Developer Mobius Digital has announced the second update for Outer Wilds on Nintendo Switch, adding a bunch of improvements to gameplay, art and visuals, UI, and more (thanks, Nintendo Everything).
Released on 7th December 2023, Outer WIlds had been a long time coming to the Switch, but it looks like Mobius is all-in on ensuring that the game is fully up to scratch for Nintendo fans.
So without any further ado, let's check out the patch notes:
- Fixed incorrect music playing during certain dark sequences in Echoes of the Eye
- Fix for getting stuck while viewing slide reels when button prompts are disabled via the Options menu in Echoes of the Eye
- The Nomai shuttle no longer floats away when recalling it on Ember Twin
- It is no longer possible to take a scout photo of a certain character before meeting them
- Fixed some out of order slide reel images in Echoes of the Eye
- Various fixes to collisions
Art & Visuals
- Improved the animation of a hologram on Giant's Deep
- Fixed a hologram in the Orbital Probe Canon
- Fixed certain environmental animations in Echoes of the Eye
- Improved the resolution of a certain easter egg
- Improved the look of water on Giant's Deep
- Improved the resolution of the murals in the Old Settlement
- Improved resolution of a hologram in the Vessel
- Increased the resolution of lights in the fog of Dark Bramble
- Lighting no longer flickers while taking pictures when the Scout is inside Dark - Bramble but the player is not
- Fixed damage effect visuals on ship cockpit so they look more like cracks
- The color of certain glowing Nomai platforms are now the correct color when viewed from a distance
- More fixes for assets appearing where they shouldn't
- Various fixes for LODs so they match better with their high resolution versions and reduced noticeable LOD popping
- Various fixes for incorrect, misaligned or missing textures and materials
- Various lighting adjustments and fixes
- Fixes for various minor visual issuesTech
- Improved loading and unloading of assets throughout the game, but primarily in Echoes of the Eye, fixing the issue where sometimes areas would appear white and may not have collisions
- Quitting to the main menu while playing Echoes of the Eye no longer causes an infinite load
- Fixed an image that appeared frozen for too long at the end of Echoes of the Eye
- Various stability improvements for long play sessions
- Various performance improvementsUI
- Fixed a rare issue where the Scout's photos stop being displayed
In our review for Outer Wilds, we praised the open world, the controls, and the intriguing story, awarding the game a score of 9/10. It's definitely worth checking out if you're into space exploration and whatnot.