The energy of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, one of the biggest crazes of the '80s, has endured for 35 years. Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird’s initially dark comic creations — later given a kid-friendly refashioning — spearheaded Turtlemania: a toxic-waste fusion of martial arts and mutant teen reptiles that swept the globe. Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello, their names cribbed from history’s most fabled Renaissance artists, characterised shirts, shorts, lunch boxes, and of course, video games.
Konami’s 1989 arcade release, a four-player scrolling beat-em-up engineered to bankrupt unwitting parents, was a dream come true for kids tall enough to reach its bulky, shelf-like control panel. It was hardly the fairest of games, but its sound effects, introduction sequence, and “Cowa-Cowa-Cowabunga!” coin-drop jingle have since matured into giddy nostalgia.

Despite Konami’s superior 1991 sequel, Turtles in Time, and variations on the theme on NES, SNES, Mega Drive, PlayStation 2, and Game Boy Advance, few have achieved the same kind of legacy — until now. Tribute Games, responsible for Scott Pilgrim and Panzer Paladin, amongst others, certainly hasn’t half-shelled it: TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge is the best Turtles scrolling beat-em-up ever.
In places, there are such strong echoes of Konami’s titles that it flies dangerously close to potential copyright infringement. At the same time, Tribute and Dotemu has gone to town with the license, cramming the enormous sixteen-stage brawl with a broad compendium of bad guys — many lesser-knowns snatched from the depths of the Archie comic book series.
Graphically, it’s a feast. There are no CRT filters for this pixel party, which some may find disappointing, but it’s so beautifully, exactingly drawn that it’s hard to muster a complaint. Every inch is crammed with detail, beginning inside April’s Channel 5 TV station before moving through New York’s backstreets and sewers. Familiar locations are rendered with fresh, loving attention to detail, gorgeous colour, and an authentic cartoon flavour, all strung together with great visual storytelling.

The zoo features awesomely cute, bothersome monkeys and rampaging animals; the Turtles blimp trails you while you hoverboard above sunny city rooftops, dodging incoming missiles; and certain sections feel like you’re battling it out in the 1989 Playmates sewer toy set. It’s crammed with comedic elements, too. Idle Foot Soldiers steal the Turtle van’s wheel, rattle Game Boys, and lick ice lollies, all before you disturb their recreation with a nunchaku upside the head. The sprite designs are purposely squat, but adorable with it, superbly animated and bursting with character, and the Turtles boast plenty of individual personality. Splinter’s elasticky, ranged-but-powerful repertoire is presented exactly as it should be, and April O’Neil is simply superb, snapping photos of downed enemies and hammering through crowds with a boom mic. Fan-favourite Casey Jones, dealing out big damage with his golf clubs, makes the playable roster a whopping seven once unlocked.
The stages have plenty of variety, although little is new. Bosses where you need to fling enemies into the foreground and obstacle-littered ‘Cheapskate’ skateboard rides are cherry-picked from past titles. Where it does work well, though, is the sheer number of enemies and how they attack, forcing you to continually apply different approaches. Bosses, too, are brilliantly designed and executed, with fun, engaging patterns and windows of opportunity to lay into them with a super.
Equal effort has gone into the audio, with Tee Lopes of Sonic Mania fame mustering a sterling soundtrack. The Turtle’s vocal quips are recorded by the original cartoon cast, and occasional singing tracks that range from rap-style beats to cheesy rock appropriately cement the tone. The chords and motifs are kindred to the original show’s idiosyncratic sound, as are the one-liners spilled while you thwack Shredder’s Foot Clan.
