Can't wait for Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword but want to know more about the limited edition gold Wii Remote Plus? Today is your lucky day.
Nintendo has announced that the game and gold controller will be available in North America from 20th November, retailing at $69.99. The game will be available on its own for $49.99, but whichever package you go for you'll find hidden in the packaging a limited edition soundtrack CD of music to be performed at the Zelda Symphony in October.
Bad news for anyone hoping to pick up the Zelda Wii Remote Plus on its own: it will not be available separately. Worse news: according to the press release, "the gold controller will simply be gold in color and will not contain any actual precious metals."
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Bundle Highlights a Golden Autumn for Nintendo Games
Dates and Details Revealed on Zelda Bundle with Gold Controller, New Tetris and Professor Layton Titles
REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Leaves won’t be the only things turning gold this fall as Nintendo prepares to launch an extraordinary lineup of games for its Wii™, Nintendo 3DS™ and Nintendo DS™ game systems. At a recent meeting of GameStop retail store managers from across the United States, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing Scott Moffitt revealed new details about upcoming releases for several fan-favorite franchises:A special limited-edition The Legend of Zelda™: Skyward Sword bundle containing the game and a gold* Wii Remote™ Plus controller will be available when the game launches on Nov. 20.
Also for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, every copy in the initial production of the game will come packaged with a special music CD featuring orchestral arrangements of select songs that will be performed at The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert.
Nintendo will launch the upcoming Tetris®: Axis game for Nintendo 3DS systems on Oct. 2.
The Professor Layton and the Last Specter™ game for the Nintendo DS family of systems will launch Oct. 17.
“Nintendo has something for you this fall, no matter what type of gamer you are, no matter what Nintendo system you’re playing,” said Moffitt. “Whether you’re looking for a world-spanning epic like The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, the pick-up-and-play puzzle fun of Tetris: Axis or the mind-bending adventure of Professor Layton and the Last Specter, we’ve got you covered.”
The limited-edition gold controller bundle for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be offered at a suggested retail price of $69.99. The game will also be sold separately at a suggested retail price of $49.99, though the gold controller will only be available as part of the special bundle. As an additional 25th anniversary treat for fans who purchase the game early, every copy in the initial production, whether sold by itself or as a part of the limited-edition bundle, will come with a free CD featuring select orchestral arrangements of iconic music spanning the history of the franchise which will be performed at The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert performances in October 2011. For more information about The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, visit http://www.zelda.com/skywardsword.
Comments 132
THIS IS EPIC! Not to mention we got a release date for the new Professor Layton game We might have already known about that last one but it was news to me!
Roll on 18th November, I can't wait
is that the actual cover art?
Wow that's the official cover of the game box?
Less than two months to go before gaming bliss arrives!
Cannot freakin wait!
"the gold controller will simply be gold in color and will not contain any actual precious metals."
That's a sweet looking box too. Thank you Nintendo. That will do. What will do.
Wow, looks awesome. I cant wait.
Wowwee. This just might be my first pre-ordered game.
In the wake of all this doomsday talk, Nintendo going under, etc... I'm betting they clean up this holiday season, AGAIN. Low-priced Wii will sell to millions more families, DS will keep selling 'cause it's immortal, low-priced 3DS will sell gangbusters with both Mario titles. And analysts will backstep awkwardly, as they have the past two years.
That boxart looks awesome!!!
Oh, and... Tetris: Axis?? Could be like a second-coming of Tetrisphere (N64)? I'm intrigued.
but... not for Europe?
@JarvanZheitk It's a Bank Holiday, Nintendo UK is closed. Expect details soon.
I like the cover art as well
Wow. I want this.
Uh... I already have 4 controllers... if there was a motion-plus addition, I would get that... only need one more and all my controllers have motion-plus capabilities.
I don't know, the fact that there's no real gold may make this a no-buy for me.
The game looks good and all, but, no real gold? Come on, Nintendo.
I am definately getting the Gold controller. Then I can has all 4 wiimotes
Ace, but I already have 5 remotes which include 2 wiimotionpluses. I also have 2 wiimotionplus adaptors.
@James But if it's not coming to Europe, we still have Xenoblade Chronicles
oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man....
Is it November yet!?
@James Thank you.
I didn't know it was a bank holiday, thanks for telling me.
It explains a lot...
