I can understand exactly what you mean about how this game controls. I noticed it was different as soon as I booted the game, and I’ve only casually played F-Zero (and the Satellaview-exclusive) over the decades. But… I expected it to be different, to be honest. And while it’s not as close to the SNES original, at least it gets the job done without feeling alienated. Just takes some getting used to, that’s all.
It’s a similar experience to Super Mario Bros. 35, actually. That game didn’t feel 1:1 to the original Super Mario Bros., but it was at least much closer than the extremely sluggish Super Mario Maker imitation, so I could adjust much quicker. And while I’m speaking of Super Mario Bros.…
Don’t you DARE call a Super Mushroom a “Power Mushroom” again 😆
It doesn’t matter who does these Mario medleys (and I’ve heard hundreds), 90% of the time they all end with the Mario Bros. dying and getting a game over! 🤣
Cossack Castle(or Citadel/Fortress) is either REALLY small, or Pharaoh Man is an ENORMOUS Robot Master! And what’s the deal with those huge planets in view? I’m pretty sure Mega Man returned to earth by the end of Mega Man 3, so he’s still on earth during the events of Mega Man 4.
I love how crazy the NA/EU box arts could get, lol.
@Sahnec You simply haven’t played a game with someone using a poor internet connection, which is an insanely good record to have while playing alongside randoms. However, in Splatoon 3, it doesn’t matter how good your personal internet speed is, because all it takes is just one other person in the group to disconnect at least a minute into the match due to their poor internet, and EVERYONE will get kicked out of the match according to the game’s new rules, ending it in a draw.
In a topic about a fire at Nintendo, a comment gets removed for flaming. Was this on purpose? Regardless, it’s good to see that no one was hurt. But it could’ve been a charging device at fault? At least we know one thing’s for sure:
If I hadn’t already bought these two games and played them on the Steam Deck (with motion controls, too), I would’ve definitely purchased the Switch version. I have told my brother about this collection, and he might buy it at some point. It’s good to see that it runs well on Switch.
There’s a third vocal sample in the mini-boss song shared with Knuckles’ Sonic 3 theme , but this, too, is not Michael Jackson. Rather, it’s a sample from James Brown’s voice(“UHN!”). None of the samples in the mini-boss/Knuckles theme are from Michael Jackson.
The “GO!” sample in Launch Base’s track is from a sample pack as well. Run-DMC is the originator of that sample.
The only vox sample left to track down, is that weird breath sample in the credits, but this could’ve literally been anyone.
Lol, I could only imagine what that would’ve been like! However, you were sitting on a goldmine of samples, too. A few of them have been used in Hideki Naganuma’s music as well.
Sonic CD? Everything but the intro and ending vocal tracks from Casey Rankin(sadly, no longer alive), which were used in the animations, apparently. Remember, Sonic CD’s remaster removed all vocals so that they were just instrumental versions of those songs. As of recent, they must’ve worked something out since then, because Sonic Origins now has both songs in their original form back in place, with vocals intact.
As I’ve said on a Twitter post yesterday, those vox samples are definitely not Michael Jackson’s voice. They come from a sample pack CD that producers use, and one of the sample pack CDs I own from Fatboy Slim (Norman Cook’s Skip To My Loops) also has these exact samples completely uncompressed. If you need further confirmation, Stealth(Simon Thomley of Headcannon) once extracted all samples from the Sonic 3 ROM to a state before being compressed when used in game, and sound incredibly clear as a result.
Carnival Night’s samples are definitely recorded straight from Michael Jackson’s music, however (“Jam!”, glass break).
@RedGuy42 Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like he will be in that game. So far, websites have made an effort to specify that Knuckles is a playable character only in the games Sonic 1, 2, and 3 & Knuckles. Famitsu’s coverage of Sonic Origins stated this, for example.
Second time I’ve heard of this. I wonder if they’re just parroting what that 4/1/2022 4chan leak said. This leak had a lot of things listed, with two things of note shortly before they were announced/reported:
Jet Set Radio, and the exact studio for the Sonic Origins animations.
Among other things, was the mention of Sonic The Hedgehog 5.
@Tandy255 It’s an odd one. In America, they made sure to add the phrase “*pronounced “kicks”” on the promotional material. However, in Japan, it’s written as “クイックス”(kuikkusu), and in the commercials it is pronounced closer to “kwix”.
