As 2019 dawns and gamers the world over wake up after New Year celebrations, Fitness Boxing arrives in time to take advantage of resolutions to get in shape. From the moment it boots up, anyone who’s ever baulked at their BMI beside a frowning Mii or stamped an onscreen calendar following a daily workout will feel right at home. The branding may be missing but this very clearly belongs to Wii Fit’s ‘exergaming’ lineage; everything from its green menu fonts to progress-tracking bar charts feels comfortingly familiar.
There’s no need to dust off the Balance Board this time, though; slide off those Joy-Con and you’re good to go. This has necessitated some simplification and Fitness Boxing’s learned a thing or two from a certain Ubisoft dance series. In fact, it feels like Wii Fit and Just Dance met at a party, drank some Dance Dance Revolution and – boom! – nine months later found themselves the proud parents of a little rhythm-fitness game.

It’s a more streamlined and straight-laced experience than before; the lack of Balance Board or plastic doohickeys means no tobogganing, penguin-flipping or other such Mii-based frivolities – this is Fitness Boxing. It’s positioned more as a lifestyle app – software to tide you over while you’re on holiday and can’t get to your Body Combat class – and in that capacity, we have to say it works rather well.
Using a monkey-like grip on your two detached Joy-Con, your thumbs rest along the ‘L’ and ‘R’ buttons. Icons travel up two vertical lanes into target zones indicating when to throw a punch. Following a rather slow introduction, a variety of HD rumble-enhanced jabs, straights, hooks, uppercuts and ducks make things much more interesting. A handy timer lets you know how much time remains in each section. You score points for landing combos highlighted in pink and your total is totted up at the end giving you a maximum three-star rating.
With no bulky peripherals required, the motion data available to developer Imagineer is somewhat limited and it’s unclear exactly how much of your movement input is registered. Queensberry rules prohibit kicks, so there’s no need to stuff Joy-Con down your socks. Handily, this reduces the number of pop-up disclaimers, too – a real blessing after all those Wii Fit warning screens. (Does anybody actually bother with those straps?)

Each workout is done to the beat of a chart-topper. A lean 20-tracklist unlocks as you complete sessions and includes instrumental versions of winners like ‘Call Me Maybe’ and ‘Moves Like Jagger’. A few vintage hits rub shoulders with the likes of Bieber, Pitbull and Lady Gaga; perennial favourite ‘Funkytown’ puts in an appearance, although the absence of the Rocky theme can only be down to a massive clerical error. The fact that we knew all the songs probably says something, but they add pep to your workouts and confident players can increase the speed of each track in Free Training. The word ‘instrumental’ may raise eyebrows, but with your trainer constantly barking instructions and encouragement, you really don’t miss Cristina Aguilera’s three-octave acrobatics while you’re in the zone.
Mirroring the set-up of a Boxercise class, you’re instructed to get bouncing, shifting your weight like a real fighter – 1, 2, 1, 2, forward, back, forward, back. Performing our finest Street Fighter idle animation with fists by our face, we felt ready to take on all-comers. Sure, ‘Video Killed The Radio Star’ kinda killed the mood, but you can build your own playlist and the game does a good job of motivating you to keep your whole body moving. After inputting height and weight data, you can target specific muscle groups and set daily workout goals with durations between 15-45 minutes. Your ‘Fitness Age’ is calculated via some hazy computation (one-third motion analysis to two-thirds 'Magic 8-ball', it seems) but it’s as fun as ever to see what number it conjures.

Fitness Boxing gives your personal coach a makeover; the featureless mannequin from the box art is a ruse and the comically anodyne Wii Fit Trainer has been replaced here by the lovely Lin. For all her natty gym wear and skin pigmentation, though, she’s only a minor upgrade in terms of personality. We suppose she’s a tad more enthusiastic when you nail a combo, but Smash Bros. has given us a peculiar affection for her predecessor and Lin certainly isn’t amiibo material.
Following the tutorial, you can exchange her for one of five other trainers – three female, two male – each with individual names and voices. Custom garments unlock as your total-punches, stars and daily stamps are counted, with future gifts stretching out on the calendar for months and years. The models are a mixed bag and the women seem a little more polished (Bernardo’s body seems to be an HD copy-and-paste of Carl’s from GTA San Andreas). The ability to alter their eye, hair and skin colour feels a little odd, as do the zooming camera controls that permit you to examine tight polygonal glutes and thigh gap to your heart’s content.

