Do you remember when you were five, and your mum would ask you if you wanted anything from the supermarket, and you'd probably reply with whatever branded cereal you'd last seen an advert for in-between episodes of Scooby-Doo? Then, two hours later, she'd return with whatever off-brand cereal approximation she could find, because it was better value, so you'd end up eating "Coco Porps", "Corn Fakes" and "Weetabisn't" for breakfast. Remember the disappointment, and the discovery that off-brand stuff is almost as good, but not quite? That's the best way to describe Ubisoft's newest game, Immortals Fenyx Rising: it's trying to be a lot of things, and it's got the right ideas, but it's just not quite as good as any of them.

Comparing a game to another game can feel lazy, but Immortals Fenyx Rising – which used to go by the far superior title of Gods and Monsters – isn't shy about hiding its influences. The game is the off-brand cereal version of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, mixed with a large helping of Assassin's Creed and a generous dash of God of War.
Made as a spinoff of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Immortals Fenyx Rising deals with the gods and monsters of Ancient Greek myth, albeit in a much more lighthearted way than its Ubisoft stablemate Odyssey did. The titular Fenyx is a myth superfan, and it's up to her (or him, depending on your avatar choice) to defeat the evil monster-god Typhon, who has imprisoned some of the Olympians in an attempt to seize power. Fenyx is tasked with freeing the gods one by one, enlisting their help in the form of Blessings that slightly improve some aspect of her combat abilities.
Armed with a sword, an axe, a bow, and various special attacks that unlock as you play, Fenyx fights all manner of beasts cribbed from myth: minotaurs, chimeras, hecatoncheires, and gorgons can be found alongside regular swordsmen and animals. The combat is fun, drawing inspiration from Souls-like dodge-parry-hit combos, but comes into its own after a few skill tree upgrades.
Like Breath of the Wild, the open world is available to you from the beginning, and you're free to explore it as you please. Cliff-climbing and gliding are the main methods of traversal, both of which use up Fenyx's stamina metre, and there are even wild horses that you can tame to help you get to places faster. Like Assassin's Creed, Fenyx must climb to the highest spot in each region to reveal the land, and she can then use Far Sight to scout out chests, puzzles, collectables and other goodies nearby. Far Sight does tend to take the mystery and wonder out of exploration, reducing the world to a bunch of Assassin's Creed-like map markers, so it's a shame that Immortals Fenyx Rising didn't borrow more heavily from Breath of the Wild here.
The most egregious borrowing of mechanics is, perhaps, the puzzles – both in the overworld and in underground action-platforming levels called "Vaults of Tartarus" – that have a lot in common with Breath of the Wild's famous shrines. They even look a lot like the shrines, with the same blue-and-bronze ancient technology aesthetic. The puzzles mostly take the form of "push-block-on-switch", "roll-ball-into-hole", and "shoot thing with bow and arrow", and Fenyx interacts with most objects by utilising a power that's basically Breath of the Wild's Magnesis.

There are also puzzles that don't affect the main plotline but net you a bunch of rewards to upgrade your character and loadout. Odysseus Challenges are about bow-and-arrow skills; Lyre Challenges require you to memorise a tune, run hundreds of metres, and then recreate it on a big lyre; Constellation Challenges mean finding a bunch of glowy balls and slotting them into a grid in the correct configuration; and Fresco Challenges are sliding-block puzzles that can, quite frankly, go to hell. Some of these challenges are fun. Some of them feel a lot like busywork. A lot of the puzzles end up being frustratingly tricky, either because of the fiddly physics engine or because vital elements – like buttons, blocks, and levers – are exactly the same shade of bronze as everything else.
Immortals Fenyx Rising's world is pretty from a distance, but quite boring up close, and not very pretty on the Switch in particular. The main four areas are colourful, but they're all either green or a dusty brownish-orange that just turns into visual sludge. Because each area is modelled on a different god – Athena, Aphrodite, Ares and Hephaistos – there are some concessions to the aesthetic of each one, like Heph getting a bunch of broken automatons and huge forge fires, and Athena's land being full of temples and libraries, but largely these areas are all a bit samey.

The story is where Immortals Fenyx Rising finally steps out of Zelda's shadow. The game's events are narrated by Prometheus – he of the "perpetually-having-his-liver-eaten-by-a-bird torture" fame – to Zeus, king of the gods. This narration varies from gratingly goofy to genuinely funny, with moments like a notable credits fake-out and multiple tongue-in-cheek references to modern technology and other games. Most of Immortals Fenyx Rising is trying so hard to be something else, but the story is its own beast, unshackled to what came before. It's by no means a perfect story – there's a lot of guff about Fenyx's brother, who no one cares about – but it's full of warmth, character, and plenty of mythological research. It's almost as if the writing was the one thing that didn't get workshopped to death.