While the aesthetic is assured, it wouldn’t be worth much if the gameplay wasn’t up to scratch. Evidently, this is where Shredder’s Revenge comes into its own. The control scheme is a marvel of exactitude, squeezing everything necessary out of the pad while never becoming overly complex. You can charge-attack, dash, slide, double-jump, drop-kick, rising tackle, dodge, grab and slam in two different ways, and enact three types of devastating super attack, all in addition to your standard tap-combos. In tandem, this goes off like a dream. You quickly become accustomed to the move-set, which is cleverly adjusted for each character’s strengths and weaknesses, and then furiously mix it up. Only when you dash-slide into a Foot Soldier, launch into a rising tackle and drop-kick back down, followed by a dash-barge and additional juggles, do you realise how flawlessly taut the combat is. It may be combo and juggle heavy, but it’s all very easy to initiate. The result is a flamboyant, raucous Turtle-scrum, where you barrel fearlessly into enemy hordes, dodge-roll through explosives and out of clinches, and dominate the screen at ninja pace.
The formula works excellently for several key reasons. The dodge is a get-out-of-jail-free manoeuvre, its plentiful invincibility-frames making it integral to avoiding telegraphed weapon swings and projectiles, all the while closing distances with its optional snap-back attack. Additionally, extended combos and chipping near-dead soldiers before they hit the tarmac rapidly builds your super gauge, allowing you to launch into a dazzling proximity-based whirlwind of death that carves chunks out of boss health bars. If you take a hit at any point before the super gauge fills, it resets to zero (in any mode except Easy) requiring you to combo like mad, charge it in seconds, and then unleash its fury to buy a moment’s respite.
This economy works brilliantly, but at the same time, presents the game’s biggest conundrum. For this review, we took April O’Neil on a single credit all the way to stage 13, loving the risk-reward combo-building and the pressure involved in avoiding hits. The adrenaline simmers when you get into later stages, forcing you to act sharp with dodges and leverage the generous iframes that come with rising attacks. But, on an additional playthrough, we discovered that the shoulder button instantly fills the super gauge with a comical animated ‘meditation’. This partly neuters the need for harder skill-based play, since you can find spots all over the place to quickly recharge — and once you know the option is there, it’s impossible to ignore.
Still, while this does soften things up, it doesn’t diminish the quality of the experience. There’s an Arcade Mode on board, our preferred way to play, that’s as straightforward as it sounds. You gain an extra life for every 200 enemies dispatched, and it’s a nicely balanced, highly engaging playthrough on defaults. Kick the difficulty up to Hard — the go-to setting for beat 'em up aficionados — and the challenge is really on.
Story Mode augments the game with a city map over-world, where stages can be revisited to complete challenges, uncover hidden items and reveal character cameos. The system here features a smart peripheral RPG element, whereby you convert accrued points into additional health, upgraded supers, enhanced ‘Radical Mode’ abilities, and even extra lives. The aim is to incrementally power up the entire team while working through the collectathon objectives.

Multiplayer is fiendishly good fun, with up to six-players skirmishing it out with a range of cool team-up attacks and the ability to revive downed allies. And, although we weren’t able to test it online during the review period, you can party with internet-ready boys and girls at almost any point in the game.
Tribute Games are aware of a catalogue of bugs and glitches, ready to be patched day-one. We did, however, encounter a few not on their pre-launch list. Audio pops occurred now and then, and certain sound effects, like windows breaking, didn’t seem to be working properly. There are occasional frame stutters even in one-player, but these are so fleeting that they don’t really affect the action. Once, during a two-player game, we were left waiting up to three minutes between stages on a black screen, and then, during a boss fight with Groundchuck and Dirtbag, the game slowed to a 1FPS crawl before one of the bosses went underground never to return, ending the game. The worst of our fates was making it to the penultimate stage, only for an error to occur, the game to quit, and no recourse to return to our point of progress.

Despite these performance issues, we’re confident Tribute Games will smooth everything out, and it shouldn’t dissuade you from a purchase. Tellingly, these hiccups didn't affect our overall opinion in the slightest.
Two years in the making, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge is the best Turtles beat 'em up ever made, and a faster, better-looking, and more entertaining affair than even Streets of Rage 4. It looks delicious, sounds superb, and rekindles childhood memories beyond all expectation, time-warping you back to 1987. Its combat system is so much fun to mine that you feel compelled to keep coming back to try new strategies, and with its awesome multiplayer the experience evolves again and again. Like any beat 'em up, it does get repetitive as you enter the last third, but that’s more a fault of the concept than the game. Our only regret is that we didn’t use anywhere near enough puns in this review, so let’s close by saying Shredder’s Revenge is an unprecedented shell-ebration.
