We've been lucky enough to go hands-on with the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition on Switch, and as part of that, we thought it might be useful to see just how the new release stacks up next to the Wii U original.
In short, the Switch remaster represents a significant step up in overall visual quality. We've got big improvements on character models, lighting, resolution, and even a slightly fancier main menu. We'd expected a nice little upgrade, but some of the enhancements here are perhaps closer to something like Metroid Prime Remastered than, say, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD.
If you've not done so already, be sure to check out our full impressions on the game so far ahead of its release on 20th March 2025. Alongside the obvious visual upgrade, we also talk about the huge improvements to what was originally a very messy UI, along with the added customisation options in the character creator menu.
So if you're on the fence about this latest Switch rerelease, then hopefully our early look might ease your initial concerns. Of course, our full review will give you our definitive verdict a bit closer to the game's launch, but for now, we're quite pleased with what we've seen so far.
What are your thoughts on the visual differences between Switch and Wii U? Is there anything you're not particularly keen on? Let us know.
Comments 46
But dual screens.
While the Switch version is clearly better, it still looks really great on Wii U. Hope people give this game a chance, it's a real treat!
I'm super glad that they changed the eyes. It may be just a detail but in the wii U version it made Lin and your main character look like soul-less dolls and -for me at least- it made difficult to care and invest in them
I'm looking forward to playing the Xenoblade Chronicles games in the summer.
The upgrade looks very decent compared to the WiiU version in my opinion.
Looking forward to finally playing this game, especially as some still consider it the best in the series. Really happy Nintendo managed to bring it over to Switch.
Not watching the video as I'd like to see all that while playing the game myself but still, nice for those who want to compare the original and the remaster side by side!
I appreciate that it is in line with the modern xenoblade games, but I prefer the artstyle (same with some of the lighting) of the original. Still buying it though… but this may be an instance of me drifting back to the original over the remake. Plus this game was made for the gamepad.
Yep, still hate what they've done with character models since 2. I won't say X's original style was perfect, but it felt like a step in the evolution of 1's original style rather than the complete departure we've seen since. The newer models just look so flat, stiff, and oversaturated by comparison. As always, the world, monsters, and everything else still look great. Just hoping the characters eventually match them.
Did they also undo the censorships in this definitive version? That's make or break as someone who bought the original 10 years ago
I'm interested in these games but the free roaming looks somewhat boring. From what I've seen, there's not much to find other than monsters. I don't see items, hidden quests or something that entices exploration. It just seems like it's just there to traverse and complete missions assigned from cities/towns. To be fair there's probably some of this stuff and it just so happens that it isn't shown on the gameplay videos I've seen, but still it looks like... those things might not be sprinkled enough around the map? I don't know.
Also, while I don't mind framerate unless it's absolutely terrible, I feel like these games get a constant free pass while others get teared apart for similar performance.
Removed - spoilers
So how does the game handle all of the missions that required us dropping pins on the map? There was 1 that was quite the puzzle to solve, it was something like make 250,000 in 1 turn.
I’m guessing it’s just a pause to the main screen but wondering how it works w/ the Switch touchscreen vs on the TV.
@Franc001 Question and I am just asking, did you beat the game?
@roy130390 The original release had an absolutely rock solid framerate. So unless things have gone real south, this should be the same.
@Samalik : If anything, games are more likely than ever to be censored nowadays (beyond whatever was already censored in the original release), or at the very least, prefaced with an incredibly obnoxious and patronising unskippable "trigger warning" to the effect of "blah, blah, blah, standards have changed. It was wrong then, it's even wrongER now, blah, blah, blah." The only "warning" a game needs is its age rating (and associated content descriptor/s).
With that said, I think a breast slider is tacky and unnecessary, except perhaps for a player avatar, but I get that its omission would be a source of annoyance for purists. And while I understand that Lin's censored outfit(s) can be viewed as problematic, there's a case to argue that it is far less so than The Sims series, which depicts adolescents engaging in intimate acts (and in various states of undress), yet hasn't seen any major outcry in 20+ years.
