There’s something magical about the first time you dive from the Sky to the Surface in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. That one moment feels like a complete distillation of what made Breath of the Wild feel so special to so many – the freedom, the thrill, and the scope are all captured perfectly as you careen to the surface of Hyrule. You can see just how big the world is even before you land, reminding you of just how massive the previous game was.
Somehow, Tears of the Kingdom does the impossible and makes Breath of the Wild feel like a proof of concept; it takes everything its predecessor does, improves upon every single aspect, and gives you even more freedom, an even bigger world, and tons more secrets to uncover. It’s frankly staggering and makes for an absolutely incredible experience.

Tears of the Kingdom is a sequel to Breath of the Wild in every sense of the word. The core of the game hasn’t changed. The combat is largely the same, the Surface map is (at first glance) identical, and even the structure starts off the same. But even though Hyrule might seem familiar at first, as you take your first steps across the grassy fields, you’ll notice lots of little differences. There’s a new town, new ruins, rock faces and cliffs look different, and there are dangers around every corner. There’s just enough here to make looking around Hyrule a second time feel fresh. But it’s also clear Nintendo has listened to some of the minor criticisms many had of the first game.
For one, there’s a more prevalent story this time around. We’re not going to go into any detail here, but each domain feels much more involved in the overarching narrative, and new and returning characters all get moments to shine. Not every single objective follows the exact same pattern, either. Sometimes you’ll have to solve some riddles, while others you just need to follow a friend. But every single thread leads to something new and exciting – and sometimes, to greater heights and depths than ever before.
From the sidequests to the NPCs and right down to the world itself, Tears of the Kingdom’s Hyrule, despite being the same as Breath of the Wild’s, feels much more lived in. The sidequests are a lot more interesting with even more memorable characters, events, and rewards, and there are long quest chains that also help point you in the right direction for the story, such as hinting at where to find a missing item. We’d be remiss to spoil any, but rest assured that Tarrey Town is again home to one of the most rewarding of the bunch.

The Sky, where you start your adventure, feels completely different from the sprawling exploration-encouraging world of the Surface. Made up of small collections of islands that are spread across a huge space, these house little puzzles and challenges. There’s a real thrill to discovering a new island, whether it’s just a treasure chest or a challenging miniboss.
But there’s something the developer has been keeping close to its chest – a sprawling, dark underbelly hidden beneath Hyrule. While much more sparse than the Surface, the Depths challenges your navigation skills and survivability as you weave your way around extremely dangerous enemies and puddles of black and red sludge that inflicts Gloom, a new status effect that temporarily reduces your maximum hearts. We’re going to avoid the obvious FromSoftware comparison, but it’s a nerve-wracking experience and feels entirely unlike anything else in either this game or its predecessor.

Visually, Tears of the Kingdom builds on Breath of the Wild’s lovely art style but, with this sequel being built for the Switch alone, you can spot all of the extra detail that’s been painted onto the world. Mountains are much more detailed, and there’s a wider variety of environments across the whole game, leading to some truly beautiful shots, particularly in the skies above Hyrule. Some music returns from Breath of the Wild, but we’re delighted that there are tons of new songs and arrangements in this sequel, some of which are utterly gorgeous and brought a tear to our eyes. It made coming to this new, bigger version of “home” that much more special.
Exploring any of these three maps is like opening multiple giant toy chests and figuring out what to do with your new tools to get there. Your four new abilities – Ultrahand, Fuse, Ascend, and Recall – crack open a world of possibilities in terms of combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving. Accidentally dropped a platform you’re trying to set in the air? Recall it. Can’t climb up a cliff overhang? Ascend through it. Can’t get over lava? Use Ultrahand to make the most audacious Zelda-style monster truck ever. Or just stick together some slate and wheels and settle for that.
In some ways, Hyrule is easier to get around than ever before, but those small changes that we hinted at above mean there are often new problems to circumnavigate using your new toys. We found nothing more liberating than seeing something on the ground and knowing we can just fuse it to any of our unfused weapons, shields, or arrows. Lizalfos tails look ridiculous but they increase your weapon’s range like a whip, and yes, you can hit enemies with a beehive sword and it’s hilarious. Chuchu jelly is actually useful now, adding elemental properties to arrows, while the plethora of monster parts can increase your attack power tenfold. The possibilities are bursting at the seams at all times, but in a way that feels manageable.
Of all of the new abilities, Ultrahand is the one you’ll be using the most, and while it feels a little clunky for the first few hours, the game encourages you to practice enough that it soon becomes second nature. If you’re not the most creative person, you don’t need to worry, as you’ll always find items lying around that hint at what you can build, or use the unlockable Autobuild skill which logs your previous creations and allows you to recreate them by using the necessary materials in front of you. You can go for simple solutions or the most elaborate builds to solve pretty much everything. Did we use Ultrahand to stick a rocket (a Zonai Device, a one-time item that you can use to aid your Ultrahand building) to a Korok’s backpack? Of course we did. But you could also make the world’s biggest slide and a little kart for your Korok friend to ride. Probably.

It often feels like the sky’s the limit in Tears of the Kingdom, although there are restrictions in place to stop things from feeling overwhelming. One thing that especially helps is that the game is generally a lot more challenging than Breath of the Wild. There are lots more enemies on the map, often found in groups – and they’re not shy about ganging up on you, either. Many new enemies require brand-new strategies to take down, and returning ones have stronger variations. And while weapon durability is back, monsters drop equipment so frequently that it felt even less of an issue here.
We died a lot, especially at the beginning of the game, but we love that we had to think about our approach more carefully with each encounter. Fuse comes in handy to deal more damage or freeze other opponents as we try and take out the more dangerous ones. And sometimes, when an archer was sniping us, we’d sneak up on them by using Ascend to get to the top of a tower at the snap of a finger. So even though the world is at our fingertips thanks to our new skills, the challenge tempers them and prevents them from becoming overpowered.
Going back to the story, some places make use of these abilities – along with a regional ally who you’ll need to utilise to progress – more than others. More traditional-style dungeons make a return in Tears of the Kingdom. All of them are visually distinct, with unique bosses and puzzles to solve, and they manage to blend the open nature of BOTW nicely with those classic multi-floor dungeons of the past. They’re not quite the enclosed, linear style of Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess’ own, per se, but they are a marked improvement over the Divine Beasts and a lot of fun to get through.

For those more bite-sized puzzles, Shrines make a return too, but there’s a lot more variety this time around. Combat shrines are largely gone and replaced with either tutorial-style ones that teach you how to utilise throwing items effectively or sneak attacks or challenges which strip you of all of your armour and weapons and force you to start from the basics and use your new skills to defeat some Constructs. Some of the solutions had us scratching our heads for a while, but if there’s one thing Zelda nails for us, it’s the satisfaction of progressing and understanding. Even if sometimes our solution was just to build a giant bridge.
The puzzles feel more organically integrated into the world as well. There are tons of cave systems in Tears of the Kingdom that house some rather unsettling enemies and/or goodies, and these little networks can often feel like miniature dungeons. The Sky is really one big puzzle because it makes you think about how to progress or get around, but there are also little challenges that unlock more Shrines or that encourage you to create solutions to defeating some of the new overworld bosses.
Honestly, we couldn’t get enough of travelling between all three maps. Our curiosity felled us in the underground multiple times as we tried to take on harder enemies, but as we got stronger and accustomed to the harsh world below, that satisfaction of finally taking down a monster was thrilling. The contrast between the Sky, Surface, and Depth is refreshing, with all three bringing different styles of gameplay, visuals, and music to the table, but they never feel detached from one another. And all three maps are seamless – there are no load times as you jump from the Surface to the Depths, or as you shoot yourself from the Surface to the Sky.

Given this, it’s evident that Tears of the Kingdom is pushing the system to its limits. The frame rate is capped at 30FPS both handheld and docked, and for the most part, the game stays around or just below that. During elaborate Ultrahand builds or busy fights and locations, performance can dip to the low 20s (or even lower) fairly frequently. It’s not hugely disruptive, and it didn’t feel any worse than Breath of the Wild – particularly after Nintendo released a pre-launch patch during the review period – but it serves as a staunch reminder of the now-six-year-old console's limitations.
Still, it’s pretty amazing that this entire world has been squeezed onto a little Switch cartridge, and those performance issues didn't affect our enjoyment at all. Whether we were standing on an island high in the sky, gazing down through the clouds as the sun set across Hyrule, or plummeting through those skies as the blood moon rose, we fell in love with the open world of Hyrule all over again.
So, is Tears of the Kingdom better than Breath of the Wild? That'll be down to personal preference, but we can guarantee that you'll adore this if you loved its predecessor. Tears of the Kingdom recaptures that magic in new and exciting ways while improving upon and polishing almost every facet. This is an enormous, breathtaking sequel, and a very special video game.
