Fire Emblem Engage brings the series to the new world of Elyos, full of fresh-faced heroes and with a classical combat focus. While we are used to being introduced to a new team of characters with each game in the series, Engage flips the script just a little bit, bringing back a number of recognisable heroes from previous entries.
Summoned via magical rings, these legacy heroes — 'Emblems' — can be called upon in battle to bolster your strength or to use their abilities alongside your own.

Below, we have assembled a list of every playable character to appear in Fire Emblem Engage as well as all information on the benefits they can grant you in battle. With the announcement of multiple DLC waves planned for the title, the following list is subject to grow over the next few months so be sure to keep an eye on the 'Expansion Pass' section below.
Read on to start prepping your ultimate roster!
Fire Emblem Engage New Characters
Information on many of the following characters has been shared on Twitter via the game's official account, @FireEmblemJP. We would like to thank @SerenesForest for providing translations of each character update.

Alear is the lead protagonist of Fire Emblem Engage. First revealed in September's Nintendo Direct Showcase 2022, the hero has been asleep for 1,000 years since the war against the Fell Dragon, and wakes up again to prevent its resurrection.
The character is playable in two different forms - determined by the player - each rocking the colourful VTuber-inspired hairstyle which caused quite a stir following the Direct.

The first character profile to be officially introduced was that of Vander, an axe-wielding knight who rides around the battlefield on horseback.
For an idea of what Vander looks like in battle, check out the video from @FireEmblemJP below:

Originally named 'Cramme' in promotional material, Clamme was one of the two characters that were introduced back-to-back and the oldest of the twins who are new to the series.
Cramme's starting type is Mage, making him good for ranged attacks and striking heavily-armoured enemies.
An idea of the character's magical attacks can be seen in the battle video below:

The twin sister of Cramme, Framme's starting class is Monk, making her useful for healing allies during battle.

Much like Vander, Alfred is a new character to Fire Emblem Engage who travels the battlefield on horseback.
The character's starting class is Noble and he wields a lance in combat, as seen in the following in-game footage:

Céline is Alfred's younger sister and possesses the same starting class of Noble.
Unlike Alfred's character introduction, which focussed on his lance abilities and manoeuvrability in battle, Céline's profile highlights her ability to use both magic and swords for either distanced or close-range combat.
Both of these abilities are showcased in her battle video below:

Louis' starting class is Heavy Lance Armour, granting him high defence stats and a powerful hit in close combat.
As the following battle video demonstrates, Louis' defences are strong against standard attacks, though the character will still take damage from magic.

Chloé has the starting class of Lance Pegasus. Similar to Louis' weaponry, Chloé is an airborne fighter who deals out damage from above.
Such a combination of wielding a lance while flying above the battlefield, Chloé is a good match-up against magical attacks, though she will be hit by arrows.
For an idea of Chloé's battle animation, check out the following video:

First seen in the September Direct trailer, Etie is an archer who uses a bow and arrows to take down enemies.
This weapon class makes Etie a prime candidate for tackling arial and grounded opponents alike, though her attacks work best in close-range combat.
The following video provides an example of what these bow-based attacks look like in battle.

Boucheron's starting class is an Axe Fighter which means that he is all about the big hits. A fighter like this is prime for the front lines on the offensive end, though their lacking defensive abilities will be a problem against the opposition's moves.
A look at Boucheron's attacks in battle can be found in the following video:

Diamant's starting class is a Lord. He is a swordsman who specialises in close-range combat.
As demonstrated in the following video, Diamant can deal heavy damage to nearby enemies, be they foot soldiers or mounted foes.

The younger brother of Diamant, Alcryst has the same starting class as a Lord. However, rather than wielding a sword, Alcryst instead uses a bow.
Much like Etie, the range granted by an archer character allows Alcryst to attack enemies from afar while the rest of the battle continues at close range.
Alcryst's battle animation can be seen in the video below.

Anna is one of the new characters to join the franchise in Fire Emblem Engage.
Perfect for close-range attacks, her starting class is an Axe Fighter making her strong at dealing damage but susceptible to taking it in return with her weak defences.
An example of Anna's battle animations can be found below.

A princess of Elusia, Ivy is yet another royal character joining the fray.
Ivy's starting class is Wing Tamer. Much like the other mounted characters, they travel the battleground on a beast, though Ivy is able to use magic attacks and therefore has a slightly extended range.
One of the character's attack animations can be found in the following video:

Timerra's starting class is a Sentinel who uses a lance as her main weapon type. Her high speed will make her a strong candidate for close-range combat.
For an idea of Timerra's skills in battle, check out the following video which showcases one of her attack animations.

