It's Nintendo Download day, North America, which is particularly good news if you own a 3DS or like a bit of Neo Geo retro action on Wii — if you only have a DSi or Wii U, never mind. It's a packed lineup for the big N's current handheld, with a broad range of download-only and retail offerings, as well as a demo to give a useful taster. Let's stop stalling and get to the details.
3DS eShop
Nano Assault EX (Shin'en Multimedia, $14.99) — Every week a number of the Nintendo Life community responds to the download update with "where's Nano Assault EX?", in increasingly anguished tones. It's arriving in Europe and North America at the same time to ease our suffering, and perhaps reflects its status as an expanded version of a retail title with one of the eShop's highest prices. We expect a lot of action-packed virus blasting in pretty 3D, and while we get to grips with this updated entry you can check out our strong recommendation of the retail original in our Nano Assault review.
Kersploosh! (Nintendo, $2.99) — Arriving not long after its Nintendo Direct reveal, this title tasks you with guiding a variety of objects — ranging from pebbles to jewels — down a well safely while avoiding various obstacles. It's simple "one more go" fare, and slightly bonkers, but at a budget price is an attractive option; we gave it a thumbs up in our Kersploosh! review.
ATV Wild Ride 3D (Renegade Kid, $7.99) — This latest 3DS eShop release from Renegade Kid is a new version of a DS retail title, this time self-published and with a greater focus on stunts and generally looking rad. As a racer it has the usual mix of vehicles, tracks and tournaments to participate in, but it's likely to draw much attention for its full online racing component, with connected multiplayer a rarity in eShop games. While the online racing is enjoyable and there's a fair bit of replay value, we feel that this one also lacks polish and has some issues with design; check out our ATV Wild Wide 3D review for the full lowdown.
3DS Virtual Console
Wrecking Crew (Nintendo, $4.99) — An arcade-style NES puzzler that sees Mario don a hard-hat, this title is full to the brim with 100 stages and a strong sense of challenge and creativity. The Wii Virtual Console also included the original level editing tool and provided the opportunity to save your creations; hopefully the 3DS version will do likewise, but while we find out you can see our recommendation in the Wrecking Crew Wii Virtual Console review.
3DS eShop Discount
Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword (Nintendo, $4.99 until 14th March / normally $6.99) — This latest 3DS eShop promotion gives you the opportunity to feel like a samurai for a little bit less. A title focused on good timing and an old-fashioned concept of genuine challenge, we rather liked it in our Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword review.
3DS Retail Download
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D (Capcom, $19.99) — A relatively early title for 3DS back in 2011, this spin-off — expanding on the Mercenaries mode normally included as an extra in the main series — caused some controversy with its non-removable saves, though the Japanese download version reportedly resolved this restriction. With a good number of characters and stages this is score-chasing, zombie-slaying action, and little more. As we explained in our Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D review, that can be appealing with the right mind-set, and the lower price won't do this download's prospects any harm.
Monster High: Skultimate Roller Maze (Little Orbit, $29.99) — Launching on the eShop at the same time as it lands in stores on 13th March, this appears to be a 3DS re-release of the DS and Wii equivalent. It's all about rollerblading and racing, with four modes — Quick, Relay, Race and Timed — included.
3DS Retail Demo
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity (Nintendo, free) — This latest entry in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon spin-off series arrives in North America in a little over two weeks, with more of the 'mon brand of exploration expected. If you're still on the fence about it, this demo may help you to decide whether it's worth collecting.
Wii Virtual Console
The King of Fighters '98 (D4 Enterprise, 900 Nintendo Points) — It's Neo Geo, and it's a fighting game, so you mostly know the drill. That said, we should be careful not to complain about all of the Neo Geo goodies coming to the Wii Virtual Console — this is the fifth entry in this particular series, promising improved customisation and mechanics over its predecessors. We'll get some sparring in and bring you a review soon.
Quite a few options to dive into this week; let us know what you'll be downloading in the poll and comments below.