Comments 160
This looks absolutely stunning!!!
I already got this and the Cowabunga collection pre-ordered!!!
"Shredder's Revenge" gets an amazing score, surprising no one
Can't wait!
I can't wait to play this! It's so awesome that it released so soon!
Well I’m definitely hyped now!
Maybe i don't need the 90s arcade tmnt now?😆 I'm psyched.
Cowabunga! I hadn't expected any less for this game. I'll be getting it very soon!
So happy to hear this game is great. Can't wait to pick it up.
@WoomyNNYes You need both, trust me.
Already in preload 😁
Can’t wait until tomorrow - pre-loaded games are so tempting!
I absolutely adore the graphical style of this one, fluid pixel art is always fantastic. I would absolutely get this as well if I had the money for it because TMNT combined with beat-em-ups sounds like a surefire way into my heart. Can't wait to hear the music too because if there's one thing that can keep me invested in a game, it's damn good music (Streets of Rage 2 is the perfect example).
I'll be playing this on Game Pass (got a trial for it with my new laptop) but I'm still tempted to support the devs and buy it on Switch...
Oh, and it looks totally awesome!
Those bugs worry me, but I'm still really excited to play this!
Thank you for that tag. T-U-R-T-L-E POWER! My birthday is this weekend, so y'all know what I'll be playin'!!!
Definitely looking forward to this one. Thanks for the review!
wow wow wow!! this looks amazing!!
I already preordered it, and watching this has made me look forward to a random Thursday more than I can ever remember. Time to break out the old cartoon DVDs in the meantime.
Anybody know who did the art for this game?
I can vaguely make out who it could be.
Sounds great, but I'll be waiting for the patch that fixes things not fixed in the day one patch. The story mode with missions/objectives in particular sounds really fun.
I get bored with Beat 'em ups very quickly. But this being Turtles and having fond memories of playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game and Turtles in Time, I can see myself enjoying this one and seeing it all the way through
I was a witness. Get me a reporter.
Bought it last week, now I'll just patiently wait for Friday for an awesome turtle-filled weekend!
Glad I pre-ordered this on the eshop now, 10% off too. Was hoping to get out of the tutorial of Mario Strikers this weekend but doubt that will happen for a while now, Cowabunga!!!
Having grown up with the Turtles ever since the cartoon first aired here in Ireland (called HERO Turtles back then rather than Ninja Turtles) to when Turtles in Time came out I've been borderline obsessed with them so reading this Article just fills me with so much happiness. Turtle games have always been hit and miss, especially BattleNexus and Mutant Nightmare so I never in a million years expected a game of this quality.
Nice. Thanks for the review
I don't have the arcade nostalgia but I used to play TMNT on NES when I grew up with a friend many years ago. I really loved the CO-OP. It's not a mind blowing experience, but playing together was a blast.
Never played Turtles in Time but I've heard its a classic.
So this time around, I ordered the "VHS" edition from Limited Run Games.
Figured this would be one to hold onto for a while and pass it down to my kids when they will want to play with their friends.
May double dip on PC while I wait X months for the order...
The review score seems to be fan fanning to me.
Niiice tagline!
Me and five others gonna have a pizza party blast with this game during this upcoming weekend night. We're reliving the 90s for one night this weekend.
I'm waiting for the physical release but it has crossed my mind to get the digital one too.
Now if we can just get a live action TMNT movie which is similar in tone to the original 1990 one whilst also using Jim Henson Company turtle costumes then that would be great.
@Serpenterror That sounds sooo perfect, hope you have the best time! 🍕
I’ll be playing this for hours.
Nostalgia will probably get me to pick up a physical copy. I still remember playing at the roller rink, although I was never very good. Did much better at NES game.
Wow, that sounds radical!