If only Immortals Fenyx Rising had the courage to be its own game, instead of copying Nintendo's homework. Of course Immortals Fenyx Rising could never be as good as something with the resources of a Zelda game, but the constant comparison does it no favours. When it goes its own way, there are genuine moments of surprise and delight; interacting with cheeky, vain Hermes, witnessing the bickering between Aphrodite and her "ugly" husband Hephaistos, and pulling off the perfect dodge or parry are all great moments. But when Immortals Fenyx Rising gets irritating, or its puzzles don't quite work, you're just reminded that you're playing an imitation of Breath of the Wild, and not the real thing.
Immortals Fenyx Rising tries to capture lightning in a bottle with its Breath of the Wild-inspired gameplay, but ends up being more of a lightning thief; it's not as nice to look at and the puzzles aren't as satisfying. Still, the combat is fun, the storytelling is excellent and, despite not being anywhere near as polished as Nintendo's 2017 effort, it certainly does a passable impression. If you crave more Zelda and don't mind the off-brand version, go for it, but if for some reason you still haven't played Breath of the Wild, then that's the game to go for.
Comments 169
I think it looks fine for a Switch game. It's the actual game that sounds unimaginative to me.
Meh. Still gonna buy it, since I’m a sucker for Greek mythos and open world games.
I've had it preordered since last October as it was a little cheaper then but I'm not really feeling it right now so will probably end up cancelling I think. Might be one to grab down the track instead when it goes on sale cheap.
Edit: And it's cancelled. Got too many better games to play at the moment.
I’ll be honest, I don’t understand why everyone hates the title. Yeah, it’s not great. It kinda sounds like “Video Game: The Video Game!”, but Gods and Monsters is seriously the most generic name I’ve ever heard.
Anyway, that was a good review, and I was very excited for this game, and now I’m not sure if I want it after all. I knew it would be off-brand BotW, but it sounds like it’s even more so than I expected.
Looks better than Assassin's Creed Valhalla, so I'm glad it made it has made its way to the Switch. Yeah, hate that game title though.
I have 2 main issues with this game.
1) The lack of Assassin Creed map markers was part of what made Breath Of The Wild’s exploration loop work- the devs don’t seem to have a good understanding of what makes the core gameplay appealing.
2) It’s just so.. generic. Genshin Impact added its own ideas to the BOTW formula, but this just seems like a copy and paste with the typical Ubisoft trimmings mixed in.
It looks fine overall, just bland, with no real reason to play it over other, similar games.
I think I will still give this a bash but it's probably too expensive at the moment.
Thanks for the review
I don't mind that it's similar to BOTW since that's regarded as amazing. I still think I'll have a good time with this game, because I'm usually not as harsh in my opinions as other gamers lol.
A quick reminder (since Nintendo Life only wanted to report on Yves’ non-apology apology) that UbiSoft is a company whose culture allowed for sexual abusers to survive and thrive, and whose CEO has failed to apologise in a meaningful way, take any proper action, or resign.
It’s a 7/10. You can probably wait for this one to come out second-hand.
How long is the runtime of the initial story though? I was curious about that.
How is too heavily borrowed from BOTW a con? Isn't that good
I will say 8/10
I’ll wait for a price drop. Probably under £15 by Easter.
Well done NLife for making any conversation about the actual game inevitably turn into arguments about it being too much like BoTW or not enough like BoTW. Games borrow from each other all the time. BoTW in itself is an amalgamation of many different ideas from different open world games over the years.
@Kirbyboy92 The last game idea that had me interested from Ubisoft was Skull and Crossbones or whatever it was called but that game just turned into vaporware.
I find some of the cons of this game mentioned in the review a little ridiculous. The score is fine, but nocking a few points off due to its title is kind of overkill. Also, the whole borrowing or not borrowing from Breath of the Wild is so overdone at this point. Why does a review always have to bring this up? It's the same with any game that might have difficult combat or AI - it's immediately a "Souls-like" game. These comparisons get blown out of the proportion.
Pre ordered and cant wait. I actually prefer the AC style map markers to mindlessly exploring the open world. Yes it was fun to find shrines on my own in BOTW but after about 6 months of looking for the last two it got kind of old. Hoping this play like Black Flag which is one of my favorite adventure games of all time (even without the pirate ship battles).
I hope there ends up being some way to turn the map markers off. I prefer to roam a bit.
@nessisonett exactly, SKYRIM comes to mind.
This game checks enough boxes & has good enough reviews for me to bite. Been interested since it was first shown. Always figured as long as it was at least solid, I wS going to get it.
I am still planning on getting it, just not at full price. There is too much else right now. I feel like this would have had more success as like a February or March game. I also can't help but wonder if my time is better spent replaying Breath of the Wild for a fourth time.
Switch or Stadia though?
@LillianC14 Stadia version will look better.
Yep, the Stadia Demo was pretty "meh"... this is a $19 sale.
