This week Sun Electronics' 1982 action arcade release, Kangaroo, joins Hamster's Arcade Archives collection on the Switch eShop. Here's a description from the official PR:
A mama kangaroo must pummel her way through enemy monkeys to save her baby kangaroo. Jump and use ladders to make your way up. Punch enemy monkeys to defeat them, and avoid their attacks to reach the baby kangaroo waiting for you.
This latest release will set you back $7.99 / £6.29 and is designed for 1-2 players. Below are some screenshots:

Will you be adding this slice of gaming history to your Switch HOME Menu? Tell us down below.
Comments 44
I may hop to this. I can pouch for this game. Don't skippy this one... disagree, and I'll box your ears. I hope roo listen to me. After all, I heard that it is Angelina Joey's favourite game.
Wait a minute... there ain't no monkeys in Australia.
Plenty of baboons though.
I love this game! It’s actually my lone arcade that I own
I remember this from the video game cartoon that also had Q*Bert was set in the 50's and Mario voiced by Peter Cullen.
I don't rule this one out yet. I had never heard of this game before the announcement that it would come, tbh, but it's not an 80s classic everyone knows about in my defense.
Anyway, it caught my attention because it was adapted into an animated series inside Saturday Supercade, as I found out a few weeks ago.
I will pick this up. It's a game I'm completely unfamiliar with, but it looks interesting.
Look at the size of that main sprite! Mind-blowing!
Did anyone here ever own a TV Boy back in the early Nineties? The graphics on this game remind me a lot of it!
Used to love this on Atari 2600 back in the day - will pick up for nostalgia
@Juga : You win the comments section.
Wow....I remember just hating this freakin game in arcades.😆
Nice - haven’t seen an official home console release for this game since the Atari 5200 cart which i still own today! Will grab this one 😊
I might get this. I wish we could get Qbert too. I have it on Vita, but the controls are so bad it is almost unplayable.
I loved this game, but I can't imagine it'd be fun to play for more than five minutes.
@Moroboshi876 Never played it myself but I have heard of enough people remembering this game (or the 2600 port) that I guess it had some popularity in its time.
Had this in Atari. Definitely grabbing it, growing my collection to 2 arcade archive games lol.
I’ll add it to the wish list. I have many Arcade Archive titles on my wish list and I almost never see them on sale.
I wanted this game for my Atari 5200. I gave Jason Jernigan $10 for it, but then he decided he wanted to keep it, and never even let me borrow it. He was 3 years older than me and a lot bigger than me, so not much I could do. Looking back, I should have told his mom, but we were all afraid of Jason.
Long story short, Hard to believe it has been over 30 years and seeing this article reminded me of this. Also, I see I can buy a boxed 5200 copy for around $11. Part of me wants to buy that instead of this, but this is the arcade version, so I'll add it to my list.
Jason, if you're reading this, (I know you aren't) I hope you still have this game and are enjoying it. I know it would still be in my collection if I had it. haha
@Tandy255 Keep checking. They go half off (sometimes more) about once every 2 months it seems. (Not good at keeping track of time). They usually only stay on sale for a week I think. But I save them to my wishlist and check that weekly. If I remember, I'll let you know the next time they do a sale.
Whoa! Serious flashback to the roller rink in the early 80s when I would dawdle by the arcade games when I should have been skating more. Kangaroo, Joust, and Crystal Castles were lined up right next to each other, if I remember right.
I'm tempted to hop on this one and Frogger.
@Teksetter Haha "HOP ON" this one and Frogger. I see what you did there. Kudos for the giggle.
@SoIDecidedTo Thanks. Good to know. I will check the eShop more regularly.
@Teksetter yea the good old days ☺️ Frogger is a must though IMO
@Banjopickles : I see you've been playing too. This game controls very nicely on the switch. This game is even better than I remember. Very tough though, those monkeys are relentless!
Haha! Yessir, and likewise! I got my daughter in on some of the action (she's six, and made it to the second level). Man, playing it took me back! It's so crazy that, just a few weeks ago, I was telling you that I didn't think the game would ever see a rerelease and here we are! Talk about a pleasant surprise! And you're right: the game controls very well on the pro controller.
I'll take this as a lesson that anything is possible.
