A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Disney had yet to purchase the Star Wars IP and George Lucas was still somewhat involved in its ongoing success. One of the last major initiatives before the Disney purchase was Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, a multimedia project that aimed to bridge the two movie trilogies at the time. One of the pillars of this project was a planned line of video games that aimed to immerse players in the world of Star Wars in a way never done before, the first of which is now re-releasing for the Switch. Over a decade later, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is absolutely showing its age, but those who played it in younger years may want to give it a revisit just for the trip down memory lane.

First, let’s go over a brief reminder of which edition of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed this is, because originally there were eight different versions (remember the iOS port?) that all had distinct content and features, to the extent that some versions were almost entirely different games. This port is an upscaled version of the entry that released on Wii, which was largely the same as the versions on PS2 and PSP, but with the addition of motion controls and an exclusive PvP local multiplayer mode. While it does feel like a bit of a missed opportunity that there wasn’t an attempt here to create a ‘definitive’ version that would unite all the exclusive elements of each port from the PS3/360 generation, this is at the very least a competent port of the game you may remember from Nintendo's home console at the time.
The story is set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and places you in the role of a Force-sensitive named Galen Marek (AKA Starkiller). After killing Starkiller’s father, Darth Vader takes on the young boy to train as a secret apprentice he intends to use to help him eventually overthrow the Emperor. Years later, Starkiller’s days are spent being sent on various missions to track and kill some of the remaining Jedi still hiding out across the galaxy and to solidify Darth Vader’s position for when he’s ready to take his shot at the Emperor. The events that transpire here ultimately end up neatly bridging Episodes III and IV while establishing some interesting origins for later subplots, although it must be said that all the events here are now officially non-canon 'Legends' tales since the Disney purchase of the Star Wars IP.

Gameplay takes the form of a linear hack ‘n’ slasher, where you travel to various worlds and cut through a whole lot of robots and aliens with your lightsaber and force powers. Your lightsaber has a variety of combo attacks you can chain together while you slowly unlock a broader variety of force powers throughout the eight-or-so-hour campaign. Combat is competent enough, but doesn’t feel quite as satisfying as it should given that it’s nearly the sole focus of the campaign. You’re evidently wielding a super powerful plasma sword, yet it feels like you’re using a wooden stick when everything from Stormtroopers to Wookies usually take several blows to take down.
It doesn’t help that Starkiller’s repertoire of combos and force powers is rather lackluster, and there’s a strange kind of intertia to the combat animations that just feels off. Some attacks will feel like they should send an enemy reeling, only for them to barely stumble when it connects. Some attacks feel like they won’t do much damage on their own but send the enemy flying. Having that frequent mismatch between attack animations thus makes combat feel weightless and floaty. And though there’s a decent amount of enemy variety as you travel the galaxy, it doesn’t take long before they all start to feel like damage sponges that exist only to slow down your trip to the boss at the end of the level.
Killing enemies nets you experience points, which you can then put into an upgrade system that feels rather stripped down. Various attacks and powers can be upgraded via investing points into them, while you can swap out the crystals in your lightsaber to bump up the effectiveness of certain attacks. Given how easily most foes go down even with your base kit, the upgrades don’t feel like meaningful improvements. Still, it’s nice to have some limited agency over Starkiller’s growth, and the experience points give you a good reason to fight legions of foes that you could otherwise run past with zero consequence.
Unfortunately, this game was released during a time where many game developers thought that players love an action game stuffed with quick time events, so nearly every major boss fight requires one to finish them off. None of these sequences are too difficult to hit, but if you miss any of the prompts, the boss is healed up a little and you have to start all over once you get them down again. At best, these Quick Time Events are a mindless way to finish off a fight with a few button presses; at worst they’re an irritating hindrance that needlessly draw out the last minute of a fight. Either way, they don’t add anything positive to the experience.

To top it all off, the camera is often fighting you as much as your foes are. If Starkiller gets blasted back by a powerful attack, the camera has this weird tendency to instantly snap behind him, often obscuring the foe that just hit you. Sometimes it gets stuck behind various destructible pieces of the environment, temporarily blocking your view of the action. It’s not all bad all the time, but there are enough instances where the camera is goofing around that it becomes another irritating hindrance to an already shaky combat system.