I'm curious how many hours are in a single playthrough of this game?
it looks good, but I wanna know how long to beat before deciding to buy either physical, or digital. 🤔
Had to make the tough call. I want physical, and I don't want to double dip, so I'm going to wait. Turtles games have a history of vanishing from digital storefronts. I want something that will always be there.
Even though I kind of outgrew my interest in TMNT, this sounds like an incredible beat-em-up in its own right, license or no. I adored Scott Pilgrim enough to double dip on it, so this sounds like it needs to be in my library, especially with the Story Mode.
Game Pass version on my Series X tomorrow!
Switch & PS4 versions from Limited Run whenever they decide to deliver them 🤣
I'm glad I don't have to wait months to play this game day 1! And I'll have physical copies for the collection, whenever they arrive lol!
Cowabunga Dudes!!!!
@IronMan30 I got three months of Gamepass for $1 and going to play it there. I fully intend on getting the digital or physical version on Switch if I enjoy it (physical if it blows my mind, digital if I just really like it)
well hot diggity dog.
Gimme gimme gimme gimme!
Was there any doubt? Beyond excited whenever my LRG copy arrives.
On reviews usually I read only the conclusion, joys, cons and final grade, trying to don't get spoillers. That was enough to hype me even more than I was
@Serpenterror I did basically the same thing with three friends and a handful of arcade games, with the centerpiece being the original Turtles arcade game. It was so much fun. Harder to do that now with how busy everyone is and all that. But that was like a dream for all of us, to plow through one of the most iconic arcade games as a full team. Hope you have tons of fun with your group and avoid whatever bugs remain as well.
NEED GAME NOW! I’m glad I have this beautiful game preordered & pre downloaded from the eShop.
❗️GameCentral's Review:
This was going to be a day one purchase on switch. Then it came to gamespass.
Worth every excruciating minute of the long, long wait. Cannot wait to step on the Foot and then they’re gonna lose traction. Game of the century. Very nice review.
@Dualmask I moved on from the Turtles as a property pretty early. By the time Turtles in Time arcade came out, I wasn't into them. But at the same time, the Turtles tended to have great beat-em-up games so I never let the property get in the way of that. I loved the original arcade game when it was current and I was into the property, but I have loved it ever since for just being a good game regardless of the license. Same looks to apply here.
"More entertaining than Streets of Rage 4"... Them's fighting words 😄
Sounds great. I said a few times that the developers really looked like they were doing their best to treat the Turtles IP with the highest respect and wanted to get things right. It sounds like they succeeded in so many ways. There are a few things I wanted to mention. Of course I'll have to see how it feels, but I never liked juggling as a concept. So many old beat-em-ups don't have that and are great, though I believe Sengoku 3 has that and I love it. Again, it's all about feel. It's also a minor thing and would not deter me from playing this.
The bugs sound interesting. I remember them talking about the "meditation" before. It's a nice idea, especially for those who want less challenge, and I think that's how they spoke about it and wanted the game to be accessible to many. I can only speak for myself, but it's no problem for me to hold back on stuff like that, though I don't like limiting credits. To me, beat-em-ups are more fun using normal combos. X-Men is a good example. I try to use the mutant powers as little as possible.
I'd like to know a little more about the options. I would have liked scanlines as an option. But I want to know if screen shake is adjustable. It's not too bad in this game as opposed to others, but it does look like it gets annoying with stronger moves and in 4-6 players. I'd prefer being able to turn it off and am not aware if that is an option.
Edit: I saw a video showing the options and there is a toggle for the screen shake! A winner is me! I may be the only one or one of a few around here who talks about it, but I know it bothers others and am glad it's an option. I'm almost certain to buy this one in short order then.
Radical! All the footage till now indicated an excellent game, and I'm psyched that it reviewed well. Really, anything that comes close to replicating that Konami arcade magic on the original is an insta-buy for me.
AND we have the Cowabunga Collection to look forward to, porting all those arcade masterpieces and home console hits! We are in Turtle heaven this year!
But oof - It's going to be a long wait for my physical copy to deliver. ^_^;;;
Good to see beatemups hanging in there. I’m sure it’s a perfectly fine homage game. Stylistically it’s not what I’m looking for. Tribute games hasn’t appealed to me yet with their games.
