Being from the UK, the name 'Rita' never quite sat right with us for Power Rangers. It sounds too much like Rita from down the chip shop, who might ask if you want salt and vinegar with that; or Rita from round the corner, who may or may not be a juvenile delinquent wearing altogether too much makeup. That said, Rita, the witch-like antagonist of the Power Rangers team, definitely doesn’t work in the chip shop. Too much makeup on the other hand…
Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind is a brand new belt-scrolling beat 'em up from Digital Eclipse, a developer better known for their retro remasters and collections in the form of Atari 50 and the recent Tetris Forever. Based on the original '90s incarnation of the show — a Japanese-American co-production that mish-mashed Japan’s Super Sentai action scenes with US-filmed actors — Power Rangers is a logical candidate to join the 2D scrolling beat-'em-up renaissance.

And it delivers well beyond expectation. Rita’s Rewind is a well-engineered project that stays true to both the source material and a realistic arcade blueprint. In terms of simulating the feel of the TV show, it’s right on the money, with top-notch presentation, pacy story interludes, and dazzling camera sweeps over parallax-constructed terrain. Musically, it’s sufficiently snazzy, reworking various recognisable themes in countless different ways, and there are CRT screen filters onboard for required retro vibes.
Whether battling off hordes of encircling putty men in a blaze of acrobatic attacks or letting loose with a signature special move, the feel of the show’s frenetic fight sequences have been accurately harnessed. Stuff explodes, blazes, shatters, and ignites, all while leaning heavily into the humour of it all: one-liners, fourth-wall-breaking comedy, and a Saturday morning playfulness that will rattle the inner child in even the darkest of adult hearts. The story itself hearkens back to the show’s genesis, with Rita having built a time module that transports her back to 1993. The original cast are then thrown into a time paradox conundrum where two Rita’s are simultaneously wreaking havoc in their timeline.
The banter between team members and well-known NPCs is all here, too, and while some of the soundbites are overly repetitive (“I’m just gonna get back up!”), one can’t but help smile at the many callbacks. The love is strong with this one, and, like Tribute Games' TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge, it feels like a product with dedicated fans at the helm.

In terms of combat, your repertoire is nice and diverse. You can grab, dash, dash and attack, double-jump, and come down from the air with either an angled kick or a vertical smash. Your punch combo routine is limber in that you can quickly swing it backward and forward mid-flow, allowing you to sock enemies coming in from the rear before returning to your point of attention.
It works well, in the sense that the screen gets excitingly crowded while you stay firmly in control. You can also bounce and juggle enemies off the screen edges, which is especially fun when you catch several at the same time, propelling your combo counter substantially. The most integral mechanic, however, is the dodge somersault, which is an absolute essential for certain boss patterns, cagey enemies, and incoming projectiles.
With all of these elements combined, the stage is set for some versatile-while-not-overly-complicated fisticuffs. Elsewhere, there are power-ups that will temporarily speed up your ranger and grant invincibility, and each character has a gauge-regulated signature special that gloriously decimates the screen in times of need.

It’s a reasonably challenging game, too, featuring tons of bosses with unique attack patterns to navigate. It’s both longer and tougher than Shredder’s Revenge on defaults, requiring active reflex and well-timed dodges to navigate its pitfalls, and all the better for it.
Were that all there was to it, Power Rangers would be a decent arcade-style homage to the '90s TV show. But, by stage three, things switch up considerably. The 2D side-scrolling format is suddenly ditched in favour of a dazzling pseudo 3D rampage where the Rangers, seated in their combined Megazord, give chase into the screen firing guns and missiles with explosive result. Here, you need to jump over obstacles, avoid lasers, and then go head-to-head in a Megazord fistfight against Goldar, dodging his fireballs.
It is, for people with a love of 2D gaming, nothing less than spectacular. Riffing on the look of Sega’s Super Scaler technology, which they used in the likes of After Burner, Out Run and Rail Chase, the whole thing really cooks. And it’s not a one-off, either, returning throughout in the guise of haunted theme park rollercoasters and chaotic motorcycle chases down war-torn highways.

The variety doesn’t quite end there, either. Throughout the adventure there are plenty of obstacles to destroy, some useful in smashing foes out of the way, others revealing life-ups and even character cameos from the show - and certain collectible mementos will give diehard fans a buzz. The time rewind aspect certainly isn’t just in-name, with Rita’s minions regularly throwing vortex machines into the fray that require speedy destruction. Failure results in a 10-second action rewind, requiring you to start the process again - but thankfully the damage inflicted to the machine carries over.
