It's been a full-on day of excitement in the world of Nintendo. The 'NX' and lots of speculation made way for the Nintendo Switch, lots of clarity and a little leftover speculation. Nintendo only released a three minute video and a relatively limited press release, but despite that there's been a lot to consider regarding the company's next generation of gaming.
We've produced plenty of content, but if you need to catch up you should probably check out our guide on everything we now know about the Nintendo Switch; we've also shared our personal reactions to the reveal, too. The key detail is in Nintendo's actual video, of course - check that out below.
We're far from finished with our coverage, but at this point we want to ease off and find out what you think about the system. We've included four polls below, and we hope you'll click some buttons to share your views on the system.
What are you overall feelings about the Nintendo Switch? (1,026 votes)
- I think it's amazing
- I like it and I'm keen to learn more
- It's too early to say
- I'm not convinced by it
- I don't like it at all0.8%
Please login to vote in this poll.
Thank you as always for the votes. Be sure to take the chat into the comments section too - we're looking forward to digging deep into the Nintendo Switch reveal and concept in the coming days.
Comments 178
Literally what I wanted, I can't wait for Monster Hunter on the go and on the big screen again! Of course by on the go, I mean outside on the porch enjoying a beer and potentially a cigar
I'm really keen on the console, but I want to learn more first, like if the dock gives an extra push when streaming to TV.
Plus, I don't know if I'll get it day one, I have a stupidly big backlog..... But first year? Hell yeah!
Love it. Day 1 for me.
Wow. This is system looks amazing!
A portable console?!? Mario Kat 8.5?!? What is this?!?
Day 1, Will preorder, 9.7/10
I received email of a confirmed preorder of the Nintendo Switch console at 4:41pm.
THAT is how hyped I am today.
I am SO on board with this you have no idea! After being underwhelmed by Nintendo's games this year (and considering how much of a die-hard fan I am of the company), I NEEDED this announcement, and they nailed it!
it's an amazing console
I need to see more. The battery life and price are two obvious factors that we still don't know.
I would never commit to buying something without knowing everything about it. I'm going to wait and see.
I chose portability, cartridges, and easy local multiplayer. Excited about the reveal and optimistic for the future.
Edit: This article's tagline is PERFECT!
More info needed
It's too early to say.
Very good start, need to know more about the games before I'm truly sold but it's very very promising!
Interesting but certainly not new. Lots of unknowns for the time being. My two biggest concerns are 3rd party devs not liking the control setup in local multiplayer and the biggest threat a deluge of mobile games brokered through dena. Lets face it Ninty has essentially provided a platform for mobile gaming. They need to ensure that the big box games remain firm in the dev cycles and not get caught in a storm of poke go clones. Case in point the shovel ware from two years on for the Wii. This could be present from day one. Would the big N claim this as a system with games? Just imagine Reggie now. You want games, we have 30 but 27 are mobile versions of our popular brands.
I think the design is strong and Nintendo did a fantastic job putting the trailer together and hitting all the high notes. I'm the type of guy who doesn't get excited easily, so I didn't go with the top options of loving it and finding it amazing. First impression was very good though. I'm done being an early adopter(GBA was my last launch system, a good note to end on as launch buyer). I'm very eager to learn more, but I'm definitely out until maybe a year after it comes out, if I do decide to get one. I think they're going to sell a lot of these.
Can't wait to be honest. I love the idea of using it both home and on the road. 3rd party support will be huge if the handheld aspect of the system holds up well. Nintendo has never had problems with 3rd party support for their handheld devices. I hope it does in fact replace both the Wii U and the 3DS as that will allow Nintendo to focus on one system which should surely mean more releases and no 1st party game droughts.
Well, I need some proper info first before I start making any decisions yet.
For me it's all about the games, so ultimately I'm undecided until the inevitable Direct that shows the launch lineup off. But given what we know I'm encouraged.
Color me very VERY interested, but before I commit, I need to know what's going on under the hood. If that thing is essentially a portable PS3/360 Maybe. But if that thing is a portable XB1, sold.
It's about 80% what I wanted and expected but I need to see if Nintendo's managed to get that other 20% or not; that other 20% is a pretty big deal for me in terms of whether I think of this console as something potentially great or something just decent like the Wii U again.
@Warruz YES mon hun will finally be forced to return to where it's best: on the big screen with proper dual-analogue control!!
I already have several things to keep me busy on the go, so I can't find any worth to get out of the main gimmick. It's going to have to be all about the games to sell me on the Switch.
Clearly its not for children lol. But seriously day 1 buy for me
To me hardly could be better, the only thing that can make much better or a bit worst are the specs.
The idea seems really good. But I'm not buying one any time soon because of Nintendo dropping the Wii U after barely even supporting it to begin with.
Time will tell, but I'm not banking on those 3rd party developers suddenly having success with porting old games to the Switch when it didn't work on the Wii U in the first place. It'll also be intetesting how many people are willing to buy another video game console when PS4 and Xbox One are going strong, especially at an odd time of year like March.
And the message is clear, Nintendo is no longer "kids only" (never was but the in the general consensus was)
Time to start saving up for a day one pick up, personally. Trying to decide if I should double dip on BotW or not, for the Wii U and the Switch.
...3DS support....3DS support...3DS support....3DS support.....MONSTER HUNTER 5!!!! >.<
I love how sleek it is.