Simply billed as a 'Mysterious Woman', Yunaka was the first playable Engage character to be officially announced with the starting class of Thief.
The Thief class grants Yunaka lock-picking abilities and swift movements for sneaking up on enemies. She uses daggers as a main weapon which can inflict poison damage to any enemies who are hit. Poisoned enemies then take increased damage on subsequent turns until they are healed.
Both Yunaka's locking-picking and dagger attacks can be found in the following video:

Younger brother to Timerra and the first prince of the Kingdom of Solm, Fogato also starts in the Sentinel class, though he uses a bow and arrow and rides around the battleground on a horse.
This change in weapon allows for more extension in the character's attack range and manoeuvrability.
An example of Fogato's battle animations can be seen in the video below:

As Ivy's younger sister, Hortensia is the second princess of Elusia.
Much like Ivy, Hortensia's starting class is a Wing Tamer, travelling the battleground on a Pegasus and attacking enemies with magic and staves. This allows for the character's attacks to come from a greater range in battle which is effective for maintaining space and avoiding incoming damage.
A taster of Hortensia's abilities can be found below:

Amber is yet another new character to Fire Emblem Engage with the starting class of a Lance Knight. These class abilities grant the hero swift movement on the battlefield and an all-round balance of abilities across attack and defensive stats.
An example of Amber's battle animation can be found in the following video:

Jade is a new character joining the fight this time around. She has the starting class of Axe Armour, letting her deal out big hits while maintaining a strong defence. Although her defensive stats are effective against physical moves, she's weak to magical attacks.
You can see one of Jade's axe-wielding animations in the video below.

Rosado is a new airborne character to Fire Emblem Engage.
His starting class is a Wyvern Knight, meaning that she travels the battlefield from above while riding on a dragon-like Wyvern. This class grants Rosado some nice offensive and defensive stats, though he is weak to attacks from both bows and magic.
An example of Rosado's flying attack animation can be found in the following video:

Citrinne joins the club of new Engage characters who fall under the Mage starting class.
Much like Clamme, Citrinne's class type makes her effective against enemies with high defensive stats - able to deal damage all the same.
The hero casts spells using tomes, an example of which can be found in the video below:

A royal chef and Fogato's retainer, Bunet joins the list of new Engage characters with the starting class of Great Knight.
This class grants the hero the ability to use various different weapons in battle to beat matchups and best assist his allies. Bunet travels the arena on horseback and has strong defence thanks to his fortified armour.
A clip of the hero's battle animation can be seen in the following video:

Katetsu is a royal knight and Ivy's retainer.
His starting class is a Swordmaster, granting him huge damage and rapid speed. This makes Kagetsu perfect for close-quarters combat with a strong chance of evading oncoming attacks.
The hero's attack animation can be found in the following video:

Lapis is Alcryst's retainer and a royal soldier of Brodia.
Despite her small appearance, Lapis is actually incredibly strong, having been trained to survive. She starts off as a Myrmidon, an incredibly fast and strong class.
Here's just how impressive she can be on the battlefield:

Panette might look like a magic-wielding character on the surface, but with her position as a royal warrior of Solm, that means she packs a punch.
Polite and eloquent, Panette starts off in the Berserker class.
Here she is smashing down the opponent with her axe.

The first of his type in Engage, Seadall's starting class is Dancer making him a strong supporting ally on the battlefield.
Using the dance move allows Seadall to grant adjacent characters the chance to move again. This can tactically be used alongside big hitters or healers to give your favourite heroes more time in the spotlight.
This dance command can be seen in the following video:

A fresh face to Engage, Goldmary is Hortensia's retainer and has the Hero starting class.
The abilities of this class make Goldmary a prime candidate for close-range combat. She can use a variety of weapons and excels at leading the battle from the frontlines.
You can catch her eliminating an opponent by throwing a lance in the following character teaser video:

One of the more mysterious characters to be added to Engage, Zelkov's starting class is a Thief.
Much like Yunaka, this class allows Zelkov to fight nimbly up close with a dagger as his weapon, or expand the battlefield by picking locks to open locked doors.
A taste of the thief in action can be found in the video below:

The newest class of animal rider in the Fire Emblem series, Merrin is a Wolf Knight.
Riding the battlefield on a wolf, Merrin attacks at a close range using a dagger. Some of the hero's acrobatic attacks can be found in the video below:

On the less attack-focussed side of things, Pandreo is introduced in Engage with the starting class of High Priest.
Such class abilities grant Pandreo the ability to perform huge healing effects across the battlefield. Using his staff, the hero can heal allies from a variety of different ranges.
Want to see these healing abilities in action? Check out the following video:

Unlike most, you will have to unlock Lindon in battle in order to add him to your team.
This character's starting class is Sage with a Mystical battle style. With strong abilities in tomes and staves alike, the magical hero can deal huge amounts of damage at range and also heal allies.

