We were somewhere around 20 hours into Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, on the edge of thinking, 'This is all very familiar,' when the really feeling it began to take hold.
As fun as Xenoblade Chronicles X is in its opening six chapters — and it's up there with the rest of the series in this regard — things only really begin to truly click into place properly when the gigantic mechs show up to the party. You know, those big amazing transformers that they've put all over the box art and pre-release.
Well, Monolith Soft makes you wait — oh boy, does it! — but in playing this one through for a second time, we've realised just how beautifully paced and how masterfully executed the overarching plan here is. We finally get why it's stretched as far as it is before you're handed the keys to your very own robo-ride.

Xenoblade Chronicles X is a game in three epic parts, you see. Pre-Skell (that's the official name for those fancy transformers, by the way), you've got Xenoblade pretty much as you'll know and love it from the rest of the series, albeit with a much more immediate and easy-to-parse state of affairs for your unnamed, fully customisable protagonist.
Humanity has fled Earth in the wake of an alien invasion/extermination, and subsequently we find ourselves crashed out on the Planet Mira, where our extraterrestrial attackers give chase in an attempt to finish the job. Earth is no more, billions have died, but in the great Ark on which any remaining humans have travelled into space, hope for the future remains.
As it turns out, of course, there's a whole lot more going on than first meets the eye with the Ark, and it's imperative that our heroes find its all-important core unit before a great big neon timer runs out and humanity is obliterated! Oh, and there's also the small issue of a bunch of very angry, mechanised extraterrestrial enemies stood between you and your goal. So, just like your average Tuesday night in Glasgow, then.
It's a setup with plenty of surprising reveals that, much like the narrative found in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, gets you up for the fight almost straight away. It kicks into gear quickly, and there's zero meandering in terms of your purpose. It's do or die, in the best possible way, as the series' signature auto-attack-based action gets going. It's at this point, as you're unleashed on Mira for the first time properly, and especially if you haven't played this game before, that we reckon you should heed our best piece of advice for playing; in these early hours, and we can't state this firmly enough: Do not spend your time mourning the fact you don't have a Skell yet.

Don't push forward and rush things, or skip side quests and affinity stuff just to get your hands on a mech quickly. It's still gonna take a lot of time, and you're missing out on worldbuilding that's right up there with the best-in-class for its genre. This is a game you could easily spend 200+ hours in. Savour it.
Spend your time mastering Overdrive, getting to grips with your skills and combos, understanding the sweet fundamentals and gathering up as many excellent new party members as you can through Affinity quests. This way, you'll find yourself at the Skell driving exam before you know it, which is where the game kicks into its second phase of epic.
Once you do get a Skell, Mira opens up in a way that just doesn't seem like it should be possible on Switch, never mind on a Wii U. This enormous, lush planet, which has never looked or felt better to explore, comes alive in all-new ways once you've got your hands on a mecha, once you're able to bound across huge areas, scale mountains with ease, and explore those nooks and crannies that have been so tantalisingly out of reach until this point. Mira isn't just impressive for Switch, it's one of the most intoxicating game worlds we've ever set out to explore.

The action, which is already top-notch on foot, is transformed by the arrival of robot power, too. Hard-hitting attacks and huge volleys of missiles replace dainty sword swipes and acrobatic flips through the air, but even in these moments of all-out assault, where a lesser dev might think, 'That'll do it, they love stuff blowing up,' Monolith Soft's approach remains incredibly considered in very clever ways. It continues to hold the reins just firmly enough as it lets you indulge in a little power fantasy, whilst also shackling you with fuel requirements and realities that mean you can't just blast everything ad nauseam, or forget the importance of on-foot assaults.
In this regard, we can take Elma as a good example. She's an Overdrive machine who, with the right setup, can enter and sustain a state of overdrive almost infinitely. There remains a necessity to switch out at times, to utilise your on-foot abilities in battles as a result, and this balance to the combat is what elevates Xenoblade Chronicles X to the position of best in the series. There, we said it.
The mix of flashy and wonderfully strategic action here, paired with the incredibly moreish exploration of Mira, already has us sitting at full marks, really, before the third stage of epic (we've committed to the bit) even arrives. Yes, once you add flight to the mix, once you've taken your flying exam with auld Vandham at the hangar, well, it beggars belief. Honestly, we mean that. How is this game running on this platform whilst looking and playing this fine?

