Updated with Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania and Atari 50: The Wider World of Atari. Enjoy!
DLC and Expansions are par the course for video games nowadays, but they're more than just little adjustments or patches — they often add a whole heap of content, allowing us to revisit our favourite games with some all new content. These can range from cosmetic changes and updates to a whole new roster of characters to an entirely new story campaign.
The Switch's library of games, and the eShop, are certainly no strangers to these extensions. Sometimes, they come years after the game has been released and take us by complete surprise — looking at you, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
To celebrate the very best of the DLC on Switch, we've put together a list of what we consider to be the cream of the crop — in no particular order, of course. This list only includes paid DLC and expansions, so that means games like Hollow Knight and Stardew Valley, which have received tons of game changing updates for free, aren't included. It would be a little unfair.
Here's a list of the best DLC and expansion available on the Nintendo Switch.
Best DLC and Expansions on Nintendo Switch
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition (Switch)
The Witcher 3 is maybe the gold standard when it comes to DLC — Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine bring a combined minimum of 25 hours to an already mammoth RPG, and that's only if you ignore every single detail in these huge expansions.
The Complete Edition of the game comes bundled with both expansions, and each adds new characters, new story, and brand new mechanics. Hearts of Stone brought in Runewords that Geralt could use to enhance weapons, while Blood and Wine has armour imbuements and also gives us a brand new map.
Essentially, both parts of The Witcher 3's DLC is a no-brainer if you've poured your life into the base game.
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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass (Switch eShop)
The very reason we kicked off this list, who thought we'd get 48 brand new tracks for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe over five years since its release on Switch? Available as part of the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pass or as a separate purchase, when analysed individually, the six waves included in the Booster Course Pass have sometimes been a mixed bag, and it's easy for thoughts to linger on the past tracks that weren't revisited.
However, the overall package is a generous and exciting one that's absolutely worth the asking price — we have zero qualms in recommending the Booster Course expansion to fans and newcomers alike. It doubles the number of tracks already available in the base game and adds in some excellent new racers, making it a near-essential purchase for all who own Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Overcooked 2 (Switch)
If you need more co-op chaos in your life, then look no further than Overcooked 2's delightful season pass. Three extra portions come on this platter, which is all available in the Gourmet Edition.
Campfire Cook Off introduced us to four more chefs and 15 brand new levels set in the woods — so there are plenty of s'mores to go around. Night of the Hangry Horde features the Unbread (this still makes us snigger) with nine new kitchens and three secret hidden levels and another four chefs. And lastly, the Carnival of Chaos brings even more levels and characters while giving us combo meals to content with. It's pure magic in a game that thrives on its gameplay and mechanics and keeps us coming back to the buffet table for more.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle: Donkey Kong Adventure (Switch eShop)
Less daunting than the main game, but just as beautiful and hilarious as Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, the Donkey Kong Adventure DLC brings a fresh angle to the game's already outstanding gameplay and campaign.
Some truly powerful characters often make short work of the slightly-lessened enemy onslaught, and the lack of character options is perhaps the only downer here, taking away some of the deeper strategy involved in the full game, but we still loved every moment of our time with DK and friends. If you’re craving more Rabbids mayhem, give this one a whirl.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (Switch eShop)
A huge expansion to Monster Hunter Rise, Sunbreak is a success in multiple ways. There's enough that's new or different to make it a must-have for fans of the base game and with multiple free updates being added over time, you'll continue to keep coming back for more.
The new mechanics and content are enjoyable, the challenge is turned up, and it's still an audiovisual treat. It's a welcome reminder that there's nothing else quite like Capcom's monster-slaying franchise, and even in moments where it's 'just more of the same but harder', that's still more than enough.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - The Champions' Ballad + Expansion Pass (Switch eShop)
Many consider The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to be the greatest video game of all time, and The Champions' Ballad just gives us more reason to play around in this glorious version of Hyrule. It perhaps doesn't fulfil our breathlessly wild fantasies, but it is fun and full of smart design and charm, not to mention some notably tricky areas. Plus, you get a motorcycle. What else do you want?
Breath of the Wild plus the Expansion Pass is utterly glorious and unmissable gaming, giving us a lot of a very good thing. Tears of the Kingdom went on to give us a whole lot more, of course.
Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion (Switch eShop)
Splatoon 2’s Octo Expansion was a huge surprise, and it's a masterclass in how to do DLC right. It fits in perfectly with the standalone game, provides a heap of tailor-made content and furthers the story of the Inklings’ and Octolings’ world effortlessly and beautifully.
As a single-player experience it outmatches the standard Octo Canyon mode significantly, and even though it does allow players to acquire exclusive items, it manages to avoid affecting any of the mechanics of online play, so non-purchasers will never be at a disadvantage. If you’re a fan of Splatoon in any capacity and you want more to sink your beak into, Octo Expansion is an unwavering must-have.
Cuphead - The Delicious Last Course (Switch eShop)
The long-awaited DLC to the fantastic Cuphead was well worth the wait. Cuphead - The Delicious Last Course is a great little expansion that adds new life to one of the Switch's most entertaining games. It may be a tad on the short side but what's here is absolutely fantastic and it's reasonably priced to take its length into account.
If you have the original, this is essential. If you don't, they both are. It's stupidly-addictive, tough-as-nails cartoon run-and-gunning at its very finest, and this whole package makes for one of the finest indie titles out there.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country (Switch eShop)
Acting as a prequel to the events of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, few expansions are as vast in their size and content as Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country. Whether you’re a season pass holder looking to revisit a series you love from a new perspective, or you’re fresh to the franchise and want a standalone adventure, this hefty slice of JRPG action will grab you right from the moment you start switching between Blade and Driver.
There's over 30 hours of game here, and the DLC brings with it some welcome adjustments to combat and combos. Torna is a fine addition to an already brilliant game on Switch.
Pokémon Sword and Shield - The Isle Of Armor (Switch eShop)
Pokémon Sword & Shield's Expansion Pass brought us plenty more of the Galar region with two brand new maps to explore, a handful of new Pokémon, and a plethora of old pals. The Isle of Armor is, in our eyes, the best of the two halves, delivering a fantastic new setting with some fun challenges and an excellent legendary, while The Crown Tundra is still a lot of fun with the Dynamax Raids and the fun new designs for the legendary bird trio.
Essentially, the DLC here showed that Game Freak learned from its mistakes with the base game — we just wish The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk, for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, matched the previous gen's DLC. However, if you love the base game, the Expansion Pass is still worth grabbing
Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda (Switch eShop)
Another Season Pass that comes chock full of content and characters, we were dying for more Cadence of Hyrule, and the extra episodes certainly deliver. The Character Pack brought in Aria, Frederick, Impa, Shadow Link, and Shadow Zelda, as well as some returning modes from Crypt of the NecroDancer, while the Melody Pack adds another 39 fantastic tracks to the game.
Though if it's a new adventure you want, then Symphony of the Mask — which stars Skull Kid of all characters — does more than deliver. The new maps are fun, Skull Kid's mask-swapping is a delight, and well, the music is still masterful. This Season Pass makes a delightful surprise even more delectable.
Dead Cells: Return To Castlevania (Switch eShop)
If you liked Dead Cells, the Return to Castlevania DLC is a no-brainer. It may be brief, but this is a brilliantly intense and nostalgic trip to a spookier world that fits in well with the broader offering of content in the base game. This feels like it’s primarily made for Dead Cells fans who also happen to like Castlevania — it's unlikely to convert Castlevania aficionados who don’t get on with Motion Twin's roguelite. At any rate, we loved it.
There are a whole bunch of other excellent DLC options for Dead Cells, too. Take your pick.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Happy Home Paradise DLC (Switch eShop)
Yet another Nintendo DLC you can get on the NSO Expansion Pass, Happy Home Paradise makes Animal Crossing: New Horizons feel like a 'definitive' edition, especially when considered alongside the substantial free additions of version 2.0. It's beautifully polished — and that's not a reference to the ability you earn here — and provides even more variety and depth to your daily island life. You may discover new villagers to call friends, and perhaps even learn a little about how to better decorate rooms and homes.
Most importantly, it simply makes us smile. We can't stop decorating, rebuilding, and satisfying our favourite villager's homely needs, and this cemented New Horizons as a really special game.
Luigi's Mansion 3 (Switch)
Luigi's Mansion 3's Multiplayer Pack brings multiplayer goodness to this gorgeous spookfest. Playing with friends is certainly a boon, but new costumes and minigames make this little ghost hunt a hoot. ScareScraper mode adds new floors, and there are lots of new haunted friends to discover and capture.
