Uh-oh! It looks like there may have been a Super Mario Bros. Movie leak ahead of the second trailer reveal.
As highlighted on certain social media websites and game forums, some new posters have surfaced online. In the first one, we've got an image of Mario and Luigi with a van in the background (Note: this van was previously listed in a toy set).
If you squint hard enough, you can even see Pauline on the right side of the van walking along the side of the street.
The second poster reveal is an image of Mario and the gang with Bowser in the background. Perhaps most interesting is what appears to be the first proper look at Princess Peach.
Keep in mind, these posters haven't been officially revealed by Nintendo or Illumination. There's also some other artwork that has surfaced, showing off the Koopas and more.
You can get a second official teaser of the movie tomorrow in a new Nintendo Direct broadcast:
What do you think of this latest artwork? Comment below.
Comments 99
Not sure how I feel about the implication of reverting the origin story back to Brooklyn (note the street signs in the poster with Pauline), New Donk was literally right there
That's a pretty hideous poster, but it looks real enough ...unfortunately. Has that highly artificial, thrown together Photoshop rush job look, though, with some truly awful blending and balancing and random PNG's of the characters just barfed up all over the canvas with zero understanding of composition whatsoever. As a graphic designer, I have to admit it does make me feel slightly nauseous looking at it.
...I'm still extremely hyped for the movie, though ...and the teaser poster was absolutely phenomenal. So they clearly have the talent for great marketing material, but I guess they were all on vacation and got the intern to do this one lol
(Just to clarify, I'm talking about the second image. The first one looks like it had some crumbs of effort behind it at least.)
@PikaPhantom Only New Donk city was populated with "weird" normal (ish) people... I asumed that it was kind of a weird dimenson or something... not the real city where Mario lived...
And the sign is for a street, not a borough.. surely any city can name a generic Street "Brooklyn"
Edit: at the background you can see the Brooklyn Bridge.... so... yeah, you are right... maybe Brooklyn
@Vil I asume you are talking for the second (the one with Bowser and Peach)... if so... I eww with you.
@Zequio Definitely that one, yeah ...The first one's not too bad. Well, it doesn't make me physically ill, anyway.
...Why is it that Luigi and Bowser are the only ones that look normal to me? lol
@Joeynator3000 well Toad looks pretty Toady to me..
Peach looks kind of ok... acceptably weird
And Mario.. still working on what to think about his movie look.
Perhaps a dumb question but why not just use Mario's normal/Smash appearance (and the rest of the cast too)? All the character renders look too similar to the real deal. Unless Nintendo wants to reboot Mario's look?
When Mario characters made by Western peoples, it looks pretty different.
@Axecon Surely they want to make it look "special" and different than any video game...
I hope they will not use this look for future games...
And pleeease, no "Super Mario Bros Movie the Video Game".
All looks good to me. I don't get people's complaints.
@Axecon Probably because they want it to be different, but not too different from the games.
It's a franchise / merchandise / branding / business thing.
This movie will either be great, or the biggest Nintendo disaster ever, ahead of WiiU and VirtualBoy.
What? Skip this train-wreck, you say? Absolutely!
Mario still looks chubby, but Peach looks good enough
@SonOfDracula With the exception of it being made by Illumination, there’s been no sign of this movie being a train wreck, and Illumination’s recent movies have been somewhat ok actually…
@ketrac @SonOfDracula lol, its not going to be a disaster in any way. I guarantee it would make millions. Maybe not a good movie, but it just have to be enjoyable for kids to be a success.
I am betting for a "meh" movie... not bad, not great... just "Minions" good
The bar is pretty low anyway, remember 1993 Mario movie?
Honestly, nothing looks that bad! I will say them going back to the "Mario comes from Brooklyn and got sucked into the Mushroom Kingdom" origin story is pretty hilarious, can't wait to see the trailer tomorrow!
@abbyhitter Me neither. I mean, no one's perfect, it's a movie; the models don't always have to be something straight out of the games like it's suppose to have video game-like graphics instead of movie-like animation.
@BabyYoda71 Well he's supposed to be chubby. He's based on the character from the game.
luigi in the background with bowser is a bit off to me
Like the fact that they're plumbers in brooklyn... lol just like the original cartoons i grew up with.
So far still looks great to me. I hope this movie delivers, I think I'm one of the minority here that actually likes Illumination movies.
@Zequio I never watched that movie in full, just a few clips on the tubes, but I had to stop because I could feel myself dying of cringe.
I have good memories of some of the cartoon shows. Even rewatched some recently with a younger generation. They're fun and pulpy, even if not very deep.
@BlueCoolYoshi But he seems more chubby in the movie to me… that might just be me though.
I mean his face specifically
Looks good. I'm curious to see if they're going to use classic game Peach personality, or dare I say, dabble in the old comics approach where she was more volatile and badass?
Horrifying. Zero charm, just that clean sterile look that stamped out any kind of creativity in the 2000s.