Dunno when I'll get this because sunbreak is just around the corner....but I'm definitely getting it.
It is inaccurate to say Tribute Games are responsible for the Scott Pilgrim game. That's like saying Playtonic are responsible for Banjo Kazooie. It's simply not true.
I thought Casey Jones used hockey sticks, not golf clubs?
This review reads like it's second-hand. I don't doubt that the reviewer played the game, but it reads like someone is telling the reviewer deeper information so they can fill in the blanks for the things they didn't do.
It reads like a long-winded commercial for the game, and completely blows off recalling the major bugs and glitches in the "joy/con" section, which should be listed there, in summary. Color me skeptical.
EDIT: Thank you @Tom-Massey for taking the time to professionally address these concerns, consider this comment null and void
Turtle Power!
@norwichred So glad I remembered to check - I have an Xbox S just for gamepass. Saved myself $30. -=0
Cowa-freaking-bunga dudes.
Looking forward to giving this a spin. Thanks for the review
Already have this bad boy preordered and loaded in my Switch. Just waiting for tomorrow to come so I can rock it out. This is going to be awesome!
Very much looking forward to experiencing this latest, Juvenile Abnormal Pugilist Terrapins game.
Removed - spam
@BloodNinja Casey Jones uses a plethora of sports equipment including but not limited to golf clubs and hockey sticks
@BloodNinja I’ve been playing it for days with no assistance whatsoever. Yes, Casey’s hockey stick is what’s expected, except he uses golf clubs in addition to several weapons sprung from a sack. All these words are my own, and if a game is bad I’m the last person to hold back with criticism. For the review I ultimately cleared the game on default without using a single credit. That should illustrate the time I put into it:
@Tom-Massey I appreciate your response. Thank you for taking the time to address my concerns! <3
@BloodNinja Agreed on the skepticism. I haven't read the review in detail, but there are plenty of games that had Day 1 bugs that didn't get a pass, so I'd like to know why this one did. I want this game to be great, but games full of bugs don't sound like they deserve 9/10.
@Tom-Massey the "sack" is actually a golf bag I believe!
@IronMan30 no no no, this is a Nintendo Switch game!
You definitely need to get this for the Switch alone for the mojo!
@gcunit I am still left wondering why game-breaking bugs are present in a 9/10 game. I understand that it's largely based on the perception of the writer and player, but if I am aware of such a thing, that would diminish my personal enjoyment.
Want this physical so I will play on gamepass and get it on switch when the physical drops.
@Scrubicius I'm weird. I associate beat em ups more with Sega and I consider Xbox to be the make what would be the modern Sega consoles, so that's how I rationalize that (plus, my X1 collected dust and my XSX doesn't have many newer games). Still, having the option of portability would be cool.
Not a fan of Turtles, but I do like the genre and the devs have quite clearly created a masterpiece. It's therefore a day one purchase!
I am buzzin for this game!!
Yep! I'm in too! Looking forward to this one.
Think I must be the only person who really doesn't care about this game or come to mention it Turtles.
Ahh this sounds like a fun one. It's not high on my wishlist, but I'll likely pick it up at some point.
is there a limited edition physical release in the UK? or is it just the standard edition?
So glad it's not the Nickelodeon style turtle designs
Already preordered, but my only concern is that from other reviews it seems too easy at normal difficulty. I'll probably start directly with hard one.
Can't wait until my physical copy arrives!!
Still can't believe this is real. And a 9! Cmon LRG, ship my order!
I grabbed both the LRG Radical Edition and also ordered the Signature Edition Games Special Edition so I get it sooner while I wait for LRG.
Can't wait for both.
Aw, I came here looking for an edgy review full of half-baked "comedy" that ultimately calls the game "boring" and "not fun" for delivering exactly what it promises to deliver.
There is this Special Edition from Signature Edition Games that I have pre-ordered.
It is shipping on the 29th of July.
I've ordered off them before and they're very good and the quality is beautiful.