The only caveat is everything here is multiplayer-focused, so if you haven't got a friend to play with, then this might not be for you. If you do, then for less than £10, you could do far, far worse, plus you'll have a good laugh along the way.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order (Switch)
Bringing a plethora of new characters into the roster, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order's Expansion Pass capitalises on one of the best Marvel games of recent times. The Marvel Knights, more X-Men, and the Fantastic Four join the fray with new storylines and areas to hack and slash your way through. Danger Mode and Gauntlet Mode also add some decently addictive online gameplay and multiplayer to proceedings.
If you're a fan of the comics, the movies, or the shows, then there's no better way to build on your love of the franchise than by picking up the game and its Expansion.
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Switch)
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker was a joy on the Wii U, and we were really glad to see it make the jump to Switch, especially with the release of the very inexpensive and totally wonderful Special Episode.
18 new courses and five new challenges gave us more to sink our teeth into, and Shiny Crowns also added even more challenge to this hard-to-put-down perspective puzzle game. We didn't want our time with Captain Toad to end after the base game, and Special Episode (for a mere £5.39) answered our prayers.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch)
You didn't think we'd miss this one, did you? Super Smash Bros. Ultimate already had so much content with every single fighter from all previous games returning, and what did Nintendo do? Gave us eleven more. Yep, we're counting Piranha Plant here, too. With Joker from Persona 5 leading Fighters Pass 1, and Banjo & Kazooie at last gracing the Smash stage, we would've been more than happy with just that initial roster.
Then Volume 2 just had to throw in Sephiroth, Kazuya, and blinkin' Sora in too. Every new character meant more music, more remixes, new stages, and new Mii costumes too. Each new character reveal had us on the edge of our seats, and even with the surprises (Minecraft's Steve!), it solidified Smash Ultimate's status as the Smash Bros. game to play.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Expansion Pass (Switch eShop)
Just like it did with the excellent Torna – The Golden Country, Monolith Soft has given us a carefully refined prequel experience in the final wave of the Expansion Pass. Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed adds to and improves upon core combat and exploration elements that were already best-in-class.
The base game’s delightful battle system feels better than ever, its stunning landscapes are packed full of exploration that’s been reinvigorated thanks to the new Affinity system and there’s enough emotion and revelations packed in to satisfy the most ardent of Xenoblade fans. Where will the world of Xenoblade take us next? Well, back to Xenoblade Chronicles X, it turns out.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge - Dimension Shellshock (Switch eShop)
Dimension Shellshock has all the charm of the base Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge game, but with a challenging new standalone mode that adds quality and value.
The opening challenge won't be for everyone and those early runs can be pretty unforgiving, but once you see those unlocks rolling in and with an upgrade or two under your belt, you'll soon wonder why a Turtles roguelike hasn't been on your wishlist from the very beginning. With these added bells and whistles, Shredder's Revenge is still totally tubular, dude.
Theatrhythm Final Bar Line (Switch)
Now that every single Song Pack is available for Theatrhythm Final Bar Line, it's easier than ever to say this is one of the best music and rhythm games of all time. The DLC packs add songs from a huge number of Square Enix titles — NieR, Octopath Traveler, SaGa, Secret of Mana, Bravely Default, Chrono Trigger, and even 2023's Final Fantasy XVI.
Taking the song roster to a staggering 500+ tracks, Final Bar Line might be a little pricey to fill up the song sheet, but if you're a fan of video game music, it's an absolute treat.
Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania (Switch eShop)
If you own Vampire Survivors, Ode to Castlevania is utterly essential. It’s easily the best DLC for the game, which acts as an incredible tribute to one of our favourite franchises while retaining and expanding on Vampire Survivors' endlessly addictive loop.
The pile of secrets waiting for you is anything but miserable, and we guarantee you'll be gobsmacked when you roll credits. And if you haven't bought any of of the other DLC — Legacy of the Moonspell, Tides of the Foscari, Emergency Meeting, and Operation Guns — then you absolutely should grab them all. It'll barely cost $10.
Eastward: Octopia (Switch eShop)
A standalone DLC expansion which really could/should have been a standalone release, Eastward: Octopia is an impressively well-executed expansion that nicely ticks all the boxes for a satisfying and relaxing farm sim. Although it has some rougher edges, the gameplay variety, interesting story, gorgeous visuals, and surprising amount of content all come together to make this one an easy recommendation to any fans of Eastward.