Taking to the skies in this definitively remastered version of a ten-year-old game is as jaw-dropping a last hurrah for the Nintendo Switch as we can imagine. Finally hitting that big turbo boost and racing up into the sky to indulge in aerial battles or swoop down on some previously unreachable treasure feels like one of gaming's biggest and best rewards. It's that magical.
This remastered version makes what was already a fantastic experience an absolutely essential one, and it's not just because it looks very shiny now, or because it's got four new characters, new Skells, or even a brand-new ending. It's also because legacy design flaws have been fixed with due care and attention.
The parts of X that drove us crazy first time out are now nowhere to be seen. No more running to a character's location every time you want them on the team, no more finicky field skills or painfully executing every affinity link and backtracking just to get something done. This is Xenoblade Chronicles X streamlined and modernised, and it's a notably better game as a result.

Hardcore fans will delight in the knowledge that latent characters gain XP, a huge thing if you're returning and know the pain of having to go level an underutilised party member. You also now get to permanently unlock and keep all your fashion clothes, change the time of day whenever suits you, and you can even jump into the game's brand-new codex to check out in-depth tutorials and everything. How very modern. Even the follow-ball has been improved to make getting places easy-peasy, possibly for the first time ever.
The addition of a quick-recharge mechanic, which may not seem all that exciting, perhaps, changes up the flow and speed of scraps, it makes everything feel far more engaging. It's the original combat vision, fully unleashed for the first time, or at least that's how it comes across.
Add in improvements to the game's hexagonal grid-based world map, clearer icons, easily identified collectibles, hugely reduced loading times, a massively improved UI...yeah, we're really struggling to find anything to complain about this time out. We've never played any other open-world RPG that gives you this sort of free-wheeling fun, once you earn it. The mecha aspect still feels incredibly fresh and forward-thinking here, even 10 years on.

With regards to the new story aspects that the faithful want to know about, and how the game now ties (or doesn't) into the series as a whole, well, we aren't allowed to speak on anything that happens after the original ending. But there are changes, narrative additions, and new aspects revealed through the course of the game, and through the four new characters, that then tie in to what we reckon is a well-judged finale.
Finally, and with regards to performance on Switch, in both handheld and docked, this is a seriously impressive revamp. The characters look much better, the world is more sumptuous and vibrant, the lighting is massively improved — all that good stuff — and it still manages to run at a pretty much solid 30fps. We did experience a drop here and there, the very odd stutter as we blasted around bigger battles in our Skells, but overall it's solid and much improved visually.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition is an expertly crafted revamp that gives us all the bells and whistles we could wish for in terms of graphical upgrades. However, it's actually Monolith Soft's attention to clever gameplay revisions that impresses most here. This is X streamlined and modernised, carefully recast and reset in order to play better than ever. Additional characters, a new ending, and all that snazzy stuff is all well and good, and fans will be excited by the fresh revelations that occur, but it's in how everything flows so much better now that we reckon the hardcore will find themselves most impressed. And for newcomers a recommendation is even easier; this is up there with the all-time great sci-fi RPGs and an absolute must-play.
Comments 119
I can't Xenobelieve it!
Give it to me now.
Noice. Too bad I'm busy with Fire Emblem now. I'll pick it up later, though. Both franchises deserve more respect from Nintendo fans.
Local man is really feeling it.
This game was great when it first came out. The improvements are music to my ears, so I'm happy I pre-ordered this and I will beat it this time.
I'm just happy that the game looks great in handheld mode
That's one of the biggest reasons why I wanted a port in the first place despite owning the Wii U version
I was already very impatient anyway, now I can't wait any longer.
Physical copies fell off a truck and the files were leaked online late yesterday. I still have yet to place an order for it but I intend to soon.
Can't wait to fire this up later this week, eeep! Part of me is wondering though whether this will likely received a boost / upgrade once the Switch 2 launches, buuuuuut that could be ages away and I'm impatient ^_^
Removed - unconstructive
Hate to complain, but I really wish we got this in January (and DKCR in March). Would have made the Switch 2 wait a little more bearable.
So when you say "fully customisable protagonist" do you mean FULLY customisable?
Can't wait to experience this game, heard so many great things about it over the years. At least among people I talk gaming with, XCX is the most loved in the series.
My goodness. This is the rare time where I’ve preordered a game. I’m glad it is a success since it’s the only Xenoblade game I haven’t played. I’m also pleased to hear that there is more narrative segments because I’ve read a lot that it isn’t as heavy handed as prior releases. It may still not be, but the more the merrier. Ugh, the wait for Thursday is going to be long, but thankfully I have that day off work. And seeing as the game runs great on handheld mode, it’ll definitely be something I take to work with me and play on my lunch breaks. I can’t wait!