Two-player mode lets you train in tandem with a partner, working together to chain combos or competing in a dreary VS mode where punches fill a meter until one player triumphs; the latter mode highlights the wisdom of focusing on fitness over ‘games’ this time around. Stretching sessions before and after each workout can be turned off, although we recommend keeping them; over-zealous air-punches can lead to the sorts of mischiefs Wii Sports did us back in ’06. Far be it to suggest that we’re anything other than the finest physical specimens here at NL, but we did wake up for several mornings with sore muscles under the shoulder blades.
And – yes – if you don’t fancy floating like a butterfly, it’s entirely possible to ‘cheat’; we found you could get by just fine on the sofa. It’s certainly easier to time those punches with your whole body moving back-and-forth, but playing while seated is an option if you’re unable (or unwilling) to stand. The game doesn’t seem to discriminate between X or Y axis movement, so hooks and uppercuts received ‘Perfect’ ratings regardless of direction, so long as timing was accurate.
Overall, it feels comparable to Just Dance in terms of accuracy – reliable enough to feel fair but we wouldn’t put too much faith in those ‘calories burned’ estimates. Just as paying for gym membership won’t magically gift you Jennifer Lawrence legs or Chris Hemsworth hamstrings, you’ll get out of Fitness Boxing what you put in. Once Nintendo’s pocketed your £39.99, the onus is on you to get into the spirit and use the software to its full potential. Tabletop mode means you can’t use being away from home as an excuse, either; it functions perfectly on the smaller screen, with text and icons large enough to follow with the console perched on a hotel room desk.
Within its common-sense (and, thanks to Wii Fit, well-known) limitations, Fitness Boxing is a breezy, energetic success that gets your blood pumping. For the one-time price of a month’s gym membership, it delivers some light CV and takes pointers from Just Dance and various rhythm games to provide a convenient and engaging workout. It’s no substitute for hard hours at the gym, but there’s certainly potential to tone up those arms and shed a few of the mince pies you put away while watching Groundhog Day over the holidays. It would be a mistake to buy this thinking you’re getting a game or some magical antidote to your spare tyre. However, it kept us coming back and if you’re after a reason to justify cancelling that direct debit to Gold’s, this is as good as anything you’ll find on a console.
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Comments 87
Shame it doesn't look like there's a Wi Sports style boxing match option, that'd be fun if the movement is more consistently picked up this time around. Still mildly tempted by this, but it's not cheap compared to all the various modes and games in Wii Fit.
Male trainers are confirmed.
I felt the whole gameplay is still not better than Gold's Gym Cardio Workout Wii.
These things are missing :
1. No avatar of yourself.
2. The song list was meh
3. The place for doing cardio workout are Not real place like at gym / beach / inside or outside buildings.
4. No Skip option to skip chatty explanations.
When I decide to dedicate a full day to gaming I make sure to get my exercise in by walking to the car to go pick up Taco Bell instead of ordering pizza. Gotta put your health first!
@JHDK And then you get EXTRA exercise from the bathroom trip after. Work your legs and your core at the same time!
Now we need some licensed guest trainers! ...It’s funny to imagine being ‘trained’ by Mac, Link, Mario, or Samus. ...or even some beastly monster type trainers.
@JHDK did I somehow comment from your account? Are we the same person? What’s happening?
An 8? A-Are you serious? I... I mean, I played the demo and it felt like a 3...
Welp, different taste, I guess. :-/
Well to be fair, that's actually a really good "game"
Still waiting for a proper WiiFit game tho
You're paying way too much for a gym if you're paying £40.
Couldn't get past the demo :/
I really love this game. Really good to burn something, parallel to the gym.
Once again I just don't see how this game should cost $50. It looks like another tech demo like 1 2 Switch.
@Spoony_Tech nuff said
This looks like a single Wii Fit mode at full price with a hilariously outdated soundtrack. The 80s and 90s have produced their share of trash, but a lot of their novelty tracks still hold up quite well in the catchiness department when compared against the likes of Call Me Maybe and Sexy And I Know It.