AC: Valhalla runs circles around this and cost the same. Go with AC on something else if you can. The word is stunning.
At a minimum, try the free Stadia Demo (no need for a payed account) before putting down $60 for this (on any system)
Where's the review? It seems like the person who wrote it barely dove into the game. There are a lot of other reviews out there with like 80+ hours and a lot more in-depth. This review gives the highest level information about the game and then barely justifies the score of 7.
Your score doesn't matter to me in the end, but if you can't justify why the score was given as such then it seems like a con. This is just a few paragraphs about how this game is not Breath of the Wild.
I would’ve liked some information on how the game runs
@nessisonett The difference is that BOTW takes a few ideas from a variety of different games, and adds a bunch of its own. This is borrowing from one other game, and much more heavily. The video game industry wouldn’t be where it is now without borrowing ideas and improving upon them, except this is pretty much just copying, doing it worse, and not making any meaningful innovation.
@LillianC14 stadia no physical! Switch physical & digital. If graphics then ps4 or pc!
So it’s really a 5-6.
Not that I care the voice over in the games vs preview last week was enough to make me avoid this title.
@Munchlax This borrows from Assassin’s Creed Odyssey as much as it does from Breath of the Wild. It’s a Ubisoft game first and foremost, with all the trappings that entails.
Seriously nothing about performance? So i still dont know if i should buy this game...
Ubisoft, do this with the charm and expertise of Rayman. Cut the £84.99 with DLC malarky(flat £50), and try to keep bugs on the low key. Rayman already has a world to explore , and it hasn't been done with as much 3D love as assassin's creed, well, ever.
Much more refreshing than the overdone Assassins Creed series which frankly, I didnt even bother with this year (I need a good 5 years between those games- annual is way too much).
Having this on Switch is dope. I'll be playing along with Doom Eternal and Sniper Elite 4 at work all throughout December in tabletop mode and gyro aiming (except this game, I dont think it has gyro, does it? The other 2 do).
Was expecting a little more but i'm still gonna get it. One of the few games on switch i will get this year.
I think it looks fun however, I never buy Ubisoft titles at launch because of the bugs (same with Bethesda). Maybe in a few months.
Hades satisfies my Greek mythos itch and very well. Totally different gameplay, I know, but hades' gods seem more alive(?).
@Whyu im same boat the performance is a big thing especially a game like this
I am looking forward to it. I liked the gameplay of BOTW, but it was missing flavor in my opinion.
Immortals seems like to add a lot of Xena/Hercules trashy fun to it, and I am down with that.
I just wish y’all would stop shooting the cyclops in the eye. Let ‘em die with dignity.
“Breath of the Assassins Creed of War”
Is there a video game award for best review subtitle of the year? 😄
@Whyu has performance review
The reviewer of this game seemed too fixated about this game heavily borrowing elements from BotW. What's wrong with that? At least it's not as obnoxiously obvious as that Chinese game did.
I will get this eventually and pretend it is Kid Icarus.
This, Doom Eternal, Hades, Ori 2 and Need for Speed Remaster all on my Switch. Awesome!
To be honest, if Ninty had a bit more 1st party stuff this Chrimbo I wouldn’t look twice at this.
But they don’t so I’m playing the Kid Icarus Mod of BOTW in January.
This game looks fantastic.
Ha joys and cons I haven't read any other reviews on this site do they do this for every review
How long is this game because if it's over 50 hours without the DLC and I can get this physically then I'm buying this immediately
Dear Nintendo Life,
please add "microtransactions" to the cons list.
@SMUGSLOTH69 if you dont rush and try to explore the island by your own (no hints or markers) then yes, it can last over 50 hours
I'll pick it up once it's in the bargain bin.
It's almost a shame, because it looked so good when it was initially unveiled.
Doesn't look like my type of game. However, I'm really loving Valhalla on PC. The game is fun and the visuals are just beautiful.
Hope the people that play this enjoy it!
@BlackenedHalo I haven't read anything about microtransactions with this game. I don't even see how they could incorporate them in a game like this. Probably cosmetic's and skins I am guessing?
@HotGoomba___Rebrand is good
@StoneyUSMC yeah but also you can buy a horse which has stamina at max ...the worst thing is that even if you bought the most expensive bundle of in-game coins (50 real bucks) you would not be able to buy all the cosmetics, let alone the season pass....
I am really enjoying Valhalla on my Series X, but I think I will hold off this one until it is heavily discounted (probably a couple of months tops).
Doesn't look as compelling.
@BlackenedHalo Yeah, I meant it looked better when it was first revealed. I just explained it awfully.
I'm very disappointed by Nintendo Life's review for this game. A game shouldn't be penalized for playing like Breath of the Wild. The fact that is listed as a con does not make much sense at all, especially when another part of the review suggests that an aspect should be even more like BotW (and personally, that feature looks like a very good QoL feature).