@AbuJaffer Me too, I've got four wiimotes too (with two M+), but I'll get rid of one. No way I'm missing out on this, specially since WiiU will be backwards compatible. I don't like having the attachment at the end, and having to remove the remote from the sleeve every time I want to use the M+.
Can't stop looking at this cover, damn it looks good. Wonder what the regular box art will look like.
US date for Prof Layton, how about an EU date NoE?
Finally it feels like I've been waiting for this announcement forever! Now I know when I can pick up my copy of Professor Layton and the Last Specter!
Oh, and the Zelda thing is cool too.
@SigourneyBeaver hey, that's a low blow... that's just wrong. = )
Nice, I'll stick with just the game and CD though.
Finally! wait, where do I pre-order this amazing bundle?
Actually, I'm as excited about knowing when the fourth Layton game is coming out, as knowing the Zelda news heh. Nice that there will be a CD included from the concert though, regardless of package. Will still probably go for the one with the remote in though.
I think I'll wait for the Allies version of Tetris.
I do want that gold* controller though.
I don't think that I can wait for this game around Christmas. I think I need this amazing bundle as soon as it launches! I will definately be getting the game with the controller (and the CD, of course).
@LEGEND_MARIOID according to UK Nintendo it's out in November 2011!
I want. It'll match my Gold CCPro :3
I guess I'll have to get the bundle, as I do not own a Wii motionPlus yet.
@James, I'd be willing to bet that the number of people who want the controller but not the game would be next to none. After all, what other game are they gonna use it to play? Now if you're going to complain about anything it should be that there isn't a bundle with a diamond encrusted sword attachment for the controller.
Hubba hubba....
Good thing I didn't get Wii Play: Motion for the WM+ controller!
Time to trade-in all my other games! xD
do want!
Its not real Gold?
I will forever keep that controller protected in its cond- I mean jacket.
Seriously, the controller isn't real gold!!! WHY NOT!!! I want a gold controller, not some cheap imitation. Just kidding, this looks awesome. Great box art and a sweet controller (even if it isn't real gold, sniff).
Arrives on practically my birthday too... interesting. o_O <3 Nintendo
I just can't wait.
Will Europe get the unreviled japanese cover?
My thoughts runs in those ways because its been a common practice since Phantom Hourglass.
Epic looking box, gonna preorder!
Places in Canada have been pricing this game at $60, so I wonder what exactly I have pre-ordered, or if they will adjust the price on my pre-order.
This game is one of the few reasons I still wish I had my Wii. Really cool wiimote!
Can't wait! Not much longer left.
Finally a reasonable opportunity to get a RemotePlus. It only took... 2 years (?).
This cover won't make it to Europe thanks to stupid, big USK button. Maybe it will only be slightly altered, but it won't look exactly like that at least.
Sounds like it'll fetch some good money when they quit shipping the gold Wii Remotes. $_$
I am going to preorder 10,000 of these then resell them on EBAY!!!
Best. Video Game. Cover. Ever.
I WILL GET THIIIIIIS !!! Now all i need is a gold CCpro I can't wait anymore stop teasing me nintendo T-T time to break out my hidden stash
Sweet beans and bacon, this looks good!
I don't car for that gold Wii remote, though it's only $20, and I don't own a wii remote plus yet... Decisions, decisions.
Am not ashamed to admit that I fapped to this.
What's with half the buttons like the A and Dpad being gold, and the other ones being white?
I will play this game in the nude!
I am sure that these Wiimotes will be popping up in used stores by themselves after awhile. Thats how I got my gold CCpro which the Zelda Wiimote will go with it nicely.
Going to pre order this one today from Amazon.
I have to get this. I need that controller for motion plus.
Wow. $20 Wiimote with motion plus and soundtrack CD. That's a steal. I was already thinking of getting a controller and the game was a definite buy, so the value makes this is an easy pre-order. Good to be a Zelda fan today... will be better in November... though this might be a gift for my daughter. Hmm...
Alright America, if this won't come out in Europe, then stop whining about Rainfall.
Oh, I can't wait! But, so many projects, essays and work shifts to survive until November. Then not much time to play because of those same things.
I'm so glad Nintendo has kept alive the tradition of gold Zelda products, that started with the original. I remember seeing The Legend of Zelda cart for the first time over 23 years ago and thinking "oooohhh, it's so pretty and shiny"!
