Have you ever wanted to receive text messages from the Doctor Who universe?
No, us neither. That’s not to diminish the long-running sci-fi telecast as a whole; more of a sad acknowledgement that its current incarnation perhaps doesn’t represent the programme at its best. We were surprised, then, to find that Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins is quite possibly the best Doctor Who game ever made. Although, admittedly, that isn’t exactly a difficult feat to achieve given the series’ relatively bereft history with the medium.
While the “found phone” genre isn’t brand new, it feels remarkably fresh here, and is a very smart way to bring the player into the Doctor Who universe; your character isn’t named or gendered, so it’s effectively you. Your Switch becomes a mobile phone, either set in the middle of the screen and controlled via cursor using the stick and buttons, or – more intuitively – turned sideways and used like an actual phone (albeit a massive one – pretend it’s the late '80s or something). The latter is the most absorbing way to play — any means of playing this game besides a touchscreen is a step down. The option to play on the TV is welcome, but it’s clearly designed for play on smartphones.
Contacted by UNIT’s Petronella Osgood, you’ll need to navigate the phone’s various apps to solve the mystery of a missing person, as well as keep tabs on The Doctor themselves. You’ll examine text messages, flip through and zoom in on photos, listen to recordings… almost anything you’d do on a regular phone. This makes the interface very intuitive, though there are some overtly “gamey” moments where certain files and functions will “unlock” as you progress, which never feels as natural as it should do.
Of course, you’re not going to solve this one without some friction, as the absolutely terrifying Weeping Angels – best known for the episode “Blink”, to which this game is a direct sequel – will be on your trail throughout. Their pervasive influence and some quite frankly excellent writing make this game genuinely frightening in places; this writer is slightly embarrassed to admit he nearly threw his Switch across the room at one point thanks to a brilliantly simple scare we won’t spoil.
There are puzzles to solve in the two-hour or so duration of The Lonely Assassins, but they’re not too taxing – a notepad might be useful to keep track of certain details, but the game’s interface is intuitive enough that you should find yourself breezing through. You’ll want to, as well, because this is probably the best-presented Doctor Who narrative we’ve seen since the Moffat years; certainly superior to anything from Chris Chibnall.
Making The Doctor a background character was a stroke of genius in making the cast (and you, the player) seem vulnerable – much like “Blink”, there’s a real sense of atmosphere to this game. It’s so well done that it almost seems effortless, with only its short length and a few less organic moments of the introductions to new mechanics clashing with the necessity for the narrative to move forward. Overall, though, it’s easily, comfortably the best Doctor Who game we’ve ever played – yes, even better than Dalek Attack on the Amiga. So good, you won’t want to blink. But you should, or your eyes will crust over.
Can we have a “Ghost Light” game next, please?
Comments 45
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I'm a bit annoyed this is more expensive on Switch than on PC or mobile but I'm a sucker for Doctor Who so I'll be sure to get it anyway.
Ah one of these games. From Kaigan? I might as well buy it. I did enjoy Sara is missing so I might try this
I though it was one of those mobile game ports until i saw the score
I agree it’s the best standalone Doctor Who game made to date.
I still feel however that the LEGO Dimensions level pack was the best take on Doctor Who in a video game ever. I would love TT and LEGO to make a full blown standalone Doctor Who game, if the attention to detail and love from Dimensions was put into it.
@Bentendo1609 I so wish I got Lego Dimensions at the time. It’s just a hassle to get hold of now!
As far as my non-native knowledge of English goes, "remarkably" has to be the most British adverb ever heard. I mean, usages in American English are fewer and farther between as far as I heard.
@nessisonett if you can it’s worth it, the sheer amount of content through the level and story packs is phenomenal. The level of attention to detail is mind boggling, and there are entire franchises like The Flintstones and Red Dwarf that have entire levels hidden as Easter Eggs. Just brilliant. The fact we didn’t get the final year of expansions was such a shame.
It is a good game but I find your dig at Chibnall just annoying.
It seems it is "cool" to criticize Chibnall's time on the show despite so many people, including me, absolutely loving it. There are so many standout episodes including The Woman Who Fell to Earth, Rosa (co-written), Resolution, Spyfall, Fugitive of the Judoon (co-written), Ascension of the Cybermen, The Timeless Children, and Revolution of the Daleks. To be honest, I would say many of these episodes were better than this game.