Here's the link
Hope this helps.
Looks good. Won't beat turtles in time, but looks good
I might need to pick this up a little more earlier then I thought.
The game is about the TURTLES. But the screencaps are only about April.
@IronMan30 that’s fair! But it would be like having TMNT on the Gameboy.
I thought was good adaptation on the go back in the day.
Sounds great, though I really want to hear how the online turns out because Streets of Rage 4 is super laggy.
its already on pirate hands
Con - can't control Turtle Van...
Does anyone have any idea when LRG will release the physical copies? I've preordered it, but I can't find an expected shipping date. I'm used to the LRG routine by now, but I feel like somewhere I had read that this will ship this summer. Perhaps that's just delusional and I'll have to resign myself to 2023.
Just watched the video through, great job to Zion, and of course Tom on the in depth review.
This has always been a no-brainer purchase from me, it was clear from the start it would be excellent. I'm waiting for the physical though, and while initially I was sad that the standard retail version wouldn't be available day and date with the digital, the talks of day 1 patches, bugs and glitches the team are aware of, and some of the hitches mentioned in the review sounding quite dramatic, I'm happy to wait for a "finished" game on cart.
I have 100% faith that the team can fix these issues. The attention to quality and dedication to make it the absolute best product it can be is 100% clear.
Is there a Hero version for UK?
I need to send my blue and red joycon for fixing and then I will have all the joycons in proper colors. Hopefully I haven't worn out the orange and purple ones too much yet...
So happy that we won’t be getting more stories hyping the game. 😉
Seriously, I am very happy for the devs and the fans!
It's 2022, the last thing I expected was a Partners in Kryme reference — first album I ever owned
@guest12345 If you are just after the standard retail version (which is not ltd edition but still distributed by Limited Run in some territories) the release date is currently set to July 29th. (source:
I'd imagine that the more elaborate sets will take longer to be shipped. However, often the reason they take so long from short run companies is they don't manufacture until they are all sold out, so they can get the bulk discount from the factories. This game won't have any problem selling, so the waiting time should be much smaller than usual.
And to anyone wondering, the standard physical edition of Cowabunga Collection is Sept. 30, 2022.
@Vivid_viking The ONLY turtles game I care about is TMNT IV. This one looks pretty and I’m happy the artists did the game justice, but it doesn’t look like it captures the magic. So, right there with ya
Can't wait for my physical copy from LRG to eventually arrive. Pre-ordered the Radical Edition to go with my pre-ordered Limited Edition copy for the Cowabunga Collection.
Ya I splurged, but it's TMNT so I was able to justify it... within my own mind anyway LOL.
@BloodWolfe I foresee a lot of people double (or even triple) dipping on this. Not sure why the Physical and digital release were staggered like this...if you want this physical you're just going to have to wait 😮💨
@Freek thanks a lots that’s a great help!
@CharlieGirl I've seen it mentioned that it's about 2 & 1/2 hours long
I absolutely cannot wait for this. What a love letter to the original arcade game.
@BloodNinja obviously you’ve not seen the original 1990 movie where Casey does use a golf club!
……and what’s with all the negativity, sounds like a repeat of your constant whining about Metroid Dread.
If you doubt this review go on YouTube and watch the SwitchUp review where it scores similarly brilliantly.
Sounds like you’re trying to p155 on everyone’s bonfire……just out of interest, when does your review go live?!
I wish the characters were bigger. Other than that I think it looks ok.
@Scapetti That’s correct, and plenty of random instruments come out of there. I was expecting the Hockey stick to be predominant too, but for some reason they took it a different route.
@BloodNinja You’re welcome. The bugs aren’t deal-breakers because they’re not at all guaranteed (I had plenty of play-throughs without a hitch) and Tribute/Dotemu are actively focusing on swatting all of them. Regarding the original 1987 cartoon magic, it’s there all right, and then some!
Sorry turtles, as much as I loved you growing up, I need more depth to my games than repeating the same combos over and over and over with no reason to go back and do it again.
Plus your new movies SUCK.
