- Number of Players
- 2
- Genre
- Release Date
18th May 2009
22nd May 2009
23rd Jul 2009
Wii U eShop
22nd Jan 2015, $19.99
12th Mar 2015, £17.99
- Series
- Tags
- Controller Support
Fighting fit
It's hard to believe, but it's been 15 years since a Punch-Out!! game was released. Perhaps this is due to the fact that even though the games were made by Nintendo, naturally situated in Japan, they never really found an audience over there. When the Wii came out this was even more of a shame; a new instalment in the series would fit...
Screenshots 8
Punch-Out!! News
News Nintendo's Punch-Out!! Series May Be Dead And Buried For Good
All punch'd out
We don't know about you, but amongst all of Nintendo's game series, Punch-Out!! rarely sits at the top of our revival wishlist. Don't get us wrong, we'd absolutely bloomin' love a new entry, but we'd honestly rather see the likes of F-Zero and Chibi-Robo! make their grand return on the Switch or its upcoming successor. Regardless of...
News 'Thunder Ray' Looks Like The Perfect Spiritual Successor To Punch-Out
Coming soon to Switch
If you've been waiting for a game to scratch that 'Punch-Out' itch, then the upcoming Thunder Ray might be just what you need. It's not got a firm release date yet, but the beat-em-up looks very reminiscent of Nintendo's classic franchise from the NES, SNES, and Wii. You'll be taking to the ring to experience...
News Nvidia Shield Shutting Down Nintendo Wii Game Downloads In China
Fortunately the Switch has found success
In 2017, rumours became real when it was confirmed Nintendo would release select Wii ports running at 1080p HD, 60 FPS on the Nvidia Shield in mainland China. It began with the release of Super Mario Galaxy and was followed by other titles like Donkey Kong Country Returns, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight...
Rumour The Sailor Moon Manga In Punch-Out!! That Allegedly Cost Nintendo Millions
Breaking boundaries
Boundary Break – best known for going beyond boundaries in video games – recently uploaded a video to its YouTube channel about a Sailor Moon reference in Punch-Out!! on the Wii, that allegedly caused Nintendo and Next Level Games serious financial grief. The story itself stems from a Boundary Break Punch-Out!! video dating...
News Nintendo Is Bringing Classic Wii Games To The Nvidia Shield In China
Could we see these on Switch?
Earlier this year we brought you the rumour that Nintendo was planning to release New Super Mario Bros on the Nvidia Shield in China. Given how difficult it is to sell consoles in China, it would appear that Nintendo is using smart devices like the Nvidia Shield to crack the market and sell its games. Naturally...
Feature Thirty Years Ago, Little Mac Became a Champion in Punch-Out!!
To be the Man, you've got to beat the Super Macho Man
Another game is passing the 30 year mark. After all, in 1987 the NES was available worldwide, with lots of titles being released - Punch Out!! being one of them. Originally made as a prize giveaway for a Famicom Open Golf contest in Japan in 1987, it was a home conversion of the arcade games...
Weirdness French Far-Right Political Party Uses Little Mac Lookalike On Campaign Poster
"Hit the system with a good right!"
Nintendo is notoriously protective of its characters and franchises, and never allows them to be used outside of games unless the context is suitable - even using Mario on a mural took a lot of effort. Keeping this in mind, we wonder what the company makes of Little Mac's likeness being used in a campaign poster...
Nintendo Download 12th March (Europe)
Punch-Out!!, Metroid: Zero Mission, 3D Out Run and much more
It's time to brighten up Monday mornings in Europe, with the latest Nintendo Download Update having decent odds of achieving that goal. We have a mix of strong Wii, Indie and Game Boy Advance titles on the Wii U, an exciting retro remaster on 3DS and a whole load of discounts from...
News Second Week of Throwback Sale Goes Live on North American eShop
Six more classics to add to your collection
This week's big Wii retail game making its way to the Wii U eShop in North America is none other than Punch-Out!! Launching at 50% off the regular price, the revamped classic brings along with it the next wave of Throwback Sales across both NA eShops. These deals will be available until the next update on...
News Wii Disc Software Heading to the Wii U eShop
Wii have been waiting...
Since the launch of Wii U the only way to play original Wii games was to enter 'Wii mode', which effectively emulated the Wii system menu. Whilst it was great that the Wii U contained this backwards compatibility it's implementation always felt cumbersome and unfinished. However, during today's Nintendo Direct it was...