The review itself is so focused on comparing the game to Breath of the Wild that it completely takes away from the review. If I didn't read other reviews of the game, I'd have no idea of any of the aspects different from BotW (of which there are a significant amount). The only one really discussed here is the story.
"Of course Immortals Fenyx Rising could never be as good as something with the resources of a Zelda game" just demonstrates the bias against this game right up front honestly.
I agree 100% with the review. Tho what Immortals does slightly better is that "shrines" are definitely longer than those in Zelda.
@secret333 Nope, you just cannot ignore the similarities. The whole game is based on BOTW - the world building, the story building, shrines where your solve puzzles, stealthy horse taming, the magnesis just cannot ignore that this game is a rip-off
Pre order just cancelled. Had better hopes for this.
"with moments like a notable credits fake-out and multiple tongue-in-cheek references to modern technology and other games"
This seems awful and pretty out of place to me. This game doesn't know what it wants to be.
All in cant wait to explore hyr.....either way im still excited about this and will pick up around Christmas.
@Anguspuss thanks mate
Been reading all the reviews. Glad I don't play these types of games too often. I'll be there day one, sounds awesome.
Yeah this is a game that I definitely don't need.
What a horrendous review! It reads more like a article about how it compares to BOTW.. How about performance? Did you use the update that came out 2 hours before embargo? How is Handheld compared to docked? Come on NL!
Pretty much exactly what I feared it would be. I’ll wait a few months and pick it up half-price ... on the PS5
Well it's a Nope of the Wild for me.
@BenAV smart move.
Would ait for physical bargain bin offer & resell again if you don't like it. I typically buy FPS games & some RPGs I'm not sure about physical, then just trade them in later for more on the fence games. Has worked out well & I don't feel ripped off when the game is terrible haha
@Balladeer A quick reminder (since everyone likes to ride a tall horse and virtue signal) that the computer being used to type and read this comment was more likely than not created using exploitative labor conditions, enabled by people that would rather ignore the issue.
I guess while waiting to get this secondhand, folks can watch a Polanski film...
I like the sound of this. BoTW without all the bits I didn't like.
With any luck, all the negativity will mean the price tanks fairly soon and I'll pick it up in a sale soon, just as I did with Starlink. I've more than enough to keep me busy until then.
So, you docked points because you didn’t like the new title and because you say it’s too close to BoTW? I’m sorry, but has NL been bought out by IGN?
So I was about to cancel my pre-order and then I watched the SwitchUp review that includes information post patch that came out recently. I highly recommend people watch that review before making up their mind. I love Nintendo Life but man, this entire review was done for someone who hasn't played Breath of the Wild yet. Of course you'd recommend BotW over this game, but that's not why most people are reading this review.
The demo I played was very enjoyable, even on Stadia. This felt instantly like I game I will finish and I couldn't get into Skyrim or Witcher 3 as of now (forgive me, maybe soon). The "cons" on this review are irrelevant to me...
1- BOTW clone is not a bad thing when it's considered one of the best games ever.
2- Color scheme is subjective and looks great to me
3- Title...who gives a ratsass about the title. Def not worth skipping this game.
I highly recommend this to anyone who likes botw and assassins creed.
@Laxeybobby I wouldn't let this review change your mind. If you have a bluetooth controller and web browser, try the free demo on Stadia. Convinced me to buy it on Switch.
This is an easy buy @ $40. I'll get it in February
@Kirbyboy92 IT is much more fun when you play it, the cons are really nitpicking.
@Diogmites Breath of the Wild has actually people, towns, biomes, wildlife, physics and elemental factors including weather, temperature, wind, fire etc. It is a videogame masterpiece.
Played the demo on Stadia not too long ago and it was meh. The review was pretty accurate to how the game is but I think it is a little worse b/c in my opinion it feels like playing a free MMO rather than a $60 game.
This review was really poorly written. I am not that interested in this game but I hope NintendoLife doesn’t accept low quality like this anymore. Like this would nor even be acceptable for an elementary school book report.
@Balladeer interesting take. Does the "non apology apology" come to a head at some point during a playthrough that you know of?
Was this review pre or post patch??
(Sorry if already mentioned in comments)
Just saw a review from SwitchUp on YouTube that the framerate pre patch was around 20fps in docked but now practically at 30fps post patch which came out 1hr before embargo.
Likely may get this game when it's around £20, still deliberating on Switch for portability or PS5 for a cleaner/smoother experience.
Of course Immortals Fenyx Rising could never be as good as something with the resources of a Zelda game
@secret333 @KateGray I find this statement curious. Do you have some access to development budget information that we don't? I mean, you may very well be right, but I wouldn't assume this a priori.
Guess it was too much to expect a review that actually reviewed this game on its own merits.
Can you now review BotW? Cause I want to know how Assassins Creed, Far Cry and Skyrim are.
