With that lovely Super Mario Maker 2 Nintendo Direct and the surprise launch of a new Pokémon smartphone game, it's been yet another busy week for us here at Nintendo Life. Still, it's now time to sit back and relax for another weekend, and we've gathered together to speak about our gaming plans. We'd love for you to get involved with our comment and poll sections below, too. Enjoy!
Gavin Lane, staff writer
After fighting my way through Final Fight and The King of Dragons, I plan to dip back into the Capcom Beat ‘Em Up Bundle this weekend. Overcooked 2 will also feature on my weekend menu – I’m surprised how substantial the Campfire Cookoff DLC is, and there’s still a bunch of stuff in the main game that we’ve yet to polish off.

I’d also like to get that Game Boy theme in Tetris 99, although I’m not sure I’ve got the time to score the requisite number of points. If that turns out to be too stressful, I may retire to Windjammers instead. I picked it up on sale last weekend and have only been through the Arcade mode once, but it sure is addictive.
Ryan Craddock, staff writer
In all honesty, I'm not entirely sure what to play this weekend. Lucky that we run this feature every week so that I can get inspiration from you lovely lot, eh?
We're still making our way through Yoshi's Crafted World (although I think we're now in the final stretch) so that will probably take up some of my time this weekend. The recent Super Mario Maker 2 Direct has got me in the mood for some classic Mario platforming, though, so maybe I'll have to go ahead and pick out an old favourite. I never got around to buying New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe actually, and wouldn't mind playing through that. If only these video game thingies could be a little bit cheaper!
Dom Reseigh-Lincoln, reviewer
It's been a while since I've really fallen down the Paladins well, but of all the shooters on Switch, this is the one I just can't quit. Considering how well the Switch version has been supported since launch, there's always something new for me to grind towards every time I log back in.
Outside of that, I'll be putting the finishing touches to my For The King review and continuing my journey into the slightly wonky but oddly satisfying world of Blades of Time. And probably more Paladins. Because I'm a predictable bore.
Austin Voigt, contributing writer
This weekend, I’m excited to dig back into My Time At Portia; now that they’ve released an update the game has so much potential, but it was hard to get into it when the load times are as long as they were. Thankfully, they have now made some major improvements, and it looks to be a lot more fun.
I’m also getting back into my old 3DS library for some unknown reason, and planning to start Fantasy Life for the first time - as well as dig back into my old Pokémon games (I’ve got an appetite for Pokémon after seeing Detective Pikachu last week). All in all, should be a chill weekend of RPGs and sims.
Gonçalo Lopes, contributing writer
What an absolute luxury of a week for Nintendo Switch releases and only 48 hours to enjoy them all, so lets get to it: Old friends revisited thanks to Guilty Gear 20th Anniversary Edition, vintage vampire hunting courtesy of Castlevania Anniversary Collection, over the top mech action in Project Nimbus: Complete Edition, violence courtesy of Mortal Kombat 11 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate plus big thrill racing with free DLC as the perfect excuse to return to the joys of both GRIP and Horizon Chase Turbo. Guess I will also need to play some Tetris 99 because I need those Game Boy flavoured tetrominoes.
Over two years was a small price to pay for the near flawless perfection that is Redout, my game of the week and surely my regular entertainment for the weeks to come. Just one more lap...
Liam Doolan, news reporter
I’ve refrained from playing My Time at Portia on the Switch for some time now, mostly because of the extremely long load times. Now that the Nintendo version of the game has received another update, I think this weekend might be the time to finally give it a go.
When I’m not playing this, I’ll probably be getting a more immediate gaming fix in Tetris 99. I must say, the new Game Boy theme is awesome! I love how it’s even got the old school music. For some reason, I just didn’t expect it to be so nostalgic.