What will you be downloading first this week? (270 votes)
- Nano Assault EX (3DS eShop)
- Kersploosh! (3DS eShop)
- ATV Wild Wide 3D (3DS eShop)
- Wrecking Crew (3DS Virtual Console)
- Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword (3DS eShop price reduction)
- Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D (3DS retail download)
- Monster High: Skultimate Roller Maze (3DS retail download)0.4%
- The King of Fighters '98 (Wii Virtual Console)
- Just the freebie for me
- Nothing for me this week
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 125
Where is the darn Fire Emblem DLC I paid for??
Definitely getting Nano Assault Ex especially since the original never shipped to my country, my Circlepad pro XL is ready.
Well I guess I'll forget about Zen Pinball 2... Nothing at all for me...
Seriously, Nintendo life, what is going on?!
For the love of Miyamoto. Nothing more than an update to an NES Ambassador game, Wrecking Crew. I'm starting to think more and more nowadays that NOA is losing their touch in the online marketing strategy.
Nano Assualt for me. Will also probably give the Pokemon demo a try.
Geez c'mon Nintendo of America! Where's Zen Pinball 2?
I will be downloading the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity demo updating Wrecking Crew and I might get Kersploosh!.
Nano Assualt for me but not for a little while since I'm tapped out for all the games I want this and last month. Looking forward to it though!
getting kersploosh, resident evil game and pokemon mystery demo....then that's it for me.
@3DSLUIGI Yes because the Virtual Console is the only service online...
Nothing at all for Wii U? I guess I'll get Kersploosh...
I can't believe I missed that earlier, DANG! Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates To Infinity DEMO looks like it should be plenty of fun.
@Rafie It is on the ps3, xbox, ios, android, and PC that's where it is!
Oh and according to Everly the newest toaster at the local Walmart!
I love nintendo always have just really unhappy with the piss poor job of promoting the system, lack of customer support ( still waiting for Tvii to list provider) and the FREAKING DELAYS ! Why have a Nintendo direct with the president of Nintendo announce Zen pinball 2 coming in feb and then not release it but also give no information why. Nintendo needs some serious business lessons.
Well nothing for me this week which is good cause I am broke for the month now. But at least I have Castlevania: MoF to play and later this month I will be getting Lego City.
@JRC72 Have you actually run a business before?
@JRC72: It might be Nintendo doesn't even know why its delayed. If anything you would have to contact the publisher and ask them.
@LordLzGlad: Dont you know everyone is a business expert here on Nintendo Life.
Nothing more than an update to an NES Ambassador game
There's only ten of them, and they have to be released at some point for those who aren't Ambassadors. How many are left to do?
I payed for all the Lost Bloodlines and Infinite Regalia weeks ago, where are they?!
Actually I have run a business before, currently do, I have contacted both Nintendo and Zen and both won't give a straight answer as to why it is not out. The went as far as to tell me it is not ready yet, guess the European players got a bad version @
I don't have a real major problem with the 3DS VC, trust me on this. But I'm just saying that if you look at other regions say for example like in UK , Australia and Japan , they all seem to have had a game like Kirby's Dream Land 2 for awhile where North American gamers still haven't saw the light of day for it yet. Same can be said for those other 2 GAME GEAR games, Sonic Blast and Sonic Labyrinth. It's probably more of the lines where a game like Kirby's Dream Land 2 never got to being mentioned yet, but at least by now, it should have arrived in the US about say like almost half a year ago by now. Same thing should apply for Sonic Blast and Sonic Labyrinth at least.
@Bass_X0 They only need to release Balloon Fight, and they're done. Finally.
Hmmm..I thought KOF 98 was already out. Oh well. I'll think about adding it to my collection
@LordLzGlad. If you honestly think announcing a game that has already been delayed twice and then not making the third promised date is good business you sir are a silly goose and there is no hope for you
It's funny you mention that about the NES Ambassador games being almost done with them having to wait to get Balloon Fight out last. If only Nintendo can get the message into clear view to at least try and start releasing some of the GBA Ambassador games out next instead of waiting to make a market for them on Wii U , then more ppl would be happy. GBA at least should have a well reserved home in the 3DS eShop one day soon hopefully. It can work.
