Square Enix has announced that the Final Fantasy series has surpassed a whopping 200 million sales worldwide, five million of which have come from 2023's Pixel Remasters.
To mark the occasion, the studio has released a new patch for all six games in the collection, bringing the Switch editions up to ver. 1.2.0. The patch doesn't address anything too drastic in the titles, though there are a good number of balancing tweaks and bug fixes to help things run that bit smoother.
The full patch notes were shared on the official Square Enix website, and we have gathered them together for you to check out below.
Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster Ver. 1.2.0 (Released 12th Mar 2025)
Final Fantasy I
- The mini-map On/Off setting will now be correctly applied after displaying the full map screen and upon loading.
- Some improvements have been made to UI and controls.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent gameplay progression after specific control inputs or under specific circumstances.
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
Final Fantasy II
- The mini-map On/Off setting will now be correctly applied after displaying the full map screen and upon loading.
- Some improvements have been made to UI and controls.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent gameplay progression after specific control inputs or under specific circumstances.
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
Final Fantasy III
- The ability to increase the rate that character job level increases at has been added to the assistance features. In addition to changing the EXP and gil acquisition rates, it is now also possible to apply a multiplier of between 0 and 4 times to the amount that job level increases by.
- Dialogue text for conversations with companion characters are now displayed in order instead of at random.
- The mini-mp On/Off setting will now be correctly applied after displaying the full map screen and upon loading.
- Some improvements have been made to UI and controls.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent gameplay progression after specific control inputs or under specific circumstances.
- Fixed a bug that caused the damage value for the ability "Barrage" to become incorrect.
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
Final Fantasy IV
- The "Float" status is now maintained after map transitions in dungeons.
- The mini-map On/Off setting will now be correctly applied after displaying the full map screen and upon loading.
- Adjusted minor battle behaviours.
- Adjusted some events.
- Some improvements have been made to UI and controls.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent gameplay progression after specific control inputs or under specific circumstances, such as during auto-battle.
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
Final Fantasy V
- The mini-map will now not be displayed under specific circumstances.
- The mini-map On/Off setting will now be correctly applied after displaying the full map screen and upon loading.
- Adjusted minor battle behaviours.
- Some improvements have been made to UI and controls.
- Adjusted some sounds such as the sound effect for spear attacks.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent gameplay progression and/or corrupt the screen during the ending.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent gameplay progression after specific control inputs or under specific circumstances.
Final Fantasy VI
- Adjusted the amount of EXP that is compensated when specific characters rejoin the party.
- Adjusted the branching conditions for the Cid event.
- The mini-map will now not be displayed under certain circumstances.
- The mini-map On/Off setting will now be correctly applied after displaying the full map screen and upon loading.
- If a character has equipment that grants permanent status changes, the status changes are now correctly applied after that are KO'd and revived.
- Adjusted minor battle behaviours.
- Adjusted the controls for the command input of "Blitz".
- Some improvements have been made to UI and controls.
- Fixed a bug where the music for the final battle would not always switch correctly.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent gameplay progression after specific control inputs or under specific circumstances.
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
Is there anything you're particularly pleased to see in these updates? Let us know in the comments.
[source square-enix-games.com]
Comments 52
Love to hear that the Final Fantasy series has surpassed 200 million sales worldwide and the Pixel Remasters 5 million first and foremost, but also appreciate the patch for the latter so that when I finally play them they'll be even better!
From what I understand FF6 amounts to about half of the Pixel Remaster sales.
Still impressive as that means each one sold about 830k on average and even if FF6 is half the sales it’s still about 500k per entry between 1 to 5.
I personally prefer 3D Chibi Remake style like FF 3 / 4 NDS for FF 1 - 6 + voice acting rather than Pixel perfect with 2D style.
I am responsible for 2 of those 200 million 😃 I'll probably get more of the games later.
I got the Japan region import physical Switch copy. Is the English option text in the game identical to the US version?
We need Final Fantasy Mystical Quest to get a re-release!
Sound like a few great patches! The AP Switch in 3 is heaven sent! 😂😄
The float status maintains after switching rooms?!
