Awesome! I loved the first one...I first played it on Vita before the Switch even came out. I have it on Switch too though, and I will definitely be getting this.
@link3710 They didn't come out within months of each other. The first Digimon video game (Digimon World) came out in 1999 while Pokemon Red/Green came out in 1996. If you want to be technical, the Tamagotchi like toy that spawned the Digimon franchise came out in 1997, but does that really count?
But I agree that both were influenced by SMT.
As far as the eyes go...I see the difference but it doesn't bother me. As long as I like Sprigatito's final evolution, she's going to be my starter. Don't be like Litten, please keep her on all four legs.
8 of 10 for the Wii U. I don't have Smash or Nintendo Land.
9 of 10 for the 3DS. The only one I don't have is Smash.
4 (or 3 if you don't count Wii Sports) of 10 for Wii. I have Wii Sports, Mario Kart Wii, New Super Mario Bros Wii and Super Mario Galaxy.
6 of 10 for DS. I don't own either Brain Training game, Smash, Diamond and Pearl (I got back into Pokemon with Platinum after not playing since Yellow, but that doesn't count for this), or Animal Crossing.
As you can tell, I never had a thing for Smash. I've tried a few different versions of it and just never cared for it. I have a decent amount of Wii games (between 30 and 40 it looks like...yes there are that many that aren't shovelware)...looking at them I'm sad Punch Out isn't on the list. It looks like my buying habits haven't really changed as we go on the Switch, I have 6 of the 10 of those.
@majorgear No, I was talking about the first Soul Reaver. XD
I do own the BloodRayne remasters on PC too though, they have been out since last year (they are called Terminal Cut instead of ReVamped). I have them because they gave them to you if you already owned the originals.
I've been playing a lot of The Outer Worlds. It is fantastic, I'm really enjoying it so far. I wanted Fallout 3 or Fallout NV (which was also made by Obsidian) on Switch and I think this is closest I'm going to get. I've heard it's kinda broken, but so far it's been fine.
@SmaggTheSmug I wish they would re-release Legacy of Kain, but I don't think it will happen. The first one isn't even available for purchase anywhere (the rest are on Steam and GoG). Something to do with licensing issues I think.
EDIT: Nevermind, the first one is on GoG! It wasn't last time I looked and its not on Steam. It was released last month it looks like, so maybe there is hope.
Sounds similar to what Sega did with Sonic Genesis for GBA. A port of an old game that should run fine but doesn't with a superior version released just a week before (I think it was before? Or it was just after. They released one on the PSP very close to it along with a bunch of other Genesis titles).
I never played the Wii version of Colors (I had the DS version and it's different) so I'll still get it, but not until it's been patched and is on sale.
Thats very good news. I'm still a little annoyed that after years of going back and forth about it, I finally bought both Slime Rancher and Catlateral Damage on Steam...right before they were released/announced for my preferred platform. Ugh, lol.
3DS: Puzzle & Dragons and Style Savvy: Styling Star. I just started a new playthrough of P&Z. I liked it but never finished it...I don't remember why.
PC: Arcade Spirits. Two achievements left and I should be able to get both this playthrough. Also Death and Taxes. I've finished one playthrough so far and it is...interesting. You are the Grim Reaper and you decide who lives and dies. It's also on Switch and has a demo. That's how I played it originally, but I decided it plays better with a mouse.
Switch: SteamWorld Heist! What a great game, I wish I would have played it sooner. I might get to Cris Tales. I was going to play that when it came out, but SH grabbed my attention and I want to beat it first. Oh and ACNH, as always.
I like the idea of the Steam Deck but the games I tend to play on PC aren't always games that will work well with a controller or on a 7 inch screen. That's why I play them on PC.
I can't imagine trying to play a game like Sins of a Solar Empire like that. Even with a touchscreen, the screen is too small.
@Timptation That won't work, unfortunately. People will hurt other people to get whatever collectable they want. A stampede to get to the item, people waiting outside to mug people for them, etc.