@Marioman2020 That’s weird… 31 Horas Music was hit with a bunch of copyright strikes and takedowns before GiIvaSunner was hit, back in November of last year. I remember because people were offering an alternate way to access the entire archive of Super Smash Bros. music to preserve everything lost.
One of my all-time favorite composers here. Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers was so memorable mostly because of the music. And Mega Man 3 has my favorite soundtrack in the series thanks to the work that she did(which was cut extremely short due to labor), along with the work of Yasuaki Fujita(no relation).
Whoops, I somehow didn’t see the part of your comment that said you were charging your Pro Controller. I understand what you’re saying now.
I’ve dealt with a similar setup with the LAN adapter taking the one port inside the dock, but I usually find an unused USB port somewhere in the house, such as the one in my recliner, and then I’m good to go. It only takes some hours to charge, so I’m not bothered. You get used to not having that third USB port pretty quickly.
The built-in LAN port only replaces the USB port inside the dock. It does not interfere with the two on the outside, meaning you’re free to continue using the GameCube Controller adapter with both USB ports for the full effect.
I’m just hoping I won’t have issues viewing the live direct straight from Nintendo, now that EVERYONE IS HERE.
I remember some years back when the view count got to be higher among the viewers appearing to watch the live stream, and I was nearly unable to watch anything(My internet was really great back then). I now have terrible internet service that will go out multiple times a day, so I might have to use my phone’s data.
If only Nintendo would bring back the ability to kick the ball around, like you could in the first Animal Crossing. This simple addition would add so much when playing with friends.
As a huge fan of the Excitebike games, I immediately noticed that the developers at ARIKA did not program the bike physics in the 3D Classics version correctly at all. The bike was way too heavy, and it was difficult to maintain air and consistent speed unlike the original. After decades of playing the NES, FDS, and SFC versions all with physics similar to each other(and World Rally to a lesser degree), I could never get used to the change in the heavier physics on the 3DS. It’s sad, because everything else in the game was great. This one issue keeps me from going back to it in any way. I also feel like I’m the only one who notices this.
Kirby’s Adventure was pretty awesome, I’ll admit. I’m glad I picked that one up, although strangely, Kirby’s weight had a similar issue to 3D Excitebike as he was a bit heavier than he was in the original game.
“Snatch defeat from the jaws of victory” is a phrase my dad has constantly used for years when referring to sports games.
Anyway, it’s a shame that Balan Wonderworld missed the mark in so many ways. I was really hoping for a remarkable experience, but it’s just so basic all around. Too basic for its own good.
@Tourtus The music that the GameCube main menu featured was a heavily, HEAVILY slowed down version of the Famicom Disk System BIOS intro song. Many people hadn’t noticed this until years later.
I’ll agree that I miss the music Nintendo usually always had on consoles. The Switch is way too bland, though I realize they’re trying to keep the console running as efficiently as possible without things like sound and picture files getting in the way.
I always wondered... If they make a new entry in this series, should they call it something else? If anyone has watched the Winter X Games in the recent years like I have, 1080 is basically considered as small potatoes compared to the rotations being pulled off now(triple cork 1620, 1800).
@NintoRich If it's like all the other games, it's the arcade port. I still like this game though, even though it's missing the track editor and 2P vs mode. I actually thought of holding a contest for a free download of VS Excitebike as the reward a long time ago, but nothing's final yet.
Who's up for some online multiplayer Legend of Zelda?!
Oh wait...
Lol, Nintendo needs to offer better games for their online feature to really sell it to people because, at this point, it's an afterthought, especially when unofficial emulators have been doing this for years.
Also, I'm going to need to know whether I can keep the games I get. This all-digital age is not without its glaring flaws.
@Moroboshi876 Outside of Japan, Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 can be purchased physically or digital, while X Legacy Collection 2 will be digital-only. This goes for whether you bought both games separately or together in a bundle.
In Japan, however, Rockman X Anniversary Collection 2 can be purchased by itself either digitally or physically. If you opt for the bundle including both games, though, you will only receive the digital version of the second collection. Keep this in mind, because according to a few people, you can change the language to English even in the Japanese version.
