Launching on 30th June 2023, two gorgeous new Switch Joy-Con sets are now available to buy.
The Pastel Pink/Pastel Yellow and Pastel Purple/Pastel Green combinations are available at a variety of retailers, and we've been busy tracking all the best deals and cheapest prices so you don't have to. If you're in need of some new controllers or if you like to collect as much Nintendo hardware as you can, here's where you can get your hands on them:
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Buy Nintendo Switch Pastel Joy-Con In The US
BuyNintendo Switch Pastel Joy-Con In The UK
Do you like the look of these beauties? Which set are you going for – or are you treating yourself to both? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 20
Just ordered pink/yellow! I'm happy that after six years they finally decided to release good colors.
I hate the look of mismatched JoyCon. I wish they’d sell matching pairs.
@thesilverbrick When the Splatoon 2 joycon came out, some regions had pink/green and others had green/pink. I imported one and my friend bought the other, and we swapped so I had two pink and he had two green. I was hoping the same would happen this time so I could get two pastel pink, but nope
@Bret Nonsense they released the best colours they could possibly release back in October 2019 (Purple and Orange)
These pastel colours do look nice. I'd grab a double set of the pastel purple if I could.
Still overpriced, and still no fix for the drift...
@Bret I did the exact same thing, because I wanted double green JoyCon, haha.
@Nassov Newer JoyCon have a bit of extra padding behind the stick ensemble, which effectively stops drift. They’ve been doing this since the Skyward Sword set. I have used my Skyward Sword JoyCon constantly for a couple years now and there hasn’t been any sign of drifting.
why must the colors I want to combine be same side?
I want pink/purple and green/yellow or yellow/green.
I want two white ones but I'm not buying an OLED switch lol.
The green and purple is the prettiest combo. They remind me of those easter buttermints with the dots.
@Kiz3000 I bought the purple/orange set on Monday. And they look amazing on the OLED. Couldn’t agree more, they are the best colours yet.
Do these colours run, I mean drift ?
I actually prefer the disparate colour combinations, particularly if Nintendo do not intend to make the colour available in the opposite-sided Joy-Con.
Variety is the spice of life.
But I am sympathetic to those unhappy with how Nintendo occasionally make it unnecessarily difficult to have matching Joy-Con when both sides are available (for example, a Yellow pair requires TWO hardware bundles!), and their handling of the Splatoon 2 pairs was pretty stupid as well.
I just want gray. Seems like Nintendo have discontinued those though, as they've not been available on their website for months. I'm tempted to buy the custom ones from GameTraderZero but the cost has kept me from taking the plunge thus far.
This reminds me I have to get my all black set.
We are stocking these in the little indie games shop I work in, in Leeds (Console Portal). Blatant plug there, sorry!
I am not a fan of them though. They just look like joycons that have been left out in the sun for days and have faded badly.
@thesilverbrick wait really?! I would have purchased the Skyward Sword set then!
They did sell a couple one-color sets. I have the neon yellow, which are unfortunately threatening me with drift. I have to continuously recalibrate/jam the left joystick from all angles every few play sessions, but at some point I think it'll be permanent
I bought the GULIkit replacments and now I will never experience Stick drift again, as the Hall-Effect sensors have no friction and wear. Probably the R-Key will break next as it is the second worst thing which fails.
The new ones feel more sensitive as you can continuously move the stick from zero to max without any jump. JoyCon control feels better than ever. Just ordered a second set for my other JoyCons.
You can find some awesome unofficial joycon shell colors online, though you have to be careful about who you do business with. These official colors are nice.
@thesilverbrick wait, really? That's cool, I never heard that
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