Even if you fell off your playthrough of the base game, we’d encourage you to consider coming back for Octopia—this is a much better-paced game and it’s lost none of the charm that made the original so popular.
Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration - The Wider World of Atari (Switch eShop)
The Wider World of Atari, the first of two DLC expansions for Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration is essentially developer Digital Eclipse digging even deeper into the Atari vaults. The result is a new timeline that, while possibly not as cohesive as those found in the main game, is nevertheless essential for anyone curious about video game history.
Alongside The First Console War the overall Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Expanded Edition package stands as the final word on interactive documentaries in the video game space.
Splatoon 3: Side Order (Switch eShop)
Splatoon 3: Side Order is an excellent addition to Splatoon 3, and helps to give it a stronger identity over its predecessors. Whilst we’d like to have seen more variety in the stages and objectives, the overwhelming number of options on your weaponry and how you upgrade them makes sure that things don’t get too repetitive.
We found ourselves repeatedly coming back to try just one more run which turned into five, so that should speak for itself. Splatoon fans rejoice, it’s another goodie.
Loaded up those eShop cards for some brand new content to your favourite games? DLC is the enemy of the backlog, right?
Best Nintendo Switch DLC & Expansions FAQ
Need some more tips on all the DLC on Switch? Here are some of the answers you're (probably) looking for.
Is Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom getting DLC?
While Breath of the Wild did get DLC (available through the Expansion Pass), it's looking It's pretty unlikely that the sequel, Tears of the Kingdom, will be getting any.
In an interview with Famitsu in September 2023, series producer Eiji Aonuma said that "There are no plans to release additional content this time, but that's because I feel like we've done everything we can to create fun in that world."
Of course, that doesn't 100% mean we aren't getting any, but it's certainly looking like we won't be. We can but dream.
What DLC is available for free via the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack?
If you are subscribed to the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack service, then you can actually get a few DLC Expansion Packs for free. It's only for three games, mind, but these are some of the best examples of DLC you can get on the Nintendo Switch.
Here are the three pieces of DLC that you have access to at no extra charge through the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Happy Home Paradise
- Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
What's the best free DLC on Nintendo Switch?
While the list above covered the best paid DLC and expansion passes, there are plenty of brilliant free options too.
There are plenty of Nintendo Switch games that get free DLC or updates that add a ton of new content to the base game. We'll list a few examples of our favourite games below that have received free stuff, which won't cost you a penny:
- Hollow Knight
- Dave The Diver
- Stardew Valley
- Dead Cells (as well as receiving paid DLC)
- The Witcher 3 (as well as receiving an Expansion Pass)
What's the difference between an Expansion Pass and DLC?
An Expansion Pass is usually an all-encompassing "pass" which grants you access to all DLC that releases for the base game. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a good example — you can purchase each DLC fighter separately, but if you buy Fighter Pass Vol. 1, you'll have access to all of the new characters as and when they release — and for a reduced bundled price.
Pokémon Sword & Shield, Scarlet & Violet, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 all adopted the Expansion Pass method for their DLCs, too. However, you needed to buy these in order to access the additional DLC story content and these are not available separately.
Add 'em up and add 'em onto your games, then! Feel free to let us know if you think we've missed something — we'll be adding to this over time.
Comments 84
BOTW DLC more shrines please
And MK8 extra tracks DLC
The only Switch dlc I have ever purchased and well worth the money for me.
Double hands down, the best dlc is either Smash Ultimate or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, because of the sheer amount of content in each alone! Sakurai said once upon a time “don’t expect too many new fighters since every fighter ever is being brought back” and then he adds 11 dlc characters, tons of music and Mii fighter outfits, and 11 stages to boot. What a legend. And I’m pretty sure we all know the MK8 Deluxe story. 48 new tracks. That is the same amount of tracks in the base Deluxe game! And now 6 additional characters will be added too. Both games have phenomenal dlc.
Hello, it's your friendly neighborhood pedant here, in the bit for the fighters pass DLC you accidentally said Jin instead of Kazuya.
Delicious Last Course... DLC... get it?
