As part of the Splatoon 3 rollout, the manga series has returned to cover the third game, out now on Nintendo Switch.
The first chapter was featured in the September 15 issue of Coro Coro Comics magazine. Manga artist Sankichi Hidenoya is once again doing the art, but story details haven't been revealed just yet.
The Splatoon manga started out life in 2015/16 and has previously been localised by VIZ Media. You can check out the entire range on the company's official website. The most recent localised volume can also be purchased from the same site. It's released other Splatoon Manga like Squid Kids, too.
As for Splatoon 3, it's already enjoyed a lot of success on the Switch in a short amount of time - becoming the fastest-selling Switch title in Japan. There's also a Splatfest taking place later this week. So Inkling and Octoling can look forward to that!
When we hear more details about the latest series, we'll let you know.
[source corocoro.jp, via siliconera.com, gonintendo.com]
Comments 12
Am I the only one that isn’t a fan of the art style? I’m not calling it bad, far from it, just not my taste I guess.
@Snatcher Nope, same here. Reminds me of that super mario bros manga that I also didn’t like the artstyle of. Honestly, same with the pokemon manga’s artstyle now that I think about it… there’s always something off about it to me, even if it’s distinct.
@Takoda it’s Mario that I was getting reminded of thank you! And like you said, ai didn’t like that ether.
Out of the three Pokémon is the better one in my opinion. There was also legend of Zelda, and I actually like the art style for some of those.
Always been interested in this series myself yet have never really had a drive to grab it. However, between 3 coming out and me getting heavily into manga thanks to reading Pokemon Adventures for the first time about a year ago, this looks right up my alley. VIZ have always been pretty good when it comes to localisations as well so once this comes out in the West, count me in.
@Snatcher basically every comedic manga published in coro coro based on video games have that artstyle, like for Crash, Ratchet e Clank, even Kirby.
For Zelda the author just change her style depending on the videogame she have to adapt (and it's not a comedic manga, while still full of silly jokes)
My kids love the Splatoon Mangas, both the mainline series and the Comedy Show ones. They also love the Kirby mangas and are working their way through Pokémon also.
So those above not keen on the art style, it seems to be no problem for kids (at least according to my anecdotal evidence).
I'm surprised there hasn't been an anime adaptation of Splatoon by this point. It's probably in contract negotiation hell with Nintendo.
Goggles! I can't wait to see him hang out in Splatsville!
It comes with stickers! I wish I could just buy them
@Axecon Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember a long, LONG time ago (we're talking Splatoon 1 here), there were rumours of a 3D animated Splatoon series being in the works for about a year after the original game's release. They never went anywhere mind you (I'd say they were fueled by the ads that were made for it more than anything else) but that's always the mental image my mind makes whenever the idea of a Splatoon series pops up. Would absolutely adore an anime though, no doubt whatsoever.
After reading 9 volumes, the manga is extremely boring. Jokes are constantly retold in the same ways. The stories almost always revolve around Turf Wars. No exploration of the world (in other words. No extra lore). The idols only show up when the manga does the game's story mode with their characters. I'm surprised it didn't get axed.
If the writer of Splatoon wrote a canon Splatoon manga revolving around the idols' history, it would be far more interesting than this.
@Fizza: I remember hearing about an animated series as well, and reading later (on wikipedia I think) that it was just false info. An actual anime series in the future would indeed be dope though.
@BoyfriendOfDeath: Unfortunately most (if not all) of CoroCoro's video game-based mangas are pretty much like this from what I seen.
Tbf though the magazine's target audience is for elementary school-aged kids so we shouldn't ever expect anything exciting from their content. If Nintendo ever wants to have a "serious" (as in focusing on the lore, characters, the world etc.) Splatoon comic then it should come from someone not associated with CoroCoro and who has atleast a decent track record of writing good stories.
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