The dream that, to be fair, probably only a handful of complete weirdos ever truly had, is nevertheless now a reality: with its much-heralded release on Switch, in a DLC-complete edition, it’s now possible to play Skyrim on the toilet. Or, more likely, in bed, or on a train or plane. Or even in the toilet of a train or plane. And so you should, too: this port of Bethesda’s role-playing revelation of the previous console generation might just be the best way to experience the fifth Elder Scrolls adventure right now, be that for the first time or in a repeat playthrough.

First-timers need to remember, however, that Skyrim’s a game of its time – that time being 2011. While the Switch edition runs at a delightfully smooth 30 frames per second, and after hours of stress-testing only very rarely takes a moment or two to catch up with itself in particularly busy scenes, this isn’t in Breath of the Wild’s league. What was once the benchmark for complete fantasy envelopment has been superseded a few times since its original release, and now resides not only in the shadow of Link’s latest, but arguably also The Witcher 3 and its expansions, and the Dark Souls series.
Not that you’ll be playing either of those franchises on a Switch anytime soon (he says, which probably confirms Dark Souls: Switch Edition for the next Direct), leaving Skyrim as the most obvious next grand adventure for anyone who’s had their fill of Zelda. And to embark upon it is to be handsomely rewarded, as while Skyrim’s not the market leader it used to be, it retains the potential to leave you astounded. Perhaps not as regularly as it once did, but, when it happens, it’s just as electric.
Yes, Skyrim is full of terrifically stiff NPCs and some legitimately awful voice-over work; its facially identical children, chasing each other through towns all over these frozen lands, are the stuff of Village of the Damned nightmares; and there’s a weightless clumsiness to combat that can sometimes turn the odds against you, even in the simplest of sword-unsheathed situations. But what freedom this game affords you, from the very off. What scale it presents, vertically and from horizon to distant horizon, even now. And what atmosphere it can manifest, as your character – custom created, just prior to the game’s opening execution gone awry – crests a frosted hilltop to gaze down upon a chimneys-smoking village below, Jeremy Soule’s forever-enchanting score swirling around you, chasing away the chill.

If this is so much preaching to the choir, apologies – but there will be those sceptical of paying for what they already own on another platform, just to play it in a properly optimised mobile format. But there can be no doubt that playing Skyrim on a small screen is remarkable, appearing to pull in the sodden walls of forgotten catacombs around you, all the tighter the deeper you descend. The resolution may drop when the Switch is undocked, but it’s never to the detriment of clarity of quest, nor does it compromise the imposing stature of this game’s violent landscapes, carved as they could well have been in places by warring gods. Mountains don’t bend when you reduce the screen size; they remain snow-capped and steadfast, and yes, if you want to go there, you most probably can. Again: Skyrim gives you the world, and merely asks that you sometimes follow a signpost or two.
And it’s on reaching the top of one of these peaks that those without amiibo options can discover the port’s trailered Zelda gear – you don’t need to bring any plastic figures to your draugr-slaying party to get your hands on the Master Sword and Champion’s Tunic. If cosplaying as the Hero of Time isn’t your thing, no sweat of course – there’s a wide range of threads to deck your adventurer of many colours and allegiances in, many of which also carry stats-boosting perks, or offer increased protection against particular elemental attacks. Which is to say: a lot of what’s in Skyrim, from loot and lore to gruesome gargoyles and grumbling quest-givers, conforms to tried-and-tested fantasy game conventions, of both before and after the game’s celebrated debut.
But Skyrim did so much of what you already knew immeasurably better than what you’d previously played, upon its first release – and stirred in some transparent real-world analogues too, with scenes of people who are effectively refugees banned from passing through a city’s walls, and civil war serving as the ever-present threat to the lives of regular folk just trying to get by. You might fill the boots of the legendary Dragonborn, a human (or humanoid, at least) who can absorb the souls of slain dragons and turn that energy into supernatural shouts, but there’s a dirt-crusted, grimly relatable truth to many of the smallholdings and hamlets you pass through. The have-nots will always have-not, whatever the context, whatever your gestures of kindness. Spare a coin, retrieve an heirloom, it matters not: the breadline’s as visible in this virtual world as it is in contemporary society. And you can bet the haves aren’t about to freely share their spoils.
Skyrim is a game as deep as it is broad, and not just geographically speaking. While the names of certain characters, be they lizard-faced or bushy-bearded, can elicit a chuckle for their tongue-twisting ridiculousness, and there’s a wonderful (not game breaking, just consistently funny looking) bugginess to so many of its high-stakes set-pieces, there’s genuine resonance to consequences. Your actions leave scars on the land, permanently altering its political climate, for better and worse. Often, try as you might to make what seems the right choice, it’s going to leave someone else hurting – and quite possibly a few cold bodies on the equally frigid ground.

There’s a fairly binary power dynamic at play between the warring Stormcloaks and the Imperial Legion, as you can only join one side, but it’s no black-and-white parade. You’ll meet Empire-loyal sorts in two minds about the faction they’ve aligned themselves with, and encounter situations where you’ll question whether punishments are quite in keeping with the crimes alleged. Death comes quick in Skyrim, and often without warning. (On topic: save often. As per the aforementioned artless combat, you can quickly, and unexpectedly, become overwhelmed and lose a significant chunk of progress, if you’re not regularly saving.)
This being the Switch, there are motion control options – detach your Joy-Cons, and you can raise a shield or loose an arrow with them. But while Skyward Sword was a 2011 contemporary of Skyrim, releasing just a week after Bethesda’s game, there’s really no reason beyond brief novelty value to play this game with your hands flailing. (Especially not in those cramped airline cans – you’re going to set off an alarm, swinging your sword arm around like that.) Even the lockpicking is best left to standard, pad-style play, the turning motion more elegant with a thumbstick than the twist of a wrist.