I thought River King for GBC came to the VC today?
Nintendolife, will you please get to the bottom of this whole Zen Pinball mess? Please?
I'll be updating Wrecking Crew and I'll probably get Kersploosh sometime soon. Does Nano Assault EX have all of the content that the original game has to make it obsolete?
I want to play that need for speed demo!!! pls
I'm thinking the same thing 3Dash.
I will probaubly get the mercenaries today and probaubly get nano assault the next time I get a card.
No man, that was for UK this week, not us. We'll probably get that very soon in due time.
@3DSLUIGI Yep, me including many others would love some gba on the 3ds.
Ya, I can't agree with you more pal. It's DEFINTELY been a long time coming, and then some until something I hope gets spilled at GDC 2013 or E3 2013 for a possibility of GBA coming to 3DS VC. IMO that's where it STRONGLY belongs instead of on the Wii U eShop. But with Nintendo , I guess they have their reasons.
I'm getting ATV: Wild Ride 3D, the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon demo, and I'm thinking about Kersploosh!.
Where is Zen Pinball 2 though?
Why oh why did they not have any kind of Wii U VC on day one.
Nintendo, you seriously need to give us a MKU or SSBU demo before release coz this is killing me!!
There is no reason the shouldn't have had virtual console day 1 , a huge library of games even old ones could have really boosted sales
Hmm....... what is going on here with the DLC for Fire Emblem. Last week they sent out a spot pass which talked about them releasing EXPonential Growth.. EVEN THOUGH IT HAD BEEN OUT FOR A WEEK. It was supposed to be another map this time. And now we still see nothing? FOr the love of everything... what is going on?
I own the original Nano Assult, and I highly recommend it to people. I got more than 11 hours of enjoyment of it so far with the online leaderboards and what not making it worth replaying levels. And the Survival Mode, outside of the main game itself. I'll probably boot that up to see if the leaderboards are merged and there is more people on there to compare scores to.
I think I'll be picking up the Samauri game on discount. I like the fact, like Nano Assault, it has stuff to do outside of the main game. And things to use my steps on is great! Getting tired of just using them all on steps, puzzle pieces and kid Icarus stuff.
Sakura, RE:mercs and Pokemon demo for me
O_O KOF '98 is finally here! I'm so excited!
My Pokemon obsessed kids don't want Mystery Dungeon - they've tried but disliked those and the Ranger games - so maybe I should save us all some money and keep them away from this demo b/c it sure looked interesting to me
@rjejr Oh come on, if it's interesting just give it a try.
It's too bad that I already have Sakura Samurai because that is a pretty good deal for the game. I will definitely be trying out the Pokemon demo today though.
I'll be downloading the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon demo later today :3
@RantingThespian That's a good point. Maybe they would've better luck then just the average Joe who wants it!
Nothing for me. No Wii U love this week at all This is a week where I wished I owned a 3ds.
I'll be checking out the Mystery Dungeon demo. I really liked Shiren on the DS.
Yup. Looking for Zen 2 here myself. Anyways, grabbing Kerploosh ( hate the name btw ) and EX. Gave my vote to Kerploosh to show the little guys some love.
@JRC72 Legality issues is what probably keeps Nintendo from releasing many of the older games on Virtual Console. I believe that many of the companies who owned those old game IP's had faded away, and so there isn't any real company to secure those IP's. It doesn't sound ethical for the company to simply release those games on VC if they don't belong to any qualified legal entities.
Will look into the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity demo, that's about it this week. I just started FE:A anyway, will be playing that and its DLC packs.
Kersploosh! $3. Enough said.