Much like Lindon, Saphir can only be accessed via an in-battle recruitment.
Saphir's starting class is Warrior and she uses powerful axe attacks to deal damage to foes either up close or from a medium range.
Fire Emblem Engage Returning Characters (Emblems)

Having long served as the figurehead of the Fire Emblem series, Marth was the first of the returning Emblem characters to be introduced.
The hero first appeared in the franchise's first entry and has since been a mainstay of the games, appearing in some form (be that as a playable character or through DLC/amiibo) across many titles.
In Fire Emblem Engage, Marth can be equipped via his Emblem Ring, which will grant the user some of the character's sword-wielding abilities and make them more likely to avoid enemy attacks.
A video of Marth's Emblem appearance can be found below:

Celica was the second returning hero to be confirmed for Fire Emblem Engage after previously appearing in Fire Emblem Gaiden and its 3DS remake Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
Using the Celica Emblem Ring will boost the magic stats of that character in the process, as seen in the following battle video:

After extensive teasing in the trailer, we now have an official character profile for the next returning Emblem, Sigurd - aka 'The Emblem of the Holy War'.
First appearing in Fire Emblem: Geneology of the Holy War, the returning hero uses the Ridersbane weapon and grants bonuses to the user's horse riding abilities. This increased mobility will allow the Emblem summoner to move further in one turn and also enact post-attack manoeuvres.
An idea of Sigurd's mobility bonuses can be found in the following video:

After making their franchise debut in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Byleth — 'The Emblem of the Academy' — appears in Engage as an Emblem support.
Using Emblem Byleth alongside a warrior has a number of bonuses. The character possesses skills to prevent attacks missing their target, weapons which adjust to the fighter's class, the ability to increase the stats of nearby allies, and a move which grants up to four allies the chance to move again.
Many of these abilities are demonstrated in the following tutorial video which shows Byleth in action.

The main protagonist in Fire Emblem Fates, Corrin returns to the battle in Engage as the 'Emblem of Fates'.
Much like the other Emblems, calling on Corrin in battle grants a series of extra abilities to the user. These include the chance to add special effects to the battlefield, manipulate the weapon triangle, prevent enemies from moving for a single turn and the chance to attack multiple enemies in a line.
The above skills are shown in more detail by the following tutorial video.

One of the three main protagonists of 2003's Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, Lyn makes her return to the series as the 'Emblem of Blazing'.
There are a variety of perks that come with calling on Lyn in battle. The character's abilities include allowing the user a second strike before the opponent counter attacks, an increased chance to deal critical hits, the power to create decoy clones and an Engage Attack which results in five consecutive hits from distance.
Many of these skills are demonstrated in the following video.

First appearing in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade on GBA, Roy makes his return to the franchise as 'The Emblem of Binding' in Engage.
Roy is a vanguard-type Emblem who supplies front-line support on both the offensive and defensive ends. Some of the bonuses that the character provides in battle includes the ability to keep the user in the fight at 1HP, a weapon which can break lance-using opponents, temporary stat increases and an attack which effects the three horizontal squares in front of the user with flame damage.
Examples of all of these abilities can be found in the following character tutorial:
Eirika / Ephraim

The twin protagonists in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, Eirika and Ephraim appear under the same Emblem ring this time around as 'The Emblem of the Sacred'.
Eirika is the main figurehead of the pair, but she can be substituted out for her twin brother in battle with each hero granting different perks. Eirika has the ability to deal more damage to opponents with high defence stats and provide big hits on Armoured and Cavalry enemies. Ephraim on the other hand can restore HP to the Emblem user proportional to the damage dealt.
Combined, the twins can use skills simultaneously and provide a "Twin Strike" attack which is strong against corrupted foes and deals massive damage when deployed by a cavalry ally.
Examples of the pair's battle bonuses can be found in the following tutorial video:

Perhaps best known for his appearances in the Japan-only titles, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 and Geneology of the Holy War, Leif returns to the series in Fire Emblem Engage as 'The Emblem of Genealogy'.
As an Emblem, Leif can wield many different weapons, making him a strong choice in a variety of battle situations. The bonuses that this Emblem grants include the ability to take reduced damage when the user has a weapon triangle advantage, an increased chance to land critical hits, the ability to change weapons to a more advantageous one when the enemy attacks, and a move which launches consecutive attacks with a sword, axe, lance and bow to increase the chance of landing a Break.
Many of these abilities can be found in the following Emblem tutorial:

First appearing in the 3DS title, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Lucina now returns to the franchise as 'The Emblem of Awakening'.
There are a number of different bonuses that Lucina can grant those who call on her in battle. These include the ability to allow any fighter to Chain Attack, deal huge damage to cavalry and armoured opponents, increase the chance of removing damage from nearby allies and create chain attacks for all allies within two squares of the user.
These techniques are each demonstrated in the following tutorial video:

We like Ike! Perhaps more famous for his appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Ike made his debut in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance on the GameCube. He appears in Engage as the 'Emblem of Radiance'.
Many of Ike's bonuses and skills help boost defence and resistance when your army's health drops low, but this warrior also comes with some extremely powerful attack and defensive skills. Essentially, the lower Ike's health, the stronger he is.
See him in action in the below video:

Bringing the Wii representation, Micaiah first appeared in the console's Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and now returns for Engage as the 'Emblem of Dawn'.
As a support and healing-focussed Emblem, Micaiah is great at using magic to help troops from afar. Her Emblem Ring can be used to allow the user to wield a staff (no matter their class), illuminate dark battlefields, boost the range of a staff and sacrifice the HP of a single character for the benefit of the entire team.
You can find all of these abilities in the following tutorial:
Expansion Pass Wave One
During The Game Awards presentation, Nintendo revealed that Fire Emblem Engage would be receiving an Expansion Pass DLC across four different waves. The first of these released on launch day (20th January), reintroducing the following characters.

Formally appearing in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & The Blade of Light, Tiki returns to Engage as the 'Emblem of the Dragon Princess'.
As her Emblem name hints, Tiki possesses an Engage Skill which allows her to shapeshift into her dragon form. In this state, the hero gains 10 HP and all of her stats increase by build +5. This allows Tiki to both deal impressive damage to any nearby enemies and grant powerful support effects to allies.
Tiki's dragon attack can be found in the following video:
Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude

The trio of heroes from the former mainline Fire Emblem title, Three Houses, return to Engage in one collective bracelet as the 'Emblem of Three Houses'.
When synched with an Emblem, one of the three heroes is chosen at random to assist in battle. Using the sync skill, this randomly-selected fighter grants 120% XP gain. On top of this, each of the three heroes has their own perks: Edelgard applies flames to the opponents and their surrounding tiles after an attack, Dimitri removes the first hit if attacked from a distance of two or more squares away, and Claude can inflict poison on the enemy and all those within one square of them.
The heroes can also use the Amyr weapon to deal massive damage against dragons, deal consecutive hits and grant the opportunity to use one of the heroes' special attacks again.
Many of these abilities can be found in the below tutorial video.
Expansion Pass Wave Two
The February Nintendo Direct Showcase revealed a new batch of Emblems who will be joining the game over Wave Two and Three of the DLC rollout. The second Wave was available to download immediately after the Direct event finished (8th February), and includes the following heroes.

First appearing in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, Hector makes his series return in Engage as the 'Emblem of Strength'.
The special skills granted by using Hector in battle include the ability to increase defences and resistance, and prevent follow-up attacks. His Engage Weapon, 'Wolf Beil,' deals huge damage to cavalry and armoured opponents.
You can get a taste of his new Engage attack in the following video:

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance's Soren returns to the latest title as the 'Emblem of Acumen'.
Calling on Soren allows you to nominate an ally as the likely target of opponents' attacks, strike distant foes with their Engage Weapon, reduce enemy resistance and unleash elemental attacks across a wide area.
An idea of some of these moves can be gained from watching this video:

The 'Emblem of Revelation,' Camilla first appeared in Fire Emblem Fates.
Using this Emblem during a battle in Engage grant the chance to create various terrain effects, attack enemies from range with a magical axe, move across the battlefield like a Flying Unit and damage large areas with a fire effect.
This special attack can be seen below.
Expansion Pass Wave Three
The third wave of Fire Emblem Engage DLC was released on 8th March 2023 and included the following Emblems:
Chrom / Robin

The protagonists of Fire Emblem: Awakening, Chrom and Robin return to Engage under a singular, unified Ring as the 'Emblem of Bonds'.
Combining the heroes' sword and magic abilities, using this Emblem in battle comes with its own unique set of bonuses including the chance to negate some counter attacks and provide an extra chain attack.
The Emblem's Engage Attack, 'Giga Levin Sword,' blasts enemies with a single hit from a powerful magic blade. You can see this move in action in the video below:

Previously appearing in the series' mobile game, Fire Emblem Heroes, Veronica makes her major-console debut in Engage as the 'Emblem of Heroes'.
Calling on Veronica in battle lets the user repurpose missing HP as attack damage, remove the opponent's chance to counter attack when using her Emblem weapon and allow adjacent allies to attack again. Her Engage Attack, 'Summon Heroes,' can randomly summon units to the battlefield.
This attack animation can be found below:
Fell Xenologue (Expansion Pass Wave Four)
The fourth wave of Fire Emblem Engage DLC introduces an entirely new story to the base game called 'Fell Xenologue'. Alongside the new plot developments, there are also a number of new characters that are part of the expansion and can later be added to the main game after completing the wave four storyline.
The following characters will be added as a part of this expansion:

