Update details were slower than normal today, but we do now have a mixture of 3DS VC games, a couple of mystery eShop titles and some good-old DSiWare to look at this week. Let's get right into it.
3DS Virtual Console
Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters (Game Boy, Nintendo, $3.99) — Before his high profile 3DS appearance with Kid Icarus: Uprising, this Game Boy title was Pit's only previous appearance on a handheld. This sequel to the cult classic on NES actually fixes some of the issues that made the original so brutally difficult, though this isn't a walk in the park itself. As our Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters review explains, this is certainly worth a download for fans of the series.
Tumble Pop (Game Boy, Data East, $2.99) — If you don't know much about this one, don't worry. This arcade platformer tasks you with defeating a variety of monsters and enemies by sucking them up with a rather powerful vacuum cleaner. A game with a mix of both strategy and puzzling, our Tumble Pop review explains why this one is best played in small doses.
The Phantom Thief Stina and 30 Jewels (Agetec, $4.99) — This title has come as a surprise this week, and is a real-time strategy game played from an overhead view. The objective is to steal jewels from 30 stages while avoiding capture, at which point you unlock more levels where you play as the detective trying to catch the thief. Is it actually any good? We'll have a review for you soon.
Masyu by Nikoli (HAMSTER Corporation, $4.99) — Carrying on the series in the Nikoli brand, Masyu is a grid-based puzzle where you tactically draw lines through spaces while adhering to tricky rules. With Stage Clear and Random modes, we'll get our thinking caps on and bring you a review.
Game of the Weekend
Mario's Picross (Reduced to $2.99 from 9am PT on 20th July to 9pm PT on 22nd July) — A modest discount of $1 this week, with a bit of Mario puzzling getting the sale treatment. It's the well known puzzle game with a Mario touch, and as our Mario's Picross review says, it may have enough puzzles to last you a good while.
Rabi Laby 2 (Agetec, 200 pts) — A sequel to the thoroughly decent puzzle-platform hybrid Rabi Laby, but this time at a lower price. You're tasked with controlling both Alice and Rabi to clear stages, and we'll get cracking on a review to determine whether it's worth a look.
Petit Computer (Gamebridge, 800 pts) — Undoubtedly one of the most unique apps to hit DSiWare, this title enables you to use BASIC programming code to produce your own games. Even if you're a novice this promises to help you to learn, and there'll be options to share work through Wi-Fi or specially generated QR codes. We'll be making games and bringing a review to you soon. In the meantime check out the official website which has examples of code and lots more info on offer.
Nintendo Video
Dinosaur Office: Sick Day (available 20th July, 3pm PT) — Craig takes a sick day to stay at home, but that doesn't stop his nosy coworkers from interrupting his precious R&R time.
So, is there anything for you this week? Let us know in our Facebook poll.
Comments 77
getting KI just dont know when..
But we'll get together then. You know we'll have a good time then.
Petit Computer for me!
whenever it is, will you wait for me then?
Great games this week.
FINALLY. Kid Icarus M&M. Kind of lost the big want I had before for it, but I still am going to get it now!
A little disappointed with the game of the week sale. I'm not complaining about the game choice, it's just that a $1 knock off doesn't seem fit...like the first sale that they did with SML. Anyways, definitely downloading KI. Can't wait for Wario Land next week!
Actually pit also appeared on handheld for GBA via classic Famicom Kid Icarus, well in japan at least
Nothing for me this week. Not bad, though.
pretty good week, still no retro city rampage yet.....
Next week is the mystery week isn't it? With only SML3 Wario Land listed. I'm guessing that will be paired or tripled with the game gear games.
Planet Crashers is supposed to be out next week too.
I'll pick up KI:oMaM later. Its not 2.99, the cheaper price . After that, nothing.
Great week for eShop! Next week will be even greater on 3DSDL games with Dot Runner Complete Edition (Dot Eater New Pickdun) and Planet Crashers supposed to come!
Ki and Petit Computer For me. And I can finally get VVVVVV!
Thinking of getting mario picross and Kid icarus
I want Petit Computer.
Get Mario's Picross if you don't have it yet. Great game. I'm still working through it.
I hope Petit computer gets released in Europe at some point and I think Kid Icarus: Of myths and monsters should have been the featured game, not Tumble pop.
Rabi Laby 2 = steal of the century at $2! Seriously, anybody who's interested in puzzle-platformers needs to check it out. (And the original, too.)
OMAM and petit computer for me
Wooo! Kid Icarus and Petit Computer for me today, possibly Tumblepop as well!
Nothing for me this week. Oh well.
Okay, I'm so ready to play Kid Icarus. When does the eShop update?