Almost every single article about DW has to have some sort of dig at Chibnall and I really want to know why. This article certainly didn't need it.
oh sweet i'll 100% be grabbing this at somepoint then, love doctor who
I mean, without wishing to delve too off topic (the game, at least the steam version, was enjoyable for what it was), there's also a significant number of people, myself included, who think that the standard of writing for the show has slipped since Chibnall took over. You're perfectly entitled to your opinion on it; if you enjoy it, more power to you, but equally Stuart is perfectly entitled to his opinion on the matter. Just because you like it, doesn't mean he's not allowed to voice his opinion on not liking it.
It's a review anyway, much of what is written is an opinion about whether he thinks the game is good or not.
Wow, happy to read this review. I love Doctor Who (well maybe not some of the most recent episodes, though Whittaker is great, there is only so much she can do with awful scripts) and saw this game on the eShop and thought it was another franchise tie in cash grab that must be trash. Now I will probably get it.
@TheXReturns It just wasn't needed in this review, especially the "certainly" part. I could find a significant number of people that dislike almost everything. That doesn't mean we should write that something is "certainly" better than something else, mostly because it isn't certain. I am fine with people disliking Chibnall's time on the show but I'm not fine with people acting as if no one likes it and I'm not fine with people acting as if there weren't significant numbers of people disliking other showrunners on the show.
@lighteningbolt79 @TheXReturns For what it’s worth, I really hated Moffat’s run. It stands to reason that people like and dislike various showrunners, that’s how opinion works. The ones that aren’t into Chibnall are massively vocal however and like many other similar deals, any valid criticism is hard to separate from the nonsense abuse Jodie received when she was first announced. I’m not a fan at all of the Timeless Child saga but it doesn’t really bother me that much considering we haven’t seen it pan out fully.
2 hours for $12.99 is steep for me. Seems fun for $5 or less
Obviously I'm not the writer, and I don't wish to speak for them, but I don't view his sentence as anywhere near a statement of "everyone hates the Chibnall era", but instead an opinion that he, personally, considers it better than anything written in the Chibnall era. It would be different if it was a sweeping statement, like "as anyone can agree, it's better than anything put out by Chibnall", which I would agree would be a bit over the line, but as it stands, there's nothing wrong about a personal opinion.
@nessisonett There's parts of Moffat's run that I do like, and parts that I don't. Revived Season 7b, and fair chunks of 8, I personally find to be pretty awful across the board. Generally, I'd say his time as showrunner was my preferred period of the revival era, but I can very well see how someone would dislike it.
I completely agree how the abuse that Jodie got when she was announced was utterly disgusting, especially the amount of hate before she was ever actually on air; and I think it set the scene moving forwards. It's an issue of intolerance, really. Some people refuse to listen to any criticism, as they've conflated it with the personal attacks on Jodie, and others refuse to accept that there are any good parts of the show, because they're allowing their inability to get past their own hatred.
I perfectly stand by my opinion that I think the average standard of writing on the show has slipped, particularly in their inability to trust in the children in the audience not to need every last detail spelled out (something that my young cousin gets rather frustrated at), but I'm equally able to appreciate the good that does come. Demons of the Punjab is, to my mind at least, a well written and put together episode, and all but the last 5 or so minutes of The Haunting of Villa Diodati is fantastic.
I just wish opinions on both sides weren't mired with intolerance.
@TheXReturns Absolutely yeah, both sides are finding it hard to argue about the actual content of the episodes but then that’s been true of ‘geek culture’ for many years! The Haunting of Villa Diodati really stood out to me too, it was definitely a good one even if a little silly at the end. I think they definitely have good ideas but just can’t quite nail the landing. But then I’m still quite excited for it to be back on screen, I keep getting sucked in so they’re doing something right!
@elias84631 it is, you can get it on phones.
@elias84631 I mean it IS a port of a mobile game technically. But turns out it fits and runs well on Switch so yeah, good job on Kaigan , I guess
It IS an amazing game BUT I don't understand why you would get this much more expensive version when it's cheaper on your phone and the game pretends to be a phone interface anyway?
I do enjoy Chibnall's run but I totally respect and understand those who don't enjoy the writing as much.
❗I'm actually playing through this after finishing a few 'ACA Archive Arcade' Games.
Doctor Who Legacy was my all time favorite Doctor Who game but sure, I'll give this a try.
Does this thread need a link to Jay Exci’s incredibly in-depth critical review https://youtu.be/o8_A7n83Rh0 of the Chibnal era? Because as far as five hour honest reviews go from a transgender media critic, it doesn’t get much better than this.
Edit: the game looks dope as hell, though I’ll wait for a sale.