I would pounce on a successor to Wii Fit and Wii Sports, but I will not accept lame imitations such as this and Go Vacation/Sports Party etc.
8/10? Nintendolife outdoes itself
@JHDK Fitness isn’t just a hobby, it’s a lifestyle!
I enjoyed the demo but will wait for a price drop on this one. I would still prefer a Wii Fit for the Switch since it has more workouts, and will continue to use my Wii Fit U for the time being.
The demo did make me realize I need to spend a bit more time on arm exercises though
i think i'll stick with Wii Fit Plus.
I don't feel comfortable playing this in my game room. Too many things I could knock over. lol
Maybe this is a good game but from the screenshots it looks like generic shovelware
I completely agree with the 8. I have played the demo for 14 workouts and feel that is a fair score. The punch registrati0n is very accurate. I have been disappointed with Wii Boxing, Wii Fitness Resort, Wii Fit, and several workout programs 0n the Xbox One that used Kinect. Wii Fitness Boxing is superior to all of them (specifically for a boxing work out). The combos are not just random punches, but actual punch combinations. Great workout and it is fun. I recommend adding tension bands to your workout to increase the intensity. Is your body ready?
justin bieber? automatic pass sadly.
now where's my creed VR? i need to burn some calories!
If this is successful I can see two things:
Them adding Wii Fit trainer into this; and in the next smash Bros, she will have a few new moves.
Don't forget those intense gaming sections, they can really help build your triceps and biceps.
@Hikingguy This is actually the sequel to Gold’s Gym Cardio Workout. A different developer, but under the same kind of format as the original game on Wii. An article stated it was “the successor”
Tips for playing Fit Boxing.
When you want to play, just sit down on sofa / couch, keep your arms busy with Joy Cons while you keep sitting.
The game will not see your foot stance, so you can play fitness boxing by sitting on the couch. 😅
Hang on, this is £40?! I thought it was a £10-15 eshop app. Was going to give it a try but that seems steep.
I imagine the price will drop once everyone's New Year fitness resolve runs out!
I’d maybe waste $3 on this.
@SonicMos Actually, it's worth every penny. 😊
Ill try the jpn demo to see if the music changes. That is the only thing putting me off.
@Anti-Matter The game has Step forward Step back moves that it does sense through the joycons... if You follow the trainer, it will sense it.
The unlocked workouts are quite intensive!
@e0ne0ne We should mention the game has Fast/normal song speed options as well as Light and Hard Intensity lvl options. Its a proper workout imho. 😊
I have ever "Cheating" to do a Step Back / Forward from Gold's Gym Cardio Workout Wii by keep sitting on the couch while my arms keep busy to pull / push my Wiimote + Nunchuck suddenly to create a "fake" Step Back / Forward.
And it worked. 😅
It seems a bit overpriced for what it is. I have no issue with it aside from that. But I'd still rather have a proper sequel to Wii Sports, with better motion control, and not having to use the goofy nunchuk.
To be honest I'm kind of interested in this but I'm afraid I'll buy it full price, play it one or two times, and never touch it again. I suppose I should give the demo a try.
@Anti-Matter So - I tell you - If you follow the trainer's instructions - the game will do exactly as prescribed - The player will exercise , which is the entire point of the game.
Your Solution is to cheat and therefore bypass the exercise bit. Well done.
@SonicMos I am using and will use this for 1-2 hours every day - over the course of a year, It will help me lose about 1 stone - not bad for £39. Like I said - worth every penny...
Looks boring. The graphics are blah. They should have different backgrounds and let you dress the boxer up in costumes.
@thiswaynow : And then, BAM, Fitness Boxing 2020 Edition.
I should probably buy this.
Went from being skinny as a toothpick all throughout highscool and my 20s, then 30 came and I can’t see my 6 pack defined anymore. Little gut starting to show lol. I’m still skinny overall, but I think it’s time to start doing some cardio and put that little gut in check before it gets any bigger.
I just don’t like leaving the house when I’m not at work. I would love to jog or run but I live in Wisconsin and it gets brutally cold half the year, so that’s not a long-term solution. Well. I see crazy people out there running in shorts in the middle of winter but... somethings wrong with those people.
Maybe I’ll just get this. An hour of cardio a day would probably make a difference after a few months. Maybe.
Had this since launch and its working me very hard. Excellent bit of software.
