We're celebrating Pokémon Day 2025, which took place on 27th February 2025, by republishing this list of the best Pokémon games of all time. Don't forget, you can get ranking down below, too.
Ranking the best Pokémon games is no easy feat given that many of them are considered among the best games of their particular hardware generation. Then you have to consider just how many spin-off Pokémon video games have hit the gaming world over the last 30 years or so!
To make things a little simpler for everyone, we're going to focus on the mainline list of Pokémon games that have graced our gaming consoles. These are the games that introduced a new generation of Pokémon to the mix, their sequels, their ultimate versions, and indeed the remakes of these games.
Without further ado then — and with those minor caveats in mind — here's our list of the very best Pokémon games ranked for you!
Interested in a title that's not mentioned here? Don't forget you can browse all Pokémon games in our massive database!
Top 21 Pokémon Games Ranked
21. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (Switch)
There are still plenty more ways we’d like to see the Pokémon franchise evolve but despite some glaring technical hiccups, Pokémon Scarlet & Violet has us cautiously excited about the series' future.
Scarlet & Violet is most fun and exciting when you're just exploring the world, and while there are many small new details and improvements to the Pokémon formula, it still plays it safe in a few areas.
It’s a smaller step than many may have hoped for, then, especially considering what Pokémon Legends: Arceus did, but it's definitely one in the right direction. We really hope Game Freak can figure out how to smooth out the series’ ongoing performance issues because they’re going to become a serious detriment over time.
20. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (Switch)
While some of the slower elements of the original games have been fixed in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, and The Grand Underground makes up for the comparatively weak Pokédex, the new art style and a few other stumbles make this pair of games a somewhat disappointing retread of Generation 4. If the remit here was to remain faithful to the original Gen 4 pair, we wish they’d also stuck to the pixel-art aesthetic.
Unfortunately, these are Brilliant and Shining remakes in name only, sticking very closely to the original template — which some players will no doubt welcome — but aside from The Grand Underground and the connectivity with the current games in the series, there’s very little reason to play Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl over your original DS copies.
19. Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! (Switch)
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! are beautiful reimaginings of a video game classic, updating a decades-old game in ways which make it infinitely more accessible and user-friendly for a modern audience, while keeping the magic first discovered all those years ago.
On the downside, the motion control mechanic is fun but flawed, forcing you to shift from one play style to another to get the best experience. Still, the game does a superb job of striking a balance between being an easy route of entry for newcomers and offering just enough post-game challenge and competitive play elements (and nostalgia, of course) to please series veterans; as a result, these newer titles really do offer something for everyone, which can't always be said of the mainline Pokémon entries.
They might not be absolute masterpieces, but we’d urge any Poké-fans out there to give these Kanto classics a go.
18. Pokémon Sword and Shield (Switch)
Pokémon Sword and Shield succeeded in bringing some new ideas to the table, although there are areas where it could have pushed further.
What was done right was done right, but there were also elements that felt like they had come from a decade-old design document. There are moments contained within that are the best the series has ever been, but this joy is occasionally spoiled by contrasting moments that left us disappointed. It's an experience full of highs and lows, from the unadulterated wonder and joy of seeing a brand-new Pokémon in a stadium full of cheering crowds, to the monotonous and dragged-out dialogue we just wanted to skip. The wonders of exploring the Wild Area felt like the true evolution of the series, which subsequent entries have explored.
On the whole, Pokémon Sword and Shield were a very solid start to the HD generation of Pokémon games, although with room for improvement.
17. Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (3DS)
Thanks to X/Y and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire there were already some fantastic 3DS Pokémon games for owners to enjoy.
That said, Pokémon Sun and Moon felt like a new start for players who had perhaps fallen off the Pokémon RPG collectathon bandwagon. With improved character models and customisation, plus the addition of powerful Z-moves, the return of fan-favourite Gen I pocket monsters in new Alolan forms helped enthuse the franchise faithful as well as people who can only reliably recall the first 151. Extra forms, moves and activities in these Ultra editions make them the most ‘complete’ variants.
Although it’s a shame we never got to see our favourite monsters in stereoscopic 3D, this is the crème de la crème of traditional-style 3DS Pokémon games.
16. Pokémon Sun and Moon (3DS)
Pokémon Sun and Moon are some of the best Pokémon games that Game Freak has ever produced. Poké Pelago, the side quests, the absolutely stunning nature of the presentation, it's all a sheer joy from start to finish.
Game Freak managed to carefully balance the inclusion of new mechanics without totally ruining things for the most hardcore fans. It's got content coming out of its ears, a much more interesting story than some previous efforts, and it rewards exploration in a way no other title in the series had to that point.
Whether you're a Pokémon fan new or old, this should be in your 3DS library.
15. Pokémon Diamond & Pearl (DS)
Doing our best to avoid spouting Prince lyrics, what is there to say about Pokémon Diamond & Pearl?
The core experience holds up as well as it ever did and, at the time, these were the greatest Pokemon games ever created. As with so many video games successful enough to spawn a never-ending series of sequels, each entry is destined to settle beneath its successors, compacting down with the passing of time until they're mere fossils — worth collecting, treasuring and remembering, yes, but worth playing when they've been iterated on umpteen times since?
That's a tough question to answer, and we suppose it's the price of success and progress, but while Diamond & Pearl might not boast the refinements we're now accustomed to, they're still excellent Pokémon games and deserve to be taken off the shelf and actually played with once in a while. They're sure to make you a happy boy or a girl.
14. Pokémon X & Y (3DS)
Game Freak hit the nail squarely on the head once again with Pokémon X and Y. A wonderful blend of excitement and nostalgia, it evolved the core series with its impressive polygonal 3D environments and masterful camera angles, adding a few technical adjustments along with a brand new Pokémon type to the original formula that we all know and love.
It wasn't quite a revolution, no — and was hindered slightly by the meagre use of its host platform's glasses-free 3D capabilities — but X and Y remain a very fine pair.
13. Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire (GBA)
Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire ushered in the third generation of Pocket Monsters and moved the series on from the stalwart 8-bit Game Boy hardware onto the more capable, wider platform of the Advance.
The removal of the night-day cycle irked some of the Poké-faithful, but Gen III brought with it a host of new features, including 2 vs. 2 battles and the natures mechanic that gave Poké Trainers a whole new stat-filled rabbit hole to go down. The widescreen presentation of the GBA improved the look of the battle screens, and the entire Hoenn region looked incredibly lush compared to 8-bit Kanto and Johto.
12. Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition (GB)
This enhanced version of the original games brought over elements from the incredibly popular anime, so Pikachu takes centre stage as your starter Pokémon – he follows you around outside his pokéball and can’t be traded or evolved.
The nurses and police officers around Kanto were substituted for Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys, some Pokémon locations and appearances were altered, and various sprites and world elements were reworked to better reflect the wider brand as it had been established since Red & Blue launched.
The western version of Pokémon Yellow got a minor palette enhancement which works well if you’re playing on a Game Boy Color, although this was not a full GBC game. The changes add an extra layer of charm (and the surfing Pikachu minigame is a lot of fun), but whichever version you pick up, the original Pokémon titles remain an enjoyable gaming experience.
Simple in appearance and lacking the bells and whistles of later games, they nevertheless engross from start to finish.
11. Pokémon Red and Blue (GB)
While Pokémon Red & Blue are both vintage games with the occasional issue, they're still extremely engaging and involving titles in which to drown your free time.
The gameplay is simpler by modern standards, but there's still a wealth of intricacies and complexity to be explored if you want to train a team to pixel-powered perfection. If you were to drag everything about the game and dump it in a nice, shiny, new 3D engine, you'd be forgiven for thinking these were brand new games, and you can't say that about many Game Boy titles.
There are certain wrinkles that were ironed out in subsequent entries, but there’s a special charm to finding those first 151 Pocket Monsters. Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee may have updated these games for the Switch generation, the depth of the originals still makes them compelling to play on original hardware. Just make sure you’ve got a mate and a link cable — you have to trap all of them!
Hang on, that’s not right.
10. Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (3DS)
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire seem very similar to Pokémon X & Y, as you might expect, but the story and the environments you encounter feel — despite the fact that they are remakes — very fresh and unique. They’re not an extensive upgrade from their other 3DS counterparts, but any Poké-fan who’s played one of the series remakes in the past knows not to expect radical overhauls.
These titles should be considered as more-than-worthy accompaniments to X & Y, even though they arguably surpassed those games by pushing new ideas such as the Soar ability.
9. Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen (GBA)
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen were Game Boy Advance remakes of the classic games that started it all, Pokémon Red & Blue. Yes, the Game Boy originals were known as Red and Green in Japan, because reasons.
Did Pokémon really ever get better than this? That's up for debate, but vastly updated visuals, the ability to connect to various other Pokémon games to collect over 350 of the critters, and an enhanced user interface were just some of the upgrades offered in this 32-bit revamp. For players intimately familiar with the Kanto games, this was the first opportunity (of many to come, of course) to indulge in some nostalgia and catch the original 151 all over again. Who could possibly resist?
Watch out, Metapod. Or should we call you... Metapoo? Ah, the comedy! Happy days.
8. Pokémon Black and White (DS)
Pokémon Black and White may not have the added nostalgia of HeartGold and SoulSilver, but they're up there with some of the best in the series. What they lack in links to the past they gain by recreating the sense of discovery felt when embarking on that first Pokémon journey.
Black and White arguably suffer in reputation from being the only games in the series (thus far) to have direct numbered sequels set in the same region, albeit visiting new locations. Despite being shoved to the back of the queue in some people's minds, these introductions to Gen V are still fantastic games and well worth revisiting.
7. Pokémon Legends: Arceus (Switch)
Designated a mainline entry in the series by Game Freak itself, Pokémon Legends: Arceus feels like the result of the developers learning lessons for 25 years, refining the formula, and finally taking the franchise in a new, incredibly exciting direction.
Technically it may stumble in places, but with an emphasis on extremely rewarding exploration, addictive catching mechanics, a fine roster of Pokémon, and a genuine sense of scale that’s unlike anything in the series, Pokémon Legends: Arceus is up there with the greatest Pokémon games ever made in our book.
6. Pokémon Crystal (GBC)
Pokémon Crystal is the perfect swan song to what many fans consider the best generation of Pokémon games and the series' final Game Boy Color entry.
It featured a plethora of welcome new features over the base games — including the ability to play as a female character for the first time — plus more things to do, tweaked graphics and UI, and a slight notch up in the challenge department.
Crystal took what Pokémon Gold and Silver did so marvellously and made Johto worth exploring once more – and Kanto for the umpteenth time, for that matter. It truly proves that nostalgia is far from the sole factor that makes this game so great to pick up again.
5. Pokémon Gold And Silver (GBC)
Pokémon Gold and Silver have always been a highlight in the Pokémon series and even now, decades since they were originally released, they remain a truly brilliant experience. Perhaps its indicative of the series' slow-and-steady iterative approach, but these games feel just as good as they did all those years ago.
They're fantastic games that evoke warm, fuzzy memories for anybody who played them all those years ago. Updating the original with a gorgeous splash of colour on GBC, adding 100 new Pocket Monsters, and throwing in the entire Kanto region for good measure (thanks, Satoru Iwata), even people who adore the entire series have been known to argue that Pokémon peaked at Gen II.
4. Pokémon Black and White 2 (DS)
Those who brushed Pokémon Black and White 2 off as simply more of the same back in 2012 were sorely mistaken.
On a superficial level, sure, the Pokémon games have not changed much, and for good reason; the foundation that was placed way back in Pokémon Red and Blue was incredibly solid and engaging from the off. By adding more around it and tweaking things under the hood, the series has grown far beyond its humble monochromatic origins, even if the pace of change is a little more glacial than some would like.
The naming of these entries, their status as the first 'direct' sequels in the franchise, and the fact that they weren't being released on the then-new 3DS console arguably did them a disservice and masked their greatness. Make no mistake though, these are two of the finest entries in the series.
3. Pokémon Emerald (GBA)
Pokémon Emerald is the upgraded version of Ruby and Sapphire, and — as you might expect — it was more evolution than revolution. It included some new story elements in the Hoenn region, updated the locations where you could nab certain Pokémon, allowed you to catch a greater pool of Pokémon than in its predecessors and added the Battle Frontier — a competition island you can visit after beating the Elite Four to earn badges, buy items and get new moves to teach your 'mon.
Perhaps a little lacking in 'wow' factor for Poké Fans who had been there from the beginning, Emerald was nonetheless solid entry in the Pokémon canon.
2. Pokémon Platinum (DS)
From the new characters to the addition of the Battle Frontier and an enhanced online experience, Pokémon Platinum certainly offered a lot of game for your money back in 2009.
Instead of taking the easy way out and adding only a couple of minor things, Game Freak went out of its way to add a ton of worthwhile additions that were enough to warrant a purchase even if you'd previously travelled across the Sinnoh region in Diamond & Pearl two years prior.
If you're only going to play one Gen IV game, this is the one.
1. Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver (DS)
The original Pokémon Gold and Silver games are fondly remembered by Pocket Monster fans all over the world, and with good reason: they introduced features that genuinely evolved the original Game Boy games, such as breeding and an in-game clock (not to mention colour!), features that have become series staples. Add in fan-favourite monsters and these remakes were always going to be well received.
Future games would trickle in additional quality-of-life features and other innovations, but some would argue — if they're able to get over an enduring love of the original 151 — that it never got better than travelling across the land, searching far and wide in these DS remakes.
The Game Boy originals may be a little hard to return to these days, but Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver strike the very best balance of nostalgia and that patented catch-'em-all gameplay. Magic.
Pokémon FAQ
That's the end of our guide to the very best Pokémon games! To finish up we'll answer some common questions about the franchise.
How many Pokémon games are there?
There are Pokémon spin-offs aplenty, and you could technically include them all in the count!
For the purpose of providing a direct answer to this question though, we’re going to go with Wikipedia’s tally of 22 titles.
Here’s a list of Pokémon games, however, which are spread across all nine Pokemon generations, and represent the core titles released on Nintendo’s hardware.
Pokémon game list
First Generation
- Pokémon Red
- Pokémon Green (Japan only)
- Pokémon Blue
- Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition
Second Generation
- Pokémon Gold and Silver
- Pokémon Crystal
Third Generation
- Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
- Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
- Pokémon Emerald
Fourth Generation
- Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
- Pokémon Platinum
- Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
Fifth Generation
- Pokémon Black and White
- Pokémon Black 2 and White 2
Sixth Generation
- Pokémon X and Y
- Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Seventh Generation
- Pokémon Sun and Moon
- Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
- Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu! And Let’s Go Eevee!
Eighth Generation
- Pokémon Sword and Shield
- Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Ninth Generation
- Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
- Pokémon Legends: Z-A [Unreleased]
As of 2025, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is the newest Pokémon game available on Nintendo consoles. The next Pokémon game — Pokémon Legends: Z-A — is scheduled for release in 2025.
What Pokémon games have Mega Evolution?
The Mega Evolution mechanic helps Pokémon deal extremely powerful moves while sporting an empowered Mega Form design.
This mechanic has featured in:
- Pokémon X and Y
- Pokémon Omega Ruby
- Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
- Pokémon Sun and Moon
- Let’s Go, Pikachu!
- Let’s Go, Eeevee!
- Pokémon GO
What Pokémon games are on Switch?
There are four main Nintendo Switch Pokémon games, along with various DLC expansions:
Pokémon Switch games
- 2019: Pokémon Sword / Pokémon Shield
- 2020: The Isle of Armor (DLC)
- 2020: The Crown Tundra (DLC)
- 2021: Pokémon Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl
- 2022: Pokémon Legends: Arceus
- 2022: Pokémon Scarlet / Pokemon Violet
- 2023: The Teal Mask (DLC)
- 2023: The Indigo Disk (DLC)
As for the future of Pokémon on the Switch? Pokémon Legends: Z-A is scheduled to release in late 2025, so we imagine before the holidays. At the moment, it's confirmed for the Switch and "family of systems", so we'll have to see what that means when the Switch 2 launches in 2025.
Why are Pokémon games so expensive?
Pokémon games — even very old ones — are so expensive due to a simple case of supply and demand.
The old games — no longer in production — are still extremely popular. There’s little supply, and a great deal of demand, which leads to higher prices.
As an ongoing flagship release for modern Nintendo hardware, you can always expect a new Pokémon game release to sit at the highest end of the price range too!
What is the best Pokémon game for Switch?
Based on the rankings in this very article, the best Pokémon game on Switch would be Pokémon Legends: Arceus at #7!
Where is Pokémon Snap?
There are so many spin-offs in the series that ranking them alongside the main games would be a bit nuts. So if you're looking for games like Pokémon Snap, the Mystery Dungeon games, or anything else, have a look at our Best Pokémon Spin-Off Games.
What can I do to rank a Pokémon game higher?
Think your favourite Pokémon game should be further up the list? Click the star on each game image in this article, select your own score, and you'll be playing your part when it comes to ranking each entry!
Comments 495
The Ultra games in last place?! Wow...
Until let’s go comes out I’m gonna stick the game anywhere in my top 5. Personally I’d have a tough decision on which would be first, between Black/White and HeartGold/SoulSilver.
I... am actually pretty okay with this list. I'd probably shuffle a few things around a bit, but overall the games I'd put in the top 5 are there and the games I'd have at the bottom of the list are there.
I see the shuffling I'd do to be more nitpicking than anything else.
I was a bit worried seeing D/P in last, almost thought you'd got the list the wrong way around, but at least Platinum made it high up.
I think it depends a lot on when you started playing, Emerald was my first game and will forever be the best for me.
Black and White are the worst imo (if D/P graphics were dodgy, B/W were atrocious!)
These lists would be better with more info on why you chose to place them where they are
Pokemon XY will always be best in my heart.
Wow. Pokemon 2019 is gonna be sick
I agree, I really don't like Black and White. XY are so much better. XY are like the underrated gyms.
This doesn't seem like a real list, it's just a random order and then your reasons for their placement is usually a list of new features...
And I don't see why D/P and Platinum are on opposite ends of the list, Platinum did make improvements but they are still a similar game.
I absolutely hate Gold and Silver. I never understood why people liked it so much. To me that would be at the bottom right above Diamond and Pearl.