Docking points/con for borrowing heavily from BotW is a joke considering how much Nintendo borrowed from Ubisoft games in making it.
This review doesn't even touch on so many things or features. Where is the mention of the cross-progression between other versions? What a huge feature and this reviewer doesn't even mention it?
This is a terrible review and does the game a huge disservice.
I guess at least the reviewer is self-aware and knows they're lazy.
I'd recommend people check out virtually any other review on this game for any real information on it. Nintendoeverything has a good one. They do point out the similarities to BotW and AC, but then they move on and talk about the game on its own merits, which is what a real review is supposed to do.
I was looking forward too God's and Monsters, but when the title changed so did my expectations. I don't completely understand the Breath of the Wild comparison and then the reviewer explaining why it not Breath of the Wild.
The reviewer could have been commenting on Hyrule Warriors age of Calamity. It's Breath of the Wild except, it's not, it's a Warriors game that Borrows too heavily from Breath of the Wild.
One thing they have in common, both games are to powerful for the ageing Switch.
@Kirbyboy92 Nah, Watch Dogs Legion is brilliant and lots of fun, I can't see Fenyx being better in any way.
Day 1 for me. I don’t care if it is a shameless rip-off, I love open world games and it’s a major bonus when the game allows me to make my own character and doesn’t take itself too seriously. Gold Edition for the Switch and regular edition for the PS5
@Shadowthrone "This is a terrible review and does the game a huge disservice."
7/10 is all most folk will see. If folk were at all bothered with originality they certainly wouldn't be buying ubisoft games.
Idk the 2 out of 3 negatives don't seem right. Too much BOTW-like and bad title name?? I'll give it a shot for sure despite the average score, game seems really fun!
Ubisoft = Ubsh&it
@yusuf2002 average would be 5/10.
@FargusPelagius a new 3d Rayman in the art direction of the last 2d ones would be amazing
@MarzipanD 7/10 is very good when you consider the highest a non Nintendo game gets a 9 on this site... Let alone an 8
@Guitario that was my point. Doesn't matter what the words say people see the numbers and most go 7/10! Whilst some think that's average, apparently.
I use to enjoy coming onto this site and reading your reviews but literally everything is a comparison to BOTW with this site and it's a joke. Omg it's got an animated look to it must be a breath of the wild clone omg it's an open world game must be a breath of the wild clone omg it's has weapons must bad version of breath of the wild you can see this website are just old Zelda fan boys
Souls like combat?
Well its a no from me then.. man those souls games are crap. Couldnt of said batman like combat to spike ny interest
@BlackenedHalo ok gonna pick this up now and if not now Christmas
Another review from a ubisoft hater, watch the switch up review for a good review with honest and good points.
I don’t think that “Borrows too heavily from Breath of the Wild” and “The new title sucks” should factor into a review score. Are these really bad things? Do other reviews on this site take off points for being inspired from other games or having a crappy title?
Already preordered, did the demo on stadia and I really like the game but I always loved the greek mythology so a game with this lore was made for me.
@MarzipanD Right. Mediocre is the word I was looking for.
@KnightsTemplar nah it's not Soulslike, this is just a terrible review.
NL probably think that having a light attack, heavy attack, dodge and parry automatically mean Soulslike, but it's not.
It's bog-standard action RPG fare, with those four basic moves plus special abilities on a cooldown. Nothing revolutionary, but SkillUp for example praised it in its simplicity and focus.
What I'd advise you to do is look up some combat clips and see for yourself if the flow of it looks up your alley 😃
I'm excited for this game.
This review is a joke but I really don't expect anything akin to good writing from these "journalists" anymore.
If you are judging your decision to buy this game based on this review then you need to stop right there and back up. Go read another review, there's plenty others out there. Much much better ones.
@MarzipanD ...But now that I thought about it a bit more, out of last 20 reviews on this site the average score is 7,1 so while technically average score is 5, the average score we see here is way higher. I think that's the thought process I had.
@Kirbyboy92 Maybe they can make up for it if rayman gets in smash.
@Seacor They do that all the time, Its just to try to be funny.
Is this review pre patch, or after? Because I can't undertand the score. Everyone is saying it's an amazing game, in no other place I've seen it below 8.4. I mean, looking at the cons, I see this is not a review we should trust much, but oh well...
Anyway, I'll get this game sooner or later FOR SURE.
"Fenyx Rising" is a better title. Incidentally, "Gods and Monsters" sounds like a generic/off-brand name - not that it even matters! That the reviewer would actually unironically list the game's title as one of its cons is frankly embarrassing.
Breath of the Wild came out almost 4 years ago!
Breath of the Wild 2 (or whatever they'll end up calling it) will probably come out 2 years from now (after a few delays) on the Switch 2 or Switch Pro or whatever...
To be honest I'd rather try this game out than start yet another playthrough of Breath of the Wild. Beat it many times many years ago. I'm excited to try something new and I appreciate that Ubisoft's lack of originality will actually end up scratching an itch Nintendo hasn't touched in years.
