The good news keeps coming for Nintendo and The Pokémon Company. After initially delivering its biggest ever launch in Europe with sales of over 1.5 million in the first week, Nintendo Europe's Twitter account has now revealed the game has gone on to the sell 2.1 million copies in 12 days. Not even 2 weeks in yet, Sun & Moon evidently stands a chance of becoming the best selling game for the handheld.
Currently with 15.64 million copies sold worldwide, last generation's Pokémon X & Y sits in first place; Sun & Moon could certainly chase that down in the coming months.
Do you think Sun & Moon will become the biggest selling game for 3DS? Have you bought a copy? Leave us a comment and let us know.
Comments 20
yes - Easily - with Xmas gift sales GO GO GO! - er -oops! Wrong game lol
Well done pokemon!
So many copies sold and yet we barely reached the 10 millions in the 100 millions catch challange...
Glad people are buying, but they need to start catching mon too!!!
Does this figure include physical + digital, or just physical?
Then they release Pokemon Star and got themselves another 2 million units, guess we'll never see Nintendoom anytime soon.
@LegendOfPokemon It's coming from nintendo's twitter so its likely digital + physical
@BakaKnight I'm a little surprised because even at just 2 million people playing they would only have to catch 50 pokemon each. I think i stopped at 78 still catching but not as much as i was before after i saw how behind we are.
@BakaKnight My friends barely catch any Pokémon and I doubt they know about the challenge. They just catch their favorites and go through the whole game with the same team. I personally just beat the game yesterday and I have over 50% of my Pokédex filled.
The only problem is that I haven't linked my game and so cannot participate in the challenge. I would love to but I hate Pokémon Global Link. I tried to link my game on the day the game launched in Europe and had to use the "forgot my password" thing to gain access to my Pokémon account. I hadn't used it for few years so I couldn't remember my password. Once I got my password changed, I tried to log in and got greeted with a message that says: "Your member information is currently being processed. Please come back later. If this message continues to appear after a few hours, please contact customer service." Well, I contacted the customer service. They sent me an email that said: "The TechHelp email address is exclusively for issues regarding account sign up, consent or log in issues. If your inquiry did not pertain to one of these topics, we will not be able to provide a response to your email." I know a couple of things I could still try but at this point, I don't really care. I've had issues with official Pokémon websites before and this was their last hope to redeem them. I love the games though.
@Late To be fair mine was mostly a joke, given how hard it is to partecipate and how NOT in-game advertised the thing is I'm even surprised we reached 10 millions XD
But The Pokemon Company really need to fix their site, I couldn't log on in anyway to my old account, I typed all the datas asked and all I got was a "The access to the site from this computer have been temporary disabled" for the many tries they forced me to do; eventually I had to give up and make a new account using an old e-mail for sign in -.-;
I imagine that the Switch news in January will spur Sun and Moon numbers even further just because people will be like; "Hey, Nintendo's back!" or "That Switch looks great! I wonder if that new Pokemon game they released is good too. Everyone's talking about!" Or something like that. Im just saying that the Nintendo sales could blossom in a way like no other.
@Late I complete the game with 2 pokémon so they get XP boosted quicker. Helps me complete the game quickly. Not at about 50% on my Pokédex but done more hatching & SRing for good natured UBs than catching.
A good 30 of that 10,000,000 so far is mine though!
@BakaKnight Hardly surprising given how much a pain in the backside signing up to do challenges is. You need 2 accounts and codes and emails and passwords... A mess.
Pre-order now!
Every time I come here.
I bought a copy for my American 3DS. It is a pretty sweer game. Starts very slow though for us who have been playing Pokemon since childhood
@BakaKnight hahahah I'm a bit worried about the challenge too!
@DanteSolablood Yeah. We're like polar opposites. I like the slower pace. I actually collected all the hidden items from second island onward after I got Stoutland and I hopped from an island to island all the time to catch Pokémon, battle trial captains (they want to battle after you beat the kahuna of the island), etc. No one else noticed that you can get Red Orb, Gracidea Flower, etc. as soon as you defeat Hala from the first island.
I don't care about the competitive scene at all. I don't EV train, breed for IVs, care which abilities my Pokémon have ( I'm not going for specific ability on specific Pokémon), etc. I can make my way through the main story without any hassle even though I'm constantly switching Pokémon. I whited out once and that was against Guzma and his Masquerain (flinched me 6 times in a row with an Air Slash). My team against E4 was 4 Pokémon that were 40-45 and 2 level 55. Had no trouble with the first 3 E4 members, the golfer and Champion were actually challenging, thanks to couple of their Pokémon.
It's great to see people enjoy the same game in different ways but it's still a bit of a shame that none of my friends are into catching Pokémon so we don't really talk about that aspect at the coffee table.
@retro_player_22 Oooohhhh yeaaaah...thanks for reminding me why I haven't bought this game yet: there's (hopefully) a better version around the corner!
The success is well deserved. SuMo is fantastic.
The Hype of Sun/Moon is so High.
Until made 5 peoples in my place wanted to get my Pokemon Sun when my order had already arrived but I haven't take yet. Also, I made a boy cried because he really wanted to buy my Pokemon Sun but my seller said it has booked to me. LOL.
@Late Haha, my battle against the Elite 4 was 2 Pokémon at Lv65 & a third as backup at Lv50. I don't rush at all, but without having to take as much time to grind so the whole team is a decent level, I find it moves at a pace I enjoy. I did also stop to do some random breeding and GTS trades.
Yeah, I have one friend that plays still who lives a way away and some people I can chat too online. It's always great sharing experiences with another trainer though.
Pokemon Sun/Moon sales:
1st week: 1.9 million
2nd week: 400K
3rd week: 200K
1st week: 1.5 million
2nd week: 600K
Pokemon Sun/Moon will probably sell more on Europe than in Japan by the end of the year. Would be the first time ever a Pokemon game sold faster in Europe than in Japan during the launch period.
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