We'll add a micro NSFW warning at the top here, although please bear in mind that The Pokémon Company itself has these images on its Pokémon Center site — they're not graphic or anything like that! Just incredibly, surprisingly suggestive. Passers-by catching a glimpse of your screen may well get the impression you're browsing for a different sort of product than a Pokémon plush, so take that as your warning.
We remember our elation when Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's weird little worm guy, Wiglett, was first revealed in a trailer all of his own. This water type was cute and harmless and you would be forgiven for thinking that he might one day make for an adorable plush. But thinking about this prospect for more than 30 seconds, you'd surely see how that could be a bad idea, right? Apparently not.
Yes, a plush of the Garden Eel 'mon is now available from the Pokémon Center and the results are... just as interesting as you might expect (thanks, IGN). You see, Wiglett is a creature without arms or legs, whose thin white body extends from a small mound of earth beneath it.
If you haven't caught on to how some fans are seeing something else when looking at the official images for this new cuddly toy, then allow us to demonstrate:
We wish that we were joking, but that one on the left is a real photo from the official Pokémon Center website. You can actually buy that thing for $24.99, with the listing stating that the plush stands at "about 10 ¼ inches tall and 4 ¾ inches wide" and its "Bendable body lets you create custom poses" — steady now.
As we're sure you can imagine, the internet is already having a field day with this one, as multiple Twitter users share how hilariously NSFW the plush looks in its promo photos.
Just when this week's Pokémon Presents showcase had got us feeling down about the series, something like this comes along to bring us a new Poké smile. Way to go, Wiglett.
What do you make of this Wiglett plush? Let us know in the comments — but please remember to keep it polite!
[source pokemoncenter.com, via ign.com]
Comments 70
What a fine phallic fella.
Bohemian Rhapsody style singing Is this the real Wiglett? Or is it just phallacy?
What a Dicklett.
Lol, I'm sure it's capable of pleauring a lot of people... including me.
Toy for ladies?!. xD
Too many perverts in the world.
I don’t know what NSWF means 🤣
10 1/4 inches? Well i never...
Does it look a little NSFW? Sure.
...but who's taking that to work?
As long as it's a plush I don't think it will be getting much done.
Wiglett used Harden!
@calbeau Spat out my coffee! Thanks.
I don’t get it. Looks like the pokemon to me.
Well, of course it has to stand up straight otherwise it's just not very satisfactory.
@Ryu_Niiyama I think this site 's head is in the gutter this morning lol.
Well, looks like they made the right decision with how much attention they are getting.
Imagine just sitting in the sand minding your own business
10 1/4 inch Pokémon? That’s hilarious
It...just looks like the Pokemon?
I think people are seeing too much here...do they know what the real-world object actually looks like?
That extra quarter of an inch makes all the difference...
Showing my age/naïveté here, but what is this NSFW acronym that this site keeps referring to!? I would Google it, but the fact that it is always accompanied by a ‘warning’ is highly discouraging me from doing so!!
@picola-wicola It's Not Safe For Work
The moves Aqua Jet and Liquidation come to mind.
All it needs now is to come with the move harden and you got yourself a deal!
(I’m so sorry!)
@psyraven76 Ah, makes sense now! Thank you.
Freud was right.🙄😏
No matter how old you get 'Wigletts' will always be funny xD never grow up
Does it come with batteries or USB?
They will never make this stand up in court.
@Picola-Wicola Pretty much anything you wouldn’t just browse at work, like would you really want everyone to see a d***o on your screen while at work? I don’t think so, that’s why it’s called Not safe for work.
@Picola-Wicola Always add "meaning" whenever you Google something you don't know.
"4 ¾ inches wide"
...is that width or circumference? 🤔
This is the most facepalm worthy thing the Pokémon company has done this year... well, second, since the official forums.
Looks like a cigarette or the "other" kind in an ashtray to me.
@AmplifyMJ not safe for work
Hahaha! The comment section is in fine form this morning. XD
Fully functional!
Diglett is like Anima FF X.
What you see on the top part is not as innocent as you see the bottom part.
naaah they knew what they were doing lol
I was confused at your comment at first. My brain thought, “why is Ditto censored?” Then the realization kicked in. 😳
Why don't they have international shipping?
Not even the UK store ships to Europe :c
There is NO WAY they didn't realise that, they know exactly what they're doing
Nintendo Life suffers from a real identity crisis about whether or not it wants to be a family site for kids.
@CharlieGirl 🙈
😂I didn't realize how much I needed to laugh this morning till I saw all the comments. Gg, everyone.
Great, now I have to compete with this guy!?
@Picola-Wicola Not Safe For Wigletts
If anything these comments are NSFW lol!
Blud sees a plush that looks like a penis and starts talking about the end of the series lmao
I feel a little uncomfortable.
Well, with a name like Wiglett on top of looking like that... this hardly seems like it was an honest mistake.
Beyond the eyebrow raises of what it looks like, it’s an overpriced stuffed sock.
@AmplifyMJ Nintendo Switch Wins Forever = NSWF
Not Safe For Work = NSFW
This could only be more NSFW if it was a lickitung plush with a textured rubber tongue that vibrated. For real, you know every person that saw this pre-production was laughing their a** off and thinking it was a joke. No way this just innocently got to production... they know what they are doing.
@Not_Soos @Nintendolife only reported on the oversized poke-fallice plush that is being sold.
@Snatcher no you're not. don't be sorry for comedy gold!
The fact that it specifies the length and girth is the icing on the cake
To be fair, this Porkymun is based on the spotted garden eel, which Japanese people (or at least people that work in aquariums or aquatic-themed places) are obsessed with. It's name in Japanese is "chin anago", which literally translates to "penis eel". I mean, they are super cute, but that name is just unfortunate.
Also, I just saw this plush in a crane game the other day and immediately thought to myself how I needed to not have it in my house. Now, thanks to the internet, I know why I thought that.
I would never let my kids on this website. Get a grip guys, you are not Kotaku.
Brings a new meaning to Pokémon.
It only looks that way because your own mind is in the gutter, which tells a lot I feel.
I wanna know who came up with this?
In all seriousness who thought: "HEY! This would be a great toy for kids!!!"
first plushie made of silicone
I also distinctly remember tons of people bashing wiglet and wugtrio for being incredibly lazy palette swap designs. I don't recall tons of people being stoked about it.
@krisrk1 Lmao! I know it’s vary vague, but that’s a good thing right?
@Unit_DTH I think it’s funny but so cursed at the same time, my joke lol.
@Switch_Pro On my defense I would have never had thought that had it not been for the article lol.
@Kimyonaakuma Who is mounting that thing in their house?
I mean Wiglett's always looked phallic, not really sure how this is surprising.
@tseliot Maybe choose a different way of wording this comment. Hahaha!
@SViper nah, for boys, or ladies with Ds
@arkanjo29 with what?
Normally I hate this kind of humor
But man, I don't think I ever gave away so many likes on a single NL post.
Poor mon will forever be remembered for this thing. I mean just look at Porygon and it was 26 years ago and not even his fault
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