Which games are you playing this weekend? (379 votes)
- Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle
- Overcooked 20.3%
- Tetris 99
- Windjammers0.3%
- Yoshi's Crafted World
- New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
- Paladins
- For The King0.5%
- Blades of Time0%
- My Time at Portia
- Fantasy Life
- Guilty Gear 20th Anniversary Edition
- Castlevania Anniversary Collection
- Project Nimbus: Complete Edition0.3%
- Mortal Kombat 11
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
- Horizon Chase Turbo
- Redout0.5%
- Something else (comment below)
Please login to vote in this poll.
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave a vote in the poll above and a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days...
Comments 136
For no particular reason, I've restarted Stardew Valley, and have been having a great time. I have very fond memories of Fantasty Life; My Time at Portia looks very up my street, so I'd like to pick it up at some point.
Probably going to get back to darkest dungeon and some randomized pokemon blue
I’m hoping to finish up SMT IV Apocalypse this weekend. I’ve really enjoyed it but these last 2 dungeons have been a slog, so I hope to push through and beat it.
Final Fantasy XII, Umihara Kawase Fresh!, Splatoon 2 and Tetris 99. Maybe a bit of Enter the Gungeon.
Finishing my game of CIv VI, try to learn my girlfriend how to smash #2 and new season of Diablo 3 is started so I’ll try out the demonhunter
Hoping to finish ffx and 9
Probably starting my second run of twewy though
Dusted off my GameCube. I will be participating in Mario Party games, Double Dash, Luigi's mansion and a nice collection of other less family friendly titles when my son has gone to bed (Eternal Darkness and Twin snakes). I would love Nintendo to port some of these over. Don't want to see my animal crossing town, would compulsively tidy up every weed before doing anything!
This week I will be mostly
Zelda BotW Korok Hunting
Kirby SA Puzzle Farming
Some my time at portia 125 hours in and stil loving it.
Bought the castlevania collection and going to dig the gb games!
Also some beat um up action with Capcom, and last and not least the mighty cuphead!!
And maybe yust maybe shovel knight what i bought in the sale
Wonderful 101 and Nintendoland with family. Have a great weekend everyone
I just unlocked the Game Boy theme in Tetris 99.
I'll never be using it though because it makes the game harder to play. That colour information for each Tetrimino is essential to high level play.
This weekend are 3DS & NDS games time ! 🤓

I played these games :
1. Metroid Prime Federation Force (3DS)
Have managed to finish Mission 10 at Talvania planet. It was really tough mission. 😫
2. Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers (3DS)

Keep collecting money from part time job as Supermarket clerk.
3. Fantasy Life (3DS)

Continuing my progress as Tailor with Wizard magics. I played again on my New 3DS XL since the game saved outside the card and i still keep the old Save data in my Older 3DS XL.
4. Gardening Mama (NDS)

Continue gardening time, unlocking stuffs and more.
5. Kirei Zukin Seikatsu 2 (NDS)

Continue the storyline after i figured it out what should i did next since the game is in Japanese Hiragana and Katakana, but still hard for me to understand the mission that should i accomplished. 🤔
Monster Hunter World for me, followed up with a bit of Shakedown Hawaii and the Castlevania Collection. Maybe I'll squeeze in a little Alien Soldier and Macross Scramble Valkyrie on the side too.
I didn't get to grab Darkwood at launch after all, so this weekend will likely be about continuing Nelke and FFXII on Switch (with an occasional SR3 side mission thrown inbetween), Xenoblade on 3DS and a bunch of racing on GPD (including the old giveaway Grid 2 that I decided to give a shot before Autosport's arrival on Switch - and it thankfully runs well so far).
It's a bit of a mixed bag this weekend. I bought a 400GB microSD card last week and going back through my physical games to update them made me want to play them.
So along with Mortal Kombat 11, Smash and Yoshi I'll be playing Lego Marvel and Hyrule Warriors. Oh, and Final Fantasy VII now it's been patched.
Continuing my slow slog through Alpha Sapphire.
