Can you get any Nintendo Switch games for free? Yes! How times change!
It used to be that you went to your local video game emporium, took your chosen game to the counter, handed over cold hard cash, and raced home to pop it in your console. Not only has digital distribution removed the need to even leave the house, but many games can be downloaded to your Switch for absolutely nothing. Marvellous!
Of course, free-to-play (F2P) games will have in-game purchases such as cosmetics, Battle Pass subscriptions, or certain modes which may be locked behind a paywall until you give the developers some money, but these days many 'freemium' games boast a huge amount of content accessible for exactly $0 — the best possible price!
What free games should I play on Switch?
The following list of the best free Switch games can be downloaded from the Nintendo Switch eShop for the princely sum of zero dollars right now, and almost none of them require a Nintendo Switch Online subscription to play, either (except a couple we couldn't resist adding). Perfect if you're looking to save your pennies.
So let's take a look — in no particular order — at the best free games on Switch...
Fortnite (Switch eShop)
There's a good chance that Fortnite adorns your Switch dashboard already, and with good reason. Epic delivered the full-fat Fortnite (Battle Royale) experience on Nintendo's ‘homeheld’, with steady performance and all the bells and whistles from versions on other platforms, as well as motion controls for those of us that can't live without them ever since Splatoon. With all the myriad costumes, IP crossovers, and seasonal mayhem continuing through the chapters, that just-one-more-round feeling survived the transition to Nintendo's console perfectly intact.
And with the addition of LEGO Fortnite, Fortnite Festival, and Rocket Racing into the mix — all totally free to play — it looks like Epic Games has the free-to-play field covered.
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Warframe (Switch eShop)
While Digital Extremes hasn’t quite perfected the formula it needs to make Warframe completely accessible — the sheer number of interconnected systems and customisable elements suggests it never quite will — it still offers a cooperative third-person shooter with all the MMORPG elements you never thought you’d see running on Nintendo Switch. From the impressive visual fidelity Panic Button has maintained, to the sheer breadth of content you can access for free, Warframe is a fabulous showcase of what's possible in the F2P space, as well as what the Switch is capable of. It just keeps going and growing!
Super Kirby Clash (Switch eShop)
As a standalone game, Super Kirby Clash holds up well to the Kirby series standard with its impressively diverse boss roster, straightforward RPG-lite mechanics, and deep potential for replayability. Though the online multiplayer is an unstable and unreliable mess, this hardly stands as a reason for you to not at least download the game and give it a shot. As a free-to-play release, Super Kirby Clash also manages to smartly handle its monetisation and doesn’t hold back too much, offering you a fair amount of time-gated content relative to how much you feel like paying. We’d give Super Kirby Clash a high recommendation even if it was a low-price budget release at retail, but considering that it literally costs you nothing but your time, do yourself a favour and go download this as soon as you can.
Warface (Switch eShop)
Warface isn’t particularly pretty, and its approach to content access means you’ll likely spend most of your time playing with rented items and weapons, but it still brought solid asymmetrical online FPS action to Switch in a way no other shooter had managed to that point back in 2020. It might not have the slickness of the bigger boys in the genre, but with stable performance in both modes and a huge amount of content, there's plenty to sink your teeth into here.
Arena of Valor (Switch eShop)
With a solid netcode, an accessible and enjoyable take on the MOBA template, and a free-to-play model, Arena of Valor is a strong entry in the free-to-play space on Switch. While it had a few technical issues at launch, one of the world's biggest games is available on Switch, and that's something to celebrate — especially when it costs absolutely nothing to play.
Rocket League (Switch eShop)
One of modern gaming's true online multiplayer success stories, Rocket League was an essential addition to the Switch's striking library even before it went free-to-play in September 2020; now there's absolutely no reason it shouldn't be your system. The spirit of the game has been transferred perfectly, with the added benefit of portable play which opens up the chance to host local matches with your Switch-owning mates wherever and whenever you fancy. Developer Panic Button did an utterly fantastic job with this port, but technical wizardry aside, what really matters is that the core game is so addictive, so compelling, so enjoyable, and — perhaps above all else — so deep. It rewards skilful play and perseverance, and new tactics and strategies seem to flow from each and every match you partake in. Only the occasional network niggle throws shade on this otherwise sublime release, but it's still an essential online experience.