I wholeheartedly agree! If I didn’t have such a ridiculous backlog of games to play, I’d have bought Frogger, Punch-Out, Kangaroo, and a few other classics already! The only Arcade Archives I’ve grabbed so far are DK Jr and Double Dragon. I’ll just wishlist and wait for sales, unless the temptation wears me down first
Ever since I played this sole arcade game in my local hardware store back in the 80s after remembering it from the Saturday Supercade cartoons, I never played it again since. I thought it lost forever to me, and now I will get the chance to play it once more. So many years, this and arcade perfect Donkey Kong, DK Jr., Moon Patrol, Mario Bros. I'm in nirvana. Time for tissues lol
Sorry got to add Frogger, Elevator Action, and Double Dragon to that list too.
I’m still waiting for Jail Break to be console-released. Been waiting over 30 yrs for that to happen.... @MeloMan looking forward to that feeling.
@Teksetter yea my backlog is insane as well lol
Besides being a huge retro guy, I play these classics in between the big games of today to break it up a little or if I get stuck in a game I’ll back away from it, have some fun with the classics then go back in fresh. I also keep an eye out for the Hamster sales but they aren’t that often. I did get double dragon for $4 though lol 😂
@BanjoPickles : I have a pro controller, but never use it. My high score so far is 28,700 on normal difficulty with 5 lives. I've made it to the 2nd loop, 3rd stage. Let's hope that Popeye is in our future as well. For now, I'm waiting on Super Punch-Out!!
Yes! If Nintendo could somehow find a way to rerelease Popeye (is the IP in the public domain yet?), that would cover every pretty much every arcade game Nintendo has done that I would want.
I’d really like to see some Midway action, at some point. Since Kangaroo is a thing, I’m just going to go ahead and ask for the following:
-Smash TV
-Robotron 2084
-Arch Rivals
@BanjoPickles : I want more games by Sun Electronics like Arabian, Banbam, and Strength & Skull. Also, games by Universal like the entire Mr. Do! line.
@BanjoPickles Robotron is one of my all time favorites! We Need Warner Bros to jump in as they own the midway/Atari Games classics and there’s a ton of them! I’ve been asking lol
This is a good one. I played it both in the arcade and on the Atari 5200. It's hard to say which is the better version as they are almost equally good. It's a Donkey Kong clone but it's different enough to make it stand out. It came out on the Atari 2600 too, but that version was pretty bad because of the awful graphics.
@KnightRider666 I also would love to see Ladybug from universal hit! Man was I hooked on the Colecovision version as a kid! Great game!
@joey302 : You should try the 2600 version from Atariage.
@Toy_Link what cartoon is it? Or are you just joking
I love your lists of arcade classics! This Kangaroo release has us all nostalgic for the coin-op glory days. It’s funny how some of us of a certain age imprinted on the machines scattered around town in pizza shops or bowling alleys. My local dept store had DK Jr in its foyer. Any trip out was a potential encounter with a new arcade game, and pestering mom or dad for quarters 😁
I like your system of sprinkling smaller classic games in with the epic modern AAA stuff. I do the same thing with indies like Crypt of the Necrodancer, but I’ll try mixing in more one-credit plays of classics.
Didn’t see this one coming - pleasant surprise! I was addicted to the Kangaroo coin-op back in 1982/83. One of my favourites along with Tutankham and Popeye. Used to wait all week just to play it for an hour or so on Saturday in a Helensburgh (Scotland) arcade. Atari 2600 version was playable, but obviously couldn’t match the colours or resolution of the original. Just bought it, fantastic when rotated 90° with the Flip Grip. Best way I’ve found to jump a gap without falling is not to attempt a diagonal move as such, but instead push up then push left or right.
@Teksetter well yea i squeeze some indies in there with the arcade classics as well in between the triple A games. It helps break it up a bit and again if you’re stuck in the big A game you can step away from it & come back in fresh. I can’t count how many times I was stuck in a game stepped away from it and came back in fresh, figured it out and moved forward lol 🤷♂️🤣
Saturday Supercade
This game was def worth a quarter back in the day. Awesome arcade game! Good to see it added to Hamster's Arcade Archives INDEED!!!
@Dru64 I’d LOVE to see Tutankham hit the Hamster line up!! Popeye well that’s a license issue that Nintendo Is unlikely to spend money on but they should!
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