I'm glad I didn't want the premium editions for either game (I just got the regular ones which are widely available) but I'm really sorry to those who did and missed out. As a former collector of amiibo and Funko Pops, I feel your pain. I didn't quit collecting due solely to scalpers (I don't need any more, same reason I stopped collecting plushies), but they do make collecting less fun.
EDIT: Also, please don't buy from scalpers. No matter how much you want something, it keeps them going and just isn't worth it.
3DS: Style Savvy: Styling Star. I also went ahead and bought Rhythm Heaven Megamix so I'll probably be playing that too.
PC: Va-11 Hall-A. Steam is having their summer sale right now so I bought a couple things. The biggest one was probably Stardew Valley. Among the other things I bought (which include Halcyon 6 and Lazy Galaxy) is an absurd looking visual novel called Cat President ~A More Purrfect Union~. I saw someone play a little bit of it and...I had to. I have to know how silly it gets.
Switch: ACNH, as per usual. Maybe one of the games I bought recently like Steamworld Heist. I played some Mario Kart 8 yesterday...I might play more of that.
I get the error since updating, but I can still download games. I've downloaded three games since updating, two gave me trouble, one downloaded without any problem. With the two that didn't work right away, I just kept trying until it worked. I downloaded the second version of the patch, so maybe that has something to do with why it works sometimes, but who knows.
@way2easy I wouldn't call Asdivine Hearts "bad" necessarily. From what I played, I thought it was an ok RPG. I haven't played any others by Kemco though.
It's obviously not Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest so if you go in expecting even remotely that kind of quality, you're going to be disappointed.
It was ok. I'm looking forward to the new Metroid, SMT V, and Danganronpa: Decadence. I might give the re-release of Advance Wars 1&2 a try, I've never played any of them before. I've also never played WarioWare, so I might give that one a try too.
Not hyped, but I'm looking forward to it. I don't really have any expectations because what I wanted most (a Final Fantasy 1-6 re-release, which SE did announce as Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster) is not releasing on consoles. They are PC and mobile only. The other thing I want (Fallout 3 and New Vegas on Switch) will not happen.
At this point, anything Nintendo does will be fine with me.
@Zeldafan79 This game was the last game, as the article says it came out in 2011, but the original two got a re-release on PC last year called "Terminal Cut". Both games got bug fixes, upgraded visuals and controller support. And if you already owned them, you got the new editions for free, which was nice. That was how I found out about it, I saw two new editions of BloodRayne in my GoG Galaxy library. XD
I didn't hear great things about this game and didn't particularly like the demo, so I skipped it on PS3. But this version looks like it fixes some of the those problems, so I'll definitely keep an eye out for it.
3DS: Style Savvy: Styling Star. Nothing to say about it except it's Style Savvy and is good, just like the other three.
PC: I'm going to be finishing Va11 Hall-A. I'll also play some Arcade Spirits. I took a break from it but I'm back to getting all the achievements. They aren't hard, just time consuming. You have to play through the game multiple times to get them all. Maybe I'll play some Coffee Talk, Galactic Civilizations II, The Sims 4, or Sins of a Solar Empire too. Whichever I feel like.
Switch: Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance. That game is hard. I'm in the mines and there are so many sorcerers and archers. If you're surrounded, you're dead. Also ACNH as always. Maybe I'll get back to Borderlands. I originally played it on PS3 and didn't finish it. I now have it on Switch too and still haven't finished it. XD
PC: Arcade Spirits. Only five achievements to go. Slime Rancher was on sale so I finally picked it up, I might try that this weekend. The Sims 4 (my personal favorite of the series) maybe. Last but not least is Shadowrun Returns. I played that on my tablet (got it on Humble Bundle ages ago, I wouldn't have it on mobile otherwise) but decided to switch over to the PC version since I have that too. I don't remember when I got it, but it's in my Steam library with the other two so probably some sale years ago.