@StephanDLW @Aloy I think they ranked it a lot around what these games added to the series or rather what unique features they still have after 20 years. That's the only way I can explain why Crystal ranked a bit lower than G/S and HG/SS but Platinum did way better. Crystal lost a lot of it's unique features to HG/SS.
And let's be honest: Other than Wifi and a graphic update D and P didn't offer much unique traits. B/W had seasonal cycles and added roatation battles and tripple battles while also being the first game with fully animated monsters, and with its sequel they are the only games with fully animated sprites.
Personally, I also like the idea of not encountering old Pokémon until you cleared the game and N's castle as the finale.
But after all: NLife stated that none of these are bad games, they are all good, but they wanted to place it on a list. So since these are probably all differ only by the matter of comma.decimals in terms of points, personal preference certainly does a lot to shift these games around.
@StephanDLW they probably created this top list with someone from ign or someone who escaped from the looney bin.
While this ranking doesn't really specifically say anything about this, I'll use this platform to rant a bit about something that's always really ticked me off when people talk about the Pokemon games...
While they're not my favorite games of the franchise, I think X/Y get very unfairly maligned for having "no story" and whatnot. I have never once even remotely understood that complaint. Sure your character's involvement in the story is quite minimal compared to some of the other Pokemon games, but on top of having basically just as much story with the villains as most other games do, it also adds quite a lot to the overall lore and world building of the main series Pokemon games too. Personally I still hold them in regard as my favorite 3DS era games, although ORAS is very close competition.
The Pokémon series lost me when entering the DS/3DS era, though I played most of the ones released on those platforms. My favorites (maybe tinted a little bit by nostalgia) are still the original games I played as a kid way back when they were originally released, and the follow ups to GBC and GBA. Especially love Pokémon Yellow as it was the first video game I bought with money I had earned myself and I played the living hell out of it. Sadly I don't have my original game, but about two years ago I bought another copy at a retro store. I think it holds up pretty well. While it's pretty primitive compared to more recent entries and misses a lot of the added features that newer games have introduced, it still has a lot of charm.
Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver are sitting at the top of the list.

All is well in the world.
Here's a GIF that will make @ThanosReXXX all giddy and at the same time shows how I feel about the placement.
I adore Sun and Moon the most, not much for their "Ultra" renditions though. Ruby and Sapphire aren't far behind too.
S&M + USUM should both be at the bottom of the list. Absolute excrement.
Also, if I go into another article that's spread across multiple pages, I'm using adblock.
Hard disagree with Sun and Moon's placement. I grew up with Pokemon, Gen I came out when I was in 4th grade and I was hooked. That being said, you can't simply overlook all the huge improvements to about everything in Sun and Moon. No HMs being a big one and the overall pace of the game feeling much less like a grind even when you are grinding. I struggle to play earlier entries more because they all feel slow in comparison. I'll look back at old games with rose-colored glasses, sure, but I don't let that cloud my judgement.
Wonder what list is next? 'Guide: Every list ever made by NL ranked' list?
I kind of feel like everyone's favorite Pokemon game is always the one they played first, and lists like this are usually really subjective and pointless. Also, each game on this list only has about two sentences that just state the game's features and don't at all defend its ranking.
This list seems... Lazy.
Ranking the Pokémon games for me is very difficult. Played them all, starting with yellow. While Silver is my favourite, I really enjoyed Sun, Platinum and Emerald just as much. The only one I didn't really like is XY and B&W(2), but I think I was just very Pokémon tired after. I should give them another try.
Pokemon Yellow should be number 1
Glen 'Four Page' Fox strikes again.
Heart Gold and Soul Silver are my favorite pokemon games of all time. Wish they would remake them again with whatever new engine they are using on next year's pokemon I'm sure it would look amazing.
Ultra Sun & Moon should probably not be 7 spots behind the original Sun & Moon. The order I'll leave up to you, but having them so far apart is very strange. The third version placement is also all over the place when they're really not that different...
Also in my opinion Sun & Moon are the best 3DS entries.
I fully agree with the top 2
(Clicks article and sees Gen IV in dead last)

Edit: Came back to find out why Diamond and Pearl were #16 out of 7 generations. So Gen IV is last, but also takes two spots in the top 3? What kind of logic is this?
FireRed and Ruby are my favourites but that's just me I guess.
cracks knuckles
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are literally the worst.
Black and White were the best, and then the series went downhill afterwards.
Wow. This order is totally out of whack. Diamond & Pearl last? Sun & Moon this high? Black & White number 10? Yo, did you guys even play these games?
Eh, opinions.
X and Y should be dead last. Mega Evolutions completely broke the game, the region was dull and the game was way easier than others.
I don't think I can agree with this placing...It's just odd. Would you really go back and play SUMO over USUM? Yellow lower than Red & Blue. Is this list based on legacy? Or quality? Or opinion? Because it isn't consistent in any category. Please, someone explain
Pokemon Sun/Moon was the lowpoint of the series for me. The game was pretty bland and there was no sense of exploration. Pokemon Gold/Silver definitely are the best games in my opinion because they perfected the formula. The games that followed just built on that.
Black and White should be near the top, imo. That generation was the closest Pokemon has come to providing a proper single-player JRPG campaign, with a decent difficulty curve, more nuanced characters than in previous games, and a surprisingly involved plot, given the series.
As someone who recently played every single game and has no bias, Pokémon Ultra/Sun/Moon are the best games in the series they have the fairy type balance, more character choices including clothing, best presentation of story, a way to see your IV and EV, bottle caps help to make old Pokémon useful again and more that a lot of nostalgic people fail to see and obviously gen one (Red/Blue/Yellow) it's the worst by today's standards and yea this list has Zero sense having almost all Gen 2 games on the Top including remakes
This list is absolute nonsense. Ruby and Sapphire being marked so far from Emerald? Diamond and Pearl being at the bottom with Platinum near the top? Theyre practically the same game. Besides which, you literally just listed the games’ features instead of giving any reasons for why you ranked them in this order. Awful, poorly-written list.
The only thing I hate almost as much as genwunners is people who think GSC and HGSS are the best games. At least Platinum is high enough. B2W2 should be a lot higher. And I'd say XY and Sun/Moon as well.
Well I'm glad at least Platinum made it to top 3. Loved it but Pearl was the one that got me back into the franchise after I lost my old Silver cartridge.
I couldn’t make a list. Gotta love ‘em all.
I mostly agree with this list, but I think it really isn’t that fair to put the Ultra games and D/P in last place when the Ultra games are technically superior content wise to Su/Mo and then Platinum is 3rd, yet D/P is the very last?
Platinum is a good game, but imo that is kind of a drastic difference between the base and enchanced versions that you placed them in.
I've been having difficulty understanding you guys' lists recently. Not exactly regarding order because since you're making a list, you're the one who decides where each entry goes, but justifications and priorities seem a little odd to me. The same goes for zelda, metroid and Mario recent lists.
Black & White 1 made the top 10. I can die in peace
Aside from HG/SS this list is so, SO wrong. I get that it is somewhat subjective but like many people have pointed out already, the justifications for where you placed the games make ZERO sense.
Before I read this - HGSS better be the top spot.
Edit - I was not disappointed.
X and Y have a special place in my heart because it got me back to playing Pokémon after being in school for many years. (I stepped away from video games in general.)
Pokemon red and blue > Pokemon fire red and leaf green.
@StephanDLW To be fair, I refuse to play the original Diamond and Pearl ever again, but I actually own two Platinum cartridges because I play it so much. Platinum fixed the pacing, game speed (specifically while surfing, but also sped up many battle animations), bad Pokedex (basically no fire or electric types among other issues), story, added the battle frontier and much more post-game content, the distortion world, the villa, added recording battles, rematching allies, gym leaders, your rival and several other trainers, the whole Looker/Charon storyline, added animation, updated every area in the game to look better, upgraded your menus to look unique based on areas and fixed the Poketch. Plus... probably more things I've forgotten.
Point is, Platinum is the only third version that is leaps and bounds beyond its predecessors.
Pokémon red and blue will always be the best to me
So you said that Crystal is the ultimate version of gold and silver until soul and heart dethroned it... yet you placed it beneath gold and silver... i dont understand.
I recently thought it would be fun to replay the Johto remakes and there they are sitting at the top of the ranking, maybe I should take it as a sign and start my adventure XD
I can never take a list like this seriously if it has Red, Blue, and Yellow nowhere near the bottom of the list.
Pokémon Sun is my favorite personally. 2nd is Alpha Sapphire, then Red and/or Yellow.
I cant believe Sun didn't make number 1 — it has so many improvements (like not needing to have an HM slave Pokémon and changing your appearance for example) and the writing and characters were all awesome. I enjoyed it so much that I beat Sun and then also beat Ultra Sun which I would NEVER imagine myself doing. There was one part in the last island where a guy talks to his Pelliper and he is asking it questions and it's acting all nonchalant and pretending to ignore him. The guy says something like "...why you..." and there's jus something about that part that I love. I thought it was hilarious. I literally played Ultra Sun just so I could see that conversation piece again. I hope we are able to transfer our Pokémon Bank Pokémon into whatever games come out next! I have so many I'd hate to lose.... This article made me want to go play Pokémon again. I see what you did there, Nintendo Life
@subpopz I was the exact same as you.. I was so into Pokémon when it came out. I bought a GameBoy Color just so I could get Pokémon. After I played Red and Yellow I hadn't played another until the release of Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. Once I got into that and I saw I was able to catch all those old Pokémon again (because I was so attached to them) it really made everything so much more enjoyable for me. If I were you I'd start with Alpha Sapphire and go from there. I still prefer those original 151 over most of the new Pokémon. And when I see them appear in random encounters in tall grass I still get all excited. It's fun trying to catch all 151 again even when all the others are available.
I agree with most of this list (other than a couple of personal revisions; plus I haven't played Ultra Sun/Moon yet), but putting D/P at the very bottom? I agree with Platinum being ranked higher, but D/P deserves to at least be ranked over X/Y and the original Ruby/Sapphire in my book. Gen IV and V are still home to my favorite graphical style for this series, and D/P introduced Team Galactic (one of the better teams IMO), Barry (one of my favorite rivals), online trading/battling (this was big for a kid who lived in bum nowhere), and is the home of the last location in these games that I genuinely got lost in: Mt. Coronet.
Props for putting HG/SS at the very top though. SS is still my favorite Pokemon game.
@Nintencats73 wrong. My first game was gold. I love gen 2 yeah but my favourite will always be bw2.(gen 8 please surprise me hahaha)
I don't think gamefreak will ever be able to replicate the amount of love and fanservice those games had.
Pd: PWT I miss you =(
At least my favorite is # 1.
My one complaint with this list is: Why is Pokémon X and Y so far down? It’s was an amazing refreshing installment of the series and unlike Sun and Moon, it did not add the lameness, just fresh mecanics and mega evolutions, and is a very good overall game.
Pokémon X is my absolute most played game on the 3DS with a whopping 497 hours of playing.
I’ve played most of the DS and 3DS games with the exclusion of Pokémon HearthGold and SoulSilver, but at the time those games where released, I was too busy playing Pokémon Platinum. I should also mention that Sun / Moon and Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon gave me major issues with the horrible theme and I just haven’t been able to force myself through the entire games.
UNlike some on here, I tend to find something good in every Pokémon mainline game (though I admit to not having played the Ultra games or even Pokémon Crystal). But for the sake of this discussion and my experiences, Gold and Silver remain my favorites. I say that acknowledging that the series has advanced in many positive ways since the originals were released. But based on how much of a leap it was compared to the previous generation in just about every way, it left a lasting impact on me.
With that being said, I absolutely agree with the number one choice here. HG and SS took the games and generation I am most fond of and made the definitive versions with a modern coat of paint. Something that doesn’t work often. Again, I’ve enjoyed and found something positive in almost every generation. However, those are the best games, IMO.
@subpopz I can certainly understand just the number of Pokémon themselves being overwhelming. But in general, the gameplay at its core is still the same (for better or worse). Of course there’s new mechanics and modes added. But many of them are optional and can be dabbled in at your leisure. I think anyone who hasn’t played in a while can jump in and will be fine
This is a terrible list. Ruby and Sapphire should be closer to Emerald. Sun and Moon should be way down the list, they are one of the worst Pokemon games. Also why are Diamond and Pearl in last but Platinum is so high up lol......
Looking at the comments, I think it’s fair to question are we talking about the quality of the series over the years or are we debating legacy. I mentioned Gen 2 as my favorite. But if I did have to pick games that I thought did everything well technically, I think the R/S remakes would be up there. And I say this with Gen 3 still somewhat my least favorite (Blasphemous for some, I know) and those games sort of improving my perspective of them a bit
@Rohanrocks88 Actually, I think some of the best Pkmn games are spinoff titles like Pinball, Snap! and Trading Card Game.
I came to Pokemon late, 2012. I picked up a bunch of them as I did like it after trying it. I started on Diamond. However, a hurricane and extended power outage moved me over to, I believe, Leaf Green. An original GBA, a pile of batteries and a worm light is a great team when the power is out. I'm most drawn to the GBA games due to the visual style, but still being in full 2D. And I like the relative simplicity of that era. I haven't kept up with the series, but I'm not sure I'd like some of the changes and upgrades.
Great list...
...if you ignore the fact that the games should be in a completely different order!
Gen 5 < Gen 3 < Gen 7 < Gen 1 < Gen 1 Remakes < Gen 4 < Gen 6 < Gen 3 Remakes < Gen 2 < Gen 2 Remakes
I like all of these games. Black/White, Ruby/Sapphire, and Sun/Moon were pretty big disappointments for me though. Mainly because of how good the previous games were. The remakes of Ruby and Sapphire though were brilliant though.
Cystral is described as the ultimate version of Gold and Silver and yet is placed lower than those games. That doesn't make sense.
The list is subjective anyway but this seems like a glaring oversight.
its nice to see that snore fest that was diamond and pearl being last place.
Why do some people get so upset by these lists? Someone's opinion differs to yours? Outrageous! Reach for the pitchforks and light the torches!
Anyone that says sgc are the best games is saying it on nostalgia alone. I've been playing pkmn since it came out and god those games just aren't fun! Not challenging, boring story, uneven pace and the new pokemon just sucked. I've played every single one of these games and that gen 2 theres just something with it that doesn't click with me.
This list is trash
Inb4 genwun rulez/this list is terrible/anyone who disagrees with my personal favorites is a terrible human being amd should not be allowed to play video games ever!!!!!
Oh, wait, I'm 88 comments too late.
Nah completely disagree with list.
I find it hard to rank most of the Pokemon games against each other just because of how much the games change from remakes, re-releases and features that are added/removed (maybe this is Game Freaks plan all along).
But I can definitely say that Heartgold and Soul Silver are the best. Great sprites, music, Pokemon selection, and chock full of content. It also goes to show what happens when a game is made by people who are passionate and care about more than just maximizing profit. The director in an interview spoke about how they wanted it to essentially be the best game, and wanted to cram it full of amazing things.
In terms of worst Pokemon games, original Black and White, and Sun and Moon are about as bottom of the barrel you can get. These games suffered from bad mechanics within their own games, overly linear design compared to the rest of the series, and perhaps the biggest examples of games that lacked beloved features their immediate predecessor had.
Another Saturday, another ranking list. Wonder what franchise will be next week?
Also, HG + SS are the best. Agreed.
@StephanDLW platinum had far more pokemon, the first game to have the quality of improvements like not getting off bike at the connection spots, also it had more places to go to.
I think if you haven't played Sun/Moon the Ultra versions are better.
I agree with the Gold/Silver remakes being the best.
I'd think the ORAS remakes would top even Emerald since they are much better than X and Y.(also have a ton of end game content so you can catch everything up to the X/Y generation)
It's hard to go backwards once you get all the quality of life improvements of the newer games.
It also doesn't help if you missed all the timed events when these games were newer. While you miss out on rare pokemon you'll have a basic and pure experience of playing the base game without over powered super pokemon that can 1 hit KO everything.
It's much more satisfing to catch a Groudon in Omega Ruby instead of using the one I got from Gamestop/Target by putting in a 12 digit code.
Ultra Sun is much harder than Sun/Moon near the end it is really hard
the only one i haven't finished for a while done Y,Moon and Sapphire 3ds ones. Ultra Sun is hard towards the end because of this i think it should be higher than Sun/Moon. I can understand however why people still think its carbage and yes i agree it shouldn't be in anyone's top 5 but i'm, sure switch pokemon next year will be amazing. As for lets go not sold on it yet and at the momment it doesn't look like it plays as good as Ultra Sun/Moon. Another trailer could change my mind but i wait for reviews on that one before i buy.
“Crystal is was the ultimate version of Gold and Silver.” Ranks Crystal BELOW Gold and Silver. Um... want a reminder on what ultimate means...?
@TheDragonDAFan My uncle Reggie, who works for Nintendo, confirmed this list is legit.
This article's picture is in the dictionary next to "Arbitrary".
At least you didn't put Sun and Moon at the top spots.
Though Sun and Moon should switch places with Diamond and Pearl.
The disrespect for Ruby and Sapphire! Should be much higher.
Why is there so much SuMo hate. It has the best QOL changes in the series.
@StephanDLW I completely agree, I believe that Diamond and Pearl are the second worst in the series (after SM, didn’t play USM) and that Platinum is the best. Diamond and Pearl has terrible Pokemon distribution (infamously leading to there being only one Fire type in the game other than the starter, and yet they still had an Elite Four member of that type which has Lopunny, Steelix and Drifblim), has a second long pause whenever you do anything in a battle, has the HP decrease extremely slowly, is even slower when surfing, is extremely anticlimactic on Spear Pillar if you’ve played Platinum, has some really bad gym puzzles (like Eterna and especially Hearthome Gyms, there is no way you can defend Hearthome Gym), has the third city with a gym have the fifth gym for no reason, has most of the new Pokemon introduced be cross gen evolutions that you can’t get until you’ve beaten the game and legendaries and a lot of the others being crap designs (Sinnoh has some great Pokemon, don’t get me wrong, but a lot of them cannot be used in DP’s main story) to lead to almost Johto-level distribution problems, the HMs are in completely random places which anyone who’s played Platinum has forgotten (tell me off the top of your head where you get Defog and Strength in DP, here’s a hint, you’re probably wrong)
A lot of these are admittedly nitpicks but Platinum is far superior and Diamond and Pearl are not only overshadowed by their third version like Ruby and Sapphire, they are actively bad
Sun and Moon removed the PSS. Removed super training. Removed horde battles.