Love you guys for your news coverage (really don't like how you guys with rumours spoil things in the title though), but review-wise I'm mostly on the opposite end compared to you guys, especially with rpgs. (And that's okay, everyone likes different things.)
Haven't played Definitive Edition yet, but would give the WiiU original either a 9,5 or a 10. So it's very refreshing to see you guys like Definitive Edition of X so much.
Glad to hear its awesome. Ive spent 100+ hours on each of the other games in the series, so i look forward to digging into this too.
Thanks for the review, looking forward to playing this even more than I already was as soon as my discounted physical copy arrives - as mentioned before, it will be the first Xenoblade Chronicles game I properly play (have barely played the first one on Wii, but that doesn't really count)!
… SOLD! Give it to me now.
Might have to pick this up, since the switch version sounds like a home run! Plus I won't have to dust off my wii u collector's edition..
@Hinade Appreciate the feedback! There's a delicate balancing act to making sure our headlines have enough information that they don't venture into 'clickbait' territory, but I'm sorry you've felt spoiled in the past. Thanks for the comment.
Wow. Never played an XC game before, but this review really makes me want to. I'll need to check the combat/action part, and if it's not something so basic as Nier Automata for example, I'll certainly give it a try once I've cleared a bit of backlog.
Amazing to read so much passion for a single game 🧡🎮
Yes! Me want! Give! 🤤
Well then, time to jump back in. So long, cruel world (for 200 hours at least).
Damn it. I am going to have to buy this
Lol the switch up on this game is crazy from the wii u reviews. Altho I can't say I disagree with the score at least so far where I'm at. I've heard lots about the story being very weak but I love the premise so far. I'm so excited to really be deep in the game and see where it all goes
We own the collectors edition on Wii U and it was great, easily the best looking game on Wii U, but the music WAS SO LOUD!!!! I really really hope there are music sliders to turn it way down. Thevdjell cockpit music was the worst, it just cranks up to 11, I think every time you jump.
And fair warning, unless they changed the music, this was mostly not your typical Japanese JRPG music,mute was very rock & roll. I'm a huge fan,when appropriate, but a lot of it seemed out of place here. So hopefully they toned it down a bit.
May watch my college kid play it over the summer, if we have time for a 200 hour game after all the TV programs we've been waiting to watch. 🤷♂️
Oh snap! This was already a must buy but now, I mean, can I even wait until pay day?!?!? Time to bust out the credit card!
Already pre-ordered the deluxe edition from Nintendo. Can't wait!
Sorry for derailing the conversation with throwing that comment in there.
But I really appreciate you replying to me!
I just love having my Directs be 100% surprising.
Another masterpiece by Monolith soft? How many can we take??
I already took a day off to start my third play though. Time to start building that Blossom Dance
Judal27 wrote:
Checks metacritic... the Wii U version got 84, this is currently 87... both reviewed virtually the same, what switch up?
Looking forward to this one, I put an unhealthy number of hours into it on Wii U, but my body is ready.
Excellent news, as expected. Wish Thursday would be here already.
Honestly it should be 11/10
Luckily the game has been downloaded to my system already, sadly it's still encrypted.
Thanks for the review. Definitely getting this, was just worried about the technical performance.
I don't think this is a bad game at all, but when I played it on the Wii U I just couldn't get into it. It's a bit much for me. But I hope more people get to play it now.
Very exciting! In the middle of like four games, but come Thursday, it’s XCX time!
Guys, I'm frothing at the mouth, this past week has been the most agonizing wait. The icon has been sitting on my Switch taunting me this whole time. AAAAHH, I need this game directly in my veins now!!!
Lets go!!! Can't wait for a game to come out to dive into Mira again
Extremely excited for this. Loved it so much on Wii U.
@Magician They were available online last week, actually
Maybe I found the game to spend my last Nintendo game voucher on.
the deep-cut reference of the review subtitle, tho
Glad to see my pre-order was not in vain!
@Judal27 The Wii U version already got very positive reviews.
200 hours of content for 14-20 year me is great! 40 year old me…yeah, I’d probably put that as a negative. But either way, I’m excited to play it!
All characters gaining xp instead of just the ones in your party is huge for me, was easily my least favourite thing about the original.
WOW! Was not expecting a 10/10!
Yesss, already ordered! Finally, all the Xenoblade games on Switch!
You can just give me the early access code.... come no one will know.
"Is 200+ hours of content a negative?"
