Trading Card Game was out on PC about a decade ago wasn't it? I'm sure I had a disc that came free with something that had a version of the game playable on it.
I have the Nintendo Collector's Edition already (in UK) but I think most of the player pieces are different. I bought Pokémon Monopoly in Florida when I was in my teens, based in the Kanto region and original 151 Pokémon series. I assume this is a reprint.
I already had Super Mario Bros free with the Ambassadors program. So now I get a reduced GBC version (bearing in mind Game Boy Printer compatability with the original GBC version) to accompany it. I can think of better unreleased (on 3DS) GBC games to give away...
Ambassadors wouldn't be upset - speaking as one myself. I got 10 games for free for GBA (albeit, most of them ones I already paid for on the GBA...but that wasn't the point). I would be happier to see more GBA games including those originally given exclusively for early buyers of 3DS appear on the 3DS VC.
Is it wrong that I'd like to see a Hannah Montana vs High School Musical vs any other generic teen "comedy" Disney have produced? In Street Fighter style gameplay. I wouldn't buy toys for this though.
As for the real Disney Infinity game, it's good to see someone giving Spyro a run for its money.
I would be surprised if Minish Cap didn't see a VC release - What with Wind Waker getting a graphical update.
As for Donkey Kong Country games being ported - I'm not so sure they will now. We haven't yet seen the Donkey Kong Land games appear on 3DS Virtual Console, nor have any other Rare-developed games been re-released recently. I know Microsoft were a little relaxed (whether there were legal issues preventing them from interferring previously I'm not sure, but look how Nintendo seemingly blocked Goldeneye from XBLA release, maybe Microsoft are playing tit-for-tat), but didn't Nintendo recently pull the DKC games from the Wii VC? I've got a feeling that any Nintendo franchise game that Rare had involvement in will not see re-release and I seriously hope I'm wrong.
There were an extremely large amount of ports on the Game Boy Advance. Off the top of my head (and because I had them)
The legend of Zelda (NES) Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES) Bomberman (NES) Gradius (I think) (NES) Super Mario Bros. (NES) Metroid (NES) Donkey Kong (NES) Donkey Kong Country (SNES) Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) Super Mario Bros 2 (SNES) Super Mario Bros 3 (SNES) Super Mario World (SNES) Yoshi's Island (SNES - as Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES - with 4 swords tagged on) Final Fantasy I & II (NES) Final Fantasy IV (SNES) Final Fantasy V (SNES) Final Fantasy VI (SNES) Excitebike (NES) Ice-Climbers (NES) Chu Chu Rocket (Dreamcast*) Doctor Mario (NES) The Lost Vikings (Megadrive I think*) Castlevania (NES) Aladdin (Megadrive and I believe SNES*) The Lion King (which I believe to be a port of the SNES game) and I'm sure many more. The point being that whilst there are a lot of new and original games on the GBA, a large number of the top sellers were ports of SNES games.
*Whilst not a Nintendo console, the Wii VC currently handles most of SEGA's systems
I'm excited by the new games and Wind Waker HD - but is it still the game that Miyamoto referred to as unfinished, or will we have some new dungeons to add to the originals?
If Activision have lost the licence, I hope either Microsoft or Nintendo manage to obtain it. We may have a very slim chance of seeing Goldeneye on either Wii U Virtual Console or (dare I say it) XBLA.
Whilst I'd like something new and good, I still really enjoy the classic game that made me get an N64 in the first place, and I'd like to play it in HD - even if it is like playing with Lego-shaped men now in comparison to modern gaming.
For those that don't know: The Sun is part of News Corporation, the same media giant that owned the UK's News of the World who closed down to avoid bad reputation spreading to other publications following the reveal that News of the World were using illegal phone hacking techniques to try and listen to the voicemail messages left on victims and celebrities phones.
The Sun sells mostly for its celebrity garbage and is famously known for its 'Page 3' girls. Its a publication that isn't taken seriously in the UK but still sells to the masses and the masses are easily influenced by trash like this.