I don't care about portability.
My interest will ultimately depend on the games. Rehashes of WiiU games I've already played extensively are not enough to get me excited.
I feel like their going to sacrifice performance for the portability.
How often would you honestly take it to use outside? That's asking to have it stolen from you.
Also it seems like keeping the tablet plugged in at all times to run the system will burn out the battery even faster.
Guys we're all missing the point, full HD pokemon, Full hd Monster Hunter, full hd Square Enix and Atlus gems!
If there are quality non touch/motion control games at launch, I will get it near launch.
I really hope it can play 3DS games. Wii U backwards compatibility seems unlikely.
I don't care so much for the portability as I tend to like to play different (short burst) games when I am on the go. That beautiful display may change my habits, though. Regardless, I am hyped!
I just wonder what the fate of the Wii U library is. That is my concern. Will that mean its the end of the road for Wii U online? If Splatoon & MK aren't ports/compatible, then when is the shutoff date for the Wii U ones?
May be one of my best Nintendo hardware I've ever owned. It sure does look that way. Bring it on.
Do you know that the two girls at the thumbnail of this article play the mario game !
Watch the trailer and see.
@greengecko007 That "old game" releases next week for both XB1 and PS4
I'm not too interested in the controller options. It doesn't really apply to my style of gaming. I play to escape the world, not join up with the guy at the park or my neighbor at a barbecue. But I do see the potential for success in the system. So bring on the games please.
The Mario games did nothing for me, cos I feel like I've already played them. BotW is coming for my Wii U anyway.
But I've been asking for this concept since before NX was a thing, so I'm on board conceptually, but some different games and an acceptable price are needed to make me buy in the first 6 months.
I honestly haven't been this excited by a Nintendo product since the early screen shots of Super Mario 64. I still want to find out price, launch lineup and battery life before I fork over my money, but I'm very optimistic that it's a return to form for Nintendo.
Keen to try the new pro controller, the new Mario game, & the list of 3rd party support is looking good.
I couldn't give a rat's bunghole about the portable side, though I can see it being big in Japan & with parents (although I can see those joy con detachable controllers getting lost in couch cushions & in the backseats of cars lol)
What interested me:
Portability, but we learned nothing about it.
Game Cards. But it was revealed before. Still a nice confirmation.
Then... maybe more hopes it fails and incite them to reveal a dormant rescue project (taking the form of a hancheld console)
@RatlankAA3 I can understand the excitement but I fail to see how this video could impact people to the point of pushing them to spend potentially 400€ or more on a machine we don't know what we'll be doing with. This in less than 4minutes. And yet, I see cases like this here.
If it can play older games, not necessarily the physical copies but off your SD card or portable hard drive, it turns into a very early buy. If not, I'm sure I'll get it at some point down the line, probably that holiday season.
The third party support won't count for much if Nintendo doesn't let the multi-plat games compete on price with the other platforms.
@Amrulez And 5 months later on Switch. Looked like NBA 2K17 was shown too, and that game came out a month ago.
the 3ds still sells pretty well. i guess that's why they say this is a home console, to avoid leeching off the sales of that. when the 3ds gets the hit from this, it will be time for the second screen accessory.
I like what I saw, and yeah most of all those rumours turned out to be true. That's cool. My only question concerning comfort is those detachable controllers. I have big hands, so, the controller held individually looks a bit uncomfortable. The Switch Pro Controller looks like its comfortable if held but has a very basic look to it (I'm mean generic looking). Gaming on the go is somewhat of an extra for my tastes because I don't play games all day long, but it's the best feature on the Switch. It definitely appeals to me. It's what the Wii U should've been. I'm looking forward to the game list for the Switch next year.
Day one purchase for me. No doubt.
Here is the morphus x300 which I believe is inspiration for the Switch. You can't deny its very close. What you think guys?
Unfortunately for Nintendo, the portability aspect is not what is going to sell this console for the masses. No one, by and large, is going to regularly carry around another device in addition to their smartphone in this day and age.
The western 3rd party support better be there to stay this time or Ninty could be in big trouble with this being their only dedicated device this time around.
I dunno, the Switch is just too busy a device; way too much going on and too many moving parts. I'd like to see how many folks still undock this thing on a regular basis 2, 3, 4 years from now. My guess, not many.
Ehhh... it looks kinda neat, but I've not bought a non-pocket-sized portable in over a decade. What I really want is a NEW New 3DS. Not another attempt at the Wii U.
That said, this may be just the thing for people who liked or wanted to like the Wii U. But I'm a Game Boy/DS line fan.
Seriously though, I think this could be a real winner. I know there were multiple moments for me in that trailer where I was hyped by the games I saw (3D Mario, Spla2oon, or Elder Scrolls anyone?), and I'm fond of the concept, so that's a relief.
@gatorboi352 Japan would like to have a word with you.
Absolutely perfect. I know we still need to learn some important details, but based on the concept and what we've seen so far, it's a day one purchase for me. Might even be the first console I preorder.
Side note: I think the name is kind of bad, but at least they've ditched the Wii branding and gone with something that's easy to remember and makes sense.
@Wizardling If 3DS fits in your pocket, you're either wearing sweats every day or jnco jeans.
Just got home from work at half passed midnight and soaked up all this Switch info. Overall a very positive impression, I like the name and will almost certainly buy one.
Once the system is about two years old and is worth buying due to the library of games it will have by then.