Mario kart dlc has shown how it should be done it genuinely improves and completes the game when I first heard it was being done in waves I was sceptical but has proved me wrong I still need to purchase BOTW dlc even tho I’ve had the game along with my switch since day 1 😂
Not gonna lie, after this whole 3DS and Wii U eShop situation, I'm not going to wait until the last year to make sure I have all the DLC. I'm going to start checking out all the Switch DLC now. I'll start with Dragon Ball FighterZ because I'm in the mood to revisit that game.
The Luigi's Mansion 3 DLC is lame.
I love the Marvel Ultimate alliance 3 Dlc. I've spent over 300 hours on this game and have loved every minute. The Mario Kart Dlc and Smash Bros is incredible too.
I didn't know that Captain Toad had more content on Switch, maybe I need to find it on sale.
For Smash Ultimate, there are actually 12 DLC characters, including Plant, since FP2 has 6. (You could even count Pyra/Mythra as two for 13).
Just figured I'd be that guy.
Best Nintendo Switch DLC is Mario kart 8 Deluxe DLC for me. I love this game so much!!! I do not know all DLC games here.
I love the MK8DX dlc. Well-worth the purchase.
Smash Ultimate, I also thought was well done. I knew ahead of time it was unwise to just purchase the fighter passes, without knowing who the characters were. The only exception would have been if I simply wanted a "complete" game.
At 999 moons, I am not sure if Nintendo would make some for Super Mario Odyssey. Oh, I also enjoy the Super Rush dlc.
Torna managed to do in 20 hours what Xenoblade 2 couldn't in 200; that being make me remotely care about Mythra and Jin.
The smash ultimate dlc is awesome, but also really expensive. It
Would be great if it was added to the expansion pack.
Cuphead DLC......lol
The BotW DLC is rubbish.
@TeaCatherine You saw nothing. 👀
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes. It's DLCs in Season Pass are quite good, in overall. 1st DLC adds Shinobu Jacobs as playable character, new skills, and Badman Strikes Again chapters, if I don't confuse. 2nd DLC adds Badgirl as playable character, new skills, and new (cool and hard) level with cool and memorable music(especially final boss' theme song - On your mark, get set, go...).
On a side note... Ooh, Cadence of Hyrule looks so nice! I've wanted to buy physical copy of the game, but for now, that's quite hard and expansive to do.
@dartmonkey Always happy to help.
It's too early to say for sure, but I'm loving the Engage DLC so far. The meat of it will probably be the upcoming "Fell Xenologue" DLC, but the Emblems added by the current DLC are already very fun additions to the already broad array of strategies available in the base game. Each one has got me considering their implications and possible uses in a way that previous FE DLC simply never did.
Hopefully it ends as strongly as it's started.
the Donkey Kong expansion to Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle was so good I can't wait for the Rayman DLC for Sparks of Hope
Let me tell you young 'uns a tale as old as time... I remember playing the old games on the SNES and Mega Drive, wishing I could continue playing them after the game was finished. Like, imagine sending back the cartridge and you'll get extra levels added. In my young impressionable mind, that seemed reasonable. Today, we have the ability of adding content to an otherwise complete game without even leaving the home. It's incredible when you think about it. The sad reality is that most of the time they really are money-making grab-athons with 0 respect for the consumer. I'm glad that when Nintendo does it, they generally give real value for money, and adds genuine longevity to the games.
@Ade117 that's the biggest thing that's making me contemplate buying the MK8D Booster Pack when I have the NSO Expansion Pass. Hopefully, they just keep the same eShop for whatever comes next.
I enjoyed Splatoon 2 well enough when it came out, but Octo Expansion was truly fantastic DLC that made a game that was pretty much Splatoon 1.5 come into its own. As an octopus lover, I’ve played as an Octoling ever since. Veemo and oomi all the way!
Personally, I really think the DLC for FE Three Houses belongs on this list. It added a fourth House to the game, new characters and fleshed out story. Made for even better replay value to an already very replayable game
The DK Expansion for Mario+Rabbids was better than the main game.
Cuphead DLC is glorious and has some of he best encounter in the game with the Saltbaker and Mortimer Freeze.
I bought it all digitally on Xbox on release but just got the Switch physical edition that comes with the full game and dlc all on the cart.