I've been wanting that for 30 years!😂
I want to get this but I know I will never play them as I got ROMs of them back in the day and played them to death
That's a lot of pixels! I got them, only played through 6 so far because I heard the most good things about that one. It didn't QUITE live up to the hype for me, but it was still a really solid, enjoyable experience.
Should play through more, but those first few ones are really rough around the edges, I dunno if I'll enjoy those. Only one way to find out!
They fixed the mini map togglings, wooo! I hated turning them off every time I switched rooms in FF1, I hope this is what that means. I'm going in fresh to FF2 and FF3 and would hate being tempted/guided by the mini map all the time
So, they be on sale or...?
definitely a lot to look forward to, will be interesting to see the evolution of mechanics and the like, the second game was an oddity in that it was closer to what the SaGa series would become in terms of character progression.
VI is definitely a fan favorite and i can see why though ny far my personal fave of the original 6 games is FFV, it had a job system which also paved the way for the job systems in games like the bravely default and octopath series.
I don't know what those mini-map updates mean exactly, but I couldn't find a way to turn it off. Drove me nuts. I hope this fixes that.
Also, that float status update. Wow.
@Mgalens Yep, looking forward to these games not only individually, but also exactly to see the evolution of mechanics etc.
Knowing me and based on what I've heard VI will most likely end up being my favorite as well, but it's great to hear that your (and also several other people's) favorite is V!
Well at least they didn't complain how dissapointed they are this time xD
@Yosher The very first Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster is a VERY good game, and it's not even a "for its time" thing.
The music's iconic, the gameplay is very much Final Fantasy, and the difficulty is consistent (until the final boss where you might need an additional hour of grinding). Plus it only takes about 10-12 hours on a blind playthrough, probably quicker if you up the xp gain.
I just want them to let me buy the extra content from other versions! These are the definitive versions of the originals, but they've got extra content from many different versions that I would love to see. I need my extra FFV jobs!
Chrono Cross also got an update just yesterday I think, no idea what was included.
I bought FFIV so far, and my brother got FFV. We're looking forward to playing through them!
We had them on Gameboy Advance once upon a time. I had gotten about halfway through FFIV before moving on to other things, so I'm excited to catch back up and polish it off.
Mostly, I just want to play them alongside Final Bar Line lol.
I'm mostly sorta halfway through VI right now (my easy favorite of the NES/SNES era) and am very curious to see this update in action!
@sarcasmasquach Good to know, thank you!
Still not worth it if they didn't fix the stuttering. It's so bad in these versions. Just play the originals any way you can.
i was hoping square-enix would have included the extra elements in other versions.
My patience and lack of tolerance for Square's shenanigans regarding the physical release of the Switch Pixel Remasters paid off and I scored a physical copy for 55$. There's nothing there I don't have on one or more systems, but having all 6 in one place is nice. Considering moving them to next in my queue for a replay.
@IceClimbersMain In that case, I'll see if I can start a game of it soon- hopefully this weekend. Thank you! What would you recommend for classes on a first time play through?
Working my way through the pixel remasters, and finished FFIII just days before they added the JP boost — ah well, still managed to beat it, but that final dungeon... yikes! How did anyone ever manage that back on the NES?
Sells 5 million for games made 30+ years ago and still can't add in the extra GBA content. Or give us the option or charges vs. traditional MP in FFI.
Oh well. At least they're pretty and sound wonderful.
@Yosher I went with the traditional Fighter, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage. Everyone was utilized pretty well in the run, maybe you could swap out the thief for a martial artist if you feel like it, because he was really just an item-user for me.
A bit unrelated but this really puts GTA’s success in to perspective.
FF is a massive franchise spanning decades yet has collectively sold less than just the last GTA. Madness!
topher6490 wrote:
This is the minorest of nitpicks, but I really miss the guitar neck-slide sound from the town theme in the PS1 version of FFI, but yeah across the board (well, so far at least — I'm just about to start IV), they look and sound awesome.
