Even almost 14 years after it was first released, it still hasn’t really set in that Deus Ex creator Warren Spector’s first game after a six-year break was not only a Mickey Mouse platformer, but one exclusively made for the Nintendo Wii after years of being a PC-only developer. To make matters even wilder, it was a pseudo-edgy re-imagining of decades of Disney iconography with forgotten mascot Oswald the Lucky Rabbit as a central antagonist.
And yet Epic Mickey happened, and what’s perhaps even more unbelievable, given the complications of re-releasing licensed games, is that 14 years on we’d be getting a remade version of the game. But, following the remake of the certified banger Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, Purple Lamp is taking the helm of an updated edition of Mickey Mouse’s Wii adventure.
For those unaware of the original tale, Michael Theodore Rodent heads into the workshop of the great wizard Yen Sid (the bloke from Fantasia), and instead of just being polite and not messing around with someone’s stuff, he takes the mickey and happens upon a magic paintbrush. This brush awakens a demon made of paint thinner who drags Mickey into the Wasteland, which is a home built from messed-up versions of Disney park attractions, a home for old and forgotten Disney properties.
Naturally, this being a remake, Epic Mickey: Rebrushed looks miles ahead of the Wii original. The devs told us that the 480p animated cutscenes have been upscaled to 4K, and the game itself has been fully rebuilt and rebrushed in Unreal Engine. We were shown the game running on PC at 4K/60fps. However, we were told that the Nintendo Switch version is set to run at 1080p/30fps docked and 720p/30fps handheld. It was mentioned that getting a version that does the remake justice even on less powerful hardware was a main priority for the team, and while it remains to be seen, we’ve been assured it should be a looker for the system’s standards.
While upgraded graphics are all well and good, what really stuck out with Epic Mickey: Rebrushed were the updated mechanics and gameplay improvements. One of the main points of contention with the original title was the fixed camera — due to the Wii pointer controls being the main input method — this has been changed to a standard third-person camera with a reticule. However, Epic Mickey will support gyro controls on Switch, so those of you who yearn to waggle will still be able to do so. Plus, Mickey’s spin attack is now mercifully mapped to a button rather than a shake.
Even with this updated control system, the team has made changes to the game elsewhere so as to not ruin the balance and difficulty that came with the Wii controls. For example, boss fights will remain in the classic fixed camera angle and instead have a (very generous-sized) pointer reticule. There are also some interesting changes to the enemy AI, such as the paint-controlled enemies who would fight in Mickey’s stead who can now go on to infect more enemies and create an army of minions without you using up all your paint.
Another less-than-well-received part of the original was the 2.5D sections, which could generously be described as ‘interactive loading screens’. These would take Mickey into classic shorts like Steamboat Willie, Clock Cleaners, and Mickey and the Beanstalk, but posed very little challenge. For the remake, these have become more interactive, stage elements (like the beanstalk leaves) now move around, and there are new secret areas allowing you to pick up extra concept art (bumped up to three times as many pieces as the original).
To tell the truth, we didn’t go into the Epic Mickey: Rebrushed appointment with too much excitement. It looked neat, and it was nice to see the game back, but since it’s a bit of a known quantity, we weren’t expecting too much from it. But the enthusiasm the team at Purple Lamp has for the original game won us over very quickly. The studio told us they would constantly be chatting with both Disney and Warren Spector to make sure that any changes made didn't take away from the original’s identity. But most interestingly, the team revealed that they scoured the web, watching 100% runs of the game as well as delving deep into the Epic Mickey fan wikis to see what the people like, and even dropping some nods to community fan theories, too.
Going back to play some of the original Epic Mickey before heading out to Gamescom this year was a rough experience, but everything shown for this remake is so much more than we expected. For what could’ve easily been a cash grab with a well-known IP, Epic Mickey: Rebrushed seems to be handled with as much care as a remake of a bona fide classic, which could elevate the flawed cult classic that was the original to a solid platforming adventure starring that big rat in shorts.
Let’s just hope the Nintendo Switch version runs as well as promised.
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Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed launches on Switch and other platforms on 24th September.
Comments 43
Erm "Michael Theodore Rodent"? Translation error?