On a side note, since there's Limited Edition version and just the game by itself, if you have it reserved somewhere like GameStop, you may want to call and make sure you have the version you want reserved. Like when I reserved the 3DS (before official colors were announced), the default color the system reserved for you was the Cosmo Black.
@FluttershyGuy: Who in their right mind will reserve the game at Game Stop? Knowing how GS works they will probably rip open the box and toss out the Wiimote and the music CD.
Hmmm just checked Amazon and all they have is the $49.99 Game and CD bundle for pre order.
@Tasuki: Funny, that's not what they did with any other special edition bundle aside from that instance earlier. Oh look, only Gamestop has it listed. Too bad >:3
Ahhh, that'll go nicely with my gold Classic Controller Pro. And my gold N64 controller. And my gold Zelda cartridge. And my gold Ocarina of Time cartridge. And my gold Majora's Mask cartridge. And my, okay, you get the idea.
...and no, I don't have a gold Zelda II cartridge. But I will get a gold disc for Skyward Sword!
...seriously, Nintendo, we need a Gold Nunchaku.
@72 What do you mean stop whining about rainfall. At least your still getting this game.
All I care about is the game and the CD.
I've been waiting a long time for a Zelda CD to listen to (and what better Zelda CD to listen to than one performed by the Zelda Symphony?), and this might be the perfect oppritunity to get it. Also, the cover art is fantastic. Well done, Nintendo.
P.S. Screw that "gold" remote. What a waste. I might get it if I needed another Wii remote, but I already have four, so...PASS!
@MasterGraveheart Have you ever heard the story of King Midas? I think that you'd like it.
ZOMG I'm preordering this!
EDIT: tl;dr: Professor Layton and the Last Specter arrives October 17th
The wait to play this game is dreadful. Then again, there are a bunch of AAA 3DS titles to tide me over.
Starfox comes in a week.
Pokemon Rumble blast comes out october
Super Mario 3D Land comes out november.
Plus with Rolling Western, Metroid 2, the 20 free games (hoping for Pokemon, any one, prefferably Emerald), and Im currently playing Donkey Kong and Gargoyle's Quest, both of which are a blast.
The wait shouldnt be too long
No matter how you look at it, the Collector's Edition is a great deal. Goes to pre-order
@powderedtoast: I was suprised how high quality these Virtual Console games were! And by the power of Google, I learned that one of my favorite SNES games, Demon's Crest is actually the 2nd sequel to Gargoyle's Quest. I had no idea. XD
@Azikira I know! Gargoyles Quest is a little gem that pushed the limits of the Gameboy. Its good to know that 3rd parties support VC, if they didnt, I would've never played this. The length of the game is worth $3. You get so much bang for your buck there.
Good story, pretty long game (for GB), Platforming and RPG, and great replay value.
I cant wait for Megaman and Bionic Commando (looks good)
That is awesome! I can't wait to get my copy of the game and that beautiful gold Wii Remote!
That looks so epic I can hardly even fathom it! I'm definitely picking up the limited edition bundle. That Wii Remote is looking sweet. I can't even wait to play this sure to be amazing game!
@powderedtoast: I've definately gotten more then enough time in it to think it is a worthy purchase. Plus it gets me pumped for Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 (Seeing how Firebrand is going to be playable).
nice i will plug my gold classic controler pro into that golden wiimote
assuming this is a U.S pricing for the standard game alone for $49.99 i paid 59.99 in canada which goes up to 64$ or 67 in total i forgot lol, im guessing im probably going to pony up more money to get that special edition
I asked my Mom to get me this for my birthday. Even If I don't get it I'm buying this immediately after. It looks so I awesome!
@azikira I know, I have only played about 3 hours so far, but by the time I'm done, I'll be itching to play it again.
I dont care what some people say. I am LOVING the VC so far. Avenging spirit is a great game, and Gargoyle's Quest is... mindblowing!
Right now, there are 5 VC games I have, and they are all great.
-Link's Awakening DX
-Avenging Spirit
-Gargoyle's Quest
-Donkey Kong
-Mario's Picross
These are just appetizers, really. Soon we are getting the best of the best. Metroid 2, Mario Land 2, Pokemon R/B/Y (its obvious we'll see them soon, thats instant millions for nintendo), etc.