Paladins (Switch eShop)
As a free-to-play game, Paladins: Champions of the Realm is an easy sell. As exciting, tense and rewarding as Overwatch, it brings the cross-platform hero shooter to a new platform without sacrificing the moreish gameplay tenants that’s made it such a hit with both casual and pro gamers. There’s a definitive learning curve for those looking to play competitively, but it’s nonetheless one of the console’s best multiplayer shooters.
GALAK-Z: Variant S (Switch eShop)
Galak-Z: Variant S is a more focused and tighter experience than its forerunner, but one that offers surprising depth thanks to the often staggering upgrade opportunities on offer. By taking the freemium route developer 17-Bit Studios has been forced to introduce timers which can be overridden by spending actual cash, but these are thoughtfully deployed and even if you do decide to dig deep in your pocket, you'll still need considerable shooting skills to overcome the increasingly stern — if somewhat repetitive — challenge.
Dauntless (Switch eShop)
Phoenix Labs has done a great job with Dauntless, designing a game that takes the better parts of Monster Hunter and pares them down into a rapid-fire and easily accessible action experience that’s sure to demand dozens of hours of your time once it gets its hooks into you. On top of this, you’re never hit over the head with microtransactions and it’s easier than ever to play with friends on other platforms. Though this Switch port mightily struggles from a performance perspective, it’s still enjoyable on a consistent enough basis that such issues can be mostly overlooked. It literally costs you nothing more than time to give Dauntless a try, and we’d highly recommend you give it a shot.
DC Universe Online (Switch eShop)
DC Universe Online is one of the older MMOs on the market, so while it’s benefited from quite a few updates and DLC packs, it still looks and plays like a game on PS3. If you can look past the dated visuals and repetitive gameplay, there’s a decent amount of content to be accessed as a free player. The customisation options are deep, although the need for a premium membership does gate some of these options off. However, with a solid server, a high population of players and enough content to keep you flying around Metropolis, Gotham and beyond, this is further proof that practically any genre can work on Nintendo’s latest hardware.
Comments 91
Dauntless and warframe. Great quality free games.
This will sound stereotypical of me but I wish there were more online shooters. Not really anything like cod or battlefield but something more tactical like seige or insurgency. I really want classic battlefront 2 to be ported with multiplayer. I also want valve to bring tf2, left 4 dead 2 and csgo on switch.
Great games. With the exception of Tetris 99 however, I don't seem to go to them that often. I guess when I haven't put in as much of a monetary investment, I can't bring myself to put in more of a time investment.
Or I just have too many games. Yeah, probably that.
Dauntless keeps dropping to ridiculously low frame rates for me on Switch, so I’ll pass until that seems to be fixed...
Also docked?
When i play docked i dont have any problem.
Only undocked but no big drops.
Super Kirby clash needs a Nintendo switch online subscription to play online buy can play free local or single player.
Tetris 99 really isn't a free game if you want to play it offline, but that is by far my favorite among these.
Honestly, I can rarely get into a game with a free2play model, especially when it comes to console games. It is just a really off-putting way for me to go through a game and it feels like they are always reliant upon similar mechanics that get really annoying really fast.
I must say i'm having a blast with Asphalt 9 and would recommend everybody try it.
Loved warframe, insane how much quality free gaming there is... Fortnite is where it's at for me though. Very good game, lively, lots of new stuff and deep gameplay.
I'll play dauntless soon as well, though monster Hunter world has iceborne content waiting for me.
If the ps4 had the motion controls in fortnite, I think I would switch that game to the ps4. Perhaps I'll do the same on dauntless...
Tetris 99 isn't free. It's part of NSO, which is a paid "service". Saying that Tetris 99 is "free" is as daft and absurd as saying that online play, cloud saves, and NES/SNES games are also "free" to NSO subscribers.
Nice list!! Please make one for the best Demos available in the E-Shop.
Well, Since two of my top five last year was on this list it is hard to argue with them. I spent a lot of time with Paladins, Asphalt 9, and Fallout Shelter in the last year, and honestly played a lot of the others (or at least tried them).
(Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Dragon's Dogma got the other two spots)
Asphalt 9 is a ridiculous great arcade racer. I take issue with the Starter Pack being the only thing you should purchase. I would NOT purchase that, but if you like the game, buy 1) THE ANNIVERSARY CAMARO ($6.99), 2) $1.99 car packs (which give you tokens, money and packs, and 3) tokens when on sale and the grind is getting to you. At 175 hours in, do not regret any in-game purchases.
Tetris 99 is like system seller level of good.
Fortnite can be pretty dumpy on Switch but is just super fun. My most played Switch game (Splatoon is the next closest). The lower resolution/performance of the game also means you can play it portable when you use your phone as a hotspot and it doesn't drainnnnn all your data.
Kirby is a lot of fun but it feels gross to have the game remind you CONSTANTLY to buy stuff and spend real money...but it's a Kirby game with a lot of appeal to little kids. They make all the newer Kirby games for the level of a 6 year old (Allies autoplays), so to have a Kirby game constantly ask you for money feels wrong (Quest isn't even bad like that).
Dauntless is super fun.
Warframe has so much going on in it becuz of everything added to it that it feels impenetrable.
Warframe is pretty fantastic for being free. I just wish you could increase the text size.
Brawlhalla was a decent, if slightly boring, game you could jump into when you needed some quick action. As people learned how to cheat at it it started to be less of a good experience. Now with crossplay it has really become a crapfest.
Warframe looked and felt truly amazing, but sadly I couldn't get into it because of too much going on, to many menus, systems,...
Asphalt had me hooked, so much so I had to delete it. The constant waiting (or paying, which it loved to remind you of in an indirect but aggressive way) made me play it throughout the entire day, way too much.
Fallout Shelter was a fun distraction for many hours actually.
Thinking of trying Dauntless, but the others... competitive online shooters never really appealed to me.
@Darknyht I LOVE Fallout Shelter! Surprised this was not included.
I actually like the F2P model bc I am so casual that I am not in a hurry to move to the next level. I play I short bursts by nature.
I may not be big on battle royale, I enjoy Realm the times I do play it. On PC, I've had more fun with the Winter Express and Shadowfall LTMs on Apex (Is it me, or am I the only one who dislikes the "limited time mode" concept? Just keep the modes? Having extra modes in an online game does not hurt).
Realm Royale solves the problem I dislike about BR games. Tired of permadeath? Become a chicken and if you survive by running and hiding, you get a second and third chance to play longer and maybe even win. Map too big? You can ride a horse to move faster. I like these gameplay elements a lot. Such an underrated BR game.
Also, I love Paladins, Asphalt 9, and Warframe. Right now Dauntless is growing on me, hoping to co-op some monster hunts with my friends some day.
Even though it's not listed, Dawn of the Breakers, it's fun in short bursts. Has an anime style, but it's a bit RPG and a bit board game. I like playing this too.
Earnings for all these games prove to get the most out of them they are far from free. Rather than total earnings I’d like to know games earnings per player when played for a total of over 2 hours. Or even spend per hour for players. Breakdown of spendings for these free games would be really interesting I know in the industry they must dissect them from every angle trying to maximise sending on titles like these
Warframe is great, but asphalt 9 is insane for a freebie. 200 hours, haven't spent a penny or grinded for any reason that became a chore. And they are adding 10 new tracks and more cars soon.
Edit: And don't buy the starter pack. It's pretty much pointless. Just learn how to play the game properly to avoid the ftp BS
For what it's worth I really enjoyed Gems of War and never paid a penny, though in the end it became too much of a time sink and tool over everything so I had to stop.
I'm currently enjoying Kirby and Asphalt.
The time limit systems don't bother me - help keep me in check! Little and often....
„Best Free Switch Games“: Has nintendolife copied this idea from Youtube channel SwitchUp? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1MlAFWwxfhY
@Max_the_German "Has nintendolife copied this idea from Youtube channel SwitchUp?"
They could've easily come up with the idea independently. It's a pretty logical concept that would likely blossom organically.
Great list, either way.
@PickledKong64 you can never go wrong with left for dead 2, good times.
Fallout Shelter, Gems of War, and Dawn of the Breakers brought hours of fun free gaming to the Switch.
Fallout Shelter is actually 100% completable for free and it doesn't take an eternity of playtime to max your vault and beat all story missions. It gets repetitive after 100+ hours but until then it's a fun shelter building and survival game.