It’s impossible to talk about everything that makes The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom so incredible, and making many of those discoveries yourselves is part of the magic. It’s also impossible to overstate just how much there is to do in Hyrule this time around. Much like its predecessor, this is your playground for the next however many years to come, with a little sprinkling of that older Zelda fairy dust mixed into Breath of the Wild’s formula. It’s a glorious, triumphant sequel to one of the best video games of all time; absolute unfiltered bliss to lose yourself in for hundreds of hours. We can’t wait to see what the world will do with the game.
Comments 277
It's dangerous to go alone! You won't last 30 seconds playing this game!
Thank you, Nintendo. You are the best.
Breath of the Wild's Hyrule was the experience of a lifetime. I can't wait to see what else you've done with the place since.
Je t'aime.
hype-levels @ 100,000,000,000,000!!!!
just wanted to see the score 10/10 did not look at any images !!!
I always read reviews, I never just look at the score, but I'm making an exception in this case. I just don't want to know anything at all! But once I've had some time with it I will 100% come back, I promise!
Edit back as promised! I feel really bad for @AlanaHagues because this was such a great review and so many of us didn't want to read it after all that effort >.< but She did such a great job of describing what makes it great without spoiling the game, it was really impressive, I really thought Alex was gonna take this one, not that I don't love Alex as well but it's nice to see someone else at the reigns from time to time. I can't believe that little indie games buckle on the Switch but this runs and looks near flawlessly (or at least for my standards) on this elderly console, the devs are absolute wizards.
As for myself, I am really having trouble dealing with the absolute scope of the game as I have mentioned in forums and I've ran away to the much more modest Kirchen Bel in the original Atelier Sophie until I can face Hyrule again, but I can see that it's a me problem and that the game is truly phenomenal. I really hope I can overcome it and enjoy it for the masterpiece it is.
I can't wait to go alone into Hyrule again, despite the danger!
Was there ever any doubt.....😉
Very glad to see "dungeons" are improved!
As expected. Gonna be the best game in years, so hype!
Was never in doubt. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
Looks like we're in for a treat guys! Time to jump back into Hyrule..
Beyond hyped!
Never any doubt about the score on this one. Today is going to be a very, very long day…but hyyyyyyyype!
I’m so jealous of all of you who get to review this ahead of the rest of the world getting their hands on it. 😅
Saw the score and I’m out!!! Lets go!!
Can’t wait for tomorrow. Gonna read the review now and slowly go crazy in anticipation!
Sounds like everything that I hoped for and much more!
Can't wait to play it tomorrow!
Bring on tomorrow!
SO excited for tomorrow 🥳
Nice to see it did well. Can't wait for tomorrow.
Can’t wait to get my hands on this at some point! Enjoy everybody, your patience is about to be rewarded!
I can barely contain my excitement for this game, glad to hear that it's even better than the first!!!
Well, they gave it a 10 so you all owe me £20
@milonorth yep I was the same I literally scrolled to the bottom saw the 10 and am not going yo read the review, Ign gave it the same as well as gamespot so yeah that's all I wanted to see now bring on tomorrow morning
@jump You wrong for that lmao!
I've played about 10 or so hours and already I'd say its better than BOTW in almost every way, the shrines are better designed and there's a lot more thought into quality of life touches such as recipes etc. An amazing game
Happy for everyone thatll enjoy it this wknd, sounds like a banger. And as someone on the fence for a future purchase - glad to hear weapon durability isnt as much a thing with monster drops, that was on my mind
Nintendo is essentially releasing the greatest video game of all time tommorow!
Less than 10 hours to go. (well, here at least)
Sounds like a great game. My number one hope (being able to play as Zelda rather than boring old Link) unfortunately didn't come to pass which is a bit of a letdown though.
I now have to decide whether I actually want to go back and finish BotW or if I should just jump straight into what sounds like the superior game.
Also — Now that the wait is over for Zelda, Mario later this year please?
@H3X3NH4MM3R wow exactly the same thing I did searching directly for those 3 review sites. I always come here for news but usually I am more aligned with GameStop's review scores. With 3 10s yeah, tomorrow can't come soon enough
I'm ready af, tomorrow can't come soon enough!
Surely no Zelda can truly lay claim to greatness without Tingle though :/
I skipped straight to the comments to say - I’ll read the review later, after I play. I’ll boot up the game this weekend with my daughters looking on (we’re all a little hyped for this sequel).
I want to go into TOTK fresh, and savor it! 😁
I have it pre-installed. Anyone know what time it will 'release'?
Finally off work and ready for my vacation until September! Got it pre ordered and ready to pick up when the stores open tomorrow. Can't remember the last time I was so excited for a game to be released!
Wake me up when I can get a physical copy for $40.
Have the digital version installed and just WAITING for the shackles to come off its locks...😫😫😫
The hype is real. GOTY 2023.
I've already downloaded it via one of my vouchers and my pro controller is charged to the max!! AND HERE WE GO!! I'll be pulling an ALL NIGHTER!!!
Took a risk on this one after not really liking BOTW and im so glad to hear that classic dungeons of a sort have been re introduced in to the game. Glad i booked tomorrow off now.
The greatest game of all time made even better: Nintendo sure have a habit of doing that huh?

While I'm not going to be grabbing TOTK for a presumably very long while (I haven't even played BOTW yet for crying out loud!), seeing them address all the little frustrations people have had with BOTW while also adding so much more to it's formula is genuinely astounding. Super happy for the fans that have had to wait as long as they've had for this: it looks like it was worth every single second 😁
Not surprised by the glowing reviews. Can't wait to get lost in Hyrule again!
“We died a lot”
Are there any “options” or difficulty settings in this game or is Nintendo sticking with their ridiculously old fashioned - this is the way we made it this is the way you’ll play it - mentality?
Doesn’t really seem like the type of game that would need easy, medium or hard but at this point I’m kind of used to at least a few quality of life settings. 🤷🏻♂️
I'm stuck in a hotel because my work messed up my flight booking. So my plan to have the day off and get to EB Games at 9am for this has been spoiled. The anticipation was already huge, but it's on another level now. CANNOT WAIT!
Now I won't sleep,
until I dive deep,
and long long after it.
Wake me up when Hyrule is safe again…
This review perfectly sums it up for me. Of course this is a masterpiece even better than Breath. I don’t think I could go back to Breath after this. Surely one of the greatest games ever is launching tomorrow!
I took off work when Breath of the Wild came out because of excitement.
I'm arguably more excited for Tears of the Kingdom, yet this weekend is one of the busiest for me, so I probably won't really be able to play until next week. The irony is hilarious!
Have fun before I can NL fam!
I’ve been playing through The Champions’ Ballad this week and thinking “there’s no way Zelda can get better than this.” 😂 Glad to see I was wrong. Can’t wait to finally finish up BotW and jump into TotK in a week or so
The shear amount of drool dripping from that review makes me think it's more of a 12/10.
Let's go!
See y’all at 2 am tonight, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go back to BOTW
Same here. I started to read the review and I stopped and said " NIntendoLife YOU SHALL NOT PASS". Then jumped to the score.
I did not expected 10. Oke Breath of the wild was 10 because it was a different new experience. I can understand that. This game is the same only better but I can not understand it if I have not play it. I must beat the game. I was expecting a 9 but I am very happy with it. Better dungeons is a good reason.
If xenoblade 3 and bayonetta 3 got 10, ofc this one will be a 10.
Just watched the IGN review. The game looks actually really fun. I loved the first few hours of exploring Breath Of The Wild but taking in the views can only entertain for so long. And the only thing that really kept me going was the completionism and it felt like rather shallow content. And of course I missed the atmosphere, music and good dungeons of the old games. Not sure the atmosphere or music is improved in this game though. But here is to hoping.
Well they really seemed to have heard the criticism. It looks like there is actually stuff to do this time. And I mean FUN stuff.
I have to admit I feel hyped now.
I simply do not want to cry salty tears of disappointment but sweet tears of joy.
I just scrolled to see the score , as if there was any doubt they would knock it out the park.
Happy to use a voucher to play this on release day (and snag a physical copy in a couple of months, when they inevitably flood the stores at a reduced price)
Mine arrived today, had a sneaky go at lunch but cant wait till later to fully dive in
Soubds excellent! Can't wait to play it tomorrow!
Looking forward to riding my bike out to some nice woodsy spot, and beginning my first playthrough.
Great review, practically confirms that Tears of the Kingdom will be Breath of the Wild but much, much improved and expanded while also having at least a couple more elements of traditional Zelda games which is exactly all I wanted from it, can't wait to play it as soon as my physical copy arrives (it has already been shipped so either later today or tomorrow at the latest)!
97% on MC so far 😁 I think GOTY has been won already.
Tomorrow will be great!
Purposely not reading this yet (I will read it eventually though!), but thanks for the review. Thank goodness for review scores. I can't wait to dive into this tomorrow.
@Magician sorry we will be having too much fun with the game to remember, you keep sleeping
I played BoTW all month as a goodbye cuz i dont think ill ever boot that game again now that ToTK is here, that in itself is a new feeling, a true testament of what this new game can achieve.
