Sick and tired of the current state of social media, Nintendo basically threw their hands up and said "FINE! I'll build my own news and info distribution app - with blackjack, and plumbers!"
the rain in spain stays mainly in the plain the rain in spain stays mainly in the plain the rain in spain stays mainly in the plain the rain in spain stays mainly in the plain the rain in spain stays mainly in the plain
"Now I have an obligation to tag along and clear the area if Luigi so much as glances at a stiletto."
I downloaded it as soon as I could. I gave mine the Splatoon theme. Being greeted by an Inkling girl in the Judd costume and Shiver from the Nintendo LIVE performance gave me a massive smile. Great first impression!
It’s just Nintendo’s own calendar app for now, but becoming an official Nintendo news app after the Switch 2 Direct is very interesting. However, it’ll depend on how big these updates are. I don’t see Nintendo announcing notable games on just an app. Still, I’ll most likely enjoy the updates. It reminds me of when Sakurai posted updates on Miiverse for Smash 4 and the Smash Bros. Dojo blog for Brawl, and I loved those. Actually, this reminds me of how developers used Miiverse for such game updates back then in general.
This should be more exciting and impactful than anything Nintendo’s done on the Nintendo Switch News app that’s on the system…ñol-latino-en-los-juegos-de-pokémon - let's help this petition for Latin American Spanish be add to Pokémon games and with that may increase chance that in future Pokémon games adds more languages. :)
I don't know how different everyone's feed is compared to one another, (I guess it depends what franchises you chose to show up, to which I just clicked all of them) but today they showed off some Metroid Dread concept art.
I'm not sure if the art had been released previously but if not, this is really cool and hopefully we'll get other stuff like this. I would kill for some BTS music recording sessions for...well anything really!
To me the 'select which game series you are most interested in' ordered list is Nintendo telling us their perceived ranking of their top franchises!
Maybe I'm wildly off base here but it seems very feasible to me.
skywake: 2 (Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World)
Grumblevolcano: 1 (Arceus)
Nintoz: 1 (Kirby atFL)
PikminMarioKirby: 1 (Kirby atFL)
Did not know if I wanted to use the Mario or Splatoon theme, but I went with the latter. Just got greeted with Pearl’s animation from one of the live concerts this morning too, and I’ll admit the animation made me smile even though the Color Pulse remix in it sucked.
This is so suspicious lmao. On one hand it shows that Nintendo are serious about giving news through the app but on the other... why not announce this big news in the Direct?
Wasn’t expecting them to post news already before the Switch 2 Direct. I’ll have to try to read an update there first before spoiling it on a gaming site.
For me, when it tries updating for the day it just says 'Data could not be retrieved' with a button underneath to 'import' it but doesn't do anything when pressed.
It eventually updates but it's just a bit annoying as you're left with a big blank void on your home screen for the whole morning!
Would be interested to know if other people are experiencing this, I'm on Android btw.
I'm interested to see what the WarioWare stuff will be on this. Maybe artwork like the unlockable ones in Get It Together? Maybe even comics? Donkey Kong is one of those series we can like too, yet there's also been nothing for that yet.
Topic: Nintendo Today App
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