It looks great but so did the wii u! I personally won't be buying one for at least 12 months after the launch date because I felt burnt from buying a wii u sag one. I want to know if publishers like fromsoft will actually support the system after the initial ds3 port!!
It looks awesome, but I'm not gonna grab an NX until if and when it has enough must-have games for me. Mario was the only game in the trailer that I want since I have a Wii U for Zelda, Splatoon and Mario Kart, and a PC for Skyrim.
Edit: Though once it gets some Pokemon or Monster Hunter games, then I'll really want to buy one.
Nintendo absolutely nailed it with the reveal. They communicated exactly what the Switch is supposed to be without vocally saying any words. I'm sold on the concept and can't wait to learn more.
I really want the Switch but there are two factors holding be back from saying "yes, I will definitely buy one": 1) price and 2) games available at launch.
But color me intrigued. I can't wait to learn more!
@-DEMISE- Cargo shorts, actually
The trailer didn't show enough about the games for me. To be honest that is what is going to sell this to me. I don't really like the look of the controllers and the name isn't great. I prefer NX or even the fake name duo from a week or two ago. Once we see more about it and maybe additional controller types such as a d-pad focussed joy-con attachment I may start to be won over but I am a bit meh at the moment. I was more impressed when they revealed Wii U. I can't see why everyone is drooling over it as it stands.
Dunno, got the n3ds xl, and it fits in the pockets of my 501 levis.
I hope that I am not in class/away from my amazon page once pre-orders go up after the Switch Direct, switch direct, direct switch showing in the future because I am gonna buy a console day-one for the first time in my life.
Now that I saw the new Splatoon and Mario Kart and portableness I am soooo ready
I'm probably going to wait until June or later to pick one up, but I absolutely love it.
Pleasantly surprised with the reveal trailer, slick looking device, and was pleased to see it featured adults using the device, had feared Nintendo was going to be aiming this one almost exclusively at kids.
very pleased to see the likes of Fromsoft and Square Enix on board for 3rd party support, hope they bring some great games to the system.
As for being excited for the system, it's just too soon to say, I don't get a lot of mileage out of portable devices since I drive to work , and otherwise don't travel that much.
Ultimately I need far more information on specs, storage space and what games we're going to get before I can even think about buying a Switch
Lol i normally play on work on my phone, soon i will play NS on my work lol love it already
@Alundra-1998 where did you preorder? I want to preorder asap. I think the system looks amazing!
I just bought and Xbox One a month ago that would have been a good time to announce this 😂
Like everyone else, I've got a couple of questions that need answering before I get TOO excited but it's likely a day 1 for me!
I'm happy, I've wanted Nintendo to go for home console quality on a portable for a while now. Not gonna get it day one unless there are at least 3 or so titles I really want (Splatoon & 2 others). Otherwise I'll be waiting to hear how it runs when its detached from the dock, and then decided.
Graphically if its close to Wii U quality when moblie that be amazing.
Loving the console though. I think like most anylasts are saying, it really did take the Wii U's flaws and corrected them and made tech better. Still need to know some more details about games, graphics, and pricing. Definitely looking to pick this up in March, Nintendo has finally been saved, so we think... 😂
I really doubted the hybrid concept when the rumors were kicked around. I am pretty excited and can't wait to see what other features the Switch has.
@Enigk I agree I definitely wanted to see more games and features, but I'' glad they got the media's attention by doing this now. The games will come soon enough, but they needed to give us something to look forward to and show off the gaming alternative to what else is on the market
@Warruz Japan is also a VERY small market.
The only thing that I can nit-pick is the lack of a d pad on the joy-con. But I'm hoping nintendo or a third party will make alternate joy-cons for purchase.
My wife saw the trailer and said it looked cool. I did not think she'd care at all, so that's a start for Nintendo.
Pretty much all the rumours have turned out to be true, I was getting pretty impatient not knowing anything like everyone else. I also wonder (not that it matters too much) if the OS will be android based. So there are more questions to be answered, like many posters on here. I do wonder how much it will be sold for I think in the UK £350.00 but what do I know?
I also said due to my backlog that I might not buy one until December 2017 but I might change my mind before then....
I just want to point out that the images online showing the screen portion of the unit has 2 small slots on either side for speakers, as well as what seems to be a single off-centered camera lens!! Looks a lot like a cell phone camera and I haven't seen anyone report on that feature yet!!
I genuinely believe this system will support motion controls and touchscreen as well. It's too perfect an opportunity to re-sell every game in nintendo's past console libraries!
One thing surely must be true: without the Wii U and the R&D that brought it about, the Switch would not be a thing.
But it's refined, it's got experience, wisdom, if you will: when the player is looking at the TV the tablet is physically hidden, it's screen is walled off. When the player leaves the room, the house, the tablet goes as far as one wants it to. And more lessons learned besides.
I don't think the console will be another Wii U. I think the positive outcome of today, in spite of the insane pressure and imagination preceding the reveal, is a good sign.
Whatever hardware Nintendo came out with, they'd have had a task before them. I think the Switch gives them a lot to work with. It's a console with enough flexibility that it can rebound from a slump in sales. It's got a lot of potential as a video game console.
Wow. If these poll are anything to go by, then Nintendo might have just struck gold. Now all Nintnedo needs to do is market the thing like crazy and.... dare I say it? We might have another Wii on our hands. Well, in terms of sales, obviously.