In this case it is because the main story is hilariously badly conveyed and 80% of the cast are unlikeable, beyond generic and only exist to fulfill archetypes.
The most engaging parts of X are moving around in a mech and the combat but everything in-between, from character episodes, to side quest stories to what you actually do with and within the overworld is more shallow than even some of the efforts in your average Pokémon game.
It's unreal to me that this was made by the same development studio as the numbered trilogy.
Wow a perfect 10! I’ll enjoy reading the whole review in detail during my lunch break today.
For now, I’ll rest easy knowing my hype and my preorder are justified.
PJ hasn’t steered me wrong yet! 👍🏼
I have two words for ya... OUTSTANDING REVIEW!!!!
I have to hold up my hands and apologise, I was not expecting this. Admittedly, I haven't had the time to put much, if any, thought into how this would review, but I feel bad for letting you all down by not having my world-famous 10/10 gif ready for this day.
It's the type of open world I just can't help exploring, so I am prepared to let this one-sided review push me off the fence into getting this sooner rather later to play on Switch.
The Wii U version is great, but I've never finished it or really got into the mining stuff on the map, so if that aspect has been made clearer too then I've really got no excuse - it's the perfect type of game for hybrid gaming.
Enjoy everyone 😃
There is no mention of the multiplayer elements of the game in the review. Reading up on the WiiU version, it seemed quite an important part of late game content. Have there been any improvements or changes in the new version?
I’m currently also playing Like a Dragon Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii and I got this preordered. My free time is in danger, Lol. I’ll try to get to the new end parts in 100-120 hours.
I cannot stress this enough, and I fully back what PJ says in the review, DO NOT RUSH THE GAME. Whether it’s to get to the Skells and your flight module or to try to blaze through your backlog. You will miss a ton of what makes the game special! Take your time to learn all the combat tactics including positioning and Overdrive, take time to understand the augment upgrade system, take the time to collect all the shiny crystals in the field as they may be precious materials for upgrades, INSTALL AND OPTIMIZE YOUR PROBES THROUGHOUT THE GAME BECAUSE THAT’S CONSTANT MONEY AND MIRANIUM, take the time to keep your ground gear and skills upgraded as you will still need to fight on the ground all the way through Post Game. And whatever you do, absolutely DO NOT approach the outside corner of the Skell weapons research hangar until late game to check out that tiny innocent-looking red/pink object on the ground! (previously Post Game)
@themightyant @BTB20 I checked too early cause it was at a 90 and even then it's not far off from it atm. So it could go up as more come in which is crazy for what literally was considered the black sheep of the family before DE was even announced. And not just by reviewers literally fans of the series. I still remember so much of the criticisms thrown at it. But now its a misunderstood masterpiece lol. Tho I've never played the original so I can't say how significant these gameplay and story changes are, it should still largely be the same game
Either way I'm loving it so far. I've wanted to play it for ages now even after all the things I'd heard about it
I bought the WiiU version just a month or so before the online server shut down a few years back, so I could see avatars of other players standing around. Then they were gone and I could only play the offline features.
Compared to the mainline series, the world feels more like the main character of X, and the Skells are an extension and fun way to interact with it. The characters and story are not great by 1-3 standards, but it is still better than what I just experienced in Monster Hunter Wilds. Some games are more about gameplay and exploration, and X definitely succeeds there.
expected a 9/10 here from NL - not that it matters
Well damn. 10/10 kind of pushes it on my priority list, and I really really don't have 200 hours to dedicate right now
But yeah, I should have expected excellence, there is no bad XC game..
I'm excited to try it again with the option to mute the soundtrack and battle voices...right?
@Yalloo It’s not an action RPG in the same sense. You do kinda keep track of what the thing you’re fighting is doing in terms of position and status effects, but it’s largely about managing your special attack cooldowns and answering “support calls” from your party members (by responding with special attacks that match the same color as their word balloon), and later targeting parts of enemies for farming parts, like Monster Hunter, for upgrades or rare weapon drops.
@8bit4Life wrote:
This! 100% this!
NOOOOooooo I'm never going to finish any other game ever! But... after spending 1000+ hours with this game on WiiU, I think I'm okay with that.
i kind of expected it to be an 8 because of the issues that plague this game during wii u release.
monolith soft, maker of masterpieces! wow, didnt expect it to be this good. hopefully switch 2 will arrive later so i can check out this or one 😹 hope those who preordered enjoy :]
I always called it the best!
Ugh, gotta wait til frikkin NOON (on Thursday) to get my fully paid off physical copy!