It's amazing to think that twenty-six years after the studio’s previous release, Home Alone on the NES, Bethesda has released not one but two stunning games on a Nintendo console in the space of a week. DOOM aside, the company's other Nintendo offering might’ve taken the form of a categorical safe bet, but not many can have predicted just how great Skyrim feels on the Switch. After Breath of the Wild’s painterly perfection, this could have been a resurrection too many for a title that, in games industry terms, is the equivalent of about 80 human years old. It so easily could have proved a relic best left in the past. But its invitation to exploration, to find your own way across these peaks, down into these dungeons, is as intoxicating as it ever was. Its music and its mysteries are evergreen. And to carry it wherever your own adventures take you, too? Well, maybe magic is real, after all.
The Switch isn’t short of games that have already taken a bow, or several, on other hardware, but Skyrim might be the one that most deserves another look from both hardy Elder Scrolls adventurers and absolute beginners alike. Despite its age showing, the countless little cracks in its already fractured façade, it still delivers a palpable sense of space, and the player’s niche-carving progress through it, that few games before or since have managed. May its dancing northern lights never dim.
Comments 210
Fus-Ro-Damn, I'm gonna finally play this with merely a decade since release!
Edit: Actually after "L.A. Noire" I'm down to 800 odd megabytes free on my microSD card. Un€xp€ct€d €xp€ns€ ah€ad!
My is already on the way. Hopefully will reached me by tomorrow. Even though have already finished twice on Steam standard and remastered version, still looking forward to replay it on Switch. Yay.
Never played this but pre loaded this earlier. Can't wait.
Already ordered... but it won't arrive for a couple of weeks or so... I need to wait a little longer.
I don't care what's happened on other platforms, I'm a Nintendo only gamer.
Looking forward to finally giving this a go. One of those games that I've always been somewhat interested in but never would have found the time for without the portability that the Switch version offers.
Anyone know if it comes with the DLC as per the 'Special Editions' previously released? Hearthfire was pointless, but I got very sidetracked by (sort of) building a pretty house on PC.
Getting Skyrim for PSVR instead. It'll be interesting to see which one comes out on top in the charts.
Having said that I'm glad it at least runs. If the Switch can handle Skyrim it sure as hell can run RiME. Shows the developers incompetence more than anything else.
It's pretty impressive how Bethesda can keep charging full price for Skyrim.
Played a lot of this on PS3 but may return again and whilst The Witcher 3 may have superseded this, Zelda for me is a much different type of experience and I don't go along with conventional wisdom that games are massively improving all the time so that older games don't hold up so well. This was and still is a great game and was one that convinced me to buy a Switch but due to the timing of its release I will hold to wait to jump back in, that wait will be worth it though
Great, I'm really glad about Bethesda supporting the switch with good ports. This is the only game I've pre-ordered in my life, waiting for it to arrive tomorrow morning. It's also the first time I'll play Skyrim, so for me it is actually a "new" game!
Now I'm on the fence for L.A. Noire... let's see how much time this game is going to take from my busy life . I also have to finische Mario+Rabbids, get all moons in Odyssey, progress in Wulverblade... Well, holydays aren't coming soon enough...
I probably won’t be getting this until Christmas, but this was a great review. Conveying some sense of the game’s awe. Amusing as well as informative. Number well justified in text. Putting paid to rest some of the concerns of a Nintendo gamer whose only open-world title has been BotW. Thank you Mr. Driver, I needed this. Still slightly nervy that what little it does better than BotW I won’t care for, but I’m looking forward to finding out either way.
It does include all the expansions.
Anyway, played the crap out of the PS3 version so I'll be skipping this. Excellent game nonetheless.
Also, the voice of Mario voices a flipping dragon. Definitely worth the 17th purchase
Skyrim - 9/10
Pokemon US/UM - 10/10 (..and the review sounded less positive!)
**face palm!**
I still haven't beat Doom, but do not care. Bethesda deserves my cash for having such an impressive push on NS, and we still have Wolfenstein 2 coming up.
I’m getting this xD does it require se card ?
A genuine question - but is it unreasonable of me to feel like telling me where the Zelda garb is located in a review is a bit of a spoiler for those who would have liked to have found it themselves? I thought the same about the Mario Odyssey review explaining how many levels there were and which point represented the 'half way' mark. I realise that reviews will always need to show images and give information, but it seems to me that I'm reading more that seem to have specific bits of information that don't really serve much purpose (surely explaining that the outfit is in the game is enough). Am I being too precious here?
Hey why is this reviewed and not LA Noire?
Picking my copy up from Best Buy tommorrow (thank you Gamers Club). Never played it but the fact that I can play it in chunks on the go (like listening to a book on Audible) makes me extremely excited to dive in. Been re-watching all the LotR movies this week too.
@LaVelle Unless the review has been edited super quick, I can only see a link to the detail on where the link garb can be found. Its not in the review.
Grainger Games still haven’t shipped my copy, grrrr.
Virgin player also. Can’t wait to lose a few hundred hours of my life.
Starting character? What do you all suggest?
@Littleeddie I'd go for a Nord for your first run through.
Woo, I'm not sure if I actually need a copy of this....
But no doubt I'll take a wonder on my lunch break to Smyth's and Argos, just to see what the price is like, that's all though......
The lies outta me!!!! I'll probably buy it.
Is the VR version out tomorrow too? I just don't think I'd be arsed with that version when I can play it too and from work on the Switch.
No way I can play this and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 at the same time.
(me too)
Never played this... but I've just paid for DOOM and LA Noire so it'll have to wait. Maybe Christmas if I'm lucky.
@Shellcore - it really isn't anything more than a passing reference - just the fact that it's described as being at the peak of a mountain. It just felt to me like finding a nice reference unexpectedly will now be: "oh, it was on top of this mountain". Again, I do realise I may be being precious about this and just wanted to know if anyone felt the same way.