I'm getting these games, of course, but I'm a little bothered by the fact that with both Mega Man Legacy Collection and Mega Man X Legacy Collection, the smaller portions(1) of the collection are on a physical game card, and the larger portions(2) will be a download-only option. I would love for this to be reversed, to be honest, because both MMLC2 and MMXLC2 have the potential to eat up a ton hard drive/SD Card space.
@Magrane You'd be surprised to find the 3DS version of MMLC was a little better than the VC on average, even though both had their pros and cons. For example, there's a tiny bit more input lag on the VC version when compared to the MMLC game because it runs slower(I tested this extensively), there's unnecessary scaling in the resolution on the VC which causes blurry visuals, not to mention dimming to prevent seizures, and the sound is clearer on MMLC. Lastly, you could reconfigure the buttons on MMLC. There is that issue of screen tearing in MMLC's Mega Man 5, but Rockman 5 sort of fixes that.
Of course, nothing compares to the original game console.
@Discostew That's not what I've last heard, the first MMLC not being a set of ROM dumps. The Steam version has all six NES ROMs included and edited to remove the "Licensed by Nintendo" portion of the splash screen. As a matter of fact, you can pull those ROMs from the collection and play them on any emulator, after adding an INES header.
We've got Diamond Select Toys, Zappies, and the guy who revealed info about Sonic Forces talking about this game. It's getting difficult to call this a rumor at this point.
And... "Marsupial?" Hedgehogs are neither marsupials nor rodents.
I'm going to assume that they couldn't get(didn't try for) both games on one card to multi-boot, so you could open one collection or the other. This could be one reason why we aren't seeing both collections on one 8GB card.
The cost of the card also makes a little sense, if they wanted to opt for a cheaper option for the consumer. Think about it this way, with two options:
1. If you want both games to be on one game card, Capcom would have to use the 8GB cards, which would make the game cost a bit more(Switch tax?). This would've lead to a lot more fans saying "$50(or $60)?!?!?! I'm not paying that much for 30-year-old games!! You lost a sale from me Capcom." Lost sales all around, clearly not a smart option.
2. Pack two smaller capacity cards in one physical case. To my knowledge, there have never been two game cards sold for one game(feel free to correct me on this if I'm wrong, please). This would be more expensive, and would be an even worse option. Be prepared for a collection to be sold upwards of $70, just because they can, all to make a profit. Only an idiot would purchase this.
I don't like this any more than the next person, but it looks like the split physical 4GB card/download was Capcom's best option to keep the price lower. It looks like they went with a 4GB game card to keep things lower priced, anyway. If it's found out that they used a higher capacity 8GB card for MMLC1, then you all have every right to be mad at Capcom, since both games could've fit. Although this brings up the multi-boot issue I mentioned earlier...
I wonder how much it would've cost if they sold both collections separately, yet as physical copies. Could they be sold for $19 each, or would they both have been around $30-$39 each? That sort of knowledge would answer the biggest question.
I think your "retro gods" are raising eyebrows at the topic title.
Not sure if anyone posting after me will read this, but if you do, until it's stated otherwise, this article is about new accessories being made for existing SEGA consoles(and PC/Moblie via USB and Bluetooth).
This is NOT announcing newly-remade SEGA consoles soon to arrive at stores. I repeat, NO SEGA console remakes.
That being said, I would love a new Saturn controller for my PC!
Comments 86
Re: Here's Your First Look At Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings
Speaking of the English v. Japanese comparisons, the Japanese Sonic YouTube channel just uploaded the Japanese language version of the trailer.
Re: 'Starlair' Is The Super Metroid-Meets-Mario Maker Mash Up Of Our Dreams
Land the spaceship like ‘Not-Samus’, shoot at Not-Geemers, travel through Not-fair, use a similar map to… that game.
I’m calling this “Notroid”.
My goodness, though, change that goofy walk animation!
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (Game Boy)
It’s weird how the NA box is a variant of the Mega Man 3 NES box art, yet the EU version has the same ‘MEGA MAN’ font as the NES Mega Man 3.
Japan’s Rockman World box art easily wins this category, however.
Re: Review: F-Zero 99 - A Brilliant Battle-Royale Revival That Plays To The Series' Strengths
I can understand exactly what you mean about how this game controls. I noticed it was different as soon as I booted the game, and I’ve only casually played F-Zero (and the Satellaview-exclusive) over the decades. But… I expected it to be different, to be honest. And while it’s not as close to the SNES original, at least it gets the job done without feeling alienated. Just takes some getting used to, that’s all.