So, my copy has arrived early. Day 1 download halfway through… 😸
In the immortal words of Reggie fils-amie: "My body is ready!"
Please ignore the rest of this comment. Digital Foundry says that ToTK performs just as good as BoTW so it’s all good. Everything seems to suggest that ToTK is just as good if not better than its predecessor.
I think it’s a big difference between the performance being not perfect and the game dipping as low as 15-20fps quite often, as the review suggests. It’s no one’s fault that Nintendo refuses to upgrade a system way past its prime and which doesn’t hold up even for its own in-house new releases. Yes, I know that the Switch is exempt from having any expectations to decent performances but still, under 20 frames is borderline playable from my experience with other games running similarly poor. We play games primarily for the gameplay and everything else is secondary, but there has to be a frame-rate limit under which no developer should fall, and that’s 25-30fps in my book.
Other than that, I look forward to play it, like everyone else.
@Ara You should watch Digital Foundry's video on this as they were very impressed and says the 30fps holds up most of the time providing you download the day 1 patch.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@WallyWest Thanks for the heads up, will do.
@TheBigBlue I think I know who you mean and I think it was trolling, and I think you know how I deduced that
Game of the century
It's splendid that the game will bring so much joy to all the people who waited for it! I'll be sure to grab it one day, when I get more time to explore a single game
25 minutes to go! Bring it on, I've had a 3 hour nap to keep me going into the night XD Best thing about Australia is getting new releases first before everyone else
Got my copy today, played an hour so far and I'm really enjoying it. The first 10/15 minutes of the game have got me really looking forward to underground exploring.
Well this certainly seems like an improvement. I appreciate the added dungeons and more enemy variety, those were probably my biggest complaints with the last game. Few games get me excited like a kid again to play but Zelda is one of the few exceptions. I can’t wait to sink some time in this one, I feel I’ll be staying out in this game for awhile.
I just read the review and I don't feel like they've explained much at all. I know a lot of people don't like spoilers but Nintendolife could have made more effort and gone into more detail on some things.
Are the NPC's voice acted this time? You mention the return of towns. Could you give an example of one of the Quests you'll perform in one of these towns? Also how integral will the towns and inhabitants be to the main story?
Speaking of story, we all know there'll be floating islands. Will we be able to reach these islands in the early parts of the game (in the first couple of hours) or is this something that gets introduced later in the game.
How dependent will we be on the new abilities. Can you still complete the game without them or will they be integral for progressing the story?
Will be getting this first thing in the morning, and I am off at the moment so this has come at the perfect time.
I really should have taken tomorrow off.
Waiting from 7:30 (when I get to work) till 5:00 (when I get off) then a 25 minute drive home is going to kill me.
I could actually take a lunch break tomorrow (I usually skip lunch breaks for the extra hour of pay and just eat a sandwich but I have the right to take a one hour lunch) just so I can start the game in handheld mode. But this is definitely game I want to play mostly on my Sony X90K.
Reads amazingly. Ultra-pumped. Cannot wait baby. Read this as well as the Digitql Foundary thoughts and now I am hyped to the gills. Thanks for the review.
Better dungeons ☑
Unique epic dungeon bosses ☑
Better story ☑
They had the game engine done this time, so had 6 years to develop the perfect sequel, and I'd say they nailed it 🎯
I'm still A BIT worried about the fact that they reused BoTW base map. Bought it anyways tho since I own all Zelda games since Ocarina of Time. And the good reviews also put me at ease.
That does seem reassuring.
wonder if this review was done prior to the patch if they were getting low 20s often.
Having merely liked BotW rather than absolutely loved it, I can't say I'm CRAZY hyped for this, but definitely excited to try it. Sadly, I'm out of town for a lecture and book signing until Saturday night. It'll be sitting in my mailbox all day just chilling...
Important question:
Do Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom constitute a trilogy?
I don't think I have ever been this excited for a game. This is going to be a religious experience.
It’s DLC. Literally the same map, enemies & weapon breaking every 2 min. #overrated
I don't want to spoil myself, but can some just answer me this question with either yes or no: “Does this game have traditional dungeons?”
@Uncle_Franklin Nah, one is Hyrule Warriors and the other two are Legend Of Zelda.
Very excited to play Tears of the Kingdom tomorrow.
So damn excited. My God just reading the pros/cons at the end (the only thing I read) was enough to draw some tears of joy. Thanks Nintendo for creating a masterpiece.
@RareFan yes
I'll pick up a physical copy for the collection. But I'm in no rush since I haven't finished Breath of the Wild.
Let's a gooooooo!!!
OMG I'm so excited
@AlanaHagues I was wondering, what are the performance issues that you found in the game. And do you think they can be fixed with an update?
As I write this, I am 13hrs 9 minutes from clicking that tormenting avatar on my Switch screen. It can't come soon enough.
Tomorrow is gonna be a beautiful day. Seeing lots of 10’s, 9’s and 4.5 (outta 5). Nintendo did it again!
Best part is we essentially got a trilogy of games (…hoping for either AoC 2 or a huge new expansion pass.) so much to play and keep playing.
@JeanPaul Mostly just frame drops in combat and when using Ultrahand, but only when things are very busy. A patch dropped during the review period and that's improved things, but it can still come up if infrequently
For someone buying a Switch now, would they need to bother with Breath "proof of concept" Wild or just stick with Tears of the Kingdom?
Removed - flaming/arguing
Not great timing for me. I don't have time for many big games and I'm already dug into Jedi: Survivor on PS5 now which is scratching both open world and metroidvania itches really well with story and character I'm really into.
I expect to love this Zelda game, and it's preordered, but I'm not sure when to start playing...
@TT21 That's pretty funny sarcasm, now. It is sarcasm, right? lol
I have somehow managed to go from not really being excited at all for this game to counting down the days until Friday. I might get burned again, but at the very least I’m going to try my best to see the game every single review outlet sees.
Wait, the underground area is the same size as the overground map?! Jesus.
I'm hyped enough for this game that I'm going to a midnight launch for the first time in nearly 10 years. In recent years, most of the 'midnights' have been around 9 pm at the Gamestop I go to which is convenient. This one is an actual midnight and usually I don't feel like leaving the house around that time but this game seems too good to not play as soon as possible.
Horizon Burning Shores: technically nice but drops PS4 support for a cloud.
Jedi Survivor: not bad but drops last Gen for 'reasons' and has a terrible PC port and general performance issues.
Redfall: a total catastrophe of both design philosophy, execution and horrendous performance.
Zelda: Y'all hold my beer and watch this 8 year old tech on a tablet run a PERFECT launch.
So sad that we keep encouraging this style of Zelda …. But I’m glad it’s a good game. I’ll be playing it and see if it can change my mind or is it just the good old Zelda cycle where everyone gives 10s day one and years down the line people start ripping the game apart.
@AlanaHagues Oh ok, maybe they'll give another patch to improve it, and I guess is not a big of a deal but still noticeable in some specific moments.. Thanks for your review and answer!
I think I will stay sceptical after all and wait a while until the hype is gone. IGN feels to me like a site that is just advertising videogames and stuff. Maybe the review video showed only the highlights of the game. I remember seeing the story trailer of Breath Of The Wild and being hyped for it.
And to be honest at least the cave gameplay felt kinda empty. As I said I simply do not want to be disappointed and I did not want to trust Zelda reviews anymore after Breath Of The Wild.
@Grandiajet 12am EST / 9pm PST in USA
@Jhena Many, many sites gave it a 10 and absolutely lovely things to say about it
So they did with Breath Of The Wild. As I said.
I'm not going to read it all, but so happy to see that the magic is back to explore!
@k8sMum I hear ya 🫠
@Doomcrow Was Majora’s Mask a DLC 🤔
@YoshiF2 BOTW has been out there for a few years already and while it has it's people that dislike it/don't like it as much, it's still seems to be the preferred one by a majority. Sometimes franchises evolve in ways that we as individuals don't prefer and they have to understand that it doesn't mean that it's a wrong path, it's just impossible to satisfy everyone. Personally, while I enjoy Zelda games, I always found them over hyped. Aside from Wind Waker, the first NES game and Link's Awakening, I enjoyed every entry but didn't love them as much. Then BOTW came out and it instantly became one of my favorite games of all time.
@Diogmites cool story bro.
@OldManHermit Sounds like an excellent Switch commercial in the making
@AlienigenX This is the way
Just like the first one: it’s as hard as you make it to be. Nintendo’s ‘difficulty settings’ are in the many tools at your disposal to tackle the task at hand, and from what I’m hearing the tools are very, very vast this time around
Im honestly surprised nintendo doesn’t try to incorporate a battle royale multiplier mode into this game use this map and the abilities you have to survive in a free for all br match could be interesting
What is most impressive is that there is a website that gave it a 6/10 score (the only low score) and on their twitter there are toxic people ready to do a negative bomb review in the game on metacritic probably. 🙄
@Jhena what are you talking about you don’t trust zelda reviews after botw like the best game of the series? Dude just go back and play the old ones if your too whatever you are to enjoy a masterpiece
Looking forward to it, but still nervous after experiencing what happened when Banjo Kazooie tried to add vehicle creation.