I'll wait for a price drop
@Shellcore Will do then. Thanks. What advantage does a Nord give, out of interest?
Ordered this on a whim yesterday and when changed mind and tried to cancel it had already shipped (ShopTo moves fast!!).
Expect it today; never played it before so looking forward to it. May delay it till Christmas though as Xenoblade is out soon and no way I'm delaying that for Christmas Day!
Also wanted to support Bethesda with one launch day Switch purchase and this one felt the best investment.
@olrodlegacy You're missing out!
@Littleeddie It really depends on your play style! I played this game first on PS3 and 2nd on PC (it's a LOT of fun despite it's glitches which sometimes actually make it more fun, depending).
If you're a brute-force kinda player you might want to start playing as an Orc. If you want your magic and summon spells to be a priority then the Elven classes might be a little more for you. Khajiit (the cat people) and Dark Elves are pretty great for stealthy players (I chose stealth quite often). Finally, Nords and the more human races you'll find are for your average play style - Good in all areas and well rounded if you don't have a particular focus in play.
Nice, but I am still waiting for the review of L.A Noire to make a decision.
It's still a must have, no matter how many times it was played. I can't tell how many times I've tweeted "man imagine skyrim on 3DS" because I craved to have it in my pocket anytime and it was one of my dreams... Then Nintendo provided, with the very first Switch trailer. How can I say "no thank you" now?
@Littleeddie Nords have attributes that protect them from cold, high strength and are suited for melee combat which is a little easier going than going full archery/magic. This is just my opinion. Other people may suggest otherwise. I went all archery my first playthrough and was fine until I was battling the stronger dragons. Wished I was more proficient with a good old axe by that point.
Weird Review, too much comparasion with Zelda and "a game of its time" talk, I didn't learn enough from It, not a single mention on how the game mechanics work and not going very technical about how the Port runs and look. I was kinda expecting a 8 with so much warning that this is a old game 😂
I’ve played it for about 800 hours on PC, but it’s still going to feel new and fresh. It’s been a long time since I played the vanilla version, so I’m really excited to play it again. I hope the Switch keeps getting big AAA games like this in the future, as so far it’s been awesome.
I can't wait for midnight, when my digital copy will be unlocked. I won't go to bed until I'll have tried it! I'm so excited! I hope that this version of Skyrim will be a hit, at least enough to convince Bethesda that it would be a good idea to make an Oblivion remake for Switch, because this game is great, it is fantastic, it is immersive, but anything that this game is, Oblivion does it even better. Tonight one dream will become true, please Bethesda, make another one true too!!
This and DOOM will sit on my shelf for a bit, once Nights of Azure is completed I will jump right into both of these, but then I have FE: Warriors and Mario Odyssey to play as well.
Too many games and not enough hours 🙈
Definitely getting this. Just a case of when.
@readyletsgo Yeah the VR version is also out tomorrow.
A strange decision by Bethesda having a portable and a VR version of the game going up against each other.
Could've spread those out and I'm sure some would've double dipped at full price (or in my case quadruple dip).
@kobashi100 My prpoblem as well. Very different takes on the RPG genre. I'm going with XC2 for now but will pick this up in 2018 probably.
@LaVelle Nah. You're not being precious.
I feel somewhat tempted to revisit this game and purchase it a third time. I already clocked over a 1000 hours on this game when I first played it on PS3. Around 500 hours when I got it on PC, and probably another 200 just from getting the free upgrade to the special edition on PC again...
Just the idea of playing this portably is extremely appealing and the fact that it isn't a downgrade in any way AND includes the DLC that made it that much more enjoyable? Drives a hard bargain to be honest...
For some reason, Skyrim was one of those legendary games that just got away from my radar. I think now's the time I finally check it out!
I could never get into this game back in the day so I won't be picking this up. I tried a few times but it just never clicked with me.
Wow, now there is coming more games to Switch than I have time to play. Luckely i fitted both LA Noire and Skyrim on my 64GB memory card, with room to spare for patches.^^
For all of you who have never played Skyrim, you are in for a treat! Honestly, it's probably the best game available on Switch right now (yes, I've said it!). Massive amount of content, complete freedom, meaningful and interesting side quests (I'm looking at you, Zelda), engaging story and colourful world.
Damn, was not planning to lose myself in that game again, but after writing all of that I might even grab it myself once again
Having played so much Skyrim already (and bought 3 times in total), I can't justify dipping into it again. That said, it's an awesome addition to the Switch and a total punch in the face to those who claimed Skyrim wasn't coming to Switch.
That said... Home Alone was an awful game. I don't think pointing out their involvement with that game is doing them any favors.
Great review! I'll skip this version, since I already own the PC version and soon the multiplayer mod will be out so I'm going to spend a lot of hours in Skyrim again, but this time with a friend and girlfriend.
If you've never played Skyrim before; get this game. There's endless of fun in it.
Never played it, so this was a no-brainer for me to pick up.
I don’t see this game as being that outdated. But, I also played Morrowind and oblivion a lot, so Skyrim was the best game of its kind at the time.
I want this, and I want RE, plus I just got Doom and LA Noire... ahhh I need more free time and SD cards.
I'm in Bowser's Kingdom in Odyssey so I'll beat that soon & just barely started Doom. I'm thinking it'll be weird to play Doom & Skyrim at the same time but Xenoblade is out soon too. Weird to play all 3 at once? Maybe, but I'll do it anyway. I want to buy Skyrim to help boost sales so Bethesda is encouraged to bring new games to the Switch.
Held off on buying this on PS4 to buy on the Switch. It'll be my first time playing it so I'm buying it tomorrow.
I own Skyrim on 360 but it cost me £4. I'm ok with shelling £50 out for this and I can't flipping wait to play it on Saturday!!!!
So I hear this version is relatively bug free as well. One reviewer called it the definitive version to play, and that's before accounting for the usual 3 version in 1 value.
you bloody rippa
@olrodlegacy That’s ashame. Nintendo is fantastic but you’re missing out on a lot.