On top of the removal of good features, they were replaced with horrible ones. SOS battles are terrible by themselves, but locking certain species encounters to SOS battles is something unforgiveable. The Pokemon distribution is terrible, with Gumshoos, Raticate and Trumbeak even on the last island... Sun and Moon reintroduced the gen 5 exp system, which essentially just makes it hard to get exp. The level up move lists for Pokemon were also poorly done. Kadabra not learning confusion when it evolves from Abra at level 16, Alolan Marowak not able to learn its new signature move Shadow Bone naturally, and more. New Pokemon that require leveling up at a certain location are also a thing (who liked this mechanic, ever?). Having the route 1 bug not be able to fully evolve until the end of the game is dumb. Trials are just gyms that aren't called gyms in game, but have worse challenges. The Elite 4 is mostly trainers you have already fought and beaten before. The list goes on and on.
Really hard for me to rank all the Pokemon games because I like them all, and there's so many things I like here and there about each. Whether it be the music, the region itself, QoL improvements, minigames/side stuff etc.
The big thing off the top that I disagree with is D/P being on the bottom, I never played Platinum, but Diamond was awesome. IF I were to really breakdown all the games and rank them, Diamond would be near the top.
Interesting list regardless, it's always great to see varying opinions.
The description you give for each game is horrible. Not mentioning the Battle Frontier in Emerald's description is an abomination!
Yup, another terrible list.
Can't say I really agree with this list. But HeartGold and SoulSilver deserve 1st place in my opinion. I loved the feature of having a Pokémon companion follow you. And nostalgia is a factor for me as it's a remake of the 2nd gen games.
Pokemon XY was my very first game after a long time of ignoring the series. It got me into it, so it'll always have a place in my heart.
My top 3 would be:
3. Fire Red/ Leaf Green
2. Black/White/Black 2/White 2 (shared second because they are equally good)
1. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
My first ever Pokemon game played was red, green or yellow. I can't really remember which one but I was around 8 and a friend let me play a little bit on his Gameboy Color.
My very first own Pokemon game was Leaf Green, the Nintendo DS Lite had just been released and I was just 10 dollars short of buying the DS as my first console so I ended up buying a pink GBA SP AGS 101 along with Catz. I asked my parents for Pokémon Fire Red and when christmas came around I got leaf Green and I was so, so happy.
I spent over a month playing the game after bedtime, under my covers trying not to get caught.
Now that I'm older I realise that they definitely noticed, but let me do it for a bit because I didn't really cause any big trouble and if I played too long they would just ask if I was awake and that would make me turn off the gameboy immediately and go to sleep so that they "wouldn't notice" that I had played games after bedtime. I was around 9 then.
Then came the time when I finally, finally got my hands on a DS and a few games, I got to choose 3 games of which one was Pokémon Diamond. I really loved Diamond, to the point where I would bring my DS with me everywhere so that I could play it. I would even make a makeshift mini-tent with my jacket so that I could play the game outside between classes. It was this game that really got me into the Pokemon series.
Later I bought Pokemon Black and my brother gave me his copy of Black 2 after he got tired of video games and I spent almost 2 months playing them as much as I could during the summer. It was one of the best summers ever...
I love Pokémon, I now preorder all the main games because I know they will not disappoint me. They are still as enjoyable as when I got my first Pokemon game, and I look forward to playing Let's go Eevee and Pokémon RPG.
I also sincerely hope that they will make a gen IV remake, because I love the pokemon designs and my favorite starter, Piplup, is there! But also because it's the most annoying one to transfer Pokemon from, you can only transfer a maximum of 6 at a time and only to BW/B2W2 before putting them in any newer games, or the Pokebank.
I agree with this list!
Pokémon GoldSilver and Pokémon White & Black are the best!
First, while Platinum was a great improvement over Diamond and Pearl, how does it go from 16 to 3?
And second, whoever thinks gen 4 has bad music needs to be crucified.
Mostly agree to the list. But I never knew why Emerald is always so high on people's list. The battle frontier bored me mostly. I'd probably put Either Black and White 2, ORAS, or HGSS at the top. Hard to say which one though.
BW2 is my absolute favorite, followed by Platinum. I love Gold and Silver, and I expected them to just blindly be at the top, but overall this is actually a pretty good list.
My favorites are HeartGold/SoulSilver and Fire Red/Leaf Green 😀
@AlexSora89 Hm, no idea what my avatar has to do with Pokemon and "placement", so I'm kinda curious to find out what's what...
opening it up to see diamond and pearl / ruby in sapphire at dead last.... smh
list cancelled !!
Love to see this lists are just as inane as ever. With reviews, I defend you because a review is a long opinion piece but this I can't defend.
You don't even explain half of it and the parts you do explain make very little sense. Also in a list like this, where you're trying to declare things the best, why not involve your reader base as well, instead of just your own opinion.
@greengecko007 I agree on the PSS. I found trials refreshing for a one time change from gyms. I also found that: the difficutly felt higher than X&Y, no HMs, no longer having to memorize hundreds of Pokemons's typing. Gold bottle caps and easier BP with surfing (usum) to make your pokemon's stats better. Only needing to complete the Alola dex instead of the extremely large national dex allowing me to actually complete it was a nice change.
Overall just felt a bit less tedious and more enjoyable to me. Hard to obtain Pokemon I just traded for which I suppose is the purpose of making them difficult to get. The Battle Agency and secretly locking certain Battle Tree characters to certain versions are probably what annoy me most about Gen 7.
Can’t beat my Red/Blue nostalgia!
@HollowGrapeJ I think the XY legendaries are my favourites!
Gen 2 Remake > Gen 3 > Gen 6 > Gen 1 Remake > Gen 2 > Gen 4 > Gen 7 > Gen 5 > Gen 3 Remake > Gen 1.
Gen 1 just isnt as fun unless you are nostalgic. New mechanics and pokemon are just better. Also has the least content of any Pokemon game, not its fault but true.
@Aloy Lol, Platinum made Diamond and Pearl irrelevant. Of all the revised versions, Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, and Ultra, Platinum easily was the biggest jump, fixing the most issues and adding some of best additions.
For being Game Boy games, Pokemon Gold and Silver are solid masterpieces. It's literally two games split into two more games all cram into one tiny 8-Bit cartridge. Satoru Iwata knows how to work the gaming magic and these two games are proof of that. RIP Iwata-san.
Nice list, but there's very little explanation as to why you've ranked them in this order. You've briefly explained what each game introduced to the series, and that's pretty much it. Would've hoped for a bit more depth to this article.
Nothing at all, I just had the most serene smile - just like Thanos' own at the end of Infinity War - upon seeing HeartGold and SoulSilver at the top of the list.
All I ever wanted was a Pokemon MMO that gave us a vast world to get lost in hunting the beasts and making new friends.
Little did I know that the actual world would form the backdrop of that MMO and I’d be meeting those new friends in real life places exploring all sorts of parts of my local city.
If the best camera you have is the one that’s with you, then the best Pokemon game is the one you have with you at all times as well.
It concentrates on the core collect/battle/trade ethos of the series without all the extraneous features that have bloated the series over the years, like Beauty contests, hidden bases and film studios. It has proper real time weather conditions and changing of seasons that directly impact gameplay. It has changing nests, large meet-ups and the friendliest player base of any video game.
I would put Pokemon Go at the top of the list.
@AlexSora89 Ah, okay, got it. Never mind then. I was probably overthinking it, apparently...
Wow, Diamond and Pearl in last? Welp, I know this list is a buncha bs.
I wish these opinion ranking articles would just end already... all you guys ever pick as best are the old games bc you’re... old.
No problem, mad titan.
@AlexSora89 Grazie...
Only ever played blue before I was too old for it.
You left the final "e" out of the word, but you're welcome!
I have to say that after a 3 generation hiatus from the series, I returned with X and Y and really, really loved those games. After playing that, I did enjoy Sun and Moon but not as much, however, think the same would have happened if I had waited until those games since honestly, they were an improvement in almost every way. By the way, if you feel burned with the series, I really recommend doing that. There's so much to discover when you don't play every entry as soon as it's out, specially after 3 generations. It's not that the series has problems staying fresh, It's simply hard to find balance between innovation and keeping intact what people like.
X and Y have no difficulty, REALLY annoying "friends", a smaller map, a mediocre champ and a really weak evil team. The only pros against S/M I can think of, are great Pokemon designs (hawlucha, greninja, charizard Y, noivern and aegislash are some of the best designs in the whole series) which are tied or slghtly superior to S/M games and a better rival.
Sun and Moon had a better story, more likeable characters in general, actual challenge if you didn't grind, a surprising rival, a few more "creepy" misteries like the ones from previous games , a bigger map, better villains and simply added more to the goodness of X and Y. I really don't get why those games are hated considering that they are among the best in terms of story ( at least characters grow and are more developed than in most entries) and the introduction in every pokemon game is slow. The rival did suck, as much as they tried to make him likeable. In fact, that was the problem with him, but fortunately, the other edgy but likeable kid made up for it. The championship battle was epic.
Ultra Sun and Moon did suck though, Added too little, and changed good elements from the story, like the championship battle.
The underground in D&P was the only part of Pokemon that I played as a kid (excluding Snap, Pinball, Rumble, Pokepark 2, and various other spin-offs).
HGSS would have been 2nd lowest on my list of games that I've played (behind only XY). It was very limiting in the Pokemon that you could catch in the wild and all trainer's were very low-leveled, making it difficult to level up yourself. The post-game was excellent, but it's the only main story that I would never play through a second time.
I would have loved if Let's Go included second generation Pokemon. first 151 are iconic, but also a little limited. Bumping that number to 251 gave more options, as well as some evolved or baby forms for known Pokemon, like Steelix.
Also Gold & Silver were supposed to be a direct sequel to Red & Blue at first, which is why Red is in it.
You guys do realize that even a hint of improvement over the originals means that Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon should rank higher than regular Sun and Moon, don't you? How could the definitive editions possibly be so much worse than the regular editions?!
@StephanDLW @SlowPokemon D/P are also criticized for having an extremely slow battle system, something that Platinum fixed. Along with other new features like the Distortion World and the return of the Battle Frontier, Platinum was a massive step up from Diamond and Pearl.
If Platinum was the biggest step up for an enhanced edition over its predecessors, then Emerald was the second best step up. It totally revamped and improved the story including the first use of animated cutscenes, introduced the Battle Frontier, allowed you to rebattle the gym leaders, as well as a few other additional new features.
Now this list does have issues with ranking Ultra S/M and Yellow below their original versions, but there are legitimate reasons why those enhanced versions are ranked so much higher than their basic editions. They are NOT practically the same game.
Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire - 14/16 - Too much water.
Sorry, is that a dead meme, now? Well in any case, as much as IGN gets derided for that comment, that is a legitimate complaint of those games, as well as E and OR/AS. It is certainly annoying to have to spend so much time on the water, and then to make it even worse they added a 3rd water-based HM (which thankfully was never seen again), and unlike Surf and to a lesser degree Waterfall (until the physical/special split made Waterfall nearly just as viable a move in future games like OR/AS), Dive was practically worthless as a battle move.
@AlexSora89 Funny thing is that I actually realized that, as soon as I saw I had a message from you, and wondered what it could be about...
It was a quick reply typed on the smart phone, something that I'm not too used to, and me and touch screens don't always agree...
Mistake corrected, for accuracy's sake...
putting 5th gen games above 3rd gen games. That is a spicy move sure to piss people off! haha! I think there is fault made by not bundling the enhanced versions in with their base games(e.g. ruby/sapphire&Emerald, black/white&black2/white2). I think that is why the list is messed up, yes the revised versions are always going to be better, duh.
But the one thing no one can dock you for is putting heart gold/soul silver at the top. For the issues in 4th gen of slow pacing, these remakes of 2nd generation didn't have any of the new experimentation that held the game back while keeping all the best stuff and adding more amazing features including the pokewalker which was the ONLY way until ultrasun/ultramoon to acquire a surfing pikachu and AFAIK still the only way to get a flying pikachu outside of a special distribution. Also it was a good trick to get children to go outside and run around and such. I remember it got me to take my dog on walks a lot.
@BulbasaurusRex *4th water based TM. Surf, waterfall, whirlpool, dive. Although whirlpool was replaced with dive for gen 3. I thought dive was okay though since it turned from every water tile forcing me to potentially battle another tentacool, to having patches of seaweed much like tall grass on land which was much nicer. But since you had to have surf AND dive it took up 2 move slots which is always a pain. An issue resolved with sun/moon which those games get almost no credit for sadly just because of the doofy nerf armor.
We live in the age of smartphones, with autocorrects and stuff: mistakes happen!
@AlexSora89 Especially if it involves another language...
But in all seriousness: I actually DO miss physical keyboards on smart phones sometimes, although it would of course look horribly awkward and out of place.
Hearted comment just for the keyboard nostalgia alone.
@AlexSora89 Right back at'cha...
The amount of love you give is titanic.
This list was BS* in September and still is after Lets Go has been added.
*BS of course stands for broadcast satellite and not for what you might think - PG and stuff, you know...
(Yes I do love the SNES Satellaview! )
I wouldn't consider Let's Go to be a main series entry personally. Way too much Pokemon GO influence, more of a spinoff. It should also be dead last by a mile.
Top three should be Platinum, HGSS, and BW2 in that order.
I thought you said mainline.
Pokemon Let's Go and Ultra Sun and Moon deserve to be at the absolute bottom. Diamond and pearl should be higher.
red and blue were masterpieces, amazing how well their remake holds up and the length of it considering it was a flipping game boy game!
would have swapped platinum with red and blue, gen 4 while useful with its move split is boring as rocks
My Top 3 Pokemon games i have :
1. Pokemon X
2. Pokemon Ultra Moon
3. Pokemon Sun
But.... I still haven't finished any of them.
Commenting again because these lists are garbage. Putting gen 2 as the #1 instantly outs you as subjectively voting to your own 30-something year old taste and not ranking these on unbiased merit. If I subjectivity made the list I would say Emerald because that was during my glory years growing up... but I wouldn’t choose it as #1 bc it’s just not the best one. I’d have to be unbiased to create an article for the public. Typically a standard that article writers strive to withhold while retaining their journalistic integrity.
Let’s Go! games should definitely be last since they are not truly mainline, which is the whole point of the list in the first place I thought. Sun and Moon and the Ultra games should also be at the bottom of the list because of the, quite frankly, uncompelling Ultra Beasts.
In the end this makes me so tired. I truly don’t know which is the best (because they’re all good), but if I had to choose it would be BW 1+2 due to it having the best story and very interesting characters (N is still the most memorable character in the past 3 gens... besides maybe Iris and Cilan). It truly felt like a fabulous closing and last hurrah to the DS era.
Ultimately, why can’t we just enjoy games instead of ranking them? I guess I’ll be seeing y’all here again when gen 8 comes out and the inevitable 4 remakes... End rant.
I know I will sound stupid but for me I get the same joy with EVERY Pokemon game from the mainline. I am serious. Each game is unique and I love playing them.
I can only list them in the order they are released but it is nice to see the reasoning of other people why they love some Pokemon games more than others.
@Bolt_Strike You are 100% correct.
Black and white will always be my favorites
Pokemon go is not a mainline title even the creator of it has gone on record to say so. The true mainline pokemon is the big boy coming in 2019.
I'm not gonna say your taste is wrong, but I am gonna question how Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon AREN'T better than Sun and Moon.
As far as the argument about whether Let's Go is considered mainline, my understanding is that they're remakes of a game that is considered mainline. So with that said, if HG/SS and OR/AS are considered mainline, why not these games?
>USS and USM have everything that the base games have and more.
>Are listed several places behind the base games.
Seems legit.
But I have to appreciate not blatantly shilling the newest games out.
@UmbreonsPapa Because HGSS and ORAS don’t change core mechanics such as how you catch Pokémon?
@UmbreonsPapa They completely changed (some would say dumbed down) how the interaction with wild Pokémon works, removed core features that were present in every main series game since their introduction without giving anything instead of them (like abilities or breeding), and also removed every single Pokémon from the game that are not from generation 1 (every single mainline Pokémon game since the very beginning had every Pokémon in it that has existed up to that point, even if you had no way to catch them in the game, because you would still be able to use them if you got them in a trade).
Also I have a feeling that they might not be compatible with later, mainline games, but that remains to be seen. I'm pretty sure it's also not compatible in any way with previous games, while every mainline game is compatible with every other one in one way or another. Sure, there used to be a divide between the second and third generations, but that was a technical issue, and doesn't even exist any more now that the first two generations are available on virtual console. And it wouldn't be hard to intergate Pokémon Bank into Let's Go, yet they didn't bother. Heck, there are even some non-mainline games that are compatible with the core series, like Colosseum and XD, where you can trade and battle between them.
I would rant why the fifth gen are so low here, but it's a decent list overall. The one thing I don't get why Platinum and Emerald are so much above the originals, while Yellow, Crystal, and Ultra are lower than the ones they build upon.
I understand if you rank all of them lower, because sure, they didn't bring as many new things to the table, and I understand if you rank them all higher, because they are all technically the best version of those games, but ranking some higher and some lower just doesn't make any sense to me.
I’d put Let’s Go! At number 2 behind Silver. I haven’t been addicted to a Pokemon game in 17 years. PLG has restored my joy to what has become quite a bloated series. The motion controls and catch mechanics are moot: you could just get the free Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Arcanine and Snorlax and just level them through battling and completely ignore the Pokédex if you want. And I can share the experience and help my youngest son out. Win/win.
This list is just buns, plain and simple.
Boy, what a wildfire of comments this could turn into.
Gen 4 means to much to me on a personal level, from friends I've met and finding my soul mate, to generally enjoying a lot of aspects like the games, the anime, the designs of the Pokemon (Despite many new evos) and so on, not to mention the final gen before everything became very annual for the main series instead of making a gen last a good amount of time. I pray this gets the remake treatment.