Gems of War is for people that have completed 100% of Puzzle Quest, Puzzle Kingoms + rest of the series, and want an online version with unlimited content. The base game is as addicting as ever.
Dawn of the Breakers is a nice mix of board game and fast paced street brawler with anime super heroes and a strange story about demon like enemies. Collect fighters with a Gatcha machine and level them up in the story mode, other modes, and events.
I've only played Tetris 99 and Kirby Clash out of all of these. Rest aren't my style but Kirby Clash was a lot of fun. I'm at level 100. I did spend the 40 bucks but I got a full monster hunter style boss rush game I can keep playing online and still collecting the upgrades for the weapons. The late game bosses are fun to fight also. Love using the doctor class.
Kirby is amazing. Fort nite is a lot of fun too.
@PickledKong64 "Rogue Company" by H-Rez is a tactical arena shooter that's a mix of Fortnite, Rainbow 6 and CSGO. It's being designed by former pro Halo 2 and 3 player "Gandhi" and should be coming out this year. It will be full crossplay on ALL consoles and FREE to play as well. I'm so ready for something to replace Fortnite for real.
Play Warframe, we need more Nin-Tenno's!
@CurryPowderKeg79 Same here. Asphalt 9 is a great palate cleanser for me - I just accomplish what I can from the daily tasks and collect my tokens, doing a few My Career races every now and then. I've only spent $1.99 on this and yet I've accumulated 50 hours of total play time.
Paladins is my most played Switch game. Something about it just clicked with me. I'm taking a break from it now (got burned out due to consecutive Battle Pass grinding seasons) but I'm sure to play a lot of it again once the next patch is released.
I had stayed away from Brawlhalla due to the Smash Bros comparisons but it stands out on its own.
I'd like to add Lightseekers to this list. It's a card game where you can sync your account on many platforms so you can play your decks anywhere.
How the bloody hell is Warframe a FREE game? Like seriously...how?
Asphalt is also surprisingly well polished for a "free" game. I dont play enough to feel the need of buying the full game, but when I do play Im constantly amazed at the level of quality for it having cost me nothing.
These are my two favorite F2P games on Switch.
Most free to play games become VERY boring after a little bit for me.
@PickledKong64 you might wanna keep an eye on Rogue company. New teambased shooter in developement for all the platforms, with crossplay in mind, by HiRez (Paladins, Smite, Realm Royale).
The game was firstly announced in a Nintendo Direct I belive:
@Vepra looks awesome! Will keep an eye on it!
Is Tetris 99 free if you have to pay $20 a year or buy a physical copy?
@tendonerd If you subscribe to Nintendo Switch Online ($20/year), you can download Tetris 99 for no additional cost, but you're limited to online modes. Buying the DLC or the physical game will allow offline modes and local multiplayer AFAIK. Also worth noting the physical release comes with a subscription.
Added Warface
Dauntless 100 percent. Amazing gameplay and no pay to win.
Added Rocket League.
Some games to add this list:
Ninjala. Best quality free game.
Also the greatest free game the Switch ever had was Dawn of the Breakers but cause of covid it was forced to shut down.
Will we ever get Deltarune Chapter 2?
So disappointing that the vast majority are shooty fighty games, in which I have no interest whatsoever.
You guys are sleeping on Vigor, a great semi realistic looter shooter that is also free.
Trash like that Kirby game or Pac-Man makes the list, yet there's no room for Pokemon Unite? Okay.
Missing some really popular titles like Pokémon Unite, Apex Legends, and other titles. Fun list but needs to be updated badly.
Just a PSA, Warface on switch is now an almost unplayable disaster as since crossplay was added it lags like crazy no matter what region one chooses, it can't be understated how laggy the game is on switch.
The developer has all but abandoned the game only updating it to add new weapons to the shop, also the game is just straight up pay to win with God tier guns being sold for upwards of 50 bucks each.
So nintendolife I reckon you might want to remove warface from future lists
Thanks to this article I think I'm gonna go back and play some Kirby Clash. Played the ***** out of it when it came out. I feel like dropping in as doctor to help a team with those cool later bosses.
@Miyamotosan the Kirby game is not trash. Played it a bunch.neither is the Pac-man game tbh.
Half the games on here making the list while Sky is missing is just wrong. One of the coolest 5-10 hour gaming experiences I've had on the first playthrough. Even after that, there's still a lot of fun to be had hunting down collectables and secrets as well as just messing around with other players.
