Nintendo has announced plans to launch a new set of official Joy-Con inspired by Fortnite.
The new controllers are planned to launch on 4th June and come in a pack that includes 500 V-Bucks (Fortnite's in-game currency) and a download code for additional in-game cosmetics. Both Joy-Con feature unique Fortnite designs, although the yellow one is particularly striking thanks to the cheeky banana-inspired face on the front.
It's worth noting that these Joy-Con are a separate release from the official Fortnite Nintendo Switch system, which also included unique – but different – Joy-Con.
Do you like the design? Will you be picking these up? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 68
Ahhh when are the Zelda ones going up for pre order in the UK haha, I just can't take it! I'm constant checking sites because I want to beat the bots!
cute but boring
Why is Fortnite still a thing?
I assume these colours are the same but other side of the Fortnite unit. I liked the ones included with the console and I like these, but not as much.
@SoapMonkey Kids don't have another option, simple as that.
Joy-Con Drift, now available in blue and yellow! 😉
I STILL am glad I got the ToeJam & Earl Joy Cons from Controller Chaos. I already know how to rectify Joy Con Drift, so I don't have to worry about that.
Please Nintendo you can do better...
Ive been pretty underwhelmed by the designs and colours available so far (apart from the skyward sword ones)
Driving us completionist collectors crazy now. Same joy cons but with a smile and an F.
So much missed potential for Nintendo based controllers. I’d love to see some new pro controllers. Zelda, Metroid, Kirby... why limit it to Smash and Xenoblade? Both of which are hard to find nowadays...
@fadedcolors There are tons of other options but the thing is Fortnite is one of the biggest games out right now so naturally a bunch of young impressionable kids are going to want to play it.
Fortnite Guy confirmed for Smash
How about you fix the drift issues before making special joycon variants.
The left one just has an F on the back and the right one has a demonic smile. Who thought this was a good idea?
meh. these could be literally any other game themed controller and i wouldn't know
I've been wanting new Joy-Con + I regularly play Fortnite so I think I'll pick these up! They look nice!
I hope it supports drifting.
The Peely one is fun, but the left joy-con may as well be Facebook themed
They look great.
I'm looking forward to the splatoon 3 joycons, if they are purple & yellow like the game title at the end of the trailer.
Love the colours!... but I wonder whether you can erase the wink...
$69.99 Fortnite Joycon
@SoapMonkey because people like it. Why do some people have such a hard time accepting that their opinion doesn't shape the world?
I quite like the right one. It reminds me of that Tsum Tsum one where the home button has Mickey Mouse ears.
I wonder how easy it is to strip the printed elements off these? I quite like the colours but don't play Fortnite.
I don't care for Fortnite but I wouldn't mind having a new set of Joycon. My last new pairs are from the Animal Crossing Switch bundles. I'll probably get these if easily available to do so.
Id like that yellow please without fortnite logos
@E_Gadds_Garage Splatoon got one too. I think it's really they've limited it to games where the audience is most likely to want to use a Pro Controller more than Joy-Cons.
I know a lot of people would go for a pink Kirby set of Joy-Cons, I don't know if the same could be said for a pink Kirby Pro Controller honestly.
Nintendo has been doing a lot of 3rd party branding of consoles and accessories lately. Quite a refreshing change from the past.
@MisterKorman @teamdave2002 I'm sorry I ran out of salt, let me run to the store quickly
I like the Banana Joy Con. More subtle than the Skyward Sword Joy Cons. Those look like a mess.
Can we get the animal crossing ones please?
Not going to buy a whole system for those.
Well that's pretty sus. Dammit, wrong game.
Ngl, I kinda want these
I like the banana face
@SoapMonkey So, not going to answer the question?
Bugger. I'm a little annoyed by this as the left yellow Joy-Con from the console bundle matched perfectly with the right one included in the Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee console bundle. I really don't need two of them.
I'm not sure if I'll get this, but I'm such a sucker for them pretty, pretty Joy-Con.