USUM I feel deserves the bottom spot. Sure, they packed it with a ton of postgame, but thats only after you get through the story again, and boy does it drag a second time. They even change parts like Lusamine's obsession with Ultra Beast to make her less corrupt and removed the Anabel postgame (Which was a character I loved back in Emerald so imagine my shock when I saw she came back in SM!). By the time I got to the start of the Rainbow Team Rocket stuff, I just felt burnt out on gen 7 as a whole. Releasing a "third version" let alone 2 versions of it was much much too soon and I hope if they do go down that path again, there's at least a 2 year gap. Put your remake in-between that if you must.
While Let's Go is a remake of a game I played through a zillion times, some of that handholding I think the newer games has a bit much of (Can we please just have a veteran mode to select at the start?), its still a relaxing stroll in the Kanto region, remade close to what I always imagined what a 3D Pokemon game could be like (3D Models, Pokemon actually appearing in and out of the grass and in caves, etc.) back when I was a kid. Its something I needed after USUM's drag. But, can we now not rely on gen 1's popularity for gen 8 too much? Megas (Mostly) in Gen 6, Alola Forms in gen 7, all the anniversary stuff 2 years ago and last year, it's time the next gen shines on its own merits instead of the "OG Gen"'s popularity. You don't want people to be stick of gen 1 by the time we get to the 25th anniversary.
But alas, thats just my opinions, not fact. I look forward to gen 8 with an open mind and pray for a gen 4 remake soon after.
Well my list will be different.
@Angelic_Lapras_King “Can we please just have a veteran mode to select at the start?”
I really like this idea! It makes it where more hardcore fans get the challenge they want, while still having an easier option available for more casual players. I see no downside.
@MH4 Exactly, and not explain things like how to catch a Pokemon for the billionth time without being able to skip it, and limit things like the Exp All/Share to postgame instead of walking all over Gyms and the Elite 4 etc. while having to option to toggle back to "normal/beginner" mode should things become a struggle (Much like Mario's Infinite Star Block) or you loose to many times to a Gym Leader.
Not impossible to do, I recall either BW or B2W2 had a Hard mode but you had to beat the game to unlock it (As well as own both versions).
Diamond and Pearl at the bottom list ?
It changed the online gameplay a lot, it's the first game that allowed proper competitive matches to be made, not only because of the online functionality but because the gameboy advance games weren't made for that
It should be at least in the top 5 imho, and I'm not even talking about my own nostalgia because it would push me to put the game way higher. The best Pokemon game are White2/Black2, the best content we ever had in a Pokemon game, so much to do even after the league, a really good story, great graphics for the NDS.
Pokemon Yellow should be lower, it's only Red & Blue but with Pikachu, just so that people can relate to the anime, not really interesting imo cuz Pikachu isn't actually good in the game, being cute is not enough, I really don't understand why he is highter than Ultra Sun & Moon, Ruby & Sapphire and X & Y
Why Platinum is that much higher than Diamond and Pearl ? Just because of mini games and new forms ? Come on, of course Platinum is way better, but it doesn't explain why Diamond and Pearl are that low, all the complaints made about those are still valid about Platinum. "Well, the general gameplay flow wasn't really changed all that much from its predecessors" Well guess what, expect in Sun & Moon, it never changed that much.
"and both the visuals and audio weren't particularly well-received" By who ?
I know I am really biased, but I just don't understand how a game with huge qualities like it is bottom tier in this list for dumb reasons, if you don't like it, ok, but it's obviously one of the best Pokemon games and one that was the most innovative imo
Also ha. Gen 4 sucked the absolute most, glad to see it's got the lowest rank on here. XD
How was this list made is beyond me. Its judging criteria isn't expansive enough and is in need of a rewrite to better facilitate how big this series si
Came in expecting Lets Go to be number one. I am surprised.
Choose some basic features for each game , make a four page list, put a controversial title like including lets go in the same level as the other mainline titles and pick each game from photos blindfolded.
There you have it, this list.
Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver in lst place? I think Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen should be in lst place instead.
I’m just gonna put a comment here, if you got an extra mewtwo laying around in let’s go I’ll trade you a shiny for it. I’m trying to get that shiny charm before I start shiny hunting mewtwo in let’s go. If interested just reply with your friend code and I’ll add ya 👍
now hold on a minute
Pkmn Lets Go should be the last of them all. Its too shallow in its content from gameplay all the way to storytelling.
Damn even the pokemon rangers / Mystery dungeons spinoffs are better than it by a landslide.At least in those games theres a 'plot' !!!.
@Krisi tbh xd and collusem feel a more main series then yellow version dose considering that yellow version is more anime based.
Also lets go shouldn't be on this list since its part of the spin off "go" series and not the "main" series as masuda has stated. If let's go is on the list then go, xd, collusem and the ranger games should also be on the list as go and let's go are part of the go series and xd, collusem and the ranger games are also connected to the main series in the same right that tourchwood is connected to doctor who or how ncis is connected to jag.
Can't say much to this list other than.... Agreed. I'd, like most others, shuffle a few things around, but HG and SS remain my most played and loved Pokémon games ever. Pokémon XY comes in a close second, and Pokémon Crystal has the third place with Pokémon Red closely behind.
Approx. hours:
HGSS - 2600 (ironically most time was spent completing the Pokédex strictly offline and trading was only allowed when on vacation - took a while.)
XY - 2500 (bloody breeding for competitive lol)
Crystal - 1700
Red - 1600 (limited coz game died a bit before Gold/Silver came - death by dogbite.)
While i agree with your choice for number 1 SS and HG are amazing. Theres no way Lets Go should be on this list. Im not saying im not enyoying it but its just not a main series pokemon game. Its has like 80% different mechanics (most obvious is catching/training pokemon) setting it in Kanto doesnt really change that. (Its not proper a yellow remake at all ) Pokemon Colosseum which is a game i loved but also wouldnt consider main series, has a better claim to being on the list than lets go (different way of catching only a limted amount of pokemon (no wild) and quick transport are its biggest differences) . I cant see how its left off if lets go is here. Both shouldnt be counted.
X & Y being 14th? Even though we got trainer customization, full 3D pokemon experience forthe first time, Mega Evolutions (I hate them but they still count), the PSS, the Fairy typing that balanced things out and "friends" to travel with that make you feel like you're on an actual journey?
And you put Heart Gold and Soul Silver over that just because the pokemon follow you? The bias is real palpable.
Just wondering how Pokémon Let's Go can even be considered a main-line release when it's a more of a cross-over from a spin-off. Many game mechanics have been somewhat 'simplified' or 'removed' from the mainline series and it doesn't quite give the full Pokemon experience.
This is a really bad list.
@Bolt_Strike @Krisi This is one of those articles where I hesitate to comment on due to its tendency to bring out heated opinions. And that's not a reflection on you or your post. Just a general observation.
With that said, I'm hesitant to suggest the removal of battling wild Pokémon discounts these game's status as part of the main series. While I wasn't a big fan of the decision, I feel like I'm playing an old school Pokémon game otherwise. I'm also not sure I would count the lack of breeding or the other 700 Pokémon as a reason as well. It's been stated these are remakes of Yellow intended for folks to be introduced or reintroduced into the main series. And as far as I know, those things didn't exist in the series back in 98. Though one can argue Meltan, Alolan Forms, Mega Evolutions and Pokémon Amie features didn't exist back then. But they're here.
I too wonder whether or not these games will share any connectivity with future games or what the status of the 3DS games and Pokémon Bank means for this series' jump to the Switch. Masuda did imply in a interview somewhere (I think it was Gamespot) that these games would at least be compatible with the next new games in the series.
But back to the genesis of my question. I keep saying people claiming Masuda referring to these games as spin offs. The only quotes I find where he even touches the topic is the IGN interview where he states these would probably be the last Pokémon RPGs he would be directing. He didn't say games. He didn't say spinoffs. He says RPGs. That implies to me that these are considered, at least by him, in line with the main series.
I definitely agree with SoulSilver being #1, but I would have put Alpha Sapphire at #2, Diamond at #3, and FireRed at #4. Sun and Moon wouldn't have even made the list at all for me, I think those games are terrible. I haven't played Let's Go yet but I think based on what I've seen I'd rank it pretty far down. The problem here is the things that make Pokémon games what they are, especially to longtime fans of the series, is that they keep "dumbing them down" with these newer releases. It worries me that people would either be less intelligent and need the hand holding or perhaps they are insulting the intelligence of gamers by assuming they can't play the challenging games of old. Either way, Alpha Sapphire was the last GOOD game I've played in the series. 🤷🏻♀️
@UmbreonsPapa Sure, newer Pokémon and stuff like that didn't exist in 1998, but I feel that FireRed/LeafGreen were a better remake of the first generation. They included all the core features that were introduced up to that point, (including all then existing Pokémon), tons of new areas and extra story, and even some new, never before seen elements, like the VS Seeker or the Fame Checker. While Let's Go has some new elements, I feel like it's quite a letdown compared to what they were able to accomplish almost 15 years ago with the same source material.
I'm actually pretty sure the only quote I read about this matter from Masuda is that they DO consider it core Pokémon games, but I still think they are separate. I'm sure they say that mostly because it's the only Pokémon game Game Freak developed other than the mainline series, and also probably because of marketing. Again, Colosseum and XD have about as much to do with mainline games that Let's Go do, but nobody calls them a part of the core series, because they were developed by Genius Sonority. The region itself doesn't make a game a part of the main series in itself.
@Krisi What's interesting is that I read a pretty interesting article that sought to clarify the terms mainline and core and how it defines these games. To make a long story short, mainline would imply they are new entries in the RPGs. Whereas core (as this article referred to them as) just means they aren't spinoffs.
At this point, it's not a big deal whatever way you choose to see these games. This debate remains all in good fun. I do agree, with no hesitation, that FR/LG are the superior remakes in this case. No question. And from the standpoint of having never stepped away from the series and having experienced a new Pokemon and new features, these are a let down in that respect. But I also understand these games are meant to be entry points for those new to the series and a reintroduction for those who bolted before G/S/C. I'm having fun with it. I'll finish it. But it has reinforced, for me, that I am happy with how the series has grown and I eagerly await more info on the next new entries
@Aloy Really? I loved the pixel art style of B/W. The Pokemon on screen had so much charm to their animations, yet still were reflective of the sprites which they came from. I wouldn't mind seeing this style return in a spin-off title or something. Now, if you argued that the story/pacing was bad, I'd wholeheartedly agree with you.
Good list! Of all of them, the one I prefer is pokemon stadium, rather the second part. It has impressive gameplay and graphics.
Source: https://myemulator.online/nintendo-64/pokemon-stadium-2
I think for me diamond and pearl is at about 4 idk haven't finished the story yet I just got past the second commander
i quickly made a temp account just for this, but are you high? XY are one of if not THE best pokemon game they have ever made
sun and moon and its "ultra" versions are the worst
@NintendoKnight I totally agree. I absolutely adore the art style, Mega Evolution, fairy type, really fricking cool legendaries and mythicals, and above all, Greninja.
Also, Mega Charizard X. 'Nuff said.
After going back to diamond for a video, I must say, it's not THAT bad. I ain't the best, but it's absolutely not the worst. Worst would belong to red/blue in my case. After 10 years, I'm finnally beating it on that same save file from my first pokemon game. It's still very fun!
My First place is Let's go eevee.
This list is wack, lol.
I'll just say B&W is a very odd fellow.
@NintendoKnight I see you are a man of culture as well...good...good
@mc_guida another man of culture
Yikes. Nothing should be below LGP/E.
Red and Blue all the way
Obviously, white is the best. My main man Digimon was in it.
Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal closely followed by Black/White1 are my favorites.
I find it weird how Nintendolife failed to report on the "Bring Back the National Dex" thing going on lately in Pokemon fandom. It's so unusual to make an article titled "The Internet Thinks The Grass-Type Gym Leader In Sword And Shield Is Actually A Ditto", but ignore a universal backlash from fans throughout the Internet.
Let's Go should be at the bottom
@graysoncharles They covered the news itself, but not the fan outcry. Two different things. At the very least something like this: https://nintendosoup.com/pokemon-sword-and-shield-are-the-most-hated-games-at-e3-2019/
Nintendolife covers so much nonsense already that skipping on this is outright malicious on their part.
I see that you've forgotten how Gamefreak tanked performance of 3DS games because they have used futureproofed models instead of something actually designed for the system.
@graysoncharles So what if animation and modeling is hard? Game development is in general is hard, you don't see LoZ delivering a mediocre experience and then saying "but physics engines are haaard"
All that pitiful excuse managed to do was really highlight just how much of a mediocre studio game freak really is.
If they can't handle the work then they should have just outsourced the grunt work, but that would take money, if Game freak hates something more than effort it is probably losing money.
I wouldn't even care if the work they already put in was actually good, but have you seen what they have? It's a glorified 3DS game. Characters are still expressionless mannequins and the Pokemon are just a few steps from just T posing as they attack.
I don't even care about the game itself, I denounced Pokemon around 3 gens back, what bothers me is the sheer Pokemon privilege in display. At least other soul less big Buster's in the industry like call of duty make an effort to look pretty, game freak can't even be bothered to do that much.
Then again, maybe it's the fans fault for expecting any better from a studio so lazy it makes valve blush. Sides, they were the ones that made em lazy in the first place.
@kopaka Could not have said it better myself
@graysoncharles Admittedly, I pulled the LoZ comparation because it was the first thing that came to mind. However, my original intent stands, "but it's hard!" Isn't a suitable excuse by any means.
Animating and modeling is the kind of hard that is tedious and lengthy. I heard that just throwing money at the problem wouldn't solve the issue, but I disagree, this is exactly the kind of issue that gets resolved with resources and timely management. GF knew the Switch was coming, they knew they could not longer settle for the scope of a 3DS game, any competent studio would have prepared.
I heard the rumor that the reason that they are having trouble with the models is because of the...gainaxing/giga something, if this is true, then they really are just incompetent, imagine compromising the core selling point of your franchise for a meaningless gimmick that no one even likes.
Besides, one has to wonder were exactly their effort is going to the point that they can't actually do justice to their own shtick. It certainly isn't going towards the presentation, the balancing excuse is laughable, I certainly don't expect the campaign to stray from what you'd expect outta pokemon, so what exactly is the trade off?
When Sakurai pulled the plug on trophies for Smash no one batted an eye because it was obvious they were putting a lot of work into the graphic overhaul and balancing of the game. This Pokemon is getting nothing in return for the compromises that were made, and the game is 60 bucks to boot.
I also tire of "gamers" whining about every little thing, but this time, I am just happy GF is finally getting called on its bullshit.
Sides, this is justifiable whining like the whole playing with friends debacle with Mario maker. This isn't people arbitrarily bitching about swords in a certain fighting game.
Calling the let's go games glorified 3DS games is being overly generous, and downright disrespectful towards the 3DS games. They are glorified cell phone games with a 60$ price tag.
let's go pikachu being higher than ruby/sapphire, diamond /pearl.... what
Why are we bringing this up again? Couldn't we just make a new article?
I can get behind having Soul Silver and Heart Gold at the top of the list. But that might just be nostalgia talking for the original games. Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire would probably be the next best :3
Why the re-posts lately?? Slow news day??
This is has been re-posted at least 3 times
Wow really nl? Are things getting ao bad here you are reusing old articles and posting them as new?
Wow, DO I not agree with this list!!! Pokemon X and Y and Ultra Sun and Moon are at the top of my list, along with Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and Pokemon Let's Go. I think silver and Gold are almost the WORST POKEMON GAMES EVER! As are the remakes. Also, why is this list popping up to annoy me again???
Wow, B/W that low? I still think it's the best set of Pokémon games to date (followed by HG/SS and B2W2).
And it's a bit weird how Platinum is so much higher up than DP (as somehow the minor adjustments elevate it from the least good to the third best somehow), yet USUM is rated lower than SM.
@Barbara001 Well, our opinions are extremely different, as I found X/Y, S/M/US/UM, ans ESPECIALLY Let's Go to be some of the weakest entries in the main series, while G/S/C and its remakes are some of the best in my opinion.
inb4 they update this article with Sword/Shield in first place and generate a bucketload of controversy in the process.
Never cared that much for HG/SS, personally, although Gen 2 was never one of my favorites.
B/W are the best games in the series I've played by a long shot, between the fresh, almost full on rebooted vibe of the game, surprisingly realistic characters, and the more involved, JRPG-esque way the story unfolds.
You guys are honestly obsessed with this "every pokemon follows you" thing to the point where it makes no sense. I really don't get what the big deal about it is but almost everyone seems to think of it as a gamechanger when it's really not. Sun & Moon or X & Y at the very least should have been higher than a simple remake that added some improvements since they added whole new mechanics that changed the game for the better. Pokemon following you adds nothing - it's just an aesthetic difference.
this was a surprisingly well made list. Good job guys.
Pokemon sun/moon and us/um are really the best pokemon games by far in my opinion.
Shout out to Pokemon Snap. The only game in the series I've enjoyed.
**runs from angry mob**
Honestly if they did nothing but give Heart Gold and Soul Silver an HD resolution and released them on Switch I'd buy them and drop 200 hours into them easily.
As awesome as 3D modelled Pokemon are, I would gladly take an "HD2D" style Pokemon game that used sprites instead.
Although I have played since Red and Blue, HG/SS was the first time I completed a National Dex. Still have the save file too, though most of the Pokemon have long since been transferred to newer games.
Doesnt sound like people really want gen 4 remakes, then. But Let’s Go Johto?....
gets attacked for mentioning let’s go as a mainline game
If SwSh ends up near the bottom because of the god d~~m Pokédex cut, I swear!
Looks like a random list.
My list (including some spin offs):
1. Pokemon HeartGold/ SoulSilver
2. Pokemon Black and White 2
3. Pokemon Red,Blue,Yellow,Green, Fire red, Leaf Green
4. Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal.
5. Pokemon Gale of Darkness/Colosseum
6. Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2
7. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Omega Ruby, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald
8. Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum
9. Pokemon Black and White
10. Pokemon Lets go games
11. Pokemon X and Y
12. Pokemon Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
And who knows where I will put Sword and Shield.
I do like all the Pokemon games so far, but Sun and Moon really didn't got me excited for it. Had a weird somewhat depressing feeling when I played X and Y, so that why I put it on the 11th spot. Maybe I will like it more if I play it again, when I get Y version, since I have X.
Just realized this was a repost heheh.
All the 3DS games looked like a beta version, it's like they never really completed them, only the Ultras where somehow a complete version of all the 3DS games..