This list needs a major update. I believe a few games are no longer being updated and one I believe is no longer available.
I thought knockout city made you pay once you hit lvl 25 (maybe 2 hours of playing) before they make you pay?
Not a "genre" I'm into but I have tried a fair few of them. Super Kirby Clash, Rocket League, Knockout City, Tetris 99, Pac-Man 99, Ninjala all the highlights for me when I was on them. I don't stay the course long on these as the progression model gets boring & personally unrewarding for me.
EDIT: The basic pack of Asphalt 9 Legends I quite liked though to be fair. I would say that appealed to me the most.
Surprised to see no Bomberman
I want to mention that in the case of Super Kirby Clash, if the Gem Apple Tree grows to its maximum level (by buying Gem Apples via, if you do so, my recommendation is to get the Definitive Pack), the game actually discourages you from making any more microtransactions. You can still make them, but the game asks if you really want to.
If you intend to do it, I suggest you do it when the Gem Apples are on sale, usually around New Year is when you can expect that.
Fall Guys is great fun minus the technical issues.
Absolutely absurd that Sky isn't on this list
Speaking of updates, hasn't Galak-Z Variant S shut down? https://twitter.com/galakzmobile/status/1356678832435195910?t=LDlr09FXFuTUF7u5iRW-ww&s=19
Jump Rope Challenge isn't exactly easy to come by on non-hacked consoles either. May be high time to fill these gaps with other stuff like Skyforge, Onigiri or Sky: Children of Light. Even Coverfire can be pretty entertaining, and Business Tour Deluxe seems to have gone F2P the other day as well - it may be no Game of Dice and the once eShop-listed local multiplayer seems gone now, but it can still prove to be its share of fun. Personally, I've even put some hours into Emergency HQ.
@SpectralDynamite Ummm, aren't they shutting down the online for Super Bomberman R Online, if they haven't already?
I'm going to keep shouting out Sky every time this list is updated until someone decides to add it. It's basically the sequel to Journey, one of the most critically acclaimed indie games ever made, and it's still getting free expansions every few months. The only things you can spend money on are cosmetics and temporary power ups that aren't necessary for anything.
@Anachronism I have it downloaded but never got round to playing it yet. I'll give it a go this weekend.
PSA: Unite is not pay-to-win. I’m n TAC typu can’t pay to win!
Not sure I would consider the NSO "99" games to be free. Tetris 99 has a full version available for separate purchase and NSO...costs real money.
@OorWullie Hope you have fun with it. It's still one of my favorite games on Switch, even after burning myself out trying to collect all the non-premium cosmetics.
Arena of Valor may have deserved a place on this list at launch, but dwindling player base and lack of updates makes it a miss today.
If you are considering the Switch online exclusives, you should then add all NES, SNES, N64 and Genesis games, dont you?
Hmmm...I kinda disagree with everyone, even the person that wrote the article: Tetris 99 and Pac-Man 99 are indeed FREE games! People are like "Oh you have to subscribe to NSO to get them." Except the problem is that NSO never promised free games outside of NES and SNES games! Nintendo NEVER said that additional games were coming. People bought the service for Cloud saves and Online service. Who purchased NSO thinking they were getting Mario 35, or Pac-Man 99?? Those were just dropped on there entirely for free! Also when Mario 35 left the service, nobody unsubscribed to the service because they weren't subscribing to obtain games nobody knew was coming.
@PickledKong64 it's pretty bizar that a shooter-less console is selling. Ok, you got fortnite and warface on it. But surely BF3 or 4 can run on it? It runs on PS3.
Slightly offended that Apex wasn't on this. With the availability on turning on or off cross play with all other consoles, it's a great counterpart to Fortnite if you prefer the F.P. aspect. I personally love Apex.
@nhSnork I liked Galak-Z too. Was bummed when I loaded it up after a long while and it wouldn’t load.
❗️The only FTP Games I have are:
🚙Rocket League⚽️
I did have 'Asphalt 9' but they NEVER bettered it after 'Asphalt 7: Heat' so uninstalled it.
@thinkhector If you need to pay for a subscription service, they are not free. Every other game on the list you can download and play without NSO. so.... no NSO payment = no tetris 99= Not free.