@SoapMonkey You sound more salty asking a question (and a pretty logical one thay you should be able to answer yourself) about a game's relevance when the average person that really doesn't care about it just continues their life not asking because again, they don't care.
I'll tell you just in the case that you can't reach that conclusion yourself: people like the game, they think it's good even if it doesn't appeal to you. The same applies to Splatoon and Dark Souls, which are on our profile pictures.
@SoapMonkey Why do you care? Don't like it? Don't play it. Problem solved.
Man I'm glad I stopped collecting at 2 pairs of joy cons.
@HXLXIII @roy130390 @MisterKorman @teamdave2002
Okay guys, I think I need to apologize. I didn't mean to troll yet I did. I was trying to be funny but I guess I misplaced my humor a bit, and that's on me. I see how I was provocative and that was unnecessary. Honestly I don't care what games people play around me as long as we're all having fun doing it. So, I'm sorry if I offended any of you guys.
@SoapMonkey Don't worry and thanks for the reply. I also apologize for the attitude in my comment.
@soapmonkey - I got to say, your apology was a nice surprise. I come into any conversation about Fortnight on a defensive footing just because of how much my kids love the game. I can't stand it personally, but they love it.
I'm sorry for my taking offense when none was clearly warranted. Have a good day.
@SoapMonkey Because they have deals with Marvel, DC, Disney and a bunch of other unrelated IP that they use to lure in children who don't know better to beg their parents to waste money on the game.
Add to that all the popular YouTubers who play it and make it look like the most fun thing ever and act like the money they spend is pocket change. It brainwashes kids.
My cousin told me a disgusting figure, her son has gotten her and his grandmother to spend over 1000 dollars at the very least, just on Fortnite. Battle passes, skins, and the most disgusting, using vbucks to buy levels.
@Heavyarms55 and on the other hand... I purchased my kids the 1st battle pass and they earn the v bucks back, in game by completing challenges thus saving to buy the next battle pass. You dont need to spend any money in the game to progress and get the next battle pass. If people buy V bucks for their kids then thats on them. My kids know that if they spend those Vbucks on useless, over priced skins that they wont be able to afford the next pass and bank of dad is closed for business. Its no worse than any other game with micro transactions in it.
@Kidfunkadelic83 "Its no worse than any other game with micro transactions in it."
So it's still a stain on the industry.
The "you don't have to spend money on the game" excuse is the oldest excuse in the book defending this practice.
@Heavyarms55 i didnt say its not a stain at all and i certainly dont defend it nor do i buy in to or condone MT's. Like i said... The first battle pass was fine, but i wouldnt buy any further. All i stated is that you dont need to spend money to progress in the game. The MT's are an absolutely ludicrous rip off but then again im not going to ban my kids from playing something they enjoy, just educate them about MT's and make them understand they wont be getting vbucks out of my wallet or asking for them for birthdays or christmas gifts. Considering ive purchased, and been asked for nothing since day 1 i feel ive done my job to a reasonable standard.
@SoapMonkey it’s fun.
@Heavyarms55 sounds more like an issue with your cousin and her mother saying no than an actual Fortnight issue.
You can progress in Fortnight without spending money fairly easily. It’s not an excuse anymore than any rationale for any question of why is. I don’t spend money on Fortnight and don’t allow my kids to, and they do just fine.
@Kidfunkadelic83 No, that's perfectly fair, I didn't mean you called it a stain, I consider it a stain. I consider both the F2P style of game design and microtransaction heavy games to be a stain on the industry and community.
I honestly applaud that you taught your kid that way and I hope you stick to your guns on that rule. It will be very good for him or her. I wish more parents took the time to teach their children that way. But the fact remains that most don't and companies like Epic games are more than happy to take advantage of that. And as these kids get older, this behavior gets normalized and worsens. Companies will always try to milk just a little more from their consumers. And every time they get more, they try for yet just a little more. It's been getting worse and worse as the years go by.
I dread the future where F2P is the standard and microtransactions are the norm. But I think that is the direction the industry is very much heading.