Octo expansion was good. Also captain toads DLC was cheap and cheerful
I agree with most of them, except for Botw DLC. Botw is probably my favorite game ever, but the dlc wasn’t good; it was expensive and gave us little in return. It’s absolutely the worst Nintendo paid DLC of the last 20 years.
The only two DLCs that I have purchased out of this entire list were the Captain Toad DLC, and the BOTW DLC. I enjoyed both of those, though I don't think I have an informed opinion on the subject. I just simply don't buy a whole bunch of DLC. I typically get my fill of each game I play without any needed DLC and don't need any further conclusion. even if the content mentioned is story based. I haven't truly enjoyed any downloadable content since the Xbox 360 era when I was buying Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion expansions.
Mario Kart, i mean. Its not even fair to the other ones
Good list overall.
My top picks would be Smash, BotW, Donkey Kong Adventure, Torna and Octo Expansion.
Not counting MK8 BC or FE Engage yet because those DLCs aren't done, but I've enjoyed those so far. I expect the XB3 story DLC to be great too.
Nintendo DLCs are… sort of just ok, if I’m gonna be totally honest about it. But that’s what happens when your games are fully fleshed out endeavors ahead of time. I honestly think Animal Crossing and Mario Kart 8’s DLCs are the first time they’ve felt like essential additions.
For me, the Cuphead and Dead Cells DLCs though are so absolutely flawless. They add to fully complete games in a nice way by giving us more solid gameplay and more creative designs.
No horse armor for BOTW
I don't normally buy DLC because usually I just feel done with the game before the DLC comes out and I would prefer a new game to DLC. Even though I put many hundreds of hours into e.g. animal crossing, I was mentally finished with the game so I didn't buy the DLC.
Switch ports which come with previous DLC built-in (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe) are a sort-of exception because I have that DLC from the beginning so it just seems like part of the game. Dead Cells is one case where I do play the DLC because the DLC (both free and paid) came so often that I never quite fell off the bandwagon.
The game I would have liked most to have paid DLC is Mario Maker 2, but unfortunately we weren't so blessed.
p.s. I like this new series of 'best of' articles for things like DLC and demos, they've been neat.
Zelda BOTW is probably my favourite game of all Time and I'm old enough for the NES to have been my first console. The Champions Ballad dlc however was utterly non-essential. I did enjoy the Master Trials though (or whatever they are called).
My favourite Switch DLC is the Donkey Kong Rabbids add-on. Marvellous stuff. I am enjoying the Mario Kart tracks too at the moment. Yoshi's Island all the way.
New Pokemon Snap DLC was really good, and free.
Animal Crossing New Horizon's DLC was great, both for what it brought to the game, and also adding Happy Home Designer on.
I think the DLC for Comduct Together deserves to be on this list. Conduct Together is a great time, and more of it is a VERY good thing.
The MK8DX DLC is fantastic value for money.
I also enjoyed the Pokemon SwSh DLC and bought it twice to get all DLC Pokemon.
Smash Ultimate had the height of DLC in my opinion. You can't go wrong with Banjo-Kazooie, Joker, and my personal favorite, Sephiroth.
Next best DLC has got to be Mario + Rabbids DK DLC. Really hoping that Sparks of Hope's Rayman DLC can live up to the high standard they set
Well, there were five fighters in expansion pass one, and another six in pass two, so if you counted Piranha Plant, which was separate, there would actually be another twelve fighters, and thirteen if we count Pyra and Mythra as separate fighters, which I don't. Also, still haven't got the Treasure Tracker DLC for some reason
I've never bought dlc before and am so on the fence about the Animal Crossing dlc. I STILL play it almost daily & am so happy with the game. Do I go the extra mile & buy the dlc, which could disappoint, or just keep playing the original content, which makes my day. Decisions decisions...
1. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC
2. Horizon Chase - Ayrton Senna DLC
3. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle - Donkey Kong DLC
4. Binding of Isaac - Repentance DLC
5. Into the Breach - free and perfect DLC
The Dead Cells DLC is so much more than Return to Castlevania. All of the DLC (5 addons I think?) add a ton of new biomes and weapons.
Still working down MUA:3 DLC. Certainly got my money’s worth.
Great list! Among the games I've played nothing beats Smash Ultimate and Mario Kart 8 (not to mention Deluxe includes what used to be DLC in the original), but shoutout to Donkey Kong Adventure for Mario + Rabbid which I finally played right before Sparks of Hope came out and it was fantastic!
