New free downloadable content for Super Bomberman R on Nintendo Switch has been teased by Konami in a live stream with "The Game Theorists". The video for the most part was YouTubers from around the world competing with one another in an international competition within the game; then as the stream neared the end host MatPat announced that new content will be making its way to the game.
The teaser trailer is around 15 seconds long, showcasing new stages and characters. No release date is given and no other information has currently being shared - you can check out the teaser below from the 51:08 mark, though the video should auto-play from that point:
What do you think of the footage? What DLC would you like to see be added?
With thanks to SLIGEACH_EIRE for the heads up.
Comments 72
Konami? Free? 2017? Same sentence?
I fear reality imploded.
Personally, I still don't think it's worth the price tag.
Would prefer MGS or Silent hill
It certainly isn't .......I did pick it up on launch day but traded in a couple of Wii U games that we're gathering dust so only paid just over £20 for it so didn't feel the full hit.
In fairness it is a decent game but not worth £50
Are we absolutely certain this is Konami. This does not feel like Konami. This is 900% too pro-consumer to be Konami. Where's the "buy life insurance for your bomberman hero" subscription?
It's truly a sad (yet not exactly unsurprising) day when we are all left wondering if Konami is really doing this with no strings attached.
Still want the game but will wait if I can buy it on sale.
Good to hear. I was afraid they'd release this and never support it much. We've had some good times with local multiplayer already, and co-op. I've unlocked all 4 of the new levels in the store and 2 characters so far...but I'm kind of tured if having to grind the story mode over and over and over and over again just to be able to try to afford something. Story mode is good, but not as much the 30th time through. And the bomber fights can be super annoying, even on Beginner.
Free DLC is nice and all but the game is still way overpriced.
I'm not paying $90 for what looks like a budget title.
@ThatNyteDaez It kind of depends. I can see how some wouldn't get much out of it. For myself, we've gotten over 30 hours out of it so far, so I think I've got my monies worth. A lot of local multiplayer time eith my wife, some freinds, and family is the best part. Story mode isngood, but short. Unlockables requirensome grinding unfortunately.
@BenAV Is it 90 where you are, or did you mean to type 50?
@BenAV lol guess you don't play games and just want to is $50 not $90 lol
@ThatNyteDaez I am waiting for a sale.
@Slim1999 @Whopper744 In Australia its $90, no jokes here unfortunately :/
@NintySnesMan Silent Hill on the go would be a dream ...or a nightmare ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@BenAV @Whopper744 @Slim1999 sounds like he's in AUS, guys, where it is, in fact, 90 AUD (which is roughly 70 USD).
@Danpal65 have already all those deadly animals + expensive games!!! I hope the beaches and life quality are worth...
Lol, I see what u did there. Yep it would be great. I have the original PS1 classic on my Vita, I am already on the go with it but I would like a new version
Honestly, Konami must be shocked by the reception of this game
The cheapest price in Australia is AU$75, which is still a rip-off. By the time its price drops, there'll be superior games to be laying down cash on.
Very welcome if unexpected news. I don't think the game has sold well. If it had been successful, Konami would likely charge for this, instead they may now be using it to try and boost sales. Its asking price of €50 is ludicrous too. Should be priced around €20, for the digital version at least.
I've really enjoyed this game. We do A LOT of couch multiplayer at my house and on this game we've done up to 7 player battles and we've had a lot of fun so this is great news to me
If only they could manage 60 fps...
And Full Dynamic Camera angle.
Also Minigames as well.
Yeah it is great as local multiplayer. I have played it with my nephew and daughter and son-in-law and we've had a blast with it. And my daughter rarely plays video games other than Mario Kart. But it would definitely be better as $40 instead of $50. I'm satisfied with my purchase anyway.
They need to have a chat to Nintendo and add Wario to the game. It's not like he hasn't mingled with the Bombermen before...
@BionicDodo I was in love with this game when I was a lad!
What???????? ????
Free dlc?
From Konami?
Did hell freeze or something?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Or course is doing well, why even do dlc in the first place ? this game budget was probably peanuts, and its doing pretty well in japan at least
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Actually, if you check, in Japan especially, this version is the best selling version for Konami. It is selling better than Bomberman 64.
IMO, instead of working on DLC, they should have their devs neck-deep in fixing the online experience. We finished up the story mode and I ended up selling the game because the online play was intolerably laggy.
@akaDv8R @Faruko I refer you to this story and my subsequent comment.
39,000 is nothing but then again it has a small budget. Super Bomberman hasn't sold really well since the SNES and is probably surviving more on nostalgia than anything else.
Right on
I like this game. A little light on content all things considered, but GCU 20% off helps with a $39.99 pricetag.
It's a good multiplayer launch game
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Frankly, I don't think adding a couple of stages and characters will really boost sales all that much. In all likelihood, it would probably take the addition of a couple modes before it'll be remotely near worth its asking price.
Would be nice to be able to get ahold of the game in UK. Out of stock (since just after launch) or sub £60 most places. Definitely not worth its £50 eshop price but definitely want it down the line. Update just makes it sweeter.
My god, whoever he is, that host is so annoying. Thank you for starting the video to minimize the damage of hearing him talk.
As someone who bought the game, if you're on the fence just wait it out a little. I think it is fun to play in short spurts, and I do recommend it, but just wait for a sale. Free DLC is certainly welcome here.
@Slim1999 Not being American doesn't make me a troll. There are other countries out there that use dollars too, you know?