Setting aside these issues however, I don't begrudge people who like the gameplay and mechanics of Fortnite. I can see the appeal. What I dislike about the game is not the game itself but all the business practices that surround it. The manipulative marketing, the taking advantage of children, and the borderline gambling addiction it incites in so many people.
Fortnite is no means a bad game its just with all its cool skins it made me want to spend to much money.
@Heavyarms55 i completely agree with all of that. Its a disgusting practice and there should defenately be a law to abolish it. I dont want my kids or othef peoples kids or even their kids down the line to be addicted to buying skins, consumable packages and digital card packs. Its a slippery slope that can very easily get out of hand.
@SoapMonkey 8 million players at any given time during the day, countless streamers playing the game, and new skins added every day.
@SoapMonkey short answer: people play it.
Odd question for a site based around games that came out 30+ years ago.
@Heavyarms55 what is wrong with enjoying a game and be given the ability to customize your character for a fee? Seems reasonable. I was the default skin for a long time. Master Chief came out and I bought it. Still going strong since December.
I know quite a few players that just use default. The gameplay and concept is still a ton of fun.
@Kidfunkadelic83 I don't know if we need a full stop ban on it, but I really do think there needs to be more rules around the practice. Especially in the marketing toward children.
In an ideal world, parents would always research everything their kids are interested in and would teach them and raise them to know better. But we live in anything but an ideal world. I worked as a teacher for 5 years, and I know a lot of parents don't even care enough to make their kids do their homework...
@buggysdad Epic loves people who think like you. If you want to know why I dislike Fortnite and games like it so much, you can read my previous comments. I explained it all already.
@Burning_Spear "Driving us completionist collectors crazy now."
I know, right? DID YOU KNOW there was an amiibo that got sold for less than two weeks and was only available in the US??
That's beyond rude... That's scandalous...
And don't get me started on Gold Mario, Silver Mario and Gold Megaman. Or the Wii U Pokemon Tekken early adaptor exclusive Shadow Mewtwo... Or that Cloud and Bayonetta have two versions within the same series.
Oh well, you can buy all amiibos as nfc-cards on AliExpress... A complete Zelda set (24 pieces) for 10$ eg.
You can also buy the "delicious amiibo" as a card. Here, a PICTURE of it. No direct link to the product, because I don't want any troubles with anyone for reasons I don't even comprehend.
@E_Gadds_Garage "So much missed potential for Nintendo based controllers. I’d love to see some new pro controllers. Zelda, Metroid, Kirby... why limit it to Smash and Xenoblade? Both of which are hard to find nowadays..."
Xenoblade: https://www.play-asia.com/nintendo-switch-pro-controller-xenoblade-2-edition/13/70bj93
Splatoon: https://www.play-asia.com/nintendo-switch-pro-controller-splatoon-2-edition/13/70b70f
Smash: https://www.play-asia.com/nintendo-switch-pro-controller-super-smash-bros-ultimate-edition/13/70cas3
If you still need a Pokeball Plus: https://www.play-asia.com/monster-ball-plus/13/70c38z
At NinNin even in sale atm: https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/nintendo-switch-new-games/27776-pokemon-monster-ball-plus-pokeball-plus-switch-.html
Wasn't hard to find. You just looked at the wrong places. Like, there are people complaing about that Ring Fit is sold out everywhere. But you see that in the Top10 in the Japan charts all the time. So, why would you go to eBay or Amazon, when you can go to an Asian store?
Ring Fit Adventure: https://www.play-asia.com/ring-fit-adventure-for-nintendo-switch/13/70d1d1
@Friendly "Can we get the animal crossing ones please?
Not going to buy a whole system for those."
There you go: https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/nintendo-switch-hot-products/35925-animal-crossing-new-horizons-limited-joy-con-l-r-for-nintendo-switch.html
If you want the dock too: https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/nintendo-switch-hot-products/35926-animal-crossing-new-horizons-limited-dock-for-nintendo-switch.html
(oh well, the dock is out of stock)
@Heavyarms55 Sorry, but no, it's a parenting problem. I did read all your comments and it's the typical "free to play is the devil" argument. Truth is, there's space fot it and sure, many companies abuse this business model, but there's a reason why millions of people enjoy these games without spending a dime or at least less than the average AAA game and your cousin does. Of course a company will take as much money as you allow them. Tell me how many of them won't even without the free to play model.