Edit: Yes I know his actual name is Michael Theodore Mouse. Just wondering if the article was translated incorrectly
I absolutely loved the first game and played it a lot back then, warts and all. It’s been many years since I touched it, but recently listening to the game’s music again on YouTube caused a flood of memories to come back. This will be a blast!
Apparently, Purple Lamp has already told someone that they hope this remake sells enough so they can remake the second game. I remember being underwhelmed with the sequel and dropping it, but a polished remake could easily redeem that game as well.
So good to hear they're treating this remake with love! The original was a great idea with a bad performance, if the fix all they issues it had, this could easily become a true gem.
I would have called it "Epic-er Mickey" personally. Looks good though.
@Bunkerneath Mickey is a nickname and nicknames are for friends.
Jokes aside, his middle name is, in fact, Theodore. It seems they only got the last name wrong
I hope it's still got all it's easter eggs, like the hidden basketball court on Mt Oswald
I remember getting this in 2011 and being completely blown away by it, it had such charm and character. If they can fix the camera and improve the visuals, with the use of Switch gyro it sounds like it could be a must buy. (I have pre-ordered a copy for Switch) fingers crossed.
Actually, he was born Michael Theodore Rat, but the connotations of the surname (especially back in '20s New York) led his father to change the family name to Rodent. 'Mouse' is a screen name he took when he moved to LA.
Never got to play the original back in the day, but I was always very interested. I never really grew up with the Mickey Mouse shorts, so I don't really have a connection to the character, but I'm a diehard fan of 3D platformers and I love the Tim Burton vibes from this game.
I'm a big fan of animation, too, so maybe I should go back and watch some of the old Mickey shorts from back in the day. Any recommendations?
$60 usd, seems like it would have been a harder sell if they didn't try to improve it.
I really liked the original despite its flaws.
Is it possible to move the camera around with the second stick AND have the motion controls on?
I was excited for the original back in the day then just didn't end up liking it at all and ended up tapping out on it a couple hours in. Maybe if the new version receives glowing reviews I might buy it on sale but definitely not a thing I'm gambling with at launch.
@Not_Soos to be honest, I'll suggest you the 2013 series by Paul Rudish. First season is okayish, but after that it becomes great.
I'm excited to revisit Wasteland! I haven't played the original game since launch, but I remember loving everything about the game. The camera didn't bother me, but I know I'm in the minority there, so I'm glad that they did fix the camera, ironically by unfixing it! xD
30 FPS on Switch?
Well, I will get the PS5 version for 60 FPS.
Thanks for the Hands On, happy to hear this is seemingly quite the improvement compared to the original thanks to Purple Lamp's efforts, looking forward to the review here on Nintendo Life and then my discounted physical copy to finally play Epic Mickey myself without most if not all the issues it used to have!
@dartmonkey the development studio is called "Purple Brick" instead of Purple Lamp once in the article if you can fix it.
This game seems like a perfect choice for a remake. I wish more remakes were of good ideas that weren't executed as well as they could have been first time around. This is even more true for film remakes.
@JohnnyMind The test is passed. Well done.
I'm really, really hoping they make this game the great game I'd hoped it would be when it came out.
I got it day one and played it for a couple of hours and was motion sick for more than a day afterwards - I get motion sick easy, but the original Epic Mickey was by far the worst game for Motion sickness I've ever played. The camera was a mess, and just fixing that could make it a much better game (the same way that Skyward Sword is a tremendously better experience with camera control on Switch).
I neeeeeeed this! One of my favourite games from that era and why yes, it’s nostalgia talking.
What about the sequel? If this sells well, maybe they'll revamp that one too.
I'm here for the "Embracer/THQ is bad" comments. But were are they? There's always an abundance of them when there's something Darksiders related. Where are those people now?
(or is it only when it's Darksiders people have something against "evil Embracer" - because DS 3 sucked you know)
I remember waiting for the game on Wii, it intrigued me and while it wasn't quite up to the concept art I believe I enjoyed the game. It was unusual in an interesting way. I think I recall the ending was quite abrupt though. Played the sequel on PS3 and Vita and the 2D spin off 3DS game, which looked great, but I found it lacking gameplay-wise compared to something like Castle of Illusion. Be interested to see how this turns out on Switch.