During the campaign you collect scattered coins, and between stages a press of the 'X' button will take you to the Juice Bar hangout where you can chat with NPCs for a little comic relief. There are three arcade machines beside the wall labelled ‘Out of Order’, but finding arcade parts hidden in various stages will repair them. Each offers a retro arcade minigame to play, and this is where those coins come in handy. We especially enjoyed the kung-fu chopping one, and they’re all really authentic score-hunting diversions that break up the action.

While Streets of Rage 4 had plenty of gamers sitting upright, it was really Shredder’s Revenge that kickstarted a renewed interest in the 2D scrolling beat 'em up, and Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind can’t escape some comparison. The tactility of the combat isn’t quite on par here, with Turtles feeling that bit snappier and more accurate. Rita’s Rewind is certainly good enough, but there are times when you find you need to slightly readjust your plane to land blows, with a touch of fuzziness around smacking certain objects and engaging grabs.
There’s also very little diversity between the rangers, who all command the same movesets. The only difference is in their aesthetic and individual speed and strength balancing. And, like most in the genre, it does become repetitive and could have used a few more enemy types to mix things up. The absence of wieldable weaponry, too, is always a missed trick where variety is concerned.
On the whole, though, there are few real complaints. Even though its replayability factor is questionable, those outstanding Super Scaler stages are a one-up on TMNT and just about any other scrolling beat 'em up in recent memory. Six-player multiplayer, as one would expect, is a predictably messy all-out blast, but there is no online co-op functionality at launch. This is promised in a future update.
Considering Power Rangers games have more often than not been middling-to-poor, Rita’s Rewind is a pleasant surprise. It’s been given a lump sum of love and attention from a development team at one with the source material. And, if its obvious polish wasn’t enough, it’s a game that really understands the arcade format and goes all out with dazzling Super Scaler action stages that work well to stave off the genre’s naturally repetitive nature. There are a few aspects to the combat that could have been tweaked, but with its humour, lengthy 15-stage campaign, multiplayer hijinks, and heavy-duty '90s charm, Rita’s Rewind is probably the best Power Rangers game we’ve ever played. It’s pretty Morphinomenal.
Comments 45
Putty Patrollers, not putty men
"There’s also very little diversity between the rangers, who all command the same movesets. The only difference is in their aesthetic and individual speed and strength balancing. And, like most in the genre, it does become repetitive and could have used a few more enemy types to mix things up. The absence of wieldable weaponry, too, is always a missed trick where variety is concerned."
THIS is what I'm most concerned about!
The SNES had different move sets for each and every ranger in every game!
Got it on PlayStation instead because of the online thing and still not found a online player to join. Game is awesome and even a good challenge on the easiest setting and there are higher settings which you may have tried to finish and failed a lot of times but you know your be back to give them another go with the green ninja.
As a hardcore Power Rangers fan and beat 'em up lover, I had VERY high hopes for this game and, sadly, I was kinda letdown in several regards.
Playing on Normal difficulty:
Ultimately, I lost 7!!! continues during one of the zord stages (Eye Guy's) and will likely simply restart the game on Easy Mode because of that stage in particular (since apparently spending all your continues deletes your progress/makes your save unusable). While a lot of what's in here is really, really good, it's not "Shredder's Revenge" level of good by any means and I wish Digital Eclipse would've focused more on the core gameplay as opposed to cutesy stuff like unlockable arcade mini-games...
It's not a terrible game, by any means. I am (mostly) having great fun with it, but it needed to cook some more.
Regarding the price - I definitely regret getting it at the launch price, despite the 15% pre-order discount. The level of polish it should have for a 35-Euro game is simply not there. I'd have gladly paid double that if it played as well as "Streets of Rage 4" or "Shredder's Revenge"... but it doesn't.
"Wieldable weapon pickups is always a plus in this genre"
Why is this a con? Am I to assume that wieldable weapon pickups are not in fact a part of this?
Thanks for the review, getting this as soon as I can to play it along the other Switch beat-'em-ups I already have (Shredder's Revenge, the TMNT ones included in the Cowabunga Collection and The Punisher in Marvel vs. Capcom for sure, maybe also others that I currently don't remember) when I have the time for them!
@Mach_Rider the lag for the rising attack is not just in the Switch version, plenty of people on Steam listed that as one of the issues with the game
I still chuckle at there being a high-adrenaline rollercoaster at Alton Towers called "Rita". Same goes for this. I just picture all the Power Rangers trying to take down the friendly old shopkeeper from Coronation Street.
