- Number of Players
- 4
- Genre
- Release Date
15th Jun 2009, 800 points
- Official Site
- semnatstudios.com
Review Eduardo the Samurai Toaster (WiiWare)
Let there be toast!
One of the benefits of digital media distribution is the chance developers get to stretch their limbs and explore some creative paths often overlooked or avoided. Step in Eduardo The Samurai Toaster, a game with a concept very much out of the ordinary. It’s in good company though, as Wiiware has certainly had its share of...
Screenshots 7
Eduardo the Samurai Toaster News
News Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Soundtrack Set Free, Is Toasty
Includes new bonus songs not in the game
Along with a relaunched Web site for the rather good WiiWare release Eduardo the Samurai Toaster, developer Semnat Studios has made the game's full soundtrack available for free. Composed by Raymond Gramke, the album includes all nine tunes from the game as well as seven bonus tracks too hot for original...
Nintendo Download Toasters, Rainbows, Catching, Calculators, Clocks and Harriers (US)
A whopping six games this week.
WiiWare seems to be the main focus this week, with a whole three new games for it. DSiWare gets two more non-games, while VC has to do with just one game. On WiiWare, you can get Eduardo the Samurai Toaster, from Semnat Studios. This promising game was first announced at the start of the year and looks to be quite...
News Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Release Date Trailer
Check out the latest video of the game in action!
The guys at Semnat Studio were on vacation when word came down that their Eduardo the Samurai Toaster WiiWare title was given the greenlight for a release next Monday. So after a bit of scrambling, we've managed to get our hands on the official release date trailer of the game in action for you to...
News Eduardo the Samurai Toaster Coming to WiiWare Next Monday
It's almost time for a little samurai toaster action!
Good news for all you samurai toaster fans out there. Daniel Coleman from Semnat Studios has just informed us that their first WiiWare title, Eduardo the Samurai Toaster is set to hit the North American WiiWare service on Monday, June 15th for 800 Wii Points. Below is a snippet taken directly...
News Eduardo the Samurai Toaster - First Look Video
Eduardo the Samurai Toaster is one of the most interesting WiiWare titles we've seen in a long time; at its core this is an incredibly fast and frenetic side-scrolling, run‘n’gun 2D shooter, featuring visuals drawn and scanned in from several different art mediums such as pen & ink, acrylic paint and charcoal.
After reading our recent...
News Semnat Studios Interview - Eduardo the Samurai Toaster
Semnat Studio's Eduardo the Samurai Toaster is already garnering quite a bit of enthusiastic attention just in the short time since it was announced, so we decided it might be time to get in touch with the developers and find out as much information as we could about this interesting upcoming WiiWare title.
Daniel Coleman of Semnat Studios was kind...
News Semnat Studios Announces Eduardo the Samurai Toaster
Semnat Studios has just announced Eduardo the Samurai Toaster, their first title for the WiiWare service. The game is basically set up like a good old-fashioned run 'n' gun title, but features some very quirky artwork and unique level designs.
Below is a copy of the official press release the company sent out that gives a lot of good information on...
About The Game
Eduardo the Samurai Toaster is an incredibly fast and frenetic sidescrolling, run‘n’gun 2D shooter. The game will be released exclusively for WiiWare, developed and published by Semnat Studios.
With visuals drawn and scanned in from several different art mediums such as pen & ink, acrylic paint and charcoal, Eduardo sports an untraditional aesthetic design for a videogame. Jump, shoot, whip, drive, fly and throw your way through hordes of Peking Opera pastries, spear toting carrots, robotic mangos, and more. Play with friends as you learn to cooperate effectively, or be annoying by throwing each other around the screen and attacking one another.
Comments 47
best name for a game ever
Can't wait to hear more about this one!
Cool, the picture has a very unique style. Hope we get a trailer in the next time to see the game in motion.
A game idea can't get cooler than this . I hope it ends up being a good game.