GameStop hours suck!
The original release Iwata Ask with Monolith Soft
@Judal27 I put in about 300+ hours into the original, so I obviously enjoyed it, but i'd still probably put it as the worst in the series for 3 reasons. 1. Plot sucks. 2. Most characters suck, or at least their interactions do. 3. Even more busywork than other Xenoblade games. But it's still a 9 - 9.5/10 for me, these things don't stop it being a wonderful game, and exploring that world is an all timer.
From the days of operation rainfall to this. We fricking did it guys. I’m so proud of this series.
Just inject it directly into my veins.
Yeah, I'd say 200+ hours is a negative for me unfortunately, especially since I already played it on Wii U. I'm glad they improved upon some of my issues with the original. I loved it back then but it had some extremely frustrating elements, party management being a big one of them. Now I'm wishing I hadn't played it before, haha.
Still, even though I'll probably skip this one, I strongly recommend it to people who never played the original (and have enough free time). It's really, really fun.
Ready to put another 200+ hours into this version too. Heck yeah, so ready. I knew this would be a 10/10. Thanks for the excellent review!
200 hundred hours of content is good for me when it is content of this nature. I put about that much into Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom and loved it. A slow burn of mostly go at your own pace content is what I love. 200 hours of story with endless cutscenes and dialogue is where I'd consider it a negative.
As someone who has only played the first game, is playing 2 and 3 necessary to understanding or not being spoiled by the new content?
The game looks incredible, but I’m still considering whether I should play this or 2.
I was a out to pick FF 12 Zodiac Age because I was craving for a good JRPG, but I guess I'll go with this one first. Glad that performance seems to be stable. Mechas are a big plus for me.
I’m assuming they got rid of the crappy Skell insurance mechanic? That ruined the original for me.
I can't really tell from the review, is the new content woven into the game Persona style or an extra chapter or so at the end continuing from the original ending? Or both? Or shall I just wait until I finish it anyway to find out? 😛😛
Can you actually read the info in the menus and UI? That was my main problem with the Wii U version. I stopped playing it because of that.
I can't help but feel it'll be updated for the switch 2 in some way so I'm gonna wait a bit longer before jumping in. Glad it's living up to the hype though, xeno 3 is one of my favourite switch games, top 3 at least.
The story (and its pacing) are by far the worst in the series. But if the gameplay improvements mentioned here are valid, it sounds like they could compensate.
Yahoo! Getting 2 copies (one for the GF).
PS - Poor Glasgow.
As much as I enjoyed the original XCX, it sounds like XCX DE fixes many of the issues I had with the original. Add in what is hopefully a better story wrap-up, and of course I'll pick this up eventually! I'm on a new game buying embargo for awhile however, barring existing eShop funds (Not enough to cover a new release). Plus I have more than enough backlogged games to keep me busy.
I did NOT expect a perfect score for this remaster. Well, another game for my wishlist. =)
@garzuit Yep, they are much improved.
I struggled to get into this game on Wii U, even though it sounds like my dream game. Sci fi atmosphere, fully customizable protagonist, lots of content, flying a giant robot...
I'm going to give it one more go on Switch. I'll certainly have time while waiting for Monster Hunter Wilds' content to beef up a bit.
Not one mention of the soundtrack in the review. Assuming it's not changed this game cannot be a 10/10 (half joking).
Some of the battle themes and the New LA (central home area) themes 'go hard' in a way that got incredibly irritating after 5 hours let alone 100.
special game that's tied to a special time in my life. only progressed a small amt, i never even got my robot friend. this, Rogue Galaxy, Crimson Shroud, The Last Story & Lost Odyssey r games I wish I still had bc I would get the high score finally in them all
Do they still force you to take Elma and Lyn with you everytime you do a main story quest? I hated that in the original, I got so many cool characters to use and they keep forcing me to take these lamers with me.
Damn, I'm still playing X3 Future Redeemed right now. I feel I've been playing Xenoblades non stop for the passed few years lol.
Woohoo! Looking forward to playing it - awaiting my cart to arrive!
Woooaaahhh. The write up review has me even more excited for it now. Argh! Gimeh! This dev comes up trumps yet again.
Cheers for the review!
Great review. That's what I did when I played it on the Wii U back then. Played on foot and explored everything I can that the game would let me. Then I got my Skell and explored and completed everything again that the game would let me. And lastly I've explored everything when I got the flight module. It was an awesome feeling.
I wouldn't have enjoyed and appreciated Mira much if I got flight early on because exploration becomes easy and lazy by then.
