Xenoblade Chronicles X - Comparison
Image: Nintendo Life / Zion Grassl

We've been lucky enough to go hands-on with the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition on Switch, and as part of that, we thought it might be useful to see just how the new release stacks up next to the Wii U original.

In short, the Switch remaster represents a significant step up in overall visual quality. We've got big improvements on character models, lighting, resolution, and even a slightly fancier main menu. We'd expected a nice little upgrade, but some of the enhancements here are perhaps closer to something like Metroid Prime Remastered than, say, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD.

If you've not done so already, be sure to check out our full impressions on the game so far ahead of its release on 20th March 2025. Alongside the obvious visual upgrade, we also talk about the huge improvements to what was originally a very messy UI, along with the added customisation options in the character creator menu.

So if you're on the fence about this latest Switch rerelease, then hopefully our early look might ease your initial concerns. Of course, our full review will give you our definitive verdict a bit closer to the game's launch, but for now, we're quite pleased with what we've seen so far.

What are your thoughts on the visual differences between Switch and Wii U? Is there anything you're not particularly keen on? Let us know.