I guess it boils down to the degree of censorship that one is willing to tolerate. The omissions from the international Wii U release wouldn't dissuade me in the least, but in principle, I think games should be more or less the same (content-wise) internationally, and that localisation teams should also refrain from filtering foreign language content through the prism of their subjective worldview(s) and stick as closely to the source material as possible.
On all the videos I'm seeing serious framerate issues. I've been waiting for returning into Mira for years, but these framerate issues feel criminal to me. As said, it was rock solid 30 fps with one of the best implementations of motion blur on camera ever.
I'll get this one if it does have improvements on the Switch 2. I don't want a poor framerate experience to hit the memories of my favorite WiiU game.
Are there any details available about the Online features of this version compared to the Wii U one? It's one of the only aspects of the game that puts me off.
@Anachronism Exactly, Xenoblade 2 was huge step down not only in terms of graphics but in art direction. What the first two entries did on Wii and Wii U is remarkable.
This looks so good. So excited for this to come out.
@Samalik You need a boob slider, and a bikini on a 13-year-old girl, or you won’t buy the game? My second-hand embarrassment is off the charts.
Looks at thumbnail
They changed Elma's eye color?! We riot!
@Franc001 I mean I'm pretty sure that was an intentionally made decision on their half.
@roy130390 plenty of hidden areas / landmarks / unique monster to find on the map. There's also many benefit for us to explore the map that will give us passive income / resources. The main city have hundreds of quest with stories and quest without story.
The battle system also encourage us to battle more so we can master more classes.
There's a reason so many of us spent 300-400 hours on the original game on wii u 😅
@Indielink Thanks, hopefully it's the case. I'd love to try this one.
@Gamer666 I'm aware that they are regarded as very good games and that people play them for many hours, but it doesn't mean that it has to be because of a vast, open world that is full of secrets. Many RPGs don't offer much exploration and yet require lots of hours because the story is long, there's lots of optional content to do, different builds to grind, etc. I don't have any problem with the battle system, it's only the open world that looks like it's potential isn't fully exploited to me every time that I checked them. I mentioned in my comment that the quests seemed to be concentrated on cities/towns and that a lot of the point of exploration seemed to revolve around monsters so what you are saying isn't really proving that I have the wrong idea about it and it seems more like a confirmation. Again, as I mentioned in my comment those playthroughs probably haven't done justice to it.
Even if in the end it isn't more than what I'm already seeing in that regard, I'm sure that the game has other strong aspects that make them so well received, like the combat, the story, music, art direction, etc. I'm just pointing out an aspect that hasn't looked great for me but that I'm open to change my mind about it once I play it and even if I don't, it has a good chance of still being a great game to me. The Phantasy Star Online/Universe games didn't do much with their stages either and I still loved them and played them for many hours for example.
Would love to day 1 this, but if there's any performance issues I'm going to pass. I can tolerate that on most games but when the Wii U version was already seamless and damn near-bulletproof in that department, I expect the same in a supposed definitive edition.
They really shoot themselves in the foot with that silly titling. Like Hyrule Warriors DE can't rightfully be called DE when the Wii U version had a leg up visually with the weather effects.
Not even a distant land
We're stuck on a whole different planet
No peace lookin' at the sky, trouble's always all around
So we stay quick with the guns and cannons
Standing as long as we can...
@Synecdoche "Don't ask questions. Just consume product, get excited for next product even if you already own product"
@SillyG "With that said, I think a breast slider is tacky and unnecessary, except perhaps for a player avatar, but I get that its omission would be a source of annoyance for purists"
I mean, it was for the player avatar. They literally took away a customization option so you couldn't even make the bust size bigger or smaller. I was even wanting to make a character like Daidouji from Senran Kagura at the time because she was genuinely badass but I had to settle with a mediocre looking arab guy...
Though nowadays, I'd probably make my female avatar a cutting board tomboy because why not!
@Franc001 what if I told ya that was the point?
I mostly see it in the characters, I dunno, Wii U version looked fine to me.