I'm insanely sceptical about the calorie count, having played the demo.
But it's fun, if you treat it as an interactive rhythm game. It's not going to teach you how to box (Tis very different trying to actually hit someone) but it's a giggle.
From the demo, the music isn't that important either, it fades into the background as the instructor shouts over it.
I'd buy it at half price, you will get a bit of a sweat on, and it's satisfying pulling off combinations.
I though that it was 40 though?
@gameboy1975 $50 in the eshop.
@JaxonH Stop justifying giving Nintendo money and do your own workout for free. Nintendo doesn't need to be encouraged to make more of this, it's a waste of time.
That's not how the world & this stuff works though. What someone else does doesn't (and shouldn't) dictate what others decide to do with their work. I mean a game like god of war I could've probably beaten in a weekend if I kept going on @ the clip that I was . Where as games like Warframe, Fortnite, Arena Of Valor & such are free & give countless hours of entertainment.
So should they be 60 dollars (or more realistically given how much bang for NO buck that you get) & a game like god of war like 12 to 15 (given that it could be beaten for the price of renting by a semi compotent gamer)?
Yeah, a bit steep for me myself atm. Though at the end of the dat it IS only 40 dollars. And hell, I pretty much blew through that at just the ONE bar I stopped @ last night buying myself & a few buds just ONE round last night. And that only lasted for about 3 hours or so before I started whizzing it out & away. So if I can actually get some real use out of it, it's not the worst. However, a 20 dollar or so tag would probably be a lot closer to an insta-buy.
Wow, really? Yeah, nah, not paying 50.
looking at these barbie looking trainers makes me appreciate the mannequin look the wii fit trainers had
Well you are trying to tell someone else how to spend THEIR money & what they should find worth their cash/attention. So it seems kinda ironic that you say what you say & then make such comments. Like that or any person needs to justify how they spend their money to you or anyone else. I am all for free speech et cetera, but it's not your place to belittle people's choices & dictate to them if something is worth buying, how & where they should work out/spend THEIR money & what YOU may deem a waste of time when they're not asking ya. Not for you, cool. However, if they aren't asking for your opinion, you have no real right to crap on how or why they do them. That's why it's great that we have freedom to select the options that's best for us.
@gameboy1975 No offense but we know each other from Twitter. This is more a personal comment to him and he knows how to take it from me.
First of all, this isn’t “Nintendo”. It’s a third-party game they just happened to be publishing.
Second of all, what’s wrong with you dude? What’s gotten into you? You don’t have any place telling others what they can or cannot do or should or should not do with their money.
You do what you want. I don’t care what you do with the money you earn. And you have no place telling me what to do with the money I earn. In fact... you shouldn’t care one bit. The fact you’re telling other people what to do tells me you are way too emotionally invested in “Nintendo getting money” (when it’s not even Nintendo?)
Tells me you might need to spend a little less time on gaming fansites when you start taking things this seriously. If something seems not worth it to you by all means avoid it. But what does it matter what I do?
I don’t know if I was really going to buy it or not. It was just a passing comment. But whether I do or don’t, one thing that pisses me off is when other people try to dictate what others do with their money. If you want to lay out a rational case for why you feel nobody should buy this game, I’m all ears. But ease up on blatantly telling others don’t buy something. Or telling me to “stop justifying”. I don’t need to justify anything, not to you or anyone else. Even if the game was riddled with micro transactions I would advise and hope others didn’t buy it. But even then, I wouldn’t straight up call somebody out for what they want to do with their money. It’s really invasive and condescending. If somebody wants to spend 40 or $50 on interactive workout software, good for them! Unless you’re going to stand in front of Walmart in protest every time somebody buys some gadget you deem “not worth it”. Oh no! Monopoly and checkers for $30, want a scam! Stop justifying giving Hasbro your money! How dare you! Give it a break, man... it’s just video games.
@JaxonH Dude, calm down and relax it was a joke. Sorry, I thought we had a better relationship then that....
Fair enough.
Edit: Apparently not brotha.
@gameboy1975 Apparently not lol
@gameboy1975 You know what's funny is I had a feeling he would respond the same way you did because I've seen it plenty before. Maybe I should've made my first post to him sound a bit more joking.