Many of you act like grumpy old men that think that define the standard of what a good product is. Fortnite is simply a popular game because it's a fun one. Of course marketing and licenses helps, but if you think that's all that matters then simply look at Square Enix Avengers.You are free to support and criticize whatever you want, but at least know the product you are criticizing and be able to recognize it's positives.
Also, sorry but it's kind of ironic seeing you talk about company practices when you defend the last Pokemon entries constantly. Those were a blatant cash grab followed by mediocre DLC but just because they aren't free to play they got a pass with you. I'm a massive Pokemon fan and I'm not exactly the biggest Fortnite fan, but I'm able to see things in a pragmatic way and see which developers are putting more effort and resources in their product.
Also, those "disgusting" levels unlock more skins and pretty much visual stuff. You are able to play everything in the game without paying, something that can't be said of Pokemon because even if you own the game you have to buy 2 DLC for that. "You are the reason why (insert company's name) goes away with it" also applies to you. So, if you are ok with them going away with that, I'm ok with Epic making a really good profit out of Fortnite. If you think that somehow you are on a moral high ground and that you are supporting the lesser evil or even the good guys then go ahead but you are just being naive.
Fortnite is always such an emotive topic, no doubt due to its tremendous success and cultural impact. Personally, I think it is great. And I’m not that young. It constantly evolves and the excitement they generate at the launch of a new season is amazing. With two of us on an Xbox and one of us on a Switch, I can play in a trio with my kids and we have lots of fun. We are rubbish, but skill-based matchmaking means we usually get a good run and sometimes even win! I don’t see it as predatory as something like FIFA Ultimate Team - there is no pay to win element - and it’s not like those mobile freemium games where you have to keep paying or grind like crazy to progress. Every match you start you have the same chance of winning as everyone else, regardless of how much or little you have paid. I get that their licensing deals mean a degree of control is required and for sure you never want to play with strangers and voice chat enabled!
@SoapMonkey @Altina
Also if you think about it the reason why the switch is selling good is because of kids and Nintendo would make money since some kids would rather have fortnite Joy-cons then Zelda ones.
Just tape over the banana face with a Tails sticker and boom baby: Sonic & Tails joycons!
@Altina Just want to make it clear that I'm not angry about this or even unappreciative. My comment was more ironic. I'm not with the crowd that thinks they're forced to buy everything Nintendo sells and at full price. I have a huge collection of Nintendo consoles and controllers, so this is merely obsessiveness on my part.
@Burning_Spear Yeah. And I like it to collect stuff. Like Trophies back then on PlayStation. I also have 883'/898 Pokemon and I can't get the others because these are Pokemon Nintendo is gifting away sometimes, and that's the only way to get them.
@EngineerMario I wrote a long answer to that and then decided to not send it... Because people often misinterpret me as angry or "triggered" (Which is interesting because I actually lack in emotions. You could point a gun at me, or give me a billion Euros, or give me two attractive barely dressed girls that love it to cuddle and headpat me and would "super caring big sister" on me... I would reply with the same calm 'empty' voice.) I decided to give you an EXTRA calm and short answer. There you go:
Yeah... The Switch sells so well because of children... sure... Keep believing that, buddy...
There's currently a war going on between PlayStation America / SIE and Japan. But for the west, white people and the internet everything ever is about children (which is actually one of the reasons why this war started. White people trigger when they see an animegirl and start to hallucinate about sexual garbage...). The children, yeah. Nintendo would die without the children. Mhm... I bet most Nintendo gamers are above 30. Because Mario, Zelda, Pokemon; and children would for sure not be interested in JRPGs and Visual Novels, because everything ever is TL;DR after two sentences. Also it's hard to imagine mature people that whine about fps and graphics. And oh well that text got a bit longer than I intended...
I don't play Fortnite... but I like Banana's.
Not gonna lie I dig them
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