Anyways hopefully I'll enjoy this game more this time. I kinda stopped playing half-way through, just got bored.
Also, yeah, is that why everyone didn't like the Wii U version? The characters looked like soulless dolls? As if they were androids or something silly like that?
@roy130390 There are indeed side quests. Though, the main quest and simple adventuring may be a breathtaking experience to you, because the game does hit you hard in the feels through its environments alone. Speaking from experience.
@Samalik That sounds very promising. This is the entry that I wanted to play the most (mechas) so I'll definitely give it a try.
If it’s still running at 30fps then it doesn't really matter the differences.
@roy130390 No yeah I loved the game on WiiU and I will confirm your suspicions-the open world is pretty bland, the side quests are nowhere near something like Witcher 3, and the few things there are to do in the world are pretty repetitive. That said, game's good but if this sways your decision, understandable
The game's looking good. Great video.
@Chlocean Thanks for clarifying that! I'll still give it a shot, I'll just avoid wasting a lot of time on free roaming and focus more on the story progression.
@roy130390 There are lots of sidequests. In fact, most of tge story is in the sidequests. That might be the best way for you to explore cause it gives you a purpose. It’s also cool because the city evolves as you go through them. I personally loved free roaming and seeing the landscapes but if you want a lot of towns and villages there isn’t a lot to see from what i recall other than some Nopon and enemy outposts.
Never had a Wii or Wii U back then so never had the luxury of playing Xenoblade X.
Going to be the first time for me anyway to play Xeno X for my Switch Lite
@Coalescence which would you rather have? Weather effects? Or all the changes made in the 3DS version, plus all content from both previous versions on one card?
Xenoblade 3D had stereoscopic 3D, a music player, and support for the Shulk Amiibo. Does that mean the Switch version, with remastered music, improved visuals, and an extra story, isn't definitive? Is Kirby RTDLD not definitive without Scope Shot?
man it's very hard to see any difference at all except of the new faces
@Franc001 "I'm super glad that they changed the eyes"
That's also a very big PLUS for me. I finished the game on WiiU with all my characters wearing sunglasses xD
Okay, but did they fix the audio balance issues, or at least give us audio settings?
I'll never get the fascination for this game. I got it day one on Wii U and it was far inferior to XC1 and I was never enticed to explore everything after I beat the game.
It did look incredible for a Wii U game, and had Monolith soft art style all over it (and the Wii U only had a handful of worthy games)
They're the same picture
I am pretty bummed there is no breast slide, or at the very least a couple body types we can select between. I would prefer to make a girl character that doesn't have cantaloupes or grapefruit sized balloon breasts that defy the laws of physics.
Yeah different colours, better eyes, no chest size I assume? How is it definitive then? XD Either way. It adds more to character customisation, not everyone uses it in silly ways. This isn't Blinx 2 character creator with odd thin or thick design features of the space cats.
I don't know for DLC I never got them I did the fast loading packs for the disk version though. But it looks better. Not that the Wii U version is flat it looks fine. Dual screen over single screen and how the menus were though hmm. I found the menu hit and miss on Wii U.
The colours seem odd, regardless of OLED or not that I don't think would be the case. If they wanted to change colours for it or to make the definitive edition look different that's fine but I don't think the capture picks that up does it?
On LCD Switch/Lite I think it'd be interesting then OLED comparison if that's what was used.
Gameplay looks similar it has that enemies can still attack you that I always found jarring. I know it's supposed to be MMO like then more particular real time in the typical sense but I always found that attacks just happened. It felt too turn based attacks with movement flexibility and it didn't make any sense.
But the cool downs, abilities and combat classes were fine just the other always seemed off to me.
That and the quests, base class (not combat classes those you can switch) were a kind of eh. I didn't get far into the story, I mostly did combat class grinding and that's it as I had no idea how to progress the story and I need to restart and change my base class (whatever the term is, whatever job the player selects and sticks with) to a different one.
I picked the radio tower type one and I couldn't find many so it didn't really work out much for an exploration class. Others I think are better.
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