@Whopper744 As others have pointed out, it is infact $90 here in Australia (same price as Breath of the Wild). It was actually $65 digitally for a while, but turns out that was just a mistake and it has now been changed to $90 to match the physical version.
This and setsuna are my biggest fails so far. Good to see that its free but it wont save the game for me anymore.
I thought the game was well worth what I paid for, but free DLC is nice.
It is an $65 plus 13% tax CAD here. So.. yea...
I'm stunned they're doing free DLC for this. It really doesn't seem like a game they would ahve's Konami. This is the company that sold us a demo that doubled as a prologue as a full retail game.
Wait? Is the DLC that you can earn real pachinko credits by playing Bomberman R?
If you like the SNES style Bomberman games (like me), you will enjoy this game. If you prefer the Bomberman 64/Bomberman Hero games, then you may be disappointed.
Too cool! I've been enjoying Super Bomberman R, and free DLC is always a nice thing for developers to offer, particularly where the game was not lacking at release. As for hopes, I would love to see other Konami characters added as unlockables in the multiplayer modes - Goemon/Ebisimaru and Solid Snake are at the top of my list, of course.
Yea and should be free after asking $50 for the regular game!!
Unless they are the bomber girl characters from Japan I don't care.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE if you compare other titles on the switch that didn't do well sales wise like puyo puyo teteris and dragon quest that is a good number compare to other titles that usually only sales for 5,000 until at least.
Hey I'm always a fan of free. By the time the DLC comes out, hopefully I'll be done with Zelda.
Not sure it has sold badly, Amazon seemed to rank at #1 for the type of game for a while.
This is good. The game is awfully short on content for a $50 (US) game. It's a solid party game that my daughter enjoys playing with me, so I don't really feel like I was ripped off, but more stages and characters will definitely help.
@CTMike I....This.
Is it free? Or was it built in already with that ridiculous up front MSRP?
I got the game on release day because - well, there was nothing else.
The problem lies in the fact that the game is not as good as old Bomberman games.
Is it too much to expect the game to at least be on par/better than the TurboGrafx 16 game, or the SNES games...?
I feel like an idiot cos I spent something crazy like £50 on this game and to be quite honest, even with the controls-update patch... it's crap.
£7 on the eShop would even seem high. This game would be free on phones. If they were about to charge for DLC, I think they would get precisely 0 sales.
Bombergirl dlc.
@gatorboi352 amen
@Moon I agree - the old classic bomberman games are better then this one and can be had on virtual console for under $10
I don't think the game is THAT bad! Lol... but I will certainly agree that the classic sprite ones are better. I really liked being able to eyeball pixel sprites and ride animals. I haven't got passed the first world on this one, but the graphics are so nice it actually makes the game difficult for me.
Can I also just unlock the original stages without some ridiculous grinding?
@Moon that's the first honest review I've read about this game 😃 Quite how it reviewed so well on here is beyond me. If this would have come out on the Snes it would have been lucky to get a 4.
@carlos82 lol thank you. I think it's important to take into account that whoever reviews on this site probably spent 0 pence on the game, so is likely to go easier on it. If I got the game for free, I'd probably think better of it too.
When this sub-par experience is costing you half a ton... it's hard to ignore the flaws.
Compared to old Bomberman games... it's really not worth anyone's time/money imo.
@joey302 Completely agree, I just wish we were able to access that game on our Switches!
@Moon well hopefully Nintendo will get their act together and get the virtual console going for the Switch! I still don't understand why it wasn't ready for launch. Hopefully this year! As least Neo Geo games are popping up so there's that.
Psst, have you ever tried Custom Battler Bomberman NDS ? Well, old games...
I found that Bomberman looks fun.
With futuristic theme, customable body parts and multiplayer features i'm sure you can enjoy this version too.
I missed Louie, the colorful Kangaroo that never appeared again since PS2 era.
Last time we got Bomberman Fantasy Race PS1 with Louies. That racing game really damn hard.
Yeah. They're my favorite part of Bomberman 94, they added a great flair to the game. No reason they should have been left out of the new one.
I've never seen ten people look so totally at a loss for words.
Honestly, the only DLC I'm interested in is "features" at the moment. The trouble is the game is light on them, whereas even the LIVE series had more.
There is no option to customise power-ups in multiplayer, the difficulty of the Boss AI is just absurd in Story (even on easy they're perfect with their every movement) and a lack of difficulty option for bots doesn't help either. IMO that's much more important to address than skins or relatively simplistic stages.
Honestly... Bomberman 64 and Bomberman 94 are way better games than this, and cost a lot less. For how much this game is asking, you can pretty much buy the original cart of Bomberman 64 probably in the box. LIVE was better too for that matter. Heck... I'd almost be willing to say Hero is better. At the insane price tag too? Yeah. Not worth it. This is a 20-30 dollar game at best.
Still, it's Bomberman. If you're a fan, you gotta play it.
This is welcome news. I feel like the content included in the game itself is a bit lacking, so this should help address that concern.
Still don't know if it's worth it, but good anyway
Still can't figure out why the game was so expensive. If it's like a real "season's pass" full of stuff then it might almost be worth the asking price.
Not hating on the game but Konami set up the reaction to the price themselves when that about the same amount of content Bomber Man was put out on Xbox Live not that long ago(in terms of Bomberman) for ten bucks.
I don't know about the rest of the world, but in Japan, SBR was the best selling Bomberman game in 2 decades, and by a big margin.
Free DLC is always good, game should have had more content when it released, but as a Bomberman fan I still enjoy it
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