It’s a similar experience to Super Mario Bros. 35, actually. That game didn’t feel 1:1 to the original Super Mario Bros., but it was at least much closer than the extremely sluggish Super Mario Maker imitation, so I could adjust much quicker. And while I’m speaking of Super Mario Bros.…
Don’t you DARE call a Super Mushroom a “Power Mushroom” again 😆
Re: Random: Miyamoto Joins Mario Movie Cast For Acapella Cover Of Super Mario Bros. Theme
It doesn’t matter who does these Mario medleys (and I’ve heard hundreds), 90% of the time they all end with the Mario Bros. dying and getting a game over! 🤣
Re: Random: Nintendo Doesn't Want You To Get Mario Party Blisters This Time Around
@idork99 * facepalm… with BLISTERS! *
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Mega Man 4
Cossack Castle(or Citadel/Fortress) is either REALLY small, or Pharaoh Man is an ENORMOUS Robot Master! And what’s the deal with those huge planets in view? I’m pretty sure Mega Man returned to earth by the end of Mega Man 3, so he’s still on earth during the events of Mega Man 4.
I love how crazy the NA/EU box arts could get, lol.
Re: PSA: Switch Connection Problems? We Wouldn't Recommend Nintendo's Network Fix
@Sahnec You simply haven’t played a game with someone using a poor internet connection, which is an insanely good record to have while playing alongside randoms. However, in Splatoon 3, it doesn’t matter how good your personal internet speed is, because all it takes is just one other person in the group to disconnect at least a minute into the match due to their poor internet, and EVERYONE will get kicked out of the match according to the game’s new rules, ending it in a draw.
Re: Fire Reported At Nintendo's Japanese Headquarters
In a topic about a fire at Nintendo, a comment gets removed for flaming. Was this on purpose? Regardless, it’s good to see that no one was hurt. But it could’ve been a charging device at fault? At least we know one thing’s for sure:
“Wii didn’t start the fire!”
Re: Review: Portal: Companion Collection - A Nintendo Debut For Two All-Time Greats
If I hadn’t already bought these two games and played them on the Steam Deck (with motion controls, too), I would’ve definitely purchased the Switch version. I have told my brother about this collection, and he might buy it at some point. It’s good to see that it runs well on Switch.
Re: Brad Buxer Reconfirms Michael Jackson's Involvement With Sonic 3's Soundtrack
There’s a third vocal sample in the mini-boss song shared with Knuckles’ Sonic 3 theme , but this, too, is not Michael Jackson. Rather, it’s a sample from James Brown’s voice(“UHN!”). None of the samples in the mini-boss/Knuckles theme are from Michael Jackson.
The “GO!” sample in Launch Base’s track is from a sample pack as well. Run-DMC is the originator of that sample.
The only vox sample left to track down, is that weird breath sample in the credits, but this could’ve literally been anyone.
Re: Brad Buxer Reconfirms Michael Jackson's Involvement With Sonic 3's Soundtrack
Lol, I could only imagine what that would’ve been like! However, you were sitting on a goldmine of samples, too. A few of them have been used in Hideki Naganuma’s music as well.
Re: Brad Buxer Reconfirms Michael Jackson's Involvement With Sonic 3's Soundtrack
Sonic CD? Everything but the intro and ending vocal tracks from Casey Rankin(sadly, no longer alive), which were used in the animations, apparently. Remember, Sonic CD’s remaster removed all vocals so that they were just instrumental versions of those songs. As of recent, they must’ve worked something out since then, because Sonic Origins now has both songs in their original form back in place, with vocals intact.
Re: Brad Buxer Reconfirms Michael Jackson's Involvement With Sonic 3's Soundtrack
As I’ve said on a Twitter post yesterday, those vox samples are definitely not Michael Jackson’s voice. They come from a sample pack CD that producers use, and one of the sample pack CDs I own from Fatboy Slim (Norman Cook’s Skip To My Loops) also has these exact samples completely uncompressed. If you need further confirmation, Stealth(Simon Thomley of Headcannon) once extracted all samples from the Sonic 3 ROM to a state before being compressed when used in game, and sound incredibly clear as a result.
Carnival Night’s samples are definitely recorded straight from Michael Jackson’s music, however (“Jam!”, glass break).
