Nvidia has responded to the leak and confirmed its authenticity, however in a statement provided to wccftech it has made clear that the list is 'speculative' and was used internally. The full statement is below.
Nvidia is aware of an unauthorized published game list, with both released and/or speculative titles, used only for internal tracking and testing. Inclusion on the list is neither confirmation nor an announcement of any game.
Nvidia took immediate action to remove access to the list. No confidential game builds or personal information were exposed.
Original Article:
As you might have already heard, there's been a gigantic Nvidia GeForce Now database leak. GeForce Now is Nvidia's cloud gaming service and a C++ developer named Ighor July has been able to open it up - revealing what is believed to be a bunch of unannounced projects and upcoming releases en route to PC.
Some of these titles have been rumoured for platforms like the Nintendo Switch - perhaps the standout of the lot being the GTA Remasters. Interestingly, the list also mentions some other titles, like Bayonetta 3 and Shin Megami Tensei V - both of these games are obviously Switch console exclusives.
Keep in mind, none of these projects have been officially confirmed for PC. Here's the list via Reddit:
Square Enix:
- Chrono Cross Remaster
- Final Fantasy Tactics remaster
- Final Fantasy IX Remake (possibly just a reference to the recent remaster)
- Tomb Raider Anniversary
- Kingdom Hearts IV
- Resident Evil 4 Remake (previously rumoured)
- Street Fighter 6
- Dragons Dogma 2 (previously rumoured)
- Monster Hunter 6
- GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas Remasters (previously rumoured)
- Bioshock RTX remaster
- Bioshock 2022
- Mirrors Edge RTX Remaster
- Untitled Respawn Game
- Titanfall 3
Bandai Namco:
- Tekken 8
Curve Digital:
- Human Fall Flat 2
Devolver Digital:
- The Talos Principle 2
- Crysis 4
D3 Publisher Inc:
- Earth Defence Force 6
- Bayonetta 3
- Judgement
- Catherine Full Body
- Shin Megami Tensei V
- Batman: Arkham Knight RTX Remaster
- Half-Life 2 Remastered
- Project FPS
Apart from GTA, as you can see there are Square Enix titles, a number of previously rumoured Capcom games, some EA titles and much more. Once again, none of these games have been officially confirmed for Nvidia's game streaming service - and there's no saying any of them will show up. You can see the additional listings tied to PlayStation and Xbox over on Push Square and Pure Xbox.
One other slightly odd Nintendo-related finding is a Dolphin emulator for GameCube and Wii titles - and New Super Mario Bros. Wii even gets a mention.
[source twitter.com, via pushsquare.com]
Comments 96
Crazy if true.
Sniper Elite 5 were already confirmed ages ago. The others on the list is mostly obvious releases too and nothing special.
@Jokerwolf Not really. Name one game there which isn't a sequel or a remaster?
That's like looking for a needle in a haystack right?
Very much doubt that list. Also, Arkham Knight remaster? Why?
What a list....
I can understand Monster Hunter 6 since they're always making MonHun games but Kingdom Hearts? That was fast.
I hope Crysis 4 is the new benchmark game. Maybe it'll fry our GPUs like with New World xD
@Yrreiht Lived below a rock the last 10 years?
It's the most obvious and realistic rumour list in ages.
Batman Arkham on consoles were inferior to PC version which runs at 4K/120 +/-
1080p were never a good resolution for Arkham because it's so dark.
1080p makes Arkham look blurry. I know, because i own it on PS4, but prefer to play it at 4K on my PC.
Kingdom hearts kinda makes me doubt the list, but D all humans 3 is happening so I'm pretty sure its real. I hope its true.
Dragon’s Dogma 2, for the love of God, PLEASE!!!
@Ventilator No need to be rude, over something that could be completely fake…
This is fake as all hell lmao
A lot of this just sounds either like it's piggybacking off of other rumored games or is extremely wishful, "too good to be true" game predicting. Reads like a Nintendo Direct leak honestly
@TheFrenchiestFry Kingdom hearts got me to, Like Anyone who has played or waited for those games know.
@Ventilator Bit harsh but alright.
Still not a remake though. Sounds more like an upscaled version with bug fixes.
@Ventilator K? But Its Probably fake bc of Kingdom hearts.
Remastering Chrono Cross and still leaving Chrono Trigger stuck on mobile and Steam is just tone-deaf enough of a decision for Square Enix for me to believe at least that.
(Cross is still good but Square's seemingly outright refusal to bring Trigger back to consoles just baffles me.)
Bayo 3 is on this list... which is silly
Nintendo is not about to let that game go elsewhere anytime soon after launch.
@Snatcher Just because it is on the list, it doesn't mean it's coming the next 3 years.
It usually takes 3-6 years to make big games nowadays.
