Pokémon Sword and Shield brought Gen 8 to Switch last November and to celebrate we created the sparkling Gen 8 Pokémon database below. It features the full Galar Pokédex, including the 81 new Gen 8 Pokémon and all returning Pokémon. Use the tool below to find out about the new Pokémon and which of your past favourites have made the cut in the Galar Pokédex.

You can also find out more about the three Pokémon Sword and Shield starters and their evolutions, check out our Pokémon type chart for info on strengths and weaknesses, hunt out Easter Eggs in Pokémon Sword and Shield, and find out how to find and evolve Galar region Pokémon from Sirfetch'd to Frosmoth, Alcremie and many more.

We'll update this database with official art as-and-when it's released. Ready to peruse the Galar Pokédex, then?...

How to use the Galar Pokédex tool

All Pig Pokémon in Pokémon Sword & Shield

Displaying 1 to 1 of 1

Swinub Galar #075 / National #220

Pokemon: Swinub (Galar Pokédex #075 / National Pokédex #220)
Ice, Ground
1' 04"
4.30 lbs
Oblivious, Snow Cloak
Fighting, Fire, Grass, Steel, Water
Gen 2 (GSC)

Phew! So which are your favourites from all the new faces? Remember, we'll update this with official art as and when it becomes available. In the meantime, let us know below which ones you're eager to catch.