Re: Sega Releases New Sonic Origins Gameplay Footage, Out On Switch This June
@RedGuy42 Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like he will be in that game. So far, websites have made an effort to specify that Knuckles is a playable character only in the games Sonic 1, 2, and 3 & Knuckles. Famitsu’s coverage of Sonic Origins stated this, for example.
Re: Rumour: Sonic Team Is Working On A Brand New 2D Sonic Game
Second time I’ve heard of this. I wonder if they’re just parroting what that 4/1/2022 4chan leak said. This leak had a lot of things listed, with two things of note shortly before they were announced/reported:
Jet Set Radio, and the exact studio for the Sonic Origins animations.
Among other things, was the mention of Sonic The Hedgehog 5.
Re: Metroid Dread Senior Programmer Leaves MercurySteam, Joins Call Of Duty: Wazone Mobile Developer
“Call Of Duty: Wazone”
Is this the version of the game with exclusive Wario and Waluigi appearances?
Re: Classic Puzzler 'Qix' Comes To Switch This Week
@Tandy255 It’s an odd one. In America, they made sure to add the phrase “*pronounced “kicks”” on the promotional material. However, in Japan, it’s written as “クイックス”(kuikkusu), and in the commercials it is pronounced closer to “kwix”.
Re: Popular Video Game Music YouTube Channel Receives 1,300 Copyright Claims From Nintendo
@Marioman2020 That’s weird… 31 Horas Music was hit with a bunch of copyright strikes and takedowns before GiIvaSunner was hit, back in November of last year. I remember because people were offering an alternate way to access the entire archive of Super Smash Bros. music to preserve everything lost.
When did this channel restore its music?
Re: Random: Wait A Sec, That Sure Looks Like Mario In Sonic The Hedgehog's Marble Zone
M is fake 3021
Re: Quick Beats: Pulstar, Mega Man, And Final Fight Composer Talks Joe Hisaishi And The Beatles
One of my all-time favorite composers here. Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers was so memorable mostly because of the music. And Mega Man 3 has my favorite soundtrack in the series thanks to the work that she did(which was cut extremely short due to labor), along with the work of Yasuaki Fujita(no relation).
I’ll be sure to check out Windjammers 2.
Re: Jet Set Radio's Beat Joins Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania As A Playable Character
Monkey & SEGA All-Stars Rolling? Is that what this game is turning into?
I’m not complaining.
Re: Sega Shares New Trailer And Screenshots For Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania
@GrailUK Lol
It would've been a nice surprise if I didn't already know about Sonic & Tails due to that artwork found on the site.
Re: Sega Shares New Trailer And Screenshots For Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania
Did anyone else think that this trailer was Way Past Cool?
…No one?
Re: Nintendo's Switch OLED Dock Can Be Purchased Separately
Whoops, I somehow didn’t see the part of your comment that said you were charging your Pro Controller. I understand what you’re saying now.
I’ve dealt with a similar setup with the LAN adapter taking the one port inside the dock, but I usually find an unused USB port somewhere in the house, such as the one in my recliner, and then I’m good to go. It only takes some hours to charge, so I’m not bothered. You get used to not having that third USB port pretty quickly.
Re: Nintendo's Switch OLED Dock Can Be Purchased Separately
The built-in LAN port only replaces the USB port inside the dock. It does not interfere with the two on the outside, meaning you’re free to continue using the GameCube Controller adapter with both USB ports for the full effect.
Re: Sonic Prime Concept Art Gives A Sneaky Look At Upcoming Netflix Show
I’m just glad to see artists outside of Japan coloring Sonic’s arms the correct way again.
Of course, this is all concept art, so it may still change later…
Re: Nintendo Asks That You Don't Co-Stream The E3 2021 Nintendo Direct, Thanks Very Much
I’m just hoping I won’t have issues viewing the live direct straight from Nintendo, now that EVERYONE IS HERE.
I remember some years back when the view count got to be higher among the viewers appearing to watch the live stream, and I was nearly unable to watch anything(My internet was really great back then). I now have terrible internet service that will go out multiple times a day, so I might have to use my phone’s data.
Re: Random: Animal Crossing Fan Recreates All 24 Euro 2020 Team Kits
If only Nintendo would bring back the ability to kick the ball around, like you could in the first Animal Crossing. This simple addition would add so much when playing with friends.