The only thing I liked are the games. With that size I'm not going to take it with me anywhere, so I'll use it only at home and the whole concept will render useless. Why they didn't put the tech in that tablet in something like a New 3DS is beyond me. There's room enough (look at the thickness of a high-end smartphone and all they can cram inside, yet they are thinner than the New 3DS's top screen alone). Imagine a New 3DS with a slightly larger top screen (less bezel) and 16:9 ratio. Imagine a charging dock that lets you stream that screen to a TV and use the Pro Controller. Even the detachable controls gimmick could fit. And that's what a true hybrid would have been. This? Meh. If I buy it it will be for the games.
Not really keen on last-gen's third-party leftovers or the single screen, but the ease of multiplayer and the SPLATOON should suffice as long as they don't screw it up. Early 3DS and Wii U games provided the most fun I've had in a Nintendo generation since NES, so I expect them to build upon it in the games I'll see on the Switch.
It looks really cool, and seems to fixed some of the problems with the Wii U. I'm definitely planning on getting this at some point.
... Wish they kept the name NX, though. That name was so much cooler.
The console is exactly what I was hoping for! March 2017 seems forever away now!
@Warruz Definitely with you on that. A six pack for an evening of hunting.
I like how you can hold one side of the controller in each hand detached from each other. I no longer need to put my hands together to use the controller.
It seems really cool so far but we know so little about it (not even the price!) or how it will launch. I'm interested but I won't be getting it at launch and E3 will decide if I get it in 2017.
@Vee_Flames "if these polls are anything to go by"
Trust me, they're not.
I like where this console is headed, glad that it looks like Nintendo is keeping relevant. I won't get one at launch, though. I'm not playing games as much as I did before university, so I'm not buying new games for now. Also I don't understand how it can run at high quality on the go, they can't build something with the power of a Wii U or PS4 into that little screen-controller thing. I just hope it works like they say.
I love the concept behind the console. I'm a little doubtful about the Joy-Cons, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see on those. I love the portability it offers, and it going more back-to-basic may lure in a lot more 3rd party support.
What really excites me though is hidden in the confirmed development partners. PlatinumGames? HECK YES!
I think the system looks awesome. I'm not getting it at launch, but if I'm able to snag an internship this summer, than I could easily pick it up then. Of course, there also needs to be some nice games available by then to warrant the purchase.
Overall, this could end up like the Wii U... but I don't think it will. Nintendo's marketing seems much better and it's very apparent what this system is to consumers.
Oh, and the main unit is very sexy!
I enjoyed the trailer and love the concept. But I wanna see more about the games!most of them are ports and that's good but not enough.
In any case, if there's something I have learned is never be an early adopter. Better wait a year and see how things develop.
not getting this day 1, not even sure about the first year. it depends on the price and if i can talk my hubby into. But quite honestly I don't think it's going to bought during its first year. We just got a PS4 this year and there's tons of games I haven't gotten for my PS4, my Wii U and my 3DS. Plus I love my New 3DS too much to replace it yet. When they stop supporting the 3DS then I might get this.
As far as I can tell, this is essentially what the Wii U was originally intended to be; they just completely failed first time around. Personally, I won't be getting one for a while. That trailer just served to compound the fact that the first year or so of this new console's lifespan will involve porting anything of any worth from the Wii U, and as a (regretful) Wii U owner, that doesn't interest me in the slightest.
looks great!! and the joy cons are adorable. just waiting to see if it is region locked and if my wii u/ 3ds digital purchases transfer over. If yes to both then definitely day 1 for me. If not, well, depends on the games being released.
I'm feeling 5 months is a long time...
I will probably be there day one for the system, but I definitely need more information on the system.
How much storage does it have, is it just 32gb flash? Can you plug a hdd into the dock, and if so do you need to transfer the game from the hdd to the flash on the portable/console? What are the launch games? Can you stream your game? Achievements? See, there are a lot of questions still, so even though I love the overall idea of the Switch, we still need to know more, this is just to get the initial hype going.
I'm growing a little tired of Nintendo's insistence on telling us how we can play. Just tell us what we can play.
Aside from Skyrim and NBA 2K, nothing enticed me the way ZombiU did for Wii U. As a day one Wii U owner, I'm in wait and see mode this time around, based on the trailer.
Looks promising, but a lot of info is still missing before I decide whether to get it next year or not. Namely backwards compatibility (physically/digitally for 3DS, digitally for Wii U) and the portable battery life.
I'm excited, but it's way too premature to be "all in", let's see how those console games perform on the handheld first.
Wow, overwhelming majority there.
90% plan to buy the console day one, or hope to. I can't remember the last time I saw more than 60% of this community agree on anything in a pole. I don't even think I saw more than 60% say they were going to buy the new Zelda on launch day.
I think gamers have spoken loud and clear, and I along with them: we like it.
And for having just revealed the system with a teaser today, we have a surprising list of games piling up that are either confirmed for the system or that we pretty much know are in the bag.
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Pikmin 4
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI
Mario Switch
Skyrim Remastered
Splatoon 2?
Mario Kart 8 Remastered
Final Fantasy XV (pretty sure this one will pan out)
They haven't even gotten around to announcing the games for the system yet lol. This bodes well... this bodes very well.
I think it's incredible that the NS can play elder scrolls Skyrim.