To me, "Borrows too heavily from Breath of the Wild" should be moved from "cons" to "pro".
Since when "Borrows too heavily from Breath of the Wild" is a negative thing. NintendoLife especially names half of the indie games on Switch Breath of The Wild style to promote them. Therefore, there is no logic in using it as a negative feature. The reviewer gets a B minus just for this.
Also the fact that Nintendo Life and Nintendoworldsomething give the lowest grade to this game in the video game industry is at least, strange.
The PS5 version received a 7 on both Push Square and Gamespot, so I’m not quite sure what the complaints are here.
Also, being that the PS5 version received props for its graphics, while this version gets called bland, shouldn’t the score here be lower?
It I choose to play this, it’ll be on the PS5. I’m done with lesser ports on the Switch.
Um, even the story seems like it's just copying the style of "Kid Icarus Uprising." Not that that is a bad thing by any means, but to say it's the game's one original feature is inaccurate.
So...Assassin's Creed with some BOTW styled puzzles? I fail to see how it cribbed off BOTW when BOTW cribbed off Ubisoft (and other western) open worlds
I'm in
I actually prefer map markers over blind open world exploration, the story sounds excellent, and the combat sounds better than typical Zelda combat; but an open world full of repetitive, mostly lame puzzles (although I actually like sliding block puzzles; they're at least better than music memorization and rolling ball puzzles in my opinion) is still too much of a deal breaker for me. I prefer somewhat more linear adventure games with only light puzzle elements. I'll probably pass, although a demo could change my mind.
@yusuf2002 That's only because NL no longer reviews all of the shovelware that gets released, so naturally the average review score gets inflated.
I would have preferred a new Rayman game or Child of Light 2.
After digging around, it seems that Far Sight is optional to use (to activate it requires certain buttons to be pressed). I think that’s good for people that want to play like me (spend time exploring) and people that want to get to the objectives quickly (through use of icons/map points). Read many reviews and first impression play throughs to find this out. Hopefully it is accurate.
Hopefully BotW-2 borrows some ideas from Fenyx - durable weapons, marker points telling you where to go (as an option)
I spent a decent amount of time with this on the Stadia demo, and I have to say I quite enjoyed it. Yes, it is basically offbrand BotW with a touch of GoW combat, but neither of those is bad things. I did chuckle at the narration and banter between Prometheus and Zeus.
While the whole package isn't as polished and heartfelt as Zelda was, there are things that I found better. You get access to your wings very quickly, much more quickly than the glider in BotW. So there is almost immediate freedom. There are also ariel enemies who can possibly harass you. The combat is a blast, while Zelda locks you into a very deliberate approach to every fight given the controversial weapon system. This is where that GoW influence allows Fenyx to forge its own path. There was a decent build-up in the threat level of enemy encounters. If I wasn't attentive, mooks could yeet me off a tower. But in the zone, whole squads of enemies with differing sizes and with differing ranges of attacks were a blast to mow through.
@Chalkfire Thanks for mentioning that SwitchUp review. That makes the game seem much better than all these 7s.
Game looks good. Series x buy for me
@LunarFlame17 While Gods and Monsters does sound generic, based on what I read from the review, that title explains better what the game is about.
Immortals Fenyx Rising, to me at least, sounds like something I wouldn't even bother to see screenshots of it. Yes, it is judging the book by it's cover, but considering how many games are out there, it has to grab you from the very first glance at the cover art or title.
Plus, it does feel like a title for the a sequel of the movie Immortals xD
I guess what I'm trying to say, Gods and Monsters is lesser of two evils, but none of those titles are particularly interesting.
I am going to let the price go down a little as I want the gold edition.
@yusuf2002 it's fine fella. I was just messing. GameSpot used to have the GameSpot 7 which meant it was more often than not utter rubbish. But they never scored below a 6.
This is actually one of the lowest scores on the Switch version. Only Nintendo world report scores it lower (a 6). There the reviewer said the graphics have taken a serious hit compared to other versions (it still looked fine in the video though), the framerate frequently dips below 30 frames. But what's worse: lots of crashing. In the 20 hours of playing the game the reviewer encountered 7 crashes. That's quite a lot, made me almost cancel my pre-order. But I am just to curious. I really hope I have better luck with the game.
I’m going to wait for the price to tank, as Ubisoft games tend to do, then pick it up on the cheap. Looks like it could be fun for £20 or so.
And this is why I don't buy copy versions..
I don't understand why borrowing from BOTW is such a crime. Haven't seen souls-likes being bashed for being souls-likes. Double standards I guess... if it's Nintendo's precious child, you CAN'T BORROW FROM IT. If it's a non-Nintendo game, noooo problem!
