Monolith Soft has become a huge part of Nintendo's software division and this week it rolled out Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition for Switch.
Now that the game is available, it's followed this up with its usual website update, where it's now added this project to its already incredible lineup of games. This same page also features Nintendo projects it's assisted (like the Splatoon series), as well as the company's past games dating back to the GameCube and PlayStation 2 era.
The Switch generation alone has been an amazing period for Monolith Soft and this is hopefully set to continue during the Switch 2 generation now that Nintendo finally owns 100% of the company. The release of Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition follows on from Monolith Soft's work on The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom in 2023.

If you're curious to know more about the Definitive Edition of Xenoblade Chronicles X, be sure to check our review here on Nintendo Life where we awarded the Switch version an "outstanding" score.
"Monolith Soft's attention to clever gameplay revisions that impresses most here. This is X streamlined and modernised, carefully recast and reset in order to play better than ever."
While it's still early days, the Switch release should give this former Wii U exclusive a much-needed sales boost and it appears to already be topping Nintendo's eShop charts in locations like the US and Japan, as highlighted on social media:
Are you reliving this adventure on the Switch this weekend? Tell us in the comments.
Comments 26
The best acquisition Nintendo has ever made.
I had no idea there was a Xenosaga game on DS.
Takahashi and Yokota (EPD) must be so proud of the team. And they're always expanding so that's good news! I can't wait for whatever they're cooking up for Switch 2.
Clearly, the devs and artists are quite skelled to have that portfolio under their belt.
Started the game today for the first time and I can tell it’s something very special, even just a mira hour in. I’m so happy to have all these on Switch!
@JR150 By a mile. Monolith Soft is the GOAT. Nintendo struck gold with them.
I expect only great stuff from them and I am glad, that Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition is a success. Stay awesome Monolith Soft!
One of the best acquisitions by Nintendo ❤️
I'm hoping for a upgraded Switch 2 version of Metroid Prime 4 by Retro Studios to show off what they can do with extra power of Nintendo's new hardware.
Definitely exciting times ahead with Switch 2 and Nintendo's talented developers 👍🏻
I must admit this is by far my favourite Xenoblade game so far by a country mile, I really do like the story set up, the world and characters so far.
I might be at odds with the majority of opinions but by the end I think it will remain the top Xenoblade game for me
What a legendary portfolio, indeed - looking forward to seeing what their next game (either on their own or as assistance to another development team) will be!
I'm really excited cause I'm starting my vacation and just picked this up. I doubt I can beat it in a week, but I'll try.
I don't understand how Monolith does it.
@ozwally Just as a word of warning, I don't think most people have any problems with X's opening. It's more that the story falls apart bit by bit the further you go. Then again, I know nothing about the new content in this version, so maybe it manages to end on a high note rather than a decade-long cliffhanger this time.
Main story aside, I do think X has some of the coolest side quests in the series, and beyond that, the progression and exploration alone are enough to make it one of my favorite open world games.
A - the Animal Crossing Japanese logo is so cute. I look forward to a Box Art Brawl on that title so I can decide if I like it or USA better!
B - I am only a casual Xenoblade enjoyer, but I’d really like to give Disaster: Day if Crisis a go. I remember wishing for it when I saw it in magazines as a youth. Weirdly never brought tlUSA
They are easily my favorite company within the Nintendo brand. They make incredible games, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they had something cooking for Switch 2.
A legendary portfolio indeed. While I knew they had a hand in most of those games, I'll admit a couple are surprising.
...There was a Xenosaga game on the DS?!
Of course Monolith has worked on both my favorite 2D and 3D Zelda games, in addition to Xenoblade 3, my favorite JRPG lol
Honestly, they're as much, if not more of a draw for me now than the teams working on Mario and Zelda games. I am super excited to see what they do going into the future.
@Anachronism thanks for the info, I’ll temper my expectations somewhat as I progress through it - hopefully the extra content fixes up the conclusion of the game story wise
Monolith was an actual valuable acquisition unlike lot of these past acquisitions in the industry that largely turned out to be a disaster like FireWalk for starters.
Not only do they make good games, but they HELP OUT other high profile projects like Animal Crossing, Splatoon, and the BotW games. Monolith actually experienced gradual growth for every successful game they made which I feel the snowball really started to grow once Xenoblade 2 was a commercial success.
Easily my favorite Nintendo developer. And maybe my favorite developer in general atm.
@Tyranexx yep, there’s also a Xenosaga anime based on the first game in the trilogy which is part of the reason why the Japan-only DS game exist: (basically, the anime some changes to episode 1's plot that Monolift Soft liked so the DS game adapts episode 1 and 2 with those changes)
Looking back at how things went with Xenosaga (a lot of the supplemental content is Japan-only), Xenoblade fans have it really good.
@ScalenePowers DISASTER was one of the best Wii games. I can’t believe they decided not to bring it to America just because the game criticized the US president 🙄🙄.
Anyway, the gameplay and the setting and themes were awesome and I don’t think there’s ever been a game like it in 20 years…
They should remake that one next
@Yoshi3 Don’t do that to me friend! I really do want to play it, but am too dumb to figure out how!
Also is it really because they criticized the US President? That endears me even more, I love criticizing the President!!
Nintendo being a prime example of how selectively picking acquisitions for the studios who best augment the existing portfolio is so much better than just gobbling up any successful studio you can get your hands on.
@Yoshi3 disaster day was amazing! Love to see it again.
That ugly digital-only Future Redeemed cover sticks out like a sore thumb, a physical version would be awesome.
"Nintendo: You'll grey out all the Playstation 2 covers, Monolith.
Monolith: But why? Xenosaga is our baby!
Nintendo: Are you sure you want to bring special attention to your involvement in Dirge of Cerberus?
Monolith: Grrr... fine, fine!"
@Dimjimmer Ha!
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