That the game of the weekend didn't result in a more dramatic price-drop is mildly disappointing, but Mario's Picross itself is a great game. Those $3 will last you quite a while.
And if I had any time to play it, I'd download Kid Icarus today. Oh well, it'll always be there later.
@photofool83 9am Pacific Time.
Purchasing 5 out of 6 today.
@photofool83 Check it at the next hour. (12 PM Eastern Time)
Lame sale is lame. Oh well, lol. Good week.
oh yeah. tumble pop! this was
but mario picross is interesting,but after playing picross DS with a stylus,its gonna be hard to go back to the basics. oh well. cant have too much picross
@nintensage & @CrispyGoomba Thanks!
@Bass_X0 Harry Chapin was my dad's favorite.
Would get Mario's Picross if I hadn't already picked it up w/ CN coins.
Tumblepop is intriguing, as is the Phantom Thief game. A good week.
Might get Kid Icarus, and I'm a little disappointed Planet Crashers isn't out. I was kinda looking for that one.
I'm interested in that Tumble Pop game
Kid Icarus for me! Pretty excited for Wario Land next week!
@nintensage Dot Eaters? Whoa, I had no idea a new PicDun was coming to 3DS. I've been wanting to try the DSiWare game for months now... and it looks like they'll be the same price. Hmm. Seems silly to get the older one, but I find the art style in the new one a bit off-putting. http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/uiWwapxZhNNmAVjdV5QPrXWO-JLcbeoK
Maybe Petit Computer, &/or KI:OM&M, &/or TP. I don't know. Maybe I'll just wait for WL:SML3. @CrispyGoomba - I agree. $1 off doesn't really encourage me to purchase the game. However, while I'm talking about it, only $3 off is really close to not encouraging me, either. Actually, I thought about it recently, & the $3 off leaves me w/ just enough to purchase a DSiWare app, like the Nintendo Events Calender, for example. I guess, though, Nintendo hopes ppl look @ it from the perspective of those saved $3 adding up over time to make enough to get a really expensive d/l. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there is a sale, & $3 (off) is better than $1 off. I just wish it was more like $4, or $5 off, instead of just $3. But, I appreciate it's there, anyway.
Petit Computer seems quite interesting (didn't know anything about it until now). The sale is so so, seems like nintendo doesn't like to lower its prices (the games that get great offers arent from the big N itself).
The phantom Thief looks kind of lame, at least the trailers.
The next week its gonna be AWESOME!!!!
And the Wii???
Why does NA always get 2 Eshop Games while EU gets one or none every week.Sometime I hate living in Europe. And the worst thing is that my most wanted dsiware title of all time (Petit Computer) wont ever come to Europe.Next time I buy the Vita 2 If things won´t change quikly
Nice week again. I know alot of people have been waiting for KI:oMaM so alot of people will be happy. Personally I am waiting for next week to grab me some Warioland.
oh my golly gosh rabi labi 2! and masyu! there goes what little is left of my money
Am I the ONLY one that HATES Dinosaur Office?
Darnit, I really wanted Kid Icarus: of Myths and Monsters, but now I gotta save up for a new DVD drive. Oh well.
KI: OMAM!!! I've been waiting since the 8-bit summer was announced. But of course I'm not at home all day so I'll have to wait til tomorrow... Sigh. I might get petit computer depending on the review.
i would get Petit Computer, but i wouldn't know wtf to do with it, haha D:
@Fabian Have you forgotten that this was all part of a promotion and that the EU 3DS VC is still larger than North America's on nearly all systems it features? Seriously, they're essentially playing catch-up...
I really think your complaints are unwarranted.
@Red_Kinetic maaaaybe it'ss beeecauuse theeey taalk liike thiis... raaaaawwr...
yes you may be the only one, i think they're clever
btw, new Theatrhythm Final Fantasy DLC songs are out today:
Fight On! FFVII
Battle Theme FF XI
Etro's Champion FF Series
Battle 1 FFIII
got tumble pop and the thief game,didn't play tumble pop for long(will later)but I like the thief game and hope theres more dlc.
@Red_Kinetic No. I'm not a fan of it, either. I'd prefer a Youtube app, as opposed to the Nintendo video app, or better still, 100% up-to-date/current Flash support for the 3DS (web) browser. Actually, I wish Nintendo would overhaul their web browser to have more functionality, than it currently does.
Edit: @theblackdragon ~ The game probably has @ least,... well maybe, 1, or 2 interactive tutorials.
Yay already downloaded Petit Computer, reading the manual right now.
So many games that sound awesome! I'm gonna hold off until the reviews come though
I've been wanting to try Of Myths and Monsters for quite some time. Hopefully it'll be fun unlike Kid Icarus I. Petit Computer being out is a sweet bonus!