All I can do is laugh at that list. Like, do you really think that Kingdom Hearts 4 will come out in the next couple years?
@ObeseChihuahua2 If it's Nomura I'm guessing it'll take another 10 years minimum. xD
@Yrreiht Arkham dated well as it were already upgraded for PC years ago. It also fully supports NVIDIA works exclusively on PC.
There is no FPS cap on PC either. If you want, you can get 500 FPS in it. You can play it at 8K on PC too if you want.
The question is. Will the remaster be based on PC version or the outdated blurry PS4/Xbox console versions?
@Ventilator the PC version had tech issues if I remember correctly
@Ventilator Thats the thing, Not even 3 years seem likely, Kingdom hearts 2 came out in 2005, and 3 in 2019, Like that was about ten years apart, So I really don't think we will be getting 4 anytime soon.
bayonetta 3 is on the list as well but it could be fake, the entire list ofc right?
Some of it is true. RE4 remake is practically confirmed because of The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles leak
@Ventilator Best case scenario would be PCs visuals with much better stability, but that remains to be seen
None of these games have titles that aren't familiar to the common gamer. This leak is so self-aware the creator probably made it to laugh at the few that could actually believe it...
.. or the few that would report it.
@Snatcher They can wait 20 more years in my case as i never liked those games.
@anoyonmus Those were fixed first month after release in 2015. In fact it only affected a minority of PC's anyway.
Worked proper on my PC on release.
PS4 version got a Arkham bug fix as recent as summer 2021.
Probably the most buggy version of them all.
List is updated: ...Adding Ray Tracing to it.
My RTX 3070 is ready.
Batman: Arkham Knight RTX Remaster
@Zyph That's if we're lucky. GTA6 will come out before Kingdom Hearts 4.
They lost me at Chrono Cross Remaster.
Wow, none of those appeal to me. At best, bioshock & dragon's dogma 2, if they're great (never played DD1, only played through bioshock 3, it was ok, not entirely my cup of tea).
Bayonetta 3 is on the list so.. yeah the list is most likely fake. It's not even really a 3rd party title.
And there is not a single new IP. Come on...
.... please please please please please let that FF9 remake come to Switch if it ends up being real....
Street Fighter 6 is a shock because I thought I read somewhere that it was supposed to be a PS5 exclusive.
I will be happy if it comes to the Switch and Xbox.
I know Sony payed to keep SFV on the PS4 only, but it never made sense to keep that game off other platforms and I'm willing to bet Capcom lost some money from that deal.
Yeah I call it false rumors, all the games on the list are from existing IP’s. FF9 remake!? As much as I would love this I really don’t think this is a priority at SE. Not with FFVII remake, FFXVI and the pixel remasters in the works and also FFX-3 being considered with a story ready for it.
@Ventilator "Just because it is on the list, it doesn't mean it's coming the next 3 years."
Technically if I say the sequel or remaster of a pre-existing game franchise, it'll happen eventually so I'm not a liar. Here, watch.
Pikmin 4
Pong Remastered
Mighty No. 10
Mario Kart 9
Alvin and the Chipmunks (for the Wii) Rechickning
Yeah, just because some of the things here could legitimately happen, doesn't mean that the leak is real. I don't even know if I should post this comment because you could be trolling for all I know.
Eh, let's see what happens.
Oh streetfighter! Bring it on capcom.
@TheFrenchiestFry Well it actually makes sense after Persona 4 Golden port. Shin Megami Tensei V is only console exclusive. Can be a 2024 game.
Bioshock needs a remaster that fixes up all the weapons to actually sound and feel fun to use. I tried to go back to it not long ago and it felt awful to play.
Why is Bayonetta 3 listed under Sega? That there is undeniable proof that this list is fake!
sounds too good to be true
I love how Human Fall Flat 2 is on that list among all these heavy hitters like "yeah, we rumored too bro"
This seems like a giant mess of a wishlist rather than a leak. Two netherrealm fighters? The new Bioshock(which still hasnt been officially revealed) in 2022? Kingdom Hearts 4???
Bayonetta 3 on PC is unlikely as well. Nintendo seems pretty adamant about keeping Bayonetta 2 Nintendo exclusive, which it still is. Can't seem them changing their mind about 3 either.
Man I hope Mirror’s Edge comes to the Switch, even if it’s just the original game without any improvements. I still love playing it, there’s something about the graphics in that game that really works for me. Even the sequel didn’t look as good.
Half life 2 on the switch would complete my classic PC shooters collection.
Also a Earth Defence Force 6 would be great on the switch.
If true, is it not possible that in cases like Bayonetta 3 they’re using this service internally to stream the game for playtesting etc.? Especially with pandemic restrictions, streaming would seem a sensible way to keep work going. I have no idea but I really don’t see Bayonetta 3 happening on PC if Nintendo are funding it.