Has anyone encountered any screen/input lag when playing these (i'm on Switch)? I and II were okay as I recall, but with III I immediately noticed stuttering whilst sprinting across towns, and some really noticeable lag when inputting commands during battle.
@IceClimbersMain I'll probably use that setup then with the thief. I can name them after the first four FFIX characters that way (my favorite FF game so far), hahah. Thanks much for the tip!!
to bad 1 wasn't update to pixel remaster plus that apple arcade got.
The update also added the classic soundtracks to the mobile versions of the games, and fixed the final achievement not showing up.
@Andee I've only played VI, and no, I haven't.
That Float update is the single best thing here.
@MARl0 It’s weird some people report this; I have yet to experience it myself and I’ve played all of these pixel remasters on both Switch and PC
@Antraxx777 You have experienced it. Not noticing and not experiencing are two very different things.
I need to get back to these. I was attempting a marathon but got side tracked playing other stuff. What is the concensus on the pixel remasters vs original versions? Which is truly better? It seems the remasters should correct everything wrong with the initial releases right?
I got them digital but I'm tempted to get the physical collection provided all games are included on cart. Is that the case?
Why are people excited for the float fix? (lol)
Not being a jerk, just curious.
@datamonkey You had to realize the early years of the Final Fantasy series were mostly exclusive to either Nintendo or Sony's platform. The series didn't went mainstream or multiplat until after the PS2 era. GTA on the otherhand was full mainstream from the get-go.
@Yosher The only one I would say is 'rough' is FF2.
1 and 3 are short and sweet - pretty basic, story is minimal, but don't outstay their welcome. FF4 and 5 have different focus to 6 - the sense of humour is a little wacky at times - but worth trying.
Just don't go to FF2 next. It's definitely the roughest.
That's a significant one for FFIV, considering how often float is needed in some of those dungeons.
But I'll buy these only when they have an option to play the original versions of swap to the original graphics.
What I read:
What I hear:
@TheBoilerman My patience didn’t last long enough. Seeing it get that $55 sale price a few short months after finally buying it really sticks in my craw.
@Swifthom Will keep that in mind, thank you!
I did play 4 on the DS, though I never finished it. Maybe I will restart that one sometime or play the pixel remaster anyway.
I need to fit in more games in this series. I've still only played Final Fantasy III/VI - the SNES Classic version - and own both Final Fantasy X/X-2 and Final Fantasy XII on Switch but haven't played them yet. Not sure if I'll finish X-2 or not, but I'll at least try it.
As an aside, is Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion worth playing? After I ever fit in Final Fantasy VII of course.
I bet I bought about 100 of them.
These will never be the optimal versions, because of the homogenization of sounds/menu's/effects removing unique identities, strange balance changes and assets being combined haphazardly. Yet I'm glad they at least put effort into maintaining and updating these remasters.
@MirrorFate2 because having to go into a menu to reapply the effect in every single room isn't exactly fun. I forgot whether this was an issue in the original version. I think it was.
@Truegamer79 I prefer older versions, for all sorts of different reasons. I think this starts to matter more for new players the farther you go into the series. For example, Final Fantasy VI was so hellbent on creating a perfect presentation, it's just hard to remaster/remake.
With FF4, they somehow chose to double Exp. rates, which is really strange to apply to the second easiest game in the series. For FF1, they chose to go with the GBA version's difficulty, rather than the original (the GBA difficulty is based upon the PS1 version's Easy Mode, which pretty much removes any challenge from the game). I care about this, because challenge is about the only thing FF1 really has going for it. Without it, it's rather simplistic.
FF3 is the only one for which I prefer the remaster, simply because it never got a proper 2D remake after the NES version, which I consider too old for my tastes (the three NES games are all a bit buggy, lack run options, stuff like that).
I like the uniqueness of each entry, and that's gone with the remasters since the menu's, sounds and some graphical assets (boss death animations) are all unified. Whether you actually care about all this, is up to you of course. Thanks to a lot of fixes, the remasters don't necessarily feel "bad" (though I remember choppy framerated on PC, but I played these when they had just released). Also, on PC you get mods. FF1 has mods that restore the original difficulty, for example.
Hope this helps!
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