To say that as he plays games with guns in, it makes the games a big influence on his decision to kill innocents is ludicrous. I haven't played Black Ops 2 but am I really to believe that Activisions game allows military force to be used on children? Are they not instead using guns to take out enemy forces who also have guns in a war? Are we not intelligent enough as individuals to know the difference between fighting a war and shooting children in a school?
Violence has been readable in books for a long long time now. Technically millenia if you count religious texts. It's sold to us in music, TV and movies. And commercial channels including Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, who own 20th Fox, sell it as news as well as The Sun. As videogames are a relatively new medium, they're blamed as it's easier to do that and take the moral high ground (in order to improve readership) than it is to take a more serious political stance.
But its hipocritical. Fox who are owned by News Corporation who own The Sun are making or licensing games all the time! Family Guy is one of the latest. Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the past. And I'm sure there are many others under the Fox logo.
So maybe News Corporation ought to cut out all their TV shows that contain any sort of violence, as well as their movies and games and then, and only then, would they have the right to try and take the moral high ground on issues like this.
Tsk - poor use of the word 'decimate'. It means the removal of 1/10th - so unless 3SD has outsold everything by a factor of 10/1, then the headline is completely inaccurate
On plus side it's great to see Nintendo's handheld doing so well - I hope Wii U will be as successful!
Vonseux: the Nintendo Seal of Quality is Nintendo's guarantee that the product will work with the system it is designed for, not that the product is enjoyable...
Once again a top quality review of a poorly made game. I'm sure if it did what it was supposed to by having tighter controls it would likely be more enjoyable and could then be forgiven a little for its graphical torture of the eyes. But seeing as the developers haven't got that right they only have themselves to blame if the costs of making this game aren't outweighed by the sales figures...
I've been looking forward to this review ever since I heard you were doing it. A rather generous score or what seems like an excruciatingly tedious game to play. Enjoyed the review
There are so many free methods of electronic communication available now that I don't think an upgraded pictochat has much relevance now. Better to have it than not but I've lived with my 3DS for 9 months without it to not be that excited about it.
Nice to see an honest review that doesn't pander to the gaming corporations and instead gives us a real idea as to what we could be playing. Shame the licence has been taken for granted by the developer on the 3DS
Brilliant game in short bursts - should atleast have been a compilation of sorts - 3 Crazy Taxi games if you don't include EA's exact copy with Simpsons characters, and this was released after all 3 on the 'Cube in what seems to be a lazy port.
I consider this game to be mildly entertaining but certainly not worth more than an average score. As 5 out of 10 is half-way through the scoring system, I have to say I'm inclined to agree with this review.
Comments 28
Re: The Pokémon Trading Card Game Is Coming To iPad This Year
Trading Card Game was out on PC about a decade ago wasn't it? I'm sure I had a disc that came free with something that had a version of the game playable on it.
Re: The Legend of Zelda and Pokémon Are Doing Business With Monopoly in September
I have the Nintendo Collector's Edition already (in UK) but I think most of the player pieces are different. I bought Pokémon Monopoly in Florida when I was in my teens, based in the Kanto region and original 151 Pokémon series. I assume this is a reprint.
Re: Nintendo Network 3DS Promotion to Offer Free Super Mario Bros. Deluxe Download in Europe
I already had Super Mario Bros free with the Ambassadors program. So now I get a reduced GBC version (bearing in mind Game Boy Printer compatability with the original GBC version) to accompany it. I can think of better unreleased (on 3DS) GBC games to give away...
Re: Review: Contra III: The Alien Wars (Wii U eShop / Super Nintendo)
Super Probotector was an awesome co-op game! Hope we see a UK release!
Re: iPhone Gaming Controller Could Mean "The End Of Nintendo", Claims Investment Site
Until we see Zelda, Mario, Pokémon, Starfox, F-Zero, DK, etc, legally released on mobile, then I will always prefer Nintendo's handheld systems.
Re: Soul Calibur II HD Online Not Announced For Wii U
Whilst I would have liked it, I wouldn't have bought it. SCII on GameCube was brilliant, but for its time.