I still cant believe a lot of people complain about pricing, too. It's not expensive at all, compared to buying an original cart at a retro game store. Link's Awakening DX costs $20, plus another $5 to get the internal battery changed.
OMG! Tge boxart looks so cool!
Perfect! Glad I waited on Mo+ for this. then I can get the other stuff "game only" for cheap. True it's weird with the white buttons. I hope it's the super shiny, high-gloss gold like the original gold Zelda cartridge. I'm not so into the matte gold in the picture, but it's hard to tell what it'll be in person.
I wish it would come with a nunchuck controller. :/ I mean, you will be using that, too, so why not provide it for the price?
But I will be preordering this! Soon enough....
Box art is shiny,
MasterGraveHeart is right! Nintendo needs to make a gold nunchuck for this bad boy!
Especially as Goldeneye owners have a gold classic controller pro
Had this preordered on Amazon since it was announced at E3 2010. Probably means I'll have to repreorder to get the controller bundle and therefore lose the price I locked in then.
Nice touch!
Im drooling at the sight
want down under
Glad I haven't pre-ordered yet. This'll be the one I get. Also: Damn.
Please make a newspost when this becomes available for Europeans! Must have this!
Think I'll pass, just don't have $70 this Christmas.
Gotta save for MK and SM3DL
how long will the game be sold with the DVD? Anyone know??
That boxart is sexy.. So sexy that i'll buy the game bundle just to look at the cover art all day... I'm counting down the days...
Mine!!!!!!!!! Pre-ordering as soon as I can!
So a game, a music CD and a special wiimote for 70 bucks? That is a steal, if you ask me. I am sorry, Mr. Drake, I believe you and Sully will have to wait until next year then.
BTW, that box art is just so awesome!
Imitation gold = FAIL ... EPIC FAIL
I'm hoping NoE will announce this soon! I'll buy it as it will be a limited edtion.
...... Nintendo, I am giving you a blank check. Fill in how much you want for this, and you'll have it. Happy Thanksgiving to me.
Haha imagine a solid gold wii remote. Probably be barely able to swing it for more than 5 minutes. I'm sure Miyamoto has two.
A normal WiiMote weighs about 0.3 lbs which is approximately 5 ounces. One troy ounce of gold can cost about $1K or more depending on the amount of karats. Gold is also denser than plastic and therefore has more mass per unit volume than plastic. If Nintendo were to sell WiiMotes made of pure gold for an extra $20, they'd probably be selling at a loss.
Man... In Mexico we'll have it for 120 dollars It's a lot of money but I don't have any choice but buy it u_u
I alreay one a Wii motion plus... and I want the 3DS AAA Titles as well... hard descisions...
This golden Wii Remote Plus will separate the men from the boys... because men have better things to do I guess.
Drat, those dastardly Nintendo marketers! I want one now!
I'd get that if I had the money, I need a job seriously, unless my mom let me use my needs money for art supplies(which is a need) and I start doing commissions.
nice boxart link.
hey, wait didn't Miyamoto mention something about being able to hold up your sword for the first time in a zelda game?
Like i said before, nice boxart link
This actually looks really good! Not that I need another wii remote, but I hope this comes to Australia.
I've been eying the Limited Edition on the EB Games website for some time now, but it doesn't say anything about that particular version, it's just priced at $20 higher.
I would get this, but I already have 2 wii remote plus. I'm still getting the game.
Going to upgrade my reserve from regular game to this bundle.
Oh no that fracking wiimote plus looks beautiful
*Insert Kool-Aid
Yesh, I get phree music!
Easy decision for us all!
Can Nintendo please put this bundle on Amazon? I'd much rather pre-order there than at Gamestop.
the gold controller will simply be gold in color and will not contain any actual precious metals."
Did the original LoZ and LoZII:AoL???
I keep checking Amazon to preorder the Wiimote bundle but it just keeps giving me the standard one. Is the wiimote bundle only at certain stores?
@everyone: No preorder needed in order to get the bundle in America, am I right???
im so getting wii mote its 20$ for wiimote+ and its gold with that white zelda simbole
@7ATalavera Correct but it probably couldn't hurt
20 dollars for that awesome controller. So in for 1. I have a motionplus dongle, but its so ugly... and now I'll have 2!
An extra $20 for a special controler? You mean like the controler that cost me $40? Sounds good to me! Also comes with a motion +, which I will I do not actually have.
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