Cause this is a Disney property. And they know if they mess it up Disney would just, shut, them, down.
Was always curious about these games but heard enough mixed responses to hold off on taking the plunge.
Hopefully this re[makemaster] ends up in a place where the game can shine unreservedly!!
it's good that this time around, it's coming (at launch) to all popular platform and not just the big N's. If it just the Switch, I have a feeling it will suffer the N's curse, just as Sonic Superstars did, by launching so close to Zelda's new game, it risk being relegated to second choice for the month. And just like movies, games needs to have a big first week to generate buzz and continued sales.
It may be fun but I'd rather not give Disney money after they tried chucking out the lawsuit of a man whose wife died from an allergic reaction by saying 'Well you signed up for Disney+ so you can't sue us'. Disney sucks man
@shgamer I can’t speak to those comments on Darksiders stuff, also Darksiders 3 is good and h8rs can die mad lol.
But the Embracer THQNORDIC thing sucks because THQNordic was kinda rad for a bit there? But we’re then bought buy embracer who sucks. Is that an accurate summation?
So the anger at THQNORDIC kinda puzzles me, because they have been pretty consistent in quality with switch ports, and also not being generally scummy with micro transactions etc.
I just don't like the redesigns, the original ones looked spookier.
@vio : Thats what Purple Lamp is hoping for, lets keep fingers crossed.
@Not_Soos Was more of a Donald Duck fan as a kid, but Mickey and the Beanstalk was a fav of mine.
Absolutely adored the first Wii game. I'm not a disney character video game or animation fan (excluding pixar from this btw, generally love their stuff). I loved the darker theme to the game and was hoping OG Disney character games would go down this path. I got used to it's so called kinks & flaws and actually adjusted comfortably in the end. The improvements seem spot on. I wonder if you can use gyro whilst in handheld mode like Zelda? We'll see.
The 2nd game was released around the launch window of the Wii U if I remember correctly. It had a release on each console. The Wii game got better reviews than the Wii U game but they were both pretty much widely criticised. I think I only played like a third of the game or so and dropped it as my Wii U games took over. I wouldn't mind that being polished up and re-released.
I'll almost definitely get this.
@riderkicker Haven't really watched any of the Donald or Goofy shorts either, so I'm open to hearing suggestions for those as well!
@riderkicker Well, someone should tell Purple Lamp to do that AFTER they remake the SpongeBob Movie game. I'm an entitled gamer and they need to listen to what I say.
I guess a lot of people played this as kids, or with their kids, but I bought and played it as an adult. I'm not a Disney guy, I particularly don't care about Mickey, but the art direction and story seemed too compelling for me to miss, despite the middling to poor reviews.
It played like absolute garbage. And I love waggle! It was an unmitigated disaster and I got about 1/3 of the way through it before shelving it permanently. Maybe if I was a die hard Mickey Mouse fan I could have finished it, but the thing was broken. If it had been an original character in an original world we would never get this remake and nobody would care.
That said, with all I've read about this game so far, perhaps I'll actually double dip one day.
folks better read the EULA carefully...
And then they'll remake Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion. Because I don't think Epic Mickey will be able to count to four, sadly.
I remember renting this game on Redbox and after playing it for a bit I really liked it so after we returned it and a few days have gone by I got the game. I haven’t finished it though but I would love to.
Being the owner of the Wii original since 2018 but never finishing it, I wouldn't mind revisiting it on Switch.
Hopefully one day we can get a game that uses the original pitch of Mickey degenerating/becoming a rat as he does bad deeds.
30fps is extremely disappointing. I’m guessing the PS5 version will be 60?
This genre of game really benefits from being 60fps. They should have prioritised that and then made the visuals as best they could while sticking to it. Mario Odyssey looks great and is 60fps and feels wonderful to play.
@Bunkerneath Michael (Mickey) Rodent (Mouse)
@WoomyNNYes Wii games were $50. And they had to press discs, store them in warehouses, ship them, pay for retail space, produce cases, and print art and manuals (in the case of Epic Mickey). With remakes, they also don't need a bunch of hours spent in pre-production, building levels, writing the story, creating characters, etc. I'm not entirely buying the inflation argument in the case of digital walled gardens.
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