There’s borrowing from and then there is ripping off. And this falls pretty obviously in the latter category. Of course you’re going to compare it to the game it’s attempting to be. It’s like trying to review Great Giana Sisters but not being allowed to compare it to Super Mario Brothers.
Anyways it looks pretty fun still. Might consider this when it goes on sale. I’ve got quite the collection of heavily discounted Ubisoft games on Switch already so what’s one more.
@MatoFilipovic That's strange, since to me the title alone is so interesting that it makes me want to take a closer look, something the original generic title would not have accomplished.
I find this copycap accusations a bit unfair - BOTW itself borrowed heavily from then-established Open World Games with mechanics that have been established in Ubisoft franchises like Assasin's Creed. But this is just how art works - copying, remixing and creating something new on the grounds of the already known. Using the art of the remix myself: "If the reviewer only had the courage to give the game a corresponding 7 star rating"
I for one am really looking forward to getting a cheaper gold edition of this game in half a year or a year or so. It's not within my budget, beyond that I'm pretty sure I'll really enjoy this. It looks good, and most I hear about it sounds good. But first I have a lot of other games to play through that I waited for and now got at half their original price or less. Like Borderlands Legendary Collection at €20 "physical" which is new to me, and Bioshock Collection for the same price, but I've played those before. But it's probably the best FPS trilogy as a whole (Timesplitters FP remains the best third entry in a series in my opinion, and that series was not released as a collection) when we're not counting Metroid Prime Trilogy. So I'd say it's about the best deal on Switch ever. But yeah, bundled with dlc at a "last year's release" price point on sale, and I'm quite sure I'll get a lot of good game for my money.
@Slowdive - I’m right there with you. I’m pretty stoked for it! The other reviews I’ve watched seem to enjoy it immensely, and while they do mention BotW, they aren’t comparing every single aspect to it.
Games play off of each other, and that’s a good thing. Being that gaming is very personal, just because someone thinks something is meh, doesn’t mean the masses will. This review gave it a 7, which is very respectable, didn’t mention any major performance bugs, but somewhat frowned upon it compared to Zelda.
Remove all the Zelda comparisons, focus on what’s directly in front of you, and this game sounds like a success.
BotW wasn’t a perfect game, but still immensely enjoyable. I’ll be going into Immortals Fenyx Rising with an open mind & fresh eyes.
one tips , you should not base you decision only with one review, beside here the reviewer did not like the fact the copy some staff of botw and that's why the review so harsh, the game copy a lot from assassin creed odyssey and other uby game mixing enough to have his own soul.
give a look to this reviewer on youtube i always like his reviews and he is very oggettive
from this i convinced myself the game IS GOOD and i gonna buy it maybe not at launch but a little bit later
just to inform there is a day one patch ,that fix a lot of performance and graphic asset for the docked mode primary , (handheld is ok) and reduce the crashes make them more rare, there will be another patch in the future soon to complete annihilate the crashes problem
Looks cool, but might not get. My heart belongs to one wild OWRPG
I'll wait for more reviews as I am curious about the performance, the game looks cool to me plus I'm a sucker for greek mythology.
@MatoFilipovic - živio brate
@JaxonH I watched a you tuber that said the switch has gyro aiming
Seems performance is great now after a patch came through 1 hr before embargoes lifted. Still some stability issues (in all versions) with some crashes here and there, but aside from that, performance is on point
SwitchUp Review
Ya, SwitchUp says it has gyro. I played a bit at work today but haven't gotten a bow yet.
It's really high quality though. I'm duly impressed.
@JaxonH sounds great . I would normally buy the switch version but I have my Play station 5 version arriving today so I really want to try it on that. Enjoy mate
I like the look of this. Not enough games taking inspiration from Breath of the Wild in my opinion, so I don't mind this, especially with its family friendly approach to Greek mythology. My kids are into that at the moment and all I could think of was God of War, which they're about 10 years too young to play.
Got the game yesterday and took advantage of an afternoon working from home to dive into. general feeling that it is a bit of a BOTW ripoff as it was declared and expected but the game is fun nonetheless.
controls are a bit cranky and take a while to get through but eventually once you enter into the sequence the game gets better. having some trouble with the character developement in the early stages but that's because I'm rusty with botw mechanics. maybe not a game to spend 60E but so far so good.
@Slowdive I never digged games with equipment breaking mechanics, some just have that durability mechanic but items rarely break (like Diablo 3), but the durability stuff just put me off BotW.
Not to mention having to just walk for 30-40 minutes of green grass and trees and nothing else to do but walk/run from point A to B before you get all the fast travel points. The world felt very, very empty.
I might try this one too, looks fun.
@BlackenedHalo Nobody is saying ignore the similarities. But if I have to read another review to know information about the game, that is a failure. The game has things that are different from BotW, but they aren't outlined here.
For example, this game has a very different combat system with a large emphasis on combat. Yet it isn't talked about at all here, and it isnt similar to BotW.