@Krisi really? I'm playing Let's Go now and for me it's really the game I was playing in my head when I was playing the original Pokemon Yellow a long time ago in a galaxy far far away ☺️. Love the catoony anime vibe and Jessie and James are just... Well, they're Jessie and James!!! They are so awesome! I would wish there would come a pokemon game in which you could travel all the regions! That would be soooo cool!!!
@Barbara001 I'm glad you liked it.
For me though, it added almost nothing other than nicer graphics and sound, and took away tons of stuff from both the original and the modern Pokémon games. I felt that FireRed/LeafGreen were much better remakes. Sure, they didn't look or sound this good, but they were fine for the time, had everything that was in the original, while having every single Pokémon released up to that point, and all the new mechanics, plus even some completely new features (like the VS Seeker and Game Checker), plus it had 7 completely new islands with a new storyline to explore.
Having every single region is pretty much impossible though, sadly. It was impossible before, as it would essentially take an extremely larger amount of money and time to implement, while the game wouldn't sell that many more copies to make up for the extra cost (plus then who would care about newer games if they went back to one region per game again). But now that GF goesn't even want to put every Pokémon in the game, which would take astronomically less time and money, all regions is even more so out of the picture.
@Krisi Yes, I guess you're right, on both accounts ☺️. I do like the addition of mega evolutions in Let's Go though, so some of the new things made it over, but indeed, many of them were lost.
It's sad though, how cool would it be to get on a plane in Kalos and go to Alola or Johto. A girl can dream ☺️☺️☺️.
Looks pretty much like my fave list, I would just dump the original Gold & Silver and Fire Red & Leaf Green from the top 5 and place Emerald and Black 2 & White 2 in top 5.
And Ultra games for me are at the very bottom.
This list is trash. Pokémon Let’s Go should be at the bare bottom by a mile.
Also, both Diamond/Pearl and Ultra Sun/Moon are top 5 material.
Pretty Jank list.
How is Platinum 3 and DP is dead last? Battle frontier post physical/special split is very good, but the placement on this list suggests that the games are awful, but with the battle frontier saves them.
LGPE should be at the bottom definitely.
USUM was great aside from the slow text and unskippable dialogue / cutscenes. If you play on emulator at like 3x speed the games are probably the most fun to nuzlocke/replay in the whole series imo. A near perfect level of difficulty in the main story, where most games weren't difficult until you hit post game battle facilities or battling online.
What the list is missing is guages on each facet of the game. It's very difficult to judge which game is "the best".
One may have the best region, one may have the best variety of well designed pokemon, one may have the best difficulty, one may be have the best postgame, one may have the best side activities.
Imo Platinum would probably be the best if it was remade with slightly better than SWSH graphics, in gen 8 ofc, with Battle frontier more like Emerald's (7 facilities instead of 5, all with their unique visual style. At least one should be a building shaped like a pokemon like the seviper facility).
I don't see how Crystal can rank behind Gold & Silver, considering it is the superior version of the three?
Hey Nintendolife, you know there are other Pokémon Games beside the Main ones, right?
You should make a Best of List about them to, instead of rehashing this Article again and again.
I'm gonna repeat myself and ask for a simplified list. The pictures are nice but dividing it all up to 3 pages like this is really annoying.
It's worse still on mobile. This site already is kinda hard to navigate on mobile, so adding pages within a single article really makes it a pain.
it kinda surprised me and the lab boys that the newer one would me last.
I agree with most of this list, espicially with the number 1 and 3, sadly, I never got to play the original games, the generation 2 games and the generation 3 games (did play a bit of Ruby, until my Original DS broke)
@Nagi Pokemon Conquest best spinoff
This list was wrong the second it began with anything aside from Let's Go or Red/Blue in last place.
Aren't all these lists based on used votes?
DP in last?
Ouch, guys. Ouch.
You cannot seriously rank games that haven't even been released yet, or have yet to make their impact on the series.
"You could also record battles, trade anonymously over the internet,"
Which you apparently can't do any more in Sword and Shield. You can trade with randos but the proper (useful) GTS is gone.
Little early for this article, no?
Well I’m not gonna argue with the number 1 spot but the rest of the list is a different story.
This list is trash. Lets Go would be dead last on any proper list for sure.
Hoping for a Let's Go for the 2nd generation.
Ahhhh, what a fine decision for the top 5, I can agree with all of 'em (especially number 1)!
Kind of nonsensical to have a superior version of Gold and Silver in Crystal at #4 while Gold and Silver themselves are #2. There's nothing about G/S that's better than Crystal.
It’s criminally hurtful how low u rank diamond and pearl but I suppose platinum makes up for it. I don’t agree with having OG silver and gold at 2 but alright. SSHG and platinum tie for me but platinum is slightly better imo
So is it true that you guys have pages just to generate more ad revenue? Because I can't think of a legit reason why you can have a 12 mile long comment section but need 3 pages to list the games...
Really surprised X/Y is so low as it seemed so well received in the day and is the one I played the most and got a 9 at this site. Even Sun/Moon is low (scored 10) while their Ultra versions are ridiculous low (again, perfect 10). Lots of arbitrary decisions and nostalgia seems to have gone into this list!
Stopped reading after LGP/E was over D/P, X/Y, and well, everything else it was above. No Pokemon game deserves that.
Wrong, fake news, lol
I disagree with this list on a very major level. Let's Go should be at the bottom among other things.
This list is utterly crooked and makes no sense what-so-ever. X & Y are better than Sun & Moon. You can't have Diamond and Pearl that low and Platinum that high in the same list. Sword and Shield were reviewed a 8 so cannot be that high, let alone above Red & Blue. What a mess.
I agree with most of this list hg/ss are my top games they took my favourite gen and perfected them
I only ever liked the first game, Red/Blue. I LOVED Pokemon back when I was a younger kid and was obsessed with my copy of Blue. However I was part of a chunk of players that fell off after the first generation.
I've tried to capture that magic again and play later titles but it just never happened again. Every time I bought a new Pokemon game It was never really different enough to impress and inspire me like the first time. The structure and story and what you could do with Pokemon remained the same but I had moved on.
I keep thinking the next game is gonna be "THE ONE" but than I'm always disappointed. I think the series just isn't for me anymore. Blue/Red was just it for me as a kid.
Heart Gold and Soul Silver at #1 is correct. The rest of the list really didn't matter. Well done author, well done.
Actually, the only problem wrong with this list is that NL gave Ultra sun and moon 10/10 and it is in almost at the last place.
@Kirby_Girl this is me exactly. I can use your exact words for wrestling as well. Something about late 90’s stuff 👍
I would put Ruby/Saphire a bit higher in the list, but maybe that’s the noltalgia speaking
I completely disagree
@Kirby_Girl same. Although it was yellow for me. I did enjoy let’s go Pikachu though but that’s just because I love the original anyway but those 3ds games were a complete letdown I forced myself through them.
This list is nonsensical. Platinum near the top of the list while Diamond and Pearl are at the bottom, despite being basically the same game? Ultra Sun and Moon significantly lower than Sun and Moon, when it's an enhanced version of them? It's not even a difference in opinion, these rankings just don't make sense.
I still have no idea how it makes sense to rank "Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon" below regular "Sun and Moon." They're the same games, only better! While I can understand why Yellow could be ranked below R/B (although I personally consider Yellow the superior version), ranking games that are clearly upgraded versions of their predecessors (and on the same system) below said predecessors is just nuts! It would be like ranking Emerald below R/S, Platinum below D/P, or Crystal below...wait, you did that, too! What the heck are you guys thinking?! Just because something is no longer new or original doesn't mean it's not still technically superior when ranking them on their own merits!
Not counting Sword/Shield, here's my rankings:
1. HeartGold/SoulSilver
2. Black/White 2
3. Platinum
4. Emerald
5. Crystal
6. Gold/Silver
7. X/Y
8. Black/White
9. FireRed/LeafGreen
10: XD: Gale of Darkness
11. Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon
12. Sun/Moon
13. Colosseum
14. Yellow
Everything else (R/B, R/S, OR/AS, D/P, Let's Go...) below that...
@HeroponRiki I'm with you on S/M vs. US/UM, but Platinum is a much improved version of D/P. The game speed is sped up, it has extra story elements with a really cool Reverse World area, it has the return of the Battle Frontier, much better Pokémon distribution, etc. It along with Emerald and Black/White 2 are the "improved versions" that made the most of those improvements.
Is it enough to justify the sheer number of ranks Platinum has over D/P on this list? That's questionable. However, a large rank jump is certainly still valid in this case.
Pokemon Silver was the best pokemon game for me until Soul Silver came in. The first spot is well deserved
@Darthroseman No HMs was the ONLY major improvement made in Sun/Moon. Z-moves are fun (although not necessarily an "improvement"), and there are a few other minor improvements here and there as well (such as type effectiveness being listed in battle and having the option to shuffle your party upon the capture of a new Pokémon), but that's it. Meanwhile, the games are overly clogged with tutorials and mandatory side-quests and cutscenes, it has the lame trials instead of gym battles, trainer customization is more limited, berry growing is gone, and the set of new Pokémon is rather small save for over-stuffing the 'dex with an insane amount of new Legends and those new Ultra Beasts.
They're still great games, particularly the "Ultra" versions, but I found Generation 7 to be relatively disappointing in the same way I found OR/AS to be disappointing remakes that aren't even as good as Emerald aside from the updating the presentation, Pokédex, and game mechanics up to the level of Generation 6.
@Blizzia same here. a lot of hours on HGSS then emerald or Crystal for the second place.
I fully agree with the top two, though we are doomed if Pokemon Sword and Shield are worse than Sun and Moon.
Breaking news lads! These lists are subjective.
Wow I came here so sure that HGSS wasn't in its rightful place at the very top, but look at that! Easily the only Pokemon game I've felt is worth playing at all for the last decade or so.
@BulbasaurusRex The Battle Frontier on its own is enough to make any game jump up to my top 3.
Yeah.... No. The problem I can see from many of these so called BEST POKEMON GAMES is that the reviewers let nostalgia and personal feelings get in the way if actually placing the titles where they actually belong. I began playing Pokemon almost at the beginning, with Pokemon Yellow being my first official title I laid my hands on, but I would NOT rank it so highly today. Why? Because TONS of the mechanics from Gens 1 and 2 (originals, not counting remakes) are deeply flawed and just break the game so many years later, not to mention that SPECIAL was still not divided properly into both, Atk and Def, which made special based pokemon like Mewtwo and Alakazam virtually unstoppable.
Nostalgia glasses are a wonderful thing to have, but nostalgia aside, gens 4 and 5 were the best of the best. Not only did they innovate even further what we had experienced before, but they perfected what came before, hands Effing down.
Best will always be: HG and SS, Platinum and Black/White 2. Those games are just full to the brim with content that not even the newly released Sw and Sh can even match them when it comes to content.
Remember,graphics are not everything that makes a game amazing.
Lol at X/Y over Diamond/Pearl. At least Sinnoh had a postgame.
This list makes no sense seeing as how certain games of the same region in the same generation are so far apart.
At least HG/SS get their due respect, but I would personally put gen 5 at the top. Pokémon peaked on the DS.
I have created this nice poll to get the thought of the world on this same question:
@HeroponRiki They really aren't the same game at all. Platinum improves so much; let's just start with the fact that Diamond and Pearl are horribly unoptimized for the DS, resulting in a crappy framerate, slow battles, in addition to the game generally just running slowly by design (compare the surf speed in Diamond & Pearl to Platinum and you'll see what I mean).
Platinum also improves the pacing of the game from a story standpoint, not just mechanically. The best example of this is Fantina being moved from the 5th(?) gym to the 3rd. It goes a long way to make the game more enjoyable. The graphical improvements are numerous as well, along with all the improvements to Wi-Fi which are unfortunately inaccessible today (though connecting to an unofficial server is trivial, the game requires a low-security network). The Battle Frontier also brought many hours of new content.
In my experience, the gen 2 games were definitely the worst out of all of the games I played.
Its this simple:
2, 1, 3, 8, 6, 5, 4, 7
The first 3 dont have limited time online events.
8 wild area and fixes most needlessly overcomplicated mechanics, 6 fixes some of them and adds some actually nice things like playing on 3D.
7 doesnt even play like a main pokemon game.
Bold of you to rank the Let's Go gales above anything else.
They are all perfect to me. 🥰
Pokemon gold is just the best. Hands down!
You contradict your points, put remakes on the opposite ends of the spectrum when in reality they are 90+% the same game and put, what is basically, the same game 3 times in the top 5 - which makes sense if it's the best one/region - but is the only Pokemon game to have balancing issues in regards to Lvls. Wild pokemon, gym leaders and your own party never seem to sync up. it doesn't make it more difficult for veteran players, just a pain having to grind on stupidly low lever wild pokemon. THINK ABOUT YOUR LIST NEXT TIME. This list is the most random thing I have ever seen.
Looking forward to the next one!...
If HG/SS allowed you to get Leafeon and Glaceon at all in the game then it deserves to be in the top 5 yet, BW2 gives you the opportunity to get two shinies guaranteed
in either game and gives you the chance to get all of the eeveelutions at the time before the elite 4. And emerald is better than gen 2 so why that's below gsc and FR/LG I won't know. When for some reason, you can't get the gen 2 evolutions for the gen 1 Pokemon before the national dex. And Emerald features the Battle Frontier do I need to say much else on that point
Only confusing thing was GS being over Crystal. It has the exact same things as GS and more.
The Switch games are the worst ones. Got it.
There has to be a problem with this list. Ultra Sun and Moon were some of the best Pokémon games in recent memory (better than Sw/Sh) and had some of the most pleasing and epic moments in the franchise.
Below the Let's Go games? Yeah right.
People keep harping on the art of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond. It's a matter of taste, but personally I've been playing it and I find every second a pleasure because of the pure adorableness of everything.
I also am curious about most of the Switch games being last... it's almost like most of the people voting on this website are adults voting mainly by nostalgia. 😛 I am not as much of a Pokemon connoisseur myself, but I 100% admit to my rankings of Mario games being wildly biased from childhood nostalgia.
This might be the most cursed tier list I've ever seen.
What is with the dislike attached to Let’s Go? I mean, it’s the easiest entry, sure, but it’s absolutely the best looking Pokémon game on Switch and is a wonderful remake of the original games. It does highlight that a 9 or 10/10 tier Game Boy Color game is not a 9 or 10/10 Switch game, perhaps, but I thought the game was wonderful. Was the most joy I’ve gotten out of Pokémon since the series peaked with Black and White 1 and 2.
It's hard to compare because of different console popularity but it's interesting that this ranking is wildly different than a ranking by sales, so much so that many games are flipped from bottom to top of the list.
@Curator While there are better games then Sun and Moon the problem is that they came out less then a year later. There wasn't a massive amount of changes done to the game and the retold story is worst then S/M in some aspects. I think the major problems with those games was that they were enhanced versions but were sold as 2 games rather then 1 like all other enhanced versions.
@somnambulance I main problem with the Let's Go series is the way they made you catch pokemon. If you love that idea then that is fantastic and I am glad that you were able to enjoy the series where I wasn't able too.
I'm not in agreement with a lot of rankings here, but I am glad to see BD/SP and LGP/E at the very bottom of the list.
Missing Colo/XD
Black & White robbed
Despite being a life long Nintendo fan, have never played a Pokemon game. The longer it goes on the more daunting a proposition it sounds.
Haven't bought any of them yet too expensive in my opinion maybe if they went on sale I'd get the switch games
While I understand the criticism of BDSP, having Platinum in second and BDSP in dead last (when, at their core, they're the same game) is a dead giveaway that maybe this list shouldn't be taken too seriously.
Not much I can add at this point, but suffice to say I'd put gen 6 a lot higher and gen 2/5 a lot lower. And what lunatic thinks Ultra Sun/Moon are worse than the originals and Black/White 2 are better than the originals? And I disagree with everyone who's annoyed with the Diamond/Pearl remakes for actually trying to bring back the old visuals and gameplay, because I really missed them. The only mistake they made was not fully bringing back HMs, and I'll be keeping a Bibarel that knows four of them in my party all the way to the champion to simulate the proper Pokemon experience. Okay, maybe I actually had quite a bit to add.
Some innane nostalgia glasses are being worn here.
People are ranking superior remakes lower their the deeply flawed games they're remaking just because they're remakes (other than Heart Gold and Soul Silver, which deservedly claim the #1 spot for many reasons, but REALLY are also in need of a re-remake…).
There's no reason so many of the modern games should be so far down the list compared to early titles if we're comparing one-to-one. You can't compare them on innovative merits because you're literally comparing entries within the same series. So you've got to rank them on their playability, and almost every generation has improved on its predecessors.
This is a proper GameFreak haters appeasement article if I ever saw one.
I’ve dropped off of the series a while ago, but I did really really like Soulsilver
Wow. The bottom half of the list is almost perfectly in inverse order of the games’ releases. The bottom 3 are all Switch, followed by USUM and SM. The only thing they really breaks this trend is Diamond/Pearl, and Ruby/Sapphire, but I’d imagine that is because their far superior definitive editions (Platinum, Emerald) render these games pretty much obsolete.
Also funny that HGSS and FRLG remakes scored so high, but BDSP are so low, and ORAS are middling. HGSS are arguably the best Pokémon games ever and clearly held in high esteem by the fans- how did the remakes start going so wrong after these masterpieces?
I always loved Gen 2, the remakes Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver are easily the best time I have used up. Easily 400 hours in one cartridge! 💕
Old game good. New game bad.
Anyway, never understood the love for HGSS, but maybe that's because I always found Johto to be a curiously boring region, for whatever reason.
@somnambulance Hard disagree. The artstyle in LGPE is awful in terms of shading, character designs, etc. Especially compared to SwSh, which look rather nice aside from the pop-in and robotic character movements. The forced motion controls when docked suck. The lack of random battles are hugely disappointing. There's almost nothing to like about them.
What a strange order.
@LunacyJosh yeah also agree. Emerald had a great fun world, love the underwater temple that lead to discovering new legendaries. I felt more notion to play more Emerald after Sapphire, than playing Platinum after Diamond. Black 2 got me back into Pokemon- really enjoyed all we could do in that world. Then XY was not bad but Sun lost me. I grew up with Gold, and after playing all of them( except USUM, and Sword Shield) I feel Gold, Emerald and Black 2 should be at least top 5.
