You might have heard about the indie hit Temtem. It's a game "inspired by" Game Freak's long-running Pokémon RPG series and wants to be the very best creature collection MMO on the market. While it's still yet to arrive on the Switch, the title recently launched on Steam. On its first day, its servers crumbled under the demand and since then it's been growing in popularity.
Now that it's been available for a few weeks, developer Crema Games has decided to unleash its first wave of bans. According to a recent tweet by the company, it's banned "almost" 900 players. Every user who was banned was "100%" confirmed as either a cheater or an individual who abused exploits intentionally.
Crema didn't leave it at that, either. In a series of follow-up tweets, it said wasn't done and would keep detecting and banning, as there's no place in the Archipelago for cheaters. The developer then reassured followers it had re-checked over 100 accounts and explained how "every single one" was a "legit" ban.
The remaining tweets informed players not to trust cheaters, as they apparently "just want to know more" about the bans, so they can avoid them in the future.
They will lie about everything in order to get more info and the minimal possibility of getting unbanned.
Not long after these tweets, Crema had a slight change of heart, saying it would review ban appeals – even though every single incident so far had been legitimate.
Like you said, having a "no appeal" policy is not good. So, you can contact us on support@cremagames.com
Put "Ban appeal" as the subject and include your ingame ID or username.
Hopefully, by the time the game arrives on other platforms – including the Switch – the Spanish-based developer has worked out how to properly deal with cheaters. In saying this, 900 is a relatively small number of offenders when considering nearly 30,000 users logged into the game on the first day, and even more have purchased it since then.
Have you tried out Temtem yet? Are you anticipating its eventual Switch release? Tell us below.
[source pcgamer.com]
Comments 30
Then those 900 people who account got permanently banned (whether by mistake or not) and could no longer play Temtem return back to playing Pokemon and pretend Temtem never existed.
@retro_player_22 Nah, they'll just create another account to keep cheating.
the thing is, if they cheat on TemTem.... They most likely cheat at pokemon as well. I doubt they like to play by the rules.
And it's not like a happens stance of, oh they did something and boom ban, they know what they were doing.
Maybe they should properly program their game instead of banning those who run into exploits that shouldn't have been there in the first place. Isn't the whole point of an alpha to find these exploits so that they can be fixed anyway? If anything they should be thankful to these people.
Outlook->New Rule->Send All Subject “Ban Appeal” to->Junk
Disclaimer: I have no idea if that’s how that works
I miss cheats in solo games.... god modes, inf ammo, etc.... but in online games that’s just disgusting.
If it can effect other players experiences in a negative fashion it doesn’t belong in the game, and nor do the people that do it.
Finding exploits is one thing, and reporting it.
They ban when people use it to cheat. The developers went on Twitter (or someplace don't remember, it's pretty recent) and set down their foot on what they are doing, which was banning those who exploit the game and have suspicious activity as well. They even called our those that complained and tried to get unbanned even though they clearly were cheating.
900 cheaters. This is why I dont play online.
Presumably the whole lot is getting reset when the final thing is released anyway.
Exploits are meant to be reported, so the community helps the devs. People who think an alpha game would have no exploits and be 100% polished, doesnt deserve to be playing an alpha game. Even worse, people who think the exploits are devs fault. Oh lord, please save us from the 'gamer' community.
Ethical conundrum: assuming nobody is being deprived of anything, is it worse to cheat to obtain something of no value or to cheat to obtain something of value?
Cheating in games like this baffles me anyway. I remember being really excited at getting some sort of hack for an RPG game, giving myself infinite money and instantly losing interest in the whole thing.
@oatmaster Back in my day, you had to earn your cheats. As in, beating the game to unlock all the "fun" modes.
I'm enjoying the game but this is a bit scary. My boyfriends got banned from an account he hadn't played in months from another game. He doesn't cheat and tried to contact the developer and they told him he was banned and there was nothing he could do.
The same thing can happen here. They can get power-hungry, ban anyone, refuse to be wrong and refuse to reactivate an account. There will be nothing the player can do. It's great if they do things right by the player base, but if they start to get power hungry it gets scary.