Oh dang that is an ancient screenshot.
What a funny game title.
Semnat Daniel - can you tell us a little about the game?
It looks like a poptart game.
in this game will there be shuriken or toast
bwaybuddy26 - Soon, soon.
Well, looks weird, but interesting.
very original.
Hopefully WiiWare World will have an interview about the game soon.
Well, just from Daniel's cryptic comments, the sole picture, and the description, the game seems actually pretty cool and quirky. I hope to goodness it's good because we need a quality game like this on WiiWare.
SWEET! I'll get to play a game where I'm a samurai toaster! This looks like it will be the most original title to hit Wiiware so far, and I'll be getting it.
best name for a game ever
@Semnat_Daniel: How come there's no details, screens - or even a contact e-mail address on your 'site?
Wiiloveit - Purely bad timing. We expected to send out a press release earlier, before the game would show on up the ESRB list. There was a slight delay and then the holidays came. We'll make the announcement shortly.
Why does this game scream "Ninja Breadman!" to me?
Maybe the game is like Earthworm Jim!!!! Its quirkey, part of the run n gun genre and has funny humor!!!
This just instantly landed on my Must-Buy list for Wiiware. Can't wait.
I just can't wait til Semnat releases Roaches 2.0
Haha, the roaches game. You know Robert, huh?
Yup from High School, and I still play Roaches 1.0 once in a while.
Roaches? Sounds like a winner in my book. With all the crap that some companies have shoveled out (SPOGs [cough], Allstar Hockey [hack], and the Incredible Maze [Aaaaargh!]), Roaches 2.0 sounds like a true winner.
@Semnat: You mentioned that the screenshots looked "ancient". They kinda look like characters out of Aqua Teen Hunger Force or something like that. One thing I've noticed is that most of the indie developers who've actually cared enough to come out and participate in the forums (like Nnooo and Two Tribes), usually have also put a lot of thought into their games and churned out some pretty good stuff. Keep up the good work!
Stardust -
Oh I was referring to the screen that was up before we made the official announcement. It was from a few years back.
I seriously have been waiting for Roaches 2.0 for almost half a decade! The new shirts should be arriving soon.....
Smoke the Roaches!
Summer 2012
4 player multiplayer, awesome run and gun action, SAMURAI TOASTERS!!!, what more can a man want in a downloadable game?!
This is the quirky game I've been waiting for, so thank you Semnat, for helping along such a great and fun idea.
I hope the game gets a great review, and I will be one of the first to buy =)
Don't let me down Semnat!!!
looks like Contra, a little.
I'm gonna get this
@ Semnat Daniel:
is the game going to be compatible only with the wii remote held sideways or can you use a classic or gamecube controller?
because if you can, the game will be more awesome!
It looks like... I don't know what to say... And if you look at the video at 0:22... It are not the nicest levels I ever seen... mmmm... I'll wait a moment...
It hilarious.....but I don't think I'll get it.
looks cute
cant wait for the review
Please come soon....
Looks like Gunstar Heroes-style gameplay. I LOVE Gunstar Heroes!
I can't wait to get this... Eduardo the Samurai Toaster looks to have frenetic-fun gameplay with a quirky character twist.
what in the bule h*LL is this crap! I woke up this morning expecting Smash Bros 64 and I see a line up of leprecon CRAP! What are those fools doing over at VC/Nintendo headquarters?!**? They need to put down their cucumbers and get to work on that remix Ninja Turtles game, Earthbound, Smash Bros 64 and castlevania rondo of blood!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it just me or does this game look really repetitive? I'll have to see some really good reviews before I'll consider it.
Well, it is a bit repetitive so far (I'm about a third through the game), but repetition isn't necessarily bad. Galaga is repetitive, but I've still played more of it than almost any other game. Eduardo could certainly use more variety, but it's fun enough that you don't really tire of it so much.
The bosses so far have been underwhelming, but I'm hoping this will change as I play more.
