Comments 181

Re: Talking Point: The Nintendo 3DS, A System That Still Has a Role to Play


@Capt_N I didn't mean to have a mini version run with better hardware to be the superior version. I just meant to have better hardware in it so that, even though it would be smaller, it would still be equal to the standard version. I just wouldn't want them to cut corners to be able to get a smaller version out and have the same problems they have with 3ds/n3ds.

Re: Talking Point: The Nintendo 3DS, A System That Still Has a Role to Play


I want to see the 3ds be put out to pasture so badly, but I understand that that would leave a LOT of portable fans furious.

I want to see Nintendo phase out the 3ds in 1 to 2 years by making a Switch Mini that actually COULD fit in your pocket and maybe have mini (mini) joy cons so you can still switch (ugh) them out. With that much time they could possibly put better hardware in the small version to keep the specs the same.

There ya go, the true 3ds successor.

Re: Breaking Down the Nintendo Switch Online Service Details


Okay, I remember getting my Xbox roughly 13 years ago and getting an Xbox live cd. I was paying for online BACK THEN. Why is it when Nintendo finally takes a step forward and decides to compete with the competition, they are considered evil? As long as it is better than what it's like currently, I will be content.

Re: Feature: What We Expect from the Nintendo Switch Presentation


I just want it to be 11pm already. I cannot stress enough that a single player 3D mario is needed (in my opinion). I wasn't the biggest fan of the galaxy games because I couldn't stand using the wiimote and nunchuck, but even another galaxy game would make me ecstatic...IF they use a normal controller. Grah hype!!!

Re: Hardware Classics: Game Boy Pocket


The Pocket was the first Gameboy I owned. I got a blue one with pokemon red and my best friend got a red one with pokemon blue the same xmas. I still have the game but the pocket is lost, most likely between one of my countless moves.

Re: Reaction: Nintendo Shakes Up E3 With No NX and a Focus on Legend of Zelda


Why are people in such a rush for NX? I've had my wiiu for years now and I still am impressed with how much I truly enjoy it. Maybe it's because I'm older and appreciate the throwbacks such as mario maker and the quick unique fun I have with splatoon. The longer it takes for the NX to come out, the better it will be. I personally am ecstatic for it to come out in March. Maybe they will have more in stock since xmas will have come and gone which will give me a better chance to get one.

Re: Video: Bask in the Nostalgia of the Latest Pokémon Red, Blue & Yellow Virtual Console Trailer


I remember getting pokemon red and my Gameboy pocket at the same time on Christmas. I LOVE these games. I still have my original cartridge and play it from time to time. Kids today might not appreciate these gems (and I couldn't blame them because they didn't grow up with them) but I will NEVER have another game top the emotional bliss that I got with Gen 1 pokemon. The elite epitome of nostalgia.

Re: 3DS to Continue as a 'Major Pillar' of Nintendo's Business


I can't bring myself to buy more 3ds/wii u games until I know more about this "NX". I've double dipped (and in some mario iterations, many more than that!) for plenty of games over the years, but I can't willingly bring myself to waste money knowing that the next Gen hardware will more than likely re-release the good ones.