Comments 2,479

Re: 'Nintendo Music' Adds Another N64 Soundtrack, Here's Every Song Included


Whilst I am enjoying the app it is a bit Switch-heavy for my liking as many of my more memorable game music comes from Generations 4 to 6. Gen 3 has some great tunes but the hardware held them back so I prefer them when they are played with actual instruments.

It just astounds me how some of Nintendo’s tent pole games have yet to be added; particularly from the SNES and N64.

It feels like Nintendo is walking a fine line, trickle it out so updates can continue well into the future but they need to be careful people don’t get tired of waiting and call it quits.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl: Mega Man Zero 3


Capcom Europe went through a period of very basic, colourful boxarts during this era in an attempt to grab people’s attention on store shelves.

North American box arts tended to be far more busy with action and casts.

Japanese boxarts were just sublime. A lovely balance.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (6th April)


After such a long wait, diving into Freedom Planet 2. Enjoying it but I guess it lacks the “fresh impact” of the first game. Also, in contrast to the review, I am really missing the long cheesy cut scenes. They were fun to watch. Now they wrap up just when starting to feel good.

May also try to squeeze in some more Another Code Recollection.

Re: Monster Hunter Stories Physical Collection Includes A Download Code (US)


Honestly doesn’t surprise me, Capcom (the Weatern arms at least) have been doing this for years on their collections. Seems like only Capcom Japan and Asia have a proper understanding at what physical buyers want.

Whilst I don’t see it happening, the only way this will stop is if Nintendo forbids it in its next console. Either cough up for the cart size you need or get compressing.

Re: The First Review For Another Code: Recollection Is In


The original was the first DS game I bought that didn’t come with the console. It had so much potential but the story felt like it was filled with plot holes and incomplete elements. I started the sequel but never finished.

Hope this second time will help me understand it more and also finish the second. Always did like Ashley’s design.

Re: Review: Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection - A Rock-Solid Compilation


Am a big fan of the series, so will be picking up my copy.

Reading through, sounds like they didn’t include the enhanced MMBN1 & MMBN5 releases on the DS; the former of which was a Japan exclusive.

Then again, the MMBN5 rerelease included the dub voices from the anime which were always way too deep for the characters and personally I thought they were massive miscasts. Much preferred the JP VA’s.

Re: Feature: What's The Best Way To Play Super Mario Bros. In 2023?


I’ll choose the Mario All Stars version. Although NLife calls it feeling “off”, I say it fixes what was wonky in the first place. I feel that Mario controls much better in SMB All Stars and I can correct any minor “mis-jumps” whilst in SMB NES it’s less forgiving and need to always make your jumps accurately first time or pay the penalty.

Re: Countdown: Here's A Recap Of Every 3DS & Wii U eShop Game We've Highlighted In The Last Month


I don’t even want to remember how much I’ve spent over the last few months buying up almost everything I wanted. Some was questionable whilst some was driven by FOMO. Still, I have to live with it now. Maybe this will get me to try them out more.

I do however still have 2 games I am swinging about getting.

1) Axiom Verge on Wii U; have on Switch but sounds good having map on gamepad.

2) Harmoknight; demo didn’t grab me but driven by it being an eShop exclusive.

Guess I got just over 7 hrs to decide.

Re: Best Deals And Cheapest Games In The 3DS & Wii U eShop Sales


@Shambo Took the words out of my mouth. Capcom Europe always used to put the exact same games on sale and the. Seemingly just stopped.

Biggest disappointment was discovering Nintendo published Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright; the physical is only going up in value and the digital in Europe has never once dropped below launch price.

Re: Poll: Do You Want Weapon Degradation To Return In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom?


I wouldn’t mind weapon degradation if the swords lasted A LOT longer and could be repaired. I’d like a system where each weapon has effectively a set amount of HP that will degrade with each hit. Once it drops below a certain level, it starts doing half damage and once it reaches zero it breaks.

Repairs can be carried out by blacksmiths that can also assess the remaining strength of your sword and charge accordingly. You could also obtain smithing stones to repair your swords in the field by set amounts. Maybe later in the game you can acquire equipment that can assess and even do major repairs yourself.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 12th)


Been playing Paper Mario and the Origami King. Whilst doesn’t hold a candle to the original 3 games in terms of Gameplay (the battle system is such a stupid idea with no redeeming reasons to go into battles) the writing is pretty decent and the exploration and puzzles are somewhat fulfilling so I plan to see it to the end.

Re: Poll: Is The Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack Good Enough Value Yet?


Haven’t signed up but considering. What’s actually holding me back is that I am already worrying about loosing access to all these games at some point in the future. I’d feel like I’d have to play them now so I don’t have to rush.

I don’t play online, prefer to buy DLC and not exactly hankering for the controllers, so the Retro Library is the only thing drawing me to it.

As much as old me would have rejected the option in the past, I am slowly looking more towards Everdrives.

Re: Random: 'Super Mario Kart Deluxe' Romhack Gets The Franchise's Most Notorious Item


Winged design suggests like the current blue shell rather than the original. I wish they’d revert the Blue Shell back to what it was like originally. Traversed on the ground taking out everyone in the way before homing in on the leader. This meant the lead car was usually not the only one affected and wouldn’t loose their 1st place because someone far back got lucky with the item box and actually never ends up passing the kart they hit.

In its current guise, the item feels like it was purposefully designed to annoy the player when I’m singleplayer.

Re: Octopath Traveler II Is 90% Complete According To Square Enix


Excited, but I do hope they include an epilogue type chapter that ties the stories together. I finished all 8 stories of the first game but never did all the stuff to supposedly tie the story together. I decided to come back some other time but forgot. Now I can barely remember the battle system.