I'd say Octo expansion was a pretty groundbreaking DLC in terms of storytelling. It had more story and dialogues than most of the recent Nintendo games combined and I would love to see more Nintendo 1st party story heavy games
Breath of the Wild DLC is the most disappointing DLC I've ever bought but I'm not really surprised to see it tagged as "Best Nintendo Switch DLC".
If we are counting Sunbreak as a dlc, that's obviously the best one.
Why hasn’t Tears of the Kingdom been added to this list yet? Seeing as how it’s jUsT sEvEnTy DoLlAr DlC!!!!!!!
Torna and Future Redeemed are just in their own category. There isn't anything even close. And that's both figuratively and literally. Torna is a stand-alone game, that was sold without Xenoblades 2. You just got it "for free" as part of the DLC pass.
It's almost not really accurate to say it's a good "DLC". It's a good half price game.
Happy Home Paradise should be on this list. While not for everyone gameplay wise, it was a DRASTIC improvement from Happy Home Designer with more content and features. So just like Torna, it was basically a complete new game as an add on.
Given that I often buy complete editions on deep sales, I'm not always aware of what is DLC.
But I do know the Mario & Rabbids DLC was amazing, the tiny cop-car-kart in Wreckfest adds a lot of fun, and more Sniper Elite 4 and Zombie Army 4 is always welcome, although the DLC is overpriced and never on sale apparently. I wish I could speak for the Starfox expansion for the other Ubisoft X Nintendo IP, but even though I bought the game at a very low price, I never got into it because it was marketed in such a way I always associate it with an expensive complicated mess to get into, when I was already burnt out on the whole toys collecting aspect.
@Rimsey I've played it for over 200 hours for sure. It is still missing costumes though isn't it? Never got fixed I think
Torna is the answer. Easily.
Oh man they left off a banger: A Hat In Time’s Nyakuza Metro DLC. No joke one of the best 3D platforming levels I have ever experienced
Nothing from Fire Emblem made the cut? Dang. I feel like I got hours of extra play time from the content added to 3H and Engage. The extra stories are really good too.
@Waluigi451 Yeah, Fire Emblem Engage & Three Houses should of been added to the list especially with how much content the DLC had for those two games.
OK just a couple of minor things on the Mario Kart DLC write up...
1. You need to look up the definition of "brand new" BUT there are a few tracks we hadn't seen before so it's still a good point. There's not 48 of them...!
2. Actually, a lot of people did predict and expect this. It was becoming increasingly obvious that a new Mario Kart would not release until a new Hardware arrived, MK8D was continuing (and still is) selling decent numbers, the likelihood of DLC was actually increasing each year rather than decreasing. I agree that's not normal... but Mario Kart is not a normal game. It behaves in a unique way.
@Uncle_Franklin what a disappointment and missed opportunity that was for luigi
@Aventurier I haven't played it in awhile but I think the Fantastic Four didn't get the same amount of outfits as the rest of the heroes.
Very sad the best DLC I have ever played is missing from this list: A Hat In Time’s Nyakuza Metro. One of the best 3D platforming experiences of all time and easily the best stage in the game. It’s can’t miss
The Booster Course Pack doesn't belong on this list, sorry. It's quantity over quality, it adds a bunch of cheap mobile ports that don't match the game's artstyle or course design.
@cmbaum I was actually disappointed with Nyakuza Metro. They marketed it like it was a GTA clone with that cat costume, but it was mainly just more platforming. Also, the ending was very anticlimactic, you don't really fight The Empress in a true boss battle, you just escape on an elevator and she can't fight you because of the policemen there. It's... fine, but I wouldn't put it in the category of "best DLC" for sure.
Waiting for Side Order to be added to this list
I usually avoid DLC. It kinda depends on if I really REALLY like the game, or if I get it along with the base game on a sale or something.
I did really like the free DLC for Sonic Frontiers though. I haven't even finished the new additional story yet, but I do like the additional challenge. Now if only Sega would let players outside of Japan have the Korone Inugami DLC.
If I was making this list, I would include Powerwash Simulator.
Not a single pokemon game should be on here, their dlc is just as mediocre as the base game.
No classic Doom and Doom2 nor Quake on this list.
Realistically, if you want to go off the number of hours you can sink into a DLC, then really there's only 3 games with DLC big enough to purchase.