I really don't understand why the US hasn't got Kirby's Dream Land 2 or Zen Pinball 2 yet? I've been playing those here in the UK for weeks now. I suppose the US got Kirby's Dream Land 2 on the Kirby collection on Wii at least whereas the Kirby collection was never released here Zen Pinball 2 though, i really don't understand the delay with that. As for the Fire Emblem DLC...they might be waiting until the game's launched in Europe (although I do think that would be really unfair to the US customers who've paid upfront for it).
Not sure if I will pick up Sakura or not. It is a good price I just don't know if there will a game I will want more in the future.
I was hoping for Pulstar.
Anyone who doesn't already have Sakura Samurai needs to get it NOW.
I'll be getting Nano Assault eventually, but right now I'm saving my eShop cash for when Mutant Mudds has its turn going on sale later this month. So this week it's just that Pokémon Mystery Dungeon demo for me.
Nintendo owns the old Nintendo titles, to have to go thru the "wii menu" on the wii u is a extra step, virtual console could have been released for wii u and at least the Nintendo first party games could have been on that
[Lots of stuff released, old retail games given big discount, budget options, demos...]
I grow weary of this more every week.
Funny how even when Nintendo releases a bunch of stuff everyone complains (some weeks in the past they released one thing).
Also, Nintendo said from the start that GBA games would NOT come to the 3DS VC, they were just an EXCLUSIVE treat for ambassadors.
@ShadJV Nintendo never said that they never bringing GBA games to the public, they just said they just currently had no plans, so that could possibly change in the future, there's a difference. But I definitely agree with the first part of comment about everyone complaining when Nintendo actually releases plenty of stuff tough, I think this week was really good.
Great week, Kersploosh! and Nano Assault for me. Keep it up Nintendo!
@JRC72 Well, then the Wii VC games from Nintendo can already be played on the Wii U, though it isn't convenient of having to use the Wii mode to do that. Why exactly this happened? I don't know. But since the company has been running for over 30 years by experienced people, I can only trust that they have some sort of decent reason.
I'm not seeing nano assault anywhere. Anybody else having this problem?
I normally don't complain about stuff not coming out, but I find it kind of annoying that they make an announcement through spotpass about a DLC that was out the week before and then don't tell you why the stopped updating the DLC like they had been one at a time. I also think that most people just want to hear something. Having said that, they have done a much better job about giving us titles to download overall.
@Tech101 I am also seeing an absence for Nano assault. I'm getting worried.
Europe have Nano Assault, its EPIC!
Well at least the video I found looked really nice. It may show up later today!
@Five-seveN It wouldn't be the first time this has happened but I'm wondering if its really suppose to be there or is NL going of the Twitter they seen yesterday. Otherwise Nintendo of America might not be aware of it to be honest.
@ShadJV What are you talking about, haha? People have complained like 95% of the weeks we've had so far. You can't really argue that the VC has been treated well lately either, I think that's one of the biggest complaints at the moment. :/
Also, like @MrSRArter pointed out, they simply said they had no plans of bringing them to the VC, not that they aren't. I really doubt they would make them for the ambassadors if they had no plans on bringing others(seeing as we know that they can bring them) at some point; After all, we still got them for free and likely wouldn't be the same ones anyways.
KoF 98!! Snap!
Yeah but lately if it didn't come from Nintendo directly then I'm sceptical about it. The Nintendo direct twice said Zen pinball 2 was coming but it didn't happen so!
Ok good and thanks. I figured it was just an oversite!
@Tech101 Glad it's appeared! Just as reassurance, we always wait for the official information from Nintendo, no guess-work on what downloads are coming
@ThomasBW84 I figured you did since its why this posts so late. Now if you guys can contact NA and figure out what's up with Zen Pinball2 I'm sure you would make a lot of people happy!!
All 3ds again....typical
Excellent, KOF 98, i have it in Orochi Saga but that means we will see soon KOF 99 to 03 very soon and i want it all!!
omg nothing for WII u thats so pathetic when u see console like playstation 3 getting around 10 new games a week what about us WII U . a big nothing they really need to improve the Eshop cuz sorry but it suck bad at moment
Kersploosh, Sakura Samurai, and the Pokemon demo. Nice week!