@Ralizah I like the art style in Lets Go. It sort of reminds me of a Kirby game or something. It’s fuzzy and bright. For SwSh, I’m fine with those games and how they play and look too, but out of preference, I like the nostalgic watercolor of Lets Go. I liked the brisk pace of Let’s Go as well. I dunno. I enjoyed both Sword and Let’s Go Eevee. Gen 8 has been my favorite generation since Gen 5.
@SilentHunter382 It’s been a few years since I’ve played Let’s Go, but wasn’t there an option to turn off the goofy throwing mechanic?
@JonComms those idle battle animations + no more geodudes/zubats and a sicko mode sound track. B/W is pretty good in retrospect
Yeah the top 3 in that order is right. SS/HG quite frankly is one of the best remakes in gaming, it improves on everything, adds tons of new stuff while staying completely faithful and just looks a ton better visually, it even corrects many of the flaws of the originals like making Kanto better and more Legendaries to catch.
For me the top 4 are pretty clear
2. Platinum
3. Emerald
4. BW
ORAS would destroy Emerald if it had the Battle Frontier and how Secret Bases used to work.
BDSP not having megas, Battle Frontier, Distortion World, Secret Base decoration, and no expanded Pokedex will definitely not topple any of my top 4. I have no issues with graphics (they have really grown on me) is just all of the missing content that hurts. Going back to 1 use TM is perfectly fine. The GYM leader rematches and tougher E4 is great! No HM is great too, but missing the EXP Share toggle sucks too.
SuMo had SO MUCH potential. The Alolan aesthetics, variants, new 'mons, legendaries, rowlet. I just didn't like the water starter, ultra beasts or pacing. Very slow games.
But they are still super enjoyable to me. I think starting with Red, coming back in at gen 4, and then jumping back in at SuMo made those my top 3.
lol Emerald is completeeeely overrated here, those are just the Gen 3 kids being too nostalgic.
Gen 3 is fine at the end of the day, but was very disappointing as a console gen jump, it offered no significant improvements to the formula whatsoever, which is why from all classic gens, 3 is the most forgettable to me.
Article seems to completely miss the mark on why these games are loved/hated for the most part. Usually the games are loved/hated based on what features are added/removed and they really didn't cover that a whole lot.
The list seems to be about right though, although I have a few nitpicks on particular games the better games are rightfully at the top and the worst games are rightfully at the bottom. Nice job everyone!
HGGS and B2W2 are 100% god tier for me.
while I absolutely hate Let's Go, I will say that they are the best looking mainline 3D Pokemon game imo (the battle animations and npc movement are still pretty bleh).
Good list and absolutely agree with the top few entries, HGSS is definitely deserving of the #1 spot. That said, for me personally the spinoffs out class the main series games with Blue Mystery Dungeon as my absolute favorite Pokemon game of all time.
This list seems to be based on user reviews - not an actual list by thought of a NL employee...
Black 2/White 2 not even being in the Top 5, 4 or 3 is an absolute disgrace.
BDSP is unquestionably the bottom of the barrel when it comes to pokemon games
For me pokemon sword/shield are the worst pokemon games. I feel it was rushed out for the switch release. It also made me realise that pokemon needs to change which it why i got good hope for pokemon legends arceus. Pokemon has become like cod in a way of just releasing the same game over and over with a few differences in each.
Pokemon silver/gold for the win though
@SlowPokemon Regarding the list being nonsense, that's mostly because it's based on visitor rankings, which often doesn't make sense as a list because it becomes a bit of a popularity contest. That's why there are no reasons for the rankings in the write ups since it came down to the user scores.
I love how this list just assumes you owned a DS.
I don't understand the large gaps between the newer releases and the games that they are remaking. If the remade games aren't outright better, they also shouldn't be much worse. I look at these rankings and think both BDSP and Let's Go are very underrated. I'm curious if Pokemon Red/Blue were released on the Switch and re-reviewed, would they be reviewed as a release in the current day or would they be reviewed as 20+ year old games? If an older game can only score well if it's reviewed "for its time" for its gameplay, it's no longer good. I'm not arguing Let's Go should leap into the Top 10, but Red/Blue/Yellow should be the first games I'm seeing in these rankings at the very bottom.
When they've placed the Expanded version lower on the list makes this such a baffling list.
The people seething over BDSP and other recent entries being placed low is hilarious
I experienced the original titles, and would never go back to those after playing the remakes. The remakes are fine. I understand the frustration about things being cut in BDSP or the boring open word in SwSh, but these games are just fine. I’ve put more time into SwSh than any previous entry, and while I likely won’t do the same with BDSP it’s still a good entry. I respect that my memory of the original titles is jaded, however, if I were to go back to them today - they likely wouldn’t hold up well.
I think XY is very underrated.
There's such a great atmosphere throughout the game.
Honestly was starting to think this was a timeline of when the Pokémon games were released from newest to old. Poorly put together really you guys have been screwing up the Pokémon articles since the review for the new ones.
Being told to use Pikachu, and not even being able to evolve it, was a DOWNGRADE that Pokemon Yellow made from Red and Blue.
Just because Ash can't evolve it, does that mean we have to be as terrible as him?
Replacing a few of the Rocket grunt battles with Jessie and James was kind of, eh. Let's Go gave their appearance more substance, but that awful forced catch mechanic just dropped that game so many points it couldn't get back.
My favourites were Platinum, Soulsilver, X & Black 2. So this list isn't too far off what I think. X ought to be higher
Removed - unconstructive feedback; user is banned
Soulsilver & heartgold should be #1 imo , that being said so many older and inferior games are ranked way higher than their enhanced counterparts which makes no sense besides nostalgia .
So the last 3 places on the list are occupied by Switch releases. Clear evidence that Nintendo's merging of Console and Handheld gaming has simply not worked.
Doesn't mean it can't work in the future... but we're clearly not there yet.
For me (worst to best);
X and y, gold and silver (I know, I know), sword and shield, black and white, diamond and Pearl, sun and moon, red and blue, ruby and sapphire.
I do like all the games though, one of my favourite gaming franchises, can’t wait for Arceus
1. G/S/C
2. Yellow
3. R/B
No full retrocompatibilty, Abilities and natures, and unobtainable event Mystery Gifts from here onward
4. FR/LG
5. Emerald
6. R/S
Time stamps with real date from here on bother me (OCD), Limited time online exclusives from here on
7. HG/SS
8. Platinum
9. D/P
Paid limited intergen. transfer and storage from here
10. LP/LE
11. S/S
12. BD/SP
Unobtainable Pokémon Global Link gifts from here on
12. X/Y
13. OR/AS
14. B2/W2
15. B/W
Not even a Pokémon main game anymore...
16. US/UM
17. S/M
Generations: 2 > 1 > 3 > 4 > 8 > 6 > 5 > 7
This objectively the best rank possible for anyone expecting the full experience and content of a game. But I kind of agree with the overall user ranking having Gold and Silver in some way at the top, Yellow slightly behind and sun and moon near the bottom. However generation 8 should be in the middle, (and the top of recent games) I get that at least graphically they are rushed games, even unfinished, and I was also disappointed for the full pokedex behind paid DLC, but they have done that in the shape of third versions or direct sequels since generarion 3. And they sort of put a remedy to most of the modern entries problems; mints, no website link exclusives, gyms are back, most legendaries available ingame, grinding is somewhat easier. The only trends they made worse were limited time events with raid events on top of mystery gifts, and last gen paid services, now adding switch online membership.
Best of gen 8: wild area, raids, curry and gigantamax
Wow don't agree with that list at all, My top 5 would be
1. Black and White
3. Platinum
4. Sword and Shield
5. Ultra Sun/Moon
Well the top 3 didn't exactly surprise me.
I don't get why BW and BW2 are below something like Crystal which is almost the same thing as Gold and Silver
Black & White sucked and the Let’s Go games were the worst in the series. Period.
@marcel1_1 Let’s Go games and it’s not even close
@somnambulance Judging by how well the modern Pokemon games are selling, clearly a lot of people are still enjoying them, even if an aging online minority is struggling to.
Anyway, not trying to rain on your parade. I just wanted to provide some context for why many people, including myself, strongly dislike the Let's Go spinoffs. Gen1 is something I'm extremely nostalgic about, and LGPE felt like it tackled that generation in the worst possible way, since the gameplay felt more like Pokemon Go than what I've come to expect from a proper remake. But I am glad you enjoyed it. I'll probably try it again sometime and see if I can't find some enjoyment in it.
Can we just appreciate how at this point in time, all of the Switch Pokémon games are the lowest rated on this list?
That's concerning.
"Pokémon Sun and Moon are some of the best Pokémon games that Game Freak has ever produced."
Rating: 15th place
The moral of the story, of course, is that the ratings here mean absolutely nothing.
@Lilmonix3 It is user ranked now, however when this article was first published I think it was ranked by staff? I may be wrong though as my comment was written 3 years ago!
Really interesting rankings. I appreciate that the switch games are at the bottom. So much more could be done with the games at the point we're at now.
Also, Diamond&Pearl might make me a girl? 0-0'
@Fran27 Yes, good observation - there's definitely been more negativity in recent releases (3DS and Switch in particular). My point was kind of highlighting the fact that there was hope amongst fans the merging of development would lead to some real change... but 5 years later...
100% agree that Arceus is exciting and fingers crossed it is good!
Also, just to add, I'm not suggesting 5 years is a huge amount of time to change things up - but you'd expect to see something. To be fair to them, Arceus quite possibly is that something.
Gen 3 completely overhauled the games adding natures, abilities, Ivs and some very important and iconic moves! Gen 5 evolved the games with a more mature story and gave more flavor and depth to its competitive scene. Imo, Emerald and black1/2 are above the rest by a lot.
@Danondorf The games used to be made by a team with passion. They used to be made by people who wanted to make the best game possible.
Now they are made as a chore.
This is from an "Iwata Asks" interview with Morimoto and Ishihara, who worked on HGSS, which are still regarded as the best Pokemon games ever.
Iwata: So it’s not simply a remake of Gold and Silver?
Ishihara: We were very greedy with the features we put in.
Morimoto: Yes, we were incredibly greedy with the features this time round! (laughs) We basically included all the game elements that had been in Diamond and Pearl26 and Platinum27.
A remake should bring the source material into the modern era.
While I enjoyed ORAS immensely, it missed a few big opportunities to make it the definitive Hoenn experience.
BDSP, while I can appreciate some of what it offers, is in many ways a regression to an outdated game, not new life for a beloved classic.
WOW, Arceus shoots up to no. 2?!? That’s… honestly surprising.
It should be pointed out it only has about two dozen user ratings at time of posting.
The other games have hundreds of user ratings after they were surveyed.
Great list, love heart gold and soul silver at the top. I went into that game with 0 knowledge of the originals (at that point I had played, red blue & yellow, then skipped to pearl). So got to experience the game with the great visuals and that moment we you make it back to Kanto I freaked out. It was 2012 and I was in college but it still blew my mind.
@RupeeClock That’s a fair point lol, hope you’re doing well mate!
HeartGold/SoulSilver truly are the shining jewels of The Pokémon franchise, and I doubt even a modern re-release or remake would ever top their quality.
Just a shame they're so hard to get a hold of these days on the secondhand market...
@Browny I bought my used copy of HG a few years back. €18, but no box and a torn label. Bought it because my copy broke and I had all the missing components.
What brings it up is the fact I was in that same shop a few weeks ago, and they had a copy of SS in a similar condition (no box, scuffed label) for €55.
From all my Pokemon games I have :
X > Y > Sword > Alpha Sapphire > Omega Ruby > Ultra Moon > Sun > Let's Go Pikachu > White 2 > Black 2
But i still prefer Yokai Watch 3DS games than Pokemon games.
Arceus is probably my #3 after B2W2 and HGSS and just ahead of Emerald and Platinum.
This was not a particularly good list, the order was terrible
PLA is a ton of fun, but I don't really see it on second place and I would definitely rank the other Switch games a bit higher.
I could go on for a while why I don't agree with this list, aside from the first spot (I mean even Sword and Shield does belong higher than current spot, and that game was "okay")
I almost finished Legends of Arceus, around less than 20 Pokémon to go for a full dex here, and I like the game really I do and it feels pretty fresh content wise.
But it does not belong in the top 5 let alone the second spot, it has some specific cons preventing it from being that high.
And that is a long and very spoilery story, so maybe in a year or 2 when NL does release such article "again", maybe then I will tell them, because by that point most people had their chance to play and finish that game.
And no graphics are not that reason, I don't count that type of criteria to conclude if a Pokémon game is good or not.
I really wish updates to past articles were published as completely separate ones.
It’s an absolute slog going through the comments again each time..
Ironically enough I’ve only played the worst five places on the list, and think it’s a fair ranking of them. However, I don’t really know how the originals can be much better. I’ll try them later on a totally legal game boy or gba console.
So Arceus is not only a main series game but the second best so far, really?
I still don't understand why G&S are placed higher than Crystal. Makes no sense. And if PLA is included, what about the Stadium games, Colosseum, XD Gale of Darkness etc.?
You did Sword & Shield dirty..
@JakedaArbok The originals probably aren't that much better, they are just less slightly "disappointing". I am honestly scared to go back and play some of the older games(even just from the 3DS) nowadays because they wouldn't be able to hold my attention very long. Too many other interesting games outside of the pokemon franchise to play and experience.
@NicolausCamp And even below SM
@PsychoCrusher They are generally not considered main series.
There you have it. Arceus sitting pretty at #2.
Gold and Silver are very special because of so many things. They are truly the pinnacle of 2D Pokemon games. Arceus is the new evolution of the game. I am hard pressed to not say it is the new number one. But if there is DLC for this game, Arceus will easily be number one. Whatever comes next in the series though is now primed to be a masterpiece much like what gold and silver were to red/blue and yellow.
Gamefreak... it's about time.
Legends Arceus is legitimately the most fun I've had with a Pokemon game since the fateful day I bought Blue Version in 1999. I did love Silver, Ruby, Diamond, Y as well, but their impact was lessened due to being the same formula just done slightly better. Obviously, Legends a much better game in 2022 than other games in the series (including their remakes), so it's easily my favourite Pokemon game, and I would go a step further and say it's one of my favourite games of all time fullstop. Maybe not top 10, but it's close.
Top 3 for me will always be HGSS, Platinum, and BW2.
@Troll_Decimator Honestly, there are just a few easy features/refinements that could be made that would put this in Breath of the Wild tier for me. This game is a big step in the right direction.
Edit: I have also legitimately died more times in this game already than I had in BotW. 🤣
Why are you guys using bootleg art for FireRed?
Also, I enjoyed the original Gen II games far more than HG/SS, and I shall wait with bated breath for the next remake as well as (fingers crossed) the Legends treatment.
@kal_el_07241 Indeed, I fully expect the followup to be a huge improvement, as long as they stay focused on what makes this game so good. However, just by virtue of this game being so bold and fearless in its direction, while also managing to be so fun, I can't help but admire it just as much as Breath of the Wild, even if it has more flaws. Honestly, I was more optimistic than most about this game, but I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it is.
guys calm down its pokemon not politics i came here to avoid that shiz
I see people are review bombing arceus already. When this article was bumped back to the mainpage today arceus stood at spot 2 with a 9,2/10. It’s still 2nd but now suddenly is 8,9/10. I’ll give it a week before it’s out if the top 10 and has dropped below 7,5/10.
Deserves it to, This game, its just so good, it takes problems I had with other pokemon games, and gets rid of them, it takes stuff I love from other pokemon games, and adds on to it or makes it better!
Its a good 9/10 for me!
@Troll_Decimator I really do hope they don't screw up the next entry.
@darkswabber Doubt it, even most trolls have done a 180 on this one. But yeah it's a fantastic game, for me easily #1.
@Troll_Decimator hope you are right. Easily top 5 alongside BW, BW2, HGSS and emerald IMO.
The definitive ranking of top 5 Pokémon games is
Arceus again
Still Arceus
Red and Blue because I was freaking 7 and my mind has turned them into a magical experience that never actually happened.
What about the Gamecube game?!
The Ultra games and Sword /Shield (with Expansion packs!) deserve much higher on this list!!!
You know what I'd like to see? Staff ranked lists. Let's hear what you guys think, rather than these user ratings which can be manipulated with review bombing.
I still don't get how anyone can rank Sun & Moon above Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
I don't get that either, given the improvements of the Ultra titles. Also, where are Colosseum and XD?
@Baker1000 "You know what I'd like to see? Staff ranked lists. Let's hear what you guys think, rather than these user ratings which can be manipulated with review bombing."
"Pokemon Legends: Arceus" will soon debut on this site's list of the "Best Nintendo Switch Games Ever" at #5.
And will soon after get review bombed off the list completely by people who have never played it.
Legends Arceus is #1-20 for me since it's the only Pokemon game besides PoGo and Snap that I've ever returned to after the first play session. Good things happen when you decide to stop releasing the same game for 2+ decades.
Atleast they got the top 2 correct
Lol this list, okay. Grain of salt I guess.
It’s a nonsensical list
I just realized that this this list is ranked by userratings, not their own review score. This tips the whole list really bad into Arceus legends favor. 50 ratings there and 600 for the other, doesn't take a genius that it can only get a very good ranking or a very bad ranking if we measure stuff like that. This just makes the list less credible... Either change that system or do not include titles with such a low amount of ratings at all.
The same generally holds true for any of the other titles but it is almost painfull when looking at arceus legends
While Sword and Shield let down on the evolution of the formula and taking advantage of the console, I still think it's objectively one of the best games in the franchise (and sales don't lie). I just don't see how I can tell someone totally new to Pokemon not to play Sword/Shield first (Arceus aside). It's absolutely better than most and maybe all of the games that came before it. It does almost everything better.
I think people confuse their expectations and disappointment with Sword and Shield and their nostalgia for the older games. The older games suck even more by today's standards. The combat is slower. The controls, graphics and sound are worse. The quality of life is abysmal. The writing and stories are worse. Like I don't see how any of the original Gameboy games make it in the top 10.
Let's be honest - the old games are only high on the list because you played them as kids, not because they are actually good recommendations in 2022. A new player playing all of these games for the first time would rank them very, very differently. A tier list would probably look closer to reversed release order, if we're being honest (with BDSP and Let's Go ranking lower).