Since nintendo just have to focus on one console now, they will double the games output which has me very excited.
If they announce a "special Zelda Edition" of the system on launch, I might have to buy it day 1. If not, I'll definitely buy it within the first couple years. Only reason I wouldn't buy it day one anyway is because I just bought the FFXV edition PS4 slim, and I'm not rich
My thoughts exactly.
What an ingenious and slick machine Nintendo has unveiled!
After this past year of being underwhelmed overall by the Wii U's offerings, this really grabs my attention with its neat little Joy-Cons and the idea of playing console games on the go!
I'm definitely eager to learn more and hope March doesn't take too long!
I can finally take the switch to my bed without dragging the console from the lounge room (Wii U) wouldn't be the same without Off TV play. Also, the speeds of the flash card means no more installing games to the hdd like the xbox1 which i hate very much, take HALO:MCC for example, has to install 40+gb and download 20gb took me all day.
@JaxonH It's at 56% for day one now.
I was talking about the first two combined. One says planning to buy but not absolutely 100% certain.
Basically counting all the people that are interested. If even eight out of 10 people are borderline looking at buying one, that's pretty dang impressive.
@JaxonH It's at 81% now for both of the top two choices, so yeah, a large majority are very pleased. I'm still going to wait for more details myself, but there seems to be a more consistent vision in place here than there ever was for Wii U. I would expect this to do well even without the benefit of the holiday season, considering tax returns. All things considered, a comeback seems to be coming.
The main controller when joined looks like the wavebird for gamecube, one of the best controllers i've used. Really hope they bring the wii u internet browser to the switch, as i spent many hours using that on the gamepad.
I'm waiting to hear more. Wii U looked pretty cool and had tons of third parties "on board," and look how that came out. Being a Nintendo site I'm not surprised by the results but I'm waiting. I've been disappointed this gen by both the 3ds and Wii U (much more so the Wii U, the 3ds has been lacking of late but was pretty solid until 2015 release wise) so I need to see that Nintendo made at least a decently powered system. Seeing Skyrim Remaster on it doesn't really impress me as it's an old game despite the system requirements on pc being WAY too high. Would like to see something akin to final fantasy 15. BOTW looked ugly on the Switch if I'm being completely honest.
I don't know if anyone here has played TowerFall: Ascension but it plays like a dream and seems a natural fit to a Nintendo console, despite the somewhat gory cartoon violence. It would be a wonderful addition to the digital library of the NS.
@JpGamerGuy90 I have no clue whatsoever about the Wii U's launch as I was completely tuned out from gaming for a few years there. And I understand your reservations about the NS. I'm curious, though, as to where the root of your disappointment with the 3DS lies. I've found it to be a heck of a system since I finally picked one up a couple years ago. Care to share?
@Mega_Yarn_Poochy Mario Kat 😹 Meow!
@BiasedSonyFan "Nintendo doesn't even need [3rd party] support to succeed."
Totally. I mean just look at the overwhelming success of the Wii U!
@N4LIFE the carts only hold 32GBs of space, so in your example you would still require an external installation somewhere.
@JaxonH it's called hype. People around here are STARVED for anything NX and now they just got it and impulse voting on a Nintendo fan site. Translation: i wouldn't look into these results too much. We'll see how hyped everyone is come March.
I'm like what I'm seeing.. I've always preferred handheld gaming over console gaming, so now that I can play console games on the go is a great feature to have
I'm not completely sold yet, since there are still key information that we are missing.. price, what the 3rd party games are, and how powerful this is
I'm not 100% sold on it but I like the concept and can't wait to learn more.
Need to see more games, don't fancy buying ports of wiiu games I already have and zelda is coming to wiiu so basically I need to see more
Just like BotW, I will be that crazy gamer who holds out for limited edition bonuses/variants & stuff like LoZ or Smash editions. I definitely plan on getting this though.
I'm just buzzing with excitement right now. I can't believe how great that console looks. I'm very keen on hearing more information and learning about the actual specs.
I probably wont buy it day 1 unless the lineup of games really blows me away. I'm a loyal Wii U guy and I have been burned for years with months between releases. I can play Zelda BOTW on my Wii U so I don't need a console for that. They need to have several launch games that WOW me. If not, I'll probably buy this in the summer or next fall when there are several games worth buying.
Great stuff Nintendo! Exciting times.
At the moment I see no reason to upgrade from Wii U. I can play games like Mario Kart, Smash, Monster Hunter there and on the go on my 3ds.
I had finally come to terms that Nintendo just wasn't the same company that I had grown up with. Even though I had spent a lot of my childhood with Mario, Pokemon, Kirby and others spanning many systems and a plethora of games over the years (pretty much a decade), I felt like I started to drift apart from them. Hell, I only bought two games for my 3DS this year. And they were fun, don't get me wrong, but I just felt that I wasn't getting that trademark Nintendo charm. I even just tried the Pokemon Sun/Moon demo, and I just wasn't feeling it even though I have been a huge lifelong Pokemon fan. I'll still end up getting it, but it will most likely be the last 3DS game I will purchase. And while I was disappointed, I had come to terms with it. I'm seventeen years old, I love my PS4 and I was ready to move on........ until I saw this trailer. After watching it, I felt like a little kid giddy with anticipation of what's to come. It's new, it's innovative, and it seems to be full of potential. I hope Nintendo can pull through with this one, as I don't want to have to move on without the Big N in my life. I want to experience that charm and pure fun that only Nintendo can provide again just as I had for so many years.