Switch: Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance. Super Mario 3D World, which I am so close to finishing. Oh, and ACNH like always.
3DS: I just got a new charger for my 3DS so I can play DS/3DS games again! I might try to finish Ever Oasis. I was going to buy Style Savvy: Styling Star, but apparently I already did. o_O I am going to play that.
I have the Atomic Purple one. I got it for Christmas (in 1999 I think) with Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, Pokemon Yellow, and Tetris DX. I loved that thing. I still have it and it should still work (I don't know why it wouldn't). I don't use it anymore because I have a GBA SP for playing GB-GBA games but it is still on my shelf.
Awesome! I played the PS2 version and wouldn't mind picking it up again. I also had the Xbox version of the sequel, but I never got to it. I hope they release that one too.
Not a surprise. They are in the mobile game, Legacy Wars, too (made by the same devs, NWay). LW also has regular Ryu, regular Chun-Li, Guile, Cammy, M. Bison, and Akuma.
This might be the only time I says this, but I like the mobile game better than the console version. I was a big Power Rangers fan when I was little and still have a soft spot for it (MMPR, especially). I've been playing LW pretty much everyday (in a way similar to Animal Crossing) since it came out in 2017...few mobile games have held my attention as long as it has.
I would love to have ME on Switch, I would buy it Day 1 and I absolutely mean that. But it won't happen. "We would love to put it on Switch". Yeah right, whatever.
I tried the demo because I was curious. To really put it to the test I chose the Enhanced Graphics option and it worked just fine. I had no problems getting in to play and the game was smooth.
What I did have a problem with was the demo for Control. It told me nothing about the actual gameplay, it was just walking around a building. There is no way I'm paying $40 for it in this form anyway, but that demo really turned me off it. Which is a shame because I was curious about this game.
If they want people like me, someone who is already extremely hesitant about cloud gaming to begin with, to buy into to it they need to change some things. First, they need to make it cheaper (or switch it to some kind of subscription based model when there are more games to justify it). Second, they need to make better demos.
I tried it. The demo for Control was a joke. Nothing happened, there was no gameplay at all.
It worked just fine though. I don't really like the idea of it, but it worked. Maybe if a game I really want comes out I'll think about buying it. Maybe.
I'm glad I never ran into this problem. Granted, the oldest cards I bought on ebay were Japanese Team Rocket packs and it was years ago when they were a lot cheaper (I don't really collect anymore). I bought the Japanese ones because you used to get a holo in every pack so there was no point in weighing them.
Anyways, yeah, I'm sure this was heartbreaking. Especially since it was for charity.
I've only played Asdivine Hearts (and i still haven't finished it...I'll get to it eventually, I think I'm pretty close to the end). I thought what I've played is ok.
Comments 197
Re: Nintendo's Next Switch Online Game Trial Is Now Live (North America)
I played the trial for a bit, it was fun. Not really a genre I play very much, but I might pick it up on sale eventually.
Re: Poll: How Many 3DS Consoles Have You Owned?
3 total. A blue original 3DS XL, burgundy New 3DS XL and SNES Edition New 3DS XL.
Re: Wii Sports Could Be Inducted Into The Video Game Hall Of Fame
@TioRogerio DDR is already in the video game HOF. I'm pretty sure it was inducted last year.
Re: Wii Sports Could Be Inducted Into The Video Game Hall Of Fame
@Breeze23 Just above MW4 is Wizardry. It is a classic RPG, one the first along with Ultima and Might and Magic.
Re: Editorial: Happy Holidays From Nintendo Life
Merry Christmas everyone!
Re: Final Fantasy 1 To 6 Have Been Rated For Nintendo Switch By The ESRB
Yes! Day one purchase for me.
Re: Rogue Legacy 2 Gets Surprise Launch On Switch Today
Awesome! I loved the first one...I first played it on Vita before the Switch even came out. I have it on Switch too though, and I will definitely be getting this.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 22nd)
I've been playing Coromon, Stardew Valley, and Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe.