Not a bad list.
1. HGSS deservedly number 1
2. BW2 should be higher
3. Legends: Arceus a bit too high imo BUT it does deserve high placement for how MUCH improves on the tired pokémon formula
4. BDSP deservedly last. VERY deservedly so, sadly. We all wanted a great remake of Gen 4 at least like ORAS. We got SO much less it's not even funny.
5. Let's Go deservedly second to last.
6. USUM... deservedly low. It should actually be considerably higher if you did NOT play SM. But if you did? It's quite a big cashgrab. Way too few changes for the full price.
@BulbasaurusRex USUM is obviously better than SM as a standalone title. However, many of us were fairly disappointed playing it after SM feeling like it was a cashgrab - WAY too few changes to justify full pricing. BW2 is an older game and it easily had more new stuff.
@stromz This is all true (personally, I'm really glad that I waited until the Ultra versions came out before buying a Gen 7 game), but the only part that actually matters is that US/UM are better standalone games.
The better game should still be rated better (or at least the same) no matter how much of a lazy sequel it is
(Likewise, BD/SP should be rated higher than the original D/P, even after accounting for system differences, but lower than Platinum. Replacing the HMs with PokéRides and increasing the battle speed to a modern level alone made the remakes better games compared to the originals.)
@egervari Compared to the original games, sure, but Sw/Sh aren't that much better in areas like battle mechanics, combat speed, controls, and quality of life once you get to Generation 4 and beyond (aside for D/P for combat speed).
As for graphics and sound, they have to be compared to what was possible on the system of release, and most agree that the graphics and animation in Sw/Sh are low quality compared to what can be done on the Switch, even when just looking at the other Switch Pokémon games like "New Pokémon Snap", "Legends Arceus," and the first trailer of "Scarlet/Violet."
Meanwhile, the Dynamax gimmick isn't as popular as the Mega Evolution or Z-Move gimmicks that preceded it, some players are really annoyed that EXP Share is now mandatory, and it took two waves of pricey DLC before it had good enough post-game content compared to most of its predecessors.
@BulbasaurusRex It doesn't matter if Sword and Shield was derivative of the past games - it is strictly a better game than the past games. It does almost everything better. The post-game is better. The quality of life is better. The freedom is better. The pacing is better. And for that reason, it should be ranked very highly. People are voting based on nostalgia instead of quality and features, which is wrong. The list isn't "the most nostalgic pokemon games", it's a list on what is the best - i.e. answering the question, "What pokemon game should I play if I never played any of them?" That's what people would use such a list. New players don't care how strongly a person felt about a game 20 years ago. It doesn't matter anymore.
And it's not just Pokemon I'd use this argument for either. I wouldn't recommend Ocarina of Time over other 3D Zelda games either. It might have got the "best game of all time" label on it at the time, but it's frankly outclassed by everything that came after it, especially Twilight Princess, which basically does everything Ocarina did but better.
I'd say the same thing about Mario 64. N64 stuff has the ugliest graphics, and the controller is pure jank. Nintendo has iterated on their game design so much, these earlier games would honestly be considered shovel ware by today's standards.
This is no different for Pokemon.
@egervari I certainly agree with this in general, as you can see with my argument for Ultra Sun/Moon over regular Sun/Moon.
However, Sword/Shield does not do almost everything better than everything that came before it. The freedom is no better. The story is no better. The quality of life and general gameplay are little to no better than Gen 7. (Dynamax is worse than both Mega Evolution and Z-Moves.) The post-game is only good (and no better than games like Gold/Silver/Crystal/HeartGold/SoulSilver, Emerald, Platinum, and Gen 5) due to charging $40 extra for it, otherwise it sucks. The EXP Share item is worse (not that I care, but many players do).
Meanwhile, the graphics and animation are significantly worse compared to what can be done on the Switch, compared to any of the other Pokémon mainline games on their respective systems except Gen 1.
If someone has both a Switch and (2/3)DS and is asking for a Pokémon game recommendation, I would indeed recommend Ultra Sun/Moon and even X/Y over Sword/Shield; and the only reason I wouldn't also recommend Black/White. Black/White 2, HeartGold/SoulSilver, and Platinum over them as well is due to the DS online servers no longer being active.
❗️Sapphire🔵 is the Game that got me into PkM proper back in January 2004 so I'll call it my favourite one of the series, especially as you could bring PkM from 🔥🔴 which also had Johto-Region PkM in.
I loved being able to send them to 'Colosseum' and seeing them in 3D.
I had Brilliant 💎 but found it to be DULL so went back to the DS version as people seemed to like that but while it looks better on DS, I still wasn't keen on it .
I've recently completed ⚫️1 which I really liked and am going through ⚫️2 which is still good but it's more-or-less the same.
I'll play to complete the Story then move onto the 3DS lot.
I've had ALL mainline Games CIB but have started to sell a few off.
I'll be KEEPING:
*Ruby🔴Sapphire🔵Emerald🐉 and the 3DS remakes
Alright, I'll straight up admit, I haven't played all the Pokemon games, so I can't rank these the best, but I wanted to state my opinion.
I feel like SWSH should be placed a bit higher, not too much but a little bit, mostly of the characters. The characters are very memorable in my opinion but they may not age well, but honestly, not a lot of pokemon characters age too well. There's also a good bit of character development in the game and in the few that I've played, Pokemon games don't do that too well, so I definitely think that's a plus.
Arceus is great for exploration, and that's great, but the characters are just, so, bland.
That's really about it, Pokemon games really just focus on one thing and that's about it, the series really needs to find a middle-ground for characters and storyline. I understand that can be pretty hard but the game either has a great storyline and bad characters or vise versa.
I know that I only stated 2 games but I feel like I don't need to state anything else, those are really my only pros and cons about the series out of the games I played. The only Pokemon game that I feel like does pretty good with these two factors is ORAS and XY, so those should be higher on this list, in my opinion.
cailou is my favorite pokemon by the way my friend XxgamingxX wants you to subscribe to him on youtibe because he is going to do a fortnite live stream in a couple minutes so please make sure to watch him pls make sure because he loves the pokemon cailou thank you and havea nice day btw cailou is my favortte too ok bye
As for my own personal rating of SV so far (as someone who's about midway through), I'd rank at around the upper half of A Tier along with games like BW2 and ORAS: not as good as the pinnacle of the series (Black/White, Sun/Moon and Legends Arceus) but a fantastically fun entry all the same.
Oof. Four out of five switch entries at the bottom of the list. Only arceus isn’t.
The franchise is clearly not heading in the right direction.
Violet/Scarlet honestly looks unfinished, so it makes sense that it’s at the bottom right now.
@Fizza The rankings on this list are based on user ratings from this site. The people have spoken lol
Hah, all the new games except Arceus are at the very bottom. Somehow I think this is unrealistically high expectations plus nostalgia more than it is head-to-head quality of the games.
It's easy to rate a Pokemon game high when you haven't played it for years (or decades!) or when it was one of your first games. Personally I am really enjoying Violet and loved Brilliant Diamond. I never played Sword/Shield and I only played Let's Go Pikachu demo but disliked it because of the controls. Regardless of my own opinions, it seems very silly to say these 4 games are the worst Pokemon games ever made.
I haven't played all 20+ games here, but Arceus is definitely my personal favorite so I'm glad it is high at least even if I disagree with the bottom rankings.
Nah sorry, but despite it's (technical) flaws SV is definitely way better than something like BDSP or SwSh (without DLC)
I think Sword/Shield are much too harshly criticised. I really enjoyed them, much more so than Let's Go and the terrible Gen IV remakes. Hell, I daresay that I enjoyed it more than Gen IV generally, which was a slog with its snail-paced health bars and relentless pausing, though I really enjoyed Platinum back in the day, and it's a shame that the remakes didn't use that as a foundation (hell, I'd still buy a Platinum remake if they apply all of its improvements to BD/SP).
Legends Arceus is great though and I'd love to see more like it. I'm actually a little bummed that the seamless capture mechanics didn't carry over to Scarlet/Violet, but I suppose that would make capturing over levelled Pokémon way too easy.
I've always been indifferent to Gen III (I dislike most of the Pokémon designs) even though I'd played those to death back in the day, and Sun/Moon were quite tedious with their constant cutscenes (one of the banes of modern game design), despite the otherwise pleasing new setting and generally solid new Pokémon designs.
Nothing has come quite close to the magic that is Gen II though, both in terms of the setting and its adorable new Pokémon (Porygon2 perhaps being my favourite of all). A remake of the original games plus the Legends treatment would be a dream come true. I may be tarred and feathered for saying this, but HG/SS didn't really do much for me as it carried over the excruciatingly slow pacing of the Gen IV games along with many of the hardware/design hindrances of the originals for no justifiable technical reason. Where was the real Mt. Moon? The real Silph Co.? The real Pokémon Tower? The GBC games were partially neutered by necessity. What excuse did they have for doing this on the DS?!
Entirely disagree with how low Sw/Sh are on the list. I know they didn’t have all the Pokémon and the end game content wasn’t what others had but for me I had more fun with those two than any other. And some absolutely fantastic monster designs! I didn’t even finish X&Y or Sun & Moon because they were both just so middling and underwhelming. Sw/Sh are my personal top though it’s fair they are not the top. (B/W are my second)
It does sadden me to say though I agree with a S/V being bottom. Not even for the glitches and bugs. It’s just been perpetual missteps and disappointment. With half the new Pokémon being the same repeated jokes or just basic shapes with basic faces and over half becoming humanoids when they evolve. Gym battles feeling like a considerable step down in hype from Sw/Sh, especially the tasks to prove yourself before you can battle. The gross looking and fiddly picnic mechanics. The completely garbled mess of a story. Whatever the Star Camps were meant to be they are just bad and highlight how dull the auto battle is. Shop UIs that don’t show what you are buying or explain the stats. And so many missed or repeated jokes and underbaked designs in both gameplay and visuals.
It needed another year minimum. Probably 2, maybe 3.
We don’t need Pokémon games this frequently, it’s oversaturated and it’s showing the strain of the schedule significantly.
No, no, no. I disagree with this new ranking 100%. Violet and Scarlet are getting trashed for petty things. The game deserves far more praise than its receiving. Gen 4’s remakes scoring above Violet and Scarlet is appalling.
@Fizza Gen 9 is looking to be my third favorite generation at this rate. The hate the games are getting is absolutely baffling to me. I rarely get upset with how games score and rank, but the reaction to SV is absolutely a crock.
@somnambulance Petty things like unacceptable framerates, N64 textures, game breaking bugs, pop-in, slideshow animations when more than 4 NPCs are on screen....
Right now, it's essentially an Early Access Beta game that costs $60. Selling unfinished work for full retail isn't petty ffs. Stop defending this crap.
Is Pokemon Scarlet the only game to ever be released with bugs, pretty sure most open world games get patches on or close to release day.
Unpopular opinion but USUM deserves to be so much higher
@SonOfDracula Have you actually played the game? It runs as well as Arceus and Sw/Sh did at launch. I’ve said it elsewhere, but I’ve had more technical issues in several other AAA games than Violet recently. Plague Tale Requiem on Series X and MW2 on PS5 had a lot of the same issues and were more noticeable. SV has some pop-in, granted, and some frame rate instability, but certainly not N64 textures. The game is being picked apart because it’s Pokémon.
SV's performance sucks but sitting under Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is a crime. With that being said, the people excusing the technical issues are wrong too. SV's riddled with problems and they shouldn't have released it the way they did.
If there's a silver lining, at the very least most normal people will be able to see the issue with their three-year simultaneous development cycle. Arceus was a game that most people agreed was heading in the right direction (gameplay-wise). And with SV being developed at the same time, most people are of the belief they just ignored the feedback or are walking things back when the reality is, we're probably not going to see how feedback of Arceus affects the game until 2025. All the criticism Pokemon's been getting is starting to come to a head and something's gotta give soon.
@somnambulance Yes, other games have had technical issues. Those game would be handled by their respective teams and has nothing to do with VS. GameFreak should take responsibility for their own game. Comparing them to other companies is an act of futility. $60 for an Early Access Beta is unacceptable. Stop defending this crap.
You can't convince people that GameFreak has done anything acceptable.
@johnvboy Nobody is arguing that this is the only game to have ever released with bugs. The point is that VS is a buggy mess, and nobody knows if it's going to be patched yet. There hasn't been any official word from the dev team acknowledging their folly.
They can patch the bugs but they can never patch the countless other amateur aspects that make the game an ugly, vapid, unrewarding slog that patronizes your intelligence every step of the way. I'm sure it will sell remarkably so anyone hoping for better next time around, don't hold your breath. If they managed to do worse than Sword and Shield which I previously thought impossible then surely they'll surprise us again and again.
@somnambulance What's been your favorite area of the map to explore so far and why? What was your favorite gym challenge and why, and your favorite/most challenging gym battle?
Was not expecting Scarlet and Violet to be at the bottom but it gave me a laugh knowing the chaos its going to ensue from the defenders lol.
Of the hundreds, maybe thousands of ranking lists I've seen on the internet, I don't think a single one has aligned with my own tastes. Now the simplest reasoning for this would be that I'm just a natural-born contrarian who can never agree with anybody on anything, but I've chosen to believe that what's actually happening is the entire world is conspiring against me in an attempt to make me feel a mild but constant sense of isolation and dissatisfaction.
@SpaceboyScreams @SonOfDracula Personally, I find a solid and enjoyable game to be an acceptable thing. Pokémon Violet is one of the best games this year, bugs and all.
My favorite area to explore was probably the beginning area when you’re on the pathway to the school for the first time. The reason why is simply because it gave me flashbacks to the feeling I had playing Pokémon so many years ago with how open it felt. On top of that, it reminded me of Arceus in that I was honestly trying to catch them all because the game made me want to. For the past couple generations, I got sort of lazy with that aspect of Pokemon games, but the Switch era of Pokemon continues to get better about encouraging Pokémon to be played like… well… Pokemon. The freedom too, you can literally do things in the order you want. My favorite gym challenge likewise was Grusha for the very reason of that freedom. Knowing it was the last gym, I decided I wanted to start there! Being able to tackle the hardest gym early in a playthrough was a fun challenge, even if it made the game easy as a result. For my favorite gym challenge, I liked Larry’s gym challenge. One of my favorite gym leaders we’ve had. I do feel that the cast of this game was more interesting than is typical of Pokémon. The game tackles some interesting themes, such as parental abandonment and bullying, and many of the characters feel relatively modern. In the last three days, I’ve binged the game in a way I haven’t binged a game since Elden Ring and HFW, so I’m nearing the end of the game now. I have very little negative to say about the title. Simply put, it’s one of my favorite games of the year. Another excellent Nintendo title in a year of exceptional Nintendo releases.
I think the Let’s go need to be higher because they are the best version of GEN one for me. Honestly Scarlet and violet I feel they are just putting it in last because of the bugs the bugs aren’t super game breaking, and I have been playing it for a bit and I think its really not that bad since you all you do is basically stand there when battling and catching, frames aren’t a real problem. The open world the game does chop a little bit and the camera is a bit janky and the shadows flash in an out a lot. But around all of this it dousn’t’ make it a terrible game.
I think when we over simplify things, and turn this into the attackers and defenders, we get nowhere.
Sure the game has issues, and for some it will be the end of the world, others like myself will see the issues but not get that upset by it, and there will be those oblivious to the whole situation.
But every view has to be treated with some basic respect, or all we end up with is a very none productive comment section, which gets us nowhere.
@somnambulance I disagree. I think the game is being excused this much specifically because it's Pokemon. If BoTW2 came out and looked like SV, people would s*** on it (deservely) but with Pokemon now people are already trying to come up with excuses when games come out rougher each time.
@Mauzuri Seeing what GameFreak did in the past, I think they won't even bother with performance patches. Hoping I'm wrong but I just don't see it.
@FishyS I mean... Arceus is a new game and somehow that one is rate higher. Maybe is not all nostalgia?
@Mauzuri Again, those are separate points from the fact that the game is unfinished. Yet, $60 is the asking price. Deplorable, really.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@SonOfDracula We are already at the "critism is toxic" and "I have fun therefore critism is invalid" phase. Sooner than I expected but it's Pokemon so probably Scarlet and Violet are going to be first on the list soon.
Maybe I'm "too negative" but... I'm just tired. After I had some hope with Arceus then they just had to rush SV and of course people would buy it and defend it anyways.
Never stated anyone was toxic, and never even mentioned Zelda, although that game was is development for ages.
@johnvboy You said that other games launch with bugs too. I used as an example one of the most popular open world games that was also a launch title for the Switch, the same platform as SV. I bringed up Zelda and I did it for a reason.
And yes, that game was in development for ages. Is that a bad thing?
I do love my emerald but this list is a trash. Also, I really don’t get the hate towards switch Diamond Pearl remakes. Great nostalgia games; extremely polished and cute.
It feels wrong to put ScarVi on this list so soon after launch. I won't try to convince anyone they're wrong to give it that low of a score, but it's only been a few days!
@jowe_gw Have you played it?
I will say there is more to a game than technical performance, especially when the technical performance woes are exaggerated. With Scarlet and Violet, there is a marked improvement over Sword and Shield in every way conceivable, outside some janky animations, which are, frankly, commonplace in the industry right now. Violet and Scarlet are a triumph in my eyes. The best mainline game since Gen 5.
@jowe_gw in @johnvboy 's defense he's saying that Botw had more time to cook in the oven while SV didn't, at most it had a little over 3 years of development which isn't good.
Looking at SV Gamefreak definitely needs to change their development schedule.
@iLikeUrAttitude They won't since it sells and people even defend them for releasing games like this. Hence why I'm complaining. This isn't a one off. The schedule of Pokemon games has been an issue since they went into 3D.
@somnambulance There is more to a game than technical performance but technical performance is a part of the game. Ignoring them is just wrong. And I usually don't care about this stuff.
Also, no,I didn't play it. I can see the framerates and bugs in gameplay videos. I'd think about it when/if the game runs better.
@shaneoh @shaneoh if Ultra Sun lol a far cry from an excrement after they release Scarlet/Violet:))) lol
@jowe_gw Oh thats undeniable, I'm just saying what needs to happen for the games to stop releasing in an unfinished state, sadly I don't have much faith in GameFreak or whoever is responsible for the strict deadlines of pokemon to change.