A brand new character joining Fire Emblem Engage's fourth wave of DLC, Nel has the starting class of Fell Child.
Although she uses a lance for closer combat, the Fell Child class also allows Nel to transform into a dragon during combat (which we can't help but think is an all-around cooler way to fight).
You can get a taste of Nel's transforming animation and attack in the following video:

Nel's twin brother, Nin starts off the Fell Xenologue with the same starting class of Fell Child but wields an axe instead of a spear.
While his initial character profile does not specify the same transformational abilities as Nel, we would imagine that the unique class will grant Nil an equal chance to turn into a dragon during battle.
For a closer look at Nil's axe attack animation, check out the video below.

If Zelestia looks familiar to you, that's because she probably is. Looking at the above image, that's clearly Zephia, one of the main antagonists from the main Engage storyline. But Fell Xenologue takes place in a world outside of Elios where things are similar, but different.
So, is Zephia good now? Well, maybe...
Zelestia's starting class is Melusine, a highly powerful magic knight who flies across the battlefield, dealing out massive damage with sword and magic attacks. An example of this strength can be found in the following video:

First Zephia and now Griss? Yep, the Four Hounds from Engage's base game are here remodelled as the Four Wings, and you can play as all of them this time.
Aside from the clear visual link to Griss, Gregory is also a magic-based character with the starting type of Sage. He can wield both tomes and staves, allowing him to deal huge damage against armoured enemies.
You can get a taste of Gregory in action from the following attack video:

The Four Wings' version of Marni, Madeline's starting class is a General meaning that she might not be the most mobile ally on the battlefield, but she can deal out huge attacks and has strong defensive stats.
You can get an idea of Marni's powerful offence in the video below:

Those familiar with the phrase "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck", will see that the Fell Xenologue edition of Mauvier is much the same as his character from the base game.
Mauvier's starting class is a Royal Knight, allowing him to easily traverse the battlefield on horseback and deal powerful hits with his lance. As an added bonus, this character can also use Staves, throwing a magical attack into the mix.
One of the lance attacks can be found in the following animation:
At the time of writing, these are all of the characters that we know (or, that we confidently assume) are coming to Fire Emblem Engage. We will continue to update this guide as more hero profiles are revealed.
Which characters are you enjoying so far? Let us know your lineup in the comments below!
Comments 90
Ah a new Fire Emblem, always make me happy. And will come in the final week of my vacation!
Nowi from Awakening should return, wearing even less clothing.
a few of the new characters look too samey
Why does Chloe’s section say they and their? She’s obviously a she.
Ike and Micaiah. I can sleep well tonight
Two of them are named Cramme and Framme?!
I missed the last game. I'm still trying to get to that one first! If I only had more time.....
Do the characters have any personality in this game, do they talk about anything besides fighting, do they make small talk, like hey wanna grab a pizza or hey did you see that movie on tv last night, or look at this silly drawing I made, or do they only talk about fighting and that’s it, that’s what I didn’t like about pokemon arceus legends, yeah sure it’s a pokemon game but that doesn’t mean the characters have to talk about all the time, they all have the personality of a dial tone
@Koffyman They do talk about daily life, their interests, and their background. That’s how you build relationships in your team. The higher the bond the more perks you get while in combat.
Please let the hair be customizable, that design is in the so bad I can’t play it territory.
This barely seems real yet. Not over the moon about some character designs but very excited!
Just wish female Alear wore regular pants because if she goes to battle in that she could get cut. But it is better than Byleth’s fishnets. I do miss the more otherwise rooted designs from Three Houses and it feels like we are back in pretty fantasy designs again...not a huge complaint as I will buy the game anyway, but I had thought that armor and female clothing designs were moving forward.
I know I should just walk away. But I can’t help but hate on this game. Everything about it is so irksome. Makes me remember, I don’t actually like Fire Emblem. I just liked Three Houses.
I hope they still kept the S support elements even if slightly scaled back, Chloe and Celine definitely seem like wife material. From the leaks, I have a feeling the gameplay here may actually be better than in 3H, so I'm definitely looking forward to it.
Can't wait for Engage though I do have kind of iffy feelings on the whole Emblem system. Feels rather tacked-on, and in particular it kind of feels like an excuse to build the DLC around just throwing in characters from other games.
I still see Alear and can only think of Toothpaste-chan, but the supporting cast looks much better.
Also it's nice to see Hector and Lyn in that tapestry, and Celica appear in the game in any capacity. Shadows of Valentia and Blazing Blade were the best ones imo. I don't recognize too many of these other characters, the way they've been stylized.
Edit: Looks like Micaiah and Roy are in there. On second look, it appears that the one holding the axe is Ike, not Hector.
adjective: milquetoast
feeble, insipid, or bland.
"a soppy, milquetoast composer"
1930s: from the name of a cartoon character, Caspar Milquetoast, created by H. T. Webster in 1924.
I hope we have some characters that can use transform attacks.
It's obvious that Anna would appear since she's a staple of the series.
I think we've hit an all-time low in character design with Alear.
Thanks for putting this together! Easily my most anticipated game now. Also there are a few odd/spam comments in this chat
Engage needs Camilla, Lucina, Roy and Ike FTW!
I love fire emblem!! But these are one of the worst character designs ever !!
Please bring back more armored characters who actually look like warriors, not this fancy high lord bs. SMDH
I appreciate the heterochromia, but the hair... oof, can't stand the MC's hair.
These new characters' designs are too generic IMO
Edit: I think the team behind Fire Emblem Heroes is doing the design, 'cause appears the same generic stuff to me.
OK, Ring of Power. I'm here for it. I didn't care for the Three Houses so much. I mean it was just OK to me. It had a Persona vibe to it. I do love Persona, but I wanted Fire Emblem. The summons mechanic looks pretty cool. I can't wait till this comes out. I don't play many strategy RPG's, but I love me some Fire Emblem.
This game really does feel like it was intended to be a anniversary game for the series seeing that we're getting legacy characters come back into the spotlight.
I love me some Fire Emblem, really looking forward to this one.
What is a fire emblem?
Louis is the lost child of Henry and Lon'qu
I’m very excited for this game and the concept. Don’t get me wrong, I love getting to know new characters, but it’s still exciting to get to see Marth, Celica, and others again. This should be fun!
@Dr_Luigi Do that, my friend. Play Three Houses before this one.
It´s an exceptional game, with a level of character customization neve seen before in the franchise and a really lenghty story with different paths/endings to choose. The best Fire Emblem ever (in my opinion)
Dang, Vander looks like my old man.
The hero summoning is a little dry. It’s really just the heroes you immediately expect without any deviation. Marth, Sigurd, and ooh, they had the guts to pick Celica over Alm! Whoever could’ve guessed they’d do that?
When the gacha game has had a much wider cast for over 5 years, it makes this look pedestrian.
I really like the art direction of this game! It's nothing fancy but the cell-shading and art touches makes the characters stand out a little more than just your generic blue-haired FE cast. Even the returning characters seem glowed-up.
Wish the male focal summon was someone else other than Marth though. Would have been cool to see Roy or Ike instead and then re-release one of their games right after.
As an non native english speaking person, i do not comprehend why people use the plural form, it really confuses me very often.
@Azuris As a native English (American version) speaker, I am not a fan either.