After finishing Yoshi, I am now a few hours into SteamWorld Quest and I am loving it. And also a few matches in Rocket League.
I'm playing Assassins Creed 3 Remastered now. It's leaked a couple days ago. It's so good, just amazing to play this on a portable device.
I'm only playing it portable, the performance is good enough, loading is snappy and everything looks sharp. This game is worth buying, it's only 13GB the whole game (there's actually 2 games) fits in a 16 GB cartridge so no downloading needed if you buy retail.
This is one of the few AAA games that made good use of HD Rumble. It even has touch screen support and motion control (unlike Saints Row 3). The only fault for this game is a brief audio stutter when changing to cut scenes, but it can easily be fixed with a patch.
I got the best ending in Super Metroid on my SNES Mini last Sunday.
I still don't have a full grasp of Maridia's geography, but I surprisingly managed to make it through with plenty of time to spare just by going whichever way felt right.
Since then I've been waiting for my copy of Metroid Prime 2 to arrive. It'll be my first time owning that game personally, as I was stuck playing my friend's copy during my childhood because my mom thought the game was too dark.
I'm playing the splatfest why is no one else doing this. #teamteleportation
Stardew, 8yr multimillion cred farm. Gonna try for that GB tetris theme, just for the GB music. Then prob Super Smash if I have time.
@DenDen Same!
Monster hunter GU. Pushing for 500hrs.
Neo geo turf masters
After putting over 85 hours into Final Fantasy XII I have finally beaten it.Something I never managed with the PS2 version.
So now I've started A Plague Tale:Innocence and absolutely loving it,a very dark and emotional story.
I also picked up up Steamworld Dig 2 in the Switch sale that I'm addicted too...just as I'm addicted to Octopath Traveller
Celeste got it in the sale it’s ok 8/10 id say. The platforming is all just trial and error not particularly difficult
Spending some time in Hyrule with Labo VR, perhaps some Pokémon Go at the mall later in the weekend, maybe twist my mind a bit with Babo is You. Maybe pick up Steamworld Quest, haven't decided.
Back to the Pit! Continuing Darkest Dungeon and also playing the Shadow of the Colossus remake. Played it on ps2 and ps3 before and can't get enough of it. The ps4 version has to be one of the prettiest titles of this generation!
I'm with friends this weekend, so it's going to be smash and mario kart. Possibly tetris for the unlock if I have some extra time
I've already unlocked the GB theme in Tetris 99.
I'll also pick Shovel Knight at 12,50€. Considering it will raise to 40€ when the last DLC releases, this is the time!
I have been hooked with JRPG games, so I'll continue alternating between Bravely Default and Octopath Traveler. Also playing a few other games from time to time.
Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary on the Nintendo DS. Playing the fan translation and improving my chain combos.
Also Mario Tennis Aces, smashing it online with Pauline, the 1-Up girl.
Picked up Akane. Cracking wee game. Addictive as hell.
Just getting stuck into Yooka Laylee, I managed to nab a physical copy from Ebay for a good price. Great game so far, I'm about 2 hours in...
I have Team Sonic Racing arriving next week, footage is now readily up on YouTube of the Switch version and it looks quite good, so fingers crossed!!!!
I just now finished up with a Super Smash Bros Ultimate session. That game is still surprising me with some of the crazy stuff that can happen in it.
I'm going to have to set some time aside this weekend to get futher along in Final Fantasy XII and if I can squeeze it in I might revisit Yoshi's Crafted World.
Tetris 99 and spatfest booyah
@Anti-Matter Are you playing Federation Force on single player mode? Is it any good?
@JoeDiddley I love that game!!!! The whole series, to be honest. So immersive
Old school gaming this weekend: Castlevania Collection and the original Toejam and Earl (moving my head to the beat of the funk)
@ravensplat I'm doing the Splatfest too, but I'm team time travel.
Tetris 99. Gotta get that skin.