You know, it was kind of strange (or rather just crazy) but before TotK was released I ended up in some deep corner in the web where people were planning to devalue and "fall of Nintendo" with means of propaganda
At any rate, I wouldn't worry about metacritic's user reviews because they're not worth anything.
@carlos82 I am glad that shrines are back! Though, hopefully not the gyro controlled ones. 😬
@Cia My only problem with Review Bomb on metacritic is that it gets news and that makes new crazy people appear.
I'm kinda interested in hearing what people think about all the samey-ness that got carried over from botw. It' a $70 download, but if I didn't know better, I would think it's still botw.
Maybe now they'll make one more like the other 3D games.
@gcunit moi aussi!
Not an 11?!? Pre order canceled!
TotK is almost 3 times bigger than BotW with 2/3 being new landmass (or at least that's what I've heard). As for the rest of the "sameyness", I don't think people care. The engine is good so why not reuse it in new ways. People didn't mind Majora's Mask either even though it used the same graphics, UI and other stuff from OOT.
Dear Williamfuchs420 I believe you and many people had a great time playing Breath Of The Wild and I am not here to take it away from you. But Breath Of The Wild not being a good Zelda game was only part of it why I did not like it that much.
I will wait and see. Maybe I will like this game. But please do not be angry with me for not wanting to be disappointed.
You have a good day.
You sold me with the return of more traditional dungeons and a more involved story. BOTW was fun but underwhelmed me. This game seems like it may have addressed my issues so now I’m pumped to give it a go.
Great, well-written review; was there ever any doubt on the score? XD See you all come July...maybe.
@Cia Majora's Mask was markedly different than OOT, so I don't see the comparison, to be honest! I'm just saying, it's a $70 download, so why not spruce it up? I'm hearing/reading reviewers saying it's the same landmass as botw, just with edits.
@DwaynesGames I've not seen any gyro ones yet and they were annoying in BOTW, especially in handheld mode. Those that I have done have taken a bit more thinking than before and one even turned into a mini game of sorts after putting it together. Even the combat shrines have been good as they teach you a technique that you may not be aware of
@MrLinkTathapast its certainly the same map underneath but I'd argue it still feels new with how much has changed and that's before you consider the shrines plus the world above and below. Yakuza made an entire series out of a very small evolving city and if anything I'd say more games should reuse maps for sequels rather than throwing everything away
Can't wait. According to Amazon, my pre-order was dispatched this afternoon. Hoping for a relatively early delivery so I can get stuck in asap.
Super excited to play this, the underground segments sound just up my alley. Hopefully I can just ignore the crafting/resource gathering aspects like I did with BOTW. Some reviews have me worried saying the crafting is more prominent this go around, but we shall see. Also can’t wait to check out the traditional style dungeons!
This review reads more like an 11/10. Therefore, I rate this review a 1/10.
@JohnnyC Nice! I preordered mine from GameStop, but having it shipped to me. I got an email saying it is on the way, but no tracking info yet. I have a scary premonition that it won’t arrive until after the weekend. All apologies to GameStop if I am wrong.
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Nice review and nice score. Good to hear there are dungeons, though personally I also loved the Divine beasts.
This looks like its the first original and essential first party game for the Switch since Super Mario Odyssey. Looking forward to that package tomorrow!
So you wouldn't consider reusing the same map as BOTW as a con then? @AlanaHagues
I imagine if EA will have made botw, and then they will have use the same map, almost same powers even same quests and characters apparently (!?) then they will have call this one botw legacy.
It's kind of hard to read the conclusion of a review of a game that holds so much weight and expectation, and isn't even out yet. But I still read quite a lot in this page.
I wonder why they didn't just call this game 'The Legend of Zelda: (The) Sky is the Limit" lol
@roy130390 exactly… but then you didn’t like Zelda in the first place. You liked something else. And when they added that “something else” from other games, you started liking it.
I loved Zelda for some 35+ years and this became something so detached from what it was before that it’s usually the newcomers disguised as old fans who enjoy and praise BOTW and TotK.
I know I’ll enjoy the game because it seems it’s a good game, but really far from what Zelda was.
You say that it’s only a small amount of people, but actually I see A LOT of people who were complaining about BOTW… so much that it became a problem that needed to be addressed so vast that many people were worried about dungeons not being a thing in the sequel.
Nintendo doesn’t backtrack and think about their designs (in this case dungeons) just because “5 or 10 people complained.”
I guess that’s perspective and what people see what they want to see when someone criticizes their favorite things, sometimes they become blind or oblivious to fanatism.
I know because never in my 35+ years playing Zelda I would have imagined throwing dirt at my favorite IP since I was 5 years old
@Uncle_Franklin Breath was a very middling game. I didn't play it yet, but Tears Of The Kingdom has to be better.
@YoshiF2 With A Link Between Worlds, I thought they had basically reached Zelda perfection, and then they gave us Breath Of The Wild, the anti-Zelda. It's not even that they ruined Zelda, it's that I truly don't even see how Breath Of The Wild is a good video game in general.
@YoshiF2 It's hard to take what you are saying seriously when you write people off as fake fans because they love BotW. I played the games since my original NES, when they were current and to this day. To me, BotW feels like the realization of what the first Zelda game was trying to achieve. Go where you want, do what you want, figure it out yourself. The fact that some series fans have clear liquid running from their ears because the dungeons are not forest, lava, water, etc themed? Their loss. The OoT formula has been perfected. Besides, I am sure we will get either remasters/remakes, or something less ambitious than TotK on the way to wherever the series goes next.
@ArcticEcho tbh I wasn’t a fan of the “rent an item” system and the reuse of the AlttP map.
Even though… I really liked the game because of the graffiti system they implemented. The temples, etc.
It’s a true Zelda. What can I say. I wish for the next Zelda we can have a little more compressed thus designed Zelda experience.
@ArcticEcho sometimes a smaller sandbox leads to more creativity - botw was one I guess i admired or respected for its scope but didnt really enjoy
@carlos82 The Pinball Table Shrine in BOTW was one of my favorite discoveries. 😊
@LikelySatan I think of Zelda as a Metroidvania-type franchise(Zelda II literally was one) where you are continually getting upgrades and new abilities, that let you proceed further and further into the world. But rather than one giant area like Metroid, they had it broken up into dungeons as checkpoints. So the dungeons aren't really all that necessary. What is necessary is the continuous drip of upgrades and new abilities, letting you proceed further and further. It is now a sandbox game like Minecraft where every tool is already available and you just do... whatever. It is not an exploration game where you acquire things to proceed to new places. Zelda didn't really evolve, it switched genres, and for some of us, that's hard to deal with.
I should probably finish BotW first, and I want to do it in under the 20 hours left on my Hero’s path timeline before it starts erasing the beginning of my adventure.
@LikelySatan …. This … @ArcticEcho couldn’t have said it better.
Even the first Zelda was like that. People keep comparing BOTW to what Zelda 1 was trying to achieve.
That’s not true. Zelda 1 was a designed experience. There were temples uniquely designed, bosses in each, and a sense of progression in which you got unique items in each temple to advance further and further.
It wasn’t a sandbox, not by any stretch of the imagination.
Each Zelda followed a Metroidvania formula and I can get completely behind and support the argument of ArcticEcho
@YoshiF2 I don't think that you understood my comment. I always liked Zelda, just didn't love every entry as much as some of their fanbase and have been more critical about them. Hell, the original NES game was one of the entries that I liked the most as I mentioned, so telling me that I didn't like Zelda but something else is absurd when I pretty much like the one that started everything. Not only that, I also really enjoy WindWaker and Link's Awakening which as far as I know haven't been called "not Zelda", and are simply seen as other entries. I have played every entry except for the CDi games and I'm also have been a fan for decades.
I didn't say that a small amount of people complained, I said that they were the minority. Also, just because they try to adress that doesn't mean that it was a problem at all, it just means that the developers care abour their feedback, even if most fans were happy. To be honest, I found the "lack of dungeons" hilariously weird. It's clear that the Beasts are dungeons. You use your tools to solve puzzles and progress through many floors and doors. Same with shrines except that they are short. Another format because it has some differences, but pretty much the same thing where it matters.
I consider what you are saying ironic. Sure, no game should be excent from criticism but your argument about fanatism works both ways. What if you hold too hard to nostalgia and don't see how it's the same franchise, just evolving? What if you are too close minded to changes? What if even with said changes, it's still faithful to the concept? What if you aren't critical enough of old Zelda games? I don't see this game missing anything that the others games had, and while I may not pronounce myself as a "hardcore Zelda fan" I think that playing most entries through decades of gaming give me enough experience to know what I'm talking about and have a valid perspective.