Really don't care for the art direction in this one. Might be my first skipped Fire Emblem game. Also it rubs me the wrong way that they're bringing back all the lords when they haven't even officially released all their games outside of Japan. Not a fan of the crossover fanservice thing here.
With every announcement I'm even more glad I managed to pre-order the limited edition to add it to my ever growing FE collection
I really dislike this games aesthetic. As with FE3H, IS jarringly places modern anime style characters in a medieval setting. The last game with great aesthetic design was awakening.
@Dr_Luigi I feel you, I haven't even finished Fates and I did buy Three Houses.
I do like the graphical style but this is probably the most Bishie and Waifu the series has ever been lol. outside of Vander and the kids like Cramme, Flamme and Celine.
Even Louis the Armoured Knight is lithe compared to the hulking guys they tend to have as the class.
@strollin_stu If you've never played them, then you have no room to speak. They're good strategy games.
I'm a fan of the series but I am not feeling the art here myself. It's certainly nothing that makes me not want to buy the game, but still....
Anyway, looking forward to it
I adore the Fire Emblem series and this one looks like another bullseye winner.
just got the second trailer for the west and it is so funny yet frustrating how we now have more footage/gameplay and information about Fire Emblem Engage just within 2 months than we have for Zelda Tiers of the Kingdom in 3 years and 5 months
This is the first nintendo game I've been genuinely excited for since Metroid Dread. I think this one is going to surpass Three Houses overall. I would like to see a romance mechanic return, but this good/evil talk sounds like it has potential as well. I like the characters, and look forward to playing female and male versions of Alear, even if their design is still taking time to grow on me.
Not convinced by the art style on this one, hopefully gameplay is decent.
Why is it that every time I look at the protagonist I can't help but think of some cross-promotional tie-in involving Pepsi or some sort of toothpaste?
File that character design under "seemed like a good idea at the time".
@Goofonzo Yet the series has never seen better sales, and without Awakening, there wouldn't have been anymore FE. If that's what a "downward spiral" looks like, then sign me up!
@Goofonzo I mean, no offense, but if we are playing that game then by your logic the older games failed the series while the newer ones dug it up from the ashes, used the reanimation jutsu, and made it better than ever.
And what makes it worse is even in the GCN and Wii days, Fire Emblem was getting support from Smash Bros and still couldn't manage to stand on it's own legs.
Meanwhile FE:A received zero help from Smash Bros and still managed to become the best selling game in the series when it was the latest.
Again, I personally don't follow this logic myself as I think it's flawed but by your own stance, the newer games did what the older ones could not.
@NCChris The games had a following before Awakenings. And Awakenings did most things right, but it was that emphasis on relationships that was mostly different. And it's gone that way since. So yeah it's more popular, sure. But that doesn't mean it's better. puts on a snooty hat and pushes nose up "logic logic logic logic logic"(mockingly)
@Thief Yeah for me it's a downward spiral into a relationship simulator. More sales doesn't mean it's a better game. They are just catering to an audience that likes to pet characters and make them have babies and sometimes have a fight.
@Goofonzo Well clearly that following pre-Awakening died out because the sales numbers certainly do not reflect a strong base. And I'd argue it is better because it found a way to keep the franchise going, preserve the battle mechanics, and add a new flavor that it desperately needed.
If you liked how the original games were made great, but that direction was never going to last. The reality is there was no longer interest in that original style so there's no way it's ever coming back.
@Thief I like how your whole argument is "it sold well". lol
So Human Fall Flat must be one of your favorite games. Along with Wii Fit Plus. And all the other battle focused turn based games that have been coming out are for that dead and dying fan base huh? Maybe Fire Emblem had to die (by being pet to death by some weird fat American kids) so that these new games could fly.
@Goofonzo Well the sale numbers absolutely matter because not only have they been the best in the entire franchise, it's what saved the franchise from going under. Facts are facts, the games leading up to Awakening sold awfully and made it very clear that the original format no longer worked. I don't know what's so hard to understand, especially when the series is more popular than ever and even Nintendo recognizes that with how much promotion it gets.
Byleth? Marth? Nah we need Ferdinand Von Aegir
Just waiting on January.
The cutscenes look great, but I get the feeling they’re only showing the briefest of gameplay because there’s a lot less there than the previous game and no hubworld.
For a moment I thought Anna was holding a hockey stick, a la Casey Jones, until the camera shifted and it turned out to be an axe.
Does Anna look like a child to anyone else or is it just me?
I love fire emblem and I will enjoy this game however, I’m not a fan of the art style. It’s too um…..slick,slim and sexy 😂. The characters look extra beautiful I don’t know how to explain it lol. I wish they dial that back. The art was fine in the last game and that one was prettied up
Hey wait a minute, I know you.....
Looks like a return to what made Fire Emblem great.
I love Three Houses but that game feels like a whole other series at times with the school stuff, like they saw Persona and thought lets try that.
@tenthAvatar This is the first game in this series in 3 and a half years and the first actually made by a studio under Nintendo's control(although IS are pretty much thier own thing) since 2017 so its not taking any dev time or resources from those unnamed dormant series.
Not to mention if Nintendo was to bring back lets say F Zero as an example it wouldn't be Intelligent Systems anyway since the only real dormant series they have is Advance Wars which has a remake on the way.
@tenthAvatar I wholeheartedly disagree. I feel like Fire Emblem is so well received because it's bursting with personality. Other SRPGs that try a similar formula, sometimes fail because they lack heart. Especially since they've implemented voice acting it no longer feels low budget at all. (sidenote: I am a big FE fan since localization, so not objective at all )
