Comments 276

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (31st August)


Mostly Animal Crossing New Horizons!
I've been feeling down a bit lately, so I figured making a third and final island on my secondary Switch Lite would be the perfect cure. I name all my islands of games/places that I revist more than once a year. My first one's called Hyrule, secondary one Crossbell and this third and final one Hogwarts!

Also finishing up SM3D World and then starting Bowser's Fury!

Re: Talking Point: Would $499 Be Too Much For 'Switch 2'?


Absolutely. Nintendo is the only one I still have faith in; Microsoft doesn't care about their console, Sony only releases generic open world games and live service games (With a few exceptions of course; Really happy with Astro Bot releasing in two weeks).. Nintendo's the only one that still has some soul and dignity left. I would happily even pay 600 or 700 or selling my PS5 if it means getting to play more Mario or Zelda.

Re: Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time Has Been Delayed Again


Yep, typical Level 5 release where it gets delayed again and again.. Yikes. Well, if it gets delayed AGAIN after this, then consider my interest gone

On the other hand, there's quite a few games releasing this October anyway.. the game would've been buried and forgotten if it did release then. Let's just hope we don't have to wait TOO long.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (3rd August)


I just finished Sonic Origins, so i'll be playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3; I need to finish this one - plus its DLC - so i'm starting it over.. and actually finishing it this time!
For the rest, I'm playing..

  • Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
  • Super Mario 3D World
  • Pokémon Sword
  • Pokémon Scarlet
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero

Happy Weekend!

Re: Here Are The Top Ten Best-Selling Nintendo Switch Games As Of June 2024


@KingdomTears "Genre defining" Uhu... if you call generic, run wherever you want with no clear goal and annoying weapon breaking mechanics, bad voice acting and a dull soundtrack ''genre defining''.

I still really don't understand what people see in BotW. I wish I could say it wasn't a bad game.. but I genuinly think it's one of the worst Zelda's out there.

Re: Poll: Do You Prefer Fire Emblem: Three Houses Or Engage?


Three Houses, very very easily. I absolutely loved it, which is why I bought Engage.. only to find cringe dialogue, atrocious character design, lame story.. and a really weird and small hub world. Like, what happend?! Engage is definitely my most disliked game of the last few years and my least favourite Switch title. It's horrendous... it's the Sticker Star of Fire Emblem haha

Re: Sonic X Shadow Generations Showcases Side-By-Side Of Old & New Stages


@link3710 Black Knight still has the best story of them all imo. Living in the limited time you have, with friends and family.. best lesson of all. But yes, the Adventure games follow very closely, and then lastly Unleashed.. before it all went kaput.

Aside from Mania and Generations, pretty much every mainline Sonic game after Black Knight sucked monkeyballs.