Is "the best Dr. Who game" the same as "the best Aquaman game"? 😉
Sounds interesting. Not $12.99 interesting, but I'll look into it.
I'm a few seasons behind, which pretty much aligns with when Jodie starts. This thread peaks my interest enough to want to catch up...
@lighteningbolt79 if you enjoy, fair play to you, I gave up after Spyfall part 2 as I really didn't enjoy season 11 and the opener to 12 didn't look like it wasn't going to attempt to fix many of the problems me and others had.
Honest, I recently rewatched the whole Matt Smith run and a bit of Capaldi run and found it aged fairly well for an era I had not rewatched a lot since BBC 3 was no longer its own channel and had reruns of them. I know that era wasn't for everyone but I loved it and the quality most of the time seemed movie quality, hell some episodes were even shown in cinemas.
But I digress, at the very least I thought Jodie was fine in the role, it's just the writing and very little care to make characters like the companions interesting or make us care when something happens to them. Even reading about events like the Timeless Child seemed very anti-DW fanbase than embracing it as a whole. Still, we are getting a new showrunner after next year, so maybe I and others can find it enjoyable again. If not, there's always the blu ray boxsets of the older seasons to come and this game.
It’s a shame we can’t have a fun game without the comments devolving into a argument about the shows quality
It's hard NOT to discuss Doctor Who and make some points about the show's current level of quality. Just be civil. I'm not going to attack someone for loving an era of Who that sent me jumping ship
It's a decent enough game, I played it the night it came out on Android, but it's definitely not the best Doctor Who video game. There are plenty of others I'd put higher than this, The Eternity Clock for a start (although the unresolved cliffhanger ending still annoys me). The Edge Of Time is also pretty good too. As for lost phone games, this was a fun little one, due to tying in to my favourite media franchise, so I was happy with it.
Last DW Game I put a dime on was a total train wreck. On vita. Please forgive me
@Gwynbleidd Out of wonder, is your language Welsh? Are there many games localised in Welsh?
@Bentendo1609 There's Lego Red Dwarf?!
At long last, a good Dr Who video game.
I'll definitely pick this up.
Thanks for the review.
@TryToBeHopeful as an Easter Egg in LEGO Dimensions there is. If you use the TARDIS in a select location in the Fantastic Beasts story, you land in the Series XI bunk room and find Bob and Madge there, along with a few corridors and the medi lab.
@TryToBeHopeful Gwynbleidd is what elves call Gerald in The Witcher, I think. The poster’s location says they’re in Italy, so I’m guessing this game hasn’t got an Italian option
What a load of tosh , this game is , just like the current Dr who. This is one for the bargain bin😉😉
@Gwynbleidd Yep that's fair enough. I'd expect all the big 5 Eurovision languages to be supported! (I'm a quarter Italian myself!)
I see someone's an Eccleston fan. He was my favorite Doctor as well, shame his run lasted only one season.
@Dogorilla same price on Xbox, tho, except it was cheaper for a while, like $9, while it was full $12 on Xbox the entire time.
On another note, I'm glad to hear this is good. I want to get it & play with my mom, because she loves dr who, but not video games. Maybe i can convince her how fun they can be with this.
@Vonsparrow current dr who isn't bad. It's nowhere near as good as the older ones, but 13th doctor isn't horrible, imo. It's all we have, so it's better than having nothing, imo.
@lighteningbolt79 agree, i was biased against the current dr before it began airing, as was my mom, but we watched every episode together & have both enjoyed it, actually. I mean, we don't have the option of this dr, or another. We have this one, or nothing, and i think it's much better/more interesting, than not watching, personally. Sure i like most, if not all of the other doctors better (there's 1 that lasted 1 season that I don't like better, the 1at season available on HBO max, i don't know the season or actor off hand. Tom baker was my favorite, fwiw), but it's still worth watching, IMHO.
@Dogorilla supply and demand. the switch is a hit and switch gamers will pay higher. lol
@nessisonett after the most recent 6 episodes, i have to agree that it's atrocious (since we've seen it mostly pan out now). I was willing to give it a shot, as i liked many of the Whittaker episodes, but wow. Those were really really bad, IMO.
@twztid13 Not all of it was bad, just the overall plot stuff. The episode with the Weeping Angels was brilliant I thought, and some of the rest had decent characters. It just feels a little unfair with the current vitriol towards her when 5 and 6 had just as many awful episodes, even 7 too.
@Bentendo1609 WAIT!!! So I never looked online for strategy about Lego Dimensions, I found the flinstones, but never found Red Dwarf.... I'm going to have to go dust off the Wii U!
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