Also, if Nintendo wanted to they could work on their more dormant franchises. But sales numbers just aren't motivating enough. Demand for games like F-Zero seems high on websites like these, but it's not likely a new iteration or remake would outperform previous installments.
Random thought: If you look on the Nintendo News section of the switch, as people sooooo often do, you'll see that Byleth and Corrin are also here
I appreciate this article but it’s a bit far behind.
Yeah, Byleth and a couple of other returning characters have been confirmed in the new trailers, as well as some new characters who are not on this list. Yet Byleth is still listed under "teased emblems" here.
Do we really need this article on front page every 3 days? Are you that desperate for any news at all?
I'm kind of finding myself in a weird spot on this game because it's Fire Emblem and I'm digging what's been shown of it so I'll totally buy it day one, but I'm really not actually feeling very excited about it. I think I'm just put off by the Emblem system, feels like a tacked-on gimmick to sell more DLC based around.
Oh cool an agile lancer! Timerra will be in heavy rotation on my squad.
This article is severely outdated. 6 characters have already been revealed to return, so now you're just drip-feeding old news. Byleth was revealed I think two or three weeks ago.
Hoping we get the option to use female Byleth from the emblem ring, instead of male Byleth. Likewise with male Corrin instead of female Corrin etc ofc.
I have no idea why this one is so uninteresting to me. I enjoyed Three Houses a lot, and Awakening, but something about how Engage looks, art direction maybe, and the whole "bring characters from other games in" gacha vibe has me hesitant. Doesn't help that I'm currently playing Tactics Ogre Reborn and that has been one of the best SRPGs I played in ages. Either I'm not in the mood for a Fire Emblem game or they lost me with the visual style.
Ehh the article says the game releases on january 23rd. I'm pretty sure it releases on january 20 🙃
I hadn't noticed before, but all the women suffer from Same Face Syndrome. Both Corrin's and Celica's face felt odd compared to source material but I had written it off as a change in artstyle. Celica and Corrin are the same person with a different wig and dress
I just realized the emblems all have the same colored eyes…likely to denote they aren’t human/alive. Happy to see FemKamui back. Her story is a mess but she is still one of my favorite lords.
I feel like Corrin looks wildly off-model for some reason.
Am I the only one who becomes less interested in a Fire Emblem game if they bring back old characters? Marth is basically Charizard at this point. I'm tired of seeing him.
I hope they've made the lock-picking skill more balanced than how it was in Three Houses. In that game it was practically useless, since you could buy as many keys you needed from the merchant, the keys would fit any lock, and they were so cheap you never ran out of them. For example, changing the game mechanics so that specific locks in a specific level need specific keys, so you have to either spend time searching the chests on that level or use a character who can pick locks, would make the skill way more useful.
@Bobb Same Face Syndrome is very common in manga/anime as well as in video games with a manga/anime style character design. Typically it only applies to the protagonists though; supporting characters and antagonists are allowed to have more diverse facial designs, since they don't need to look "good". (The idea behind the Syndrome seems to be that you can't identify with a character unless they look good/cute, and that is less of a issue with non-protagonists.) You can have an anime/manga style character design that still avoids repeating the same face, as Three Houses showed for example. But it seems the designer of this came is more prone to it.
Yunaka just looks like if Celica accidentally glued stars to her hair then got so embarrassed that she changed her name and outfit to make a fresh start
@Lizuka I think it's the eyes and the proportions of her face. She's lost some of that ferocity and harshness that was integral to her design, now she just looks like grown-up Nowi or something.
@VideoGameEnjoyer I think you nailed the rough feeling there when you said it feels very 'gacha'. Right now it almost feels like a spinoff title than a mainline entry. I think having all of these past characters so involved is a mistake, because they completely overshadow the original characters.
That might not be the case in terms of how the game actually plays, I don't know, but right now I'm the same as you: I struggled to engage (hahaha) with the concept and I'm just plain not interested. Currently having a blast playing Sacred Stones for the first time on my hacked 3DS and it feels like such a far cry from what FE is slowly becoming.
These micro updates have bored me to tears.... I will now be skipping this game though thought it looked better than three houses (also skipped after they over-milked the series on 3ds).
People complaining about the artstyle almost sound like they'd rather get an uneven artstyle. Yeah, why not make Marth a pixel guy and Byleth a 3d character in the same game? Maybe that would satisfy some fans...
The only complaint I get is the fact most female characters' face shapes here are looking too much like each other.
Yes, likely not counting the emblem "booster" characters which are probably used only in combat and not in the social situations, the cast in Fire Emblem games have different personalities. I didn't quite understand whether you thought it was a good or bad thing, though? As for me, if the characters didn't have different personalities, that would make the game crap definitely. Actually, it would make any rpg crap (thinking about the no- personalities in elder scrolls games).
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As an older gamer, Fire Emblem Three Houses caught my eyes straight away and I had a lot of fun with it. This game however... Terrible (not only) main character design. But even putting that aside, seeing the very first trailer I already lost all interest. I dont think Im a target audience for this game.
They should mod the game, and take out every soldier vs soldier success / hit failure ratio shown before attacking the enemy. It spoils any strategy for me and sucks the joy out of the entire series. It's literally something a player should figure out thru trial n error while battling. Spoiling it is like telling me what's the point of playing? Half the fun is not knowing what'll happen. Moves look cool but that's were it stands for me until they if ever take that annoying feature out of the series.
The female protagonist is hot as hell! Especially with that Short blue…..
Rosado is definitely They/Them.
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