@Fight_Teza_Fight I have no doubt the Switch version will absolutely destroy the PSVR version, the PRE PURCHASE has been in the Switch best sellers for over a week now. Skyrim on switch is going to sell more than it sold on XBO and PS4, its basically the next Zelda for everyone
I already own Skyrim: SE for my Xbox One, but this might turn out to be a good item to throw on the Christmas list. Fantastic game that’s worth every cent.
@Fight_Teza_Fight yeah, it's just too big of a game for me to get it on PSVR I think, for me.
Might pick that version up in a couple's years, but right now I'm all about the Switch. PS4 has taken a back seat since the summer for me.
Getting this tomorrow! And I hope that in 2018 we will have the Fallout 4 announcement!!!
@LaVelle too right. Spoilers in reviews, however marginal, suck!
@NaviAndMii I was just thinking about that. Skyrim, widely hailed as the greatest RPG of all time, was beaten by the measly pseudo-remakes US/UM.
Video Recording Feature added with Day One patch!
@JubilifeRival If US/UM really are that good - I'll look forward to the hundreds of hours of immersive gameplay ..and the highly regarded DLC expansions ..and the HD remasters ..and the VR editions ..and the - you get my point - Skyrim is clearly the better game & that should be reflected in the score!
@BravelyDavid It might outsell VR, but it ain't ever outselling the PS4/XBO version. That's just ludicrous.
Not only is it a 6 year old game going at full price on the Switch, but Skyrim Special Edition launched at £25 on PS4/XBO over a year ago.
Nice. Can’t wait to get mine.
Guys please help haha: I never played a game in the Elder Scrolls series but I love RPG's and an epic story. Does Skyrim deliver in that regard? I played Fallout 3 back in the day but I didn't like the lack of direction of where to go. At this point i'm almost convinced to buy Xenoblade 2 first because of those reasons.
Awesome! I'll be getting this when I finally get my switch... This is the third game I want to get and was waiting for... This game is very nostalgic to me for Thanksgiving/Holiday time...
Also.. The Conclusion's first sentence "The Switch isn’t short of games that have already taken a..."
...totally thought you were going with a "taken an arrow to the knee" joke... well played
Oh my, Skyrim will deliver a massive RPG and a great story! So many people have put so many hundreds of hours into this game because it really is incredible! I own it on PS3, PC and we have it on our PS4 - and I am still excited to get it on the switch and play it again.
@TDS_Computer Thanks for your comment! Getting excited to buy the game early 2018. I'm buying Xenoblade 2 as a Christmas present for myself first and then probably Skyrim. I just beat Mario + Rabbids, starting Odyssey today. Mario and a couple of multiplayer games will keep me busy until Christmas before diving deep into Xenoblade 2 and hopefully Skyrim after that.
Wonderful game. Lost so many hours to it on the 360. I’ll give this another play through but can wait until next year I reckon. Still haven’t finished Zelda...didn’t realize the ganon battle didn’t save half way through...grrrrrr.....also Mario, doom, stardew...going to be a good Xmas
I pre-ordered and downloaded the game to my Switch just have to wait for the unlock! ARGH! I've also been watching the eshop popular list since then, and noticed that Skyrim hasn't left the top list since then...and that's just based on pre-order sales. The game isn't even out yet! I would say this is going to sell just fine on Switch!
Waiting anther 15 hours for this to unlock is going to kill me...but I WILL play Skyrim at work during lunch tomorrow! WOOHOO!!!
Actually going with this over Xenoblade 2. It’s not often I’d go with the “less Nintendo” option, but I may actually be able to fully understand the systems of this one, and no anime.
Beautifully written review. If you’re looking for a nuts and bolts review, the Internet is chock full of them in the six years since this released.
My heart belong to XC2 but I'll def pick this up in a sale further down the line.
Skyrim's age in the game industry is equivalent to 80 human years? Seriously? Games from 6 years ago is not ancient history…
But anyway, I'm getting this day 1 not only because Skyrim is an amazing game (I've already played this game a dozen times on various platforms) but because I love that Bethesda is supporting the Switch and as a fan of both the compamny and the Switch I need to show support. Plus…I mean, Skyrim on the toilet.
How prevalent are bugs in the game? One thing that marred my PS3 experience was the number of bugs and crashes.
I still feel this game is utterly superior to Breath of the Wild... it is my personal Game of All Time
Hopefully all those old ass ports will drop to €20 in a few months.
Selling a €10 game for €60 is just stupid.
@Fight_Teza_Fight please stop this myth that skyrim special edition launched @ £25 on PS4 and Xbox one. It was full price price.
@BigKing if skyrim is published by Nintendo I would expect to see a price drop for a long time
Not for me but I hope it does well...
@geox30 LA noire has an amazing story (around 20h or so if i'm not mistaken) and intriguing characters. It's not your typical rockstar game, i played it when it came out on the ps3 and i was surprised by the lack of action/shooting sequences, by comparison to gta 4. Solving cases on the other hand felt rewarding, and they really do test your atention to detail and your patience.
Skyrim on the other hand is a game which i never got 100% into. I've purchased it twice and clocked 30h on the ps3 and 40h on pc, but i never finished it. Unlike, let's say, Breath of the Wild, skyrim does a terrible job at explaining the mechanics and the crafting system. It's fun though due to the random s*** that can occur at any time. one minute you re ambushed by a mob of wizards, then suddenly a giant appears and kicks eeveryone's a** Have fun, either game is a good choice.
PS From what i can see, there s a lack of marketing for the Switch version of LA noir. Skyrim reviews are popping left and right, wereas there are bearly 4 reviews for la noir
Might grab this tomorrow since it will be payday~
Have this pre-loaded, super excited to play this...again
@SLIGAECH_EIRE and can we stop with the fake accounts. that's super petty.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Skyrim special edition launched at $59.99 on PS4 and Xbone, like every other version of Skyrim.