Another major issue is that the level design is uninteresting, mostly sticking to a rote combination of hallways and arenas with no distinguishing mechanical characteristics. Levels are generally a matter of running into a room with a locked door, killing the requisite number of enemies to progress, then doing the same thing in another room. There’s some light platforming here and there, but nothing approaching a meaningful challenge, and puzzles are non-existent. Meanwhile, you can collect holocrons along the way that boost up your health and force powers or unlock concept art, but these are about as difficult to collect as picking up a penny from the sidewalk.

The problem here is that there’s not enough gameplay diversity to meaningfully differentiate levels from each other. Whether you’re running through the brightly lit halls of a Star Destroyer or across the treetop bridges of Kashyyyk, it feels like you’re merely redoing the same level with different set dressing and some reskinned enemies. Most games typically find ways to thrill and impress the player throughout the campaign by an ongoing introduction of new gameplay elements or enemy types to make each level feel novel and uniquely interesting. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed doesn’t do this. Instead, it’s content to be a one trick pony—a game that’s as wide as the galaxy but only an inch deep. Bashing away at foes and throwing them around with force powers is fun for an hour or so, but then you’re left wondering if there’s any more to the experience. Unfortunately, there isn’t.
In terms of its graphics and sound, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is simply okay. Some of the environments have solid atmosphere, such as the mushroom-laden surface of Felucia, but it’s abundantly clear that this is a game which was originally released on substantially weaker hardware. The solid frame rate, reflective surfaces, and higher resolution showcase that this is running on modern hardware, but the muddy textures, cheap animations, and empty-faced character models have aged poorly. Luckily, the soundtrack has aged well, and this one is packed with all kinds of stirring tracks that sound as though they’ve been pulled right from the movies.

It also needs to be said that there’s really not a whole lot of meat to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. You can beat the campaign in a little under 10 hours, and maybe add another 3 or so if you go back to collect everything. There’s always the exclusive duel mode to help pad this out, but it amounts to a relatively simplistic battle mode where you and a friend pick characters and then see who can spam force lightning more. Low replayability and short campaigns aren’t necessarily a negative if the core experience is well-paced and consistently high quality, but neither of those things describes Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
Ultimately, Star Wars games have come a long way since The Force Unleashed, with the excellent Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga being the most recent on Switch. While there's some limited fun to be had here, anyone who's played a more modern interpretation of lightsaber combat — Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order being the prime example — will likely have a tough time going back to 2008.
Is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed worth picking up? Eh… potentially. What we have here is a shallow, short, and rather mediocre action game that’s relying awfully hard on nostalgia and the popularity of the Star Wars IP to draw in players. Based solely on its own merits, there’s little here that’s really worth your time. Simplistic level designs, weak combat, frequent quick time events, and low replay value make this one hard to recommend. It’s got a decent story and soundtrack, but neither of these things are good enough to outweigh the negatives. If you’re just looking for another Star Wars game to add to your collection, this certainly fits the bill; if you’re looking for a high-quality hack ‘n’ slash, it doesn’t. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is simply a passable game; not one we’d actively avoid, but you’re not missing much if you choose to skip it.
Comments 50
Moff Jerjerrod: It's worth more than a 5!
Lord Vader: I hope so Commander, for your sake. Mitch Vogel is not as forgiving as I am.
Lots of nostalgia for this one from the Wii days. Really not great by any means, but it's still a mighty fun romp in my opinion (especially if you have a friend to try out the VS mode with)
This was a good game for its time but I wouldn't bother buying it again. I'll stick to Fallen Order Squadrons and Skywalker Saga thanks.
I loved this first one back on the 360. I wish there was more talk about the differences here. How different was the Wii version that this is based on? Most of the Wii library was crap - is that why it scored low? Because I feel it aged decently when playing the 360/PS3 copy
Got a complete copy for $5 back in March since I A) wanted to play the game, and B) was very impatient. I gotta say that I would give it a solid 7/10. It's not the best game that I've ever played, but it was really good fun while it lasted and totally worth the price that I paid.
Wasn't Wii version inferior to PS3/Xbox versions? Those had better graphics. I played it on PS3 and enjoyed it. Why remaster the inferior version?