Darius Cosmic Collection, my copy just arrived from Playasia.
Yes, like some people have mentioned, the long loading times when first starting up “My Time At Portia” still exist. However the slider that you can adjust (in the options menu), to give you a little more time for each game day, is a welcome addition to the Switch.
Finished bayo 1 and castlevania the adventure last night. So I've started on super castlevania and I'll play some rounds in smash. While I patiently wait for some zombie goodness on Tuesday.
Cuphead and Assassins Creed Odyssey.
I'll finish What Remains of Edith Finch today.
Also, Smash and likely more Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age.
I played Metroid Prime Federation Force in Solo mode.
I equipped my mecha with Lone Wolf MODs.
The game was decent enough for 1st shooter games from Nintendo.
So I beat the first Castlevania already and now I’m on to Simon’s Quest... yeah. Not my favorite of the bunch but doing it for completionist sake.
I’m tempted by that Beat em up bundle on sale. Decisions... decisions
fortnite and dragons dogma..are both huge time sinks
thinking about picking up leisure suit larry...
@NintendoByNature How was The Adventure? I never played any of the Castlevanias on Gameboy.
Tetris 99 to get the GB theme, more MCC on my XB1 and maybe some Splatoon 2 for the Splatfest.
Playing about with different classes in WoW Classic. This week: Rogue.
Got the GB theme in Tetris, now playing marathon. Also, Dragon Quest Builders.
I finished Mother 3 yesterday and I’m still reeling from that ending. I can’t recall the last time a game hit me so hard emotionally. I’ll never look at Lucas in Smash the same way ever again. That kid has been through some serious stuff.
Finishing Mother 3 has freed me up to sink some time into Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. I’m on the fourth chapter now and I’m loving the return to a simpler Fire Emblem after the more complex recent entries, and I’m hoping to end up with a more serious appreciation for Roy as a character, as well.
@Austin Voigt
Great choice! Fantasy Life is absolutely awesome. It's my favorite 3DS game
Everspace! Finally bit the bullet on this one and purchased full price on the eshop. Couldn’t be happier with it. Intense arcade space combat, beautiful visuals, great package overall and a fun complement to Starlink. (Mechanics are different enough to prevent it being redundant. But I will say: both games have horribly dull names.)
Also finally bought Shovel Knight and can’t wait to DIG IN.
Happy weekend!
My Time at Portia as the update is a welcome change even if it isn’t perfect.
Also 2 Sonic fangames: Time Twisted and After the Sequel. I’m partway through the former and having a blast. It’s amazing what that community can do sometimes.
Cuphead on Switch. I'm on the last level! Whenever I manage to finish it I plan to attempt hard mode GULP
Also, playing Trials Rising on PS4.
Blades Of Time, SSBU and Sniper Elite V2.
Half way through FFXII. Have Darksiders, Dragon’s Dogma, Fate and assassins creed to start.
Tetris99, and Sniper Elite V2... probably some Mario Kart or Mario Part with the kids at some point.
Oh come on. When there's a Splatfest going on I feel like you really should put Splatoon 2 into the poll as well even if no staff member picked that choice! That's what I'll be focusing on this weekend anyway. Alongside plenty of other people.
@DockEllisD What are your impressions of Team Sonic Racing? All footage I’ve seen is from other consoles and I’m worried the Switch version has too many compromises.
Grabbed Starlink on sale, Castlevania OF COURSE, Hell Is Other Demons, plus Splatfest.
@Yosher Agreed, especially with there only being 1 or 2 Splatfests after this one (not sure if the 2 years announcement meant it ending in June or ending in July).
That GB skin in Tetris 99 threw me off last night. I stunk in five straight games. It messed with my peripheral vision, and I had to look more directly at my next piece. It’s an adjustment I can probably make, but I doubt I’ll make it to 100 points over the weekend.
Smash Bros Ultimate for sure. A few other games I need to get down on on Switch as well.
