Can you believe that we are officially into the second half of the year? We can't. It's a good job that we have a month to sit back and catch up on all the games we've missed so far, right? Wrong! July is here and it is packed with interesting releases.
The wonderful Felix has put together the above video which showcases 10 of the very best games coming our way over the next four weeks. What's more, there is a big old range this time! We've got minigame mayhem with Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition, creepy chills with Conscript and even some totally radical roguelike action with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate.
And there's even more to come. So, check out the above video (and the following list) to find 10 games that we are excited to see come to Switch in July 2024.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak (5th July)

Darkest Dungeon II (15th July)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate (17th July)

Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition (18th July)

SCHiM (18th July)

Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus (18th July)

The New Denpa Men (22nd July)

Conscript (23rd July)

Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure (25th July)

One Piece Odyssey (26th July)

Which new releases will you be picking up in July 2024? Vote in our poll and then take to the comments to let us know what else you're excited for this month.
Comments 30
Bo Path of the Teal Lotus for me mainly. I’ll try this as my first Metroidvania since I like the art style and I’m a sucker for folklore in general.
If it runs well on Switch, then I shall get this.
Edit: Will probably have to get this later some other time. I have too many other games to play and finish. And my priority games are mainly Metroid Prime Remastered, FNAF Into the Pit (yeah I like FNAF), and AA Investigations.
Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus looks really pretty so I'll keep an eye out for reviews for that one. I don't think I'll get it myself, but I kind of want to watch other people playing Nintendo World Championship.
Mostly I am waiting for Zelda Echoes in September so I may or may not buy new games in the meantime.
July looks sort of barren. If Denpa Men comes to the West in a free-to-play title, yeah, I guess that’s my most anticipated title for the month. It’s crazy how empty the year has been for me in gaming, only for the last four months to be bursting at the seams…
SCHiM, Denpa Men and Arranger for me!
Genuinely hyped for One Piece Odyssey. Was so disappointed when it wasn't initially announced for Switch, cos the machine has become the golden RPG haven, so arriving on Switch is, ah! One Piece is a good anime and I'm looking forward to seeing it fleshed out traditional RPG style. Looks great too!
One Piece for sure. I've been looking forward to that ever since it got its announcement on the Switch.
Don't forget about Tokyo Xanadu ex+, which is also hitting the Switch in July.
Definitely will be getting Trails through Daybreak and One Piece Odyssey at some point before the end of July.
I checked out the Steam Next Fest demos for Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus, SCHiM, and Arranger. Bo was an absolute blast and is easily the game I'm most excited for this month. The movement was outstanding and the level and boss design was excellent as well. SCHiM has a lot of potential, and I clicked with the music and visuals a fair bit, but I'm a bit concerned the full game won't do quite enough to make its levels stand apart. Hopefully there are some more new mechanics sprinkled throughout, because by the end of the demo, I was already itching for the game to mix things up a little more. Arranger is likely a Day 1 buy from me as well - it took me a bit to get in sync with the game's design, and I still had a hard time figuring some things out, but it was really novel and enjoyable.
@PikaPhantom Do you know if Bo will have any difficulty modes or not?
One Piece Odyssey is the only one that sticks out for me most. I'm glad it's come to the Switch. Let's hope it transfers well enough (if the devs are up for it enough)
Beautiful Bo and the puzzler Arranger require reviews.
NES Championship will probably be downloaded at some stage as a discount purchase as a game to mess around with as a side salad.
TBF a quiet month potentially. Backlog to be further worked upon therefore - cool.
One Piece Odyssey and Ace Combat 7 for me.
Bo for sure! So excited for a 2D Metroidvania Okami; the perfect alternative to Hollow Knight since that game's art style was always a bit too Bugborne for my tastes.
@anoyonmus I don't clearly remember and searching around didn't help me uncover any details. I'd say the difficulty was decently challenging, though, with some harder platforming
@PikaPhantom Okay, I see.
Bo (pre-ordered physical), Arranger and Schim, hopefully physical if and when possible. Happy to add to the backlog pile 😁
Hoping One Piece is good on Switch as I skipped it on PS5. Already got NES Championship Edition physical on preorder and though I highly doubt I’ll get it at launch as $30 feels like a high price for it, TMNT Splintered Fate was really good on my iPhone using a Backbone controller so I’m looking forward to having it on Switch at some point
Nintendo World Championships
No doubt about this one.
VERY intriguing to me. Looking forward to a review.
Trails Thorough Daybreak
I so bad want to make this the first LoH game I go through, but I'm struggling with bandwidth at the moment, so it will have to remain wishlisted for now.
Another intriguing game I'm looking forward to a review for.
There’s not much here for me and other lies I tell myself. Subscribe for more recipes.
It's Darkest Dungeon II for me, followed closely by NES World Championships. They couldn't be more different! I played countless hours of the original Darkest Dungeon and it put Red Hook studious into my "try everything they make" group of developers.
NES World Championships is just crazy enough to work. I might not get any first place in the challenges, but I'm going to have a ton of fun trying.
I've been hearing a lot about the Legend of Heroes game. I think I'm gonna check it out!
One piece looks great 😁
And turtles but hoping it go's on cart
Only NES Championship, which isn't all that exciting, really. I might give SCHiM a look as well.
I'm glad things are slowing down, not that it will help much (if at all) with getting through that backlog. 😅
Ace Combat 7 for me.
I was also keen on Denpa Men, but given that it's F2P, it's a hard pass from me.
They might as well have made it a mobile app given that, unlike the Switch, phones typically have cameras in them, and much of the Denpa Men concept revolved around the use of the camera.
Awww I was really hoping that Marvel Vs Capcom collection would be out in July!!
Must be August, right?
Probably SCHiM?
The other maybe this month is Kunitsugami. But I guess that's not on Switch .
Preordered the Japanese physical special edition of Nintendo World Championships and One Piece Odyssey, will eventually get for sure Trails through Daybreak, SCHiM, Bō and Arranger, will give a try to The New Denpa Men at some point and maybe will get also Splintered Fate (doubt I'll get Darkest Dungeon II myself and I'd get the first game before it regardless, Conscript is even less likely)!
Really some good stuff coming out this month. I wasn't even aware of Darkest Dungeon II until I saw the trailer. I still have to finish the first game, which I thought was really cool, but also really hardcore. Would still be nice to finish my first run, though. I think I quit after losing an entire party of high level heroes to some bullcrappery and subsequently lost interest to level new heroes up again to that level...
Just Nintendo World Championships but I've got lots of backlog to catch up on and making the most out of Splatoon 3 while it's still being supported.
The near future is looking busy for me with Echoes of Wisdom, Y’s X, and the Dragon Quest III remake… I’ll pass on new releases until then.
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