Below is a list of the areas that make up the two new Wild Areas found in Pokémon Sword and Shield. They're filled with strong wild Pokémon, many of which you won't have the power to catch until you have some Gym badges to your name. Some may appear only in certain weather conditions.
Each location below features a list of the Pokémon you'll find in that area; the italicised Pokémon are the ones that are not visible in the overworld and must be encountered randomly.
Northern Wild Area
Bridge Field
Pokémon to find at Bridge Field: Unfezant, Zigzagoon, Stufful, Cutiefly, Scraggy (Sword), Throh, Bonsly, Elgyem, Cubchoo, Maractus, Cufant, Qwilfish, Cramorant, Thievul, Drednaw, Palpitoad, Carkol, Noibat, Milcery, Wobbuffet, Lanturn, Shellos, Wimpod, Binacle, Sudowoodo, Togepi, Rhyhorn, Karrablast, SHelmet, Rufflet (Sword), Vullaby (Shield), Litwick, Inkay, Sneasel, Mawile (Sword).
Dusty Bowl
Pokémon to find at Dusty Bowl: Nickit, Yamper, Growlithe, Vanillish, Swinub, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Palpitoad, Drilbur, Croagunk (Shield), Shellos, Koffing, Togekiss, Gothorita (Sword), Duosion (Shield), Braviary (Sword), Mandibuzz (Shield), Inkay, Sableye (Shield), Mawile (Sword), Hippopotas, Charjabug, Pelipper, Piloswine, Abomasnow, Klang, Bronzong, Gardevoir, Eldegloss, Skuntank, Gyrados, Coalossal, Dugtrio, Barraskewda, Ferrothorn, Applin, Meowstic, Lanturn, Stunfisk, Barbaracle, Hattrem, Sudowoodo, Rhydon, Qwilfish.
Giant’s Cap
Pokémon to find at Giant's Cap: Blipbug, Dottler, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Linoone, Chewtle, Drednaw, Liepard, Bunnelby, Diggersby, Minccino, Gloom, Quagsire, Rolycoly, Carkol, Scraggy (Sword), Shuckle, Clefairy, Gothita (Sword), Gothorita (Sword), Solosis (Shield), Riolu, Torkoal, Lunatone (Shield), Solrock (Sword), Lombre (Shield), Golett, Munna, Snover, Gyarados.
Giant’s Mirror
Pokémon to find at Giant's Mirror: Butterfree, Corvisquire, Tranquill, Joltik, Natu, Dugtrio, Excadrill, Boldore, Woobat, Pumpkaboo, Swirlix (Sword), Spritzee (Shield), Shellos, Corsola (Shield), Pawniard, Throh, Sawk, Rhyhorn, Inkay, Durant, Heatmor, Helioptile, Morelull, Dottler, Drednaw, Diglett, Milcery, Applin, Chinchou, Impidimp, Koffing, Torkoal, Mimikyu, Mareanie, Hippowdon.
Hammerlocke Hills
Pokémon to find at Hammerlocke Hills: Corvisquire, Unfezant, Gloom, Manetric, Machoke, Pumpkaboo, Wobbuffet, Sudowoodo, Cubchoo, Sneasel, Honedge, Morelull, Charjabug, Growlithe, Swinub, Klink, Dugtrio, Espurr, Hatenna, Karrablast, Inkay, Hawlucha.
Lake of Outrage
Pokémon to find at the Lake of Outrage: Galvantula, Ninetales, Vanilluxe, Glalie, Golurk, Abomasnow, Hitmontop, Klinklang, Garbodor, Excadrill, Boldore, Noivern, Barraskewda, Araquanid, Golisopod, Hatterene, Bisharp, Weezing, Gothitelle (Sword), Reuniclus (Shield), Beheeyem, Mandibuzz (Shield), Drapion, Lampent, Copperajah, Flygon, Haxorus, Mantyke, Matine, Rotom, Ditto, Drakloak, Orbeetle, Corviknight, Obstagoon, Chewtle, Boltund, Piloswine, Claydol, Pangoro, Gardevoir, Skuntank, Coalossal, Perrserker, Lanturn, Barbaracle, Grimmsnarl, Rhydon, Jellicent, Cramorant, Sandaconda, Hippowdon, Doublade, Indeedee, Falinks, Drampa (Shield), Turtonator (Sword), Togedemaru, Snom, Mr. Mime, Stonjourner (Sword), Eiscue (Shield), Duraludon, Larvitar (Shield), Pupitar (Shield), Deino (Sword ), Zweilous (Sword), Goomy (Shield), Sliggoo (Shield), Jangmo-o (Sword), Hakamo-o (Sword), Dreepy.
