If the game advertised that you had the option of spending $10 now to have everything or $50 over 4 months to have a chance of having everything, no one would pick the latter but that's basically what's going on.
No microtransactions for me. I'm already saving money for Fire Emblem games as it is!
People complaining about the one time payment for SMR are the reason why we can't have nice things!
A bit more seriously, though, the experience and complaints about SMR pricing model told Nintendo that people prefer the illusion of not paying (most will pay eventually for the orbs) over the reality of paying an established amount for the whole experience.
FE:Heroes will probably be a hit if they promote it right. People love the free to play model, we just have to see how if this will bring casual players in to the handheld entries. They have casual mode for them now.
Already have two 5 stars and didn't spend a dime, the game is really fun.
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