After an advertisement featuring the actor and former wrestler Dave Bautista, Mortal Kombat 1 has now officially revealed the vampire of the Outworld Nitara will be played by the actress Megan Fox.
Although Fox's involvement seems to be the focus in the latest trailer, this does still count as another playable fighter reveal. Nitara made her playable debut in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. As highlighted in the new trailer, she's being voiced by Fox, with the character's likeness also seemingly based on Fox.
Megan mentioned how she's had "a lot of fun" playing Nitara and goes on to state how "Mortal Kombat is just one of those staples" in video game history, and she's honored to have a role in "one of the greatest video games of all time".
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This new trailer also gives us another look at Ashrah, who was revealed in the "official banished trailer" last month, and was introduced in Mortal Kombat: Deception. Mortal Kombat 1 launches later this month on 19th September. You can catch up on all things related to this game in our previous coverage:
Excited to see Nitara's return? How do you feel about Megan Fox voicing the character? Tell us below.
Comments 43
I could pass on celebrities in video games.
Megan Fox is a big fan of the series and she fits with the schlocky horror vibes, Jennifer’s Body is one of my favourite horror movies of the 00s.
@nessisonett love that movie too. Didn't think anyone else liked it 😋
She's a pretty engaging actress, when she's not saddled with Michael Bay's directorial penchant for cheesecake. She was great in Jennifer's Body, for example.
The majority of internet vitriol for her is either tied to memetic bandwagoning, misogyny, or both.
That's.... Wait, THAT'S Nitara?!
Forget the celebrity super-imposition, that does not look like Nitara, period.
MK1 giving some real 007 Daniel Craig vibes.
Didn't expect that.
Art imitating real life...
It’s that plus them desperately trying to appear hip and trendy, that why the cast looks young with bizarrely no grit to them, it’s less Casino Royale and more Star Trek 2009 meets Fortnite.
Kinda surprise Fire God Liu Kang even know who Nitara was despite the only game Nitara was ever in was the game Liu Kang was not in it.
@SalvorHardin - More of a "You have to tell me scenes are from the 007 movie, as opposed to noticing it is actually from a 007 movie."
The characters seems to have that same sense. Which is basic fighting game, akin to basic action movie.
I don't think being basic and blendy is a plus in that regard, buuuuut it is a step forward from the punched mud looks of MK11.
@SalvorHardin I mean in MKX and MK11 the characters were aged up a fair bit, the characters were mostly young looking or just plain young prior to MKX. It makes sense to go back to the younger days expecially from a narrative standpoint.
@NintendoByNature you two are the only ones who like it, it's terrible hehehe.
Nitara first showed up on Deadly Alliance, not Deception.
@Edu23XWiiU "Nitara made her playable debut in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance"
And Ken Jeong as Liu Kang.
Lololol. Um, no thanks? Besides all of the disgusting monetization that WB could possibly change to screw over players (like they did w MKX, after reviews), the $$$ begging on every screen, placing ads in MKXI for this game after it releases (like they did in MKX for XI), requiring an online connection for PRACTICE MODE PROGRESSION, making The Krypt lootboxes, etc etc etc...now you put Meghan Fox in the game? I'm so done with this studio and WB in general. I hope they don't do all of those things, but they will.
@LadyCharlie she was in one okay horror flick. I don't hate her or anything but [I USED THE WORD "BRO" HERE ORIGINALLY BUT HAVE SINCE DELETED IT] ...c'mon. Mostly her acting has been embarrassing. She makes a duck face at the camera and puts on a schoolgirl outfit and gets work. I don't hate on people using what they have to get by, but I doubt she will be getting any awards for acting any time soon.
She's a schlock actor, just not the good kind.
I saw a few movies which she was in and I don't like her acting at all. She's wooden and can't express emotion.
Hopefully it doesn't become a trend, I'd rather have talented voice actors in games over has been celebrities.
@Pat_trick I mean they cast Ronda Rousey as Sonya. WE ARE IN GOOD HANDS!
@LadyCharlie she wouldn't have a career without cheesecake.
@LikelySatan I'm not a "bro" so I'll ask you once not to use that language with me.
@LadyCharlie Personally, I don't like the "edgy" post-emo thing going around like with Aubrey Plaza, which I think Fox was kind of at the earlier forefront (though I guess there's always been a niche for that in media). There was also some interview she gave where she was like "F* everybody at my lame catholic school, they weren't nice to me" or something. Like come on, you're a wealthy actress now and they're probably all just normal people. Is there any point in gloating at them? Immature bitterness, not something I respect.
All that said, I don't take issue with her being here since it's kind of on-brand for her and I don't even care about MK.
@LadyCharlie no problem!
@LadyCharlie can you clarify? I'm not sure what "that language" means. And I mean it. I just gave this a second, and was like "wait, what do they mean?" Like, don't make gendered statements or don't be flippant or...?
Removed - unconstructive
A part of me is sad that gaming still has to rely on people to look realistic but the other half is glad that it can provide income to someone. Get your paper.
Wow I didn’t see that coming lol! I can’t wait to see Omni man and homelander whenever that will be!
Could do without distracting celebs ivoices/likenesses in it. Rousey was awful.
Also these kind of celeb promo videos are often a bit cringe . Eg Chris Pratt for the mario movies werid delivery of "stomping.....koopas."
We don't need celebrities adding their inflated wages to the cost of games, get your money from elsewhere you parasites.
I wonder if her fluffy pink top hat is an unlockable in the game?
I love that she's playing with contrasts here.
@echoplex maybe her revealing cosplay take on Zeldas costume is unlockable too.
In all honesty it bothers me very little if shes in the game or not but im looking forward to tearing her spine out with sub zero.
Removed - off-topic
@Jacoby But, Jean Claude and Christopher Lambert and Ahnul
Her terrible acting fits MK pretty well I think.
Oh god no. Certifies my pass right there. Plus MK on the Switch already runs like swamp ass on a hot day, a new one will only be worse.
@nessisonett I would have gone with a young Joan Chen
@Paraka they been changing all the character's looks tbh, kitana and mileena changed looks, raiden changed...tanya changed, even shao is more humanlike in the face.
@King-Demon - I've noticed, and the style focus looks generic overall too. That's what my comment was about, how even a demon lady such as Nitara looks as unassuming as literally everyone else.
Makes me miss the spikes and metal savagery that MK reboot started. Feels like MK is trying to find themselves again... For the third time.
@Pat_trick That’s the Botox lol
they'll start adding politics via downloadable content next XD
@calbeau LOL, I just now see him channeling that Chang energy from Community.
We love the Jennifer's Body reference. The girls will be supporting. >>>>
£60 Amazon that’s some very competitive pricing!
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