It is the usual 6 to 8 months from the 24th of July cutoff for the special LRG versions but for the standard it is expected to ship late July early August according to their website, this can all change obviously.
You can also order a standard edition from Signature Edition Games which is the same as the one at major retailers or you can order a very nice special edition.
Both are shipping from the 29th of July which means not too long to wait compared to LRG for their special editions.
I've ordered both, one from LRG (for the Radical Edition) and one from Signature Edition Games for the Special Edition so I don't have to wait to play it, plus I get heaps of totally awesome Turtle bonuses 😁
Here's the link for the special edition.
Hope this helps.
@Tom-Massey it’s not a different route, he does use golf clubs, watch the original 1990 movie and read the original run comics!
Just the way Limited Run Games versions are. Usually though the put games up a year or more after release if they sold well enough (look at Doom Eternal coming next month from LRG) so this pre-order going up now is decent so I'll take it lol.
Beside, you know what they say... good things come to those who wait. We'll it's what I also tell myself haha.
@DK-Fan I was seeing a mostly even balance between screenshots of the Turtles and April. Turns out, the screenshots change when I refresh.
yeahhhhhhhhh I love Streets of Rage 4 coop and i´ll love this one!!
DotEMU, please make a high quality Raiden Project (not Raiden Legacy poor quality)!
@BloodNinja are you not going to give it a whirl?
Looking forward to this game. Especially if the Archie Comics characters may be popping up. Super excited! I’ll be waiting for the physical retail,release however. Yes….it will be a very hard wait……
Somehow I just never caught the TMNT bug. At most I've seen five or six episodes of the old cartoon, never played any of the games or read the comics. Not sure this is for me. But it looks like great fun for the fans. I'll keep on trying to not suck at SOR4.
TMNT was my favorite entertainment property as a kid. The cartoon, live action movies and especially the games. So many great memories of sitting in front of the tv with my cousins or friends in the 8 and 16 bit eras and playing The Arcade Game, Turtles in Time and The Hyperstone Heist. I never lost the love I have for the franchise but the games, cartoons (though I did really enjoy TMNT 2003) and movies over the years have failed to live up to what this property was in the late 80s/early 90s. Thankfully the right publisher has come along, found the right dev and we have something again that lives up to what Konami once managed to create.
That's great to hear. Between this and the Cowabunga collection, it's a good time to be a TMNT fan.
Does anyone know what time we could play?
@lizardbish oof. definitely not worth $35 for physical.
thanks for the update!
@Andee First album for me too! I played it constantly on cassette on my little ghetto blaster. I work at an Indigo books here in Canada and they recently added “Spin That Wheel” to our music playlist. I was the only one who knew the song and where it came from. I said they should have picked “9.95” instead. lol
@Hackermon It depends, most often it's usually around noon or after.
@Serpenterror Obrigado
@Andee Glad you got it 😄
Yeah but does it have the song??? "Teenage mutant ninja turtles.. teenage mutant ninja turtles... Teenage mutant ninja turtles... Heros in a half-she'll..TURTLE POWER!" It looks like this one aaaand Cowubunga Collection won't have it.
Anyone who has the game, how does it feel using the Switch controllers? Would a D-pad be better?
@Magrane From what video I've seen, probably not!
Removed - flaming/arguing
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
@FatWormBlowsASparky Pro Pad or arcade stick recommended. Analog sticks aren’t optimal for this type of game, you need speed of inputs.
Very much looking forward to playing this one with the Hori RAPV stick!
End of July isn't far away and have Scott Pilgrim to play in the meanwhile.
Great review - it got me very pumped to play!
So dope! I'm amped for a new TMNT Game. Hoping for a variety in level design, some vehicular/racing stages (Turtle Van w/ Weapons, Surfing, Gliding), maybe some vertical/platforming to mix things up etc.
Also wishing for lots of cosmetics, costumes to unlock like skins, palette swaps and accessories along with a steady diet of new unique characters to the lineup (Venus, Slash, Spike, Casey Jones, Dimension X Teens, Oroku Saki, Hamato Yoshi etc.) + additional bosses, sub-bosses and transformations, maybe an achievement system too.