Coromon is a pretty good Pokemon clone. I think anyone who likes the older games would probably like it.
Battle Chef Brigade is a neat little match 3/action hybrid thing. If anyone is curious about it, it has a demo on Switch.
Re: Random: Lucas Pope Jokes About Papers, Please Coming To Consoles In "2031"
I already have it on PC and Vita but...yeah, I'd get it on Switch too if it ever makes its way there.
Re: Poll: Do You Think Pokémon Scarlet And Violet Have Eye Issues?
@link3710 They didn't come out within months of each other. The first Digimon video game (Digimon World) came out in 1999 while Pokemon Red/Green came out in 1996. If you want to be technical, the Tamagotchi like toy that spawned the Digimon franchise came out in 1997, but does that really count?
But I agree that both were influenced by SMT.
As far as the eyes go...I see the difference but it doesn't bother me. As long as I like Sprigatito's final evolution, she's going to be my starter. Don't be like Litten, please keep her on all four legs.
Re: Editorial: Happy New Year From Everyone At Nintendo Life
Happy New Year!
Re: Video: Everyone Should Play Sin & Punishment
I bought the Wii one after playing the demo GameStop had up way back when. It is so fun, I'm happy I have the chance to play the original now.
Re: The Top Ten Best-Selling Games For Wii U, 3DS, Wii And DS (As Of September 2021)
I have:
8 of 10 for the Wii U. I don't have Smash or Nintendo Land.
9 of 10 for the 3DS. The only one I don't have is Smash.
4 (or 3 if you don't count Wii Sports) of 10 for Wii. I have Wii Sports, Mario Kart Wii, New Super Mario Bros Wii and Super Mario Galaxy.
6 of 10 for DS. I don't own either Brain Training game, Smash, Diamond and Pearl (I got back into Pokemon with Platinum after not playing since Yellow, but that doesn't count for this), or Animal Crossing.
As you can tell, I never had a thing for Smash. I've tried a few different versions of it and just never cared for it. I have a decent amount of Wii games (between 30 and 40 it looks like...yes there are that many that aren't shovelware)...looking at them I'm sad Punch Out isn't on the list. It looks like my buying habits haven't really changed as we go on the Switch, I have 6 of the 10 of those.
Re: Here Are The Top Ten Best-Selling Nintendo Switch Games As Of September 2021
I have 6 of the 10. I don't have Smash, Mario Party, Splatoon 2, or Ring Fit Adventure.
Re: Video: 15 Exciting New Games Coming To Nintendo Switch In November
Knights of the Old Republic and Shin Megami Tensei V for me. I'll get the DLC for Animal Crossing later.
Re: BloodRayne 1 And 2 ReVamped Both Sink Their Teeth Into Switch Next Month
@majorgear No, I was talking about the first Soul Reaver. XD
I do own the BloodRayne remasters on PC too though, they have been out since last year (they are called Terminal Cut instead of ReVamped). I have them because they gave them to you if you already owned the originals.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 23rd)
I've been playing a lot of The Outer Worlds. It is fantastic, I'm really enjoying it so far. I wanted Fallout 3 or Fallout NV (which was also made by Obsidian) on Switch and I think this is closest I'm going to get. I've heard it's kinda broken, but so far it's been fine.
Re: Stardew Valley Creator Reveals His Next Game, Haunted Chocolatier
It sounds interesting. I really liked Stardew Valley so I will definitely keep an eye on this.
Re: BloodRayne 1 And 2 ReVamped Both Sink Their Teeth Into Switch Next Month
@SmaggTheSmug It says it's "coming soon". That's strange, it was there. I own it on GOG.
Re: BloodRayne 1 And 2 ReVamped Both Sink Their Teeth Into Switch Next Month
@SmaggTheSmug I wish they would re-release Legacy of Kain, but I don't think it will happen. The first one isn't even available for purchase anywhere (the rest are on Steam and GoG). Something to do with licensing issues I think.