About The Game
One of the biggest names in boxing returns after a 15-year hiatus. Grab a Wii Remote™ controller in one hand and a Nunchuk™ controller in the other and step back into the ring with a modern update of the classic Punch-Out!!
Little Mac is back! Everyone's favorite underdog from the 1980s joins the best of the original Punch-Out!! cast in a modern re-imagination of the series. Players will find familiar names like Glass Joe, King Hippo and trainer Doc Louis. These boxers come to life again in cell-shaded 3-D, complete with hilarious fighting animations and back stories that capture all the fun and flair of the original Punch-Out!! games.
The motion-sensitive controls of the Wii console mean that when players throw punches, Little Mac throws punches as well. Additionally, you can control hooks and jabs by combining motion control with control-stick movement The motion-sensing Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers turn real-life swings into on-screen punches, so anyone can play. The game can also be played with classic NES-style controls by turning the Wii Remote sideways.
Characters: Little Mac, Glass Joe, King Hippo, Doc Louis, Von Kaiser and newcomer Disco Kid. There are a total of 13 opponents for Little Mac to step into the ring with, 12 of which are returning from previous games in the Punch-Out!! series.
Special powers/weapons/moves/features: Players can obtain special “Star Punches," which allow Little Mac to take more Health from his rival in a single punch. Players can now use multiple stars in a single punch for an extra-powerful attack.
Control options:
Motion Control (Wii Remote and Nunchuck controllers)
Punch-Out!! uses the Wii Remote and Nunchuck controllers to simulate throwing punches. Use the Nunchuck to throw a left punch and the Wii Remote to throw a right punch.
Classic Control (Wii Remote NES™ style)
Fans of the NES version and core gamers will be excited to see Nintendo has also included the option to play Punch-Out!! using the classic layout from the original NES controller. Use the 1 and 2 buttons along with the cross pad to throw hooks and jabs or to dodge.
Comments 15
Looking forward to this one, it sounds like a very fun game!
I cannot wait for this game to drop! i still play my punchout games on nes and snes and will download the snes punch out on vc for support.
The playtest suggest the controls work well. I'm in!
Boxing on wii sports was pretty good. If this can improve on the controls, and make it a game of skill where i don't get beat up by a 6 year old flailing their arms, this will be a top 5 title for wii for 2009.
It is not going to be compatible with Wii Motion plus is it?
Yay Punch-Out!!!! I'll be picking it up this summer, I love the animation and VO. The original is so sweet.
waiiit this is two player??
Punch-Out Rocks.........
The new Wii version is bad. It's just a cheap carbon copy of the original. It has none of the heart of the original, nor the fun. I'd give it a 6/10 and definitely rent it before you buy it. Also, they really needed to include a dual controller scheme instead of a controller & nunchuk. Just why?
I'll wait for a review but if the controls aren't very fully fetched i wont buy it. What i mean is sometimes i punch/jab forward with my wiimote in Wii Sports Boxing and my movements wern't projected on my TV(no offence to the fantas tic wii sports which i enjoyed fully, of course!) All I'm saying is i hope my movements will be projected on the the screen and the controtls are good. The original NES ( which i recommend to all on VC) and super punch-out on SNES(which I'd also recommend on VC) were just fantastic and I'm hoping the wii version won't be just a copy.I'll find out, as the UK release date comes nearer...
Like many others, I've been waiting for a new Punch-Out!! game for a long time and it's worth the long wait. Forget FaceBreaker and forget Ready 2 Rumble Revolution... Punch-Out!! is still the real deal!
JB HiFi have this game on special for $29. I now feel that I have to buy it.
i really want this game so much the old mike tyson's punch out was so awesome that i want this one now.
It was really fun, really reminds me of the good old days on mike tysons punch out!! Even the music was reminding
Honestly one of the best games that the Wii has to offer!
This game was the first time I've ever even heard of Punch-Out. My parents tended to get me games I have 0 knowledge of, and looking back I could actually be greatful for that.
But when I got to playing this game I was hooked. At first it was a bit strange because I had trouble with Hippo because I didn't know I could punch the opponent's face. So tutorial could've used some work.
Other than that small nitpick the game is fun, has its own challenges, and even awards you during matches when thinking outside the box such as Countering your opponents attacks to earn Stars. Which in turn allows you to do a Star Punch.
My brothers watched me play this game for hours and watch me put in the work to defeat my opponents.
If you're thinking about getting this game, you won't be disappointed
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