I've never found the vanilla ES or Fallout games to be too great without heavily modding them on PC.
I also liked Oblivion better than Skyrim, but that's a matter of opinion.
If Xenoblade disappoints I may come back to this.
@kobashi100 @Ralizah My bad you're right. It's had a permanent price drop on amazon to £25.
I just hope Bethesda have set their expectations accordingly, because I don't think Skyrim in 2017 heading into 2018 is going to set the world on fire.
If I had a Switch I'd buy this. And DOOM. And LA Noire. And Mario Odyssey. And probably XC2. That's a lot of money!
Wonderfully written review! Thoughtful and analytic, but nevertheless entertaining.
@Gravedigga13 LA Noire code/copies only arrived with press on day of release, hence the delay there. Skyrim was with reviewers several days ago.
Great review I missed this on PlayStation, kinda glad I did now a game like this is better for me on the switch can play it at work. When will LA noire and Rocket League be reviewed
@kobashi100 It's not published by Nintendo and it will drop. Same for LA Noir and Doom. The only reason they are full price is because the Switch library is still thin.
@BigKing no skyrim is full price because it's mother fcuking skyrim. It launched full price on other consoles.
"If it says what he would say anyway... is it really a fake account?"
Yes, it is. Really not cool man.
Just like with Doom, it's amazing that this game exists in the first place. Just watched Digital Foundry's take on it, and it sounds like they made the right sacrifices to get it to run well. Getting my copy this Xmas, and I can't wait.
Will pick this up at some point. Currently holding out for resident evil collection.
Surely we can have monster hunter world now!
Never played Skyrim before. Looking forward to playing it soon! Can't wait!
Does anyone know if it is possible to play as a girl?
If it was cheaper i would get it . I poured 100+ hours into it on the 360 when it came out.
This is going to take me into pure bliss. Then It is time for Xenoblade 2. It is a great time to be a Switch owner.
@Fight_Teza_Fight I'm sure they're taking into account the small user base and lack of history with Nintendo into account. They've pretty much said that they're not "just doing these two games," and that they want to build "a relationship" with Nintendo fans, which, I think, is a healthy way to approach the issue, as opposed to the toxic "test game" approach so many other publishers adopt.
That is nice. But next time I pay $60 for Elder Scrolls it needs to be a new game. Done with the ports of Skyrim.
If for some insane reason you have yet to play this game I can wholeheartedly recommend this version of the game over any other, assuming you don't mind missing out on mod support. We need to support bethesda so we can keep getting more of their usually excellent games in the future!
I wanted to play this at one time, but never got around to it. It doesn't look like I'll get that chance still with so many games grabbing my interest... but who knows?
I look forward to finally giving this a go when I can afford it and have some free time.
@vinicity Yes, you can.
What a view. A skyrim review in 2017.
Maybe there are really people who never played this game ....
Was there anything to learn in this review?
It was praise for this game (which it may well deserve) but somehow it was not really giving much away how it plays and how well the program runs (bug wise).
Does the character editor for the character creation in the beginning work well und how does it work? Many choices, little choices? How do the controls in the game work? What kind of quests do await me? Quests of many different kinds? Or just "kill x of these", "collect y of those", "run from a to b"?
What about the MOD-possibilities the other console versions offer? Is this feature implemented in the Switch version, too (maybe I just overlooked it)?
The text reads like the author thinks everybody knows and has already played "Skyrim" at least once before. Neither have I played it ever before nor do i know anything about what sets the Switch version apart from the other ones (besides playing on the go) or where it equals/comes close to those.
Not, that I don't to play the game (to be honest it's on my wishlist for Christmas) but this review doesn't help in gaining some more information about it. There have been much better reviews for other games in the past.
@Ambermoon There are some fetch quests and "go here, kill this" quests, but those are in virtually every open world game. The majority of them are actually interesting and have a story to them.
Does anybody know if winter is coming? This review can't even tell us. Shoddy work!
Seriously...savor this moment, everyone. How truly WEIRD is this to have TWO reviews of Bethesda games on NL in a single week!?
@CorvoRevo That would be me. I'm a TES superfan from Daggerfall through Oblivion. Built a $2000 PC rig back in the day primarily to max out the trees on Oblivion Then when Skyrim came out I'd mostly switched off to consoles. I tried to play it on X360....and just wasn't getting into it like prior TES games for some reason. And then the infamous the second town I discovered, I fell through the floor brush and couldn't get back up. I rolled back an hour to a prior save. Got to the same town, fell through the floor again. Rolled back HOURS to a different save. Got to the same town, fell through the floor again. It was in my entire save file data back to the start! I put the game away and never touched it again. I bought the LE with the HUGE undread dragon statue (had no idea it was that huge until it arrived....I still have it in a big brown box taking up half the room.) I have the Jeremy Soule autographed SE OST. And have never actually played Skyrim until now
@NaviAndMii @JubilifeRival To be fair both games are reviewed by different individuals and at the end of the day, it's just their opinions.
$79.99 CAD. For Skyrim, which came out in 2011. It's almost 7 years old. LOL.
@UmbreonsPapa Definitely true - Skyrim's 9/10 seems's the person who reviewed US/UM who's maybe gone a little O.T.T. if you ask me!
US/UM every bit as good as Breath of the Wild or Mario Odyssey - and better than Skyrim..? - I think not!
So excited for anyone that has not played this yet. My copy arrives tomorrow (on my birthday) but I haven't finished DOOM yet AND I just got my snes mini...good problem to have.
@Nincompoop Because whoever was reviewing this has finished and whoever is reviewing L. A. Noire hasn't. Probably because Bethesda sent out review copies earlier than Rockstar did.
Yes! This is it!
