Comments 29

Re: Video: What Order Should You Play Kingdom Hearts?


When kh3 came out my young son at the time wanted me to buy it as it was Disney worlds. I had never played any of the KH games. I started it and was pretty lost as far as the story goes. I tried to lookup summary videos and ended up even more confused. While KH3 was an enjoyable game to play, trying to get into any of these games as a newcomer is not easy.

Re: Super Mario 3D World


I bought a wii u on release day last year, My library now includes super mario u, super luigi u, blops2, ac3, rayman, pikman 3, nl, scribblenauts unlimited. Im in NA so I picked up mario 3d world( and link between worlds) on friday. The reason im telling you this is before this game my wife wanted nothing to do with the WiiU. She loved the wii and was addicted to mario party, mario galaxy, and fortune street. Since friday she has almost completed mario 3d world... good job nintendo on making something people who are not loyal followers want to play again. That my friend is what sells consoles. Because now she will go back to work tomorrow and share her experiences with coworkers....

Re: EA Outlines Its Reasons for Lack of Wii U Support


"What doesn't make sense is how he can say EA goes where the gamers are but then says they're working on games for PS4 and XBone, which have zero gamers at the moment." Exactly my point with risks, the gaming industry is no longer wanting to do original things, everything is money centric now. Do we need go back to the "games are art" debate!

Re: EA Outlines Its Reasons for Lack of Wii U Support


I understand the No buyers argument, its one many developers are using in reference to the Wii U. But the issue here is a catch 22, Nintendo can't sell systems because there is not enough games, and developers are refusing to work on a system that isn't selling. Its a shame, it seems big game developers only want a "sure thing", no one is wanting to take risks. Which taking risks and going outside the norm is what creates innovation. Which quite frankly the video game industry needs. How long before people get tired of FPS?

Re: Review: New Super Luigi U (Wii U)


This DLC is much more difficult then the SMBU, Although it is still very fun, some levels will have you pulling hair and looking for secret exits just to avoid them (.... world 2 mini boss castle!) All and all excellent add-on for the price. Would it had been priced at 30 instead of 20, i would be slightly upset.