Hate to sound like a negative Nancy, but this is almost the exact opposite of what I was hoping Nintendo's next console would be. Have never been interested in handheld gaming in 37 years so the whole hybrid / portable aspect doesn't interest me in the least. Fortunately, the reveal didn't come as a huge shock because of all the leaks, but I'm disappointed none-the-less.
That said, however, I am happy to see a general overwhelming positive reaction from the majority of people. It seems as though most really like the hybrid concept even if I and a few other don't. Perhaps this system will help turn the tide and push Nintendo back on top. That would be good thing for all gamers, fans of the NS console or not.
This thing can support the engine Kingdom Hearts 3 is running on. I'd say that it is definitely is powerful! Games like skyrim on the go are gonna be very popular with the die hard elderscroll fans! As for me I can't wait for the system. It feels like the console the Wii U strived to be. Heck it makes the Wii u look really old in comparison! As someone who goes to school right now and has to get an hour's bus journey there and back, this is gonna be perfect for me. Oh and all those portable games that are gonna get HD graphics, Monster Hunter. Fire emblem! and POKEMON I can't wait to see what that looks like. I love the social side with the controller's. I can bring Mario Kart In to school and just pass someone a controller and play it splitscreen! Oh boy this looks amazing.
This console is exactly what the Wii U should have been. Overall, I see the Switch as a much better version of the Wii U. I honestly don't know how to feel about this console.
Is it just me or is everyone else seeing something else???? Its just a portable that plugs into your tv. THATS IT!!!! Nothing interesting. Nothing "Ground Breaking", just NOTHING!
I love everything about it. Will definitely be a day one purchase.
My concern lies with mainstream and whether the system is appealing. Of course there are still a few factors as to whether the console will be as popular as, say, a Wii or DS.
The launch games and if there is plenty of variety of genres and 3rd party support.
The battery life. If it lasts between 5-6 hours with heavy demand, wireless and/or brightness, then I think Nintendo will have nailed that aspect.
And finally the price. I don't see this being sold at a loss, as Nintendo doesn't normally go down that route. And if the price is somewhere between £200-£250 then I think Nintendo could expect a good selling system.
All in all Nintendo did a great job with the messaging of the Switch. We found out most things it is capable of and the uniqueness of the system.
There's still plenty to see but considering the confusion when the WiiU was announced, Nintendo is off to a great start. I am so happy for them.
I will have this the very day it comes out. This is literally what may savings have been for.
I told myself no need to Day 1, but I cannot help myself. I am SO excited. I truly hope it has enough power to be amazing as docked and not just handheld on big screen.
I am already looking at preorders, probably going to change it later to BoF bundle if there is one... THERE HAS TO BE ONE.
So now time to clear some backlogs with other games XD
It's just one similar to the wii u. I don't know how happy I am to fork out on another potential flop. At the end of the day I have had 4 great years with Wii u and spent more time with it then any other console but I don't see how it's supposed to compete with ps4 pro or scorpion.
I know they are doing something different but at the end of the day it's been called a home console by Nintendo that means it is in direct competition and once again they look as if they are going to be a long way behind.
It will all come down to specs, pricing and third party support. And they need to be more open about what they are doing, people don't like being kept in the dark. This is the age of instagram and Facebook and Twitter. Everybody is sharing everything all the time except Nintendo!
Everyone please wake up and look.
This is not a console it is a HANDHELD
It makes me feel very sad but Nintendo officially stopped producing home consoles, the WiiU being the last one
I'm wondering if you could use the switch and the TV at the same time. It will be the only way it could be compatible with DS and 3DS games (even wiiu). I see this being a big flop if it not capable of doing that
Nothing new or excited about this
You can connect any smartphone or tablet to your TV and play with a Bluetooth controller.
Not even sure it matters to me if I like it or not, I mostly buy Nintendo's consoles cause I love their first-second party games, so no matter what console they release, I'll have to buy it sooner or later.
As a day one Wii U owner, I'll be picking this up day one as well. I couldn't believe how much people whined about it while I was having fun playing games. I heard about droughts, but never experienced them. I only played Wii U this gen, and always had more than enough to play. They put out what I buy Nintendo consoles for, Super Mario platformers (specifically 2d). Anything else besides that's just extra.
It looks like Nintendo might ditch the casuals but now they have to make games to suit both home and portable which is a compromise. The games will be different but we'll have more games.
The console is just a brick of hardware it's the games that make it so it should be great. Here's hoping for Wave race, F Zero, Stuntrace NX and a proper 3D Mario.
The review of the new 3D Mario game when it's released in March will reveal what Nintendo's plans are.
Not just day 1, but 12.01 if I can get the front of the queue.
@Nintendo_Thumb Our profanity filter doesn't like female dogs (b-word) coming into the discussion. Please refrain.
@Warruz monster hunter on a TV oh yes and voice chat again please!
One of my concerns is storage capacity.
SD cards are known to fail from time to time, and even a 128GB card is quite costly. And games like Zelda and Skyrim might take up close to 10GB of space each.
Will I be able to download all my games to the device?
Will the unit have some storage space?
I feel we're going back in time if I need to swap cartridges/cards when I game.
It looks great, I'm absolutely in love with the idea of portable co-op.