@Ambermoon TBH I find all of that chatter very dry and needless in a review, where the emphasis should be: is this going to make you happy. (Spoiler: Skyrim will.) The tech stuff is more for, y'know, product descriptions and those sites where games are still seen as products, like vacuum cleaners and dishwashers. BUT... no modding... hundreds of quests that vary from Murder All These Baddies to Find This Magical Helmet to Stop The Civil War to Prevent This Kid From Being Bullied... character editing is a question of how long is a piece of string, pretty much, as you can pull noses and punch cheeks until your heart's content, and each race has a few perks to help you on your way (i.e. being a Nord, local to the region, improves your tolerance of the cold). Controls? There are motion options as mentioned but unless you're exclusively a distance combat kind of adventurer, stick to pad play. Again, I've always preferred reviews that give the reader a feel for what they're going to experience, rather than dissect the media in question to such a degree that it simply becomes a series of ones and zeroes, to have little ticks and crosses against. But that's just me! So I hope this comment helps a bit.
Bethesda is rockin' it this year. Hope they continue this awesome support in the years to come too.
@vinicity IDK if this is a joke, but, yes, of course.
@NaviAndMii I agree with you completely. I get that these are just people's opinions but there should be some consistency across the website. You can't just hand out 10/10s to a game because it's Nintendo/Pokemon...there needs to be some objectivity. There's absolutely no way US/UM is anywhere near the same level of Skyrim, and I say this as a hardcore Pokemon fan.
@invictus4000 I'd be excited as well, but I don't have time for more than one 200 hour RPG per year, and Xenoblade is my series of choice. With Doom now and Wolfenstein eventually Bethesda will have sold me two out of their three games, and Meat Loaf assures me that that's adequate support.
I have a very long, detailed reason why I absolutely HATE Skyrim (and all the various re-releases), but this one can get a pass in my books since it's the first time an Elder Scrolls game has ever been on a Nintendo Platform.

@kobashi100 Yeah almost 20 years ago.
Never played Skyrim. I cannot bloody wait!
My, some people are salty lol
I started this game awhile back on PC and got bored with it after 10ish hours. I'm a huge Dark Souls/Zelda/Witcher 3 fan and I'm looking for a dark fantasy on the Switch. I'm gonna give this game another shot.
Can’t wait til tommorow. Buying it just to have but won’t be playing until la noire/doom/odyssey are all finished. I missed skyrim last gen since I logged over 1000 hours of dark souls, so i am super hyped. Switch in less then a year has a better library then prob any other console ever.
I have the definitive pc version, But it's nice for those who somehow havent played the game yet lol.
@LaVelle I see your point but I'd say it was worth it. See I would have just scanned my amiibo and then gotten pissed when my reward for battling to that mountain was a reward I easily got thru my scanning. Would rather earn it in the game. Glad NL called it out.
I know the game, played it for a while on PS3, got the complete edition on Steam and sits on my backlog. I want to know the specifics of the Switch version. I already decided not to get Skyrim, have played it for hundreds of hours on Steam as well. All of you that get this in the Switch, enjoy!
@Octane I’m missing out on absolutely nothing. I have no desire whatsoever to play anything on a PlayStation or an Xbox. That’s why I come to Nintendo Life over IGN.
@CorvoRevo Bearing in mind you’re on a Nintendo exclusive site and this game has never been on Nintendo before, I’d say this is the likeliest place to find people like myself who haven’t played it before...
@Aaron09 with thousands of Nintendo games to catch up on, I’m not going to be missing out on anything elsewhere...
Thx for your comment. It helps indeed. As written I've never played Skyrim before but read several articles about it when it came out back in the day. So basically I know what awaits me. And taken the many positive comments on this game it really delivers.
On the technical side of things one does not need to go too deep into detail but some things could be mentioned, e.g. how good the controls with the pad/motion control works (it seems motion control isn't that good taking if I understand you correctly) or does the game's immersion from long loading times/often loading.
You are right, a review should also (and maybe above all) tell what experience awaits me in a game.
Honestly bethseda deserves an award! My god these devs have spoilt us and even made games we have played seem exciting again! The fact they have put so much into the ports and made it switch style is dedication to the consumer. Im sure we will get updates so no need to worry about anything mentioned like lightning as we need to support these guys to show we are truly grateful. Wow switch owners are really the first generation of gamers experiencing full aaa open world games like this in handheld, it's not been done in this way regardless of the 3ds, nividia shield or iPad, gaming is finally exciting again and I for one can't wait to see the switch knock it out the park in 2018!
Thank you for your comment.
@kobashi100 You misspelled "fukcing".
Never played Skyrim before on any of the previous consoles. Always had a backlog of games to play on home consoles. Still do actually. But I'm excited for and picking up Skyrim on Switch because of that versatility of being able to play at home or wherever. So while I may not be glued to it (as much as I am with Stardew Valley and finding all the Power Moons in Super Mario Odyssey), I'll at least have the cart with me and can pop it in whenever & wherever I feel like going exploring!
Geez Mike, can't you stop talking about the game's "grand old age"? When every second game reviewed is retro, it's a bit silly.
@Ambermoon Motion controls aren't really that good for sword and shield stuff (but then, the combat in Skyrim has always been a bit wobbly); but it's cool for shooting an arrow or two. I can't see it being a primary means of control though, but novel for a few minutes.
@Ambermoon ''The text reads like the author thinks everybody knows and has already played "Skyrim" at least once before''.
Yup, that's what I was saying. They usualy explain the game and tell us their opinion, but they didn't here. You don't need more than 2 lines to say that the game is old. I have already read better reviews.
@Shiryu with Fus-Ro-damn you won all XD
Ewwww vanilla skyrim? I'll stick with my modded PC version and BotW on Switch. Thanks.
Bad Mike. It is cosplaying as the 'Hero of the Wild', not the 'Hero of Time'.