Not only that, but there's several people, including famous reviewers that grew with the franchise and don't have the same problems as you. You are basing your opinion about "old Zelda fans not considering this game Zelda" on your limited experience. Just because you found other "old fans" that share your opinion doesn't make it right. Of course you'll find a lot of people parroting whatever opinion, positive or negative, because millions played it. I'm not saying you are wrong either, but of the two of us, you were the one talking about how I'm not a Zelda fan. I don't even fit your critique as I have almost as many years of experience with the franchise as you have. The concept of what makes a good, faithful Zelda games can vary from person to person, even among old Zelda fans.
Never was a doubt for me. I'm over the moon excited for tomorrow, and I genuinely hope all of us find enjoyment in this new adventure.
@ArcticEcho yeah I don't know man, there's plenty of Metrodvanias out there. I see what you're saying though, and it's a bummer that the series lost you as it changed.
Heeell Yeah!
I am so hyped to pick up my copy tomorrow! Glad to know it'll be awesome!
@YoshiF2 the point is the first game let you go and said "figure it out." Of course the game could not give you the kind of options BotW does. The series needed to keep throwing Skyward Swor-I mean ***** at the wall to see what stuck, iterate, and move closer and closer to the kind of freedom these two games offer. If you can't see how it's a natural evolution, not sure what I can do for ya. There's Death's Door, Darksiders, etc etc etc if you'd like something a little more traditional.
@ArcticEcho "It's not even that they ruined Zelda, it's that I truly don't even see how Breath Of The Wild is a good video game in general." Oh never mind, lol. Byeeeee.
@roy130390 @likelysatan it’s not that I’m saying you’re not a true fan… but from my experience … 90% of people I argue with about BOTW are people who it is their first or second Zelda game they have ever played. They are newcomers. They don’t know the DNA of Zelda as well as people who have been playing it for years and seen it’s growth.
For other thing, I have pretty much many arguments as to why I consider it a vanilla Zelda experience. A proof of concept as some people call BOTW.
what you forget is that Zelda isn't only about freedom. Zelda is not a sandbox and had never been before BOTW. Open world? Sure. But not a sandbox. Neither Minecrafty nor Bolts and Nutsy.
People say that that BotW built up everything from its predecessors? Then they should have added:
themed or better designed dungeons,
items, not the same 4 boring runes you've been using for the past 100+ hours.
meaningful sidequests,
heart pieces,
meaningful rewards other than rupees, random weapons and random materials,
bosses, (the blights are just hit sponges with no strategy involved with a generic design feeling samey with each other)
iconic NPCs with backstories, (there’s not a single ounce of storytelling for them in BOTW… townsfolk are just a bunch of code roaming towns to make them feel populated) examples of good storytelling? Kafei and Anju, the Mummy father from the Music box, and a ton of etcéteras.
iconic music,
an evolving story,
enemy variation,
designed progression
.... and a lot of etcs. that its predecessors had ... but for some INEXCUSABLE reason BOTW didn't have.
When THAT is added and not just "freedom" and "creativity" ... THEN it will become the TRUE evolution of Zelda that has been built upon its predecessors. Even Zelda 1 knew that it couldn't survive on "freedom" alone, it gave you a designed experience built upon your progression of its dungeons in relation to the overall experience of exploration and item acquisition.
In the meantime its just another open-world with sandbox elements on it with the Zelda name slapped on top catering to youtubers and the Minecraft generation.
I wish Im wrong with TotK … believe me. I want to enjoy the game as much as you. And I enjoyed BOTW for what it’s worth when it released. It was only some years down the line that I realized there was something missing from my experience with it.
I just tend to analyze videogame design or the Zelda DNA quite more.
And tbh, I have the game preordered, (something I shouldn’t have done if I want to support my arguments) you know, “Vote with your wallet”
But I sweat Zelda… I love it… and I just need it. I need to know if TotK is better by playing it by myself.
@YoshiF2 All I'm gonna say is that it's quite presumptuous to talk about an opinion as if it's a fact. Since you directed your reply to me and another user, a lot of what you said doesn't fit with what I said and doesn't offer a counter argument. You are also throwing percentages that I'd bet that they are pretty far from being accurate. Sure, it's your experience, but then again, people usually attract peole that think alike so there's nothing weird or revealing about that.
I'll repeat my last sentence :
"The concept of what makes a good, faithful Zelda games can vary from person to person, even among old Zelda fans."
Not to mention that the game could have all of what you mentioned, but not be noticed by your bias.
I really hope that you actually enjoy this game, because personally I think that the franchise's formula is better than it ever was and it would be sad for such a self proclaimed Zelda fan to miss that. If it doesn't do it for you that's good too, but I recommend to keep an open mind because you really have nothing to win otherwise.
Nice Read
This review has me staring down the clock, as if I was replaying Majora's Mask. If only the Song of Double Time was real.
Same world map copied and pasted, you say? DCLquel.
The Legend of Nintendo Life's Comment Section: Tears of the Haters
...must be a Blood Moon somewhere
Looks amazing, but really couldn't get into botw. Haven't got the time to invest in these games either. Personally I find open world games boring.
@Uncle_Franklin I know people love Age of Calamity, but it's like an airbrushed mural on the side of some hesher's shaggin' wagon. Super butt rock. Or like that kid I grew up with that would slam his ninja turtle figures into mine (and my knuckles) over and over while belting out the cartoon's theme song when he came over to play.
@peanferus DCL...quel? I don't see the phrase becoming memetic.
@LikelySatan I Guess he meant DLCequel … lol
I think they mixed it up, DLCquel lol.
I agree with the shade being thrown at BoTW, I only played it through once and that was on the WiiU. But ToTK looks to be a mix between BoTW and standard Zelda stylings. Dungeons, bosses, side quests, music.
Also, I despised Link Between Worlds because of the rental system, until I recently went back to the game. It worked really well and I have since shifted my opinion, it became one of my favorite 2D Zelda titles
Only a 10/10? I guess it isn’t better than BotW then.
@LikelySatan I loled at your description of it being like a mural-ed van. Also ouch about the ninja turtles and your knuckles. Some kids play way too rough
I'm glad to hear you guys are having such a good time with it.
@kalosn That's a good title.
@YoshiF2 I'm not saying you're wrong as I've also played all the zelda games and yes they have changed drastically to become BoTW/TOTK but I would just call that evolution.
Games have to change to fit what's popular and what the current generation demands, if BoTW wasnt open world sandbox do you think it would of sold the amount it did?
I've seen a lot of games change over the last 20 years, look at God of War Ragnarok compared to the first game, look at Pokémon now it's open world like everyone wanted, assassins creed are now open world Rpg's, Halo infinite even added open world elements, Atelier games have now gone pure open world and the series is selling better than ever, Final Fantasy is now hack and slash, the last shin megami game had huge open world areas and even sonic of all games went open world.
These popular franchises have changed and have all gone on to sell even better since they changed as well, the more powerful consoles get developers will see how far they can push their games and make them better and bigger and like or not right now open world design is the "in thing".
It may not be the same as past zelda's so that nostalgic feeling won't be there, but it's still a really great game.
Calling Breath of the Wild a middling game is a bold call,
though it has often bemused me how people would say in one breath (of the wild?) that dungeons are integral to the Zelda experience, and then in the next breath (of the wild!) that Breath of the Wild is the best Zelda game.
@Shstrick lol. Playing Champion's Ballad too!
@UltimateOtaku91 the thing is .... is going open-world an excuse to sacrifice everything else? Or are we delluding oursevles and being blinded by fanboyism and fanatism?
Why is going open-world an excuse to eliminate everything else? Who says we can't have an open world with everything I listed above that made a Zelda... Zelda?
Going open world is not my gripe about these games ... its the lack of focus and coherence about ALL the things that made Zelda special.
Give me TotK or BotW .... but add all the previous stuff.
It's not an evolution if you eliminate everything from the DNA ... its just like it was said before... a change of GENRE.
People are projecting what they like about OTHER GAMES into these games... which is disgusting AF.
I don't care about sales either... you can attribute that to the console its in too. The Switch is a monster, its obvious its going to sell way much more, there's more population and gaming is more common now than it was 12 years ago when the last Zelda before BotW released.
BOTW is a really good game… but it’s, in my opinion, a bad Zelda game.
@Uncle_Franklin BotW has 4 proper dungeons, Makora's Mask has 4 proper dungeons. Majora's Mask is not a Zelda game now.
@LikelySatan Do BotW have special design in each other? Or are they the same with barely anything to differentiate them apart?
Does a dungeon in Botw go upside down? Do you have road mechanics for a goron? Etc. Etc.
Divine beasts are mostly the same, and generic. There's barely any puzzles, there's barely any new mechanics for abilities akin to the ones provided by masks and new items you obtain in the dungeon. I think I remember that there weren’t even enemies in the divine beasts…. Could be wrong though. Even the Blights are mostly the same, hit sponges, barely any strategy and their design is pretty much the same among the 4 of them. Whereas in MM you have 4 completely different things with different mechanics ... a weird masked giant, a bull, a piranha and 2 giant worms.