Re: Random: This Kid Tried To Sell His Prized Pokémon Card Collection To Save A Sick Puppy
Meanwhile, “grown adult” scalpers looking for rare cards, reading this heartwarming story::
Re: 7 Horizons Aims To Bring 'Rayman Meets Mega Man' To Switch This Year
@Markiemania95 I don’t know, but all that matters is that Jelly likes them. Not sure if anyone else should like them, though.
Re: Video: Remembering The 3D Classics NES Range On Nintendo 3DS
As a huge fan of the Excitebike games, I immediately noticed that the developers at ARIKA did not program the bike physics in the 3D Classics version correctly at all. The bike was way too heavy, and it was difficult to maintain air and consistent speed unlike the original. After decades of playing the NES, FDS, and SFC versions all with physics similar to each other(and World Rally to a lesser degree), I could never get used to the change in the heavier physics on the 3DS. It’s sad, because everything else in the game was great. This one issue keeps me from going back to it in any way. I also feel like I’m the only one who notices this.
Kirby’s Adventure was pretty awesome, I’ll admit. I’m glad I picked that one up, although strangely, Kirby’s weight had a similar issue to 3D Excitebike as he was a bit heavier than he was in the original game.
Re: 1080° Snowboarding Creator Announces Carve Snowboarding For Oculus VR
A Rayman snowboarding game? Cool!!
Re: Random: Fan Builds Program That Lets Switch Joy-Con Play Music Using HD Rumble
I’d like to try this out, but due to Joy-Con drift it’ll probably start playing a One Direction song by itself at random times.
Re: Review: Balan Wonderworld - A Charmless, Confusing Fossil From The Creators Of Sonic
“Snatch defeat from the jaws of victory” is a phrase my dad has constantly used for years when referring to sports games.
Anyway, it’s a shame that Balan Wonderworld missed the mark in so many ways. I was really hoping for a remarkable experience, but it’s just so basic all around. Too basic for its own good.
Re: Random: YouTube Musician Charles Cornell Did A Deep-Dive On The Mii Channel Theme
@Tourtus The music that the GameCube main menu featured was a heavily, HEAVILY slowed down version of the Famicom Disk System BIOS intro song. Many people hadn’t noticed this until years later.
I’ll agree that I miss the music Nintendo usually always had on consoles. The Switch is way too bland, though I realize they’re trying to keep the console running as efficiently as possible without things like sound and picture files getting in the way.
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl #73 - 1080° Snowboarding
I always wondered... If they make a new entry in this series, should they call it something else? If anyone has watched the Winter X Games in the recent years like I have, 1080 is basically considered as small potatoes compared to the rotations being pulled off now(triple cork 1620, 1800).
Re: Nintendo Switch System Update 11.0.0 Is Now Live
@Moonlessky ...uh-oh. We’ve run out of stability updates, so now Nintendo’s sending out INstability updates!
Try powering off your console again, and leave it off for a little while longer.
Re: Youtubers Life: OMG Edition Is A Thing And It's Headed To Switch Next Month
Switch Owners:
"Okay, heeeeeeeeere's your YouTube!....
Re: VS. Excitebike Is The Next Game In The Arcade Archives Series
@NintoRich If it's like all the other games, it's the arcade port. I still like this game though, even though it's missing the track editor and 2P vs mode. I actually thought of holding a contest for a free download of VS Excitebike as the reward a long time ago, but nothing's final yet.
Re: Nintendo Switch Online Finally Revealed: Cloud Saves, NES Games And Pricing Confirmed
Who's up for some online multiplayer Legend of Zelda?!
Oh wait...
Lol, Nintendo needs to offer better games for their online feature to really sell it to people because, at this point, it's an afterthought, especially when unofficial emulators have been doing this for years.
Also, I'm going to need to know whether I can keep the games I get. This all-digital age is not without its glaring flaws.
@Rudy_Manchego Your profile pic is hilarious!
Re: Video: Capcom Shows Off Mega Man X Legacy's Bonus Features In New Footage
@Moroboshi876 Outside of Japan, Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 can be purchased physically or digital, while X Legacy Collection 2 will be digital-only. This goes for whether you bought both games separately or together in a bundle.