PS4: overwatch tournament with friends and randoms.
Switch: will never get tired of grinding in diablo 3
Isn't there a Splatfest? That'll take my time.
Tetris 99 (gotta have me that Gameboy theme!), Redout, Celeste (finally on sale!), Steamworld Quest (just finished this in fact, maybe some other Steamworld title?!)
@NotTelevision i actually dont mind it. It's not the best but it'll only cost you a couple hours. I'd give it a shot if I I were you. It's neat playing it in green dot matrix. At least that's what I did. I see you finished 1 and now youre on to 2. Im a bit intimidated by 2 lol. Barely played it but i hear it's hard to decipher
Just got out of school for the summer, and I bought Kid Icarus Uprising yesterday! Still haven’t downloaded it, but I will later today.
I’ll be playing more Smash Bros, of course.
Everyone have a fantastic weekend! 😊
I just finished Super Metroid/A Link to the Past Randomized, and since I still got that itch for more Metroid, I'm now playing AM2R for the first time.
Looking to finish up Crystalis and move on to some assorted shorter games to boost my clear count for the year. Still have a way to go to try and surpass 50 (last year's count).
Super blood hockey !
Surprising and funny arcade sport game. Take a look on it.
Definitely Pokémon Go and Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming. I’d also like to play The Sims 4.
I hope to fight the Balrog and finally get out of Moria on The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age.
Got Shovel Knight in the sale. Been wanting to try this forever and it’s very good! One of the best 16bit retro homages.
pretty much the same from last week:
Fusion Frenzy
Top Spin
Animal Crossing
Shin Megami Tensei III
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Boxboy + BoxGirl
With Team Sonic Racing around the corner, planning to play Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Also planning to play Puyo Puyo Champions. May play something else too, just not sure which game yet.
It took surprisingly little time to get the Tetris gameboy theme. I think it only took about an hour and a half and I’m not that good. I finish in the bottom 50 about half my games
I'll likely play Splatoon 2 for the splatfest.
684 points in Tetris 99 at the moment. This is too easy
This Pòkefan will be giving up their Saturday morning gaming session to finally go watch Detective Pikachu in about an hour. Movies before noon are cheaper here.
I'll be playing more Pokemon Ultra Sun this weekend (On Akala Island, about to do Lana's trial) and engaging in more platforming action on my SNES Classic; I'll be finishing up Super Mario World, plan to make more progress in Donkey Kong Country, and will try Mega Man X for the first time in years. I apparently played MMX at some point as a kid since the opening stage is somewhat familiar, but I apparently didn't make much progress. XD
Also, since there's a Community Day event in Pokemon Go tomorrow that features Torchic, I plan to get my steps in for an hour or so of that...weather permitting. The forecast isn't the most promising....
Have a fun, safe weekend!
@sandman89 well you could say that of any platforming lol. Also give it a go on some B-sides if you want some extra challenge
@dugan Yeah man Steamworld heist is on sale for $5 now had to grab that up! So good!
Tetris 99 is at the top of the list for that skin. I'm gonna knock out a couple of stages in Travis Strikes Again, then kick off newly acquired Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle, Arthur of Balance, and Bastion. I finally gave in on Bastion after holding out for larger sales or physical releases but it hasn't happened, so... with all its hype I'm expecting good things.
@NintendoByNature Cool. I’ll check it out. I’m going to play all the games on the Collection in due time.
Yeah it’s a weird game this Castlevania 2, but I never met anyone who beat it without a walkthrough. So no guilt on my shoulders for doing the same. Enjoy Castlevania 4. That’s such a well executed game. Even the intro is a masterpiece.
Won't have much time for gaming this weekend as I am on leave and back home for a bit.