There should be an option to play "battle mode" against the cpu
Jedi fallen order combat wasn't that great
Not totally surprising. I remember reading in Nintendo Power (wow I feel old) giving it a 7.5 back on the Wii. They cited how the best part of the game was the number of force powers you got and the Multiplayer was a highlight. They were kinda right. Seems that is still the case, but the game really loses its shine once you realize that the features that made this game niche and cool back in 2008 are now old hat. Jedi Fallen Order really brought Star Wars games into the 8th Gen with fantastic aplomb that going back to Force Unleashed on the Wii is really archaic and bland. Great for those who really are nostalgic for the game (I know I am), but for those seeking a great Star Wars experience they're probably better served with Fallen Order.
I'm more happy that this obscure piece of gaming history is brought to modern systems, but the force was never strong with this title.
@Dman10 Probably cheaper and easier. The Wii version also had that killer multiplayer mode. But, ehhhh it's a fine game and the PS3/360 game had different levels from the Wii version so they were like two completely different titles, but from what I remember the PS3/360- version had the more bombastic boss battles and set pieces. I'm not entirely sure why they picked the Wii version outside of maybe cost.
I’ll get it on a heavy discount sale. I wish they’d have remastered KOTOR 2 or even the rogue squadron n64/pc game into one perfect release. Maybe someday.
@Dman10 I don't know that I'd call the Wii version "inferior." Certainly in graphics and such, but the game was just different, but still good. To me, this was the right way to do a Wii port at that time - to play to the strengths of the platform and create something original. Ghostbusters took the sam route - the story was basically the same, but gameplay and style were totally different. In the case of GB, I might even say the Wii version is better! For Force Unleashed it's just different, but not in a bad way.
Loved this game on the 360. I just wanted to be an overpowered jedi/sith and that's exactly what this game gave me
Still have this game along with my PS3 slim. Haven't played it in years but I remember it being a fun little hack and slash. Not a game I would go back and play but it had its moments like pulling down a star destroyer
Still baffled they went with the Wii version and not the superior 360/ps3 version. I know it’s a common comment since the reveal but still a head scratcher in my opinion…
@Dman10 I liked the Wii version more than the pc version due to the motion controls, which was much more interactive force use tho, Wii version I finished, the pc version can't be bothered.
Considering that the only Star Wars action games we have on the Switch are way older than The Force Awakens and not nearly as good, I’ll take it.
So none of the NaturalMotion animation behaviours in this version then?
I recently completed both 1&2 on BC on Xbox and they are worthy of 7 if not 8s. Aged very nicely.
Was the Wii game a lot worse then? Or this reviewer just not digging it? - which is fine - just wondering how different they are…. If they are close to the Xbox version I’ll be all over it in handheld
@bertraar2 are the levels and the story the same as the Xbox/PS version? I really enjoyed the Xbox version and 5 seems really low for what’s a very decent action game. Unless the Wii is a very different game?!?
@Deltarogue yeah that low score worries me. The game i played on Xbox was worth a lot more than that.
@Dman10 The Wii version lets you play as Mara Jade, that's enough to make the PS3/360 versions irrelevant.
I had the sequel on Wii, and that was of fun but purely because I had the light sabre attachment otherwise it would have been okay at best. Also seems a lot of money, should have had 1 and 2
I had both the 360 and Wii versions, and they felt like totally different games.
Personally, I LOVED the 360 version (one of my favorite Star Wars games period), but the Wii version? Bantha poo doo.
10 hours seems like a good warm-up time killer for the kids so yeah I'm still picking this up. They may like this more than KOTOR.
@SwitchVogel Is this the version that has the opening level when you play as Vader? I don't remember if that was the Wii version or Xbox 360?
I would have ordered this from LRG but it seems like a game that is not worth to be kept as a physical copy.
@Tasuki Both of the 'main' versions do, but this one takes place at night, while the PS3/360 version has it during the day. It's later on where more differences emerge between the two in who gets fought and what planets Starkiller visits.
@SwitchVogel Oh ok thanks for the reply. It's been years since I played this game. Loved it on the Wii because of the motion controls. It was the game that opened my eyes to motion controls. So satisfying when you force toss someone as Vader lol.
When I see games like the switcher, doom(2016), mk11, dying light, etc, being ported over to the switch with nary a hitch; while older games, this, chrono cross, gta trilogy, struggle, I cant help but wonder "poor optimization/incompetent devs".."cash grab"? I mean who asked for this? I would rather have the older star wars battlefront games.
If it was a port of the PS3/Xbox version, I'd be buying. However, it is the inferior Wii version so nope, no sale.