EDIT: Nevermind, the first one is on GoG! It wasn't last time I looked and its not on Steam. It was released last month it looks like, so maybe there is hope.
Re: Aspyr Is Bringing The Classic BioWare RPG Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic To Switch
I already pre-ordered it. I am so happy right now, I thought KOTOR wouldn't make it to Switch because it is an EA game.
Re: Video: Here's Digital Foundry's Technical Analysis Of Sonic Colors Ultimate On Nintendo Switch
Sounds similar to what Sega did with Sonic Genesis for GBA. A port of an old game that should run fine but doesn't with a superior version released just a week before (I think it was before? Or it was just after. They released one on the PSP very close to it along with a bunch of other Genesis titles).
I never played the Wii version of Colors (I had the DS version and it's different) so I'll still get it, but not until it's been patched and is on sale.
Re: Luna's Fishing Garden Is All About Fishing And Gardening, And Looks Charming
It has good reviews on Steam so I'll keep an eye on it.
Re: Slime Rancher's Switch Launch Once Again Shows The Sales Power Of The eShop
Thats very good news. I'm still a little annoyed that after years of going back and forth about it, I finally bought both Slime Rancher and Catlateral Damage on Steam...right before they were released/announced for my preferred platform. Ugh, lol.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (August 7th)
SteamWorld Heist and Puzzle & Dragons with some ACNH thrown in as always.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (July 31st)
3DS: Puzzle & Dragons and Style Savvy: Styling Star. I just started a new playthrough of P&Z. I liked it but never finished it...I don't remember why.
PC: Arcade Spirits. Two achievements left and I should be able to get both this playthrough. Also Death and Taxes. I've finished one playthrough so far and it is...interesting. You are the Grim Reaper and you decide who lives and dies. It's also on Switch and has a demo. That's how I played it originally, but I decided it plays better with a mouse.
Switch: SteamWorld Heist! What a great game, I wish I would have played it sooner. I might get to Cris Tales. I was going to play that when it came out, but SH grabbed my attention and I want to beat it first. Oh and ACNH, as always.
Re: Random: 'Switch Vs Steam Deck' Memes Are A Thing Now, Apparently
I like the idea of the Steam Deck but the games I tend to play on PC aren't always games that will work well with a controller or on a 7 inch screen. That's why I play them on PC.
I can't imagine trying to play a game like Sins of a Solar Empire like that. Even with a touchscreen, the screen is too small.
Re: Poll: So, Will You Be Getting A Switch OLED Or Valve Steam Deck?
Neither. My current Switch works just fine and I have a fully capable PC for PC games. Some of my favorite PC games won't work with a gamepad anyway.
If my Switch breaks, I'll get the new OLED one, but hopefully an actual "Switch Pro" will be out by then.
Re: Scalpers Set Their Sights On The Shin Megami Tensei V Premium Edition
@Timptation That won't work, unfortunately. People will hurt other people to get whatever collectable they want. A stampede to get to the item, people waiting outside to mug people for them, etc.
Re: Scalpers Set Their Sights On The Shin Megami Tensei V Premium Edition
I'm glad I didn't want the premium editions for either game (I just got the regular ones which are widely available) but I'm really sorry to those who did and missed out. As a former collector of amiibo and Funko Pops, I feel your pain. I didn't quit collecting due solely to scalpers (I don't need any more, same reason I stopped collecting plushies), but they do make collecting less fun.
EDIT: Also, please don't buy from scalpers. No matter how much you want something, it keeps them going and just isn't worth it.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (June 26th)
3DS: Style Savvy: Styling Star. I also went ahead and bought Rhythm Heaven Megamix so I'll probably be playing that too.
PC: Va-11 Hall-A. Steam is having their summer sale right now so I bought a couple things. The biggest one was probably Stardew Valley. Among the other things I bought (which include Halcyon 6 and Lazy Galaxy) is an absurd looking visual novel called Cat President ~A More Purrfect Union~. I saw someone play a little bit of it and...I had to. I have to know how silly it gets.