I finished guacamele this week and I quite enjoyed it (did not buy 2 yet but if not on this sale I will definitely get it at certain point) and just started night in the woods
@DockEllisD yah I completely missed that on my playthrough (I completed all B-sides) and just saw those on the latest AGDQ but I cannot cope with that as b sides was already way above my league (still don't believe I managed to beat those sections with frame perfect (or close to it tricks)
@Balta666 Night in The Woods surprised me in many ways. Wonderful game.
I`ll play: The Witcher 3 ( Wow, I mean, Wow, incredible game )
I`m finishing Super Mario 3D Land ( I was saving it for some reason lol )
I`ll also play a little Smash Bros Ultimate ( Starting to play online. Just learned even good players make mistakes, so even I can win once in a while lol )
Hope everyone have a nice weekend!
@mrjingles75 at this point it would be a shame for anyone to pass on it while it's on sale. Unless they had it on another platform of course. Spectre of torment is my favorite campaign
@NotTelevision Yea I keep going back and forth with myself if I even want to attempt playing it. I tend to get too frustrated when I cant figure out what to do in a game. Needless to say I'll consult a walkthrough if I play it. No reason to be ashamed of it. Had I not consulted a walkthrough of the original Legend Of Zelda, I would've never finished it and ultimately, it would never be my favorite series of all time. That game sparked an interest that made me go out of my way to play nearly every game in the series. Think im only short skyward sword ( hoping for a switch port) and the four swords games. Even with a walkthrough, you still have to execute all the gameplay that isn't just handed over to you. Never got why people look down on someone for using a walkthrough. Oh well, have fun with 2 and in your spare time check out the adventure.
Castlevania collectio - Super Castlevania IV
Starting Luigi’s Mansion. Want to replay some early games that are coming to switch.
Played hours of Castlevania Collection yesterday. Somewhere between 1/2 way and 3/4 into all the games except Simon's Quest-kinda hate that one and its cryptic item gathering face.
Hoping to one day beat at least Castlevania 1. Currently at the Grim Reaper battle. Savestates will help with that.
I won't be playing Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders or Devious Dungeon 1 or 2 because they look like crap at 30 fps. I will b playing Capcom beat em up bundle, Tetris 99 (I've unlocked the awesome Gameboy theme), Nefarious, Akane (fun game!), Kero Blaster, Castlevania Collection, Bad North (so addictive, such great design, and awesome graphics and sound!), Blazing Beaks, Mutant Blobs Attack (love that they increased the frame rate to 60!), Party Golf, and Kingdom Two Crowns.
Absolutely nothing. Catching up on game of thrones
Picked up Dandara on sale this week and booted it up last night after completing Starlink. Only about 2 hours in, but I am really enjoying it so far. I will say it’s tough though and had me quite frustrated a few times in the early going...
Dragon Quest Builders and Tetris 99 for that awesome GameBoy color palette that for whatever reason they pasted over top of an ugly red background.
@DockEllisD Sounds great and with just enough twist to differentiate it from MK8 Deluxe, which I have and love, but don't want to repeat with different characters. Thanks for the input!
Just finishing BOTW trial of the sword DLC and then I'll be done with the DLC until I'm feeling ready to start master mode.
I'm gonna play some Bloodborne and Let's go Eevee this weekend, I'm aiming to make some significant progress on both. If I have any leftover time I'll play some Wargroove and Smash.
I'll continue torturing myself with Lapis x Labyrinth for review. It's among the most blandly repetitive games I've ever played. Once I'm finished with that, I'll cleanse my pallet with Final Fantasy X.
A combination of Tetris 99, MK 11, Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission, Pokémon Go, and Mega Man Battle Network 2 most likely, as well.
@MH4 You are going to love this game! Kid Icarus Uprising was criminally underrated.
Whatever my 2DS has to offer.
Mostly PC with World War Z, and Hades. But some Saints Row and MK11 on Switch as well.