Not quite as good as Shredder's Revenge but still a fine game nevertheless. My only gripe is the limited continue system but then again that's how things used to be anyway.
Getting the platinum trophy on nightmarish difficulty must be hard.
Shredder's Revenge was awesome, so I want to give this a try.
@Mach_Rider I am also a huge Power Ranger fan and I couldn't summarize the game better. The zord stages are frustrating even in easy. Also, I am not sure how continues work in those stages. I seemingly start from the beginning in those stages if I lose all my lifes which makes the system redundant.
@Sylamp I can confirm that the issue is present in the Steam Deck but, at least for me, it doesn't always happen.
@bones Like before with Shredder's Revenge, if you get the PS4 or PS5 versions, you could only do just 4-Players in multiplayer local co-op (for some reason Sony still lives in the 32-Bit era when it comes to local multiplayer), on Xbox, PC, and Switch, you could do up to 6-Players multiplayer local co-op. The only way to play up to 6-Players on the two PlayStation versions is to play em online and by doing that you may or may not be in luck to play with someone else cause the game had no cross play. That means if you own the PS5 version and your other buddies own the PC, PS4, Xbox, and Switch versions, all of you will never in this lifetime get to play online co-op together in this game. The only way all of you could play online together is if all of you bought this same game on the same specific platform so if you want to play online with your friends on this game for PS5, all your friends must also own this game and a PS5.
@Expa0 "The absence of wieldable weaponry, too, is always a missed trick where variety is concerned."
the fact that all the characters play exactly the same makes this a pass for me.
Seems good, but sounds like it could use a little polish and balancing. Hopefully it will get the attention that it needs to be truly great. It definitely looks great and ticks all the right boxes for the franchise. Sprite artwork looks awesome!
I was 10/11 when POWER RANGERS released in the States, so was just out of the intended demo.
However, I did watch the Green Ranger Saga and love Tommy. Sooooo.... I guessss.....
I know people want to bring back and play the Konami style arcade games, but a pleasing 2D presentation isn’t where those games stopped. It’s a tough task to match the tactile feel and cadence of those stick and two buttons games even with today’s unlimited computing power by comparison. But maybe that was the trick..
Are Bulk and Skull playable?
@Mach_Rider «The game is definitely NOT properly balanced for a single-player experience.»
Oof. ± the same issue was with the Scott Pilgrim beat 'em up.
That might happen when you localize a cultural product. Although Rita is quite a popular name in Brazil (especially among 40-year-olds and older), the name was used in our localization, too, and in my opinion it matches the villain perfectly.
But since her original name is Bandora, I don't get why they didn't use something like Pandora, for example.
Great to know the game performs and plays well. Let's get it soon!
Power rangers was a bit beyond my childhood years so i always thought it was kinda corny. My thing was TMNT and before that Voltron/Transformers.
Now if someone wants to make an awesome Voltron or Transformers beat em up I'd be all over that!
does this game mean I get together with some friends and play while drunk. Hell yeah...will I be playing this game solo...maybe just maybe.
8/10 seems really high for a beat em up with essentially one character and no weapons...
If Digital Eclipse gets the chance to do a sequel, I hope they'll be allowed to include characters from other Power Rangers shows.
@OldManHermit I don't think Bulk and Skull or Minh, Rocky, Adam, Aisha, Alpha 9, and Kat would be playable. It's only just the six OG rangers that's playable.
@-wc- the "cons" listed are pretty hefty overall, was surprised with the 8 as well
Love me a classic style beat'em up. But really not interested at all in this license specifically. I didn't like this show back in the day, and still have no interest in it.
Power Rangers more or less passed me by, but I do enjoy a fun side-scroller, so this will likely be a mid-tier pickup-on-sale item.
I was interested cause it looks so similar to shredders revenge but the price & my never being a fan of power rangers scared me off. If it was Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills it would be a day one.
I never watched the show but grew up playing the games on the SNES. They were decent beat em ups back in the day and I'd probably wait for a sale before picking this one up.
I haven't played it and probably won't, because the nature of a beat-em-up is that it has a variety of characters that play differently, and that doesn't seem to be the case here. It sounds like all the characters are basically just palette swaps. I get why that is when it comes to Power Rangers--wouldn't want a kid to not want to play as their favorite Ranger just because they might be too slow or too weak--but as a beat-em-up game it could have benefited to mix the characters up a bit.