Out of curiosity, does anyone know if this is the recently-released Special Edition of the game, or the original version with some Nintendo exclusives added in? I've heard some rumors that it was the Special Edition, but I'm not too sure.
@astrofan1993 As far as I'm aware, it's the special edition. The graphics are slightly worse than the PS4/Xbox One special editions, but they're still better than the original graphics, and it comes with all the DLC. I don't think it has mods, but I could be wrong.
@astrofan1993 Bethesda themselves said it was the Special Edition. There was never any info to the contrary. Look it up.
@astrofan1993 it's the SE. This was confirmed months ago
I’ve never played it, and I’m interested. Going to hold out for now though as I have a lot of other stuff to play the rest of the year. Might decide between this and Xenoblade 2 for my next RPG though.
To think that I would ever see an Elder Scrolls game released on on a Nintendo console (six year old port or not) has me truly tickled pink! Elder Scrolls is easily my favorite series of all time. I believe I will be buying this port when it goes on a discount.
@olrodlegacy That's sad.
This is Skyrim
Todd this is the third time this week you've shown Skyrim in class.
Just ordered it. Couldn't resist. Happy to support Bethesda's effort too. I've only played this game for about 20h when it came out originally. So I think I'm in for a treat!
This will definitely be joining my Switch collection soon, despite the fact that I don't have one yet. XD
I'm also one of the rare people that have never played Skyrim. I just bought Doom so I'm gonna get it for for Xmas but I can't wait I'm really looking forward to it.
Will pick it up... to add to my PC version, Xbox 360 version.. I already sunk 200 hours into this world why not add another 100.
i love Skyrim despite its bugs
I know some people don't like ports of the best games from last gen.
Give me the Mass Effect Trilogy please. PLEASE!!!! Or Fallout New Vegas!
I am totally cool with good games from last gen, suddenly playable on the toilet. In fact, I am more than cool with. I love it!
@Fight_Teza_Fight The Switch version is the Special Edition. Also, the prices of the PS4 and Xbox One versions are $59.99 at launch.
That would be a Day one purchase for me!! 🙌🏼
I'm highly tempted to get it... It's been years since I last played Skyrim and I never got the expansion packs. Still that 60€.... feels a bit steep.
We need a new Elder Scrolls game instead of Bethesda re-releasing the same one over and over for 6 years. Morrowind came out in 2003, 3 years later Oblivion and 5 years later Skyrim. Now we are 6 years out and not even an announcement that the next Elder Scrolls game is being worked on. Meanwhile people are still paying $60 for it. LOL.
I’ll take a mass effect trilogy. I played 3 on the Wii U and loved it. To bad the Wii U didn’t get the trilogy 😐
Personally, I can't play Elder Scroll or Fallout games without mods anymore, but anyone who hasn't played Skyrim yet should pick it up.
@LaVelle thats why I dont read more than the first and last paragraph of any review until I have played it/seen it/read it/listened to the form of entertainment being reviewed.
I have never played Skyrim, tonight its going to get a good session and I am happy as I have, over the years, managed to find out very little about this game other than its awesome and I want to play it.
It was actually on my list of 'great games I will never get to play' since I been traveling and working abroad for seven years. Its catch up time.
Also was watching a livestream podcast last week that had a mario spoiler, a small one but the message board bloew up and the stream died quickly from pissed off peeps.
It amazing how a little off hand comment can piss so much folk off.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Skyrim SE on the X1/PS4 was a full price retail release.
See, now this is a real review. Going by the writing standards of the Pokémon Ultra S/M review, this one makes NSkyrim sound more like a 19/10...
I'm in the camp that's never played Skyrim before(I could've gotten it on PS3, but eh). So I'll be enjoying this for for the first time on Switch.
@olrodlegacy are you saying you don't care about Skyrim on Switch?
@arrmixer That was the only reason I didn't buy 3 on Wii U. That series needs to be played together to be best enjoyed.
Skyrim is published by Nintendo. And the reason they're full price is because new games are full price, like Skyrim was on PS4 and XB1.
Thankfully it seems to just be some modern gamers who are cheap, not everyone. People didn't mind paying for SNES ports to the GBA. PS4 and XB1 owners don't moan because PC gets games cheaper. It's just some people who think they're entitled to price parity across different Systems. Probably still believe in Santa as well.
Not decided on this game yet. I think it might be too open for me, I stuggle with lack of imagination. And besides, I haven’t finished Super Mario Odyssey. I have a pile of games bought, but not yet played, and they have priority over this. Also; the new World of Warcraft expansion looks super fresh. That means: I’m going to have to get my characters ready.
I totally agree. But hey I just wanted to try the series out. The game pad usage in the game was a nice touch.
gutted Amazon didn't have enough stock to delivery mine today... even though i pre-ordered in September! saying Monday... fingers crossed, very excited
@geox30 can't recommend Noire... can offer a 'hardly used' copy for sale!
sadly Noire is a beautiful, but joyless version of GTA
@invictus4000 Happy Birthday
@electrolite77 Look to the right. Game Info. Publisher.
Bathesda Softworks.
Not Nintendo.
It's not a new game, it shouldn't be full price. Just like Neo Geo games on the Switch aren't hundreds of dollars like when they were released back in the day.
Nintendo and Bethesda made a deal. Nintendo published this. And Doom. It may say Bethesda but Nintendo are handling it. That's why it's on their ads, that's why you can buy Doom from Nintendo's UK store with a t-shirt.
In your second paragraph you seem to have compared emulated versions of 25-year-old arcade games to a remastered, specifically-developed version of a 6-year-old RPG. No further comment.
Good grief I haven't even bought Mario Odyssey yet...I've got to get that, Doom, and now Skyrim AND I've just bought Rocket League. Its not even if I have a choice!!!
Glad the switch version turned out well. Going to best buy this weekend.
@BigKing I wasn't aware they were coercing you into buying it.