Re: Video: Possibly the Most Legendary Zelda Cake Ever
Awesome cake! I don't care if its bog standard ingredients, etc, it's still an edible work of art!
Re: Feature: Nintendo Life's View - Wii U Direct
Ambassadors wouldn't be upset - speaking as one myself. I got 10 games for free for GBA (albeit, most of them ones I already paid for on the GBA...but that wasn't the point). I would be happier to see more GBA games including those originally given exclusively for early buyers of 3DS appear on the 3DS VC.
Re: Disney Infinity Will Have A New Game Released Every Year
Is it wrong that I'd like to see a Hannah Montana vs High School Musical vs any other generic teen "comedy" Disney have produced? In Street Fighter style gameplay. I wouldn't buy toys for this though.
As for the real Disney Infinity game, it's good to see someone giving Spyro a run for its money.
Re: Feature: Nintendo Life's View - Wii U Direct
I would be surprised if Minish Cap didn't see a VC release - What with Wind Waker getting a graphical update.
As for Donkey Kong Country games being ported - I'm not so sure they will now. We haven't yet seen the Donkey Kong Land games appear on 3DS Virtual Console, nor have any other Rare-developed games been re-released recently. I know Microsoft were a little relaxed (whether there were legal issues preventing them from interferring previously I'm not sure, but look how Nintendo seemingly blocked Goldeneye from XBLA release, maybe Microsoft are playing tit-for-tat), but didn't Nintendo recently pull the DKC games from the Wii VC? I've got a feeling that any Nintendo franchise game that Rare had involvement in will not see re-release and I seriously hope I'm wrong.
Re: Feature: Nintendo Life's View - Wii U Direct
There were an extremely large amount of ports on the Game Boy Advance. Off the top of my head (and because I had them)
The legend of Zelda (NES)
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES)
Bomberman (NES)
Gradius (I think) (NES)
Super Mario Bros. (NES)
Metroid (NES)
Donkey Kong (NES)
Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES)
Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES)
Super Mario Bros 2 (SNES)
Super Mario Bros 3 (SNES)
Super Mario World (SNES)
Yoshi's Island (SNES - as Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES - with 4 swords tagged on)
Final Fantasy I & II (NES)
Final Fantasy IV (SNES)
Final Fantasy V (SNES)
Final Fantasy VI (SNES)
Excitebike (NES)
Ice-Climbers (NES)
Chu Chu Rocket (Dreamcast*)
Doctor Mario (NES)
The Lost Vikings (Megadrive I think*)
Castlevania (NES)
Aladdin (Megadrive and I believe SNES*)
The Lion King (which I believe to be a port of the SNES game)
and I'm sure many more. The point being that whilst there are a lot of new and original games on the GBA, a large number of the top sellers were ports of SNES games.
*Whilst not a Nintendo console, the Wii VC currently handles most of SEGA's systems
Re: Feature: Nintendo Life's View - Wii U Direct
@Five-seveN - Except for all the NES/SNES ports
Re: Feature: Nintendo Life's View - Wii U Direct
I'm excited by the new games and Wind Waker HD - but is it still the game that Miyamoto referred to as unfinished, or will we have some new dungeons to add to the originals?
Re: Feature: Nintendo and Bond Through the Ages
If Activision have lost the licence, I hope either Microsoft or Nintendo manage to obtain it. We may have a very slim chance of seeing Goldeneye on either Wii U Virtual Console or (dare I say it) XBLA.
Whilst I'd like something new and good, I still really enjoy the classic game that made me get an N64 in the first place, and I'd like to play it in HD - even if it is like playing with Lego-shaped men now in comparison to modern gaming.
Re: 3DS Continues To Dominate Sales In Japan
The PS2 sold almost as many units as Xbox 360 in Japan? That's scary!
Re: UK Press Pins Blame For Sandy Hook Massacre On Video Games
For those that don't know: The Sun is part of News Corporation, the same media giant that owned the UK's News of the World who closed down to avoid bad reputation spreading to other publications following the reveal that News of the World were using illegal phone hacking techniques to try and listen to the voicemail messages left on victims and celebrities phones.