As an immense fan of the entire series, I couldn't possibly be more excited. I almost broke down and bought a used Wii U just to finally play this - and I'm more glad than ever that I didn't have to.
Loved this game on Wii U. It really feels way different than the other Xenoblade games. I'm so happy more people will get to experience it.
Looks like this is the Xenoblade that I'll be getting.
One of these days…
Can't wait, Thursday is coming, let's go!
Great review PJ, thanks as always for an insightful take.
@LikelySatan It does sound like there are instrumental versions of the vocal tracks now you can toggle. Not sure about battle voices
@Taya Same for me, I just don't have 200 hours to hand
I'll admit it's a masterpiece however, a fantastic game, but just not for me..
@JohnnyMind How much do you pay for your discounted copies? Is there some extra discount or the usual 50 EUR price?
Now this might have been already answered but have they gotten rid of the skell insurance system?
I now if you get your probes right it's not too much of an issue since you can get significant money on a regular basis but still it's something I really wanted to see go in that new version. It's just not fun and it makes you feel overly cautious especially against big enemies end game and it artificially makes the game longer and overall it kind of spoils some of the fun of FINALLY getting that skell since you feel like you can't really mess around with it.
@Morsel Usually €5/10 less than the starting price, but in this one's case they put it at €40 for a very limited time and luckily I managed to get it at that price!
Removed - trolling/baiting
Finally ....... Wii U, everyone is here 😀 ..... Well most, here's looking at you Wind Waker.
Imagine if this gets a patch when Switch 2 comes out that makes it look EVEN BETTER?? I'm already having such a hard time resisting this since I don't know if I'm ready for a replay just yet.
... there goes my social life. AGAIN.
@harrystein having no life is spending time criticising others for having no life. You do you. 👍
I'm getting it for the alien babes.
I wish this game wasn't released so near to Atelier Yumia.
@harrystein With that mindset, it's obvious that this type of game is never going to be your thing. So why come on here and make disparaging comments toward people who do enjoy this type of game? My life is full and wonderful, with family and creative projects and a good job and everything, and yet I still played XCX on Wii U for over 900 hours, and am looking forward to at least that over again on Switch. Enjoyment is subjective. Let people like things. If you don't like something, it costs you nothing to keep that information to yourself.
Have a nice day m8.
Really excited to play when my physical copy arrives on Thursday.
@Dom_31 exactly as BotW and TotK. It’s the open world syndrome. The story takes a backseat and becomes meh. However, XCX is better than the newer Zelda’s just because you can experience the story in order… unlike BotW and TotK
Great review. Most people who haven't played it are in for a treat I'm sure. I'll double dip sometime this year and play through another class.
May get this but just let me skip all the in between chapter cutscenes and some of the town bs
Why is it that when I ask if the censorship was removed, its flagged as unconstructive? that is the one thing the review didn't cover. So why is it that I'm not allowed an answer?
@Samalik Because there is no censorship. It's been explained plenty of times: the boob slider has been changed or removed (not sure, but don't personally care) and a very revealing outfit for a 13 year old girl has been removed that was already hard to even get to begin with, so most people in the original didn't even get to see it.
It's two inconsequential things that nobody seriously cares about. That's not even what censorship is.
Bang! Believe the hype. It was great when I played it on Wii U, and this all but solidified that I will be double dipping. Great review breaking it into 3 acts. Yes, it did feel that exhilarating from foot, to Skell, to flying Skell-- Take it all in and enjoy.
@BTB20 Bull. It's censorship. It's moral superiority nonsense from the time. These were default armors that you get regularly in question, and taking away a customization feature that the director mocked having to do with "why don't we add a crotch slider then" when NoA came to him is a sign of censorship. You ain't gaslighting an OG player like me
If you are gonna be one of those people who acts like "only the government can censor", then you don't understand what it means to completely rewrite something against someone else's will. And if you honestly do not care, then why are you joining a conversation like this?
Finally finished TotK just in time for me to dedicate my very limited gaming time to this gem. I never finished the original on Wii U, I got my skell and played around with that for a while but never got much farther. I’m excited to actually finish this game finally, might take me a year or two at this rate, but at least I don’t have to worry about the game being locked to a console on life support.
Gave away my OG Switch to my niece but getting this as soon as I get my hands on a Switch 2. 😃
Whether 200 hours of content is a negative depends when the Switch 2 arrives. If June or earlier, a negative. If closer to September, a positive!
Happy to see the Switch still swinging. Hopefully Metroid Prime 4 isn't too far away either.
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