I doubt it'll change anytime soon if at all same, with them releasing a patch or it even being substantial.
"We really hope Game Freak can figure out how to smooth out the series’ ongoing performance issues on Switch because they’re going to become a serious detriment over time."
I wish they had this same positive outlook for 3rd party titles with performance issues. Games like Oddworld: Soulstorm get scorched with 5/10s for issues like these, but Pokemon gets a pass because it's Nintendo exclusive.
We know there is bias on a Nintendo website, but please try harder to make it less obvious.
Scarlet and Violet are DEFINITELY not the worst.
The site gave the game a seven out of ten, when the average on Metacritic is higher, their review not only point out the issues, but has an added section by Alex discussing the games performance issues, not so sure the site is giving the game a pass.
As I said, I never mentioned Zelda, but of course more development time would help matters.
@jowe_gw Play the game and give me an opinion. See how important the technical issues are for yourself. You can’t rely on YouTube videos to supplement a real gaming experience. Lol. I’ve already beaten two out of the three main quests to completion, so I’ve experienced quite a bit of the game.
@johnvboy Yeah thats honestly the biggest issue, I'm sure this game would've been great if it had another year.
But I honestly don't know whos to blame for the strict development schedule I just know it doesn't work anymore.
@OctoAmbush Sure, there is a bunch of competition. SWSH, BDSP and even Let's Go. Look at that, all recent games. Except Arceus, whose biggest improvements were ignored with SV (why the battles are so slow again, seriously? Noone is saying it here but that was the biggest improvement with Arceus).
@somnambulance Not going to give a penny to GameFreak. I made that mistake with SWSH. I saw gameplay and information, knew I was not going to like it, bought it to "give it a fair shot" and I had the exact reaction I knew I would have.
When I decided to buy Arceus, that was because I saw stuff that I actually liked enough to give it a shot. I'm not feeling that with SV.
@johnvboy Why you keep saying "I didn't mention Zelda" as that says anything? People brought up Zelda because it is another open world game on the Switch so they are comparing it.
@jowe_gw Dude, tell me about it. I’m glad people are having fun, but the game clearly needs some love and care to make it worth the $60! Nothing wrong with pointing out that GameFreak is capable of better performance.
Pokemon Violet/Scarlet's core features:
-Jagged low-res textures
-Unstable frames
-Insane asset pop-in
When this happens in other games, I get mad. But in Pokemon, everything is a feature.
Each time I drop a frame, it feels like Papa Nintendo giving me a big warm hug.
Did you guys notice how the Switch games are the worst ranked games i the series?
No wonder Nintendo kept pokemon tied to their most basic consoles during decades for a reson
I like your old stuff better than your new stuff.
Not sure when I said there were no issues at all, and have openly stated a patch would be greatly appreciated, but jaggies are a thing on all Nintendo software as they refuse to use anti aliasing in preference to a sharper image, this is always a little strange to me, after their lauding of the technology on the N64.
My main point is I do not have as big an issue with all this, and I am not on my own, when I am playing the game I simply do not notice it all that much, Now it is true that certain gamers are far more affected by frame rates etc.
@Astral-Grain Oddworld Soulstorm and SV both probably got 1 or 2 points lower than they would have without their technical issues. Soulstorm didn't get very high reviews for the other consoles from other sites either.
You can't compare the two, Zelda was in development for ages, held over for the launch of the Switch, and even then did not run great at launch, and was patched shortly after, and even now parts still stutter.
Pokemon is a victim of both the developers and a very ambitious deadline.
@BTB20 That is correct, games with performance issues that are so severe they hinder the experience should be given a score that tells consumers to beware or proceed with caution.
A 5/10 for Oddworld Soulstorm tells consumers the game should be avoided because it's either not a finished product or it's simply not enjoyable.
A 7/10 for Pokemon Scarlet/Violet tells consumers the game may not be for everyone but it's still perfectly enjoyable and to buy it if you like Pokemon.
I have no doubt they will patch the game, and I would understand if the score was changed after a patch, but giving it a 7/10 in its current broken state and assuming it will be patched soon is just very different treatment compared to 3rd party games, and it's hard to ignore bias when it exists so blatantly, that's all.
@johnvboy "jaggies are a thing on all Nintendo software"
Jaggies exist in other Nintendo games, but they just look far worse in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet in comparison.
I understand gameplay is more important than graphics, I put 50ish hours into The Outer Worlds on Switch because it was a lot of fun, despite the graphics looking muddy and many calling it unplayable.
The thing is the performance issues found in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet do hinder the experience, and it's not just visuals only. Stuttering and asset popping are just not something I would expect a 7/10 rated game to include.
@johnvboy So now are you trying to paint like Zelda was not launched "great" and patched "shortly after"? Because that is false. At the very least compared to the level of SV.
To this day, the only area with consistently low fps is the center of Korok forest. And the game looks and runs better than SV in every single way (while also being a game originally designed for the WIi U).
Are you trying to bring that game down to paint SV in a better light? Because that is what it looks like.
I agree that Pokemon is a victim of the devs and incredible short deadlines tho. But that doesn't mean that I shouldn't critize it or that I should buy it out of pity.
In the end, I play games to have fun and the game was published as is (with the same price as BoTW too) so I think I should critize it as such.
I feel sorry for the devs but the product itself should be rated as such and not because "this is their first open world game" or "this is their first game on the Switch" or even "this is their first 3D game". BoTW was the Zelda team first open world game too, you know?
Also, yes, the game got away easier because it has Pokemon in the name. Maybe not in Nintendo Life but in metacritic there are some critics that gave the game 100/100. I'm sorry but I don't believe it would have got scores like that if it was a new IP.
Pop in is pretty much a thing on most Switch games, the degree to which it affects these games can differ, but it's still there, Zelda uses lots of grass to disguise it, but it is a limitation of the more modestly powered hardware, and no amount of optimization will eradicate it completely.
@johnvboy But in SV the pop in is worse than other games while also looking worse in comparason with games like... BoTW.
Now you seem to just be arguing for fun, I was pointing out most open world games have performance issues at launch.
And if I remember correctly, many on here were suggesting Zelda was running poorly at launch, and this was not acceptable, because the game was designed for the weaker Wii U hardware, personally I had no issues with it at all, even before the patch. But I am not pretending games have/or don't have issues, depending on my argument at the time, as others seem to be doing on here.
Probably, but again personally I do not find this game breaking, and pop in like jaggies do not tend to bother me all that much when I am playing the game... or when it's in motion, sure from a static screenshot things can look awful, but in motion, it's a different matter.
@johnvboy You are the one that seem to be arguing for fun.
1. SV have poor framerate and pop in.
"But other games do that too. Other Switch games have poor framerate and pop in".
2. Yeah, but in SV that framerate and pop in are worse than other Switch game while not looking all that better.
"But when BoTW came out that game was patched super fast and was running poorly at launch!"
3. But, again, in this case is worse than...
-* repeats points *
Again, it looks like you're bringing other games down to make SV look better in comparason.
Even at launch, BoTW looked better and run better than SV at launch. Some people complained about the framerate in launch BoTW? Probably. But it was still a better looking game than runs better than launch SV.
Oh and, yeah, you're right. In static things can look awful but look better in motion sometimes... but in motion is where the fps issues are more noticiable. Also, BoTW looked good in screenshots too. And, again, launch title.
Say you don't care about the game running poorly if you want. But this constant push to generalize things or blame the console itself is the thing I dislike the most about this whole situation. There are Switch games that run and look better (at launch too) than SV, that's a fact. You can care about that or not but don't deny it at least.
I think you must be more sensitive to these issues than the mass majority of the Pokemon fanbase, perhaps your technical knowledge and awareness of such things also makes you look for them more.
Do you own the game, and are you playing in docked or handheld mode, perhaps a patch may make things better for you, as I said one should be coming soon, even more so when you consider the millions of people outraged by all this, my bet is Nintendo and GameFreak will be discussing this tragedy as we speak.
@johnvboy The thing is, I'm not. I played games that had a lot of perfomance issues too. What bothers me the most is that the usually the games I played that have those issues are because they are trying to be ambitious with the hardware while in this case is unreasonable deadlines and maybe inexperience and lack of budget (somehow).
it also helps that the performance issues in this case are INCREDIBLE noticiable. Like, REALLY noticiable and constant. I said this earlier but in multiple streams I saw of this game it chugged right at the beggining of the game while turning the camara in your room. And it doesn't really improve much.
And no, I don't own the game. I saw like 6 hours of gameplay footage from different people and saw those issues and I said that I'd wait. I made the mistake of buying SWSH in order to give it a fair shot despite me thinking I was not going to like it after investigating a bit and I ended up disliking it, just like I knew I would. Not making that mistake again. I only bought Arceus after liking what I saw, if the issues are fixed and the innevitable DLC is good maybe I'll bite. Not for now.
And, again, we don't know IF a patch is coming and if it is we don't know how much it would actually fix the game.
Who knows, maybe GameFreak just ignores the situation and moves on after the inevitable high sales of the game. They did that in the past with other issues and critism they faced.
"jaggies are a thing on all Nintendo software"
"Pop in is pretty much a thing on most Switch games"
"... it is a limitation of the more modestly powered hardware, and no amount of optimization will eradicate it completely."
To name just a few, Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition, Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Odyssey, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and Alien: Isolation would all like a word with you. These statements just aren't true.
Let's not go down the path of blaming the console for being weak, we need to hold developers/publishers accountable for releasing unfinished products due to unrealistic deadlines.
If we don't hold them accountable, we will continue to get unfinished products on release day.
I get what you are saying but all these games have them, they are just less noticeable.
And of course the power of the console and the deadline will have an impact, not sure why you are suggesting it does not.
We can hold these developers accountable all we want, but outside of our own personal sense of gratification from doing it, I can't see much changing... we are now on fifth Pokemon release from GameFreak, and all the previous times we held them to account has not changed things all that much.
If all Switch games have some version of jagged edges, yet some look worse than others - isn't this valid cause for criticism?
If Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has more obvious jagged edges when compared to Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition, am I not allowed to criticize the jagged edges on XC2 just because all Switch games have some variation of jagged edges?
That doesn't make sense to me.
You may believe it's not possible to have an open world game on Switch without severe pop-in, jaggies, and choppy frames, but the thing is - we already have plenty of open world games on Switch that achieved this goal already.
@johnvboy They have not change much because people keep accepting it. Like you do. And every time a Pokemon game releases people keep doing the same.
Tell me that I'm overexaggerating If you want but that is what I see. I mean, look at you repeating the same argument of "other Switch games have issues" like 5 times despite that not changing anything about SV performance issues, issues that are worse than other Switch games.
Not just me, millions of people have no issues, could it not be some people are overreacting to all this.
@johnvboy Who says to you that "millions of people have no issues"? The issues are a factual thing. They happen on every Switch out there.
Sorry, I meant to say millions are not bothered by these minor issues.
@johnvboy Can you read the minds of millions of people?
Besides, again, the issues are there. Why should people avoid critism of obvious issues other Switch games don't face?
I have never said people can't complain or are wrong to do do, but this can be very subjective, as there are many on here that suggested the issues are not game breaking, yes they exist and the game in not perfect, but I fall in to the camp where it's really not much of an issue, and I can't be the only one.
This pretty much happens with every Pokemon game, especially the main line ones, the game is revealed and the core fans tend to be upset, then as the game is revealed and released the supposed backlash appears, but in reality is not a significant number of people to dent sales, unless of course you are suggesting millions of people are buying games they have issues with, time and time again... it just makes no sense whatsoever.
@johnvboy For someone who says that is not bothered by people complaining you sure seem commited to point out how not big of a deal the issues are over and over again. And even find excuses or claim that these issues are also present on all Switch games (they aren't).
Besides, you are not in the mind of millions of players and these issues being to this level is actually kinda new for Pokemon too. Before the games were becoming more and more casual and had some issues but even SWSH and Legends Arceus were stable games. Arceus launched this year and it actually looks and runs better than SV (despite also not being the best Switch game in the graphical aspect).
And, like I said, these issues exist in the game no matter how many people bought it. A game selling better doesn't make the issues dissapear.
And you and others seem hell bent on pointing these issues out and making them seem far worse then they actually are, I am simply not agreeing with you.
And yes millions buying the game is no proof that those purchasers like the game and hardly notice the issues, but by the same token their in no evidence that they are all having issues, and regret their purchase.
And for the millionth time, I have never said the game does not have issues and is perfect, I and others on here have simply stated it's not game breaking, this does not detract from people who feel it is, as they will have their own personal opinions on this matter.
@johnvboy The thing is, I never mentioned that all the people that bought the games have issues because I can't read minds. What I mentioned is that those issues exist and they shouldn't and that people buying it continue validating the practises that led to games like this. I still can't see how pointing that out is making the issues "far worse than they actually are".
The game has constant frame pacing issues, low quality textures on the overworld, the classic Pokemon animation issues we had since X&Y and a bunch of small glitches that at best are hilarious and at worse annoying. So basically, the game runs worse and looks worse than other Nintendo Switch games (including other Pokemon games on the Switch). All of this are facts.
Now, you can still enjoy the game despite of all these issues, but those exists all the same and deserve to be critized. Doing that does not make the issues "worse than they actually are".
Not sure of your point anymore, as I said I know the issues exist, and all I was ever saying was that in my own opinion, the issues have been blown out of all proportion, as are the amount of people affected by them.
And I do hope that GameFreak patch the game to the level acceptable, for those who find the issues gamebreaking.
I'm a SV noob but I can confirm that it had some bugs for me (When jumping into some places Koraidon will fall forever without landing and you are stuck)
in my opinyon Pokemon lets go Pikachu and Eevee are the best because they were my pokemon games i bought for my switch when i got it and it brings back a lot of nistolga
Absolutely love this Ranking!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
(LGPE should be on the bottom though, sowwy !)
I remember playing emulators of Pkmn Pearl before owning my own DS. Looking back, Sinnoh didn’t have much to offer except elite starter designs! 😂👑 (idk why I got the Pearl remakeee I knew it was gonna be a 1-to-1, and I still fell for it🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
Masuda really trolled us with that one😭😭)
It was a miracle in disguise that my first-ever physical copy of a Pokemon title I received when I turned 9 was HeartGold…🥳 Many many fond memories of all the characters, mons, gimmicks, and lengthy content this game had to offer… All them hours were pure happiness in my book, except for when I went up against the E4 and Red unprepared for advanced battle strategies💀💀🤣
masterpiece <3
Didn’t realize that I was experiencing Pkmn at its peak at that time, so I had high expectations for the next entries to be unfortunately let down😂 Liked the mega gimmick in ORAS, they didn’t bring back the Battle Frontier though.
Picked it back up again when sword and shield came around, and I became fixated on breeding competitive shiny pokemon😮💨
I wish I grew up with the older gens (1-2) and gameboys though… I remember watching an older relative of mine grinding in the Battle Frontier in Emerald on his GBA hahah
I might offend some fans with this, but these mons lost much of their sparkle over time after Gen 3 (some of Gen 4 was good). The early sprites had more character in em… Hopefully they can bring back the life and magnificent essence they had into future installments; once they cater back to the older audience, I guess… (good first step with Legends Arkoos)
wake me up when that happens… 💤
@Zeropulse awesome plot twist with kanto, huh🥳🥳
@KoopaSlayer92 ain’t that the dream…💤
@gloom I love your opinion and energy!!! hahah
which title did you play first?
HGSS were remakes, so it had its drawbacks. But remember its Pokemon we’re taking about… 😂
Heartgold/soulsilver was insane, best pokemon game i ever played <3
Pokemon gen 4 remakes Foolish Diamond and Rotting Pearl are the worst and it be better to destroy them instead of playing them
The bottom 4 spots are all Switch entries. I think it's fair to say the series isn't at its peak right now.
Gold and Silver that high is certainly a choice. I know HGSS is a little overrated itself but thats another discussion.... but GS above FRLG and ORAS and BW?!
Solid list, got #1 right.
Gold and silver are still my favorites but I never got to play the remakes as they came out when I was absolutely living on ramen and granola bars. (American higher education is wild). I kinda want to get soul silver but not getting robbed by some scalper that wants an insane price for a used game.
What's the point in ranking the same game over and over again against itself?
Because, yes, you play one mainline Pokemon game, you play them all.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus, is a spin off. Take it away!
@FatWormBlowsASparky Game Freak refers to Arceus in official briefings as a mainline game.
@Nintencats73 For sure. Any time I ask someone their favorite gens, it's always right around the gen they played when they were like 6-10 years old. Checks out for myself too lol, I played Yellow first technically but Hoenn was my first gen I bought myself at like 6 and it still remains my favorite.
Hang on, hang on, hang on, you're telling me that you not only put Sword and Shield above Scarlet and Violet, but also above the Let's Go games??? Have you PLAYED Sword and Shield???
Please tell me I'm reading this list wrong😭
Haha the haters are hating on the rankings!
Even though I grew up with Gen 1 and 2 and love them, I'd really rank both, SwSh and Scarlet/Violet at the top, just behind the gen 2 rmks e and Legend Arceus. By a fair margin, I find them the most fun I've had in a pokemon game for a looooooong time.
The Sun/Moon generation was the absolute lowest point in the series, in my opinion, thankfully they've sailed away from those into a new great direction.
I'm glad HG/SS is at number one. Everyone knows they're the best
@HyruleWanderer Sword and Shield are the only ones I haven't completed yet. I've got both of them but just can't get into it every time I play...
You know it's for lolz when the original Red/Blue are placed 11 (even placing them outside the podium would be kinda weird)
@HyruleWanderer I mean... the ranking is just player votes/scores. I'm guessing the Nintendo Life staff would rank it differently (I know I would!) but this ordering is the will of the people. If you haven't yet, go in and give the games you've played a score and the list may change (it gets updated all the time).
@Princess_Lilly Since this is a player ranking, I bet a lot of people rank the first game they played somewhat high. Personally I never played the original Red/Blue so I didn't give it a score at all. In fact if you look at the game page, fewer players on this site have scored Red/Blue than Scarlet/Violet.
2.Legends Arceus
3.Black & White
Those are considerably above any other games in the series in my eyes.
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