There are things that need clarification and specs to consider, but I trust Nintendo wouldnt be making a system with no storage options and a really short battery life.
The concept is fantastic, the console looks sleek and cool and I'm sure it'll be a load of fun!
I just hope the Third Parties are truly on board and have a ton of games coming up.
I'm also a but reserved on the matter of game performance when in the mobile mode. Will they be throttled, lower fps?
I honestly need to know if the TV display automatically shuts self off when Switch becomes undocked. It seems that way in the video, but it could also have some sort of button that one presses to Switch the display. I need to know if the display on the Switch can be active at the same time as the TV display, the way the Wii U game pad displays info at the same time as the TV screen. That can be a deal breaker for me. I love that about Wii U and would hate to take the step backward and lose that. It worked great in zelda TP & Wind Waker, and it worked awesomely in Mass Effect, resident evil revelations, zombie U, etc.. where you'd have ease of access to game info or items in your hand while still playing on the TV. But I'm only concerned about this because it wasn't shown off in the video. It may very well be a given, but it wasn't shown. Has anyone specified?
The name is awful and the console itself seems a toaster. let's hope it will have good games or it will be worse than the U.
I'll get it day one, but I'm not amazed by the concept, at least not yet. I'm not so easely amazed nowadays, but I'd enjoy true off-TV play that works in and outside of the home. The WiiU Gamepad was kind of limited in that regard, and often lost signal in my home when playing on the cauch a few meters away from the console!
@Moon i know they will try to sell big on day one, but never trust day one releases
This poll is kind of too early right now, as we don't know the price yet and we don't know what will be available at launch, and we don't really know the main specs. Basically, all we know is that you can take it with you anywhere and that there are some SD-type game card, but there still could be something for Discs and there still could be the 3DS compatibility. I don't think we'll learn more until after the holidays, because if it plays 3DS and DS games...that would ruin sales for those systems, which I doubt nintendo wants to do. Other than that, I put down 'undecided' at this point too because of how the Wii U launch went (bare minimal games and nothing but ports of 1-2 year old games from 3rd parties). I know that I've been awaiting this, even putting the money aside to decide on this (which is my bigger choice) or the Playstation VR (which I'm also still undecided about). Guess for me, time will tell, but once more info comes, I'm in! To me, the portable console looks about the size of the Game Gear, which is a little big for pockets, but I'm also wondering about how long it would take for this to load from TV to Portable and Portable to long is the wait for the console to pick up the game point you are at and how long is the battery life if you go portable. The only thing I didn't like, is where the people were playing Mario Kart using the very small controller...I'm hoping that you can use 3-4 of the Pro Controllers to play instead or at least have that option.
Time will tell, and I hope we get more information on it soon!!! It looks very neat, but I'm not 100% on the name, as I can see what people will be calling it on the web if it doesn't succeed...we all know what B word rhymes with Switch!
@Slaz Glad I'm not the only one that has the trouble with the Wii U. If there's walls between the console and pad, it's even worse. Can't wait to see how much the Wii U console and games will be worth in the near future!
It's a single screen console with a new chipset. It is absolutely not going to be backwards compatible with anything except via ports or emulators.
I'll be picking one up in the first year for sure, but I'll wait to see if there's any graphical/gameplay differences between Zelda versions before I decide if I'm buying at launch (assuming Zelda is a launch title.)
Since I already had a good educated guess of what was coming, I was very pleased to see it being very close to what I had in mind. This is the console for me, I will no longer need to have a separate budget for portable and home games. I also hope this time the third parties stick around for longer than they did on the Wii U, otherwise they will go another hardware generation without seeing any of my moneys. I was surprised to see "Skyrim" , truly we live in the future if they can fit the whole game within a Switch cartridge. I still have high hopes "Berserk Musou" ends up in the launch line-up. Time will tell. For now, relax and play more video games.
I like Switch but it feels more like an improved Wii U than a brand new console,even the games's graphics are very Wii U-like.Definitely not getting it at launch.I'll wait until the 2017 Sonic game is out so i can see if the Switch version is identical to the other console versions.
In terms of size and ergonomics, I would have preferred a dedicated handheld; but as long as I can use it just like one, I'll be happy.
At first I was impressed. Day one for me I said. But today I think I am not too impressed. Probably something for the holiday season. I am basically in it for games by nintendo and level 5 and the likes. Dont care about skyrim.
I think the NS reveal video was good, I enjoyed it, even if the music was bad and didn't feel very Nintendo-ish. My favourite features are the portability of the console, those Joy-Con controllers (even if I didn't like the name), and the list of Nintendo Switch Partners. I want a pre-order of it for Christmas, but I'm not sure if I'll get one.
I do like the idea behind it, but I do wonder how it handle the portable aspect, or at least, how well it will work. I keep seeing mentions of battery life, and I am curious how well "bigger games" can run on the go.
That said, it does look like a pretty swish console so far. I know I need a new Nintendo system soon.
Really happy and excited with what I've seen.
So Nintendo chose again for a tablet-like controller! However, this one looks cooler and may have a bigger chance of succeeding. After all, it looks cooler then a Wii u gamepad, it doesn't sport the "Wii" brand and it looks to be aimed more at gamers. I like the color of the controller and dock, but are surprised that they ditched the d-pad (a first for Nintendo). Also, the right-side buttons are ABOVE the analogue stick. I wonder if that's convenient, but we'll see.