The fact that they refuse to tell you why you got banned is already dipping their toe in that hole. They say they don't want hackers to know why so they don't get better at it, but if they are banned how are they gonna get better at it? Buy another copy? They are just wasting their money at that point as they will just get caught and banned again. Not telling the player why they were banned is a way to shut down the conversation. The player will not be able to defend what happened, and Crema will have run away with the money. They have your money already so they don't care if you can play or not.
Neither of us has been banned, and we aren't cheaters so we shouldn't get banned, but my bf is already weary of this team and ready to quit because of how they are treating things.
They are trying to keep their game hack free which is ideal, but I hope they don't go overboard. I've already heard stories of people accepting shady trades, not knowing it was a shady trade, getting banned, and are refused to get their account back. No communication, just a power-hungry company.
I wish they would focus on finishing their game instead of banning people and then checking a ton of appeals. How many more do they have to go through? The game is early access and bugs should be expected. (selling things online should definitely be banned though, as well as hackers).
I think ban appeals is a good idea. I mean maybe the 900 bans made so far are legitimate and were carefully looked over....but I doubt they're going to be as careful going forward...slip ups are bound to happen eventually.
On the idea of cheating, personally I don't mind if people do it in a single player game. It never really made sense to me why some people get upset over what someone else is doing in a single player game.
@oatmaster I think it's worse to cheat when it gives you an advantage over another person. (being stronger/faster than them, getting items for free, that kind of thing) Anything else and you're only really cheating yourself.
@DarkLloyd Haha you crearly aren't a game developer... (and before you ask, yes, I am a game developer). It's not like you code bugs on purpose. Game code gets pretty complex especially when coding multiplayer online games. It's extremely easy to overlook tiny exploits or bugs.
@Dm9982 You can still enter cheats in solo games, you just need a valid credit card.
They sound like they're trying their level best to be firm but fair. Not an easy job. Kudos!
@SmaggTheSmug 🤣.... man, gaming over the last 40 years.... bit saddening where we’ve ended up - software that releases half arsed needing massive patches to correct to turn it into a playable game, and microtransactions out the arse.... Thankfully we’ve gotten stuff like Witcher and Breath of the Wild to balance out the nonsense....
I don't even like this game, but I dislike cheating in multi-player games far more.
I think it's fine to cheat in single player games if that's what is fun for you. But when you cheat in multi-player, your fun is screwing over someone else's and that' not okay.
Cheating ruins everything, if you need to cheat to win then why play it? You can still win with no effort at all by just watching others play it online.
GameFreak should do the same and cut down on Poke gen people and Den exploiters but they'll never do it.
@AnnoyingFrenzy unless it's an ip ban they can make as many accounts as they want but all of them will be banned
@CodyMKW I doubt its an IP ban. Too big of a risk to block non-cheating accounts.
@retro_player_22 Nintendo does not ban people for cheating in Pokemon, Temtem does.
This has been a huge selling point to me since day one, even more so than the fact that it's an MMO.
Have any of you guys actually been involved in the online battling scene of pokemon? People cheat and worse yet a large portion of the community feels entitled to cheat. They "dont have time" to train a competitive pokemon so that makes it okay to create them with an action replay or whatever tool they want to use to tamper with the game, so long as they don't create anything that's technically impossible to achieve without hacks of course! It's utterly toxic.
GameFreak should work towards reducing or frustrating a cheaters ability to cheat or exploit.
Why not have online checks that moves and stats are legit?
Ah the wonders of PC gaming
I am a software developer and approve this message.
Anyone who thinks using a glitch or exploit is fair game because the devs should have flawless code knows nothing about software. No one re-creates the wheel every time they make a new game. First they build or license a game engine, then use that engine to make the game. If you license an engine, you may be limited in how much you can modify the game engine's source code, so exploits can be inherited in that way through no fault of their own. Then there's the law of diminishing returns. Yes, you can have 100 engineers working round the clock to find and fix every exploit, but it's way more cost effective to get the software stable and fun enough that you have to actively try to break it for it to fall apart. That way people who want to play the game as intended can do so, then ban the bad actors trying to ruin it for everyone else while simultaneously squashing bugs. In other words, fill out a bug report if you find an exploit; don't abuse the hell out of it until you get caught then blame overworked indie devs for not doing a good enough job.
pant pant pant 😓
@retro_player_22 most indie games die a few weeks later. Then they get bundled to keep the numbers up.
@LittleZ *clap *clap - well said man
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