I still see no reason to assume they'll bring GBA to the 3DS VC. If they were, why not have announced it yet? They have ten titles completely ready. They're focusing on bringing the GBA titles onto Wii U instead. They announced it for the Wii U that hasn't been out for even a year but not for the 3DS that's been out for almost 3 years.
@ShadJV Last I checked the 3ds isn't even 2 years old yet!
Nothing for me. Good thing I just picked up the amazing spiderman yesterday.
@3Dash Try using the outrealm gate inside your game!!! That's where almost all of the DLC is housed. If you can't find that then you haven't beaten chapter 5 yet. If you haven't beaten chapter five then you most likely won't be beating the outrealm challenges either.
@KillerGBH Then you need to tell it to the devs... Nintendo can't make devs deliver games to the eShop! I have been going to all of the Nintendo licensees websites, the ones that have active sites, and pleading with them for Wii U releases, but I'm only one person! If we could some how band together to give these devs the incentive they need to bring their games to the Wii U, then we might not have so many DRY months for the Wii U and for the eShop on the Wii U! Here is a link to the 3rd party licensees of Nintendo:
Go there and you can join in my quest to incite enthusiasm in these devs for the future of the Wii U! I'm only one person, but if we all stand together and flood their inboxes with our desires to have them produce for the Wii U... Then I'm sure we will see fewer and fewer game droughts on the eShop!! Who's with me?
KoF 98 isn't Ultimate is it? If not I'm going to wait.
Typoed, I meant 2.
@sirgrim for the Wii U? How is it? I heard there was a lot of screen tearing.
Also, to everyone complaining about the lack of Fire Emblem DLC, I don't know what you're talking about, there is new DLC today, calm down!
@Unit_DTH Yeah Wii U version. I'm about 2 hours in so still coming up with my full ideas. The controls work smoothly and there are lots of cut-scenes and I like being able to look around during them (checking out Gwen while boring dude talks). I do notice a small graphics glitch during the cut scenes that is distracting, but a minor gripe. The fight system works well.
Zen Studios is starting to lose my trust and patience.It's been almost 2 months now.HURRY THE CRAP UP!
Pretty good week, especially including the Fire Emblem DLC (it's there guys, I promise). Downloading the Mystery Dungeon demo, even though I still need to try the Monster Hunter, Etrian Odyssey, and Castlevania demo.
No Castlevania means a missed opportunity with the new one being out.
just the ATV for me this week. thank god cause I really been hitting the downloads the passed couple months. For you PSP and PS3 owners sorry to get off topic but Im giving a shout out that the PSN shop is giving away 4 free downloads this week in their shop. so if you own a PSP or PS3 get over there and get your free copies of Patapon, Wild Arms, Piyotama and Patchwork Heroes. great deal for free and I think its for a very limited short time. Man I love free stuff! hope I helped out some that might not have known
Anyone know how much space Resident Evil takes up?
How do I vote for 2 things?
I plan on getting Nano Assault and RE:The Mercenaries 3D.
@Draken18 Just go to purchase it and it will tell you before you finalize the transaction.
@Tech101 Thx I'll have to check it out when I get home.
"This latest 3DS eShop promotion gives you the opportunity to feel like a Ninja for little bit less."
You mean Samurai, right?
Nothing again...
Kersploosh! & the Pokémon demo for me (man, it's been ages since I've played anything Pokémon related).
@ecco6t9 I have to admit I'm confused why the states have yet to get castlevania here's hoping to "soon" and even more hoping that we will see the 2nd one which IMHO is the best of the NES onces
VC f*** yeah.
I guess I will put Zen Pinball 2 out of my mind for now. LEGO City will be out soon anyway!