THINK hector... Think.
@jikflet Your thinking is substituing current knowledge away from how actual events unfolded. The Nintendo Switch Online Service offered no promises of free games beyond NES and SNES games when launched. This is VERY different from Sony and Xbox which promised free games as part of their service. Under what obligation was Nintendo to give players free access to Tetris 99 as part of the service? There is none. Cost of the service did not go up, and there was no expectation for more games to be delivered. This is FAR different from Microsoft Game Pass in where games are EXPECTED as part of the service. Nintendo could remove it's games (AND IT HAS!) and this would have no impact on the way the service was marketed and sold.
@thinkhector I'll try to make you understand with my personal example.
I never payed for NSO and I never will. i think is a horrible service. can I play Tetris99 online right now ? Yes or no ? if yes, then is free. but if the answer is no... if i have to pay for a subcription to start playing the game right now, then is not free at all.
i think you need to remember what free to play means.
Think hector... think
All I ever play is pokemon unite
Not my kind of genre & I'm not much of a fan of battle royals too.
However, i have enjoyed Ninjala, Brawlhaller, Deltaurine, Tetris 99, Asphalt Legends 9 (bought 1 introductory basic pack) & Super Kirby Clash.
@jikflet I'm glad you brought up Tetris 99. Because you can purchase the game as a physical release for $30 dollars and play it offline without NSO.
I'll give a different example of this. Let's say you buy a car and 6 months later the car company calls and says it is giving you 1 year of gas for free. Is the fact that you paid for the car not make the gas free? Even though you bought the car without any expectation that it would come with free gas?
There is no expectation that NSO also included original games being added. The fact is that you can both purchase Tetris 99 and Mario Kart 8, and play offline, but need to pay extra to play online.
I would say that sticking point here is the very narrow definition of a free game is that it can ONLY be the Free-2-Play business model. While I were to buy a box of cereal that had a free game inside that wouldn't count. When I reality players actually spend more money on Free-2-Play games then they do when free games are packaged in other ways.
...Super Mario Bros. 35....IF IT WAS STILL THERE!!! >:c
I admittedly put a ridiculous amount of time and effort into finishing Pokémon Quest when I first got my Switch and didn’t have a ton of games… and I’m not sure why.
Super Kirby Clash is a fun free-to-play game, just like most it can be a bit grindy and get repetitive if you’re committed to staying playing for the free-ski.
But the best of the FTP games on Switch has to be Delta Rune. The first 2 chapters are like a whole small RPG romp in and of itself already. It’s especially fulfilling if you’ve already played Undertale despite the 2 games being part of their own sort of multiverse of sorts.
I guess the next upcoming FTP game I’ll be on the lookout for is the Disney Kart racer one, especially after Chocobo Racing Lite was such a disappointment.
… Wun can only hope.
I downloaded the free game "Cover Fire: Offline Shooter" recently on my switch.
Besides the extremely stupid name and the somehow bad(gamecube-level) graphics, this is a surprisingly fun, long and "deep" arcade-shooter, best described as a mixture between 'Time Crisis' and 'Ghost Squad' (arcade&wii) and with tons of (free) content and game modes(zombie mode, sniper mode etc etc).
Thanks to "wait to play" (which you can choose instead of "pay to play") it is also perfect for daily 20-30min sessions.
Loading times are also not too long.
Recommended. I mean, it's free anyway
edit: I might add that I'm confused that Vigor isn't on that list. That's a pretty great free open world game which also looks absolut bonkers (in a good way) at times.
They are free for a reason
I was impressed with warframe for its’ depth of systems and rocket league for its’ unbelievable dexterity skill curve. Lots of fun!
I honestly thought AoV was dead...
Every time I've tried to play in the last 6 months I haven't found a game lol
I don’t play F2P games but it’s breathtaking seeing how far we have come from playing a few demo disks to death to getting entire good games for free.
Dauntless is nowhere near as good as Monster Hunter, I haven’t touched that crap since I got Rise. Also I got my data reset twice on Dauntless highly doubt I will lose my data in Monster Hunter.
I know they are free but seriously a majority of them are weak at best. Would be kind of Nice if we got Phantasy Star online 2, or a good online mmorpg. I think that ship has sailed. I did like Kirby Clash. Fortnite and Warframe not my cup of tea.
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