Peach can do anything. Except not get kidnapped.
Looks like utter tosh to me this film but each to their own! I’m sure kids will enjoy it, just think they missed a trick engaging adults from what I’ve seen in the trailer. Not sure why Miyamoto has been working so much on this, waste of good game development talent imo.
Didn't think this would be so polarizing, but I suppose everything is these days. Looks fine, and genuinely excited for the film!
@BabyYoda71 I'm just automatically skeptical of movies based on games, call it bias, call it PTSD from other attempts
@Zequio Making millions doesn't make a good movie. We all know people are just going to see it because it's Mario. But nobody learns from game — movie tie-ins!
YEESH and I thought Peach's Smash Bros. design was rough
Oh god Luigi looks even weirder than Mario. And geeze, with that city picture are they AGAIN going for that tired storyline in all of these adaptations of "main character is from the REAL (our) world and gets transported to the fantasy world that the original movie did, only animated? Its just as old as the reverse "main character is from fantasy world but enters our universe oooh meta" that the smurfs movie, sonic, fat albert, and many others did because fish out of water stories are the only way these writers know how to adapt things. Enchanted wasnt even an adaptation but was all about storylines like this.
I admire the optimism I'm seeing in these comments 😅
Oh i forgot they did the same thing with the Monster Hunter movie too.
Ya’ll are whack, I think these look like totally great and normal movie posters…
What do you want them to depict, the movie ending or plot points that spoil the story?
@SonOfDracula How have the Sonic movies not convinced you?
Negative comments or not, criticisms or not, and complaints or not, I'm still looking forward to this movie; and that's what matters to me the most.👍
@PikaPhantom I was never under the impression that New Donk City negated the Brooklyn origins. I don't see why the two would have to be mutually exclusive at all.
All looks like what I expected honestly. I like the look overall.
The sonic movies are utter garbage in my opinion.
mario looks so cursed for the second one
Mario, Luigi and Peach look strange to me, there's an uncanny valley quality to their features. The debut trailer didn't do much for me, with the worst aspect being Pratt's banal Mario voice rendition. Overall I wish this movie wasn't a thing.
Luigi looks great, and I actually like Peach's design here. Its honestly nowhere as bad as it could have looked imo. Overall the cast looks good here. Now I just need to see DK and Cranky.
@Tsuchinoko How old are you? Mario and Luigi being from Brooklyn before ending up in the Mushroom Kingdom has been a thing since the series began in the 80s.
I like the plumbing van. Having the traditional Mario art on the side is great. Poster's not that great. It's passable, but looks cobbled together. Kind of generic
@SonOfDracula well, last game tie ins where pretty solid: Sonic and detective Pikachu so…
Peach looks kind of odd to me.
"You just got Luigi'd"
That's gonna be a meme for sure
Peach has kinda a derpy looking face there.
I wanna drive around in that van! DLC for Mario Odyssey, please? 😉
I hope they do not turn Peach into a kick-ass, no-nonsense women that can do every martial art mankind knows, just to be progressive and go with the modern times. She is the most famous damsel in distress in video games, maybe even in all media. I think you can make a damsel in distress likeable and interesting by given her some sort of personality. Roxanne from Megamind comes into my mind. She gets kidnapped a lot, but is pretty snarky all the time.
I also don’t get the complaints they look good to me and am super excited for this movie 😊
It’s got a SMB Super Show vibe. That’s a good sign I think...
These all look so good. Illumination is the best 3d animation house at this point
About the only characters in this movie who look like their in-game counterparts are the non-human characters like Toad, Bowser, and Kamek.
I don't know how I feel about the human characters, like Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach. I guess I'm so used to the in-game models, that anything else just seems... off.
But you know what would be really funny? If they made a video game based on this movie. It would be a video game, based on a movie, based on a video game. Like Street Fighter: The Movie: The Video Game.
Yeah, that worked out so well for Lightyear and Strange World. No, sometimes sticking to your own ideas can benefit your art. If every character has to follow the same progressive template, we will just see the same type of character again and again.
Awww, I was hoping for a Michael Bay style origin story, where we find out Mario & Luigi are from space.
NL community utterly short circuiting over the slightest change in stylization 🤣
You guys are just way too hard on the character designs. Do you know why Mario and Peach look so weird to us? Because this is the first time we see them showing of facial expression. Since they were created, they were noting but blank slates.
@RareFan lightyear flopped because it was up against minions, and strange world’s advertising was washed by wakanda and the new avatar movie. Pretty well known stuff already.
Oh man this looks amazing!
Yikes these look hideous, I really hope this isn't the real deal but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.
Also, but, mostly because so many other countries had to ban these films.