I have been playing Axiom Verge on Nintendo Switch, and Stardew Valley on my phone. They're both excellent games, even for pick up and play. I started Axiom Verge a long time ago but ended up getting bored and playing something else, and I'm glad I went back to playing the game. It is much better than I remember, and the gameplay is pretty fair. There isn't much to say about Stardew Valley though, it's just a great relaxing little game to play whenever you have stress that overtakes your life. That is the exact type of gaming I need in my life right now.
Umm.. Splatfest?! Still chipping away at backlog just finished Bastion which was okay. Tried a bit of Crypt of the Necrodancer but it’s just odd and I don’t know what the point is/ what I’m supposed to do. Started playing Valiant Hearts and am finding the story to be pretty engaging.
@Beermonkey MK Double Dash still to this day has a very special place in my heart! Too bad I no longer have it! Sounds like a good time- enjoy 😀
Playing Castlevania, Castlevania, and (yes) Castlevania! I've waited some 25 years to play Bloodlines. As an SNES kid, that was one thing I missed out on being on Team Nintendo during the Console Wars. Oh, and spending some time getting that Game Boy Tetris theme in Tetris 99!
Then, watching the Mad Queen go DOWN tomorrow!!!
@charlieonholiday Thanks! I got it on sale using My Nintendo points.
I’ve played through the first level and enjoyed it! The controls take some getting used to, but it’s enjoyable so far!
@Fake-E-Lee Unfortunately yeah, it's super underwhelming. It's absurdly repetitive - if you've played the first ten minutes then you've already played the first ten hours. If you enjoy simple grindy beat em ups then you might find some fun here, but even by bear em up standards it's crazy monotonous. Not to mention that the difficulty is really unbalanced and performance can be rough on Switch as well.
@Mamabear Double Dash... Picture a sleepy English town. A factory that had 4 people on a night shift. As long as they out produced the day shift everyone was happy. However the day shift were lazy. The night shift could produce double in 6 hours. What to do with the last 6 hours of the shift? Hidden telly. Back pack with GameCube and 4 controllers. Bosses drinks machine key for unlimited coffee he taped to the bottom of his desk. Mario kart double dash. Best job I ever had... A distant memory but makes it the best mario kart (though many will disagree) for me. Baby park, frantic and full laps. Looser gets the coffees. DK mountain is my favourite track ever in any MK game. Seeing a grown man loose it and throw a chair and cutlery because of a blue shell followed by lightening while we all can't stop laughing... Great great times.
Tetris 99! Had the house to myself for a bit yesterday after work, so I earned the GameBoy Theme pretty quick. Having my nephews round tonight to watch a movie I promised them, kinda hoping they bring their Switch too... between them, myself & my son there’ll be four in the house if they do! They’ll all just wanna play Fortnite though I’m sure, which I personally am over, haven’t played last couple of Seasons. Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone.
@Beermonkey That sounds absolutely awesome, thanks for sharing it here!
Saint's row the third
@MH4 Everyone knows about the controls, but your memory muscle will get used to it.
However it is the story which I found intense. I experienced Uprising without any spoilers and it remains one of my top experiences on the 3ds and hopefully you will enjoy it too!
Tetris 99 didn't take long to get the Game Boy theme, and I don't consider myself very good at it at all. Sometimes I got killed off in the 80s, sometimes in the teens, and often in-between. Otherwise, Splatoon 2 and Starlink will be getting some attention, due to the Splatfest and recent free update respectively.
Thought a reply of fire emblem awakening was due, so ready for three houses!!
Xenoblade Chronicles 1
Getting back into Smash after abstaining for awhile. Man, that game is good! I am mostly switching between Kirby, Ness and Simon, occasionally trying some new ones. I didn't play any Smash since Melee so I have a lot of catching up to do in terms of learning characters. I just wish the smash points weren't so off-base. For some reason it gives me a way higher score with characters than I've ever played than with the ones I am decent at. I feel like I am being punished for playing with characters I haven't used much, since my opponents are better. Strange. But it's still very fun. Online has some hiccups but is generally fine.