Sounds like a fine Rangers homage, but a lackluster brawler.
I think it's a regression from their last game. The characters feel all samey, which makes the game (beat em up are usually a bit repetitive by nature) REALLY repetitive. Also, the 3D sections suck.
I loved MMPR growing up. So far, I think the game is solid, but it definitely has some issues with some insane difficulty spikes. I consider myself decently skilled at most games, but there have been several areas where the difficulty seems to spike out of nowhere. The zord levels are probably the worst offenders as they are incredibly chaotic even on easy mode, but the final stage of the Bones boss fight is also fairly frustrating as you are tasked with fighting an incredibly small target that zips around the screen at speeds far beyond what your ranger can move at. It's not a bad game overall, as most of the time it is really tight and fun, but when these spikes come up, they do take away from the experience. I agree with some of the other users here that the game doesn't seem to be balanced for single players at all. I'm currently about 60% through my first playthrough of the game, but so far I would probably give it a 6.5 to a 7.
I'll pick it up for half price or less at some point, as this is a colossal letdown as someone who grew up with Power Rangers and not TMNT, so I couldn't enjoy the references of Shredder's Revenge. The Rangers playing the same is inexcusable when they each have a unique weapon, even if they wanted to keep it simple. If anything having different stats is just bad at that point, because eventually people are just gonna find out one or two Rangers are the best stat-wise and not wanna touch the others. The lack of enemy types is also weird, as unlike the costumes on the show, you can copy-paste sprites. It even feels like a missed opportunity for cheesy jokes commenting on the increasing weirdness and complexity of the new Putties compared to the usual ones. Hoping this ends up feeling like a different game six months from now, but if this is it, that's such a letdown.
@Truegamer79 I've been saying there's untapped potential in a G1 Transformers Beat 'Em Up. Transforming between robot and vehicle would allow for very creative Combos, Bosses, Stages, & Stage Hazards, as Transformers Devastation proved with the Bayonetta formula.
@WhiteTrashGuy Full, confession - I was a tad older than that, but I still watched it in those early days. Of course, I liked a lot of that Japanese stuff too, so giant monsters and mecha ticked the boxes. Sure it was cheesey, but fun! A lot of kids in my school appreciated it.
Love Transformers devastation! Never got that sequel i was hoping for either. Definitely an underrated gem!
The lack of variety between character move-sets is the main reason I will wait for this one to go on sell. It certainly looks fun.
@Truegamer79 Fingers crossed it's one of/part of the 2 Transformers projects leaked from Microsoft, even if it's just the original getting re-listed so more people can experience it.
I really liked the 2017(?) reboot (except for the finale). The characterization were solid. Wish they got a sequel with Tommy!
Cool review!
Is there a physical version of Power Rangers Rewind? If not, I will wait for one like I did for TMNT Shredder's Revenge.
I was only mildly interested in the MMPR back in the day, but this game might be something I have to try!
@LadyCharlie that was exactly my thought. Horrible decision on their part
Yes it’s in the review:
“ The absence of wieldable weaponry, too, is always a missed trick where variety is concerned.”
The level of detail and variety is quite impressive. In a sense, it’s not dissimilar from the original Turtles arcade game - the rangers differ in things like speed, strength, and the moves have varying animations. It’s just the routines that are essentially the same.
But the game plays well and the super scaler stages are quite something, and that elevates it considerably. I’ve noticed several people here complain that the Zord (super scaler) stages are too tough, but I didn’t have a problem on them at all on defaults. There’s a functional jump/dodge for all of these sequences except maybe the rollercoaster, and careful reflex will get you through them well enough.
I should add that while I agree with comments saying the difficulty is a little uneven, I honestly didn’t see a game over screen until toward the end of the game. Chunky Chicken is a **** of a fight, but you just need to be dodging all the time until he stops the portal antics. Remember to use your super attacks when charged!
I felt for a default, normal, middle of the road, totally average difficulty setting that’s neither too easy nor too hard, it wasn’t badly pitched or frustrating. But I do agree having experience with the genre and various arcade archetypes is going to help a lot.
The game also has another huge problem that seems to be affecting people, me included - once you beat it, chances are your save might become corrupted and afterwards, every time you select a save slot or character or try to change the CRT filter, the game just crashes.
Happened to me after beating the campaign in a single sitting and the issue has affected all my save slots.
Reinstalling the game did not fix it. Apparently, a patch for the issue is already out on PS, but not on Switch...
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