Motostoke Riverbank
Pokémon to find at Motostoke Riverbank: Rookidee, Wooloo, Purrloin, Yamper, Gossifleur, Basculin, Arrokuda, Wimpod, Pawniard, Koffing, Clefairy, Munchlax, Snorlax (on the bridge to North Lake Miloch), Rhyhorn, Skorupi, Sneasel, Torkoal, Mareanie, Toxel, Mantyke, Noctowl, Corvisquire, Dubwool, Boltund, Onix, Barraskewda, Ferroseed, Espurr, Shellos, Binacle, Karrablast, Shelmet, Elgyem, Litwick, Sigilyph.
Stony Wilderness
Pokémon to find at the Stony Wilderness: Unfezant, Nickit, Zigzagoon, Chewtle, Yamper, Bounsweet, Baltoy, Dwebble, Golett, Munna, Wooper, Ninjask, Machop, Roggenrola, Ferroseed, Pikachu, Dewpider, Toxicroak, Hatenna, Salandit, Bonsly, Rufflet (Sword), Vullaby (Shield), Maractus, Sigilyph, Cramorant, Toxel, Dottler, Drillbur, Boldore, Gurdurr, Ribombee, Applin, Swirlix (Sword), Spritzee (Shield), Shuckle, Impidimp, Pawniard, Togetic, Cottonee, Rhyhorn, Cubchoo.

Southern Wild Area
Axew’s Eye
Pokémon to find at Axew's Eye: Claydol, Mudsdale, Crustle, Bewear, Snover, Kingler, Crawdaunt, Bronzor, Bronzong, Drifblim, Seismitoad, Machoke, Axew, Greedent, Unfezant, Liepard, Diggersby, Steenee, Gloom, Roselia, Pelipper, Manetric, Vanillish, Octillery.
East Lake Axewell
Pokémon to find at East Lake Axewell: Butterfree, Grubbin, Pidove, Oddish, Wingull, SNorunt, Baltoy, Mudbray, Munna, Stufful, Pancham, Goldeen, Shellder, Chinchou, Minccino, Budew, Electrike, Vulpix, Wishiwashi, Onix.
Dappled Grove
Pokémon to find at Dappled Grove: Hoothoot, Lombre (Shield), Nuzleaf (Sword), Purrloin, Bunnelby, Oddish, Ralts, Tympole, Grubbin, Lotad (Shield), Seedot (Sword), Stufful, Snover.
Giant’s Seat
Pokémon to find at Giant's Seat: Electrike, Snorunt, Natu, Bronzor, Palpitoad, Duskull, Gastly, Tranquill, Lombre (Shield), Nuzleaf (Sword), Diggersby, Joltik, Manetric, Delibird, Mudsdale, Xatu, Bewear, Quagsire, Machoke, Haunter, Shellder, Cloyster, Basculin, Pyukumuku, Onix.
North Lake Miloch
Pokémon to find at North Lake Miloch: Dwebble, Snorlax (on the bridge leading to Motostoke Riverbank), Frillish, Mudbray, Stufful, Stunky, Gastly, Magikarp.
Rolling Fields
Pokémon to find at Rolling Fields: Metapod, Butterfree, Pidove, Bunnelby, Wingull, Electrike, Tyrogue, Pancham, Combee, Ralts, Diglett, Roggenrola, Skwovet, Lotad (Shield), Nuzleaf (Sword), Minccino, Bounsweet, Oddish, Budew, Joltik, Vanillite, Swinub, Snorunt, Baltoy, Mudbray, Dwebble, Munna, Natu, Cherubi.
South Lake Miloch
Pokémon to find at South Lake Miloch: Nuzleaf (Sword), Wingull, Joltik, Vulpix, Mudbray, Krabby, Corphish, Tyrogue, Drifloon, Stunky, Machop, Magikarp, Pyukumuku, Barboach, Roselia, Snorunt, Baltoy, Natu, Nincada, Ralts, Tympole, Remoraid.
Watchtower Ruins
Pokémon to find at Watchtower Ruins: Delibird, Duskull, Gastly, Woobat, Noibat, Shuckle, Pidove, Purrloin, Bounsweet, Golett, Drifloon, Cherubi, Machop.
West Lake Axewell
Pokémon to find at West Lake Axewell: Lotad (Shield), Seedot (Sword), Purrloin, Bunnelby, Budew, Vanillite, Dwebble, Krabby, Wooper, Klink, Tympole, Magikarp, Goldeen, Remoraid, Shellder, Chinchou, Frillish, Wingull, Nincada, Tyrogue, Pancham, Wishiwashi.

On the next page we've separated out all the Routes between towns in Pokémon Sword and Shield and highlighted the Pokémon you'll find on them...
Comments 1
Yeah, great guide, now i know where to look. Thanks.
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