Even Odolwa, who was a hit sponge, at least had unique attacks and design ... which was later revised in the 3D remaster.
There's no point of comparison by any means or standards
It's not about quantity but QUALITY.
Breath of the Wild has 4 very poor and similar dungeons.
@YoshiF2 First, yeah. Theyre different. Also, yes, they have enemies in them.
As for your arbitrary "things in MM" list, I mean, I could do that.
Check it out: Does MM have a lead up to entering a dungeon where you surf with a sand seal and shoot electric arrows at the feet of a giant stone camel that is stomping around the desert?!? Does one of the dungeons fly around while you are on it?!? Can you ride a motorcycle in MM??? NO?! TRASH GAME!!!!
Also, if you don't understand that BotW is more about moment to moment puzzle/problem solving that's not my problem. I hope the next Zelda has the same fire forest, water, yawn temples that you solve with an item you get in that temple. So no one gets confused.
I really don't care what you think, but the things you are saying are silly.
See y'all in a few months.
how long did you play BotW, again?
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@Uncle_Franklin they could definitely be better. But AGAIN, I'd take those over another fire, water, forest, ice, blah temple. the ones in MM.
I love MM. But the best parts of it are pretty dissimilar to the iconic things that "make a Zelda game a Zelda game." The characters, writing, time mechanic, and Masks, I mean.
I think that a little reductive, I like the unique themes in particular the posion swamp, and seeing Gorons in an unsuitable habitat.
The temples themselves utilise the themes well, are very distinctive and well designed. I especially like collecting the fairies. A much tighter task than the korok seeds.
It's a fair point regarding the key aspects of the game, the developers were kind of free to go rogue, and I wonder if we'll ever see that again.
On the subject, from what I've been playing so far, Tears of the Kingdom feels like a replacement for Breath of the Wild, and some reviews seem to back up this hunch.
Whereas Majora's Mask is a companion piece for Ocarina of Time and compliments it.
@PlasmaticSnake 😂
@Uncle_Franklin that's a good argument that I haven't read before. TotK is a replacement for Breath of the Wild. Once you play TotK, there's no reason to play BotW again. Whereas Majoras Mask is another game completely different from OoT.
interestingly Tears of the Kingdom apparently runs on the Splatoon 3 engine, a game that also makes its predecessor redundant.
Whereas I wouldn't say that about Galaxy 2 for example, similar to the original though it undoubtedly is.
Wait, traditional dungeons and bosses are back?!
I won't be able play this for few weeks maybe till I get back from work, but I am so excited ! It looks amazing and that 13 min video had me sold, but seeing how loved it is will always be great !
Love you all and hope fun is shared with all who play
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Zelda has a history for many people, including myself. Anybody who grew up playing this series could likely relate to some degree or another as to why fans complained about BOTW and especially its "dungeons." There weren't real dungeons in BOTW. The mere thought of removing dungeons from a Zelda game would have sounded absolutely ludicrous before BOTW came out. Despite BOTW lacking one of the series' most beloved feature, it turned out to be more than a simple success.
Shrines worked great with the game world, changing the dungeon mechanic was quite the risk, and Nintendo hit the jackpot with it. It's hard to disagree that the shrines themselves were indeed bland. They were short and easy, but most of all repetitive, they even had the general same look. Nonetheless, shrines fit into the game world like a puzzle piece.
The game turned out so great that it shut up most fans from complaining about the removal of dungeons. Of course people will still compare it to the older titles, and dungeons are what made Zelda what it is today. The fact that you're complaining about over the people that speak about their dislike of BOTW and its lack of dungeons is like calling the kettle black. You're doing the same thing, complaining over the topic of new and old. I can understand both sides, and I feel Nintendo should end up adding Zelda dungeons in the Zelda games that are now. There's no sense in "going back," but there is sense in bringing in fresh change. Even if Nintendo makes a Zelda game that sticks closer to the old Zelda formula, somewhere down the line, there's no way it would be the same, and it would most definitely turn out great.
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@Henchdog In the end, all ratings are just a measure of opinion, and if they just rank the best games to the worst, all the best games would be the latest triple A titles on the latest technology, and the worst games would all just be the older ones. New games are built upon more than better technology. They evolved through learning of past experiences, whether it be their own or another's. OoT is a legendary game among video gaming history. As long as there's someone that thinks and feels differently than another person, rankings will never truly be correct. No matter how great OoT is, it's just warming the seat of the next number one after it.
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Yes. Yes it is. From the start you can feel the story is richer and deeper. I haven't even dropped to Hyrule yet but the Sky Islands already add a sense of depth I didn't appreciate until I started playing.
And I can't explain the joy I felt the first time I used Ultrahand to build that first "vehicle". There's just something magical about it.
So yea, it feels like BoTW but everything is better. I'm can't wait to see what's next.
I know there are dungeons, Ganondorf, and such, so expecting it to get a lot better,
but so far feels like a lacklustre wacky races.
And why are there so many fans lying about?
All a bit on the nose, and doesn't feel like a coherent world to me yet, but I'll give it time.
it wont beat breath of the wild 97 on metacritic totk fell to 96 and can still fall to 95,,
I didn't start Breath of the Wild until late-2020 despite loving a brief play on a friend's Wii U when it was released, and it took me over two years to leisurely reach 170 hours, and even then I accidentally got to Ganon when really I was intending to explore more. The game itself helped me through the most difficult period of my life, and I didn't think I could love a game so much into my adult life.
I wasn't going to play Tears of the Kingdom, then I saw the preview here and on the Guardian and thought I'll have to, some day. I started CrossCode this week (a superb SNES-era inspired ARPG that was top of my list before I even started BotW), but how long can I hold off before trying Tears of the Kingdom?
And then once I try it...
@PlasmaticSnake 😂 😂 😂
I played Breath of the Wild for the first time today! I can't wait to buy this game several years from now and then actually play it several years after that!
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If weapons still have durability, I'm not interested. Realism isn't fun in a fantasy game.
@PROPS not everything needs to follow the same formula in fantasy games.
Not looking forward to building crap to traverse, or weapon breaking / crafting, but everything else looks great. Happy for everyone that wanted this. Gamers deserve a 10/10 every once in a while that doesn't come out half finished.
Now I just have to finish BotW!
I feel you on that. On the bright side, if we wait long enough to play this, we'll probably get an enhanced version or patch on the next hardware.
10/10 games don’t have performance issues.
But yeah this the level of credibility I’ve come to expect from NL.
FYI Amazon has the collectors edition back up! Order quick, just got mine finally. Ef the scalpers!
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@RiasGremory According to who? Am I supposed to suspended my disbelief, when it comes to fictional characters, monsters and every other aspect of the game, but when it comes to's a whole different story?
In terms of graphics it's substantially improved. I still mess up shooting arrow and controls because of butterfinger but game play is what I expected from BOTW lots of learning curve and ops in the process. Price wise that subjective and if our getting the CE then it's worth it's weight in Rupees and Korak when you can find them.
My copy keeps crashing after the first intro. Does anybody else have this issue 😩
Did they have to release this on Mother Days weekend? Took off months ago before I realized I had to go to my kids field day, then have to do Mother’s Day crap for my wife. This was suppose to be my Zelda weekend
I challenge you not to enjoy this game
@Fatherofgremlins I feel you there plus my kids birthday is few days after mother's day. I won't get fully get into this game for awhile.
I gotta say this, as much as a great game TOTK is to the masses, It can't compare to how BOTW was Introduced to the world. (BOTW was the first open-world game that I actually Invested in finishing.)
I couldn't with other open-world games such as GTA V, and Red Dead 2, those games from the first few hours left me so overwhelmed by how open-world sandbox the games are, and left me not playing those games anymore. I am getting this same impression with TOTK that it's waymore overwhelming with the infinate customization that for me because I'm always going to feel like I will miss out on things within that world.)
At least with BOTW, It's more simple, and "Grounded" so to speak. If I ever finish TOTK, just know that I finished it because I wanted to get it over with, and that's not fun, and exciting for a gamer unlike BOTW where the sense of exploration, and discovery left a lasting impression. (I'm sure had the entire surface map of TOTK was different...had most of the surface had been nuked/destroyed to the point where the surface looked like the grand cannon, or some desolated ruined world, and you can pretty much see the underground area, and caves by simpling walking then who knows, I would have loved to invest in it.) In other words, if it was purely sky area or purely underground...and no surface...I would have love TOTK.
I really dont want to explore anymore of the surface that still looks similar too me from BOTW....and yes I know "Can't you just not do that? Just don't explore the surface dude...yeah...but it's in the game.....just like how the sandbox of GTA V had a "I'm too overwhelmed by this...I'm not playing anymore" type of feeling.