@BrianJL @Wexter I wouldn't be surprised if the HD version comes later (branded as "Ultimate Sith Edition" as on Steam).
@Guitar_bard I agree. I’m a little surprised to see how many preferred the Wii version. I played it once and thought it was terrible in comparison to the 360/PC version.
@Rhum17 There was just so much of the actual experience that was missing on the Wii version! Combat was more enjoyable, beautiful visuals, flexibility of force powers and usage, epic boss fights, large environments, etc.
@Guitar_bard Definitely. The game on the Wii felt more like a “poor man’s version.” There were interesting concepts like the Utapauan sith, but overall it fell flat for me.
I enjoyed playing this on the Wii with the motion controls. I liked the story & audio as well. The quick time events during boss fights were a little annoying as I wasn't always convinced the motion controls detected angle of the remote properly (lol), so I may prefer the button presses for that! I'll probably download this for another handheld playthrough.
I had the second game too which was decent but it didn't resonate with me as much as the first one.
"Flawed fun"
@rmswriter The only good SW games are the ones before the Disney movies lol.
@Stocksy If you ever do plan on picking the game up, I highly advise waiting for a sale, as in my eyes the most this game is worth is $10
Should have stayed in the belly of the Sarlacc.
Shame they didnt go overboard with the silly amount of skins and DLC in other versions.
Sometime I feel like I'm the only one who wants space combat out of a Star Wars games. It's like no one, anywhere, at any level has had any idea what to do with this IP since TPM.
The only selling point of the 360/PS3 version back in the day were the graphics and physics - they had some pretty cool effects when force lifting people, or force pushing a door open. Without any of that, I don’t see much value in this outside of the Star Wars brand… which itself is questionable as the story isn’t canon!
This version of the game doesn't have the best graphics (as opposed to the PC/PS3/X360 version), but it has exclusive customization and presentation features that the other versions lack, such as lightsaber hilt customization and in-game cutscenes that actually show your custom saber and character skins.
It also features your starship as a "hub" in between missions, which is far more stylish and immersive than the other versions' pause menu.
Also, this game's story WAS canon until Disney's acquision of the IP. In fact, being canon was a selling point for this game and George Lucas helped development as a consultant to make sure the story didn't stray too far from the movies; the only thing that really doesn't fit the old canon is how overpowered the Jedi and Sith are in this game, but it's understandable from a gameplay perspective.
So, if you are a SW fan that prefers the old canon to the Disney canon, Galen Marek (Starkiller) is as canonical as Kyle Katarn.
I'd give this game a score of 6/10, citing some of the flaws this reviews points out, but for an old school Star Wars fan it's still a very fun experience.
I played/have this on Wii and PS3 (Ultimate Sith Edition). The Wii version was an absolute blast to play with motion controls (Force flinging Stormtroopers around), but looked horrible compared to the PS3 version. Plus that version had the DLC. It’s a shame they couldn’t take the best of both worlds to make the definitive version. Any word if the second game is coming down the road? I wouldn’t mind getting a two-pack of the series on a cart, like they’ve done for the other old SW games.
Is there anyway that we can get a lotr two towers remaster please?????
@Dman10 People who have played both say that the Wii version is superior. (Superior in this case meaning not better graphics but more fun to play.) The game can be fully played without motion controls, but that is a mistake. Playing with motion controls makes you feel like a Jedi. A Best Em Ups reviewer actually played the game without knowing there were motion controls and was gonna not recommend the game. But then discovered the motion control option and played it again. He said that this completely changed his opinion of the game.
Don't listen to this guy! The combat in this game is amazing (among the finest motion controls ever found in a Wii game), and the camera works just fine! It's certainly better to have a camera that snaps back immediately that the stupid, completely manual cameras that Nintendo uses in most of their 3D games.
Meanwhile, why the heck didn't you do a better job comparing this port to the original Wii version?! Most importantly, how badly do the motion controls suffer from the lack of a sensor bar? (Not that it matters to me, though, since I have no reason to double dip.)
@Dman10 Because the Wii version was actually the superior one! Yes, the graphics and physics took a little hit, but the motion controls are absolutely incredible, it has an exclusive campaign level and multiplayer mode, and the worst part of the PS3/X360 version (pulling down the Star Destroyer) is relegated to a cutscene.
@Tonythomas84 aspyr is a very incompetent dev that can barely port 6th gen games, let alone 7th
@marcelominucelli wait there isn’t?
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