A special Nintendo Direct has been announced showcasing the second trailer for the upcoming Super Mario Bros. Movie.
The presentation will take place on Tuesday, November 29th at 2:00 pm PT / 5:00pm EST / 10:00pm GMT / 11:00pm CEST and looks likely to introduce Princess Peach, if the teaser image included in the tweet (below) is anything to go by.
Nintendo also states that no game information will be revealed.
This follows the first trailer which premiered on October 6th and introduced the star-studded movie, due in cinemas on April 7th, 2023.
Nintendo's partner on the film, Illumination, tweeted a higher-resolution image of Peach's Castle — take a look at it below:

Excited to see more of the film? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 80
Hopefully, the Chris Pratt redemption trailer lol. Well, I had money on this being at the game awards, so now I'm changing it to Metroid Prime.
You had my attention at "Nintendo Direct", yet you lost it at "Super Mario Bros. Movie". Damn you Nintendolife dot com, you won't get me next time!
Surprised they didn't save it for the Game Awards, in that case I predict Nintendo's presence at the Game Awards will be the return of 2019's "Nintendo Switch has Games".
@GreenTea I can really bet on the next direct mid January right before the launch of Fire Emblem Engage and a Spring time focus.
I first saw this news coming from Japan’s twitter and it’s set to be shown on the 30th so seeing it tomorrow instead is pretty sweet.
Eww what a non-event. 😒
You can’t call a Direct just for a movie trailer!
I hope Yoshi is voiced by The Rock.
"Nintendo Direct" = Yay!
"No game information" = Aaaawwww....
last "Direct" of the year
@GrailUK Yeah don't go in expecting anything type of game announcement from Nintendo. After getting literally nothing from them last year I doubt they will show anything at the Game Awards.
Geoff Keighly: "Hey, Nintendo? Could you debut a brand-new Super Mario Bros movie trailer at The Game Aw..."

Judging from the image, yup! I guess we will indeed see what Peach sounds like! Which I am looking forward to given how first impressions of this were pretty decent.
Also kinda weird that they didn't save this for TGA, but hey! It leaves more room for GUNS AND SPAAAAAACE GAMES!!!
Honestly the crazy bowser scene in the first trailer sold the movie for me; not sure what more trailers can add besides spoilers.
Super Mario Odyssey 2 confirmed.
nb4 people take me seriously
Hopefully, we can finally get some proper scenes of Charlie Day playing Luigi.
I do hope the movie ends up being good.
I was hoping we would get one more trailer before the end of the year, so no complaints from me. We really need to hear more of Chris Pratt's Mario to better judge. I personally think he's channeling the Mario from the TV cartoons.
I'm very curious about Peach as well. Will she still have her characteristic high-pitched voice or could it actually be more like her deeper voice from the Nintendo 64 era? Think Mario Golf. To be brutally honest, I don't know if Peach's high-pitched voice would be fine for an 85 minute movie, so I wouldn't be surprised if Anya tones it down.
I want a game with these graphics.
Nintendo please!
That screenshot honestly looks like it is straight out of a 3D Mario game.
Direct will be 2 minutes long? lol
@Hero-of-WiiU nah, they’re already giving us way too much on fire emblem already. I don’t expect them to also release a nintendo direct just for that game.
My guess would be: The next direct will be in February, OR, we will get a special direct in January to show off nintendo switch 2 or any other new hardware that’ll release in May which will release together with Zelda.
Nintendo has so much stuff going on in the earlier months. A Mario movie, opening of their theme park, Zelda…. Lot of stuff that can happen
@FishyS agreed. I’m also debating whether I should watch this trailer or not.
I really hope this means we'll see Anya-Taylor Joy as Peach.
Nintendo movie?
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zz
@Friendly I didn’t mean a direct for just fire emblem just just a general one with that included.
@Joker1234 What exactly does Doug Bowser do?
I wonder if Nintendo has… you know… any Mario gaming news to coincide with the movie as it comes closer. Sort of seems like a missed opportunity to have a Mario movie without any games for them to sell. Seems like a “strike while the iron is hot” type of thing.
Hopefully this is just part of the presentation and they talk about games too. I wonder if Nintendo would mention a patch coming for a certain title.
Why not just post the trailer on their account do they really need to announce an event for 1 trailer lol
I just wanna see Peach punch bowser in the face...just once. Or call a swat team when he invades. Surely by now she has Toad Team Six right?
not everyone is very exited about this...
Why bother calling it a direct then…? Just drop the trailer normally. Then again I’m glad they are not mixing movie talk in game directs again.
I'm happy to hear this.
I hope the new voice/face thing is because Chris Pratt was a New Yorker that got sucked into the video game.
Hopefully we get to hear the rest of the cast and finally get off Mr. Miyamoto’s wild ride.
Do we hear Donkey Kong?!
Meh, I will pass.
Welp, given this announcement, i have a feeling nintendos presence at the Geoffrey show will be minimal.
They need to call their movie announcements something other than a ‘Nintendo Direct’.
I was thinking yesterday another trailer must be coming soon, cautiously optimistic
@HotGoomba Haha YES
Some posters and images have been leaked all of a sudden, including a look at another character. Be careful if you're not into that sort of thing!
Hasn't been a new original Mario game in a while I'm guessing they will have a tie in.
@MechanicElephant we better or I'm rioting
So much negativity. I'm excited!
The last trailer looks really good! And bowser was just, hmm, chiefs kiss! And Charlie day is gonna kills it Luigi.
Mario might fall flat but overall, I’m excited, and I think this is going to be a video game movie worth remembering!
Super Princess Peach Switch remake confirmed !
I cant wait to spend minutes of my lifes stomping...Koopas in the nintendo direct for the super mario bros movie's second trailer.