7.5 out of 10 - Tears of the Kingdom
10 out of 10 - Breath of the Wild
@Fatherofgremlins They called it "Tears of the Kingdom" because if you don't focused on Mother's Day, your wife is going to shed Tears, and your Kingdom will be ruined by Divorce papers. The game was a metaphor.
Even with the new abilities the gameplay is feeling very samey to me.
Whilst there are new environments, you do have to traverse over a lot of very familiar ground.
More and more starting to feel like a Skyward Sword 10/10 rather than a real 10/10.
@Uncle_Franklin Tell you what, had they made a story/setting of Link, and Zelda being trapped underground for most part of the game, and as Link tries to find Zelda, he discovers real dungeons, and tons of lore, and if those goat races were actually races they remained in an underground society throughout BOTW secretly aiding link from underground. oh my God It would be a 10/10 for me. And the ending can be a glimpse of climbing back to the surface, and a shot of the silent princess again. Totally great. Would add a bew twist of who helped in building the shrines to go from underground to being visible, and towers and building of the divine beasts, and guardians. And a further explanation as to why the green zonai stuff wouldn't work in the surface...I mean, had they make it like that. They can easily have said the blood moons appearance interfered with Green Zonai tech. So that's why we never saw it in BOTW. Or better yet we get those flying saucers that was concept art from BOTW or perhaps we get DLC of finally going to Space due to the discarded concept of invaders from another planet.
@vidje no you don't. YOU dont give a game a 10/10 that has framerate issues. If you feel the need to review the game, then go out there and set things straight about framerates, bro!
@vidje That's not how that works. And it does hit 30FPS. I believe you haven't played it.
@LikelySatan for the most part I think we agree. I love BotW I think the game is incredible!! But, there were a few elements I wish the game carried over from the previous game like a few of the staple dungeon items (hookshot/clawshot being one that I missed the most) as well as a more tailored dungeon experiences. The dungeons were a major sore spot as they did feel a bit like an afterthought and the Blight Ganon fights got a bit old by the 3rd one.
I did love the story as it reminded me more of the early Zelda's like Zelda 1, 2 and Link to the Past. They had a story, but most of it was told through the environment and I liked how Breath of the Wild did that more. I don't think you can really top Majora's Mask and Wind Waker for the best told stories in the series, but I don't think BotW had a bad story, anyone who says it did skipped it which you can do fairly easily.
I'm excited for Tears of the Kingdom as it sounds like it fixed most the gripes I had with Breath of the Wild and supercharged what I did love. I feel BotW will be looked back on more like a proof of concept for open-world Zelda games, but Nintendo is not abandoning the old formulas either as they did remake Link's Awakening and remastered Skyward Sword. So, even if this is not someone's jam I'm sure Nintendo has them covered in the future.
played this game til we were bleary eyed in the wee hours this morning, woke up wanting more!
i waited to look at this review til id played a bit, and im still not reading it or looking at images, as others have said. im leaving this one as fresh as possible, nothing will tarnish my experience of this incredible game! 😁😁😁👍👍
"Nintendo should get beaten with a rock hammer."
"Imagine messing up this hard when you got only 1 hardware to build a game for."
"...who knows how much more I'd get disappointed with each release."
"You don't give a 10/10 to a game that can't even hit 30fps on it's target hardware."
oh my god go read a book or something. 😂
Really enjoyed my first few hours with this. Really surprised at how different it feels. I put so much time into BOTW I was slightly concerned TOTK would feel overly familiar. However this is no mere ‘DLC pack.’
Love the gameplay. I went left instead of right and SPOLIER found the cold pants after using 22 min of hot pepper cooking. I went wild and explored everything before I got the Ascend and Fuse. Fuse helped in the Dungeon of Sky Land.
@PROPSto most people yes even zelda has to evolve away from its old roots reason why nintendp decided to make zelda games open worlds with some realistic things to it.
If Nintendo delivered the damn thing on time I would be able to let you know. seriously, is there any benefit from ordering direct from Nintendo's store? Seriously poor service. you would think ordering from the publisher themselves would secure you a copy on release date. but no.
don't get me started on the way they manage orders too- if you want to cancel, you can't do it direct from the order page, no, that would be too easy, instead you have to email customer services like its the 1960's
Im at 80hours playtime for BOTW, and although i have 'completed' it, I did practically no side quests, just a lot of exploring. I still discover new things each time I play and feel like there is much more to see. but I saved Zelda and am happy to move on to the next Zelda game
No 11/10?? Why the low score? Sorry, I got nothing better to say for this great game that I'm looking forward to. I may have to bump it up through my backlog whether I want to or not. Damn it all.
I've only started to scratch the Surface of Tears of the Kingdom, but I'm pretty sure TotK > BotW (though both are great games)
‘Honestly, we couldn’t get enough of travelling between all three maps’
What are the three maps?
Although it is an amazing, beautiful and innovative game that adds a few new layers to an already perfect's just too damn big of a game. Gaming worlds do not need to be this expansive.
god honost review:
9 out of 10
people are way to enthousiastic and put verdicts on emotion.
it is a great game, but it lost it's connection with you as player, link and the link to nature.
enemies can't hit eachother with weapons, the route within quest and caracters are not well done, and i don't like the shrines as much as i did with botw because i don't like the banjo kazooie style features, they are slow, not rewarding, and when yiu get rewarded weapons and shields break even faster, inly when you fuse a stupid rock on them.
is there all to complain, well yeah the lag but this will be solved i guess, for the rest it is by zelda standard a great game, but basicly all loz games score a 9, only breath of the wild and ocarina of time where better.
they are, most loz games are. just put your expectations of breath of the wild aside, totk it is not as good, but you should still owned it.
Well done having an almost completely spoiler free review. I’ve only done the ruto section.
One funny thing I managed because I didn’t get the paraglider at the start, was to murder myself and impa by extinguishing a hot air balloon flame. Had its own little cut scene too. Much lols
@epicgamner The way people talk about Breath Of The Wild isn't just that it's a good Zelda or one that stands out amongst others but that it's the greatest game ever made. I think it has great ideas but the execution could have been better. The gliding and climbing are the best in any game I played for instance. I put 70 hours into it, but I don't see how people can put 200+ in. I'm pretty sure I did every shrine and Korok seeds are just not that interesting. Older Zelda fans, are probably just that, older, so they've played hundreds of games, and have seen most things in Breath Of The Wild executed better elsewhere. If someone asked me if they should get Breath Of The Wild, I'd say yes... if you like hiking or wilderness... otherwise Minecraft or Skyrim is a better buy. I'll play Tears Of The Kingdom this week probably, but I'm not looking forward to it.
Looks like a boring child game, and with the same map of Breath of the wild. No thanx.
I think a lot of how well you receive a game is how you feel in the time you play it. Honestly, it was a pretty effed up time for me while playing BOTW, it really helped me, but I was also quite numb to the whole experience. I soldiered through it, but still could see it was a quality game.
Its only when I revisited it just before the launch of this new Zelda title that I appreciate it more.. it really is a sprawling game with 'magic' at every turn. seeing it with fresh eyes at a better point in life really makes a difference.
@Wesker Hyrule, the skies above, and the depths below. Each has its own map to survey and travel between them is seamless.
I still haven't got the game because Finland has the worst post office of all time. They sent the preordered game almost week ago and still waiting.
I'm about 20hrs into the game, still not following the main storyline but i'm just wandering around Hyrule to reveal the map.
i have the feeling that BOTW was a big drill for TOTK: Hyrule is twice as large if not more than that if you consider sky and depths. having spent more tham 300hrs on BOTW I started out pretty confident that I would remember not every corner but at least the overall layout: I spent hrs looking for hearty durians to no avail. weapons suck unless you attach some horn to it, resources are way more difficult to find around hyrule and most enemies are way more difficult to kill at least in the early stages of the game. that being said, amazing.
BotW does everything better than Skyrim. It has more enemy variety despite it being the fact people complained, you can do more than walk and swing your sword, like runes with all the numerous stuff you can do with them, gliding, actual good horse riding, shield surfing, etc. The game world is actually interactive in so many ways instead of being just a coulisse, it has better visuals and animation by landslide, better controls by a landslide, a lot more weapons and gear that has other purposes than just to give you better stats, better npcs instead of the generic ones in Skyrim... The world of BotW is more alive because of the awesome animations of the more numerous wildlife, particle and light effects and that swaying grass and the better looking day and night cycles, then the obvious one, you can climb anything so it's even "more" of an open world, there are so many puzzles and they are physics based instead of the few boring puzzles in Skyrim's caves and in BotW there are also puzzles in the overworld, then there's the chemistry engine allowing various mechanics. Etc. I would have a lot more to say but I'm tired of doing this list.
Now, what does Skyrim have over BotW. Maybe the sidequests are a bit better? But then again, sidequests are just an afterthought in BotW, not the main meat. The crappy rewards pretty much proves the point.
BotW became the new blueprint for open world games after its release and for a good reason.