There are a lot of difficulty options, which is a huge plus for this type of game.
One of the oddest things is how abrupt the game is. When you lose your last life, you are almost instantly back at the last checkpoint with no special death animation or pause or anything. Or, I say checkpoint, but it may be that it's level start. I've been through a few "levels" but I'm not sure if they are divisions of a level or not due to the lack of any in-game acknowledgment of my accomplishment, other than a split-second fade-out and back in.
Another odd thing is the subdued sound. Enemy fire and deaths do have sound effects, but they are mixed very, very low compared to what you're used to. I didn't even notice at first and thought they forgot about sound effects.
All of these things add up to an odd experience that feels a little... thinner for lack of a better word, like it's missing a layer of something, if you follow.
The music and graphics are great, though, and the game is indeed fun if you enjoy this type of game. I'm surprised I'm even having this much fun solo, but I should get a three-player game going this afternoon and lend my impressions after that. Back to playing!
Ok, after Adam's & Sirgrim's impressions I'm definitely giving this one a pass. Thanks guys.
Well, it's two hours after release, and despite having time for lunch and a quick phone call, I've completed the game, haha.
The ending is extremely abrupt and disappointing, but I won't go into details on that, of course.
I really could have spent $8 on something worse, but I probably should have spent it on something better. The highlight of the game for me was the two flying levels, both of which are a bit short.
I expected a bit better from the game, but it wasn't bad. It was a decidedly average game, that I'll probably play a bit more, but not much. Hopefully it's more fun with friends, but my guess is it'll just be even easier than it already is, which'll make it less fun.
I won't lose any sleep over the Wii points it cost me, and I do hope to see more from the Eduardo team, but I can't really recommend it.
has anyone tried it on the hardest difficulty? kinda sucks if its too easy cause for this type of game its ok to be really hard but too easy is not good. still might be worth it for the experience. kinda like playing an arcade shooter port that gives you unlimited continues.
Thanks for your impressions Adam! I guess I won't be picking up this game after all. Too bad because I had really high expectations for this game. Well, you saved me 800 points so at least something good came out of this!
Well that sucks. Thanks Adam for your impressions. I have been waiting forever for this game because of multiplayer, so I probaly buy just for that.
"The ending is extremely abrupt and disappointing, but I won't go into details on that, of course."
Like on Metal Slug 5 where all that happens after beating this Castlevania look a like final boss, the player just drives a car during the credits? Stupid ending.
Nice impressions Adam, I agree 100%.
(1) Eduardo the Samurai Toaster is a good game. I'm glad I bought it. (However, it IS repetitive repetitive repetitive and simplistic) The art style is cool.
(2) I heard that it was easy, so I immediately started playing on the "hard" difficulty and I've had fun ever since. I have no idea how I gain and lose power-ups, but it doesn't seem to matter at this point.
(3) Is anyone else experiencing audio problems/issues? The game audio is still there, but there's this metallic-grating noise and static sound over it...
It's a fine run'n'gun game and no more or less repetitive than any other of that particular genre; it's what this type of game thrives off of: arcade-style action.
What this game really could've done with is more bosses, a stronger ending and some additional vertical scrolling and shmup stages. It's still a very enjoyable gameplay experience for what it is and features an absolutely gorgeous art style which is striking, unique and never an eyesore. I was quite stunned at how smooth and clean it look even on my 42" widescreen TV. And for the hardcore gaming completionist, run'n'gun masters, you've got your work cut out for you if you limit yourself to 1 or 3 lives and decide to play on Crazy Hard. It's definitely crazy, crazy hard.
The four-player option has also got to be a blast and I can't wait to try it out one of these days. It was fine with myself and better with a friend, so I can well imagine four players has got to be a real treat.
Not near as bad a game as many people are making it sound but certainly could do with some polishing and expanding here and there.
A solid Corbie-esque 7 / 10. ^_~
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