I just gave the demo a bash, and it’s pretty decent. Bobbing back and forward whilst throwing punch combos meant I had a sweat up in about five minutes (bearing in mind it’s a scorcher today in Sydney). For what you get it seems overpriced, but I’ll still pick it up as it’ll be a decent enough workout I can do in my home. Off for a surf now though...
I thought we did too. Your comment definitely didn’t strike me as a joke though. And seemed inexplicably hostile towards me, which was confusing to say the least.
What angered me more than usual is that it felt like you were turning on me at the drop of a dime.
Comments like that are so common on the internet... on this very site even... that without clearly spelling it out, my natural response is that you were dead serious. It’s not even something we should joke about, at least, not without clearly stating it as such or with a because it’s just so prevalent, the thought of it being a joke didn’t even cross into my peripheral
@Hikingguy Oh, sorry I wasn’t more specific, I didn’t mean this review. Here’s the article:
Gold’s Gym Cardio Workout is known as Shape Boxing in Japan, and Fitness Boxing (or Fit Boxing in Japan) is the successor to that game. Ubisoft published the original Wii Game putting the Gold’s Gym licensing, while this new Switch Game is published by Nintendo.
@JaxonH I know we haven't had much communication over the last say 6 months but I've never been hostel towards you and wasn't planning to start now. As I was typing it I was thinking he might not take this the way I want but still didn't change it.
@Spoony_Tech I agree with you that the price is steep. The original Wii game that was the predecessor to this (Gold’s Gym Cardio Workout), was only $30 USD at launch. I would advise anyone who wants this game to get it at $30 max, as this game seems to lack extra activities that the original had like non-boxing exercises.
@Likethepear You are able to change the backgrounds, and you can dress the boxing instructors with different outfits you can unlock.
@Mii_duck Yep, the calorie counts shouldn’t be something you should count on. The game doesn’t even track calories in real time, but estimates them based on exercise intensity and your weight you input.
@Spoony_Tech @Spoony_Tech
No worries. Sorry for snapping back. I’ve got a short fuse, and when I feel like I’m being provoked without cause (rightly or wrongly) it tends to get lit.
@Lando_ This game is honestly a crap - couldn't distinguish between a straight punch and an uppercut. An 8 is an overrate.
@Anti-Matter But... what's the point of a game like this if you aren't actually gonna exercise?
8 great I had to write these zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz because Nintendi life asked for more text.
I have ever played with actual movements, but sometimes i was not in the mood to do that.
I found another way to "cheat" as long i still have fun to play that game. 😅
Last time, i did Very Repetitive chores (Punching Sandbag with duration setting)
from Gold Gym Cardio Workout by shaking my Nunchuck repeadtely to do at least 5000 punches just only to unlock Trainer's alternate outfits.
To be honest....
I bought Gold Gym Cardio Workout Wii just only interested with my Avatar looking as Male boxer, Male trainers (Alex & Bob) and their alternate outfits, nothing else. 😳
The cardio boxing activities for me was like obstacles to unlock something that i wish for, not as a Mandatory gameplay because if compare that game with DDR, i have interest more with DDR gameplay due to music selections and the way to play DDR.
And for DDR, at home, i oftenly play DDR with Controller stick and sit down on chair while my feets are keep moving when my thumbs keep busy pressing correspondent buttons. My feets & thumbs are working together while i'm playing DDR by sit down on the chair. I still can managed to get AA grade on any songs with Heavy difficulty from DDR home consoles, sometimes getting AA grade oftenly was quite boring. But, when i play DDR on Arcade, i play the game seriously with my feets. So, playing DDR at home for me is just like Practice, playing on Arcade is like Showtime.
I would still like a proper Wii Fit (Switch Fit?) game, but I'm thinking this generation this is about as good as it gets, with possible follow ups from this Fitness "series" (if it is one). I got a pretty good workout from the demo, but I'm not gonna pony up $40 at this time for it. For now it looks like my Wii U won't be retiring too soon, and neither will Wii Fit U...
Does the full version support left handed stance? The demo felt weird having my hands backwards.
@Powerglove15 You switch between stances halfway through each session, so each side gets the same workout.