In Japan, however, Rockman X Anniversary Collection 2 can be purchased by itself either digitally or physically. If you opt for the bundle including both games, though, you will only receive the digital version of the second collection. Keep this in mind, because according to a few people, you can change the language to English even in the Japanese version.
Re: Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 And 2 Confirmed For Switch
I'm getting these games, of course, but I'm a little bothered by the fact that with both Mega Man Legacy Collection and Mega Man X Legacy Collection, the smaller portions(1) of the collection are on a physical game card, and the larger portions(2) will be a download-only option. I would love for this to be reversed, to be honest, because both MMLC2 and MMXLC2 have the potential to eat up a ton hard drive/SD Card space.
Re: Video: Don't Cry Over these Top Ten Worst Mario Games
@MoonKnight7 "...I tried to play that game over and over again cause I thought I was missing something...."
Yes, there was something missing... it was Mario!
ba-dum PSHHH
Re: Random: We Have Our First Nintendo Labo Knock-Off
@Alex18 You mean 'palce'. It's where you paly a lot of bootlegs.
Re: The Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Are Headed To Switch On 22nd May
@Magrane You'd be surprised to find the 3DS version of MMLC was a little better than the VC on average, even though both had their pros and cons. For example, there's a tiny bit more input lag on the VC version when compared to the MMLC game because it runs slower(I tested this extensively), there's unnecessary scaling in the resolution on the VC which causes blurry visuals, not to mention dimming to prevent seizures, and the sound is clearer on MMLC. Lastly, you could reconfigure the buttons on MMLC. There is that issue of screen tearing in MMLC's Mega Man 5, but Rockman 5 sort of fixes that.
Of course, nothing compares to the original game console.
Re: The Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Are Headed To Switch On 22nd May
@Discostew That's not what I've last heard, the first MMLC not being a set of ROM dumps. The Steam version has all six NES ROMs included and edited to remove the "Licensed by Nintendo" portion of the splash screen. As a matter of fact, you can pull those ROMs from the collection and play them on any emulator, after adding an INES header.
Re: Rumour: A Second Toy Maker Says A New Sonic Racing Game Really Is Revving Its Engines
We've got Diamond Select Toys, Zappies, and the guy who revealed info about Sonic Forces talking about this game. It's getting difficult to call this a rumor at this point.
And... "Marsupial?" Hedgehogs are neither marsupials nor rodents.
Re: The Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Are Headed To Switch On 22nd May
I'm going to assume that they couldn't get(didn't try for) both games on one card to multi-boot, so you could open one collection or the other. This could be one reason why we aren't seeing both collections on one 8GB card.
The cost of the card also makes a little sense, if they wanted to opt for a cheaper option for the consumer. Think about it this way, with two options:
1. If you want both games to be on one game card, Capcom would have to use the 8GB cards, which would make the game cost a bit more(Switch tax?). This would've lead to a lot more fans saying "$50(or $60)?!?!?! I'm not paying that much for 30-year-old games!! You lost a sale from me Capcom." Lost sales all around, clearly not a smart option.
2. Pack two smaller capacity cards in one physical case. To my knowledge, there have never been two game cards sold for one game(feel free to correct me on this if I'm wrong, please). This would be more expensive, and would be an even worse option. Be prepared for a collection to be sold upwards of $70, just because they can, all to make a profit. Only an idiot would purchase this.
I don't like this any more than the next person, but it looks like the split physical 4GB card/download was Capcom's best option to keep the price lower. It looks like they went with a 4GB game card to keep things lower priced, anyway. If it's found out that they used a higher capacity 8GB card for MMLC1, then you all have every right to be mad at Capcom, since both games could've fit. Although this brings up the multi-boot issue I mentioned earlier...
I wonder how much it would've cost if they sold both collections separately, yet as physical copies. Could they be sold for $19 each, or would they both have been around $30-$39 each? That sort of knowledge would answer the biggest question.
Re: Sega Dreamcast, Saturn And Mega Drive Hardware Coming From Retro-Bit in 2018
I think your "retro gods" are raising eyebrows at the topic title.
Not sure if anyone posting after me will read this, but if you do, until it's stated otherwise, this article is about new accessories being made for existing SEGA consoles(and PC/Moblie via USB and Bluetooth).
This is NOT announcing newly-remade SEGA consoles soon to arrive at stores. I repeat, NO SEGA console remakes.
That being said, I would love a new Saturn controller for my PC!