Comments 63

Re: Nintendo Download: 7th January (North America)


@HyperSonicEXE yea I see what you're saying, I'm just kinda amazed on how extreme people are. Like many others I do want certain games to appear on the shop, but when they're not there it's all good, there's many other ways to fix your old game carts and enjoy old games. But I wouldn't wish Reggie to be fired, have you seen his glorious face?

Re: Nintendo Download: 7th January (North America)


Don't you guys think you're acting a bit too overboard to have someone fired just because you can't re-purchase a game, and if you didn't it's already available on the Wii Shop channel? EU never had a release of Super Mario RPG up until this year. Don't be so spoiled and salty just because you have a urge to spend every single week; saving money is pretty cool.

Re: Nintendo Download: 24th December (North America)


What are all these complainers out here for. It may be a unsatisfying lineup for you guys but to others including myself it's fine. I don't even have games like Bayonetta or Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze that I'm planning to get, and that's already enough stuff for me to be set on Christmas. Sometimes I feel y'all spend for too many games when they initally release. Take it in gradually, Nintendo's still the homie yo. Being a casual gamer is so much more chill

Re: Mario History: Super Mario 3D Land - 2011


@Bolt_Strike oh yeah I see that, but I don't really mind it. The thing that I really do like in 3d land and 3d world that isn't really present in other 3d Mario games that I hope they continue to do is really implement powerups the way that those games do. In the other 3d games people really never cared about having a powerup, but its just such a satisfying feeling about carrying your powerup as long as you can until you slip

Re: Mario History: Super Mario 3D Land - 2011


@Bolt_Strike I sort of disagree, being able to collect stars while ultimately reaching the goal negates any need for backtracking a player has to do. When you are searching for green stars you're also technically exploring the world as well. If you can do all the exploring and finding the green stars and reach the goal in time, then that means you're a really good player. I like this style unlike Galaxy 2, where they just placed green stars in hidden places after collecting all the normal stars, so then it just felt like a big redundant backtracking fetch quest where nothing exciting happens when people already took the time to explore the galaxies beforehand.

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