@BulkSlash I would jump on that in a heartbeat. Seriously underrated game.
Half Life 2 Remastered would be insane, oh my god. Also super excited for anything Bioshock!
Kingdom Hearts 4 and Titanfall 3? Yeah right!
Respawn already said they are too busy with Apex Legends and there is no way that Titanfall 3 is in the works.
That's more like a wishlist for the next few years or so, not a leak. I don't believe it.
Yes, Shin Megami Tensei V on PC and another Bioshock (the only FPS that I finished). Might be for 2022+ but I will buy day one, already saving for these two.
@Yrreiht Money!
Well, they have a PS5 version as part of that legacy PS+ thingy, may as well slap it on a disc, include all its DLC and make a small profit.
sounds very fake to me.
titan fall 3 is extremely unlikely especially after apex. Also why should team 17 name the next worms "worms next" and the metro developer name their game "metro next" ? could be accident that both have the "next" placeholder ending but sounds to me too much like *****.
also why should mario + rabbids be in that list? it will never ever come out on pc and why should there be switch data, makes no sense.
It's like always, put some games that are very likely in a list with some games that are not very likely to make everything more believable. I could continue why I think this list is fake...
The information looks legit, even if the content could just be placeholders or even wishful thinking by nvidia’s devs. I’m surprised NVIDIA ignored a responsible disclosure. Maybe as the source wasn’t from the security community they decided to ignore it? I’m sure Nintendo will want to ask why Dolphin and Wii games were hosted on Nvidia’s cloud. And I’m sure there’ll be a few linkin updates from former NVIDIA developers later this week!
@Chibi_Manny because the bayonetta brand is owned by sega. anyways the list is fake, pretty sure.
Halflife 2 Remaster?????? why not finish off the Chapters first!
But if that is true, please come to switch
I'm pretty sure Nomura already stated that the next game wouldn't be KH IV but another subtitled bridge game. And as if Square are gonna start another giant remake project when they've barley half finished the one they're doing now
Why won't they bring over GTA iv to the switch than that remastered games that are already on mobile phones ages ago 🥱boring if u asked me.
@Ventilator I had zero issues playing Arkham Knight on my PS4, it looked fine. Maybe if you own both and are flipping from one to the other yeah, the non-high end PC version will look less pretty. But on it's own it looked great on console and didn't impede playability in the slightest.
Doesn't make any sense, unless the entire industry collectively decides to only release sequels and remakes. Where are the new games? This is just another wish list, people only want sequels.
@HotGoomba I’d take a Pikmin 4 logo at this stage. Anything, just anything!!
Square Enix is known to float fake leaks around on purpose in order to keep a secret. I was also once told that Final Fantasy XVI would be Agnes Philosophy by a staff member I happened to meet. I foolishly believed them because that did not happen.
Also the same thing happened when Square Enix characters were rumored for smash. They told us which ones, but mixed it in with other characters that weren't going to make it. Take Square Enix rumors with grains of salt.
Final Fantasy XIV rumors though.. now that is a different story due to the teams well known transparency.
Kingdom Hearts 4 makes this list a big fake
95% of those games wouldn't be coming to the switch anyway so nothing to get worked up over on here
The list is already confirmed to be real. Some of the games listed may only be planned for the future with no development actually started yet. So the inclusion of any games like Kingdom Hearts 4 doesn't really mean anything. It could be pencilled in for release in 2026.
The Capcom leak had numerous games that were several years away from release.
As for Bayonetta 3 and Mario & Rabbids, perhaps they are planned to release on PC in a few years from now. Maybe NVIDIA made a deal with Nintendo, to get exclusive rights. Perhaps they are just cloud games for their streaming service.
Well, I'm gonna feel like a right mug if i buy SMT V on Switch and then it comes out on PC. I already know I'm gonna be buying Rise again...
Nothing on there that's particularly interesting to be honest.
@TheFrenchiestFry Well, a Chrono Cross remake before Chrono Trigger would make sense since Chrono Trigger is already available on PC and mobile while Chrono Cross is still only available on PS1 (and as PSone Classic on PS3/PSP/PSVita) and thus not really accessible…
This list seems absolutely ridiculous, no way it's real.
@EpicPieFace tbh, if Bayo 3 and SMTV come out on PC I probably won't buy the next Nintendo console, since that would be a sign of what to expect in the future
@Ventilator "1080p were never a good resolution for Arkham because it's so dark."
That makes no sense. What makes you think resolution has any impact on luminance?
So basically, it's as expected and not a confirmation of anything coming to PC. Plenty of companies use PC as a means of testing/developing their games but I know some people can't be rational and take this to mean everything is coming to PC.