@RareFan No, not mostly at all. Those are not make or break markets for a company like Disney. It is 1000% because of competition and streaming. I know the conservative narrative is that having any shred of lgbtq+ normalization in a kids movie is the downfall of society, but I promise u this is a fairy tale
LGBTQ stuff can work - look at Sailormmoon, a non-white protagonist can also work, look at Boondocks and Samurai Jack, the issue is that companies such as Disney have no clue how to market these concept correctly to the costumer.
Wasn't Peach already revealed (plus Mario) via a McDonalds leak? (Also, that "We're The Mario Brothers" thing gives me Super Mario Bros (Film - 1993) vibes. For some reason.)
This just looks horrible maybe its me I dont like the character models they are using. Yeah Princess Peach can do anything I like to believe that she gonna get captured by Browser I hope her voice is decent.
@RareFan Um we know non white protagonists can work, that’s literally the roots of show business😂😂. Again these movies did not fail because they include lgbtq+ characters.
Peach already looks like a doll, now then... 🤣
They failed, because Disney thought been politically correct in enough these days, instead of telling a good story that happens to to have progressive characters.
@RareFan again, this is not accurate. The reasons are well documented and publicized. Assuming these movies bombed because gay characters is conservative tunnel vision. Are the movies even good? Idk, but that is irrelevant to making $$$$$.
As someone with kids, my own take is that lightyear as a concept just seemed confusing, and my daughter has zero interest in anything disney if minions are on the table. As for strange world, didn’t know it existed until like two days ago
I don't get this Mario movie. Like, is it just an extended cut scene from a game? How do I even play this? If I can't play it why would I want to watch it?
Peach is ewwwww. I can get behind Mario's look but Peach? That face does not look like a will-be damsel in distress. She looks like a tomboy out of her element.
Looks amazing!
Damn, Luigi looks kinda handsome. I think only Mario and Peach looks kinda weird.
Looks great.
Now show us DONKEY KONG!
Looks fine tbh. They’re clearly trying to give this movie its own distinctive look to make it a separate experience from the games.
Those poster taglines need some work however. “Just got Luigi’d” will def be a meme though lol.
… Wun can only hope.
@MegaVel91 I’m not a sonic fan, and I actively avoid all game based movies.
@Zequio No, they weren’t.
@ancientlii mr l’s orgin story
I mean at least luigi still has a booty.
The Illumination eye styling really kills it for me.
She looks like she had a bad nose job to me
@SonOfDracula thats only your random internet guy opinion, most movie critics agreed with me.
But ok, what about the Castlevania Netflix series… you didnt like it neither?
@pennylessz that I agree, those irises, yikes!
Man, that second poster gets the eyes all kinds of wrong. Bowser's got a bad case of lazy eye, and Peach's eyes are downright physically wandering - her right eye is nestled up against the bridge of her nose, but her left eye is so far off to the side of her face that I think her father might've been a halibut. Uuuuurrrgh.
@Zequio Thanks for the condescending reply, oh great film critic!
@SonOfDracula You are welcome oh great random Internet guy!
I actually really like Peach's design - it's a fresh take while also decidedly faithful, and struck a fine balance between the two. Might be an unpopular opinion, but she just looks very cute imho.
I also love that they start out as Brooklyn plumbers. Clearly an homage to the very first, original Mario game, and the cartoon series that I grew up with.
@Lebon14 Honestly, I would like to see Peach more as a tomboy than a damsel in distress, like in the last 30 or so games
@Vil You claim to be a graphic designer yet seem like you've never seen a movie poster look exactly like that one before? Seems...weird?
Bowser looks so freaking awesome
@Zequio Yeah, personally, I'm an anyone but Illumination kind of person. They butchered the Grinch. A slight I will never recover from.
@theModestMouse I've seen a ton of posters that look like that. They're all terrible and are mostly made like that because it's super cheap since the studios usually have no marketing money left, so they find someone who has to do it super fast and for as cheap as possible. Not enough time for masterpieces usually, I get it ...Deadlines are sad but necessary. The Avatar sequel has an equally slapped together mess of a poster with the floating PNG heads, teal and orange blend and everything, and that movie cost almost half a billion dollars to make, but what can you do?
Not sure where I implied I've never seen them before ...Maybe because of the rant. I did vent a bit too hard, I admit. Sorry if it seemed like that was the case, that would indeed be very weird lol
@pennylessz truth to be told, personally I haven't really liked any Illumination film to date, they are just ok, and mostly for kids.
But I still have hopes for this one, From the trailers I like the art style (except maybe for the eye detail) and what I heard from the voice cast Is great, except Mario itself that its just serviceable...
But as a huge Mario fan, I'm going to watch it and try, really hard, to enjoy it... hope I dont have to try too much.
Screw the haters, they'll always be there, but these look awesome to me.
@SonOfDracula Many millions later,.... trainwreck you said?
@Zequio What, you mean the movie people will see just because it's Mario, despite all the negative reviews? Yes, still a trainwreck.
@SonOfDracula sure trainwreck, lol. Its a Mario movie, not the Godfather!
You are so “edgy”
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