The 3DS VC needs some Game Boy/GBC games again soon (like Zelda Oracles). I don't get this preoccupation lately with only NES titles! Titles which you can already get on Wii VC. Thinking it through, you might think that it's because old GB/GBC games aren't selling as well. Well, you look at the top 20 3DS VC games and 6 of the top 7 games are GB/GBC games (including #1, Link's Awakening DX), and only 7 out of the top 20 are NES games (to 11 for GB, 1 for GBC). That leads me to suspect that many feel as I do, that they'd like to see old handheld games on another handheld, and old console games on a console! I'm happy for 3DS VC support (especially as dry as it's been for Wii VC in the past). I'd just like to see some variety, like GB/GBC games and games that aren't already available somewhere else.
Also... at this rate, Neo-Geo games are at least going to surpass the number of Wii VC SNES games, LOL.
Uh, the PMD demo and Wrecking Crew update (duh), Sakura Samurai (since it's on sale and I want it), and Kersploosh! for me.
Zen Pinball 2 is an excellent game and worth waiting for. But it has some minor issues and maybe they're taking care of them.
Known issues in the European version are:
1. Problematic leaderboards loading
2. Randomly mono sound output of background music
3. Not Support for Non Latin Mii Characters on leaderboards
4. Intro loading music at really maximum volume
5. Purchase not linked directly to the eShop (that seems to be Wii U's problem though)
@JRC72 Then surely as a business owner, you know that sometimes things happen that changes plans. You can't fulfill every promise.
I did not like the Pokemon Mystery Dungeons at all. Granted, I've never played anything but regular Pokemon games. Too much fluffy dialogue, the movement controls in the dungeon are awkward (RT to move diagonally?) and frankly, there's not much 'mystery' in the dungeon - the occasional monster and that's really it. It takes entirely too long to get anywhere or do anything and once you do, it's extremely lackluster. I think I was expecting something along the lines of Mario & Luigi but that's my mistake. Loved Pokemon Black/White but this is not for me. I hope they'll release a Luigi's Mansion demo - I've got to buy one of these games to get the Nintendo download promotion.
@Suicune Yep, should have said samurai, silly me!
Umm...they DO remember that they just released a new console, right...?
Hope that KOF 98UM coming and garou mark of the wolf
Am I the only one excited for "Wrecking Crew?" I loved that game personally. Just a question about it... Does the 2-player work like in "Super Mario Bros." on the 3DS, (Using the Y-button to alternate it) and does it also feature the ability to save custom levels like the Wii version does? (Even when not using the suspend/restore point feature.)
wheres the wiiuvc punch out game ?
So little Wiiu Love,. do they remember they released a new console a few months ago.
I grabbed Kersploosh!, the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon demo, and the update for Wrecking Crew. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Mega Man 3 for the 3DS VC next week!
Love the feature!
Thank you Thomas.
How big is Mercs please.
Wow lame. I can't get it right now anyway (no funds) but I at least want to know if my SD card is big enough for it. Least they could've let you see the filesize even if you don't have any funds.
@Five-seveN: Trust me when I tell you Mega Man 3 was(and still is) easily the best in the series.
@3Dash: They're out. Go to Outrealm Gate in the actual game, and update. Unless you have a high level team, you will not have a chance in Infinite Regalia. Golden and EXPonential are great for grinding, though; just make sure to check the battle predictions first.
@Windy: Thanks for the heads up! I haven't been to the PSP store in a long time, because there's still so much 3DS stuff I'm after.
@Draken18: Not much; maybe 1,000 or so.
@KnightRider666: Agreed, best in the classic, though GB MMV is up there (and where's the VC for that game, anyway?)
Also note that Nano Assault and Resident Evil aren't on the front page; you'll need to search for them.
My earlier statement was way off; Resident Evil is 4,711 blocks @Draken18.
@GamerFromJump: You are right. I love MMV for GB. Then again, I love all 5 of the GB Mega Man games.
@Five-seveN: I liked them all, but I only got to play a little of MM6.
wish we could vote for more than 1 game in the polls.
I was going to download Resident Evil Mercenaries, but it is $17.95 at amazon.com right now.
@GamerFromJump thx for the update, think I may need a new SD card to download it
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