Also playing a ton of Tetris 99. I didn't expect that game to make the splash it has, but judging by the poll results it is doing well. I never really understood all the praise for Tetris before now, but it really sinks its claws into you. I managed to make #1 exactly once, but it may have been a fluke because I don't feel that I am that good.
I really need to finally finish a play of Fantasy Life.... I’ve booted up and started it twice now, made it about 45 hours in, then drop it for something else, lol. So got 90 hours on it total, without finishing.... bah.
Anywho, probably Stardew, MK11, and maybe Civ 6 or Fantasy Life if I feel up to it....
@SamusLv7 I absolutely loved Bravely Default. The internet likes to complain about the second half of the game, but these complaints (while somewhat valid) are overblown. The end result of sticking with it is more than worth it in my opinion.
If you do enjoy it, don't forget to look up Bravely Second as well.
Tetris 99 for the Game Boy theme (accomplished in about ten sessions) and Splatoon 2 for the Splatfest.
Tetris 99 (Switch) - Taking part in the Game Boy Anniversary event.
Splatoon 2 (Switch) - Representing Team Time Travel in the SplatFest.
South Park: The Fractured But Whole (Switch) - Been replaying this in advance of finally playing the DLC.
Mirror's Edge (Windows Phone) - Decent enough runner.
Microsoft Flight (Games For Windows) - Watching a Longplay
@Fake-E-Lee Oh you poor sob. Been playing that off and on for around 8 years now. Everytime I fire it up, I lose a week Just wait till you start learning more complex stuff. There isnt enough time in the day. Theres a number of great youtube vids that teach all the complex building you can do.
As I finally managed to find Labo VR in a store I'll be giving that a whirl. It'll be like a warm up for when I get my Oculus Quest on Tuesday.
I was playing bloodlines and the adventure from the castlevania collection. it is good to finally play the gb game on the big tv and change it to color. Also was playing pokemon eevee and trying to find the true ending on Late Shift.
@Fake-E-Lee Just doing my job!
I've seen Detective Pikachu which was good but nothing great.
Splatfest for me this weekend but all the comments are making me want to buy Castlevania Anniversary Collection.
@Tyranexx Thanks. In fact, I have cleared both games since have them 😊 I am playing it again since it has been some time since I had this desire to play Bravely games, which are my favorite JRPGs 👍 I also don't mind the second half of Bravely Default because it gives you the option to know more about the other characters.
Mostly the same as last weekend.
Monster Hunter Stories (such a great game), Picross 3d Round 2, and Donkey Kong Country 2.
I only played the first DKC as a kid, so it is a blast getting to finally play 2 and 3.
Finished steamworld dig 2 this week. I enjoyed it but was a little underwhelmed.
Not too sure what to play next. I’ve downloaded Bastion in the sale so prob give that a go
@SamusLv7 Awesome! I'm glad to find a fellow fan of the series! IMO the complainers just didn't poke around enough in the second half as there was more to the repeating chapters than meets the eye. That's one of the things I love about the series: it gives more context to the enemies and asterisk holders that you fight. It makes them feel like characters with their own ideals, hardships, and opinions. They definitely aren't one-dimensional.
@Tyranexx True, the stories of asterisks holders in the (spoiler) second half of the game are interesting and let the player know more about them. I also appreciate their character development in (little spoiler) Bravely Second.
I've just started final fantasy x
@SamusLv7 I agree on both fronts. Some of the sidequests in Default gave the true ending more of an impact, and Second was great on expanding the personalities of the returning characters.
@Fake-E-Lee My brother, I hear you. MC shouldnt be in my wheelhouse, but its become my second most played game ever. I just adore it, and all I can do in it. Enjoy figuring stuff out man. You can coast like that for years (trust me), but eventually youll want to hit up some vids to figure out the more complex stuff, then your mind will be blown. Such good stuff. I love seeing someone discover and click with it.
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