The Sun sells mostly for its celebrity garbage and is famously known for its 'Page 3' girls. Its a publication that isn't taken seriously in the UK but still sells to the masses and the masses are easily influenced by trash like this.
To say that as he plays games with guns in, it makes the games a big influence on his decision to kill innocents is ludicrous. I haven't played Black Ops 2 but am I really to believe that Activisions game allows military force to be used on children? Are they not instead using guns to take out enemy forces who also have guns in a war? Are we not intelligent enough as individuals to know the difference between fighting a war and shooting children in a school?
Violence has been readable in books for a long long time now. Technically millenia if you count religious texts. It's sold to us in music, TV and movies. And commercial channels including Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, who own 20th Fox, sell it as news as well as The Sun. As videogames are a relatively new medium, they're blamed as it's easier to do that and take the moral high ground (in order to improve readership) than it is to take a more serious political stance.
But its hipocritical. Fox who are owned by News Corporation who own The Sun are making or licensing games all the time! Family Guy is one of the latest. Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the past. And I'm sure there are many others under the Fox logo.
So maybe News Corporation ought to cut out all their TV shows that contain any sort of violence, as well as their movies and games and then, and only then, would they have the right to try and take the moral high ground on issues like this.
Re: Feature: We've Unboxed A Wii Mini So You Don't Have To
Looks a little ugly to me - which is a shame.
Re: 3DS Continues To Decimate The Competition in Japan
Tsk - poor use of the word 'decimate'. It means the removal of 1/10th - so unless 3SD has outsold everything by a factor of 10/1, then the headline is completely inaccurate
On plus side it's great to see Nintendo's handheld doing so well - I hope Wii U will be as successful!
Re: Review: Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (Game Boy)
The best Game Boy game. The best Wario game. Everybody but this and send Nintendo a message about how we feel about top quality games!
Re: Review: Winter Sports 2012: Feel the Spirit (Wii)
Vonseux: the Nintendo Seal of Quality is Nintendo's guarantee that the product will work with the system it is designed for, not that the product is enjoyable...
Once again a top quality review of a poorly made game. I'm sure if it did what it was supposed to by having tighter controls it would likely be more enjoyable and could then be forgiven a little for its graphical torture of the eyes. But seeing as the developers haven't got that right they only have themselves to blame if the costs of making this game aren't outweighed by the sales figures...
Re: Review: Winter Sports 2012: Feel the Spirit (3DS)
The trouble with sports compilations is that they all seem to fail in comparison to Wii Sports or Mario & Sonic titles.
Re: Review: Puppies World 3D (3DS)
I've been looking forward to this review ever since I heard you were doing it. A rather generous score or what seems like an excruciatingly tedious game to play. Enjoyed the review
Re: Review: Successfully Learning Mathematics: Year 2 (DSiWare)
I have to say this is the review I've been waiting all year to read! Now we're in day 12 I can thankfully say the agony is over
Sarcasm aside, am glad effort was put into it to warrant an average score. But is that mean, medium or mode?
Re: Review: Nintendo Letter Box (3DSWare)
There are so many free methods of electronic communication available now that I don't think an upgraded pictochat has much relevance now. Better to have it than not but I've lived with my 3DS for 9 months without it to not be that excited about it.
Re: Review: F1 2011 (3DS)
I despair when someone makes epic fails trying to incorrectly correct someone thusly
Re: Review: F1 2011 (3DS)
Nice to see an honest review that doesn't pander to the gaming corporations and instead gives us a real idea as to what we could be playing. Shame the licence has been taken for granted by the developer on the 3DS
Re: Review: Crazy Taxi (GameCube)
Should be atleast a 7...Just kidding
Brilliant game in short bursts - should atleast have been a compilation of sorts - 3 Crazy Taxi games if you don't include EA's exact copy with Simpsons characters, and this was released after all 3 on the 'Cube in what seems to be a lazy port.
Re: Review: Wario World (GameCube)
I consider this game to be mildly entertaining but certainly not worth more than an average score. As 5 out of 10 is half-way through the scoring system, I have to say I'm inclined to agree with this review.