@Kirbyboy92 Watch Dogs Legion was amazing, besides the 30fps bull.
This is one of the worst reviews I've seen in this webpage. So the cons are that is too similar to BotW (when BotW took a lot of stuff from Assassins Creed... Oh well), the name (what the hell?), and an impression of the world likely before the patch that came out day one.
Could we have different reviews of the game? Another perspective would be much appreciated.
Mom can we get breath of the wild?
We have breath of the wild at home.
Breath of the wild at home:
@LunarFlame17 The name is generic and boring from a gamer's perspective. It sounds like they took the main character's name, combined a few cool-sounding words from a generator, put them together, and just went with it.
Bravely default was known for its awful name when it was released as well. They decided to name it after the unique turn-based RPG play style it had, but it sounds silly when you read both words together.
Don't get me wrong, I don't consider game titles to be cons. In the end, it's just the title, not the game. Bravely default serves as a good example. It was mocked for its silly title but turned out to be one heck of a good game.
@the_beaver This site has always been like this with reviews. They take points off the game using irrelevant reasoning. I don't consider the title or clone-like similarities to be cons. I welcome well-made games influenced by prior masterpieces with open arms.
I can overlook how biased they are with Nintendo made games, but I never read their reviews too seriously. It feels like they have to find reasons to force a certain rating on their reviews. Their video reviews are a bit better, reading some of their reviews makes me feel like I'm reading a first impressions look rather than a real finished game review.
Really enjoying this game on switch , in some ways it’s better than Valhalla (less bugs) really enjoyable game with ligic puzzles . I highly recommend 🤪🤪
@HobbitGamer I know right? If we tried to boycott every single business that has had questionable ethics or negative employee environments, and then never apologized, we would have to boycott every business larger than a local mom and pop style small business. The bigger they get, the harder it is to weed out creeps and bad bosses. That's just how things happen, unfortunately.
Playing it and really enjoying it. Go the Switch!
I tend to look at the players review score if at all possible. This usually bodes better as more people have given it their thoughts and score...
"Cons: the new title sucks" is dumber than 7.8/10 too much water
The title isn't even part of the game, sometimes I wish actual game fans and skilled journalists would do reviews
As if words on a box can influence your opinion on the content itself
@kingv84 Stadia version won't look as good, in the bathroom, or the breakroom at work.
@PLAYwithGregg lol would look good if you have a nice internet connection which I do at work and in the bathroom.
All the critic reviews scared me off this title. But now I've learned a lot of those mediocre scores were based on the game before it was patched up. Then I saw that NintendoLife users ranked Fenyx the 29th best Switch title. That sealed it for me, I'm going to check it out!
I loved the game. Loved it enough I bought it again on PS5. Honestly this review was overly picky, but to each their own. Only ONE area was “brown and sludgy” which was Hades, god of Wars area. The puzzles were fun and the humor in the game did it for me. Honestly I gave this game a 10/10. Never had there been a game I actually went back and done the Game + on, but I did with Fenyx. Sure, it’s not for everyone, but it’s a welcome detour from the Assassins Creed universe where the maps can be overly large. I honestly liked Fenyx better than Valhalla, dare I say.
@inkbearga Just the feedback I was looking for. Will pick it up before the NA sale ends!
I didn't see anything in the review about breaking weapons, so unless it's in there but you neglected to mention it, that sounds like a point over Breath of the Wild.
@DrDaisy weapons do not break which makes life easier. Also you don’t have to upgrade each weapon, only the category.
@The_Pixel_King hope you enjoy it. My partner even picked it up on the PS4 and is playing through it now and had even said how much fun he’s having.
@BlackenedHalo ohhhhh, yhea micro transaction could be the final straw!
Ik getting this one of our drops below 30 bucks. The idea sounds cool, the game doesn't seem to have major issues, and the story sounds interesting..
1.The title sucks, so was that one point deducted for that?
2. To much like BoTW. Oh that rubbish Zelda game😱 if it's anything like that deduct 5 at least.
3. The colours? That's because the Switch is not powerful enough and the game has to suffer. Unlike Zelda, which was altered from the original colour palette to the bland look it has so that it would run better on the Switch.
Of course I played BoTW and it was great. If immortals Fenyx Rising has similaries that can only be good. The colour is fine as long as you don't put it side by side with the PS5. And if the negative list did not look long enough to justify a 7, stick the title in and make it look longer.
If anything it has taken from BoTW and improved some elements.
I just bought it yesterday and I'm enjoying it so far and I don't mind it having similarities to BOTW or any other game. I think it looks quite good on the Switch and if it keeps me entertained that is all that matters to me.
When I played this game it feels like Assassin's Creed meets BOTW and has historical features that intrigue me more.
Really disappointed with this review. Played the demo and it's great - less than fifteen minutes in and I'm sold. Looks like only the user scores matter on nintendolife
Hugely underrated and entertaining game!
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