@coolvw No RCR this week. Or the week after that. Or the week after that. Or the week after that. Or the week after that. Or the week after that. Or the week after that. Or the week after that. Or the week after that. Or the week after that. But maybe the week after that, because the world will have ended, ant the chances of it releasing will be at an all-time high.
@Flowerlark, ymmas626: since you both already have it, you might want to give this forum comment here a look — there are plenty of games out and ready for you to play via QR code if you're willing to give it a shot :3
I wonder how many people are going to be totally frustrated with Petit Computer. It's a really awesome little tool (going by first impressions) but far from user friendly if you aren't already familiar with coding. That said, I was generally impressed by the quality of the built-in manual and sample code... it doesn't teach you how to program, but gives you a lot of information to work with if you already know the basics (harhar).
@Red_Kinetic aside from 2 I haven't enjoyed them.
Well time to go at Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters, unless I play The Sword of Hope II instead, that one from last week is fanstatic. I'll looking into the game on sale but I'll likely pass on it.
Edit: NEW PUZZLE PANEL! Kirby's 20th Anniversary Puzzle
@Tsuchinoko I think @Fabian means 3DSDL's. We've been getting 2 a week since Order Up and Siltherlink by Nikoli (or whatever Nikoli game it is).
I made my first PetitComputer program!

It's just a sound tester for those who want to hear all the sounds and songs included, it's pretty basic but I like that primitive feel.
I thought programing with the touch screen would be worse, but it's actually very fun.
So glad that we finally got Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters today. I will probably be picking up Rabi Laby 2. I was thinking about getting the first game but now that this one is out and it is only 200 points it is a no-brainer. Oh and I'm talking about the price, not the gameplay.
Just finished up the Sword of Hope II, so going to be getting KI:oMaM today.
It's ALL about KI:OMaM for me, I've waited so long. How come that's not the poster child over Tumblepop for this weeks update? Eh, minor pick. I'm thinking about Petit computer as well. I've already got Mario Picross, so I'm good there.
If there is a new Legend of Zelda anime coming soon, I want to see a preview of that on Nintendo Video first just like the Kid Icarus anime.
If there is a new Legend of Zelda anime coming soon, I want a preview of that on Nintendo Video first just like the Kid Icarus anime.
I'll be getting Kid Icarus. I recommend Mario's Picross, I got it through CN but at 2,99 it's still worth it.
omg! no wii vc!?!?life is over
Does anybody look forward to any new Dinosaur Office episodes as much as I do?
I'm interesting in everything except Petit Computer ( Not into programming), Mario's Picross ( Have it through Club Nintendo) and Masyu ( I"d rather just play the puzzles online). Always good to see another Dinosaur Office episode.
I'm gonna need that Petit Computer review. Besides, I only have 300 points left after DL'ing last week's Ace Mathician. Gonna have to buy a new $20 card if I am to buy Petit Computer... but I am definitely curious to how user-friendly it is.
Kid Icarus: Of Myths & Monsters comes out today?!?
I've been saving my funds for this!
@CrispyGoomba - Well I'd say it's still a great deal. I've got 29 hours logged on Mario's Picross, following only Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7... :/
Going to get Kid Icarus: Of Myths And Monsters, Tumble Pop and Probably Petit Computer. Already Got Mario's Picross Via Club Nintendo.
Not a great week but nice to see Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters is now available.
Petit Computer has only 1-Star ratings so far... So i guess I'm keeping my money
I already have Mario's Picross but will probably pick up Masyu since that is the first puzzle game by Nikoli that isn't on their puzzle cart.
You might not enjoy Petit Computer, but don't base your decision on 1-star ratings. Those are just bitter people who spent their money without having any idea about what they were buying - sort of like giving Colors! 3D a low grade because all you can do is draw, when Swapnote already lets you do that for free. (i.e.: These people are missing the point.)
Petit Computer is a programming tool, not a game. It's not something like WarioWare DIY or LittleBigPlanet where you use a few tools to create a playable level. Instead, you have to actually know (or learn) how to program and do everything yourself from scratch. For some people that's really cool because it offers tremendous flexibility and the ability to realize your own vision; for most people it requires more effort and commitment than they are willing to put forth. Figure out which group you are in before buying.
That said, if you do buy and later find out it's not something you enjoy then be patient before giving up on Petit Computer entirely. You can still play any games or applications that other people create and share via QR codes, and it's possible that you can get $8 worth of entertainment out of that alone.
Petit Computer? Kid Icarus? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!
I am a recent Dinosaur Office fan/
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