Switch: ACNH, as per usual. Maybe one of the games I bought recently like Steamworld Heist. I played some Mario Kart 8 yesterday...I might play more of that.
Re: Switch Error Code 2123-1502 - Users Still Waiting On Fix For Update 12.0.3 Issues
I get the error since updating, but I can still download games. I've downloaded three games since updating, two gave me trouble, one downloaded without any problem. With the two that didn't work right away, I just kept trying until it worked. I downloaded the second version of the patch, so maybe that has something to do with why it works sometimes, but who knows.
Re: UK Retailer GAME Is Giving Away Limited Edition Pokémon Trading Cards To Celebrate Euro 2020
Those prices...the Eevee is cute but not that cute.
Re: Latest Kemco Sale Discounts Nine RPGs Across Switch And 3DS
@way2easy I wouldn't call Asdivine Hearts "bad" necessarily. From what I played, I thought it was an ok RPG. I haven't played any others by Kemco though.
It's obviously not Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest so if you go in expecting even remotely that kind of quality, you're going to be disappointed.
Re: Poll: What Did You Think Of Nintendo Direct At E3 2021?
It was ok. I'm looking forward to the new Metroid, SMT V, and Danganronpa: Decadence. I might give the re-release of Advance Wars 1&2 a try, I've never played any of them before. I've also never played WarioWare, so I might give that one a try too.
Re: Poll: How Hyped Are You For Nintendo's E3 Direct?
Not hyped, but I'm looking forward to it. I don't really have any expectations because what I wanted most (a Final Fantasy 1-6 re-release, which SE did announce as Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster) is not releasing on consoles. They are PC and mobile only. The other thing I want (Fallout 3 and New Vegas on Switch) will not happen.
At this point, anything Nintendo does will be fine with me.
Re: BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites Will Make Its Nintendo Debut Soon
@Zeldafan79 This game was the last game, as the article says it came out in 2011, but the original two got a re-release on PC last year called "Terminal Cut". Both games got bug fixes, upgraded visuals and controller support. And if you already owned them, you got the new editions for free, which was nice. That was how I found out about it, I saw two new editions of BloodRayne in my GoG Galaxy library. XD
I didn't hear great things about this game and didn't particularly like the demo, so I skipped it on PS3. But this version looks like it fixes some of the those problems, so I'll definitely keep an eye out for it.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (June 12th)
3DS: Style Savvy: Styling Star. Nothing to say about it except it's Style Savvy and is good, just like the other three.
PC: I'm going to be finishing Va11 Hall-A. I'll also play some Arcade Spirits. I took a break from it but I'm back to getting all the achievements. They aren't hard, just time consuming. You have to play through the game multiple times to get them all. Maybe I'll play some Coffee Talk, Galactic Civilizations II, The Sims 4, or Sins of a Solar Empire too. Whichever I feel like.
Switch: Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance. That game is hard. I'm in the mines and there are so many sorcerers and archers. If you're surrounded, you're dead. Also ACNH as always. Maybe I'll get back to Borderlands. I originally played it on PS3 and didn't finish it. I now have it on Switch too and still haven't finished it. XD
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (May 29th)
PC: Arcade Spirits. Only five achievements to go. Slime Rancher was on sale so I finally picked it up, I might try that this weekend. The Sims 4 (my personal favorite of the series) maybe. Last but not least is Shadowrun Returns. I played that on my tablet (got it on Humble Bundle ages ago, I wouldn't have it on mobile otherwise) but decided to switch over to the PC version since I have that too. I don't remember when I got it, but it's in my Steam library with the other two so probably some sale years ago.
Switch: Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance. Super Mario 3D World, which I am so close to finishing. Oh, and ACNH like always.