Hopefully the price will be right, with a good line-up and a good campaign. Personally I wait some time (as always), for the bugs to get ironed out, more interesting games and maybe a price-cut. But I will get it down the line!
A pity though about the dock, I would have loved to plug it straight into my tv. However, I use off-tv play on my Wii u most of the time. So I probably won't use the dock much anyway.
I also hope the device is lighter then a Wii u gamepad. And I wonder how they will handle data-storage (has it a inbuild harddrive, do I need to buy memory-cards again?) I also hope the game cartridges won't alienate to many developers.
As for the games: Zelda, Mariokart, Splatoon are just ports. Skyrim is also a port, but new to Nintendo (and I may try it). Mario however: Is that a Sunshine-sequel?! That would be awesome!
I also like the ying-yang logo and the name (NX would have been cooler, but Switch makes more sense given the concept).
Overall: Looks better then expected and may stand a chance!
Oh, and the reveal-video wasn't corny but quite good. It showed the concept nicely. Not much gameplay, but that comes at a later date!
Now we only need the confirmation from Ubisoft that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is a Switch exclusive!!
@BiasedSonyFan "I'm thinking about the billion dollar profits that the Wii and 3DS made for Nintendo without getting the majority of Western AAA video games that you wanted."
Yeah that is not fact.
Update: Oh, it does have a d-pad, a super-small one at the top-right. Man, that looks tiny!
If the dock provides additional processing power, then I'll be more inclined to make the plunge. Reason being I will only be using this thing as a home console, and so I would expect for users that fit that use case they would offer just as much incentive as the users that would put forth the portability aspect of it.
In that 3 minute trailer, the only thing marketed/shown off were the portability benefits. What about us couch gamers? No additional processing power? Welp, my XB1 will do just fine. Additional processing power? Ok I'm interested.
Still 50/50 on the NS but day one purchase cuz its Nintendo .
@BiasedSonyFan Oh! Great! Please share your data source for that information. I'll wait.
Biggest complaints right now are the lack of a real d-pad on the Joy-Cons, so also when you're using it as a portable system, and that if you're not home, someone who is cannot play the system. I also really hope it's a glass screen, or at least that someone makes glass screen protectors for it. That and I really really really hope they work out some way to allow us to re-download content from WiiU/3DS that was previously purchased and there's some sorta backwards compatibility and cross-buy system in place too. Also if WiiU controllers work with it?
I probably won't get this until this time next year. Still have some 3DS games to buy, along with a Wii U/3DS backlog to finish. Hopefully this will give the NS library time to grow, and maybe a few sales to come my way in the mean time.
Seems my top 3 are the same as the overall top 3.
Extremely excited for this. Sometimes I want to play home console games on the go or in bed (too thick walls and distance for Wii U Gamepad play) or when visiting family overseas. Now I can just take it with me. And if I show off to a friend of family member, I can offer a quick multiplayer match. They don't need to own their own.
Personally, I see the consoles theme being "Choice". Play how you want, where you want and with whom you want in whatever way you want.
I thought the console looked incredible. Of course, I'm not an early adopter so I'm not planning to pick it up Day One, but I'm eager to learn more about it. On the face, I'd say it looks like a worthy successor to the Wii U, which has been my favorite console since the PS2.
It definitely was great to get some info on this, and I'm excited at what we've seen. I'm more than likely getting it at launch but erring on the side of caution until we get some more information.
As long as there is a way to combine the two ends of the switch and still make it portable, than I'll absolutely buy it
I see the standard trolls are here, as usual.
@BiasedSonyFan but that's not what you originally said. You originally said Wii U and 3DS made Nintendo billions in profit. That's blatantly false and you know it. You just pulled that out of thin air because it never happened. You're emotional and irrational.
Ok that's fine. But still, why are you referencing something from 7-8 years ago? Also, Wii and DS had plenty of Western AAA support. Go back and check the libraries. Wii actually had Call of Duty, one of which sold 1 million copies.
mate, you can buy 1tb sd cards even 2 tb, and if you need more then 32gb then you go up to next size 64gb. then 128 and so on and on, ' cause ninty buys in bulk, they will get'em for very cheap.
@N4LIFE eh?
I already have an iPad and I don't game on the go seriously, so that aspect is a non-starter for me. I have Mario Kart 8 and will be getting the new Zelda for my Wii U, so software-wise, not convinced. Unless there's some massive incentive for Wii U owners I have zero reason to invest in this. I've got three consoles and a hefty backlog, thanks.
@JLPick Yes, even a person walking inbetween me sitting on the couch and the console that's sitting on a drawer near the center of the room drops the signal.
Another problem is that our WiiU used to be close to a Xbox One system. When my bro turned on the Xbox One, the WiiU itself lost WiFi completely. The only solution was to move the WiiU away from other devices that statically 'ate' it's weaker signal. WiiU really needed stronger WiFi modules for both the GamePad link and the access point link to be stable in most family homes that aren't Japanese appartments..
@Slaz I had that problem too. The PS4 camera messed with the Wii U when using the Wii Remotes...I thought I had incredible shakes!!! However, when the 360's Kinect was by the PS3 Camera, they both were messy too. Must be the signal in all of them, but it's strange that neither company ever fixed this problem and makes you wonder if even a computer can mess with it...or even a cell phone.
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