Witcher 3 - Blood and Wine alone gives you 30-40 additional hours and Hearts of Stone gives around 15-20. You're not wrong when i call it the gold standard of DLC, it really is.
Monster Hunter Rise - Sunbreak adds on more hours of content than any other DLC on this list.
Skyrim - in terms of hours of content added to a DLC on an already existing game thats available on the Switch, Skyrim does its job nicely, the game is now sold with the DLC too, so you're not even paying extra, theres 3 DLCs, giving around a additional 50 hours of content, possibly more.
Honorable mention for me is BOTW, adds on a nice amount of content, just the content added is a bit lacklustre and boring.
Another honorable mention is Dark Souls 1, i would actually rank this on a list, but im too mad at FromSoft for abandoning Nintendo, i can't place them there.
Smash and MK DLCs greatly increases the size of the game. The Xenoblade Chronicles 2 DLC was superior to the main game. All the XB series DLC is good or outstanding tbf. Witcher 3 awesome sauce o' course
Splatoon's DLC is excellent once again. It may not add to the game as dramatically as a new playable species did with 2's Octo Expansion, and fans of the genre it's inspired by might be underwhelmed, but Side Order is another rock-solid story mode that is truly addictive fun.
THE Table Game from D3Publisher.
I actually had to wring it out of them with a few emails after they plum-ass forgot to release it, but it unlocked hana-awase. I’ve been playing that almost as long as koi-koi after discovering hanafuda cards back in the early 2000s.
"Tears of the Kingdom and its inevitable DLC have a lot to live up to."
Someone's gotta clean up the flavor text!
Happy Home Paradise DLC for ACNH.
I still like to make vacation houses for my clients.
In my opinion I really liked The Breath of the Wild DLC and Mario Kart 8 DLC too.
@Rainbowjames Breath of Wild is my fav too!! 😃
Celeste: Chapter 9 Farewell
Best DLC/update ever. And it was free!
I was really hoping for some pikmin 4 DLC. The extra missions on pikmin 3 were great!
The MK8 DLC cheapened the overall experience for me. It was perfect before, now it has a bunch of lazy ugly levels just sitting there waiting to never be played. It's like if my girlfriend let me start sleeping with her twin, but her twin is fat and never showers. Thanks but no thanks.
@SpaceboyScreams To each their own, but some tracks like Yoshi's Island, Squeaky Clean Sprint, GBA Boo Lake, and GCN Waluigi Stadium feel like base game quality tracks in terms of layout and graphics.
@HolyGeez03 - I DO get it! And I love your avatar!
I just wish that Nintendo had released more of their DLC Expansions as stand-alone options like Xenoblade Chronicles 2: The Golden Country. For example, I didn't want Super Mario 3D World again, but I would have bought a stand-alone Bowser's Fury.
I think of the elevator rail found in the Right Leg Depot and at the bottom of a chasm near or on the Great Plateau as the best DLC ever. Even though it seems to be an accident where a Nintendo programmer was just making a light elevator that 4 fans could lift with Link in it, crafty players figured out you could break the railing off the main elevator piece/unit. It's incredibly light, with high air resistance, and is just amazingly fun to build with and play with. It is the basis for "railjets" which are very fast and fun aircraft to fly around Hyrule.
The next best DLC is quantum linking, which allows for very fast electric cars/vehicles in Tears of the Kingdom. Having fast big wheel vehicles is simply awesome due to all the hills, ramps (or things that can be used as ramps), and cliffs to drive off of in the game. So those are my favorite non-DLC DLCs!
In terms of real DLCs, it would be a tie between Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, Yoshi's Island track in Mario Kart, and the awesome Breath of the Wild DLC (oh, and windbombing is also sorta like another awesome user invented DLC!). I've spent so many hours windbombing in BOTW that I think that's my number 2 favorite "DLC".
@nukatha Ha, indeed! Zapped, thanks.
There's a lot of great DLC for switch and I love that most of the heavy hitters are included in the online. I love Happy Home Designer, the new MK8 tracks and the little bonuses you get for some games. I want to try the Pokemon Violet DLC, but I'm waiting for a sale. I also chose to pick up the Skyrim Anniversary DLC on Switch instead of PC because of all the chaos it's causes with SKSE - best enjoyed vanilla anyways.
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