Which is one reason i bought it. Big gal gun , reflexions fan
I mean, I'm probably going to be a sucker and get this, but Gold's Gym on the Wii seems far superior. Having a 20-song track list is pitiful, especially considering that the songs are really crappy instrumental versions of the actual songs. I enjoyed the demo, but $50 is just silly. I guess there's a $30 QoL tax.
@Spoony_Tech @Alucard83
Do you guys even know what a "tech demo" really is?
@NintoRich Well maybe you should reconsider what "shovelware" actually is
@justin233 Why?
Between this and ARMS, I can't help but think that we're due for a Punch-Out entry at some point. If Punch-Out could work with the Wii remote, the Joy-Cons can only improve what can be done. Heck, even a Wii port with a few additional goodies would fill a niche on Switch hardly anyone is clamoring to fill.
Speaking of niches (or as niche as the series can be considered ), if The Wii Fit series is continued, would it be rebranded as Switch Fit? Not sure if that would catch on as well title-wise, but I'd be down with Wii Fit Trainer getting a red shirt, and a makeover using her Smash look.
It happens. At the end of thr day, it's debate and not hate. Water under that proverbial bridge.
3 days of using it and I love it. About 380 calories burn in 45-50 mins average heart rate around 120. I’m a runner and go to the gym for about ten years now. I can tell you my abs arms back and legs are getting worked in this game. 40 mins a day with this game and you’ll lose about a pound a week.
@Anti-Matter Though wouldn't it be in this case, if you only want to play it for fun, better to play ARMS?
I picked this up some weeks back and have played it daily since then. I'd like to comment that all trainers, male or female, are just lame. No difference in dialogue; personalitirs are horrid. Gameplay is weakened by joycons incorrectly registering a punch, such as when you twist but have yet to throw it for a hook or uppercut. This also happens on repeated jabs such as when there is three in a row. Finally, for the US release, why do I have to enter weight and height in metric units?! WTF?!? This is just lazy programming.
Sharing my own in depth review of it:
I LOVE this game for me it's easy 10/10. I got this game cheaper from it's really not a game but a very effective fitness trainer. Its caused me to rapidly lose weight without really trying to do that. Its caused me to use muscles I hadn't really used before in my life such as my lowest abdominal muscles and my top pectoral muscles. Its made my torso feel toned for the first time in my life. Its caused me to love boxing for fitness for it's beneficial not only physically but mentally also, making one more determined, more go-getting. Its caused me to dip my hand into Just Dance dancing as well, for a little more light fun activity. Its had me doing a workout every day happily for two weeks without a day missed. Because I'm chronically ill with fibromyalgia I use the game on its lowest easiest lightest shortest setting and I still benefit a lot from it. Indeed the fact it doesn't involve using weights that trigger fibro flares is a boon for me. It also helps that the game doesn't involve walking which is another fibro flare trigger. The game exercises the body in unusual ways that we don't usually move in our daily lives so it uses little used muscles, which reduces fatigue from exercise.
The game is ideal for people who are housebound by illness or for people who are so busy they have no time to get to a gym. It doesn't matter that the music is simplified instrumental versions because the point is the exercise and that type of music gives a useful good regular beat and keeps the focus on the exercise. It doesn't matter that the Joy-cons are sometimes too easily registered with a similar but incorrect type of punch because it's up to you to use correct form so that your body gets the most out of the exercise. Cheating on this game would reduce the improvement of your own body so you have incentive to do the moves correctly. And in any case this incorrect registering happens rarely if you use correct form and so the game does get you moving a LOT which is the whole point!
I love this game so much that purchasing a Nintendo Switch was worthwhile just to be able to play this game. In fact the cost of a Switch plus this game comes in at less than the cost of a dozen lessons with a real fitness boxing trainer and that would only last a couple of months. In that light, if the game gets you exercising, sweating, fitter, losing weight, and toned, the game is fantastic value.
If you can't get to a real life fitness boxing personal trainer this might truly be the next best thing.
@cfgk24 8 months later... How's it going?
@tendonerd Hi! It's going well!
I go through phases of 1 month on 1 month off - @Shiryu uses it every day.
I'm looking forward to the Update that has been promised - I guess new music and new Instructors plus maybe some new Routines.
I'm definitely significantly more toned than before and have lost some weight - but I don't do it religiously - If I could re-find my willpower form younger years it would be doubly awesome.
@cfgk24 The streak is at 218 days and counting...
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