3DS: I just got a new charger for my 3DS so I can play DS/3DS games again! I might try to finish Ever Oasis. I was going to buy Style Savvy: Styling Star, but apparently I already did. o_O I am going to play that.
Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite Game Boy Color... Colour?
I have the Atomic Purple one. I got it for Christmas (in 1999 I think) with Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, Pokemon Yellow, and Tetris DX. I loved that thing. I still have it and it should still work (I don't know why it wouldn't). I don't use it anymore because I have a GBA SP for playing GB-GBA games but it is still on my shelf.
Re: The Iconic Action-RPG Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Is Out Today On Nintendo Switch
Awesome! I played the PS2 version and wouldn't mind picking it up again. I also had the Xbox version of the sequel, but I never got to it. I hope they release that one too.
Re: Street Fighter Characters Are Coming To Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid
Not a surprise. They are in the mobile game, Legacy Wars, too (made by the same devs, NWay). LW also has regular Ryu, regular Chun-Li, Guile, Cammy, M. Bison, and Akuma.
This might be the only time I says this, but I like the mobile game better than the console version. I was a big Power Rangers fan when I was little and still have a soft spot for it (MMPR, especially). I've been playing LW pretty much everyday (in a way similar to Animal Crossing) since it came out in 2017...few mobile games have held my attention as long as it has.
Re: BioWare's Project Director Would "Love" To See The Mass Effect Legendary Edition On Nintendo Switch
I would love to have ME on Switch, I would buy it Day 1 and I absolutely mean that. But it won't happen. "We would love to put it on Switch". Yeah right, whatever.
Re: Review: Sakuna: Of Rice And Ruin - A Unique Farming Sim Which Requires Vast Reserves Of Patience
A 7 is good score for something so niche so I'm optimistic. I'm getting this for Christmas so I'll find out if I like it then.
The way some of you are acting, you'd think the reviewer gave it a bad review. A 7 is a fine score, says it's totally worth playing.
Re: Video: Does Cloud Gaming Work On The Nintendo Switch?
I tried the demo because I was curious. To really put it to the test I chose the Enhanced Graphics option and it worked just fine. I had no problems getting in to play and the game was smooth.
What I did have a problem with was the demo for Control. It told me nothing about the actual gameplay, it was just walking around a building. There is no way I'm paying $40 for it in this form anyway, but that demo really turned me off it. Which is a shame because I was curious about this game.
If they want people like me, someone who is already extremely hesitant about cloud gaming to begin with, to buy into to it they need to change some things. First, they need to make it cheaper (or switch it to some kind of subscription based model when there are more games to justify it). Second, they need to make better demos.
Re: Talking Point: Cloud Gaming On Switch – The Pros And Cons Of The Cloud
I tried it. The demo for Control was a joke. Nothing happened, there was no gameplay at all.
It worked just fine though. I don't really like the idea of it, but it worked. Maybe if a game I really want comes out I'll think about buying it. Maybe.
Re: Random: Live-Streamed Opening Of $375,000 Box Of Pokémon Cards Goes Horribly Wrong
I'm glad I never ran into this problem. Granted, the oldest cards I bought on ebay were Japanese Team Rocket packs and it was years ago when they were a lot cheaper (I don't really collect anymore). I bought the Japanese ones because you used to get a holo in every pack so there was no point in weighing them.
Anyways, yeah, I'm sure this was heartbreaking. Especially since it was for charity.
Re: JRPG Cris Tales Has Been Delayed To 2021
I enjoyed the demo so I was really looking forward to it. But if they need more time, they need more time.
Re: Kemco Discounts Six RPGs Across Switch, Wii U And 3DS For A Limited Time
I've only played Asdivine Hearts (and i still haven't finished it...I'll get to it eventually, I think I'm pretty close to the end). I thought what I've played is ok.
Re: Torchlight 3 "Coming Soon" To Nintendo Switch, But Won't Release Alongside Other Versions
I was looking forward to this because I loved TL2, but if reviews are that bad I think I'll skip it. Especially for that price.