@dimi There's way more than just Persona 4 that's console exclusive from Atlus
Literally every Persona game except 1 and 4 are only available on consoles, not to mention a good majority of SMT games, and other Atlus games like Trauma Center, Etrian Odyssey and Dragon's Crown.
Atlus has never really prioritized PC as a platform over dedicated consoles in the case of their major flagship games until very recently
Chrono Cross, kingdom hearts 4, titanfall 3, a new BioShock... Either next year is going to be amazing, or someone at nvidia made a list of dream games.
@Meteoroid We know they're working on a Jedi Fallen Order sequel, so I figured it must be referring to that if it was real.
SPECULATIVE means that they either made this list as a "wishlist", or they heard developers are working on something related to those games.
An FF9 remake would be the best thing ever. Also Chrono Cross would be amazing.
Biggest leaks in my opinion. Titanfall seemed dead, so I'm excited to see a third one in the works. And of course, I have been dying for a Tactics rerelease on Switch so that is amazing to see!
This reminds me, I would love Titanfall 1 ported to Switch. IMO it had better maps, faster platforming, more unique mechanics like the card system over 2's COD-like kill streaks, etc.
Removed - inappropriate language
I don’t really believe the leak really but if that final fantasy tactics rumour turns out to be true!!!!! Squeal!!!! I would be very happy with that being on the switch, please make it happen
And this is exactly the problem with "leaks": they aren't confirmed, and people just become ticked over information that never had any solid proof.
@steely_pete Frankly exclusives are all that's keeping me with Nintendo in the wake of the Win max so I'll be happy enough jumping ship.
@HotGoomba Pikmin 4 were anounced 7 years ago for Wii U and development "went well" in year 2015. Since then no one heard about it. What happened? Switch got a Pikmin 3 port instead that looks more dated than Wii U version.
Mario Kart 9 is most likely a launch game on Next Nintendo console.
@Ogbert I own Arkham Knight on PS4, PC and Xbox One, so i know the difference.
@Ventilator But what about Alvin and the Chipmunks (for the Wii) Rechickning? 🥺
@HotGoomba Never heard of that title it ever, so i have no clue what game it is.
@Mountain_Man Sounds like you never compared console versions at 1080p vs 4K on PC + NVIDIA Enhancements, side by side. It's fine in 1440p too.
I own Batman Arkham on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and is why i can't stand the console versions.
These cloud streaming services aren't messing around. Clearly Nvidia intends to continue to offer the latest and greatest offerings they can in their streaming service, Xbox Cloud gaming isn't about to disappear, even Nintendo is offering major AAA titles too intense for the Switch in viable streaming options, PlayStation Now quietly chugs along, and Google Stadia... tried. Point is, I don't think game streaming is going to disappear any time soon despite how much people scoffed it off when it was making a big push a couple of years ago. Some services may stumble and fail, but it clearly has a future, and I think that's interesting.
I doubt Monster Hunter 6 is happening anytime soon, maybe in 2023 once Rise's expansion is done and over with.
@Ventilator Yeah I didn't deny there was a difference, I said no doubt it looks best on a high end PC compared to console. I was questioning your statement of the game being too dark and blurry to play on console, it's absolutely not. It plays perfectly fine. The only way it could be perceived as such is if you are flipping between the two versions, or playing console version right off the back of having just played the PC version. and that applies to most big budget games like that.
Half-Life 2 Remastered Collection is a real thing but not quite what you expect.
It is an upcoming fan-made mod of Half-Life 2 and its Episodes with upgraded lighting, tons of bugfixes and a commentary mode while still staying true to the original game unlike most remaster mods.
It has been made with Valve's consent and while it's not out yet, it is happening.
It is the next version of the pre-existing Half-Life 2: Update mod.
@Ogbert Yeah, but they sure ain't unplayable on consoles for that reason.
Arkham is one of the last gen games that dated well. If you max it out today in 4K, it's still demanding.
1080p is fine for about any other game.
I never use 1080p in any game and prefer 1440p over 4K to get higher framerate.
1440p / 2K is most common resolution.
I use 4K mainly only in RTS/Strategy games.
@Ventilator I've played all the Arkham games on PC at 1080p, and they were all bright and clear. I don't know what makes you think that resolution affects luminance.
@Ventilator I played arkham on 1080p on pc it's fine because you are closer to the screen
@khululy Yeah. Xbox One X never got a 4K version of this game which is weird. The 2 oldest ones got 4K upgrade on Xbox.
At least it's rumoured that a RTX version of Arkham is coming.
My RTX 3070 on PC is ready for that.
@Ventilator You have real "um actually" vibes
"This is fake as all hell lmao
Chrono Cross remaster: Before Trigger? Seriously?"
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