@Cia Skyrim has a better world, better story, more towns and actual places to go, multiple playstyles, a skill tree, magic, weapons that don't break, can own multiple houses, can forge weapons and armor(I have no clue why this isn't in BoTW, especially when you can mine metals), and yes it has better sidequests. You excused Breath Of The Wild having crappy rewards for sidequests because they're an afterthought, really? I'd think the sidequests should be more important than goofy korok seeds. I admitted Breath Of The Wild had good climbing and gliding, but it doesn't do enough with that. Neither Breath Of The Wild or Skyrim have particularly good graphics, so there's nothing really to compare there. I'm not even particularly into Skyrim, I just think it's better and more focused than BoTW. It's a good game engine with its physics and what not, it's just not living up remotely to its potential. BoTW should have been under development for another year or two, so they could have created some proper dungeons, cave systems and castles that give you substantial rewards like new runes, permanent exploration based equipment like hookshots, grappling hooks, gauntlets, ladders, lanterns, etc., unbreakable weapons or resources to make your favorite weapons unbreakable. The bulk of the game being korok seeds, which are some of the lamest puzzles I've ever seen, is a joke.
@Antraxx777 "it’s as hard as you make it to be"
Haven't started it yet, away for the weekend, but watching my kid play in the hotel that seems to be the case. A lot of dying, but in places they know they shouldn't be yet, or just goofing around. The "save anywhere" feature helps w/ the dying, and it loads pretty quick. Too bad Nintendo has to have that stupid Game Over screen like were in an arcade and it's 1985. Just respawn us, it isn't "game over", we're going to keep playing. smh
My main concern though is really options to turn off any button mashing and replace it w/ a hold. I'm having surgery on both of my hands in a couple of weeks, they aren't doing too good. I can still play most stuff but if any situation where I have to hit the button as fast as I can - say two swords held against each other in battle, most button presses wins - well I'm not. Any game where I need to rapidly press just to open a door can stuff it. 😝
@Zeldinion "Hyrule, the skies above, and the depths below."
Do we separate green lines on each map or do we need to wait to pay $20 for the dlc again? 🤑
OK that was sarcasm but serisouly do we get to turn on the line if we want it? I had a lot of fun w/ it in the first game.
Skyrim has better world than BotW? Now that is the worst joke I've ever heard. The world has barely any variety and since the physics engine doesn't exist it feels just a backdrop instead of a place you can touch like in BotW. All I remember is brown and white. Compare that to BotW's rainbow of colors. Also, it's an older game and simply looks worse in every single aspect.
You say neither game has particularly good graphics, but I don't give a ***** about graphics because graphics are just tools to create visuals. And BotW has stunning visuals. I'll give you an example. Find an image of Link riding a horse somewhere in BotW, and then find a similar image of the "Dragonborn" or whatever idiotic cliche name it had riding the horse somewhere in Skyrim. The difference in visuals is evident (even though it's hard to say which image from Skyrim is even from the base game because of all the mods and hacks the fans have slapped over the product).
You say Skyrim has "more towns and actual places to go." First of all there are not that many towns in Skyrim either, and they all look almost the same. You couldn't argue BotW's towns look or even feel similar without lying.
As a side note, the towns in BotW have different soundtracks. If I remember right, Skyrim's main theme plays everywhere and it's that constant, "epic" song that plays even when nothing's happening. Talk about defeating the purpose.
As for " Skyrim has more places to go", this is vague and I have no idea what you mean by places in addition to towns. Caves? Well, BotW have shrines and Divine Beasts. In both games the areas look similar with each other.
As for Skyrim having a better story... well, I can't say BotW's story was the best, but it was still better than Skyrim's. Seriously, can we agree they're both quite barebones: Skyrim: Kill a dragon. BotW: Kill Calamity Ganon.
The actual lore written in those books in Skyrim is annoying and badly written just like every single character and self- similar NPC in the game. It makes me not care about anything that happens. This is a fatal flaw and destroys the entire narrative.
The only real problem in BotW's simple story is the voice acting that was occasionally bad. But in comparison to Skyrim... well, whoever thought it was fun to make every guard sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger and repeat the stupid Arrow in the Knee joke. And there are just a few voice actors voicing all the characters. Hell, I actually thought I'd give Skyrim a point for voice acting but upon remembering how horrible it was... point off and point to "rather not have full VA" to BotW. At least all the voiced characters have different voices here and some of them are actually pretty good, like the King and the Deku Tree.
Finally, you say Skyrim has "multiple playstyles" in comparison to BotW. The best thing is I don't even have to answer to this.
Skyrim was rated well in it's time because of the "look, dragons in 3d open world setting" hype. BotW surpassed all other fantasy open world games in 2017 when it was crowned as the "new blueprint".
Maybe we should argue again when the next Elder Scrolls game comes out. Then it should have the edge over Tears of the Kingdom. However, I'm pretty sure it won't get similar praise because of Bethesda's incompetence in comparison to Nintendo's main team.
But we'll see.
It's dangerous to go alone.
Really not my cup of tea… I ve been playing it for hours and apart from some puzzle moments I cant find any fun in it. To be honest I find it boring and it feels like playing BOTW again…
I have to say I'm disappointed with it as its too similar to botw. Same graphics, gameplay and they charge £60 for it. Feels like an expansion pack rather than a standalone game
Honestly... I don't think there is anything this game does better than BOTW. I don't feel like the new powers are suitable replacements for the runes we gave up from the last game. The fuse ability should be usable from the menu instead of having to drop an item on the ground first.
The puzzles are less clear and I don't feel they are creative at all. I loved the elemental theme of the last game. This game leaned too hard into the creativity and the casualty was sound game design.
Also, how is it possible that there is actually LESS music in this game than there was in BOTW? My gosh, please put Zelda music back into your games, Nintendo!
I will finish the game, only because it reminds me of my favorite game ever... If it was any other franchise I would probably have stopped by now though.
This game feels like a step sideways. There are no QoL improvements from the mostly-excellent BotW. I could itemize everything I dislike about TotK, but suffice it to say I'm not enjoying it. BotW was a joy from start to finish. I'm six hours in and I'm going to take a break and come back to it sometime.
@timp29 I was in the same position just an hour or two ago. I thought I'll extinguish the falme and see what happens but I didn't have any gear to do it. Or maybe I did and just don't know it yet. I tried to attach a leaf to the end of an arrow. Not sure what I was hoping to achieve but it caught fire, I panicked and fell to my death. I wish I'd pulled it off for the cut scene. But I've passed it now.
Edge also gave a 10.
@Johnvlachos Sell it to me
@OorWullie it’s not much of a cut scene. Camera just zooms in on impas face as she falls to her death. But it was a nice touch.
Should I play / What do I miss playing Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity before starting this game of TOTK?
i ll give a 5/10 - average
GOTYE and that's all
@ArcticEcho Only thing I have to say here is the climbing part. I know it doesn't feel big but play any other game and you will realize how much more restrictive movement is.
I don't know if I consider The Legend of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom better necessarily, but it is certainly more refined and allows for more detailed gameplay mechanics not possible in the first game. And for that, I applaud it.
Nah. It's a 7/10 game. Feels too familiar after BotW, and the fact that legendary weapons break just like normal ones sucks. Combat is often just better off avoided, and this whole review reads like typical Nintendo paid-for hype again tbh. Frame-rate issues alone should prevent it from getting a 10 tbh.
If BotW is A New Hope, TotK is Empire Strikes Back.
TOTK is such a great game! So cool! Maybe better than BOTW.
I've now played the game through and found like 100 shrines. TotK is the most next- gen game on the market. No other open world game have ever done what it does with the three layered world and abilities that allow endless exploration and building. The physics are so far beyond competition.
Even the visuals are great, although the graphics are dated by technical standards. It doesn't matter. Any still image from the game looks like a painting. The fps is Stable at all times.
It's also polished to perfection . I didn't encounter s single bug or glitch even when I tried to break the game.
To me it's easily the best open world game ever, with BotW. Other such games feel ridiculously limited in comparison.
its alright, BoTW 1.5, but has alot of filler. Either way its a decent RPG. Really hoping the next one goes with a different graphics model. Id love to see the old SNES style with some updated textures =)
why even bother reviewing the game if you are just gonna give it an obligatory 10 out of 10 score
Started game feeling a little ripped off as copied much BOTW.
Think dead more in the game due to BAD camera view/angle, this REALLY needs fixing in futrure games. Manual camera mode?
Put in 450+ hours playing this game. Wonder how many hours total waiting for game to load. Another ISSUE that needs addressing.
@Lupin yea same here, its BoTW 1.2 with more filler. im hoping to see a new engine or some different gameplay mechanics
August 2024 - So glad that I have yet to get this game. I won't support an Nintendo Switch game that is $69.99. Leave that price point for Next Gen. I actually had a chance to get this game went it went to a $59.99 price point, but I choose to get SMT VV for $39.99 via Walmart.
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