I don´t think the review is trying to give you a good clue about what´s skyrim is all about for a newcomer, ohh well, for sure it doesn´t give you any excitement of what´s to come. The review is trying too much with a intelectual language that nobody will understand than unless you maybe have played the game already. I haven´t played Skyrim. The review gives me the feeling it must be a very boring game for intelectual speaking people. I´m better off with Xenoblade, it´s for me the safer bet since I loved the 1st one on Wii
@electrolite77 Actually, it's published by Bethesda Softworks.
@BigKing Did you complain about the prices of the PS4 and Xbox One versions? I'm just curious.
I bought Skyrim in 2011 Xbox 360 £36 day one release AAA game. How many years have to pass before it's not a AAA full price game anymore ? 10, 20 ?
@electrolite77 you said ;
In your second paragraph you seem to have compared emulated versions of 25-year-old arcade games to a remastered, specifically-developed version of a 6-year-old RPG.
M8 thats a long winded way of saying it's a six year old port, specifically developed ? A link sword tunic and shield & some motion controls It's an old port albiet a very very good one. I seem to remember your same argument for FIFA, it being built from the ground up specifically for the switch.....fifa 16 port with a skin and half of it missing...thankfully Skyrim has been done just Salty at the price 🤔..oh and im still bitterly salty about Fifa cos I love Fifa and they pulled Nintendo users pants down...because they can EA .
It doesn't make much difference to anything but it's published by Nintendo. They worked with Bethesda on it and are handling the physical distribution and marketing.
@Grogan The Switch version is the Special Edition, so it's not the same game as the game that was released in 2011.
Special ? In what way ?
It was AAA in 2011 so is the special edition AAAA+ ?
@Grogan "Several graphical features of Skyrim were enhanced with the Special Edition, as follows:[3]
Remastered art and effects
Volumetric lighting (“God Rays”)
Dynamic Depth of Field
Screen-space reflections
New snow and water shaders"
It also includes all the DLC.
I see where your going with that and it looks like that's the pc ps4 xbox1 special edition 2016. The switch version has been called somewhere between xbox 360 and Xbox 1
The Downloadable content that I don't have a choice in paying for. Surely it ceases to be DLC if it's included in the purchase. Can I buy Skyrim for the switch without the DLC at a cheaper price ?
80$CAN Its too much for Skyrim. At this price Bestesda loose a lot of buyers. Its always on sale on PlayStation network for 40$CAN.
$60 for a 6-year-old game that launched for $50. Yeah, that seems reasonable. When did Nintendo decide to focus on the 1%?
I'll probably pick this up when it's <$20
Not sure how you can criticize Skyrim's voice acting and combat while hailing Zelda Breath of the Wild in the same piece of writing, but ok. Then again, all of the criticisms that are used to repeatedly peg Skyrim as an old game are also present, if not more profound, in the more recent open world games also presented in this review.
Skyrim is still the peak of open world RPGs. This review wouldn't exist if it wasn't still such a relevant game today.
This game is awesome. Bugs and all. I still laugh every time I see a giant hit someone with its club and the glitch happens. Those of u who have seen it know what I’m talking about. As long as Bethesda’s gotten rid of the game breaking ones... anyway. Now if mods could b added, however, being its own entity (not 360/ps3 or quite PS4 xbone), I can see how it would b a challenge. Notwithstanding Nintendo’s need to control. Which has subsided some, but....
@Hobbesyall not sure but you should get one anyways. I got the 200 gb one. Love it!
@riChchestM Skyrim on Switch is the Special Edition, it just doesn't have the SE in it's title. All DLC comes part of the Skyrim on Switch deal and is unlocked via in-game progression.
This is my first elder scrolls experience since Morrowind and for some reason it seems that I only waited for this game to be released on Switch. I have to say it is a really awesome experience! People are moving clumsy sometimes, but aside from that it looks pretty good as well. And it runs smooth on TV and handheld mode so far. Totally worth my 60 bucks...
@genechan33 Let's not do that.
BotW is the new peak of open world games in general. This is the general consensus among gaming critics, and the metascores all over the board work as the absolute proof of it. I don't know how anyone can compare to that piece of art to this collection of wooden faces and non-existent physics. (Skyrim)
I wanna get this so bad cause Skyrim is one of my favorite games, but I can't justify a premium price tag on a game that doesn't have any significant improvements over its release a decade ago. Especially when I bought it for PS3. My brother bought it for ps4. And I play it from my friends library on my computer. More then that, I can't justify buying it on a current gen system and it won't let me mod it. I'm bored of vanilla skyrim, and the basic mods I use really make the game a wonderful experience. Even simple things like HDT hair and khajit tails or truly random loot finds, and more immersive things like frostfall and a better house. I really can't imagine paying $60 for base skyrim.
If anyone makes it this far in the comments, this is a buggy mess. Gets much worse the later on you get in the game (60+ hours), and this is a game meant to spent loads of time on. Not talking weird glitches that make for fun screen shots, but game-breaking bugs that make it unplayable. Such a shame, because the game is still addictively good after all this time, but breaks just as you really start discovering the immensity of the game.
Yeah I know, late to the party - but I am absolutely getting this. And I've played it countless times on PC - but it feels right on the Switch.
Awful review. Most of the time explains technical details and it is like everybody knows what Skyrim is and have played it before and doesn't go into details about gameplay and what kind of game it is. Never played it, never watched a video of it and I couldn't tell by the review what should I expect except 30fps etc etc.
Just reading this review now in March 2023 and it made me laugh where you commented on The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls, followed by "not that you'll be seeing either of those on Switch".
Haha, that didn't age too well!
Cool reminder that even back only to 2017, even a lefty PC person easily says "regardless of gender", meaning two, without it being a point of argument. Ahhh sanity, you are missed.
@McGruber Took awhile to get there didn't it? I was starting to think it would never go under 20.
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