Finally! Really enjoyed Anya Taylor-Joy's past works (such a well-portrayed villain in Peaky Blinders), so I expect she'll be great in this too.
by the look of this, it seens they gonna show how Peach in the movie.
"No game information will be included"
...Again, huh? A new mainline Mario game sure would be nice after such a long wait, though ...Well, one that is not just another remake, port or cheap live service sports spinoff, anyway. I'd even take another New Super Mario Bros. at this point, to be honest, as long as it's a brand new platformer.
I got absolutely murdered last time I shared this opinion on here, so I would like to clarify that I'm not complaining, whining or attacking any other games (except the recent Mario sports games, those really are quite cheap and unfinished even if they can be fun), just sharing a very tiny personal thought. Also, I'm sure there'll be one next year to tie in with the movie ...I just want some new Mario platforming action, man!
@Vil really? Really sad people will blow up at you just for wanting a Mario game of all things lmao.
@Dev9417 Agree 100%
Hopefully we'll hear more stories about Chris Pratt stomping koopas in the original Mario Bros. arcade game.
A nice surprise to wake up to. My prediction is that we'll get to see extended looks at Mario & Luigi and probably our first look at characters like Peach and Donkey Kong. The last trailer was so surprisingly fun that I'm actually looking forward to this one quite a lot. Strange times we live in, eh?
Looking forward to it. I wanna hear more of Pratt's Mario voice so I can finaly give a full, fair judgement.
Or: how to be spoiled with snippets from every single scene so you can go see the movie with no surprises whatsoever
I just hope NL doesn’t post another 20 articles about this as soon as it’s done 😅
@Hero-of-WiiU except tomorrow is 30th in Japan lol
Goldeneye date?
That moment when there are as much Directs for a movie than big general Directs this year
Nice, looking forward to this! Chris Pratt aside the first trailer was fantastic, just want to see more of the world in all its vibrant glory, tbh!
@Grumblevolcano Maybe there will be a gameplay trailer for Tears of the Kingdom.
She’s ‘only’ a princess. So why does she have a stained glass window modelled after her? Also who is the king or queen!?
I hope with the arrival of the movie, a new set of surprise eggs Super Mario figurines will be released.
I loved the first trailer and looking forward to this today! Will enjoy watching the movie next year no doubt!
Imagine if the games could look as good as that still image... one day!
No Game. No Watch
Spoiler alert! Chris Pratt is also voicing peach. 😉
@LiquidNinja Why not Game & Watch?
@Gennwolf Game and Watch good 👍🏻.
Nintendo Direct with no game? Very bad.
Seriously, no disrespect to anyone who is genuinely excited about this movie. I’m just not bothered about it personally 😊
Nice of Nintendo to state no game information will be included.
Unusual for them to manage expectations isn't it?
@Johnno137426 I actually really love the fact Nintendo has typically tracked behind other consoles in terms of power/visuals. They consistently make great games on the hardware they have, and it leaves you optimistic for what's to come next.
@HugoGED Ahhhh good point haha
Nintendo direct without games is like a meat pie without ..... Meat pie, seriously, this movie isn't even crust levels of interesting to me.
I get that Nintendo wants this film to be as successful financially as the Sonic movie but really then need to remember what their fans want as well, when the Xbox system went down the road of just being a glorified DVR box that also played fifa and cod it was a disaster for MS.
@Truegamer79 he's also not going to do a accent for that... Just plain old Star Lord in the animated dressy flesh
@Vil Agreed 100%, this was my exact reaction as well. I’ve been pretty much “over” Nintendo ever since the last general direct. They just don’t seem to want to put in the effort to make many first party games anymore with their greatest franchises. (Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid Prime, F-Zero etc) I know many are excited for this movie and I’m happy for them but what I want from Nintendo most is absolute must-have mario platformers, not a damn movie. It’s tragic to me that we only get 3D mario games pretty much once every generation, and the direction modern nintendo has been heading during the switch era doesn’t exactly inspire confidence for them actually making great games as much as they could or like they used to back in the GameCube era. As I lifelong Nintendo fan I hate to say it, but I think as long as Nintendo has a console that continues to sell like hot cakes then we will continue to get the lazy, complacent and greedy Nintendo when it comes to first party game output. I know lots of people on here will write this off as negativity or hate, I’m just beyond frustrated and disappointed with the Big N over the last 3-4 years. My apologies to everyone for the rant and for getting way off topic, please understand that this comes purely from a genuine love for Nintendo’s many brilliant (although dormant) IPs that they seem to refuse to do anything with- even what should be obvious gold-mine-no-brainer ports like The Metroid Prime Trilogy and F-Zero GX. But nooo, we may only get the original Metroid Prime (at best) so they can charge us full price for each game released separately over the course of a few years. I know this is super bitter but that’s just what it is for me. There’s so much more I could say but I’m going to stop here. Sorry again for the mega rant, peace and love to you all.
I hope they talk about the theme parks as well since that is also part of their entertainment directive.
Definitely the first "official trailer". The previous one was actually a teaser, remember.
@SmoothAndFunky Oh so Tears of the Kingdom the sequel to Breath of the Wild, Fire Emblem Engage, Pikmin 4 or Metroid Prime 4 and wanting them to be the best they can so they take their time are lazy and uninspired nor count? And games like New Pokemon Snap, Luigi's Mansion 3, Famicom Detective Club, Metroid Dread, Brain Academy, and Advance Wars are not old IP that have been ignored eh? If all of that is nothing then I can't imagine what something is.
@Vil Yeah I understand, hope that's apart of next year as well. Though Im not really sure I'd take another nsmb. I'm more in the mood for 2d than 3d.
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