Hopefully this does well and inspires a resurgence & renaissance of cool, fun, new licensed arcade brawlers updated and coming to Switch with modern features (X-Men, Simpsons, Bucky O'Hare, Battletoads)... basically call Konami and others lol!
… Wun can only hope.
This looks amazing. Definitely getting this!
Thanks. I’ll pick it up for my PS4 then. 😃👍
@Laserbeak1982..... Haha, that tutorial turned me and my son off the game straight away.
It never ends.
@moodycat Just wanted to say that your avatar image seemed to perfectly fit the vibe of your comment 🤣 That does suck - especially with the physical delay lining up with some other potential masterpieces! Maybe not the worst problem to have, tho haha.
I honestly wonder if I’m one of the few people who know what “This is serious, so give me a quarter” is from.
This is not nearly as good as SoR4. Still good but much more shallow.
Double dipped on PC while I wait for my Switch physical VHS version.
Played Arcade mode for 4 hours straight with my friend. 2 hours just ourselves and 2 hours with +4 randoms. Great times.
Highly recommend
@CharlieGirl 2 hours at most
It's a bit repetitive once you get down to it, some of the turtles have issues dealing and disposing of aerial based enemies due to low range. After you've been through a few levels you've seen all there is to see... many enemies are just color swaps sadly.
Extremely short maybe 2 hours at most.
I know this is a foolish question but this game does have local co-op, doesn’t it? It’s not just online?
@Rika_Yoshitake thanks. I'm gonna wait for the standard physical edition to go on sale.
This is what makes Gamepass so worth it. One game like this month, plus all the other stuff u might like and it easily pays for itself…
@Tom-Massey Did I read incorrectly earlier this week that Archie Comics characters were in this game, from your review? So far all the ones I’ve encountered were based from the original cartoon……..
@Rika_Yoshitake this description isn’t different from the past retro TMNT games. ☺️
@thinkhector yes it does have the trailer song!
@Thumbsofsteel yeah you can play local or online or both at the same time
@Magrane I was under the impression that characters like Groundchuck and Dirtbag, Slash, Leatherhead (and even Krang) were all featured in the Archie comics. I could be wrong about that, but I thought that they often shared the cartoon/comic spectrum.
I know the Triceratons were actually from Mirage Studios and were much earlier, but if it's an error I'll have it amended. Thanks for your help.
@Magrane Cool beans! I hope this means that it also shows up in the Cowabunga Collection. The Cowabunga Collection actually costs MORE than this game, so they can't hide behind licensing costs.
While it is a well made beat-em up, when all is said and done, it is still a beat-em up, and with that comes all the cons of the genre.
Fun for one playthrough but not enough variety to come back to it.
@Tom-Massey They’re all cartoon characters. For sure Leatherhead and even Slash appeared in the Archie Comics (not Dirtbag and Groundchuck), but they were in the cartoon too. So yes they shared the spectrum, but I guess the way I read it was that it included non-cartoon characters (Armaggon, Mighty Mutanimals, etc.) so that made me think they really went all-out.
No worries; the article is great. Just a little disappointed on my end.
@Magrane Sorry, that’s probably my fault and perhaps I should have worded it to be more specific. I didn’t mean they were Archie exclusives. Sorry to disappoint on that front, but I’m sure you weren’t disappointed with the quality of the game.
Had a go on this and instantly loved it. Loads of fun!
@BloodNinja Because, plainly put, they're not game breaking at all. Calling them such is simply an overreaction. That goes beyond skepticism into a self-deluding cynicism.
@oknazevad Why are you replying to me with such nonsense? Nobody needs to see a comment like that. Think before you type.
I did think. I thought you were spouting nonsense based on obvious misinformation.
@Tom-Massey you’re fine Tom! Enjoyed the article honestly aside from my minor quibble.
I had to double dip on this (PS4/Switch). While this runs way better on PS5 with 6 players, the Switch having the option for 6 players locally is a sell for me.
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